Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


Teyla nodded to both points. "It is always possible that these allies can aide us discretely but yes we should be careful. If our enemy is as cunning as we are led to believe then we should be cautious that he has not already somehow manipulated Alderaan into serving him in one way or another." She sighed. "My real question is, while you know the history off this universe to a certain degree why have you singled out these people as potential allies? I recall reading in your histories information on a religious order of monks. Jedi? Surely they would be far more superior allies."


Doctor Novak nodded along as the technical specifications were read out to her. Typing away on her tablet. "Power shouldn't be an issue, interestingly enough if you still use Earth-based radioactive material we may be able to increase your power generation with a unique mineral we use to power our ship and some of our enhanced warheads. I'll see about getting you some to run some tests. We'll definitely be able to get something up and running." She pulled out a cable off her tablet. "Can I plug this in? I can highlight some of the work that we can get done before we start adding on arrays."

I, Sep, under no violation or threat of violence do hereby offer my vote to accept Enalais' character.


It is a dark time in the Galaxy. Two months after the Battle of Endor the Galaxy is still in turmoil as various remnants loyal to the idea of the Empire still struggle to hold onto power as the New Republic grows from strength to strength. There is infighting as the New Republic capitalises on traitors and warlords weakening each other to continue their war to free the Galaxy from what remains of Palpatine's war machine.

Criminals run rife in between the fractures of society. There is plenty of work for those that need it, credits and other forms of currency moving from hand to hand for killings, assassinations, bounties, thefts and everything in-between. A call goes out for the best to head to Ambromm IV. A job that pays so well everyone that accepted the invitation instantly got transferred one thousand credits as a mere downpayment on whatever the job was going to be.

So this is a CLOSED GROUP Roleplay. Who knows we may be willing to open up later. Right now we're in the phase of deciding on our players, but this will be a bit different to how we normally do it. As there is no GM, characters need to be accepted/approved by each of us. Which means if someone wants to be something special, Mandalorian or Force Sensitive, we all need to agree. We all accept that we will all take a turn at being the GM in terms of the missions that our crew will be working on. Once everyone has done one mission as GM we'll start to go around again.

Current players are:


I don't think anything else needs said.
So are we able to play whomever we want (within reason) in this Galaxy as a whole? Or are we all like members of one faction. Just asking to clarify, there ain't a lot SW going on on the guild right now so I'm looking around.

Doctor Novak scrolled through the various screens of data as the form of Isaac disappeared, excusing his absence as he left the ship. "Okay well first-" She scrolled through the endless lines of data. "-you'll need to give me a rundown on the power systems. Nothing sensitive, I just need to figure out if your ship has the raw juice for adding shielding, and then if it does find the easiest paths to connect the relays on the outside of the ship to the wiring that is no doubt inside the ship." She scrolled through the data as she was trying to find what she was looking for. "Once we have that, we can easily use the shipyard to build the relays without using too much in the way of resources. Put them on while we work on the control systems, I'm thinking we might still use crystal technology, it's far superior to wiring. Working on an interface should be rather simple since from what I've already read up on your technology many of the control interfaces and connections are the same as what we use."


Caldwell looked at the information as it was on the screen. "We don't have an actual physical device on the ship but we have the full schematics though that-" He pointed at the screen "-is something I'm interested in. I don't necessarily want the actual physical vessel but the shielding." He stood up and walked closer to the screen. "I'd be very interested in getting a look at its shield generator, or rather having one of my people have a look." He returned to his seat. "Our shielding is advanced, with a ZPM we were able to deflect a coronal mass ejection from a star. We have however been unable to make shielding units small enough to cover a fighter. Nothing that can last for very long at least. So we've at least found something from your universe that we would benefit from, part of me wonders whether or not our shielding on the ship is better."


Teyla spent a large portion of the flight in her quarters. It had taken her time to get used to the look of Atlantis, then she had come to know the appearance off the Daedalus and the facilities from the people of Earth. Advanced beyond the Athosians or anything else she had seen in Pegasus. Now there was this whole new universe to explore. The design was surprisingly similar to that of the Daedalus, only larger. There were also less warning lights and signs. It made her think that the people behind this vessel were more accustomed to spaceflight. From what she had read that made sense. She left her room and walked to where the being from the Aegis was speaking to the mission leader.

"Perhaps should they be as honourable as indicated they will be willing to help us. Allies come in all shapes and sizes, there is more to offer than simple military might."


McKay continued to pour over the A.I, completely obsessed with it. "I need to see how this process is achieved, this is incredible. You actually map and then replicate the human mind? How do you train it? Does it retain the memories from when it was human?" HE shook his head as Ronon cleared his throat loudly. "Okay, back to focusing." He turned as Kham spoke up, and the floating aliens said their piece. "I disagree, I think the actual technology has to be adequate if the good Doctor here is correct and an A.I upgraded the ship in their home universe. If an A.I performed the upgrade then that indicates that the issue is software, not hardware. It is possible that with what we know about the technology we may struggle to make the upgrades without altering the physical technology."

He turned to the UNSC Doctor. "So, how fast did this A.I... Cortana make this other ship? It might still be faster to build a hyperdrive for the ship."

Ronon turned to the Spartan who seemed to be staying out of the conversations about science. Probably like him she (if she was a she e wasn't sure from the voice and the armour gave away nothing) was only here to protect their asset. "So, are you really that tall or is that the armour?" He had heard enough about these Spartans to be curious about how they would handle in a fight.


Bishop brushed himself off after being accosted by the alien being. "Why the hell do you keep something around on your ship that runs around in the vents with an egg? Where did it even come from? You said where you come from you were chasing someone who was fleeing. Why didn't you just leave it on the surface of your planet when you ran? Why bring it aboard?" He pulled out a tablet as they continued walking towards the shield generator, ready to take scans to determine the effectiveness of the technology.

Caldwell was sitting in the chair as Doctor Robotnik continued to speak. Suggesting that he replace his personnel with robotic units. "I think we're quite fine with the personnel we have. These people are some of the best my planet has to offer, I wouldn't want to change them for robotic units I don't know, don't understand and don't have full control over." He spun his chair to look at the viewscreen on the side of the wall and nodded at Marks as he did so. "All I left out of the report was the specifications on the beaming system, all weapons are computerised and controlled by the control station here on the bridge. Shielding is as well. The only thing that may be relevant is this-" A picture of a weapon came up on the screen. "-Anubis has warriors with advanced armour that can deflect all kinetic and energy attacks. We have to assume he's using this technology here, so we need to make sure we're armed suitably. If you can wrap your head around this technology then you can equip it to whatever blasters or weapons that your robots use."


Bishop nodded along with Sonia. "It makes sense. Part of me wishes we had waited before getting involved in spaceflight however the Goa'uld made that impossible. We've got a fair understanding of the technology, over a short period of time. At least in terms of advanced spaceflight. We've been going to space for decades but we've had a sudden leap in technological advancement." He looked solemn for a moment before becoming re-centred. "We have a reactor powered by a radioactive substance called Naquadah. Small amounts can create vast amounts of energy. In the right syntax, it is also highly explosive. It's what powers our ship, whereas our fighter craft have traditional fuel-burning engines."


As Sheppard and his team breached, he went first followed by Anderson, Smith and Dawes. He looked to the left as the UNSC crew went to the right, before looking down the corridor. "The Archives should be just a short way down there, then down ten levels. The Wilkes will meet us down there." He to the lead, life signs detector raised so he could look through the scope of his P90 and at it at the same time. He paused as they reached the end of the corridor, lowering his P90 as Anderson took the front as he grasped the detector with two hands. The display turning to show a level by level display as several life signs appeared. He beckoned over the commanding officer from the UNSC squad.

"It looks like we've got one contact in the Archives. Probably some kind of lone guard. Should be a simple enough job to knock them out for a bit." He held out his hand to Anderson, who pulled a Wraith stunner out of a holster and handed it to him. He offered it to the squad leader. "This is a non-lethal weapon. We obtained it from a hostile species back home, it's capable of putting down most species in a single blow. Just thought you might want it in case you get the shot first."


McKay was completely distracted by whatever had been said by the inclusion of the A.I. Once it was plugged in he went straight over to the podium, pulling out his life-signs detector and initiating multiple scans on the system. He didn't know if the A.I would 'feel' the scans but he wasn't interested in that. "Wow, this is incredible. We've toyed with A.I and had issues with it but this is a fully functional system that seems to simulate human speech patterns and reactions." He looked down at the device in his hand. "It's almost as if it has synapses firing, it seems to think just like a human mind without any of the limitations." He turned to the UNSC group. "How on Earth did you manage to program something like this, it'd be incredibly complicated."

He looked down at his tablet as if realising what he was here for. Sending it to the Immaculate Aegis system he turned to 'Isaac'. "So I've identified multiple lines of code that may indicate inefficiencies in the subspace borer and the navigational systems onboard the ship. Should you be able to read these lines of code as quickly as indicated you should be able to determine much faster than me if these are errors that can be fixed."


McKay raised his hands defensively. "I mean no offence. Barely five years ago the spacecraft we were fielding were shuttles and rocket craft. The Stargate Program accelerated our development significantly, I'm sure with you putting your focusing on the work you soon have an understanding of all this technology." He paused for a second as he talked about their development. "The more you talk about it the more your development mirrors that of the Jaffa, its actually a little fascinating-" He stopped as the floating creature opened his vest and pulled out his life signs detector. He made a grab for it but the creature was stronger than it appeared to be and pulled it away anyway.

Before Rodney could let out so much as a 'stop' Ronon's gun droned as it was raised and charged up pointed to the floating creature. "Woah!" Rodney stepped in between them, as other guns were raised in the room towards Ronon, and then McKay as he moved quickly.

Ronon moved to get a shot, however, Rodney moved again. Ronon speaking through gritted teeth. "Get out of the way McKay, it stole your tech."

"It's a life signs detector Ronon! You just heard how valuable these things are too them, and to us. Put the gun down."

"We can't replace it if it's broken, it's ancestral."

"I'm sure it won't break it-" He turned to Narak "-though I'd like it back, please. We only have a handful of the devices with us, and even less in total back on Atlantis." Rodney scowled at Ronon who lowered his gun, letting it droop while his finger was through trigger guard it spun its barrel towards the ground lowering it in a way that made it seem not threatening before he slid it harmlessly into hits holster.

"It's all just a misunderstanding."

McKay grimaced. "We don't have a much better experience with Artificial Intelligence ourselves. The Asgard, the race of beings that Hermiod belongs too-" He paused for a second. "-the little Grey Guy running the shipyard. They used to be a much bigger presence in our galaxy and would have ended the Goa'uld threat before it started had they been given the chance. However, instead, they were under threat from a race of artificial replicating nanites that essentially lived to consume." He sighed. "We had our own problems with them too until eventually, we were able to come up with a weapon to break the bonds between the individual nanites and shut them down-" He paused. "-though you don't care about that."

He continued scrolling through the pages of data and information. There were copious amounts of data here and it would take him months to truly get a firm understanding on it. That why it would help to have the A.I if it was as good as was claimed it could check out these issues far faster than he could. If it could highlight them then they could easily find out ways to streamline the process without having to find every little inconsistency in the code. Otherwise, this would actually take months. Realising he was internalising all of this he turned to Narak. "My hope is that if the A.I is as good as you say it is it can dramatically streamline the process. I can pick out lines of code that don't make much sense and work on a variant but I have no way of knowing if that will actually help. The only alternative is to spend months working on understanding your technology-" Rodney paused. "-Or we could build you a hyperdrive. We have stores of Naquadah onboard, and an Asgard that could help."

Rodney sighed as he looked at Narak. "So really none of your people understand your own ships and technology? Reminds me of the Jaffa."


Novak had to suppress a hiccup as she was in front of a holographic table and was suddenly granted access to absolutely everything that she would need in order to give the Broken Hope shielding. She paused for a second. "Well uh, considering your ships is already built and functioning flying through space that kind of removes the chance of having the shield arrays built into the ship. We can attach arrays to the outside of the ship and tie them into the power grid, it'll take time and a lot of work adding to the outside, but if we focus on sections we can have some sections shielded within the week. As I said before, it's not going to be as sophisticated as having the ship built with the shields but it's a start."

She shrugged as she scrolled through her tablet. "I'll also leave the specifications behind so that when you return home you can modify your ships over there." She pondered on the question though, of what she was after. "Honestly. I'm not here in a negotiating capacity, I don't know what you've got and what you can offer and it's not my place. I'm just a civilian contractor working for the military sent here to give you guys shielding. If you want to offer something, thats something better saved for Colonel Caldwell."


Sheppard signalled to the Marines to breach the door, opening it using his new Omni-Tool thing. He turned to the UNSC Marines. "We're going to breach and work our way towards the section called the archives. There's a vault there of things called holocrons that apparently contain vast amounts of information." He sighed as he tapped his radio as Sarah Wilkes. "Copy that, we're breaching the temple now and will rendezvous with you in the archives. Are you sure you don't want some support on your way over?" Sheppard turned back to the UNSC marines.

"We've also been tasked by the Resurgence to place charges in the tower so that if Palpatine moves in as he did in their timeline we can take him out." He raised his life signs detector and paused as he looked at all the marines, a curious expression on his face as he looked at the detector. He handed offered it to the UNSC Marines. "Hey, can you guys pass this around to see if it will work for any of you? It needs a special gene to work and I'm curious to see if it will actually work."


Colonel Caldwell was sat at the bridge when Doctor Robotnik was beamed aboard the Daedalus. He stood up and walked over to shake Robotniks hand. "Colonel Caldwell, we've met. We do have transporters that require receiving pads, however, these ones rely on relays and sensors that are all over the ship. They were a gift by a race of beings known as the Asgard. Hermiod belongs to that race, he's the being currently managing the shipyard and its operations for the Fleet. They've been a spacefaring race since before our race even evolved on our planet, likely before yours did on your world too. We helped them out with an enemy that plagued them for years. It worked out best for all of us."

Caldwell turned and then returned to his seat as the bridge officers continued their work. "So while my person is looking at the possibility of giving your ship energy shields what are you here to propose?"


Lieutenant Bishop wasn't sure how he landed this duty. He was a relief officer for the Bridge Crew, working the night shifts while Cooper worked the day shift. He supposed it was to suggest the edits and discover how effective the systems aboard this 'Egg Carrier' were. He stepped forward and offered his hands. "Lieutenant Bishop, USAF. I'm one of the bridge officers aboard the Daedalus and I'm here to recommend adjustments to your systems to improve efficiency and combat effectiveness. From what I've been told you've only just cracked into spaceflight. While my people haven't been constructing vessels like the Daedalus for very long, we still have experience that you may benefit from."

Ronon groaned as the human doctor left. She was about the only one who made anything resembling sense. "So what does all this mean?"

Rodney sighed. "Based on what I can see, on an initial reading-" he nodded to the Sangheili out of respect "-is that there are limitations on the programming and errors. I'd need to spend more time determining if these errors actually exist or if it's just my unfamiliarity with the system." Rodney turned to Narak. "I'm assuming this, A.I that the Unbroken Hope is bringing over will be able to analyse the data I've seen more quickly?"


Novak looked around the room. In some ways, it was very similar to their own. The main difference was that everything was bigger. She supposed the engineering bay of Daedalus would look more similar if they had progressed naturally without any input from outside sources. The hallways, structures, uniforms and even the weapons were all very similar. Perhaps in another Universe where the Ancients had never existed this would have been their future. "Yeah uh-" Novak offered the COO her tablet that she had been holding under her arm. "-we've got experience in putting shielding on ships that don't have it. We can place arrays over the hull of your ship, tie them into the power grid and give you rudimentary shielding. It won't be quite as good as ours aboard the Daedalus but it will be better than flying around naked."

She raised her tablet and scrolled through the options. "I just need to take a look at some of the ship's systems to determine how to make the upgrade compatible. If you agree with the sentiment, we take it to your commanding officer and see what he says about it."


Caldwell scoffed. "He said what?"

Marks looked down at the computer screen before replying. "Doctor Robotnik wishes to come aboard our vessel to suggest upgrades if we are offering to do the same to his." Caldwell scowled.

"Is there anything aboard his vessel that we need?"

Marks shrugged. "We're unsure. It seems rather technologically primitive sir." Caldwell sighed.

"Tell him to send us co-ordinates. I'll beam one of ours aboard, and I'll beam him over here. We'll see what he has to suggest."

McKay scowled at Kham Rho as he threatened him with a hydro-spanner. As if putting the name hydro before spanner made it any form of more science fiction than anything else. He pulled out his tablet and began scrolling through the various commands and subcommands that existed in the systems of the ship for boring a hole into slipspace. It all seemed like a jumbled mess, much like their initial attempts at creating a hyperdrive from the Prometheus. They tried making the system without any true understanding of what it took to make the system work.

He continued to scroll. "The programming behind these systems is incredibly inefficient. I'm sure I should be able to improve these systems to increase jump efficiency."


There was a flash of light as Doctor Lindsey Novak appeared in the hangar bay of the Unbroken Hope. She looked as if she was going to throw up briefly before she swallowed and all was good. She held her tablet underneath her arm as a delegation from the vessel approached. "Hi I'm uh, Doctor Novak from the Daedalus? I'm here to discuss some possible uh- some uh- technological upgrades to your ship?"
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