Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

blehhh slow down

slow down im trying to catch up lol

Pretty much what @Retired said. Once it's less shiny and new it'll slow down, until an event happens then everyone will go HOLY SHIT LETS GOOOOO

Damn it you've exposed the secret to why I am both Thor and Strange. The upcoming Asgardian/Sorcerer War over Tea and Beer.
If anyone wants to future collaborate with Thor or Strange just HMU.

Magic-Users, we should get together sometime. Drink some tea.

3854 Hoffman Avenue - NYC // 2245HRS

Rain poured down from the heavens creating rivers from the sidewalk onto the road. Cars rushed by, oblivious to the man standing in the alley. The rain seemed reluctant to land on him, or perhaps it was convinced to not have an effect on him. The man's cloak appeared to billow off its own accord, tugging on him slightly to alert him to another individual approaching, their footsteps muffled by the rain. "I appreciate you calling me in on this Detective Kraye."

The man shrugged. "If the F.B.I wants to be brought in on this and save me a pile of paperwork be my guest. I already have a bunch of cases on my desk." He raised his travel mug and took a sip of coffee. Sighing in relief as the warm bitter liquid did its magic. Raising an eyebrow he looked back at the man standing looking over the body. "Picked a bad day to forget your coat, want me to grab you one? You're soaked through."

His face hidden in shadow Strange smiled slightly as he absent-mindedly fondled the glittering charm hanging from his neck, disguising his true appearance. "Nothing a warm shower won't fix. I'll be fine thankyou, the case comes first."

Detective Kraye pulled his phone out his pocket with nothing more than a muttered 'well okay then' "Vics name is-" -tt-tt-tt- Kraye clicked his tongue as he scrolled down through his file. "-Alfred Rask, 45 out of Brooklyn. Unmarried, no kids. No listed address." Kraye knelt down, looking over the body. Tattered robes lay strewn all around the body, bloody and torn. "Going from his clothes I'd say unemployed, a drifter. Hippy probably."

"-And in your profession do you happen to guess when it comes to life and guess?" The detective turned, a look of scorn on his face.

"I might not be a Special Agent but I've seen my fair share of victims, and my fair share of murders. I've seen it all."

Stephen Strange leaned down, making a show of patting down the body. During which his right hand rubbed a symbol from the victim's wrist. "Well I think I have all I need here." Standing up he turned to walk away, Kraye turned.

"What, that's it? You don't need no photos or sketch? Or the body? Are you even taking the case?"

Strange smirked as he put his hands out in front of him, sparks flew between his fingers as if he were playing with sprinklers. "Don't be ridiculous Detective. There is no body, and there is no case."

There was a blinding flash of light, as Kraye looked up at the sky swearing. The thunderstorm had come on all of a sudden, and he was caught out here on foot patrol without so much as a jacket.

177A Bleecker Street - NYC // 2300HRS

Stephen Strange was surrounded by books and incantations, in the centre of his study surrounded by all the chaos was a symbol hastily drawn on a piece o paper. The same symbol that had been on the dead body of Alfred Rask. The police would never find out his cause of death. It would be ruled a murder, then once all the leads went cold the case would be forgotten about and abandoned. One of many within the NYPDs archives. Stephen had combed through their cold cases on occasion shortly after becoming Sorcerer Supreme, and had solved a few. It was surprising how many leads went cold without magical intervention.

He couldn't afford the time for that anymore, it took all of his time and focus to maintain the secrecy of their society from the world, keep the various Sanctums united and to protect the world from other dimensional threats. Even this murder wouldn't have been one he'd have usually bothered with, not anymore, if not for the fact that this was the fifth death in five days that bore the same symbol and the same aura of darkness. Magicians, like artists, quite often liked to 'sign' their work. Someone was doing this now, he just had to put a Sorcerer to the signature and that was the issue he was having. If he could only decipher this one-


Stephen groaned, waving his hand the door opened revealing his trusty assistant Wong. The only one who would ever interrupt him in the middle of his work, and by the sounds of fine china being carried on a tray the only one who would bring him tea. Stephen brought his hands down to his side, the books that were floating around the room lowered themselves to the floor. As he lowered his hands toward the ground his torso raised into the air, allowing him to unfold his legs from their crossed position.

"You would do well not to neglect your duties Stephen."

Stephen walked over, and accepted a poured cup of tea. Sipping it gently. Tea was good for the aura. Or so Ahri'ahn had claimed. "The benefit of being the Sorcerer Supreme is that I can pick and choose what I work on, is it not? It kind of makes me in charge."

Wong shook his head. "At times you remain arrogant. There are people in this sanctum whose entire purpose is to investigate breaches in the occult. Leave this to them."

"Five deaths so far, and not a single lead, and yet each body is signed. I have made this my responsibility-"

"-and in doing so you are neglecting the Master of the Chinese and Japanese Sanctums who have come to seek the counsel of the Sorcerer Supreme."

"You could always-"

"No. There is tradition, it must be you. Five minutes. They'll be expecting you."
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

B-b-but, he spelled Stephen wrong.

Oops I forgot it was PH svelling and thats after actually reading comics.
I'm going to have Doctor Strange have one of those weird Doctor billboards they have in the US.

Call now on 555-STRANGE
Because someone has to be the Lex Luthor to @Hound55's Super Tiger. The Joker to his Lawyer-Man.

...er, Lawyer-Tiger?


H A R V E Y B I R D M A N A T T O R N E Y A T L A W N E W Y O R K L A W O F F I C E S O F S E B B E N & SE B B E N
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Why is Birdman not the real sheet?

177A Bleecker Street // NYC

”Perhaps we can figure out an alternative solution.” Stephen smiled at his friend, always trying to find the diplomatic solution, the middle ground, the solution that everybody could agree too.

Son of a bitch.

That was why she included Longwei. She learnt of Chinas interest in Yao and used that, his connection with Longwei and his renown for finding middle ground. Stephen had come into this meeting expecting a game of checkers, and yet she had come prepared for a game of chess.

Stephen smiled politely as Eri got up, bowed and then left the room. Longwei lingered as the door slowly closed behind the sorceress. Stephens' smile dropped. “What the hell was all that about Longwei?”

Wong, now the meeting had officially had ended and was no longer obliged to hold his tongue hissed a warning. ”Stephen!”

Longwei smiled and raised his hand to Wong. “No, it’s quite alright. Let him speak his mind now the politics are done.”

Stephen nodded. “I’ll admit to not following politics as well as I should have over the years, but how on Earth did it come to Japan and China teaming up to get what they wanted? Surely you could have approached me yourself?”

There was a groan of frustration out of Wong. ”This is what you get for not reading the briefing packets I made for you-”

”The politics of our communities do not always follow the Geo-politics of the world at large. China and Japan have enjoyed a relatively co-operative union since the revolution. Beforehand there were large swathes of magi community living in the open, Mao Zedong didn’t like anything he couldn’t control and moved to wipe them out. Yao used this as a way to remove political rivals and solidify his own power within China. Japans Magi Community is still home to many chinese refugees, many more travelled through Japan since it was far more stable and accepting of Magi than any of Chinas other neighbours.”

In the corner of the room Wong nodded along. “My family came through Japan to the US. Even I feel a debt of gratitude.”

Stephen sighed. “Even when magic is involved you can’t escape the world of politics.”

“Politics is universal.”

”So where do we go from here?”

It was Longweis turn to sigh, his gaze lost into the distance. ”That is up to you, afterall you are the Sorcerer Supreme-” He raised his hand before Stephen could interrupt. ”-However, you have agreed to the terms. Mistress Yoshida will expect you to honour them, failure to do so could result in creating division between Sanctuaries, which could result in their failing.”

”If you were so against the terms, why did you suggest them? Unlimited access to Yao, in private, at any time requested by any member of the Japanese Sanctuary- Stephen looked over to Wong. ”That was his wording?” Wong nodded.

”While I may privately agree with you, that allowing anyone to see and interact with Yao is dangerous, let alone Miss Yoshida, publically I need to do what is in the best interest of the members of my community. I wasn’t exaggerating when I say that many want to see him stand trial, but first a debt must be paid to our friends the Japanese. Silence fell.

”Not just to the Japanese.”

Stephen and Longwei turned to Wong as he spoke.

”Yoshida Eri is also gathering a large following in the United States, and has many political allies here. She is campaigning for a peaceful integration of the Magi and Non-Magi communities-” Wong looked directly at Stephen. ”-She is after your job Stephen.”

Stephen couldn’t help but let out a laugh. ”Well that part I knew, she’s conniving and she’s ambitious. Of Course she’d want to be at the top of the food chain.”

Momofuku Ko // 8 Extra Pl // New York

Dining at its finest. Glasses clinked among the low din of the busy restaurant. Guests had to wait atleast fifteen days to make a reservation, and even then they were lucky to get anything more than a tasting table. Let alone get it for any less than two-hundred and eighty dollars per head. For the experienced however, it was mere childsplay to get past the fool at the door. The security had been vigilant but was no more difficult to deal with. Walking to the middle of the room several eyes passed over him, just another waiter, a lowly member of staff nothing to be concerned with. Walking right up to a table the old hag who was sat at the table went to speak.

Without so much as any hesitation he jumped up onto the table, plates and glasses clanked and shattered as he unceremoniously kicked them off. Those at the table leapt back and a chorus of ”I say- What in the name- Never have I- and What does he think he’s doing” filled the air. He pulled a long thin wooden looking object out of his pocket. Raising it to his throat the tip of the wand illuminated with a blue light. His voice boomed throughout the restaurant. ”LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!” Raising his free hand into the air he spun around so everyone could get a good look at him.

“I hope you are all enjoying the expensive food, and even more expensive wine-” He winked in the direction of a rather large man whose face had become about as red as the glass of wine in front of him. “-I am here to provide tonights entertainment. Who would like to see a magic trick?”

Ninja Turtles + Hellboy = Teenage Mutant Ninja Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

I love everything about this.

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