Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
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"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

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"I'm a dominant..."
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The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
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| The Legacy of Hope. |

"A sword that cuts through darkness and shields against despair."

| The Aberration Killer was born from the same legendary craftsmanship as its sister weapon, the Apparition Killer. Forged by the Hatanaka Family, a lineage of skilled Orange Lux users in ancient Japan, The Aberration Killer (Known as Murakumo in Japan) was created to combat a different threat. During the Shogunate Era of Japan, a massive war between humanity and the Onis spawned from hell. This war threatened to consume Japan and the entire world, as the Oni tide seemed unbeatable. Until a warrior named Hatanaka Takashi. |

| Aberration-Bane Weapon |

| The Aberration Killer’s current whereabouts are unknown. After Takashi’s heroic battle with the Oni Emperor Daisuke, the weapon passed through many hands, each wielder facing their trials against the Aberrations. It was last in the possession of Takashi's descendent, Goro Hatanaka, who fell into The Pit... |

| Hatanaka Takashi: The original creator and first wielder who used it to defeat the Oni Emperor Daisuke.
James Blackmore: A knight who wielded it to save his kingdom from The Maw.
Adanna Okafor: An African sorceress who used its power to defend her tribe from the Abominable that terrorized it.
Hatanaka Goro: The modern-day successor to Takashi, who recovered the blade from an Adept crime family in New York. However, Goro fell into The Pit and has not been seen since... |

| No |
Known as the legendary blade, Murakumo, in Japan.

Hatanaka Takashi created the Aberration Killer during the heated Oni Wars, where he and several other Adept-Bloodlines participated. The Hatanakas, however, took all the fame for ending the Oni Wars with a duel with the Oni leader, Daisuke, whom he cut down with the Aberration Killer. The Aberration Killer was used to turn the tide against the Onis and the other yokai for Japan. Afterward, the Aberration Killer was kept in the Hatanaka Compound and revered by the family, and it was only wielded by those deemed worthy of them.

However, the Aberration Killer was stolen from the Hatanaka family and changed hands repeatedly, sometimes ending up on the other side of the planet. One famous wielder was James Blackmore, an English Knight who used the blade to defeat the mighty dragon known as The Maw. Another was Adanna Okafor, a girl who found the Aberration Killer and used it to defend it from Abominable experiments that were sicced on her village. Many of Takashi's descendants, the Hatanakas, ventured out to recover the sword but had no success. However, one of them, Goro, fought his way through an Italian Mafia of Adepts in New York and recovered it - after besting them, he fell into The Pit.

Like its sister weapon, the Aberration Killer adapts its form to suit its wielder's fighting style and needs. It may take the shape of a sword, spear, axe, or any other weapon (By default, the Aberration Killer takes the shape of a katana). This physical and magical transformation aligns with the wielder's soul to maximize their effectiveness against Aberrations.

Upon striking an Aberration, the Aberration Killer inflicts wounds that defy healing, and these wounds will take three times as long to heal as normal. Even with magic, this effect trumps it and requires far more effort and energy to heal. The Aberration Killer will also weaken an Aberration's abstraction, as with each strike, they will lose a portion of their power until they are next to powerless. Much like the Apparition Killer, the Aberration Killer ignores any natural defenses and durabilities of Aberrations and can cut them as if they were paper mache.

The Aberration Killer is imbued with a unique enchantment that resonates with the wielder's determination and moral resolve. When wielded with righteous intent, the blade amplifies the user's Emotional-Field and attunes it to the Aberration's Abstraction. This allows the wielder to resist the specific Abstractions of the Aberrations they are facing, allowing them to power through any of the Aberration's attacks. Also, a strike from the Aberration Killer can weaken an Aberration's Emotional-Field, making them more vulnerable to external magic. Merely touching the blade will sap the Aberration's strength, making it near-impossible for Aberrations to use it.

The Aberration Killer is not merely a tool of destruction; it possesses a subtle intelligence and moral sentience that sets it apart from ordinary weapons. The blade senses the wielder's heart and intent, only granting its full power to those who fight with a true and just purpose. Those with malevolent or selfish intent cannot wield it, as The Aberration Killer’s magic will make the blade thousands of pounds, impossible to pick up. This ensures that the weapon remains a force for good, protecting its legacy and purpose.

While the Aberration Killer can cleave through Aberrations like nothing, it cannot be used on anything else. If used to slash through a human or Apparition, the blade will harmlessly phase through them.

| The Blade to Vanquish Evil Apparitions |

"The Apparition Killer is more than a weapon; it is a beacon of hope against the darkness that no Apparition can withstand."

| The Apparition Killer was forged in ancient Japan by the esteemed Hatanaka family, a lineage of Orange Lux users. It was created at the behest of Reiner Stiller, a warrior seeking a means to combat the powerful Apparition known as Specter Malgathar, which had been terrorizing Europe. Reiner traveled to the Hatanaka family, presenting them with his sword, and they transformed it into the legendary Apparition Killer. |

| Apparition-Killing Weapon. |

| After Reiner's death, the Apparition Killer changed hands over the centuries, eventually finding its way into a different universe. It resurfaced in St. Portwell, which weakened the Stygian Snake and enabled the Sycamore Tree Coven to seal it away. The blade remained with Ashley Stone until her death and is currently missing. |

| Reiner Stiller: The original warrior who commissioned the weapon to defeat Specter Malgathar.
Sycamore Tree Coven: Utilized the blade to weaken the Stygian Snake.
Ashley Stone: The last known wielder before its disappearance. |

| No. |
The Apparition Killer was a weapon made in ancient Japan by a family of Orange Lux users known as the Hatanaka Family. A warrior named Reiner Stiller went to this family as a powerful Apparition known as Specter Malgathar terrorized Europe. This Apparition was impervious to everything they threw at it, so Reiner went far east to visit the Hatanaka family to forge a weapon. He gave them his sword, and they gave him a weapon that would go on to become the legendary Apparition Killer.

A weapon designed to battle Apparitions. With this weapon, Reiner returned and defeated Specter Malgathar and went on to battle many other Apparitions until he died - then the sword changed hands over the next hundred years until it ended up in a different universe. It then ended up in St. Portwell, which was used to weaken the Stygian Snake and allowed the Sycamore Tree Coven the chance to seal the thing away for good. Afterward, the blade remained in the possession of Ashley Stone up until her death; it is currently missing.

The Apparition Killer, as its name suggests, has a magical effect that allows it to wound and weaken Apparitions heavily. The Apparition Killer appears to be a blade but changes weapons depending on who uses it. Depending on their personality, it may remain a blade or transform into a spear, an axe, a hammer, etc. When Ashley wielded it, it took the shape of a massive sword.

On contact, the blade will burn Apparitions, entirely and utterly bypassing any natural defenses they may have and weakening their abstractions. On weaker Apparitions, one slash from the Apparition Killer is a one-hit-kill. Still, it may need several more slashes to defeat a powerful Apparition (such was the case with the Stygian Snake). Contrary to popular belief, the Apparition Killer can not permanently kill any Apparitions, and they will respawn if destroyed by the blade. The blade has no abstraction-granting properties, so anyone can wield it regardless of the current Abstractions.

However, Apparitions cannot physically touch the blade without being burned, nor can the Abscised. The Apparition Killer cannot damage humans in the slightest, but it can phase through the flesh of Adjoined/Abscised and directly harm the Apparition inside them. It cannot affect Agents as their Apparitions are already technically sealed. The Apparition Killer has several replicas made using the original as a model, but these are all inferior copies, and the best version is the original.
Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeenting The Compendium, basically a fancy thread to store all of the artifacts. On the thread is a format for creating your artifacts, and you're free to create and post your artifacts here. This is meant to be for multiple RPs set in the Recollections universe, so you all are free to just make whatever.

I also added links to all the current side stories to the first post

| Beacon of Compassion |

"The shine of its blade offers solace to the afflicted and hope to the oppressed."

| Crafted in response to the atrocities inflicted by the tyrant king's reign, |

| Healing Artifact |

| Forgiveness's whereabouts have been obscured by legend and myth. |

| Throughout history, Forgiveness has been wielded by noble and righteous individuals who champion the cause of justice and compassion. Its ownership often aligns with those who seek to heal the wounds inflicted by tyranny and bring solace to the suffering. |

| No. |
Forgiveness is considered the "sister artifact" to Punishment, symbolizing the duality of justice and mercy. It is a beacon of light and hope in a world of suffering and despair. In the wake of the tyrant king's reign of terror, Forgiveness emerged as a symbol of defiance against cruelty and a cornerstone of compassion. It was meant to counterbalance the pain caused by Punishment, the sister artifact, and to heal the wounds inflicted by the tyrant's reign. The blade is supernaturally durable and, unlike ordinary weapons, is prevented from causing harm - its touch brings relief and restoration.

The primary power of Forgiveness lies in its ability to heal. A single swing can ease pain, mend wounds, cure diseases, and lift curses. Those who come into contact with the blade feel an immediate sense of peace and comfort, and their physical wounds begin to heal. The blade's presence radiates a soothing aura that calms the minds and hearts of those nearby, reducing fear and anxiety.

In addition to its healing properties, Forgiveness can restore hope and resolve. Those who witness its light are filled with renewed purpose and determination. It has been said that entire armies have turned the tide of battle after seeing the blade's radiance, their spirits lifted by the promise of victory and justice.

Forgiveness can also create Sanctuaries. By striking the ground with its blade, the wielder can make a protected area where no harm can come to those within - no one can be injured within a three-meter radius. These Sanctuaries are imbued with the blade's healing properties, providing a haven where wounds heal faster, diseases are repelled, and spirits are uplifted. These Sanctuaries can only remain active for about fifteen minutes, and only one can be created at a time - afterward, there is an hour cooldown before another can be made.

However, the power of Forgiveness is not without its limits. The blade's healing properties require the wielder to have a pure heart and a strong will. Those with selfish or malicious intentions cannot wield their power effectively. Additionally, the blade's ability to create Sanctuaries is taxing on the wielder, requiring significant energy and concentration.

| The Symbol of Agony |

"A grim reminder of the agony that power inflicts upon the powerless."

| Punishment, known as the antithesis to the Tyrant Destroyer series of artifacts, was forged by a king consumed by his thirst for power and control. |

| Barbed Wire Spear of Tyranny |

| After its creation, Punishment was wielded by brutal individuals in the All-Verse. However, it was ultimately thrown into The Pit, believed to be inaccessible for further malicious use. |

| The king, only known as King Krule, who commissioned its creation, was the first wielder of Punishment. Subsequent wielders, driven by brutality and cruelty, used the spear to enforce their rule and inflict agony upon their enemies. |

| No. |
Known as the anthesis to the Tyrant Destroyer series of artifacts, as, in a way, it represents tyranny itself. It was wielded and created by a king who sought to forge a weapon capable of dishing out the worst agony to those who dared oppose him or defy his rule. The king's obsession with his power and control drove him to seek out Orange Adepts to craft the spear, infusing it with the agony of an empire. However, the first wielder of The Tyrant Destroyer V felled this king, but his legacy lived on with each person "punished" by the spear, and Punishment remains used by only the most brutal individuals in the All-Verse. Punishment's appearance emanates a chilling aura of oppression and fear to anyone who gazes upon it, a long-shafted spear coated with brutal barbed wire spikes with a razor-sharp point.

True to its name, those unfortunate enough to face the wrath of Punishment were subjected to unimaginable agony. Upon impact, Punishment creates a searing pain that radiates through every nerve and fiber of the victim's being. Each victim receives extraordinary pain as the Spear magically detects the worst pain (burning, aching, piercing, etc) to that victim and inflicts it on them. It only lasts for a few seconds. However, the pain is so intense that it will live with the victim for years. However, Punishment has a secondary effect on the victim that is hit by it: it creates barbed wire that dances across the victim's skin as it forces itself through the victim's flesh. The longer the Punishment is against the victim, the more barbed wire will appear, and it could potentially kill the victim. Punishment is also supernaturally durable and can survive some of the most potent Paranormal attacks.

Punishment is a legendary tool whose mere sight denotes some of the most morally depraved individuals in the All-Verse. However, Punishment was thrown into The Pit, where it was believed that nobody could ever use Punishment for malice ever again.

| The Manifestation of Destiny |

"Weapon forged from the dreams of countless souls, granting power beyond mortal comprehension."

| Unknown, believed to have been spawned by mankind's desire to forge their own destiny. |

| All-Powerful Weapon |

| The Pit |

| Throughout history, the All-Blade has been sought after by warlords, tyrants, kings, queens, and individuals who seek to make a difference in the All-Verse. However, its current owner, if any, is a mystery. |

| No. |
The All-Blade, a relic of unparalleled power and significance whose power reverberates throughout the All-Verse, is said to have been born from the collective belief and emotion of countless beings across the All-Verse. However, nobody knows where or why this magnificent blade exists. Legend has it that the All-Blade emerged as a manifestation of humanity's innate desire to shape their destiny.

This legendary weapon transcends even the strongest Abstractions, and its power is easily on par with the Ancients. It has many different powers and abilities that live up to that name. Its wielder can manipulate the universe with a mere thought, bending and shaping dimensions to their will. It is a conduit between the blade and the wielder's soul, allowing them to channel their most profound desires when they use the blade and forge universes. With a single slash, the All-Blade can eradicate the boundaries between worlds and create a new united world that combines the two. It is stated to be one of the few artifacts that can allow someone to enter and escape the Pit and Void at will, two locations dreaded by all but the most fearless foolish. Not only that, it can cut through anything as it is supernaturally sharp, from the densest matter to the intangible barriers separating reality from another. There is no substance, magical or otherwise, that won't be parted when it meets the All-Blade's edge.

The user is granted untold knowledge by simply grasping the blade and can peer into any dimension within the All-Verse. Witnessing the birth and death of stars, battles, wars, people struggling and living, and the emergence of new worlds. Yet, to fully unlock its potential, the user must embark on self-discovery and enlightenment. They must open their mind to the All-Verse, understand the connection between all things living and dead, and be willing to face the mysteries of their existence head-on. The wielder must confront their deepest fears, doubts, and desires and discover their true self before they can truly utilize the Blade. Only those attuned to the All-Verse's subtle rhythms can grasp this weapon's full power without succumbing to the God-Like abilities it grants.

As one of the most coveted and powerful artifacts in the All-verse, the All-Blade is sought after by warlords, tyrants, kings, queens, and those who seek to make a difference. However, the All-Blade was utilized to seal the calamity known as The Rampage into the Pit, where it remains, and not even the most power-hungry and desperate maniac is willing to brave The Pit.

Welcome to the mysterious and enigmatic realm of The Compendium, a tome shrouded in secrets and whispered legends. Within its weathered pages lie the tales of artifacts—objects of unimaginable power and significance that have shaped the very fabric of existence in the All-Verse. The Compendium is more than just a book; it is a doorway to a world where reality intertwines with the arcane, where the mundane meets the extraordinary.

As you leaf through its ancient parchment, you will journey through time and space, delving into these mystical relics' origins, histories, and fates. From the legendary All-Blade, whose very existence defies comprehension, to the fabled Starheart, a gem that holds the essence of a dying star, each artifact holds a story waiting to be unveiled.

But beware, dear reader, for the secrets contained within The Compendium are not for the faint of heart. As you delve deeper into its pages, you will encounter tales of triumph and tragedy, heroes and villains, gods and mortals. Yet, amidst the darkness, there is always a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light that illuminates the path forward.

So, gather close and heed the words within these hallowed pages, for The Compendium is more than just a book—it is a key to unlocking the mysteries of the All-Verse and the artifacts that shape its destiny.

“... Where the fuck is my bra?!”

The sound of Lupe shouting stirred Lisa awake. She was on the bed, which was weird because she didn't remember getting on the bed. However, she coughed up what she learned was stomach acid.

“Actually, where the fuck is my shirt!” Lupe shouted.

Lisa knew she had snatched Lupe’s bra for her new collection the previous night. Her shirt? Who knows? Maybe Lisa also has it, but she didn’t give it up. Lisa pushed herself to a sitting position…

"Oh, whoops! I thought it was mine!" Ella shouted far too cheerfully. She was already sitting up in the bed next to Lisa, and Saskia was still sleeping next to her. The shirt she was wearing did look too small - and was more like a crop top. She quickly pulled it off… revealing the frilly pink bra she had underneath. "Here! You can borrow one of my bras too, we're roughly the same size- you certainly can't borrow Lisa or Saskia's!"

Not that Lisa had any.

“Mami, that’s nasty!” Lupe laughed. “I’m good, I’ll just let ‘im hang today!”

"How's it nasty?! I wash them!" Ella said. She jumped out of bed - well climbed over Saskia - and nearly fell over. "Owwww my head."

"My head," Saskia grumbled, cracking open one eye. "It's too early to be shouting."

"It's not that early- and we have things to do today! Up and at em, girls!"

”... Like what?” Lisa groggily said, rubbing her eyes. ”I wanted to stay in today…” She said, flopping back on the bed.

"Getting our channelers back! We’re at risk without them!" Ella said.

"Eh, I'm willing to take that risk," Saskia grumbled.

”... Can we wait until tomorrow?” Lisa rolled over onto her stomach, before coughing up some stomach acid. ”I’m dyyyyyyyyying here… and I also want to see if we can talk to Gretchen again…”

"Alright, you both stay here and I'll go get them!" Ella said. "Do you have any idea how precious that sailor moon wand is?! They stopped making them thirteen years ago! Do you know who I had to fight to get it?! But I'll be fine to go by myself."

“Maaaaami!” Lupe said as she put the shirt on, yet Lisa couldn't take her eyes off her. She was so gorgeous! “Ya’ll really going to let her wander off on her own? She’s your girl!”

Then Lupe turned to Ella, “... Do you, like, for real, know where your channelers are?”

"Well…" Ella shrugged. "The PRA office. We can just Google it, right?"

"I don't think you can Google a secret agency, Ella," Saskia rolled their eyes.

"Well, we'll find it! We've been there before… unless they moved since it was pretty destroyed then…"

“Look, mami,” Lupe said, “I know where their Headquarters is.”

”... Why didn't you tell us sooner?!” Lisa whined.

“... Because ya’ll were drunk, mami, and I don't mean like regular drunk, I mean DRUNK.” Lupe ended the sentence with a laugh.

"And who’s fault was that?" Saskia muttered under their breath.

"That's perfect, then! We can sneak into their Headquarters and grab our channelers, easy! So long as we avoid that asshole, we haven’t gone through our training arc yet."

Lisa cracked a grin as she sat up, as it was time to mess with Ella. ”... As if you could sneak anywhere, Ella. You’re too dummy thick!” She broke out laughing at her own joke.

"Lisaaaa, that’s mean!" Ella shouted, turning around and pouncing on Lisa playfully. "I can so sneak in places!"

"You can’t for multiple reasons-" Saskia started, before Ella shot out an arm and dragged her into the tussle pile. "Ella, let me go."

Lisa broke out laughing as she started tussling with them. ”... Tiiiiiiiickle fight! She shouted, as she began trying to tickle Ella.
Lupe just laughed as she leaned against the door with her arms crossed. “You know, mamis,” She began. “There’s something adorable about the three of you.”

"I’m not adorable," Saskia grumbled as she tried her best to wriggle out.

Ella was full on laughing when Lisa got her, seeming to be really ticklish as she properly flailed about. She wasn’t even able to give a counterattack, laughing herself to breathlessness. "I surrender! I surrender! Lisa, you’re too strong!"

Lisa laughed as she let go of Ella.

Soon enough, Lupe pulled her keys out of her pockets and jingled them for a second as she said, “Come on, girls, let’s ride there in my car. Surely we can get them back, right?” As she spoke she moved towards the door, before poking her head through for a moment to ask,

“... Right?”

"Absolutely! They don’t call us the Magical Girls for nothing - we can do anything!" Ella shouted, jumping off the bed to follow Lupe… making sure to grab a shirt on the way (since she was still only in a bra).

"Literally only you call us that, Ella," Saskia pointed out.

Lisa looked at Saskia,

”... Should we start?”

A white Nissan Altima pulled into the PRA building’s parking lot… Which was in downtown St. Portwell. There were some construction vehicles posted out front, along with some yellow tape. The upper floors of the building still had activity.

Lupe looked at her passengers in the back seat.

“Now, mamis! I have an incredible plan! Are you ready to have your socks blown off?!” Lupe asked, Lisa jumped in her seat. “We’re going to go in there…”

Lupe paused for dramatic effect.

“... And ask for your channelers back.”

"That’s…" Ella trailed off. Even she seemed at a loss for what to say. "Just a normal plan. An incredible plan would be something like smashing in their window, kicking their asses and taking it back!"

"That would be the fun way," Saskia nodded. "But let’s try Lupe's way first."

Lisa raised an eye brow.

”... Didn't my boyfriend kick our ass, even when we used the Magical Mecha Spider?” She asked.

“Look mami, I don’t like a fed but- Magical Mecha What?” Lupe raised an eyebrow of her own.

"One, he's not your boyfriend," Ella huffed. "Two, we were exhausted after a fight! And he might not be there!"

She then grinned at Lupe. "It's super cool! We combine our magic and form a massive Mecha Spider which we all control! It's made out of metal and shoots light and has a blood shield! It's super cool, like right outta anime!"

Lupe was silent.

“... Cool!”

"It is! Alright, let's go girls!" Ella opened the car door and got out, immediately beginning to storm towards the PRA office, seeming to be looking for the entrance.

"... Let's follow her before she does something stupid," Saskia sighed.

”... It might be funny, you never know!” Lisa laughed.

As Ella walked inside, she was greeted to the lobby that they were in earlier. Still destroyed by the fight earlier but they made an attempt putting new drywall up in one of the rooms. Directly above them was the hole to the interrogation room, Lisa could see some caution tape around it. The room was empty but Lisa pointed to the hole above them.

”Ella, you should fall through that hole so we can sue them for our channelers back!” Lisa suggested.

"And enough money for another laptop," Saskia nodded.

"Oh, if it's for a new laptop!" Ella started looking around as if trying to find out how to get up there so she could fall through the hole. "How do we-"

"We were joking," Saskia rolled their eyes. "I think I saw people inside… there must be stairs somewhere."

Lisa tilted her head. ”... We were?” Before she shrugged, and looked to the door with the sign that said STAIRS., before she walked up to it, opened the door, and then walked up them.

“Hey, mamis!” Lupe ran up as she shouted, “Let’s not run around here, they’re Feds, y’know- fuck it.” Lupe rolled her eyes as she walked up.

Lisa just walked to the second floor and heard some chattering before she followed it. She saw a dim glow between a set of wooden double doors before she walked up, threw them open, and revealed the PRA’s meeting room. Clementine was standing before a projected screen of Morningstar Banking Co. with a wooden pointer stick in her hands. Vanessa was on the other side of the room, in front of a desk with a laptop. Around the room were various Agents, some of which they had met before, and two other - one was a redhaired girl with glasses that stood a little bit taller than average, and the other was ... floating clothes? weird.

They all stared at Lisa, and Lupe ran up in shock. Then she put on an awkward smile and waved at the Agents.

“... God damn, can anyone just walk right in here?” Clementine shouted as she looked at her agents.

“Note, there are only around ten of us, Acting Regional-Commander Washington,” Rush added. “We cannot both guard the entrance and attend the meeting.”

“I’m just wondering why they’re not in cuffs yet..” Jacob rolled his eyes.

"YOU!" Ella shouted, pointing a finger at Jacob, chest heaving up and down. "I bet you’d like that, you bastard, then you could touch me all you want! You creep, you-"

Jacob threw his hands up.

"Ella, please," Saskia sighed, cutting her off. They then looked at Clementine. "We came to get our channelers back. I can give you this in exchange-"

They rummaged in their pockets and pulled out a neatly folded bit of paper. Then they looked at Stauber, and put it away. "Not that one, actually."

"He’s going to ruin everything for you!" Ella yelled, looking at the projected screen. "You’re like- days behind! Anyway, give us our Channellers… and alos fire him!"

While that was happening, Lisa’s eyes locked with the biggest, hunkiest piece of man she had ever seen: Maximilian! He looked even better outside the armor. All his muscles, his chiseled face, Lisa just wished he wrapped his big arms around her and squeezed her to death! Or give her severe internal bleeding! She would gladly see the Hound again if that’s how she went out. An excited smile formed on her face as she shook her fists back and forth.

“Okay, okay, okay!” Clementine waved her hands from left to right. “Let’s all calm down here! If I get your damn Channelers, will you-”


Lisa screamed as she ran towards Maximilian with her arms outstretched. However, a shimmering blue barrier appeared right before Lisa, and she ran right into it with a thud. She dramatically slid down by her face and stood there. Drats.

Cucked again.

Clementine sighed.

“Okay, as I was saying, if I get you your damn channelers, will you three go ahead?”

“The fuck?” Lupe asked with a face of confusion, “Three? Can’t you see me here, mami!?”

“I’m sorry,” Clementine said. “With them here I honestly didn’t notice you.”

"Not unless you let me kick his sorry ass!" Ella shouted, still pointing at Jacob.

"We three will go," Saskia gestured to herself, Lisa and Lupe. "You can keep Ella."

“... We don't want her either!” Clementine said, throwing her hands into the air.

“No woman left behind, mami!” Lupe shouted.

“Look, Field Medic Obott,” Vanessa said as she stood up, and the red-haired girl with the ponytail also stood up. “Go into evidence locker one-one-three and get the Death Note Bracelet, Spider Necklace, and that stupid toy wand. I’m going to help Clem keep things under control.”

“On it,” Obott ran out of the room.

"It's not a stupid wand, it's a Sailor Moon Moon Stick replica! Be careful with it!" Ella shouted after Obott, shooting a glare at Vanessa. ”Disrespecting my belongings and not firing the bastard who touched me…"

"It's alright, Ella," Saskia walked over to Ella and grabbed her hand, pulling her back. "We'll sort that out later."

“Look, mami,” Lupe put a hand on her shoulder. “Sometimes a guy cops a feel. It’s a part of life.”

“Why you gotta say it like that?” Jacob shrugged, throwing his hands up. “If anything you touched me!”

"You touched my hand first!" Ella yelled.

Lisa pushed herself to her feet.

Only to flip Jacob off.

“Really?” He said.

“Yeah, really?” Clementine said. “You’re making a mess of my morning brief!”

"You show him, Lisa!" Ella grinned.

"If you hadn't taken our channelers we wouldn't mess up anything," Saskia shrugged.

"Yeah," Ella agreed. "You made a mess of us dealing with Morningstar so we make a mess of your morning brief!"

Clementine was silent. Agent Obott ran back in with their channelers, and presented them to the trio. Clementine sighed.

“You three, get the hell out of here before I make a mess out of you!” Clementine shouted, before turning to Maximilian, “Agent Cornell! Escort them out of here!”

“On it!” Maximilian said as he stood up.

Ella narrowed her eyes at him, holding out a hand, snatching up her wand with the other. "We’ll leave peacefully, but can someone else escort us out?"

"Ella’s jealous that Lisa likes him," Saskia explained, slipping their bracelet on their wrist.

"Why would I be jealous?! I just don’t like him!"

Lisa smiled as she snatched her necklace and slid it around her neck. She would have liked it if Maximilian had handed it to her, but Ella probably would have exploded if that happened.

Clementine groaned, resting her hand on her face.

“... I’m getting the Mossberg,” She said as she dropped the shield and walked out of the room. “If you’re all still here by the time I get back; I’m blasting!” She shouted from down the hall

“Look, mami!” Lupe said as she grabbed Ella’s hand. “Let’s just get the fuck outta here! We got what we wanted, so who cares?!” She tried to yank Ella’s hand, as she tried to pull Ella out of the room.

”Oh! Lemme help!” Lisa shouted as she grabbed Ella’s other hand, but she simply caressed Ella’s hand instead of pulling.

Ella glared at Maximilian, but a light blush crossed her cheeks when Lisa started caressing her hand, her head finally turning away from him. "... fine, I guess we’ll get him later."

With one last glare at Maximilian, she started to shuffle her way out.

They made it out the door, and Lisa caressed Ella with one hand and kissed Maximilian with the other. However, the second they were outside, Maximilian disappeared in a burst of speed that only left behind a gust of wind, and Lisa got sad. However, that raised the question as Lisa shrugged.

”... What do we do now?” Lisa asked.

“Mami, mami!” Lupe laughed. “Do you know where you are right now?!”

”... The parking lot of some lame federal agency staring at the most gorgeous woman I ever saw?” Lisa raised an eyebrow.

“While the second part is true-”

”Isn’t the first part also true?” Lisa interrupted.

“Maaaaami! Let me finish!” Lupe shouted, “You’re all in Mirage fuckin’ Springs! It’s discount Vegas, but still! There’s soooooooooo much to do besides trying to beat up a demon-lord-guy-thing, mami!”

"We are already outside, may as well," Saskia said.

"Oh so like, clubs and gambling places? Oh oh can we play cards- wait. We don’t have IDs!" Ella wailed.

“EXCUSES, mami!” Lupe put her hands on her hips and smiled. “If security tries to stop you, just offer to give him a good ol’ mamada in the alley behind the building!” Lupe threw her hands in the air.

"A what?" Ella tilted her head, raising a finger to her chin.

"I think she’s saying to suck him off in the alley," Saskia intoned, lips twitching down just a tad.

Lupe broke out laughing.

"WHAT?! NO WAY! I’m a lesbian! I don’t want to touch a man’s- I don’t want to be near that! No way!"

"I’ll flirt a bit, if needed."

“Oh, dios mios, mami, you’re a trip, you know that?!” Lupe held her stomach.

Lisa put a determined look on her face, fists up, as she valiantly said, ”If she won’t do it, I will![ I’m not afraid of anything!”

Lupe laughed even harder, wiping away a tear, “See, Mami?! She's got the right idea!”

"Lisa, you can’t! It’d- it’d kill you! You’re so small!" Ella wailed.

”If THAT kills me,” Lisa began.”Then I go out with HONOR

“Dios mios, mami!” Lupe said in between laughter. “You ain't tryna fuck; you tryna FUCK!

"No, Lisa, you can’t die again!" Ella shouted, practically pouncing on her and wrapping her arms around Lisa tight. "I won’t let it happen!"

"It would be worth it to see the Hound’s reaction," Saskia said with a slight smile.

Lisa was silent, before she spoke.

”... You can’t stop me, Lisa began. No one can.

Ella was also silent. Her arms around Lisa tightened until they were a strong cage.

"Just try getting away."

”Then maybe my babies can join us!?” Lisa deviously laughed as a swarm of spiders came from all the cracks and under whatever was out of sight and pooled at their feet.

"Your life is more important than my fears!" Ella shouted, squeezing her eyes shut and still holding onto Lisa. "I won’t let you go no matter what!"

"... bet we’ll get into without the sexual favours after all this," Saskia muttered to Lupe.

Without a word, Lisa upped the ante by having the spiders climb up both of their legs.

“I was just teasing, mami!” Lupe laughed. “I didn't think it’d end up like this!”

Ella’s whole face scrunched up, her lips pressed tightly together, but she didn’t move.

"C’mon, guys, break it up," Saskia said without much emotion.

The sharp sound of a shotgun racking cut through the air. Clementine was hanging out outside the door with a Mossberg aimed directly at them.

“When I said get out of ‘here’…” Clementine began, “... The parking lot was included in ‘here’.”

"AHHHH, I DONT WANT SHOT!" Ella shouted. She suddenly picked up Lisa, running towards Lupe's car. Lisa got a titgrab in. "Let's gooooo."

Saskia raised a hand to wave lazily at Clementine as they slowly followed Ella.

“Holy shit, mami! Let’s get the fuck out of here!” Lupe shouted as she opened the passenger side door before running around to the other side and hopping in. When everyone was inside the car, Lupe sped off and left. Once Lupe went on the interstate, she sighed in relief and said,

“.... Who wants to hit up the maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall?!” She grinned.

When the spider arrived at the Holiday Inn… it shrunk back to its original size. Then the three just walked back into their hotel room. Lisa beelined for the laptop and made sure to hold it with both arms in a death grip.

”... What do we do now?” Lisa asked. ”Jordan and Kim might be dead! Dead! How are we going to pay for the room other than that little trick I pulled… that very illegal trick...” She tugged at her collar before her hand wrapped around the laptop.

"I'm sure your boyfriend made sure they were safe, since he's so great!" Ella grumbled, letting out a very loud huff and flopping into her bed.

Saskia yawned, lying down on their own bed and rolling over to look at them both. "I'm sure they'll be fine… we can always turn to a life of crime. Maybe pick up some hot criminals."

”Oh! Speaking of hot!” Lisa said. ”How about we call Lupe?!”

"Ohhh good idea, just what we need after that," Saskia agreed. They held out their hand. "Ella, your phone."

"You have your own!" Ella grumbled, even as she handed her phone over to Saskia… who easily unlocked it. The password was Sailor Moon's birthday, obviously.

"It's in my pocket, too much effort," Saskia shrugged as they found Lupe's number (which Ella had saved, thankfully) and called her.

After a few rings, Lupe answered.

“... Hello, Mami, what the fuck?!” Lupe asked. “Going to the Morningstar mansion?! All those motherfuckers were heading there… are you three okay?”

"We're fine," Saskia said, switching the call to speaker mode so everyone could hear. "I killed three of the Endless Seven, so it was nothing…"

"Yeah, we had Morningstar! We were gonna kill him!" Ella shouted. "Then Mr Heart Stealer appeared and stole our thunder! And arrested us!!"

”... Ah, yes, he was so big and hunky! I could just give him a smooch!” Lisa swooned, grasping both sides of her cheeks (while keeping the laptop clutched against her chest).

There was an audible silence on Lupe’s end. Before she asked.

“... Are ya’ll in jail right now?”

"Yes, it's awful, they chained us up and are-"

"No! We got away using our smarts and strength!" Ella shouted.

“Aw, cooooooooool, mami! Sounds intense…” Lupe said, before pausing for a moment. “... Wanna hang out?”

"Yes please, I need another sane person around," Saskia said.

”Oh! Why don't you come to our place!! Then we can watch anime if-" Ella looked at Lisa with a wide grin. "Lisa stops hogging the laptop!"

”Never!” Lisa shouted.

“... Why don’t you bitches just buy another one?!” Lupe asked, confused. “Ya’ll flashed some serious cash at Shadynasty’s! Just buy a cheap one! Or two!”

Lupe laughed, “Send me the addy, and I’ll be there.”

"Oh, why didn't we think about that… Lisa, later let's go acquire some cash and buy new laptops!" Ella shouted.

"And headphones," Saskia muttered. "I'll text you that and the room number… see you soon."

Saskia hung up, and texted Lupe with what Holiday Inn they were at along with the exact room. They then flopped back on the bed with a yawn. Why did they feel so tired? Their blood should be replenishing just now-

Saskia shot up, in a speed shocking Ella enough she almost fell off the bed. ”Clem still has our Channelers!"

Lisa reached into her shirt, dropped the laptop, and grabbed her own tiddy in the process, and then put her hands on the side of her face in shock. ”OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Ella leapt forward, snatched up the laptop and did a barrel roll with it off the bed. "It's fine! We can just go get them back! We'll kick down Clem's door-"

”With what magic?"

"... I almost killed a guy without mine," Ella muttered, clutching the laptop close to her chest.

”... And where is Clem’s door again?” Lisa asked, scratching the side of her head. ”Actually, how did they find Morningstar’s lair? Ain’t it weird that they found it conveniently after we got there…?”

"Huh… that is convenient… oh Sailor Moon!" Ella shouted, suddenly dropping down and looking under the bed. "You don't think one of them is spying on us?! That's creepy."

Saskia frowned, looking at Ella being weird and stupid like normal, to Lisa. "... Maybe they snuck a tracking device on us when we slept at theirs."

Lisa shrugged.

”Maybe it’s just a coincidence!” She laughed. ”Saskia! How long before sexy gets here?!”

”Dunno, I'm not tracking her," Saskia shrugged, not even bothering to check Ella's phone… she just threw it onto the other bed. ”How long did it take us to get here from her place last time…"

"It wasn't that long!" Ella said cheerfully. She clambered back onto the bed, holding onto the laptop like her life depended on it. "I hope she brings more alcohol this time!"

Lisa shrugged.

”Who knows? Maybe we should use the laptop to pass time…” Lisa walked towards Ella with her hands out.

"Yeah, we can watch it to watch the latest episode of my anime," Ella said, backing away from Lisa.

”If you two start fighting I’m going to get kidnapped again…" Saskia sighed.

”... I need to, uh, ‘send an email,’ Lisa smiled, approaching Ella. ”Wait… actually, let me see the laptop! We gotta do something.”

"What do we gotta do?" Ella asked suspiciously, grip on the laptop loosening slightly.

Lisa grinned ear to ear.

”... You’ll see,”

There was a visible war across Ella’s face as she made her decision, before hesitantly handing over the laptop. Saskia roused from her lounging state to move onto their bed… they didn’t want to miss this, whatever it was.

"Alright, show us, it better be good!" Ella said.

Lisa hopped on the bed, and immediately googled Facebook, and opened the first page. She went through the process of making a Facebook account, and when she was finished, she turned to the two and said.

”... So, let’s play a game,” Lisa began. ”Give me a full name, and we’ll look ‘im up!”

"Oh, that’s easy! Kari Wil-" Ella caught herself, eyes widening and lower lip trembling. "Wait, Kari’s… Kari’s…"

”Alright, there, there," Saskia said monotonously, slinging an arm over Ella’s shoulders and patting her in an attempt at comforting. They ignored the pang they felt at that too. ”Look up…"

"Jade! I want to know how she’s doing!!" Ella interrupted before Saskia could even finish, bouncing back just like that.

Lisa raised an eyebrow.

”... Clem said that Jade got… you know….” She sighed. ”A shame. She was gorgeous.”

"... Oh yeah," Ella's expression fell. "I was too… distracted by Kari's…"

"Look up Drake then, I bet he's posting edgy memes about it," Saskia said.

"Saskia, that's not nice!"

"What? He got me killed."

”Drake it is, then!” Lisa shouted as she typed in Drake Blackmore’s name. ”You know his sister Amanda was pretty cute! So was Nikki! Victoria was…”

She awkwardly laughed before she hit enter. She found Drake’s Facebook page, and his icon was a picture of him and Jade hugging. The banner showed Jade posing like a model on the shore. Drake seemed just to post photos of Jade, or him and Jade, over and over again….

”Hmmmm…” Lisa scrolled through it all. ”He’s a cop in St. Portwell? Drake Blackmore? She laughed.

"I bet he'd shoot us if he saw us again!" Ella said, shaking her head. "He was super trigger happy…"

”Maybe if we dig deeper we can gather some incriminating evidence and make him lose his job…" Saskia suggested ominously.

”Or we can put spiders in his boxers!” Lisa laughed.

"I like that plan," Saskia rubbed their hands together with a small, evil smile. "How easily can you do that?"

”Noooo, guys, the poor guy's lost his wife!" Ella shouted. "You know I dislike people like him but as long as he isn't actually shooting people! Let's look up someone more interesting!"

"Oh, look up Sloane…"

"I said someone interesting!"

”Oh! Sloane-y!” Lisa shouted, jumping in her chair as she looked up Sloane Faris… only for the results to turn out empty. ”Aw.”

"See, boring!" Ella shouted, before hitting Lisa's shoulder a couple of times. "Ooo, ooo, look up Luca! I want to know how the little guy is!"

Luca's Facebook page was quite… plain. His banner was a picture of St Portwell harbour at night, and his icon was a slightly blurry, further away photo of him laughing over something taken by someone else. He didn't actually seem to post - most of the posts were Olivia tagging him in things. There were pictures of both of them, always a distance away from each other, or what appeared to be their apartment a couple of years back. There was one weird post about destruction, but otherwise there wasn't much.

Upon seeing Olivia’s name, Lisa squinted.

”... Olivia,” She dramatically said. She quickly clicked her name, then DM’d her a picture of a spider. Nothing else.

A near immediate response came back, reading, ‘who are you?!’

Lisa didn't respond.

”... So who else can we look up?!” Lisa asked.

"Let's look up Britney and send her hate mail," Saskia said. "For what she did to Luca and the others…"

"Or- orrrrrr~" Ella sang, leaning towards Lisa with a grin. "We look up your future wife, Adora!"

Lisa dramatically gasped, holding both sides of her face.

”... Why didn't I think of that?!”

Lisa immediately typed in Adora’s name, middle name and everything… Only to find nothing.

”Huh? Weird…”

"Maybe you spelt her name wrong?!" Ella shouted, leaning in towards the laptop.

”She’s the love of my life!” Lisa shouted back. ”How could I get her name wrong?!”

"I bet if we look hard enough… we can still find something about her…" Saskia said, with a shrug. "Oh, maybe if we look through Vanessa or Clementine…"

Complying, Lisa looked up Clementine Washington. Though several names popped up, a few of the profiles were blank. Others were obviously not Clementine. Same with Vanessa.

”Drats…” Lisa said.

"I guess we'll have to get creative…" Saskia tilted their head, thinking about it. Someone who Adora had been close to… well, aside from Lisa, who had she been close to? Maybe they should just try someone smart. "Try Greta, she always knew everything."

"Oh yeah, I want to know how Greta's doing!"

”... Gretchen, you mean,” Lisa smugly said. ”Her name is Gretchen.

Lisa immediately typed in Gretchen Faust… only to not find her and have to type in “Greta Faust.” Then, after some digging, because there are a lot of old ladies named Greta Faust, they found their Greta, and she looked different. She dyed her hair red and started rocking the punk aesthetic. There weren’t a lot of pictures of Greta, though, and some very awkward selfies. There was a period where Greta spammed a bunch of weird sex stuff, though (especially a sex tips for nerds), and incoherent rambling about how she loved potions.

”... Awwwwwww, she’s so cute!” Lisa moaned. ”I wonder if her butt’s still big as I remember it being… eh, I’ll have to find out after we get through this, right, gals?”

"She is super cute! I love the new hair colour!" Ella grinned.

"... I'm interested in the sex tips…" Saskia reached over to scroll back up to them, quickly reading them. Very interesting… "You know, we don't have to wait. Message her now and ask for a picture of her butt."

”Okay!” Lisa ecstatically said, before doing it. No remorse. No thought. Just asking for a booty pic off rip.

A few minutes passed, and Greta responded witha succinct: “who the hell is this?”

Lisa was silent.

”... What do I tell her?”

"I've got this, move aside!" Ella leaned right into Lisa so she could reach the laptop keyboard. Her tongue poked out slightly as she wrote.

'This is Ella! Do you remember me? ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯ it's been a while!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧’

It took her so long because she was painstakingly typing out the emojis… Saskia watched and rolled her eyes. "That won't work."

They also pushed into Lisa's personal space and took control of the keyboard.

'Hello Greta. This is Saskia Otten, of Sycamore Tree. I'm here with Ella Brooks and Lisa Turner. We were wondering if your butt is as big as Lisa remembers. Please confirm. Thanks.’

There was a silence on Greta’s end.

A few moments later, she sent a request for a video call. Lisa looked to Saskia, then Ella, before hitting accept and the view on Greta’s end was a dimly lit desk. She was sitting in front of the camera with a white lab coat on. Greta stared at them for a moment.

“... I had to see it for myself,” Greta spoke in her usual nasally voice. “Now that I see your faces, there is no doubt about it….”

She paused for a moment, “But… Why? Why did you three come back now…?”

"Everyone keeps asking us that!" Ella said, slamming her hands on her thighs in exasperation. "We don’t know!"

"Someone called in a favour," Saskia explained. "We don’t know who or why, just that we get a second chance if we do a few things for the Hound."

“I mean…” Greta trailed off, “I do appreciate having you three back… And no one is as weird as you three, by the way.” Greta pushed her glasses up her nose.

Lisa was bouncing up and down in her seat. Ella grinned.

“What does the Hound want you to do?” Greta asked.

"He wants us to kill Morningstar!" Ella shouted.

"We’re in Mirage Springs right now to do that… We almost had him twice," Saskia’s voice lowered, and her hands twitched with the overwhelming urge to draw Morningstar dying. "We’ve killed most of his evil minions."

“Now… I have no clue about who Morningstar is,” Greta said. “But, I-”

Lisa loudly screeched, interrupting the conversation.

”How are you doing friend?! How’s life?! You look sooooooooooo cute! It’s so great to see you!”
“Lisa…” Greta said, a tear running down her eye, before she quickly tried to wipe it away before they noticed. “I am… so glad to have you back… I…” She couldn’t hold it anymore, and began crying profusely.

“... I missed you so much, Lisa!” Greta shouted. “I… I can’t put it into words!”

Lisa placed her hand against the laptop scene.

”I’m sorry I was away. I… I am glad to be back,” Lisa laughed. ”I think we all are! Right girls!?”

"Yeah! I’ve never been happier to be alive- do you have any idea how much anime’s been made in the last ten years?!" Ella grinned, before forming a heart with her hands towards the camera. "I missed you Greta!"

"It certainly beats dying… that sucked…" Saskia intoned, before looking straight on at the camera. "So, show us your ass, Greta. We need to judge if its improved."

Greta gave them a blank face. The tears stopped flowing.

She pressed a key and disconnected the call.

”... Aw, man.”

"Damn, I was getting excited," Saskia sighed, flopping back.

Horny! Lisa said.

Saskia discreetly turned her head to try and look at Ella’s ass instead.

It was made easier when Ella jumped up, yelling, "When’s Lupe getting here?! It’s been ages!"

”Oh, come on Ella, she's probably putting makeup on or-” Lisa said with a shrug before she was interrupted by an explosion of pink light and smoke.

“... Ya’ll ready to party, mami?!”

Lupe screamed as she held two large brown bags full of booze.

Ella screamed too, launching herself at Lupe with a foot outstretched. Midway through the jump kick she realised who it was and awkwardly twisted, falling on the bed.

"I’m always ready to party," Saskia said, very much sounding and looking like she was never ready to party.

"Lupe!" Ella shouted excitedly, jumping up off the bed and towards Lupe in a hug rather than an attack. "I’m so happy to see you! Oh, what drinks did you bring this time?!"

“You know, basic shit, mami!” Lupe said as she put the bags down on the counter. She dug through the bag as she said, “Vodka, rum, tequila…” She said with a purr, as she gave them a flirtatious look.

Lupe kept going through the bags until she grabbed a bottle, before she dramatically said, “... But it's time for you gals to enter the big leagues.”

"What’s that?" Ella gasped dramatically, getting in real close to the bottle.

Saskia narrowed their eyes. "... but Lisa almost died last time."

“That just means she gotta build a tolerance, mami!” Lupe said before she whipped a bottle of Everclear and presented it to the group. “I’m going to put a little bit of this in all your drinks! Just a little bit!” Lupe pinched her fingers together.

"I’m down! I want to get properly drunk this time!" Ella shouted, skipping away to pull out the little glasses they had in their room. "Let’s get started!"

“Oooh, you’re gonna get drunk alright, mami!” Lupe deviously laughed.

"Can we play spin the bottle again?" Saskia asked. "This time I’ll master kissing."

“Unfortunately, mami,” Lupe sympathetically said with a shrug as she prepared some drinks. “I didn't bring any empty bottles. So you know what that means, right, mami…?”

"We gotta drink a whole bottle!" Ella shouted, throwing her arms in the air.

"Ohh, perfect, I need you all drunk enough that you don't notice the biting…" Saskia said in a low voice.

A few moments later, Lupe had finished the first round of drinks. Which were sprite, vodka, and just a teeny bit of Everclear. She put them on the desk.

“Mami! Ya’ll got any speakers in here?!” Lupe curled a finger through her hair and put her weight on one hip. “How are we gonna party without some music?! Dios mios!”

"We can sing! Me and Lisa are great at it!" Ella shouted, grabbing a cup and taking a big gulp of it.

"Or we just play it out a phone…" Saskia said, more sensibly sipping the drink she'd picked up.

Lisa silently took a sip of her drink.

“Jesus, Mami!” Lupe said to Ella. Before she looked at the laptop. “Hand that to me, mami,”

Ella looked at the laptop, then at Lisa, then at Lupe again. She reluctantly handed it over.

"I need to ask…" Saskia said, drinking more… and it already started going to their head. Everything was slightly fuzzy. "Lupe, if a friend asked, would you show them your ass."

“I mean…” Lupe said as she prepared her own drink. “... Back in the day; no. But now, who gives a shit, mami? If it makes someone’s day, why not?”

"See," Saskia sighed, taking a long drink. "Greta was just being a bad friend… I would if anyone here asked…"

”Maybe she’s saving it for when we get back!" Ella shouted, finishing her first drink already, and holding it out to Lupe. "More, please!"

“Mami…” Lupe rolled her eyes. “If she don't want to show her ladybits, that don't make her a bad friend…”

"Oh," Saskia tilted their head, thinking about it. They guessed Lupe was right about that…

Lupe then shrugged as she quickly made another drink for Ella. Once it was done, she handed it to Ella and said, “... Slow down, mami! It’ll creep up on ya’!” Lupe stuck her tongue out, sat on the sofa with the laptop, and played with it for a moment.

”I want it to, last time the other two got wayyyy more drunk than me," Ella grinned. She then skipped over to Lisa, leaning in and whispering, ”do you still want to look at her tiddies?!"

”Of course!” Lisa estatically (and loudly) said.

Ella nodded in understanding. "Remember what she said… if you want something you gotta ask for it. You can do it!"

Saskia rolled their eyes at them both, sitting down on the sofa next to Lupe and leaning over to watch whatever she was doing on the laptop.

”I mean, I do want it!” Lisa shouted. ”But, what if she thinks I’m weird?!”

“... I already think you’re weird, mami!” Lupe noted as she typed away… scrolling through YouTube looking for music. “What’s a good song for your nerd asses… Ah-hah!” Lupe shouted as the laptop played some music at max volume. It wasn’t too loud, but sufficient.

"Weird is good, embrace it, Lisaaaa!" Ella shouted, after another big swig of her drink.

Saskia closed her eyes for a moment, tilting her head to listen to the music. Not… her kind of music at all. Part style rarely was but the lyrics were apt. She could appreciate it. Thinking about the song made her miss writing her own. She hadn’t had time or the peace to do it. Maybe once this was all over.

"OHH I GET IT- Coming back to life!" Ella half sang, catching onto the chorus quickly. "It does feel good coming back to life!"

”Yes! We all get a second chance to live, Lisa shouted.

“Now you get it, mami!” Lupe raised her drink in the air. “Let’s toast! Hopefully ya’ll keep slappin’ that bitch ass motherfucker Morningstar around!”

"Yeah, he’ll be regretting his evil once we’re done with him!" Ella shouted, raising her drink and splashing a little.

"Oh, he will," Saskia smirked, lazily raising their drink. "To murdering Morningstar, Lisa getting a hunky boyfriend, and Ella finding someone real."

”... That’s not her uncle! Lisa shrieked, raising her drink.

Lupe tapped her drink with the others.

Some time later.


Lisa shouted as she hung from the ceiling by her foot.

“Come down, mami!” Lupe shouted, as she danced, the music blaring. “You can’t dance on the ceiling... crazy.

"Noooo, Lisa, you’ll hurt yourself!" Ella shouted, standing in the middle of the room waving her arms at Lisa… in just her bra and underwear. She’d said she was going to change out of the boring, black outfit she had on but seemed to forget halfway through. Saskia didn’t remind her. "Youuu’re too sexyyyyy to get huuurrttt!"

"She’s on the floor for me," Saskia said, giggling. She lay on the bed with her head upside down.

”I’m fine, watc-” Lisa disconnected from the ceiling, and loudly screamed as she fell from the ceiling and hit the floor. ”... Ouch.”

"LISA!!" Ella screamed, running over to Lisa and falling to her knees with a dramatic wail.

“Dios, mios, mami!” Lupe shouted as she ran over to Lisa. She put her hands on Lisa, and a wave of pink light overcame her. It began healing her, but Lupe noticed something on her feet. “... Oh, mami, you got burns!”

”... I was casting without mah’ channeler!” Lisa shouted.

“... Why would you go and do that, mami?” Lupe asked.

”... I wanted to look cool in front of my friends. That’s all…” Lisa moaned.

"You always look cool to me, Lisaaaa!" Ella sobbed, tears suddenly streaming down her cheeks as she grabbed Lisa’s hand. "You’re gonna make it through this!"

"Oh," Saskia sat up suddenly, falling off the bed with an off as their head suddenly spun. They had a brilliant idea. An idea so brilliant they deserved a… fancy smart person reward for it. "Let’s go get our channelers back."

“Hahaha! In the morning, you mean?” Lupe laughed, as she kept both hands on Lisa. “Ya’ll drunk as hell!”

Lisa raised a finger in the air.

”... I just want to see some titties,”

"Are mine not enough?!" Ella shouted, gesturing to her chest.

”... I need more!

"Enough about titties," Saskia’s head popped back up over the bed. "We should do it tonight otherwise… Morningstar might get us…"

“If he was going to get ya’ll, he would have done so by now!” Lupe shouted. “C’mon, mami, I know ya’ll drunk. Do ya’ll even know where they are?

"Yeah, our friends in the PRA have them!" Ella said, dramatically gesturing towards the window.

“One, mami,” Lupe raised a finger. “The feds ain’t your friends.”

Then she raised another finger, “Do you know where they are?”

”... Titty?” Lisa said.

"Yes," Saskia agreed, nodding with a look of sage wisdom they definitely didn’t have. "They are… at the… titty…"

Saskia completely lost their train of thought, trailing off while looking like they’d just given some kind of nobel peace prize worthy speech.

"They’re probably at their police headquarters! I bet that horrible man has them now," Ella ground her teeth. "He put his hands all over me! They’re all the same! Stauber, him- they just want to touch me!”

”... Something they have in common with your uncle!” Lisa shouted as Lupe took her hands off her.

“Mami, slow down,” Lupe got up, and she made another drink for the three. “Ya’ll fucked up right now! You’re only going to get in trouble!”

"Maybe I want to get in trouble," Saskia said, eyes narrowing. "Maybe I want to… be… tortured… why isn’t torture cool anymore…"

"Torture was never cool!” Ella shouted, grabbing the new drink Lupe had made them and knocking it back. "But you know what is cool?”

"Here we go again."

"The latest anime I’m watching, it’s about-”

“Look, mami,” Lupe said, interrupting Ella. “You don’t want to be tortured! Sounds like you want to get down with some freaky BDSM shit! Whips and chains and all that!”

"Yes, I want BDSM torture."

She finished the drinks… which had a lot more Everclear than before.

“Well, before you get tortured or something: come get your drinks!” Lupe announced. “Another toast!”

”... Yay! Lisa shouted as she ran over and began drinking without a second thought - though she stopped to cough for a moment.

“Yeah, drink it up, mami!” Lupe shouted.

Saskia took hers and drank it a little slower than Lisa. The burning taste didn’t bother them, with a heavy haze over her mind stopping her from feeling much at all. It tasted pretty nice. Oh, yeah, the burn really added to it.. Saskia tilted her head back and finished the whole thing. "Let’s get… fucked!"

"Yeahhh!” Ella shouted, grimacing as she drank. ”Oh! Oh! We should play a game! A different game! Lupe, know any other games?”

“Mami! Stop acting like you don’t just want to make out with each other!” Lupe laughed, as she made them even more to drink (with more Everclear than ever before). “We’re going to be playing the drinking game! Where we keep drinking until one of us passes out! Last woman standing wins; you in?!”

”You know I am!” Lisa shouted.

"I'm going to win!" Ella shouted, finishing her current drink. "A magical girl never backs downnnnnnn!"

"Pass," Saskia mumbled. The drinks were too nice to stop but… they were so sleepy already. Maybe they could keep going if they replenished their blood… ooo… that was a good idea… They winced as a burn wound up their wrist and the rate at which their blood replenished sped up. Which didn't make them any less drunk, but they'd lost a lot earlier.

“You mean pass-out?” Lupe laughed as she walked over to Saskia with a drink in hand and a smile on her face… then she saw the burns on her arms. “Dios mios, can you three keep it in ya’ pants for a bit? You’re hurting yourselves.” She placed a gentle hand on the side of Saskia’s face as a pink light pulsed over their skin.

"I lost a lotta blood," Saskia mumbled, leaning her face into Lupe’s hand. "Gotta get it back with magic… so I don’t lose…"

"Oh yeah! Saskia went crazyyy today! Like, she killed three people alone then fought us. It was insane! Like- boom! Kapow!" Ella started acting out ‘the fight’ though it really just looked like flailing about… in her underwear. "Lisa had to melt her face off!"

”Yeah, I threw acid in Saskia’s face like I was an incel!” Lisa laughed.

“Jesus, mami,” Lupe laughed. “Yeah, and Morningstar sent everybody to his mansion… actually, how the fuck did you three find their lair?”

"Torture," Saskia said helpfully… which was almost true. Sort of. Not that they’d properly tortured her but she had been spun around a bunch.

"Saskia got kidnapped by these weirdos and they gave her the location!" Ella said, stopping her weird movements to explain. "The… something house. I don’t remember!"

“... Dollhouse, mami?” Lupe tilted her head as she kept her hand against Saskia’s face. “Um, shit, I wouldn’t trust them if I were you… They’re shady. The shadiest of the shady. Like everyone was scared of them back in Florida, mami. Everyone. They gotta be playin’ an angle here. You know, an ulterior motive?”

"Of course we don’t trust them, they gave Saskia a stone that made her go insane! And they kidnapped her!" Ella shouted indignantly.

"I was so powerful with it," Saskia said wistfully. It had been nice… the slight insanity aside. Really, wasn’t everyone a little insane? Didn’t everyone punch holes in walls every now and then and try to kill their friends? "Why did you throw it awayyyyyyyy?!"

”... Because it was dangerous and made you crazy! Lisa shouted.

“... They’re gonna want it back, y’know, mami?” Lupe sighed. “They might torture you. They like the Cartels in Mexico!” Lupe awkwardly laughed.

“I heard a story about them, mami, through the Society. They had this business partner, and he tried to scam them, like uh… I’m not sure about the details, but they didn’t go after him,” After Saskia was fully healed, Lupe released their face. “Oh, no, mami, they went after his family. His wife and two kids? They went missing. Then like a month later, these little giftboxes appeared around his house, job, and places he frequented. And take a guess what was inside of them…?”
"Oh no," Ella gasped, eyes widening and a hand slapping over her mouth. "They didn’t-"

"How many pieces did his family come back in?" Saskia asked calmly.

“Liiiiiiiike, um, who knows,” Lupe shrugged. “They’d open the boxes and there would be a finger or a toe - or a hand without any fingers or toes - sometimes an ear or a nose. But, nothing like definite, you know. Nothing that’d make papi go ‘Yep, they’re dead’...”

"Noooooo I don’t want my family sent to me in little pieces!" Ella screamed, holding her face and collapsing to her knees.

"We’re more likely to be the ones sent in pieces," Saskia pointed out. "They kidnapped me real easily."

“Well,” Lupe shrugged. “After you take care of Morningstar, what are ya’ll going to do next? Skip town?”

I wish, I think we gotta go back to the Hound! He said he had two tasks for us… even after killing that bastard we’ll have more to do!" Ella wailed.

”I mean..” Lisa shrugged. ”We’re back to life, right? You can’t complain about that..

“Hopefully, it’s somewhere else,” Lupe said, “Don’t fuck with Dollhouse, Mami. They built different!”

"Yeah, especially that shapeshifter," Saskia agreed. "She pointed a gun at me the whole time."

”Don’t worry, Lupe! After we’re done with Morningstar and our other task, we’ll go straight home to St Portwell, right, girls?!"

“... That’s where they’re located.” Lupe facepalmed.

”Whhhhatttt no way!" Ella shouted, looking very panicked. ”Then where do we go?! We gotta save our coven from a murderer- but we can’t if we’re chopped into pieces- ahhhhh!"

“Good grief, mami,” Lupe continued facepalming. “You know what? All of ya’ll are thoroughly fucked up - no position to think. So, let’s just keep drinking!” Lupe grabbed her drink and downed all of it.

"Ella’s never in a position to think," Saskia mumbled, finishing off her drink and leaning back against a bed. She was so sleepy, but she couldn’t sleep… then she’d lose.

”You guys just don’t understand meeee!" Ella wailed. She held out her empty cup to Lupe. ”Another! I need to drink to cope with how mean everyone is to me!!"

“That’s not what I meant- know what?” Lupe said as she went and made Ella another drink… same as before, but with a little less Everclear. Then she made the other two more drinks, too. “Drink up! We got a whole ass night ahead of us!” She laughed.

“Another toast! To whatever this time!” Lupe shouted as she raised her drinks, silent momentarily before saying. “Grab your drinks!”

Later on…


Lisa was on her hands and knees, throwing up on the floor, literally expelling everything, including spiders. She huffed twice, ”... Ooooooooh my God! What… did you do to us!?”

“Mami, the fuck?!” Lupe shouted - now topless - before adding on, “Throw up in the toilet! Ya’ll gotta clean this up, hehehe!” She laughed.

”Saskia won't budge from the toilet!" Ella wailed. She lay in the door in between their room and the bathroom.

Saskia was slumped over the toilet, throwing up everything she had inside of her - mostly alcohol and bile, along with a little bit of blood. The more alcohol she threw up the more with it she felt, still seeing the others out of the corner of her eye… but she overall just felt fucking awful. "You can come… join me…"

“The fuck, mami!?” Lupe laughed, shouting out loud. “You tryna’ get freaky in the toilet?! Ya’ll got two beds! Two! Have some dignity!”

"No, I just mean we can both- blergh," Saskia was interrupted by another round of vomiting, shoving their head right in the toilet bowl. Once they were done they sat back up, swaying. "Puke together. Friends that puke together stay together…"

”No, Saskia, that’s gross!"

”I’m-” Lisa tried to say before she projectile vomited across the room. ”-in!” She shouted as she ran into the bathroom without a second thought.

“Dios mios!” Lupe shouted, shaking her head. “I shouldn’t have given you all that damn Everclear! I just didn’t want you crazy bitches to be a menace out in the streets! That’s all!”

”I’ll be a menace if I want to be a menace!" Ella shouted, flailing her arms and legs all over the place. She was like a child having some kind of weird temper tantrum. Unlike the other two she’d thrown up a couple of times and seemed to be ‘fine.’

“Look, we had a deal: if you three stay in, I would take my chichotas out!” Lupe pointed at her breasts.

"You’re hurting my head, Ella," Saskia groaned, shuffling over so there was room for Lisa beside them. They weren’t sure they had anymore to throw- oh, they did, there it went, right into the toilet, more vomit. "When will this end…"

“In the morning… maybe later, mami!” Lupe laughed. “I should have brought some water! Just drink some water out the si-”

The door clicked.

It opened.

Kimberly and Jordan walked in wearing an entirely new set of clothes (matching black leggings and T-shirts). Jordan’s jaw dropped as Kimberly put on an overdramatic expression of shock and horror.

“... The hell going on in here?!” Jordan shouted.

”Kimmmmmmm, Jordannnnnnnn!" Ella wailed, turning around and… flopping over to them on her stomach. ”We thought you were dead!!"

"Oh no," Saskia muttered, leaning back with a groan. "Mom and dad are here."

”I missed you!" Ella sobbed, having reached them and suddenly clinging to Kimberley’s legs.

“Awwwwwww… I missed you, too,” Kimberly smiled as she embraced Ella. “... But you’re crushing my foot!”

”Kim… Jordan…” Lisa tried to say before she spewed up more.

“Good grief!” Jordan shouted as she raised a hand in the air. The room was wrapped in a coral-pink hue, and time was reversed until it was spotless. The trio were still inebriated.“Well…” Jordan shrugged as she walked over to the rum, grabbed one of the plastic cups and poured herself some rum. Straight. No mixers.

“... Mom and dad need a fuckin’ drink.” She said as she took a sip.

“Well, help yourselves!” Lupe laughed.

”Oh, this is Lupe!" Ella shouted, moving off Kimberley’s foot but still clinging to her. She somehow seemed the… most sober of the three. Which wasn’t saying much. ”We told you about her!"

"She warned us that Morningstar's minions were coming for us," Saskia said, slumped against the bathroom wall. Finally she didn’t feel like throwing up anymore.

“Thanks,” Kimberly laughed, before extending a hand. “It’s great to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you, too, mami!” Lupe shook her hand. “We’re just partying to blow off some steam....”

Kimberly and Jordan looked at each other.

“... You know what?” Kimberly laughed.

“Let’s cut loose!” Jordan shouted, throwing a hand into the air.
Preeeeeeeeeeesenting the final draft for all the Joint-Casts (so far)!

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