Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Interactions: Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Arlen @SilverPaw
Mentions: Zeva @Pink Khione

There was a 'thunk' sound as Amisra slid down a rope after having help secure the sails. She loved to be up high, being a rigging monkey and looking out across the ocean. She knew that for some people it would make them nervous as one wrong step could easily mean a fall which often would lead to death, but there was something thrilling about that thought to Amisra. So often times she was found high up, untangling ropes or just sitting and enjoying herself. Now that they were in Port Vanarosa, however, she knew she'd need to come down to hear the orders of her captain.
Over the last week, Amisra had spent time getting to know the new human and testing his combat skills. She was pleased to find out he was rather skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but recognized that his bladed weapon fighting could use some work. So that had been part of her job when Tanithil wasn't working with Ismael on magic. She often teamed up with Arlen in order to teach the human general things that would be useful in the upcoming months.
Orders were given and it seemed she was just to have fun for the next week, but this just wasn't her. While she would take time to relax eventually, if only to avoid the ire of Tanithil who always complained she worked too hard, for now she knew one thing she could still help with. She was about to head in the direction of Arlen when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see the familiar dark elven face and gave her friend and Ismael a smile as she listened to Tan speak. Her arms crossed over her chest in a teasingly judgmental way, the smile now turning into a smirk.
"I don't know Tan, what am I getting in return other than protecting the fate of the world?" She asked teasingly and paused briefly to allow him to respond before reaching into her pocket and tossing him a coin purse. "There should be a little more than enough for half in there, I expect my change. Have fun, you two. I'll join you for a drink later." She blew them a kiss before continuing her previous task.
As a former princess and skilled fighter, Amisra had always felt a sense of responsibility to protect those around her, and Ismael was no exception. She knew firsthand how it felt to be thrown into an unfamiliar situation, and she was determined to make his transition to life on the ship as smooth as possible. It was for this same reason she found herself approaching Arlen. "Is it just me or did the sea breeze just get a little warmer around here? Oh wait, it's just you." She knew it was a silly flirtatious line, but it was too hard for her to pass up the opportunity to tease a bit. "Care for some help with your duties, darling Arlen? Then we can go share a drink sooner...and maybe a bed." She gave him a playful wink, knowing he'd likely catch on to her teasing as this was commonplace for them.