Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11038 (2.81 / day)
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Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
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Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

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@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
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With that, the meeting ended and everyone went their separate ways. Stay away from the Black Manor.

Interactions: Erik (@EpicRoleplay), & Gene (@Drag)
The Webb Family Coffee House ---> Moss Motel.

"I suppose that's a good place to start, but there's only two outcomes I can see happening here. We find them alive, or what's left. It could be dangerous, life-threatening even. If you're willing to accept those risks, I'll give you a hand but be cautious of everyone and everything. Otherwise, we might end up missing just like them."

Jasmine smiled... it was an odd thing to smile at, but her response would probably bring everything together.

"You will find that I am up to the task."

Now, that wasn't to say that Jasmine wasn't the least bit worried but she knew that, at best, those goofy ass girls were probably off lost in the swamp or something. Though, it did feel a little bit weird that this was the first time that they heard about this... it was still, likely, a mundane explanation for all of this. No slasher villain was going to come out of the woodwork with a mask and a machete and hack them to bits, or a monster or whatever.

"You watch too many movies, ya? Let's just start with the motel and see what we can find on Eleanor first, that's why we are all here, right? Right?" Jasmine stated, "Those goofballs probably got lost, it's only been a day, after all - but, let's go. Seven will be here before we know it!"

That was when Jasmine grabbed onto Erik's wrist and pulled him out of the room.

Just like Jen said, The Moss Motel was merely a short walk away and Jasmine thought this place was spooky when she first got here. Every part of Quintin felt like there was something wrong going on here but this place made her heart sink. The worst of all was how quiet and empty it was... like it was abandoned; the parking lot was covered in weeds and the place was grown over and dirty. The lights being on in some of the rooms told her that there was some life here. The place just... didn't give her the best feeling, so maybe she was wrong when she said that was the best bet for this job. Jasmine walked over to room 105, which, thankfully, wasn't too far away from the entrance of this quirky little place. She looked to the left, as she whispered,

"... Anyone knows how to pick a-" Jasmine said as she looked to the right... and that's when she caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a woman. She faded away into nothing before Jasmine could get a good look at her - all she saw was that she was feminine in shape. No other discernible details could be made out by Jasmine Tsega.

"... Did anyone else see-" Jasmine stopped herself as she said (not giving a damn about the volume anymore), "Does anyone have an idea on how to get in? Anything?"

Interactions: Charlie (@FernStone), & "Carl" (@Zombiedude101).
The Webb Family Coffee House ---> Sybil A Harkness MD.

"But seriously... Since there are a few of us probably makes sense to pretend someone's injured or sick. Sickness is easier to fake unless someone wants to break something for realism- wait, I'm joking, let's not actually do that.

"Oh, maybe I'll tell her you got a tattoo on your ass n' ask if it looks infected, mami," Lily started chuckling, then stuck her tongue out. Much like Jennifer, she was trying to misdirect people... mainly to hide her suspicion of the Caspin-lady. The best way to do that was to joke and act a fool... and maybe build a bit of rapport with the new people that she's going to be working with for a while. Hopefully, she can trust Charlie and the others.

If not then this was going to be much harder than previously expected. "But, let's get a move on, mami, faster we find our... Eleanor, the better, mami." She gestured for Charlie and Clayton (and whoever else, she didn't know or care).

It was a short walk over to Doctor Harkness' office and Lily led the way... she noticed all the stares and looks from the locals along the way. To be fair, they stuck out like a sore goddamn thumb - long as they just stared and only stared: Lily had no problem with them. What she did have a problem with was that shit show of a meeting... once she saw the building with the sign Sybil A Harkness MD, she pivoted on her heel and turned around to face Charlie (and whoever else).

"Ah, mami, here's the place but there's something I gotta get off my chest," Lily looked to the left, and then the right, before she continued. "I can't just be the only one that doesn't trust our little fearless leader? There's something about her - especially with the little Bambi act she puts on - like she's up to something. Liiiiiiiiiiiiiike.... let's think... she drops all these fucking leads on us, waves in our fuckin' faces that she knows something, then insists she works alone then dips."

She placed a hand on her chin, thought for a second, then continued. "It's just a hunch right now, mami. But, if she's using us or something imma' bitch slap her little nerdy ass with a padlock...." Lily trailed off as she noticed something down the street that made her tilt her whole body to the side to look past Charlie to see it.

It was someone skipping down the street towards them... in an orange cloak. Now, that was odd because Quintin was hot as balls and Lily was wearing as little as possible to avoid having a heat stroke herself. She had something slung under her arm - some type of basket? As she got closer and closer...Lily finally got a good view of her as she just skipped down the street with a closed-mouth smile on her face. It was bizarre, like something out of a movie, and Lily was hoping she would just skip past her...

... naturally, she stopped and reached into her flower basket. She pulled out a rose and presented it to Lily as she said, "Oh, hey! You could use your day brightened!"

"Oooooooooookay..." Lily reached for the rose and the stranger held onto her hand for a very uncomfortable amount of time. Lily recoiled, with her brows furrowed as the stranger finally spoke.

"... You all need to leave Quintin," The weirdo in the robe said, "There are things here that none of you are equipped to handle! Just pack up and leave. Before you all get more in over your heads. Eleanor Black is not real. Repeat after me... Eleanor Black is not real." She then laughed.

Lily raised an eyebrow... oblivious to the fact that a ghostly woman was staring at her in the window of Dr. Harkness' office that would disappear when someone turned to look.

House on the Edge of the Swamp

As per Jennifer's marker on the map, anyone who went after Blake Thorton, the butler, was directed to an isolated cabin on the very fringes of not just the town of Quintin but the itself swamp. It was a nice little cabin, and the lights were on... but those who looked into the water would see a brief image of a woman in the reflection that would fade away before they got a good look at it.

Those who looked in the windows would see some activity.

Quintin Market ---> Towards the Swamps.

"... So why are we going into the swamp?"

Cody asked, wearing a white t-shirt and some jeans, with some boots... as per the suggestion of his twin sister. The two were walking side by side... both of them holding snacks that they bullied from the shopkeepers at the Quintin market. Cody was holding a soda cup, looking at his sister inquisitively as he held a plastic bag full of snacks in his other hand.

"I gotta show you something!" Genesis answered... she was wearing a black dress with combat boots as she let her hair hang.

"Please tell me that you haven't been experimenting with magic," Cody whispered.

"I have," Genesis flatly answered. "And I keep telling you... We shouldn't be afraid of it..."

The two headed out into the secluded swamp as Genesis looked back and said.

"... we should embrace it."

Take a Guess

For Zeltzin and Orphenia, the Black Mining Co. office was a very ominous building in the middle of the town. There was a huge gap between the mining company's main office and the other businesses within the town of Quintin. It was a dingy, three-story, building with lots of tinted windows... and if they looked into the windows they would see a woman in the reflection that would fade away before they could get a good look at her features. If they walked in, the first thing they would see was a large wooden desk and a secretary lady wearing a suit behind it. She was playing on her phone until someone walked in.
Tall ass family. Will they see most of us dwarves?

They’re rich so they bought their height

Interactions: Selena Phoenix (@Blizz) and that weirdo.
World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room.

Even with the threats that Selena sent his way, the man did not change facial expression or even so much as flinch. He merely blankly stared at Selena for a few seconds, before he dropped Yoko to the ground, who landed with a thud and a groan. She quickly moved over to Selena, her new friend, she guessed and dropped into stand - dropping her weight down and aiming her stick at the stranger... who finally spoke,

"I was merely protecting myself from subject: Hatanaka, Yoko." He said to Selena... his voice was droning and monotone, but wrong. He had the inflection of a Text-to-speech program. "I do not aim to fight you, as that is an instant disqualification from this fighting competition."

"Oi! I was just tapping you on the head to get your attent- wait, how do you know my name?" Yoko's grip around the stick tightened as her eyebrows furrowed.

"You are of the Hatanaka Family - famous for defeating the Oni menace in ancient times," The man answered before he turned his attention to Selena and droned, "Subject: Selena Phoenix; I politely request that you remove these orbs from my presence."

There's something off about this guy...
-Just check the NPC List for the Black Family-

Jennifer Caspin
Interactions: Clayton (@Zombiedude101]), Erik (@EpicRolePlay), & Wyatt (@Helo]).
The Webb Family Coffee House

"Don't do anything too crazy, please."

Jennifer had to note with a twinge of irritation as she pushed her glasses up her nose again. Zeltzin and Ophrenia looked like the types to do something crazy... they were already like two buddies. Not the best idea to send after Mary-Louise but if they felt confident enough to tackle that task then Jen was not going to intrude... around this time, three new people had made an entry - Erik, Wyatt, and Clayton. Now, Jen had anticipated people would be late (even though she stressed on the forums to come on time) which was annoying but Jen had to swallow that for a second as she smiled and said,

"Welcome, I'm Jen Caspin... and these are everyone I gathered here today," Jennifer then introduced every person in the room and with a nice little point, summed up their relationship with Eleanor Black. Then she repeated the leads that she had gathered in hopes.

"... Any questions? We're gonna split up and tackle all the leads."

Interactions: Erik (@EpicRoleplay)
The Webb Family Coffee House

"Wait! I knew you looked familiar! You're that girl who threw the World Cup for Germany! My Columbian neighbor was celebrating for weeks, I guess I gotta thank you for all the free desserts I got? You got some sense of humor saying you were a star player... I mean, you certainly were a star in your own way."

Holding her tongue at the Britis-gal was a hard task... Jasmine almost snapped at her on instinct when she said all of this. Rubbing it in her face, and all of that. Her positive first opinion of Charlie switched to a more negative one and Jasmine's face turned into a scowl for the rest of the meeting. She was quiet for the rest of the meeting, not happy that her ego took a bruise merely two minutes into walking into this coffee shop but that wasn't the point. Jasmine knew that she had to look at the bigger picture here - the reason why she came to this shit hole of a town - Eleanor Black. She would do her best to swallow her pride, find Eleanor Black, and get the hell out of there.

Though, as she listened to Jen... something felt off about her - it was almost like she knew something that the group didn't. All these warnings... stay out of the swamp, Quintin is cursed or something, stay away from the Black Manor, and most concerningly... the group of five girls that went missing last night who were also looking for Eleanor Black. That was what made Jasmine raise an eyebrow the most - So how long was it going to be until you shared this information with us, Miss Caspin? - because how long were they in Quintin? What did they find? Why exactly did they go missing?

And why the hell does it feel like there's something wrong about all of Quintin? Jasmine was the last person who liked horror movies but this was starting to sound more and more like a horror movie. However, one thing that she has over Charlie is that at least she kept up with her cardio. Now between all of the leads - she was probably the only one who felt this way - the one that interested her the most was the one about the missing girls. However, the last thing that Jasmine was going to do was go it alone... she looked to the left and right, while their group had a good number of black people, she was more than certain that the white people wouldn't so much as lift a finger if she went missing.

That was where Erik came in... he came in and proclaimed that he was an investigator and that was just about all Jasmine listened to. He was going to be more useful than the others here, who - as far as Jasmine could tell - were all a bunch of nitwits tripping over their own damn feet. So, Jasmine got up from her chair and walked over to Erik, and said,

"Hello, you probably missed all the introductions," Jasmine spoke, not so much as hiding her German accent, and extended her hand. "I am Jasmine Tsega, my Eleanor was my rival - but that's not important. I am hoping to track the lead on those missing girls... and hopefully no one else will interfere."

Jasmine was no detective but saw herself as a better fit for this job than the others anyway.

Interactions: Charlie (@FernStone), & "Carl" (@Zombiedude101).
The Webb Family Coffee House

Lily was oddly quiet... she was usually the one to try and take charge and lead but she could already tell that this was gonna be a shitshow. Jennifer was awkward as hell, and not just that, shady - a part of Lily wondered if it was just an act to throw everyone off, a way to make her seem more innocent than she appears. New York was full of scammers... most of them went after the tourists but they were always looking for someone gullible enough to fall for their tricks. The point was that many scammers came up with sob stories to hide the fact that they were stealing the money out of your wallet! Now, Lily didn't think that Jennifer was scamming the group for money, but there was possibly some end that Jen wasn't telling them. Lily had no clue what sort of evil ulterior motive Jen had, but even if she was completely innocent, she was not the right chica for this job.

What didn't help was the fact that she had all these leads after, like... what? A week of being here? Then there were the missing girls that went missing last night, and the doctor had something to do with it. Maybe, maybe not, but that British chick (Charlie?) said that she was training to become a nurse (Must be nice, Chica.) and wanted to go approach the doctor. Not the lead that Lily would track down, but after thinking about it maybe a Doctor would know more than she lets on. So, Lily got up out of the chair and walked over to Charlie and said,

"Gladly, chica," Lily started, putting a hand on her shoulder and that was when Clayton asked what Charlie had in mind. So Lily jokingly answers, "We are going to break her knees if she doesn't talk and waterboard her like it's Guantanamo!" She raised her fist in the air and had a damn near psychotic smile on her face...

... Before she broke out laughing.
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𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 6:23
𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 12:45
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𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 Journey So Far
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𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 6:23
𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 12:45
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𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 1.1
𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 1.2
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𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 Paranormal.Beings
𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 Quintin, Louisiana
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𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 1.2
𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 Overview
𝟷𝟿𝟼𝟿 Paranormal.Beings
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