Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Keldabe Administrative District // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector
Interacting with @Webboysurf

Koren followed Ro Nuul heading towards a nearby window, the two Jedi looked out at the expansive city beyond. Beyond the confines of the Palace they could see the denizens of Mandalore and many other worlds gathering in a celebration. Koren just hoped that with celebration came remembrance. The weight of the loss came to him heavily, for many years there had been too much unknowing. That had gnawed at him, no matter what he did. No matter what was going on in the Consortium. From his training of the Royal Guards, to his romance and marriage. Some part of his mind lingered on the past. Ro Nuuls filtered voice brought him back to the present. "As for my personal inquiry... I merely wish to know how you have fared since the sacking of Coruscant, and if there are any others who survived with you. Whether we live up to the old ideals or not... it is hard for an old Jedi like me to ignore the gift of reassurance that Grevious took less of us than we expected."

Koren chuckled. "Other than the droid, there was a group of Younglings with me when I was first lost, and then captured- it's a long story. I did however eventually manage to barter for their release. I don't know where they are now, but I hope they made it.

It had been years since Koren had thought of them, he hadn't dared risk thinking about them. The worry of the fall of the Jedi and Republic had been enough for him. As things slowly became more and more complicated, the survivors guild weighed heavily on him. He brought himself out of it in time for Ro to speak again. "I know very little of the Hapes Consortium... its affiliations, desires, means of governance... There are very few political entities within this galaxy that I am distinctly unfamiliar with. Standing as a voice for the Hapes Consortium... I must inquire as to your affiliations and desires in the new galactic landscape you find yourselves. I suppose more plainly... how do you wish for the Consortium to fit into this fractured Galaxy we find ourselves?"

Koren bowed his head. "My affiliation in the Galaxy is to my Queen, and my desires are hers." He smiled kindly at the Kel Dor. "Right now, the Separatists have probed our borders. We have a strong fleet, but I doubt we could withstand a sustained attack." Koren shrugged. He signaled to one of his guards who moved away to call down the shuttle. "I suppose we are in need of friends."

He sighed. "How do I wish for the Consortium to fit in? That is not my place to say. I'm here too make contact and report back. I can advise my Queen, I can't make decisions on her behalf." He raised his hand, his tone shifting to jovial as a smile crossed his face. "It's a marriage thing."
Keldabe Administrative District // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

Koren entered the main compartment of his shuttle, acting as his executive suite during his time on the surface of Mandalore. He nodded to his two guards who filed out of the room, as he keyed in a code to the holocommunicator. A signal from Mandalore wouldn't be able to reach within the transitory mists usually, however, his ship was in orbit to relay the signal and there was another cruiser on the edge of the mists to relay the signal within. He bowed his head respectfully towards his Queen, before turning his head up, a smile playing at the edge of his mouth.

"My Queen."

She returned the bow, and the smirk. "My Prince. How is your diplomatic visit?"

Formal. That means that she very likely has company.

"My meeting with the Manda'lor was... postponed, due to tensions between himself and Empress of the Renkar Imperium. We were advised to leave while they, finished their discussion. He stood up tall, hands behind his back, feet at ease. "I have however conversed with a Jedi Diplomat known as Ro Nuul. He is a fellow survivor, like me. Koren composed himself. Deep breathe in, release. Allow his negative thoughts out with his breathe.

"He seemed hopeful, that whether through the Mandalorian Republic or the Renkar Imperium we should be able to form some form of alliance that will benefit us, to try and keep us safe from the Separatist Alliance."

"That is good news. Good news indeed...
And now... Things can calm down

This had no right to go as hard as it did.


*security bots all stop*

Renegades: How'd you know how to do that?

Eilidh panicking: I uhhh... I was hungry for cereal. Yes, cereal!

Eilidh: I knew all along! I just uh, didn't wanna ruin it for everyone.
Keldabe City // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

The air was stale and heavy. There was a distinct aroma of death and rot in the air. Walking through what appeared to be some kind of reception area, a rusted and broken-down droid sat behind the desk. Its eyes attempted to flicker to life as Rorwoorr walked past, there was a faint clicking noise and a whirr as whatever power systems the droid had failed to restart the antique droid. The light was orange and dirty, coming in through stained and dirtied glass. There was an occasional patch of true sunlight where a window, or even a wall or roof had been broken down by the ravages of time or ill-tempered youth. Plant life started to creep in through the halls.

He crouched down and touched one of the roots. They all appeared to be part of the same network of life, however, something about it felt off. Tainted and sick at the source, which just happened to be in the direction he was currently headed. Perhaps it is this life that has called to me. He gripped his staff as he felt a presence ahead. He could feel the plants sickly presence, but there was someone else as well. Someone who was using the plant to call to him, mask their own presence in the Force. Grasping his staff more firmly Rorwoor continued with more caution, using all his senses to attempt to figure out who the mysterious figure was.

Rorwoorrs mind outstretched, he pushed and pulled at the mysterious individual's mind. Though they had strong defenses. Walking into the central room of the building, he stopped and faltered for a moment.

Before him stood a Zabrak, dressed in dark robes with armoured vambraces. A silver and black lightsaber was clipped to his belt. Rorwoorr instantly recognized him even before he stepped into the light as his former apprentice. Ishtil.

The Wookiee loosened the grip he had on his lightsaber, though did not drop his guard entirely. [Ishtil. It is good to see you.]

"And you, Master." The Zabrak bowed his head slightly and used the term master. While many of the subtleties of Galactic Basic were lost on him, Rorwoorr would place good credits on the fact that there was no actual respect used in the honorific.

[What has brought you to Mandalore?] Keeping his mind open, and his senses primed, Rorwoorr walked over and crouched next to the plant in the middle of the room. He placed his hand upon it and connected with it. He could feel its pain and suffering. He concentrated on the Force, on the individual cells within the planet. His mind reached out, acting akin to antibodies within the plant. Targeting the sickness, rooting it out.

"Oh, just taking in Founding day. Same as you and everyone else. I'm part of an official delegation." Pulling back on his focus the Wookiee nodded.

[You have done well for yourself.]

As the plant thanked him, Rorwoorr stood and diverted all his attention to the Zabrak that stood before him. There had been a time, much like with Rorwoorr and Kaura now, where the two of them had been in perfect sync. There would have been no way possible for him to even appear in system without Rorwoorr being aware. For a time, after Knightfall, this connection had remained strong. He would get vague feelings and impressions of conflict and chaos through the Force as his former Padawan engaged with the CIS on behalf of what would become the Empire.

Then one day, with no pain. No sense of fear or doubt. That connection was gone. [You are the reason I am here?]

The Zabrak walked around the room, like a predator eyeing prey. "I felt that it would be good for us to have a catch-up. Since I missed you on Brath Qella."

Rorwoorr raised an eyebrow. [There was a crisis that demanded aide, I felt that the Empire would not mind-]

"No. You misunderstand, the Empire would never turn down aid for our citizens, especially not from allies." Ishtil touched the plant that Rorwoorr had just healed, the Wookiee felt a jolt of familiarity before they both withdrew their hands. "I came to ask why you waste your time, and your talents."

@spicykvnt I forgot to put the mention on before I posted it, but Conor (mentally) communicates with Eilidh.
Present Day:

Interacting with: Eilidh @spicykvnt

The shadows lanced out, his ring vibrated, and sent a chill through his body warning him of danger ahead. He merely smiled. While he had originally planned for this to be a stealthy operation things had went the way they typically did whenever the renegades were involved. Still, there was something waiting for him on the top levels of the tower. Where Conor was going was far riskier. The residential level. His quarters were relatively close to the lift. The issue was going to be getting in without anyone hearing him. Pulling the doors open just enough for him to get through he slipped down the hallway.

If anyone happened to notice, they would notice the shadows in the hall bulge as he made his way down towards his room. He thought he saw the door of the living area open and without a second hesitation he slapped his hand on his door. It allowed him entry and he slammed it behind him. Cursing quietly, hoping that whoever had opened the door hadn't seen that. Not that it would matter for a time. Hands running over his door the room sealed itself, sealing him in. It would take an excessive amount of force to break through the wards. Wards that he should in hindsight used at his main library. Though in all likelihood Constantine would have lucked his way through disabling them, and never turned them back on again leading to the exact same result.

Conor sighed. There was part of his heart that still viewed this as home. It was exactly the same, albeit with a thin layer of dust that covered everything. He looked over to the small seating area. He had read to Eilidh stories of wisps, fae and kelpies there. While CeCe sat in her own chair reading books of equal age, but more whimsical and fantastical.

At the desk, he had researched many things. He had tried to get an understanding of Varos magic. There was a small target against a far wall, still burned and signed from where him and Selene had practiced their magical strikes in friendly competition to see what school of magic was better.

Not that they ever got an answer. Walking over to the desk he ran a hand over a still open book on the Mayan gods, smiling sadly. Gabi had so much power, and yet so much she had to learn. So much he owed her to discover, and like the rest of them, he had abandoned them with no explanation.

Sighing he took off the ring and felt the warmth return to his body, placing it on the desk. He closed his eyes and concentrated, clearing his mind as best he could in a technique he and Eilidh had developed.

He cast his mind out. "Don't panic Eilidh. I am in tower. To get defenses to stand down say aloud - 'Lucky Charm'-" Julian always liked to think he was funny. "-Please keep my secret."
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