Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Storm clouds brewing.

Drums echoed in the back of the Great Hall, ethereal singing came over the heads of the crowd who danced and cheered. The hall was a blur of colour, as people twisted and turned to the beat of the drums. The musicians at the far end of the hall controlled the flow off the room, they were at its mercy. Only Odin sat stoic and still at the far end of the hall on his great throne, Huginn and Muninn sat atop his shoulders. Gugnir in right hand, while his left tapped along as if controlling the beat of the drums.

The doors at the far side of the hall opened, and in walked Thor. Second son, and crown prince. He carried Mjolnir. His red cape billowed in his wake. He took a step into the room, smiling at Loki, his half sibling who danced among the denizens of Asgard. One second he was dancing closely as a man, the second as a woman. Weaving an elegant dance through the crowd, but never with a partner other than themselves.

Thors steps thundered through the hall, mirrored by the beat of the drums as the tempo changed. Raindrops started to fall, though nobody in the crowd seemed to notice as their clothes became damp. Despite his forward walk Odin never seemed to get any closer. Thunder rumbled as his heart rate increased, and his speed picked up. The drums got louder and thundered in his ears, he could feel it them echoing in his skull.

Feet splashing in the water, his pace continued to increase. Soon the water was up to his knees as he fought against the torrent of water that streamed down from Odins throne. The water was up to his knees when Odin slammed Gugnir on the ground and all the dancing stopped as everyone looked to him. They cheered and looked to the ceiling as the water turned to blood. Thor screamed, and lightning lanced out from him as the blood continued to rise. He tried to swim to the surface, to keep his head above it. Though soon he was consumed in its darkness.

Thor awoke with a start. A low rumble of thunder could be heard outside his small wooden cabin as he sat up, cradling his head in his hands. The same dream, again. It had been for the past several months. The dreams were the very reason he had come to Midgard, to this small cabin he had owned since the 1930s. War had been raging across the Nine Realms, a war he was responsible for in his ignorance. While with the assistance of many of the other Aesir peace had largely been restored, there were still small pockets of unrest.

When the dreams began, he went to his mother. Who told him that what he needed was rest, a break from duty and responsibility. Having gone from one crisis to the next for nearly a century, and so he had returned here. To Midgard. A world where he felt more at home than he did within Asgard, he always had. The people here and a spirit, that he never saw anywhere else within the nine realms.

Walking to the small sink he splashed some cold water on his face. Sighing as he heard a small. Tap, Tap, Tap at the window, as soon as he saw the ravens he knew.

It was time to return home.


W H A T I F...?:

"I am Mighty."

...Thor was banished during World War One?

When a rogue group Jotuns invaded Asgard and the naive young (Not even ten centuries old yet!) Thor enacted his retribution upon them. He inadvertently toppled a balance of power, treaties and alliances that had been long fought for in centuries gone by. Calling his father a fool, and a coward. Odin saw his second-born son as unfit for his position and power, stripping him off his Godhood, his immortality and his power. Awaking as Donald Blake in 1904 Germany. He had memories of a life well lived, of families and loved ones long gone. A small group of friends.

Working in the fields was tiring but rewarding work, though within a decade war erupted in Europe. Donald Blake was called up to the front, where he learned war was hell. Artillery, Machineguns, tanks, aircraft. He was there for the Christmas truce, and subsequently moved from the front like the rest of the troops. He saw the best and worst that humanity had to offer.

When Donald sacrificed himself to save his best friend Falk Hentschel he was gravely wounded, and sent away. Something awoke within him. The war ended. New lines were drawn on the map. Travel was hard going, and dangerous. Money was worthless, people were starving and his wounded leg still plagued him. He could no longer walk without a cane, and had to routinely stop and rest. By the time he reached the cave he was a shell of a man, though the moment his hand touched Mjolnir he was restored and Thor was reborn.

Thor returned to Asgard, welcomed with open arms by his father Odin, his brothers Tyr and Baldur and his best friend and sometimes adversary Loki. Odin saw the change in Thor, and as such awarded him more responsibilities. This drove a wedge between him and Tyr.

As the years went by, Tyr started to disappear more and more. As World War 2 erupted on Earth, Thor suspected his elder brother. The God of War, had a hand to play in it. When Nazi scientists under attack by the JSA accidentally opened a portal resulting in parademons spitting out on Earth, Thor returned to Midgard and helped the JSA fight off the invasion.

Tracking a series of strange occurrences Thor came face to face with his older brother, the two fought, and Tyr was banished from the Realm Eternal by Odin for meddling with the affairs of Mortals. All was well in the nine realms, eventually.

Thor continued to serve the Nine Realms, now as their protector and the Crown Prince of Asgard. He has been to Earth many times in the years since the second world war, though never for a prolonged period. He comes and goes as needed.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):

I was writing out new and old ideas, building them as needed. Then suddenly I came up with an idea for a main plot. So.

Here I am.

The main plot I am going to do will focus around Thor accepting more responsibility, and the issues with dealing with an invasion spreading across the nine realms. It's Asgard versus Apocalypse.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.


Iris was broken out of her reverie by a commotion at the door. "Sorry I'm late-! Joe was on his feet and returned to the kitchen to fix another place setting and plate as Barry came into the room, smiling at Iris. She briefly returned the gesture, before pointing the remote at the TV as she rewound the documentary.

"Have you seen this?" She allowed it to play again, the scene of Captain America on the beach. The static, damage section came up again—the speedster in the winged helmet. This time Iris noticed more in the background of the next shot as various Nazi soldiers were disarmed and incapacitated at high speeds. How had nobody ever picked up on any of this before? She saw the perplexed look on Barrys face, and chuckled to herself. "You don't see it, do you?"

Barry shrugged, then laughed himself. "No, not a clue."

Iris leaned in, casting a glance to the kitchen. Seeing Iris need for secrecy Barry sat himself down and leaned in. "The speedster."

He raised an eyebrow. "All I see is static, possibly some tape damage." His eyes went wide. "Are you telling me-"

Iris eyes darted to the door as Joe re-entered the room. "-that Joe is watching one of my documentaries?"

Joe chuckled as he placed a mat and plate in front of Barry. "Well, what can I say? They seem a little less crazy these days."

The room went silent as the documentary continued. Barry seemed to go distant, his eyes glazing over. They were all shaken out of their reverie as Joe's phone started to ring. Raising his hand to indicate one minute, he unflipped the antique device. It wasn't long before he came back rushing into the room, and pulling on his jacket. Placing his cap upon his head. "Bomb threat downtown." Rushing out the door he turned back to Iris, pointing at her. "Straight home!"

Turning out of the house Barry smirked back at Iris as he stood back up. "You're not going to stay here are you?"

Lightning flashed in her eyes. "Not a chance." He blinked, and Iris was stood there in her costume. Pulling the cowl up over her head she smiled at him. "Lock the door behind you-" She flashed a wink at Barry. "-I'll be back in a Flash"


Harrison stood with his briefcase in hand. The old door creaked and groaned as he pushed it open, his footsteps echoing on the cold hard floor. "Hello!" His voice echoed throughout the warehouse. Things shifted in the dark, and then suddenly a door opened.

"Wells!" The man rushed forward, a smile on his face.

"Jackson." The man looked ragged and worn. That was to be expected, until several months ago Jackson had worked for STAR Labs as a technician. Until he was found stealing from work to fuel his habits. Harrison twisted the briefcase away from Jackson as he went to grab it.

"Is that what you promised me?"

"This power-cell should be the solution to all your problems-" he twisted the case in his hand. "-and maybe even a little something else too."

"Name your price."
<Snipped quote by Sep>

I tried saying that to my mother once, she threatened to show me the scars.

Say it to your wife while your newborn is still fresh.

Come to Sep for more 10/10 marriage advice.

Working on post 2...

If we have any app for Captain America in prime later, I'm open to retroactively changing this next one.

I don't want to hold anyone's great concept to a cameo flashback with no dialogue in mine - the character's popular and I'm surprised we haven't had anything yet.

It was honestly a top up between me running Old Man Cap again or Thor.

Did I make the right decision? I don't know. Maybe?

<Snipped quote by Sep>

I remember Baby Sep! :D

I was never a baby. I just appeared one day.
<Snipped quote by Enarr>

Honestly, I do not read comics except for one non DC or Marvel comic series, so my knowledge of DC and Marvel comes from other places and the wikis. But, after remembering the Red Hood and seeing how Jason has some supernatural connections. I figure he would be a good char to play as with what I am feeling for a char in this rp. I am not sure when I may get my CS up, but Jason is my choice at the moment.

I mean because we're putting our own spins on the characters you really don't need much more knowledge of the characters.

I'm much more of a nerd now but back when I started with this lot, which was a while ago now, I had only seen the MCU (I think Avengers may have been out? Maybe not quite yet) and the Dark Knight movies.
Works kicking my bahookey this week. I'll get my post out when I get a good finish time, or on Saturday. Whatever comes first. I have most of it planned, if anyone wants an actual connection to Thor give me a shout. But he has been around since WW2 so most people will be aware he exists (whether people believe he's a god, an alien, a robot... Well. That's up to them).
<Snipped quote by Enarr>

I keep a PM with myself on the Guild for all my CSes and posts and whatnot. Went to reply to it, internet went out, bye bye all my work.

Oh that hurts.

I've had the same issue, which is why I now always ctrl+c before submitting work on the Guild. Hopefully it doesn't throw you off writing the post too much.

I look forward to Detective Chimp chimpin'and detectin' all over the place.
<Snipped quote by Hound55>

Keep looking, you'll find it.

So... Detective Chimp and The Thing team up?

It'll be the post that gets everyone talking
Too bad, you're playing who Wraith says you're playing. Welcome to the real world.

Make me.
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