Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@AndyC @PatientBean @Supermaxx @TGM @Natty @Webboysurf @Sep @Mao Mao @Bork Lazer @Mintz @Redcord @udonoodles @Roman

Tagging those who have not yet contacted me. Please let me know via the OOC or PMs on whether you are continuing with the RP or not, and a rough estimate on when your next post will be up.

In the event of Andy, I understand you've been waiting for the event to progress and I'll be typing something up after I post this to help move things forward, without taking agency out of your or udonoodle's hands as the two players currently still involved.

Starting Monday, I'm going to begin enforcing the two-week (14 day) posting requirement more strictly.

I'd like to be here, but between my promotion(ish) at work and all the extra time that's taking up and being a homeowner (and man of the house) now I'm struggling to find time for any kind off writing.

The ship appeared in orbit of Coruscant without warning. It was instantly detected and targeted by orbital defenses and patrol vessels alike, it was swiftly dealt with. There was no panic on Coruscant. Not by the general population, the military, or even the Jedi. There was however one man who was concerned. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had crafted everything in the war, every piece moving perfectly according to his grand design. Minor bumps in the road were swiftly overcome, and strategies were adopted. This however was an unknown variable.

The media was spinning it as a new form of Separatist vessel, probing Coruscant's defenses and reaction times as a precursor to invasion. Palpatine knew better or believed he did. This vessel wasn't separatist. Not unless Dooku was planning to overthrow and replace him. Such a thing was unlikely but not impossible. Since the start of the war he had pushed his Apprentice further and further to the Dark Side, and power afterall did corrupt. Though as the wreckage from the ship came crashing down to the surface off the planet, the worry soon disappeared out of his mind as days turned into weeks. It continued to nag at the back of his brain, but more pressing matters gained his attention.

In an area of existence between existence itself, beings of unworldly power and knowledge met together in a place that never existed. It defied existence and completed it all at the same time, and the figure wearing the white sweater approached one in a far more intricate state of dress.

"I need your help."

"Oh?" The figure turned to face him. "You have come to me for help? That's interesting."

"You're the only one who will listen to be about this-"

"I wonder why, is it because I am a little crazy?"

"I've already spoken to who I need to speak to, I just need someone to do the transportation."

"Ahhh, there in lies the rub. The rules."

"Just because the others approve, doesn't mean they'll let me do whatever I want."

The Jedi Temple was one of the most historically significant structures in the Galaxy, a beacon of hope and justice. Today a level of unease seemed to permeate the very walls of the structure. The Jedi walked the halls going about their day-to-day lives with a shadow they just couldn't shake, no matter how hard they tried. Security ran system diagnostics, Jedi meditated on it.

A lone figure ascended the steps of the Jedi Temple. Past the protestors, approaching the Clones guarding the temple. They raised their hands to stop her, however, she continued. One of them made an effort to grab her, and with lightning efficiency and speed she broke both his wrists before kicking his shin sending him to the ground.

By this point, the rest of the squad was in motion. Stun shots rained out against her, which were quickly replaced with fully powered blaster bolts. Burn marks appeared all over her body, causing her to pause. The shots stopped as she looked down observing the marks. A silver shimmer passed over her body, as she seemingly healed herself and fixed her clothes. Looking up she screamed, and all throughout the Jedi Temple replicators burst forth.

The Force nor blasters seemed to be effective against them and while Lightsabers could destroy them they seemed to come in endless wave after wave. Throughout this chaos Sixth worked her way deeper, and deeper into the temple. For the first time in the history of the Republic, the Jedi began evacuating their temple. Their home, until she rested herself in the command and control center. Tying her into the Republic Battlenet.

Weeks passed. Codes changed. A ceasefire between the Republic and the Separatist Alliance was orchestrated, largely in part by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. All evacuation of Coruscant was halted after a single replicator was found aboard a cruiser. A single replicator that very quickly took over the entire vessel. Since then nobody has left the surface, a fleet of Venators bombards the surface around the Jedi Temple almost constantly trying to prevent the Replicator Advance while the best minds throughout the galaxy try to come up with a solution.

So when a being with power to even convince the most skeptical of Jedi, a Senator or Clone Trooper showed up and offered a team to help restore the Galaxy the Republic, reluctantly, agreed, but did they have what it took? To stop the Replicators on Coruscant once and for all?

Well, that's where the story begins, and don't tell Daniel, but I've included a special twist of my own.

GM Post

LEXCORP Facility // Gotham City Outskirts

They ran out of the facility, their silhouettes cast in the backdrop of the flames and the buildings. Their physical abilities seemed to not match their appearances, making jumps and flips that their bodies, fat and muscle distribution would deny. Under one of their arms was a briefcase-carrying what little data they had elected to keep before they had destroyed the facility.

STAR Labs Deep Space Labs // Ivy Town

The fat janitor tidied up as the facility burned before he realized it was time that he should be running away. Around the time he saw the blue spandex-wearing 'hero' that the people of this world idealized. He pulled a communicator out of his jacket, and his form shifted to his true one. There was a moment of panic as the man in the shiny helmet blocked his path, he passed straight through him phasing through.

Once he was on the other side, he turned with his fist colliding the side of his face, before he then dropped through the floor.
With apologies, I'm going to need to step back from this.

Between retiring, trying to get the new house together, and otherwise trying to keep my head just an inch above bankruptcy I simply don't have the energy for posting.

I wish that I did, because I think I had a great arc in mind for Teth.

And because I don't want to post this twice, I'm just going to tag @Retired.

Sorry to hear about your issues! Having just got a house, I get it. Hopefully we'll see a return to Teth-Adam in the future.

I've been writing more TV and film scripts lately and focusing on getting all that together but I still intend to write here as well as submit my Flash sheet. But if there are any delays it's because of this.

@Bounce Congratulations on retirement and the new house, but I'm sorry to hear about the bankruptcy. I hope things take a positive turn for you there. Looking forward to you and Teth's potential return.

@Retired I'm sorry to hear things aren't going so well for you right now. I hope life pulls a 180 for you soon.

You totally reminded me we decided to ALLOW second character applications.

Waller swirled her drink around in her glass, eyeing the suit of armor in the far corner of the room. Eight feet off complex systems, fully enclosed helmet. She couldn't understand how the occupant was supposed to see, but then apparently that was all part of the control. "So the President informs me that your guest, is ready for his first job." She lifted the glass to her lips, allowing the bitter and cool liquid run down to swirl around her mouth before swallowing it.

The Professor pushed his glasses up his face and leaned back in his chair. "I have made significant progress thanks to the President's involvement. His workings and mine have blended together rather well."

"I have to say, I am rather skeptical of this, should you lose control-"

"I could almost guarantee that I will have far more control over my asset, than you over yours. Yours follow you because they fear you. My assets follow because that is what it is made to do."

"My assets-" The Professor waved his hand dismissively.

"I don't really care about your assets. ARGUS is antiquated and inadequate for the task at hand. My assets and I, we are the future." He chuckled slightly as he turned several technical diagrams back into Waller's view. "Cadmus only ever really produced one asset worth noting, and it is currently flying around in a red cape having been adopted by Superman. Not exactly the asset you wanted, was it?

Waller felt her grip tighten on the glass before she once again regained control of herself. "Certain failures are to be expected, it is why we have contingencies."

"A wager then, you go first. Whoever brings Superman to the President, wins."

Clark closed Jons door with a sigh, bidding him goodnight as he did so. Near enough as soon as the door had closed, he was gone. Out the building, and beneath the starry skies. Sat on top of the local water tower, he used to come here with Lana Lang back during his high school days. They spent many nights here through all the high points of their lives, and the lowest. They came here after their graduation, Clark returned here when his parents died.

He came here when the JSA disbanded, after the Atlantis Invasion. He proposed to Lois at the top of this tower, he had come here when she died. Clark sighed. He had believed that dissolving the Justice League had been the right thing to do, Bruce and Diana had agreed and they had gone their separate ways.

Things always seemed to get worse.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Another @Lord Wraith rushed job...

All @Lord Wraith is known for, rushing lore, poor formatting and sex scenes.

Waller swirled her drink around in her glass, eyeing the suit of armor in the far corner of the room. Eight feet off complex systems, fully enclosed helmet. She couldn't understand how the occupant was supposed to see, but then apparently that was all part of the control. "So the President informs me that your guest, is ready for his first job." She lifted the glass to her lips, allowing the bitter and cool liquid run down to swirl around her mouth before swallowing it.

The Professor pushed his glasses up his face and leaned back in his chair. "I have made significant progress thanks to the President's involvement. His workings and mine have blended together rather well."

"I have to say, I am rather skeptical of this, should you lose control-"

"I could almost guarantee that I will have far more control over my asset, than you over yours. Yours follow you because they fear you. My assets follow because that is what it is made to do."

"My assets-" The Professor waved his hand dismissively.

"I don't really care about your assets. ARGUS is antiquated and inadequate for the task at hand. My assets and I, we are the future." He chuckled slightly as he turned several technical diagrams back into Waller's view. "Cadmus only ever really produced one asset worth noting, and it is currently flying around in a red cape having been adopted by Superman. Not exactly the asset you wanted, was it?

Waller felt her grip tighten on the glass before she once again regained control of herself. "Certain failures are to be expected, it is why we have contingencies."

"A wager then, you go first. Whoever brings Superman to the President, wins."

Clark closed Jons door with a sigh, bidding him goodnight as he did so. Near enough as soon as the door had closed, he was gone. Out the building, and beneath the starry skies. Sat on top of the local water tower, he used to come here with Lana Lang back during his high school days. They spent many nights here through all the high points of their lives, and the lowest. They came here after their graduation, Clark returned here when his parents died.

He came here when the JSA disbanded, after the Atlantis Invasion. He proposed to Lois at the top of this tower, he had come here when she died. Clark sighed. He had believed that dissolving the Justice League had been the right thing to do, Bruce and Diana had agreed and they had gone their separate ways.

Things always seemed to get worse.
I don't know if I'm interested. Not enough time and effort was spent on the background of this.
<Snipped quote by Retired>

I believe in us

It was good post
I got another part to the post planned but wanted to get that up while I still had the energy.
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