Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11038 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
    2. ███████████ 1 yr ago
    3. ██████████ 2 yrs ago
    4. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    5. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    6. ██████████████ 4 yrs ago
    7. ██████████ 5 yrs ago
    8. █████████ 6 yrs ago
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    10. █████ 7 yrs ago
    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
6 days ago
so are these nuts
25 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
1 like
1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Punished GN>

Nevermind; I'm dumb and misread down as drown. Long days certainly make someone tired.

I meeeeeeean I can do both.
Since when did you write for rps you didn't create

occasionally I bless other rps with my excellence
Yep, done.

<Snipped quote by Qia>

I do have plans for them to show up soon, so it shouldn't be long. I just want everyone to have a chance to interact/get a feel for each others' characters before I throw them at the party.

In other news, I'll be allowing @Punished GN a chance to submit a sheet for this roleplay as they've DM'd me their situation and asked if it was still possible for them to join.

I'm going to make the worst character in the RP and let you all down.

Can you delete these posts from scrubs that flaked from my too glorious RP?
Interested, I'll see if I can come up with something.
Super interested but imma br outta town for a bit

The Reception Room - Bar.


A fuckin' ghost. Terrific.

As Justin looked up at the midget ghost girl that threw the bomb at him "by accident" (of course it would fly his direction), he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Freaks like this weren't new to him as he was quite well-versed in the world of Nomads. The only problem was that he keeps getting dragged into this crazy bullshit by idiots.

"I was TRYING to stop someone from exploding! Nobody exploded so no big issue! And, uh, it wouldn't have killed you (probably) if it did hit you so don't worry okay?!"

His robotic hands went to both sides of his temples at the audacity of this bozo! There were so many questions, the arrogance of this girl! The sheer stupidity! " So," Justin said, "My foot going so far up your ass that it comes out your mouth won't kill you, 'so don't worry..."

He laughed for a moment as he mocked Yazhu, "... okay?" Followed by yet another bout of laughter.

[quote=Florian][colour=palegreen]” Come now, friends!”The crisis has been averted! Thanks to the craftsmanship of the delightful stone/ball hybrid and the quick skill of this...”[/color][/quote]

This was when the other weirdo joined Justin and Yahzu's little thing, Justin just merely looked at him as he spoke...

”...man and android hybrid before us!”

And Justin couldn't help but wince.... most of this guy's speech went over his head as the comment dug into Justin's skin. Like it was something that he had a choice in the matter. It wasn't like he missed much, the guy sounded like a colossal douchebag. He had to resist the urge to just walk away right then and there...

”...You likely know me as Florian Wessington, son of Daniel Wessington and heir to distinguished weapons corporation: Minerva! This extremely talented little girl is Yazhu Kuang, immortal Taoist!”

... Around here Justin was snapped back into reality. So this is Florian Wessington. It was a name that Justin knew but it wasn't exactly something that he was expecting to run into. Minerva was not exactly a company that was on MAVERICK's radar at all. Not that meant they weren't up to anything shady at all - at this point it's none of Justin's concern. As for Yazhu, he never heard of her, but the world had enough immortals.

” May you indulge us with your title, my friend?”

Justin grabbed onto his bicep with his hand as he looked at Florian and answered, "Justin... Justin Haggar, sorry I ain't got a fancy title or name. I'm just a..." he shrugged as he awkwardly looked off to the side, "... Just a regular guy, nothing special."

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Stage.


" Can I just say that I had no idea you were so progressive? Or open about it. I don't think most people in your position would admit they want to do those things to me."

As Daniel spoke, Jaden frothed at the fucking mouth at the audacity of this scrub. This fuckin' clown. This weirdo. Jaden's right hand went into position to give him the worst pimp slapping of his life! He raised his hand slowly, fingers stuck together, and had it level with his cheek. Daniel was probably looking at the back of Jaden's hand as he said,

"... Why I oughtta,"

That was when he began to deliver the mightiest pimp hand of all time...

... However, the announcer lady slid across the stage so fast and hard and gave Jaden a bump with her hips and knocked him off the stage.

The announcer slid across the stage at lightspeed and knocked Jaden off... eliciting a chuckle from Justin.

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room.

@Kamen Evie

” You can count on me.”

Another smile appeared on Oh-Seven's face as she said, "I knew I co-"

That was when an explosion rang throughout the room and Oh-Seven immediately activated Scan-Mode. He can't be here yet, can he? Oh-Seven thought to herself. Unlike Jill, Oh-Seven immediately went to the source and saw Justin Haggar, the cyborg that she had eyed earlier.... and soon enough the immortal Tahzu floated over and she scanned Florian Wessington. A lot of big names here, but Oh-Seven knew she needed the Power Stone, or the odds of her stopping Oh-One were next to none.

She gently placed a hand on Jill's shoulder and said,

"It's okay, it's just the other Nomads acting like they don't have any sense." With a catty smile.

The announcer lady returned to the stage and knocked Jaden off of it.


The Announcer screamed as she slid across the stage for no reason at all and slammed into Jaden hard as she could. She was knocking the Ninja Rapper off the stage as her technicians fixed the wires that Daniel had previously messed up (along with shooing him back into the crowds). She came to a sudden stop - purple worm still on her head, attempting to reach for the mic, which was to her face as she had a broad smile on her face.


She pointed at the stands which had people scrambling to make sure the fighters get to the right place.


Rio de Janeiro

"... This Ramen is cold!"

Yoko shouted as she approached the stand with her staff held with both hands - she gave the cold bowl of Ramen that she had placed on the ground a little kick that splashed some of the noodles and noodle juices and pointed her staff at the owner of the ramen stand like a statue.

"Ma'am, if you don't like it well..." The Ramen owner leaned over the counter and didn't even flinch at the stick that was shoved in his face. "... Tough luck. You're not the first Nomad to come here and complain about my Ramen! It has been passed down my family for generations!"

"Well, did it start tasting like cold piss, or somewhere did somebody replace the broth with it?" Yoko asked as she furrowed her brow.

He shrugged before he waved Yoko off, "Get lost! I got customers!" He turned away...

... TWACK!

With one hand, Yoko swung her staff and whipped the owner of the ramen stand upside the head with it. It was a loud sound as he was sent flying, destroying the Ramen stand and sending chunks of wood and splinters in all directions. The owner of the Ramen stand groaned as he looked around, the dust began to settle and he saw the shadow of this little girl through it. He raised his hand to protect himself and said, "Please, miss! I'm sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it anymore!" Yoko shouted as she raised the staff over her hand with two hands and got ready to slam it down.

Then she felt a gust of wind and somebody grabbing onto the staff, Yoko turned around to see a tall, dark-skinned man with an afro that obscured his eyes grabbing onto the tip. Yoko's expression went to confusion as she turned around to face the strange man.

"OI! What are you doing?!" Yoko shouted.

"Don't you think this is a little beneath you, Hatanaka," The man said as he pushed the staff aside and threw Yoko off balance. "Bullying Ramen stands...?"

Yoko blushed as she looked over her shoulder at the man who seemed to be a mix of relieved and scared that there was now another Nomad. The stranger walked over to the owner of the now-destroyed Ramen stand and threw a bundle of reals at the man and said, "This should cover the damages..."

"H-how do you know my name?" Yoko dropped into stance, aiming her staff at the stranger, and then asked, "Who are you?" She narrowed her eyes as the stranger turned around and chuckled.

"I keep tabs on all the Nomads with potential like yourself... and who doesn't know the Hatanaka family?" He chuckled for a second as he continued. "Heard through the grapevine that you finally left Japan... didn't expect you to be here of all places."

"And your name?" Yoko narrowed her eyes.

He grinned.

"... Call me Shayton, I left behind my name a long time ago."

Yoko laid hung her hand low with the staff in her hand as she said,

"Well, I'm here to get my family's sword back from that annoying ninja." Yoko started, as he " And he's in there. So I'm going to wait for him to come out and get my sword back!"

"Jaden..." Shayton trailed off, as he rubbed his chin, "I've fought him a few times. He's an idiot, but a talented one; you're going to have to bring your A-game if you fight him.

"Wait, you asked me what was I here for; what are you here for?"

"I'm here to claim the price on Captain Cole's head." Shayton asked, then continued, "I got a question for you..."

He paused for dramatic effect before he said,

"... Have you defeated a Nomad yet? In a direct fight?" Shayton asked, "And be honest."

Yoko hesitated for a second.

"... No."

"Then I don't think you're ready to battle anyone,"

"Oi!" Yoko slammed the tip of her staff against the ground as she said, "I am Yoko Hatanaka! Legendary warrior!"

"Heh," Shayton brushed her off, "You're trained, but in the world of Nomads; experience makes all the difference." He said as he turned towards the giant stadium.

"... You're not going to catch Jaden this time, you know."

"Oi!" Yoko shouted. "I can beat anyone."

"Join the tournament, gain some experience, and you'll get him next time - but you're a big girl, you're free to make your own decision." With that, Shayton the Assassin disappeared in a burst of speed so fast the only thing that signaled that he left was the gust of wind.

"Oi!" Yoko covered her face, and raised an eyebrow, thinking to herself; Oi, oi, what a weirdo. She looked at the stadium, and maybe instead of joining the tournament for the experience; she should do it to spread the Hatanaka fame! Yes, that was a great idea. That was when Yoko walked away from the remains of the Ramen stand and began walking up the stairs to the stadium.

Which were tall.

It was stated to participate in the tournament, you had to be determined. Determined enough to climb one of the tallest flights of stairs, Yoko sighed as she walked.

And walked.

And walked.

And walked.

And walked.

... And walked.

Eventually, she reached the top of the stairs and walked into the main lobby of the building where directly across from her was the counter where fighters could sign up. She opened the door...

... And heard some heavy stomps behind her and before she could get a glance at what was approaching she was bumped into and damn near knocked over. "Oi!" Yoko shouted as all she could see was a man wearing a trench coat and a fedora. He was massive, at easily eight feet tall, and made Yoko feel tiny, and felt tough like he was made of metal or something. The man walked over to the counter, leaned forward to sign some paperwork, and walked away. Yoko just brushed it off as she walked over to the counter.

"Come here kid, you're the last person we're letting in; the tournament is about to start."

Yoko nodded her head as she signed all of her paperwork and handed it over...

"Oh, you're Yoko Hatanaka?" She asked. "Well, all your fees are officially waived. Get in there! The tournament is about to begin."

Yoko smiled as she ran through the doors to begin the tournament.

@kamen evie

vs Jill Brecian

On the opposite side of the stage... there was nobody. However, the air began to ripple violently as a blue slash appeared seemingly out of thin air and the slash opened to reveal a a samurai with an Afro, and a katana in his hand covered in all sorts of energy. He smiled and looked up at Jill... pointing his katana at her as he said,

"I heard a lot about you, Jill," He said, "But, I need the Power Stone."


@Zoey Boey

vs Beatriz Barro

Across from Beatriz, was a very tall woman that wore boxing gear. She smirked as she walked up to the middle of the stage.



vs Lucas Miller

On the opposite side of Lucas, massive glaciers formed out of thin air, as a giant man with goggles and giant boots flipped his way onto the stage. When he made his final leap, he posed and shouted,

"Hey kid, you look a little bit scared. Don't worry, I'll go easy on ya."



vs Yazhu Khang

Across from Yazhu was a a stranger with a scythe and a burning flame in his hand. He stood completely motionless and did absolutely nothing.



vs Olivia and Xolys

The opponent of Olivia and her extra-dimensional friend walked up with her hands on her hips, packing tons of firepower as she had a cigar hanging from her lips which she tossed away... before pulling out her giant machine guns.



vs Skyler Belsky

Skyler's Opponent (a mysterious, tall, dark-skinned woman with a shotgun for a leg) made her appearance by delivering a series of kicks that were augmented by the weapon she replaced her leg with. When she was done, she crouched down, popped her leg open and reloaded.


@Kamen Evie

vs Isabella Levai

A massive cloud of ravens appeared across from Izzy... and walking out of it was his opponent, a woman with a mask on one side of her face and a staff with crows on the end. She smiled as she raised her hand and a black fire appeared.

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