Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10977 (2.82 / day)
  • VMs: 40
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 4 mos ago
    2. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 1 yr ago
    3. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 2 yrs ago
    4. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 3 yrs ago
    5. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 3 yrs ago
    6. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 4 yrs ago
    7. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 5 yrs ago
    8. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 6 yrs ago
    9. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 7 yrs ago
    10. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 7 yrs ago
    11. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 11 yrs ago
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Current just buy another cord? πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ
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Sex and love, sex and love...
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"Commit heinous war crimes in the Baltics." - The Ghost Note suggesting what RoleplayerGuild user Xaltwind does next.
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2 mos ago
"When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?" - The Ghost Note after microwaving a baby.
2 mos ago
we know


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Interactions: Sloane (@Atrophy), Luca (@FernStone), Jack (@Blizz), and Evelynn (@NoriWasHere).
Dairy Queen

The consequences of Drake's actions set in as he realized that he had also injured Luca when the target of his rage was Sloane. He still held his head, staring at his fist while utterly ignoring what Luca had said and Evelynn's attempts to calm the situation down (If Drake was paying attention to her, he could only scoff at her comment, saying that it could get worse from here). Most of all, ignoring the sobbing mess he had turned Sloane into.

All he could think about was how Jade would feel about his actions.

Drake didn't even resist when Jack restrained him, even though any other time he would have activated his lightning aura and shoved his foot up Jack's scrawny ass (But he'd probably like that). However, Drake could only sigh, swallowing his pride as Jack of all people lectured him. When Jack finally finished, Drake could only sigh again.

"... Look, Jackaboy, just let go of me, and I'm going home. That's it," Which was what Drake should have done from the start. He was desperately regretting his decision to return to the Coven.

Victor Villarian.
Interactions: Eve (@LanaStorm)
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

What Eve came across was not Victor, but what was left of the man. He was ripped to shreds, with blood, organs, and knarled bones everywhere... as if some monstrosity had torn him to pieces. His axe was missing... and Eve was just poking at what was left of him while screaming.

What a psychopath.

Γ‰lodie Vasil.
Interactions: Dean (@silvermist1116), Stormy (@Blizz).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

The bitch that started all of this is dead.

When the Apparition took Cyril, Γ‰lodie barely flinched and was more concerned that the Wolfpack had gone from six to three... in a battle where they were outnumbered. The green wave hit Γ‰lodie, and she grinned as the healing presence regenerated her broken hand. Fortunately, Cyril dropped his pistol, and she knelt, grabbed it, and loaded it with a fresh clip. However, Dean reappeared and suggested they run.

"Fuck that! The Wolfpack don't fucking run from anything! Not a bunch of fucking teenagers with superpowers!" Elodie shouted as she shoved the pistol into her waistband and quickly went over to her motorcycle and dug through it. Eventually, pulling out an M79 Grenade launcher, she grinned as she stepped towards the battlefield. However, she paused as she heard Dean's bike turn on and scoffed. "Why are you being such a bitch, Dean? What? Did that lil' junkie make you soft? St. Portwell's full of whores that'll fuck for their next hit, Dean! Stop being such a pussy!"

Stormy threw his shields at the Wolfpack, probably emotional about the whore's death, and Elodie summoned a wall of sand in front of her, and it caught the shield. She laughed as she was about to crush the bastard under all the sand as she did to AlizΓ©e...

Elodie started laughing...

Juuuuuuuuuuuudas was here.

Bossman Judas Bennet, and Γ‰lodie Vasil
Interactions: Eve (@LanaStorm)
Rooftops overlooking the chaos.

It was initially lost in all of the chaos. A pack of three monstros beasts ran to the edge of the rooftops. They loudly barked and snarled at the group underneath, as each was the size and girth of a minivan. They were freakish, appearing as a mixture of animals such as sheep, dogs, goats, horses, etc - with fleshy, deformed legs... it raised the question of how a lowly biker gang got Abstractions and these beats.

The Greenwood Coven recognized them as the Curs.

A chain held them... and the man who held the leash quickly showed himself as a man many feared across St. Portwell. Judas Bennet, , was an average-height blonde-haired man who was somewhat chubby and had a permanent scowl. He held the chain for each of The Curs in one hand, a sawed-off shotgun in the other, as he stared down at the chaos underneath him. As if he was carefully examining it before making a move... Cyril was missing, and Victor was dead. He could see that much, which made him angry.

He raised his chains in the air and shouted,

This caused the chaos and fighting to pause, as Judas carried that much weight as he stared down at everyone in contempt. One thing he noticed was the girl with the staff and the boy with the axe...

"... Greenwood." He hissed, figuring the rest of these chumps were with them.
"Ooooooooooh, Judas!"

Γ‰lodie shouted, waving her free hand to get Judas' attention, then she pointed at Eve and shouted.
"This bitch said she killed Joe Skinner- and she just killed Victor!"

Γ‰lodie just realized that Victor was dead. Not that she cared.

"Is that so... ?" He quietly said at a volume no one else would hear. Judas turned his head to Eve and figured she had come out here to try and get rid of her debt. He raised his hand and snapped his finger, and three rebar tendrils ending in a sharp and jagged blade came out of the ground a short distance away from Eve. All three of them rushed Eve with the intent of impaling her to death. Then he said to himself,

"... There were easier ways to pay off your debt, Eve."

Samson Brown.
Interactions: Bianca (@FernStone), & Stormy (@Blizz).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.


Samson chuckled as he pointed to the ST. PORTWELL POLICE DEPARTMENT across his chest in white letters. The dude was Paranormal, but Samson wouldn't broadcast the PR to everyone - even if they knew about the PRA. "SPPD, you mean-"

Two gunshots rang through the air, and Samson's attention was drawn to the girl who, according to Agent Manalo, was the one who instigated this entire fight. Not that it mattered now because she was shot dead in the street. Cold-blooded bastards. He quickly pressed his earpiece as he said,

"We have a casualty,"

"We're almost there! Ensure that Agent Manalo is-"

It interrupted Samson, and he couldn't hear the last words that were stated. He looked up and saw Judas standing on the rooftop's edge with three abominable... he quickly took cover behind one of the shields so he couldn't be seen, as he reported.

"Four more Paranormals just entered the fray: Judas Bennet himself, and three what I believe are Abominable."

"Shit," Nakala responded, "Do you have an idea of their PTA?"

"No abstractions have bee-"

Then Samson saw the rebar tendrils flying toward Eve, and he quickly reported,

"Possible metal creation and manipulation abstraction,"

"Is Agent Manalo safe?"


"... Engage," Nakala calmly instructed them. "We are almost there, and we know nothing can kill you, Samson."

"Copy that," Samson said as he turned towards Bianca and said, "I'm about to be the center of attention in a hot second; can I trust you to remain safe? Because we don't want Agent Liao going on another warpath..."

At least not after the last time.
@Punished GN Not like you asked me if my character could get dog piled on. Yours shocked him and poisoned him to the point he would've died if your other character didn't heal everyone. I don't see any problem with him using his Abstraction within the way I explained how it worked when I sent you the character sheet. I mentioned in the post that he doesn't know if the objects will come back or not. I left it open to interpretation. If you don't want them gone forever, then they won't be. I'll ask Atrophy if they want me to make changes.

Now, my last post was not meant to be a personal attack on you, and in retrospect, I should have privately messaged you. That's neither here nor there. But, you're kind of comparing apples to oranges, as the issue I had isn't that you used Dean's abstraction as it was described, but that you removed agency from other players by basically determining the outcome for them (Especially when certain characters wouldn't just stand there and let him wail on them and take their stuff).
@silvermist1116 Holy autohit Batman.

It's a bit ridiculous that you had Dean beat up three people and take their artifacts, taking away all agency from players and deciding what happens to their characters (all without asking for permission).
Presenting a PTSD-addled, depressed former shell of a flying brick!

rip AlizΓ©e

Interactions: Sloane (@Atrophy), Luca (@FernStone), Jack (@Blizz), and Kali (@Damycles).
Dairy Queen

A sigh left Drake's lips.

Everything that everyone said made sense. Jack made sense. Luca made sense. Drake could honestly envision Victoria here telling him all the reasons why it'd be so stupid to fly off the handle now of all times, how they can work through this. How to see the bigger picture. It almost made Drake storm out of the place and forget everything. Sloane was miserable, self-righteous, and many other things and his energy was best saved for Jade's murderer. Whether it's Father Wolf or any of the bastards in here, he was Drake fucking Blackmore - regardless of what people thought, he would always find a way to succeed or die trying.

The lightning sword disappeared, and it seemed like everything was going well...

β€œ... You’re a bastard.”


Drake raised an eyebrow... before he balled his fist up and screamed at the top of his lungs.


He pushed Lucas by his chest - feeling the skin around his hand decaying was irrelevant; after the contact was over, Drake activated his lightning aura. His fist was surrounded by a crackling wreath of electricity that would be invisible to people, unlike him. He let out a valiant yell as he charged Sloane, cocked his fist, then swung. He didn't think too hard about it; he just gave a haymaker that impacted Sloane square in the nose, and he felt her nose break. She fell and hit the ground with a thud, and the lightning aura faded as Drake stood over Sloane. Panting.

He looked to the left.

Then looked to the right.

He saw how horrified everyone was as they stared at Drake. He stared at his fist for a few moments as it shook uncontrollably.

Γ‰lodie Vasil, & Cyril Noctis.
Interactions: AlizΓ©e (@Estylwen).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

β€œYour worst nightmare, bitch.”
The Void Light

"... Well, that's rude." Cyril chuckled as Elodie's sand buried the Apparition. All they had to do was...

Elodie shrieked as a hand grabbed her collar and then socked her across the face. It knocked her down, but it wasn't enough to kill her - which was required to make the sand disappear. Cyril just looked over his shoulder at AlizΓ©e's desperate cry and raised an eyebrow.

"... You should have run when you had the chance, kid."

He gave that cool one-liner as he aimed his pistol at AlizΓ©e and squeezed the trigger three times - only two shots came out before his Glock went dry. However, AlizΓ©e was on the brink of death as is...

Samson Brown.
Interactions: Bianca (@FernStone), & Stormy (@Blizz).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

Due to Samson's love of trashy strippers, he knew how to get to Veni Vedi Veni by heart.

Samson flew through the night sky in phoenix form; only those with magic could see him - and even then, if they told someone that they saw a phoenix flying at night, they'd probably get slapped across the face. Samson didn't take long to lose sight of the PRA truck, but they weren't too far behind. He made it to Veni Vedi Veni and circled a few times, hoping to catch Agent Manalo. Good God, it was a clusterfuck down there... however, with Samson's keen eye, he managed to spot Bianca next to some guy. He didn't look aggressive, but it was time for Agent Brown to make his grand entrance!

He shifted into a nose dive, spinning until he appeared less like a bird and more like a meteorite crashing down on the battlefield. He hit the ground some distance away from Bianca with a loud crash and sent fire and dust in all directions! When the dust settled, Samson stepped out of the mess, wearing a St. Portwell Police Officer uniform (as if anyone would believe that the PD had a Phoenix), and calmly jogged over to Bianca holding a First-Aid kit (brought just in case!) in his hands.

"Agent Man-" That was when Samson remembered that there was an unknown gentleman right next to her. "Bianca, are you... shit." He saw that a bullet had struck her, but she managed to use her shirt as a makeshift tourniquet. That wasn't going to work for long. Thankfully, this was why he grabbed a First-Aid kit; he held it up to her as he said, "... You know how to use this, right? Trevor and the others won't be here for a few minutes - wait, hold on."

Samson pressed his earpiece as he said,

"Phillips, I have made it to the scene, and Bianca has been shot, but she is in stable condition."

"We're not going to be there for another five minutes. Can you extract Agent Manalo?" Nakala answered.

Samson turned his head and saw the chaos.

"... I can try."

"You don't try Samson; you do it or you don't,"

"Heh... copy that,"

"What's the situation like?"

"It's crazy, abstractions everywhere!"

"Okay, hunker down, find somewhere safe with Agent Manalo, and if possible, try to pacify the situation."

"Heh, you said try,"

"Oh! You know what I mean! When we get there, we can handle it,"


"Over and out!" Nakala finished, and Samson let go of his earpiece and turned towards Bianca.

"Phillips said to get you somewhere safe; they'll be here in a few minutes..." Samson turned his head briefly towards Stormy and asked Bianca, "And who's this dude? Your boyfriend?"

Valjean Vasil.
Interactions: Leon (@AtomicEmperor), & Stormy (@Blizz).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

Valjean was missing a limb, but he could still fight himself to his feet. Greenwood had done a number on him, even in his Scorpion form, but he could still keep fighting. He didn't even need to look at where all the combatants were because they had little idea he had a secondary ability.

Seismic Sense.

He could exactly perceive who was where and who was doing what. He was tempted to return to the line where the other Wolfpack members were, but he noticed another beast entering the battlefield. It was that werewolf that ganked the girl from Victor! The Wolfman lunged for Valjean, aiming for his tail, and Valjean ran forward to intercept and block the Werewolf with his claws. He laughed...

... Before an aura activated, he felt a burning in his skin. Judging from the stomp, it was Stormy, who seemed to be hellbent on dying here! However, Valjean needed to get out of this aura because Valjean couldn't stand it. However, he had the perfect solution... with one hand, he managed to grab a limb from the Wolf-man, and a sinister laugh escaped Valjean in this form.

With a rotation of his body, he chucked Leon directly at Stormy... unfortunately, Stormy was behind a shield and would do little to kill Stormy.

Amelia Dallon, Kashmira Sarai, Autumn Hayes, & James Carmicheal.
Interactions: Dean (@silvermist1116), and I guess everyone injured.
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

Kashmira was on her hands and knees, feeling the impact of the bullet hit her, but thankfully it didn't penetrate. Unfortunately, she couldn't heal herself, but she felt an arm grab onto her, and she looked up to see James Carmicheal smiling at her.

"Don't worry, I got you!" He pulled Kashmira to her feet.

"Thank you!" She answered as she saw Dean aiming a gun at Sully! However, a body came out of nowhere and landed nearby them, and Kashmira held her mouth as she damn near screamed. The sight was less shocking to James, but he was more concerned with helping Sully. He ran over, confident as ever, raised his axe, and aimed it at Dean. He let off a quick blast of electricity that wouldn't do more than stun Dean for a few moments (unless he was unlucky enough to have it stop his heart), but James needed to make an opening for Sully. He also didn't want to shock Sully with a more potent blast.

However, Kashmira felt the power boost from Bianca...

"Ooooooooooh!" Kashmira felt powerful.

"You feel strong now?" Autumn said as her Apparition aimed its hand at Kashmira, and an orange beam came out of his hand and hit Kashmira, boosting her further. "How's that."

"I feel like I can heal... everyone..." Kashmira laughed as she noticed all the injuries and wounds around the parking lot. It was a risky move, as it would heal the scorpion as well, but there were far too many injured for her to be picky! Kashmira placed her hands together, closed her eyes, and sang a traditional Gujarati folk song. It would sound like gibberish to the average American! But it was a song that had a deep meaning to Kashmira, and as she sang... a green aura crept out in all directions until it created a dome around the battlefield. Everyone that was shot would find the bullets getting removed from their body and their wounds closed... and unfortunately, it began healing Valjean as he began to regrow his missing limbs.

Ruby White, Jessica Rosefey, Pearl Cho, Naomi Rodgers, & Valjean Vasil.
Interactions: Leon (@AtomicEmperor).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

... However, before Leon could impact the shield, a wreath of glowing webs appeared and caught him. Breaking the impact of the throw, the second his kinetic energy disappeared, the webs disappeared as Ruby, Jessica, Pearl, and Naomi walked up to Leon, flanking him from both sides. However, Naomi retreated the second she felt the Consecration and said,

"Aaaaaaaaah, what the fuck is that!?"

Ruby tapped her staff on the ground as she said,

"You're not going to be able to sneak up on him," Ruby started, "He can sense vibrations."

She turned her head to Valjean as she saw him quickly regrow his arm and negate the damage done to him by Greenwood in an instant. She would have been annoyed, but she knew she could kill him here and now. He pointed at claw at Ruby and said,

"I know you!" Valjean started, "You're the-"

"Fuckin' Spring Maiden!" Ruby hissed. "Too bad I'm going to tear your fucking spine out before you get a chance to tell your bitch-ass boss!"

"Tough words for..."

"... Chill of shadows, silent and deep, icebound secrets, my soul to keep!" Pearl shouted as the ground underneath Valjean's feet wasn't just surrounded by Stormy's spell, but now it was completely frozen.

"Take him down, Wolfman!" Jessica shouted as she stomped on the ground, creating more lava...

Interactions: Dean (@silvermist1116),.
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

After the shock of getting shot wore off, Britney managed to fight herself to her feet. Thankfully, the webs stopped the bleeding, and Britney would thank the spider girl later. She was going to grab Sully, grab her car, and then get the hell out of there! Britney was no hero, but she turned her head towards Sully, and a man had put a gun to his head! Linqian wanted a barrier as cover, but Britney wasn't sure if she could create one fas-

A body fell in between, and Sully quickly turned the tides, but the Greenwood member shot lightning at him as Britney devised a different. More devious idea. She raised her hands, creating a wooden vine with peculiar leaves. The tip of the vine was razor-sharp, sharp enough to pierce through the cheap jeans Dean was wearing quickly. However, she wasn't trying to pierce the skin, oh no... you see, this wasn't any vine and leaves.

They were leaves and vines created from the manchineel tree.

The most toxic plant on the planet and mere contact would form painful blisters, and his skin would become red like an apple. That wasn't all; Britney attempted to worm the vine up his leg to his genitals... and she did everything in her power to get it everywhere. It would get on his penis, on his buttcheeks, and everywhere in his groin.

All because he made the mistake of threatening her friend.
@anothered Look if that’s how you’re going to act. I feel as though it’s for the best if you leave the RP.

I ask that you please remove the post in question, and your sheet from the characters tab.

You can always place an inquiry here for the moderation team to hide the posts.

Well, I'm done being nosy, have a great day.

Interactions: Eve (@LanaStorm).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

It didn't take a genius to guess what Eve was doing. Maybe on someone less experienced, it would have worked, and he would have charged in and gotten himself impaled on Eve's tendrils.

However, Shayton didn't last this long by being stupid.

In the blink of an eye, Shayton disappeared down the street (before the tendrils could get a chance), and reappeared in clear view of Eve but under several nice and bright street lights only a second later. Even though Eve hides herself or puts up a barrier, she's still human underneath it all, and all Shayton needs is an opening. Not even a giant one. Or at least, wait it out until Judas arrives.

"Did you even know about Latissa Simmons?" Shayton started. "She was nothing but a fourteen-year-old girl... your father's punks cornered her. Two of them - grown men - beat her head in with baseball bats while the rest of them just cheered. All because she was black, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Was that the legacy you wanted to take for yourself? Most of Das Sonnenrad's victims were children, Eve. Your father killed children all because he wanted to play Hitler."

All Shayton needed her to do was step in the light...

Γ‰lodie Vasil, & Cyril Noctis.
Interactions: AlizΓ©e (@Estylwen).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

Γ‰lodie was more than sure that she had killed AlizΓ©e, as she had planned. Maybe give it a few more seconds in case the bitch had some trick to get herself out of it. She laughed as she turned herself and focused on the rest of the Sycamore Tree Coven...

”Struggle and die, vermin!”
The Void Light

Elodie's eyes shot open... then a second later, she had swapped entirely places with a nearby car and she looked over her shoulder. Cyril had snapped his fingers and laughed as the Void Light annihilated a random sedan instead of Elodie...

"... Insurance isn't covering that one." He said as he walked over to a parked pickup truck and slapped it for no reason.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! What the fuck is that?!" Elodie shouted as she crawled backward... she swung her hand forward and all the sand strangling AlizΓ©e went straight for the Void Light like a monstrous wall...

... All while the temperature began quickly rising.

Victor Villarian.
Interactions: Clancy (@Zombiedude101)
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

Victor, as ordered, was raining bullets down on the two Covens, with them taking casualties like crazy. However, Victor knew they would run out of bullets soon, and this fight would go from raining bullets to abstraction-on-abstraction. However, Victor kept his axe in his free hand and was ready to charge in and cut someone's head off...

A car went skidding toward Victor, and before he could react, it had pinned him against another vehicle. he loudly yelped as many would have expected the attack to kill him. He slumped briefly before pushing the car off him like a person would push a shopping cart. He looked down and saw his pistol was destroyed. Victor dashed forward, raised his axe in the air, and cleaved the vehicle in half with one fell swing.

He saw Clancy, that kid that Maggy shot, and he aimed his axe at him.

"Now, I can see why Maggy shot you!" Victor shouted as he charged forward at supernatural speeds and swung the axe horizontally at Clancy's next.
@FernStone Accepted.

Due to their low-powered nature, Anya has no weaknesses of note.
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