Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
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Current just buy another cord? πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ
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Sex and love, sex and love...
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"Commit heinous war crimes in the Baltics." - The Ghost Note suggesting what RoleplayerGuild user Xaltwind does next.
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3 mos ago
"When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?" - The Ghost Note after microwaving a baby.
3 mos ago
we know


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

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"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

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[table][row][cell][h1]Character name here[/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center]
[img]NO ANIME, and try not to use an oversized ass photo please[/img]

[b]Age | Name | Pronouns [/b][hr//][i]"Optional quote here."[/i][/center]
[indent]A concise summary of their appearance, and role in the story. Personality optional.[/indent]

Accepted characters only. Applicants post to the OOC first!

Character list coming soon...

Deadwood is home - or the closest one can call it - to a number of sapient, intelligent races. Humans, of course, being the most populous - though others survive, even thrive in this final corner of the world, though little is known of how the various disparate races came to bed. It is thought that some may have emerged from the land while others perhaps originate from corners of the world which no longer exist - making them the last survivors of the Cataclysm.

[table][color=red][h1][b]RACE NAME HERE[/b][/h1][/color][row][/row][row][cell]
[center][img]IMAGE HERE[/img]
[b][color=red]LIFESPAN:[/color][/b] (Nothing ridiculous) |
[b][color=red]HEIGHT:[/color][/b] (In feet/inches) |
[b][color=red]WEIGHT:[/color][/b] (In LB) |
[b][color=red]FREQUENCY:[/color][/b] (Just say how common they are like Common/Uncommon/Rare/etc) |
[b][color=red]MAIN SETTLEMENT:[/color][/b] (Which location can they be found) |
[INDENT]Just add a description of the race, their general appearance and what are their strengths/weaknesses.


..................................................................................................Click for larger image.
The land of Hope, Death, and Misery has many different names. Tyros, The Harshlands, the Dead Expanse, but one name is used by a majority of the land: Deadwood. The land gets its name from the seemingly endless forests full of dead and rotting trees. It is a massive and shattered island in the middle of a harsh sea that's four-hundred thousand square miles, it takes months to travel from one end to the other. Such a feat is incredibly difficult given the layout and the constant dangers that plague the land. Deadwood is a ruined place, one thousand years ago the Cataclysm struck the land and left only the whispers of the life's that gone. The Cataclysm occurred so long ago that there are only faint rumors and theories left of what exactly happened. Not a clue remains of what exactly happened, and all that remains are the ruins of cities that litter the land. Inside these cities remain vital resources and even the hints of what Deadwood once was.

Thousands of years later, the various races of Deadwood desperately attempt to pick up the pieces, but it is difficult. The land of Deadwood is littered with monsters and resources are sparse - not to mention that Deadwood is a barren land that's hard to sustain life on. It's easier to take from who have it than to make your own, and thus there are many warlords and bandit groups in the land of Deadwood. There have been attempts at uniting Deadwood, but however, they're only through war and conflict it seems as all Deadwood seems to know is violence, slavery, pain, struggling, and anarchy. There are major settlements throughout Deadwood (Dakora, New Kaimeria, and Exusia are the most prosperous it seems), however, there are many independent nations and villages in between them. There are many unmarked communities on the map, but they are few and far between and they are often destroyed or abandoned before they get on the map.
Information in Deadwood is often inconsistent and unreliable, and it's tough for news and other knowledge to get spread across the land. The majority of information in Deadwood is inconsistent and changes from place to place, person to person. Even the map above isn't actually an accurate representation of Deadwood but it's, at the very least, the closet. The land of Deadwood is ironically dying out, as the last vestiges of civilization are either wiped out or they die out with the lack of resources at their disposal. At this rate, in another few centuries, all civilization will be gone and Deadwood will be nothing but monsters and the faintest traces of civilization. That is if another war or apocalyptic event does not occur.

The last major conflict was the Kaimerian Uprising. The Kaimerians inhabited the caves beneath Deadwood, amassing power until they burst out from the ground and waged war against all of Deadwood. They countered the southernmost part of Deadwood, running the races that inhabited that area out and establishing New Kaimeria. The nations and settlements of Deadwood banded together to halt the Kaimerian advance, however, the Kaimerians are content with what they have. They occasionally venture out to harass any nearby settlements but all of Deadwood lives in fear of another Kaimerian uprising. Only the most foolish go near New Kaimeria out of fear of death or triggering another war.

There have been attempts to venture out of Deadwood, however every attempt to venture past the sea has ended in failure. The waters around Deadwood are harsh, chaotic and sailors, report being attacked by a strange, serpent-like beast. It's unknown if anyone who has ever ventured past the sea has made it or was destroyed, however, Deadwood's beaches are littered with shipwrecks.




Deadwood, the greatest tragedy the world has ever seen... no one remembers what the land used to be called. It was once a lush paradise of endless potential, and endless possibilities... all gone in an instant. No one knows what transpired, it happened so long ago that the people who experienced it are long dead and all that remains are just rumors and theories.

This event was known as the Cataclysm, and it wiped the slate clean. Some say the arrogance of man caused the world to end. Others say the Gods got bored of all the prospering and wiped the slate clean... I just say we just got what was coming to us. Turning a paradise into an endless desert far as the eye can see... there is only death, pain, and struggling, as everyone tries to pick up the pieces centuries later. All the while idiots wage war for what's left. Monsters roam the land, killing everyone they encounter. Bandits and other thieves pluck what they can from who they can. Tyrants hold supreme power and horde what they can. Deadwood is a lawless hostile land where everyone's fighting day by day to survive, but there is hope. As hard as it is... It can get better, we can fight for order.

We can help this land will find its true name.

Welcome to Deadwood: Hope, Death, & Misery. A roleplay that I've had in mind for years now, one that constantly changed and shifted in my head. The basic idea of Deadwood was that it was a post-post-apocalyptic high fantasy RP about a land that was once beautiful now ruined by a mysterious disaster. My intention is for this roleplay to have a heavy emphasis on tone and atmosphere, I guess the best way to describe this RP would be Melancholic Dark Fantasy. What I mean by that is that the RP will have a very somber, gritty, and dark tone, empathizing how harsh, brutal, and desperate the land of Deadwood really is. I want the action to be few and in between but very brutal and impactful when it does appear (so no scenes of the main characters cleaving their way through hordes of mooks) and nobody will have plot armor. So in any encounter, there's a chance for death.

The general plot is that several explorers, mercenaries, and other adventurers come together at the behest of the Queen of Exusia. Exusia is one of the few thriving communities in Deadwood that is a floating city that hovers above the horrors of Deadwood. Nobody can get up there unless Exusia allows them access to the Kingdom. They've gotten so powerful by hoarding resources and by utilizing magic, however, many would dream of accessing this utopia. The Queen has put out a mission that only the most desperate adventurers would take: figure out what exactly happened in the Cataclysm and they can have a horde of wealth or live comfortably in Exusia for the rest of their lives. Many called it foolish, but one group has decided to take the Queen up for her offer... and they will be lead on a journey that will change the face of Deadwood.
There's no cock like horse cock...

I thought this was a Justice League x Among Us crossover arrpee and was disappointed.

The Vanburen Estate - The Bar.

"So, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, isn't it? Never liked those."

Sabrina softly answered (without sighing this time) as she stared into James's collection of liquor. Right now she could use a drink or two but Georgie's words reverberated in her head. She was going to help herself to a bit of liquor and weed after all of this blows over... she couldn't believe herself but she was honestly considering going into the fray with the cult. She never had any experience fighting (and she was comfortable keeping it that way) nor did she have a powerful abstraction - she was certain that their little supernatural experts would just laugh at her if she said that she created clothes. However, they had to stick together, no matter what even if siblings like Trisha abhorred them for reasons that were honestly out of their control.

"But whatever we go with, I will be there... even if I can't do a whole lot other than weave a sweater."

Sabrina chuckled and her mood seemed to change just slightly... though she grimaced a bit before she added on.

"... But maybe let's try to talk them out of something stupid, 'kay?"

The Wiccan's "Lair" - Aka the Sunrise Resort.

Deep within the woods of eastern Araminta lied a peculiar place: The Sunrises Resort. Araminta was probably the last place between locations like Lancaster and Philadelphia to attract tourism - well unless they had a fetish for train tracks and heroin addicts. Naturally, the place crashed and burned and became another den for the homeless that was only run out by the occasional sheriff. However, recently a new lot moved into the place and ran out all the degenerates... another group of degenerates. Ever since they moved in, not even the bravest homeless dared come close to the Sunrise. There were reports of the damned place being haunted or Wiccans worshipping Satan there... which wasn't all that wrong.

Whenever people were seen heading to that place, they were left alone even by the most vicious animals (perhaps they knew they weren't an easy target as they looked). There were some very strange things going on there, and not a soul dared to witness it in fear of losing their lives in the process. Every other night there was a fire lit there, one that's glow couldn't pierce the treeline but one that carried the weight of something wrong. It was possibly more concerning the nights in which it wasn't there.

The individuals that made up the Wiccan cult moved their way through the forest before the sun went down, and when it finally began the fire lit again. That unnerving presence scared away anyone that was nearby as they all assembled in the lobby. Members of the cult formed a circle around the fire, in front of the said fire was an innocent-looking white billygoat with a beard and it was chained to the wall by a chain that seemed to be rusted by blood.

The leader of the cult, Morgana, - the one wearing the red robe and the deer skull mask on - walked from behind holding a black cloth with a ceremonial jeweled knife on top of it. She marched towards the goat and handed the cloth off to Thea and grabbed onto the sacrificial weapon. She unsheathed it with a satisfying sound as she stepped towards the animal chosen as a sacrifice. The red-haired cult leader grabbed onto the poor goat by the horn, placed her blade to its throat. She didn't even waste any time before she slashed its throat and sprayed its blood all over the ground as it loudly cried out in pain. Before it expired and fell over onto the ground, Morgana knelt and gestured for two members of the Wiccans to come along and they helped roll the goat onto its back.

Morgana raised the knife high up into the air and brought it down on the dead goat's chest area... she cut the thing open like it was a turkey until she laid her eyes on the goal: its heart. Using the knife she cut the arteries she detached the thing - before she stood straight up and faced the fire. She brought the oozing heart to her chest and whispered the prayer...

"Maiden of the waxing Moon, Mother of the full Moon, and the Crone of the waning Moon. Cursed be those that oppose your infinite beauty and wisdom and bless us with power and knowledge of your own. We, as your faithful servants, offer this sacrifice to you on this cold night and hope that you may access-"

Her prayer was interrupted by the door loudly creaking open and Morgana paused in utter shock as she immediately turned on her heel. The rest of the Wiccans watched as Samantha tried to slip into the room...

... Completely nude.

"God damn it, Sam!" Morgana hissed as she tossed the goat heart over her shoulder and it flew into the fire. "We were wearing robes, didn't you read the text I sent out?!"

"I don't read the stupid group chat because you all are always talking about weird shit in it!" Samantha hissed back before she added on, "But, I'm tired of trying to explain the bloodstains to the cleaners every other week!"

"You need to pay attention," Morgana rolled her eyes. "It's shit like this why the plan failed-"

"... no, the plan failed because it was fucking stupid! " Penelope's obnoxiously high-pitched voice pipped up from behind her own ram skull mask.

"The plan would have worked fine," Morgana answered.

"The plan would have worked fine," Penelope put her hands on her hips and shook her head back and forth in an obnoxious fashion as she mocked her leader. "If they were all retarded, obviously not as it went tits-up the second somebody with a working brain cell walked in."

"Well, I don't see you having any other better ideas, Penny." Morgana rolled her eyes.

Penelope's eyes shot open as she gave Morgana an empty look and she tensed up as she said.

"I had a whole fuckin' boatload of better ideas than trying to impersonate two random-ass chucklefucks and hoping that they could fucking distract them long enough to find the Horned God," Penelope put both fists on her hips as she rolled her eyes and said, "Like, I don't know; maaaaaaaaaaybe have Thea honeypot her way into the bitch and grab it - they're rich as fuck and she's a tall blonde-haired white girl, it's a match made in fuckin heaven. Or, or, better yet, we could have just had Haley and Samantha sneak into the bitch and just grab it. Those rich motherfuckers wouldn't know a thing.'

Penelope snorted as she walked towards the fire and then turned her upper body back around towards Morgana, "But nooooooo, we had to go with your sister's fuckin' stupid idea. At the very fuckin' least it was a better idea than yours, Morgana." She rolled her eyes before she scoffed.

"Yeah, I bet you still fuckin' think than an upfront assault on the bitch would have worked."

"Penny," Daniel tried to reason with her. "That's enough."

"Yeah, listen to your boyfriend, Penny," Morgana hissed, "Before you get hurt."

"The boyfriend that almost wasn't here because you almost killed him," Penelope hissed at Morgana. "Like, what the fuck were you even thinking dragging him by a chain like that?"

"Thea could fix him, and she did," Morgana shrugged.

"And you know that Mother Theresa can't revive the dead, right?" Penelope tilted her head as she looked at Thea. "Shit like this is why you're basically a shitty leader and we have people coming in naked."

"Oooh, you just wish that you were that confident, Chica," Maxine teased as she slid her own mask off just to stick her tongue out at Penny.

"Shut up!" Penny replied.

Morgana stomped a foot on the ground.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Penny?!" Morgana summoned the chains in her hands.

"Try me, hot sauce hair," Penelope took a step forward and had a fire in one hand and water in the other.


An orange bolt of lightning struck the fire and sent embers flying around in all directions. When the flash (and the ringing) faded, it revealed the image of the Triple Goddess. In her strange, three-faced glory, she floated above the flames and everyone had her attention. The being's three faces hovered around her face as they scanned each member of the Wiccan cult.

"Thornton Walters, Babylon the Great, the Nightmare..." The Triple Goddess listed off the three names and each face spoke in a different voice. "Three major threats that lurk here in Araminta and the whole lot of you are ready to tear at each other's throats. Disgraceful."

The fire dimmed for a second as the goat heart that was charred black from the fires floated out of the flames, it was launched off to the side as the Triple Goddess said. "The Goddess rejects your offering. Because of your buffoonery at the Estate, we may have lost our only window to save my brother."

She closed her eyes as she said.

"I can no longer sense him. They may be using a type of spell to mask his aura, but it's also possible that he's in a different universe altogether now."

"Oh, Goddess, how may we remedy this?" Morgana stuck her hands out as she faced the Triple Goddess and sent the chains back to hell.

"Hmph," The Triple Goddess's six eyes looked down at Morgana as she answered. "Stop acting like such a child and disgracing me or I will find another, more suitable leader."

The Goddess sighed as she said, "Right now, the Vanburens are marching here to confront you all, I presume...." The Triple Goddess trailed off. "How you handle this, is truly up to you, Morgana. I would suggest that you flee and come up with a strategy and find my brother - but I'm certain that you will think of something to justify your position, Morgana. Good day."

The Triple Goddess disappeared in another orange bolt of lightning and left the Wiccans staring at each other.

"... Well, good job, dumbass we lost the skull for good, high fives all around!" Penelope clapped and put her hand up for Morgana to clap and she grit her teeth as the chains reappeared.

Thea sighed in relief, but she saw the tension between the two and quickly got in between them. She had one hand up for Penelope, and another hand up for Morgana as she said, "Will you two please calm down?!" Thea shouted and played mediator between the two. "At the end of the day, we all could have done that just a little better and Penny, please,"

Penny put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes as she braced for Thea's mother Theresa act.

"... You can complain all you want about how bad the plan was, you still went into it."

Penelope scoffed.

"So, what's the plan, boss?" Maxine asked as she placed a hand on her hip. "Please don't tell me we're gonna let these rich bastards boss us around."

"Hell no," Morgana answered.

"Nooo, no, no!" Penny put her hands up. "We are not picking this fight."

"Yeah, let's just go," Thea pleaded. "What are we getting from this fight?"

Morgana summoned the chains and they cackled as they hit the ground and dragged alongside the ground as she marched towards the exit with a purpose. "We are going to please the Goddess, duh." She rolled her eyes.

"If you don't want anything to do with it, then stay here. I'll handle it."

The Edge of the Woods.

The sun was almost down, and Justin wasn't sure if that would be an advantage or not.

They arrived at the quickest route to the resort, an old dirt path in the woods and a gate blocking the way. Justin knew where they were, they had a vague idea of who they were, the only question was what in God's name the Wiccans were going to do. They were an unpredictable lot, but Justin thought that it was the best idea to confront them soon as possible. He had an idea of what the Vanburens could do, and hopefully, this won't go horribly wrong.

Of course, hope was on short supply these days, but hey, at least they weren't fighting an eldritch abomination anymore.

Justin didn't have a whole lot of faith in these rich kids, but maybe they'll win by the virtue of the enemy being stupider but again they didn't have to go in blind. He turned towards the Vanburens as he said, "Alright, team, huddle."

Maybe he could motivate these people.

Or maybe he would be interrupted.

"... Why you all look like you're ready to go to war."

"The hell?" Justin immediately turned towards the voice, appearing from the treeline and he saw a skeleton wearing a suit with demonic-looking horns on his head. He had a glass of wine in his hand and it was definitely a peculiar sight, to say the least... Justin immediately reached in his pocket for the steel balls that were clacking back and forth with each motion.

"That's quite amusing," The strange individual said, "Now, don't tell me you're going to face down the Triple Goddess' cult..."

"Now, mind telling me who the hell you are?" Justin asked.

The individual put his hand up as he said.

"Run along boy, my business is not with you," He crossed his arms over his chest as he faced down the Vanburens. "Well, are you?"
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