Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
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Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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so are these nuts
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"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

In DeadLiNe 4 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Shin Ghost Note When do you plan on making a sheet?

No rush tho

i was waiting until my days off. I can probably have it out tonight.
@Skai Welcome back!

Liz is actually Lyss with a mustache on

Source: Trust me bro

The Greenwood Coven.
The Eleventh Path
Interactions: Layla (@Estylwen), Jack (@Blizz), & The Entire Coven.

“Didn't Luna say she was gonna have her mafia send the notes over to us? They're really… gonna decode it without us?”

Adora sighed from her seat in the Eleventh Path. She turned towards Layla, just deciding to tell her what everyone else likely figured out.

”Well it sounds like-” Adora said, before Britney just answered it.

”... Luna was playing us.” Britney said, and Adora just shrugged. ”Greyson killed her, though."

Now that was surprising. Adora turned towards Britney and was about to ask for more information, but the 317's leadership showed up. She had heard that name before... Maybe Aislin or Ruby brought them up sometime. They seemed courteous, but there was something on Adora's mind: Layla. She remembered the whole thing with Leon the other day and how Sloane acted - though Sloane was not doing so hot, as much of a piece of work as she can sometimes be, Adora would check in on her after. Adora got up from her seat and slid her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. She took a seat next to her and the "Alizee" apparition.

”Layla, how are you doing?” Adora asked, her face completely flat, as she dug into her hoodie and pulled out a red Apple. ”Those people...” Adora glanced in Leon's direction for a hot second before adding, ”... They didn't hurt you or force you to do anything, right?

Then, Adora offered the apple to Layla. It didn't take long for Adora to realize that she was completely ignoring the 317's introductions. However, she noted that one black girl with pronounced features didn't introduce herself at all (The body on her). Since a few Sycamores are with the 317, Adora was willing to give them a chance. However, some time afterward, Greenwood - Ruby, Pearl, Jess, Amelia, and Kashmira - walked in after them.

Ruby first did sneer at Layla, and Adora awkwardly looked off to the side.

”If you're going to apologize to them...” Adora trailed off, letting the implication speak for itself.

"Hey, loves," Ruby said, tapping her tree branch onto the floor several times to get everyone's attention. "You met us at the last meeting, but if any of you need a refresher, I'm Ruby, she's Jess, she's Amelia, she's Jess, and she's Kashmira."

"It is soooooo great to meet all of you!" Kashmira said with a wide smile. "For the second time!"

"The plan, as I understand it, is to divide ourselves into two groups," Jack explained. "One to distract the Elite with brute force, and the other to raid their vault. Decide for yourselves where your skills are more appropriate."

"Yes, and no," Ruby said with a nod. "I spoke with Britney-" Britney facepalmed. "-about this earlier today, and I'm certain she disseminated it to the rest."

Adora turned towards Brit and said, ”... She did not.”

"So, let me start from the top. Those rich bastards - the Elite in case you all haven't caught on - blew up the 317 building, and there's hell to pay," Ruby began. "We're going to organize an attack on their headquarters, Elysium Island. Where we're going to burn that fucker to the ground, and get at their artifact supply. But, there's three problems."

Then Ruby raised three fingers, "The Eustis Veil, The Eye of Ankhara, and the Starving Dog. The Eustis Veil creates a magical storm that blocks teleportation going in and out of it. If teleporters try it, they'll be stuck in the storm, which won't be fun. The Eye of Ankhara creates a field of soundwaves that, if disrupted, will reveal your aura for the whole ass island to see - and before you get any ideas, it automatically detects any abstraction usage. And the Starving Dog is a magical statue that guards their artifact vault. It's very tough, very fast, and very strong."

Ruby paused momentarily to let everyone process it: "The Eustis Veil is now active, which means we cannot teleport onto the island, nor can we get through the storm through mundane means."

”There are ways through the storm,” Britney began, ”But they require precise timing or a weather-altering artifact. I don't think either option is feasible.” She shrugged.

"There is a group of them not on the island; Naomi, James, and Autumn are tracking them as we speak," Ruby started, "My plan - which will require all of you to be on your shit - is to bully them onto the island so they drop the Veil, and at that moment we teleport onto the island. From there, we will split into four groups comprising a mixture of all three factions."

Then Ruby glanced in Layla's direction again before she continued, raising a finger for each group she presented, "Aggro; the flashy, heavy hitters that will be doing most of the fighting. Artifacts: the group that will sneak into the underground artifact vault and loot their supply. The Veil: the group that will either guard the Eustis Veil or destroy it - make sure it's not turned back on. If it is destroyed, the rest of ya'll will fill the next group: Support, the summoners, long-ranged fighters, and those who can support the other three groups."

Ruby paused again, "We're going to be up against assholes with guns. Assholes with magic. And assholes with magic and guns. So there will be a risk to your lives if you do come. If you don't want to participate, that's fine; we aren't going to force you all to do anything. But, if you decide to help, we will split the artifacts three ways - including the two artifacts Britney wants so badly."

Ruby then sighed.

"I know things didn't go so well last time, but we can put all of that behind us. Remember that we're entering the big leagues here. Ya'll gotta be on your shit."
In DeadLiNe 6 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Expendable I shoulda put you can’t be a supernatural character since this is about an human group of friends. Sorry for you makin that character for nothing

Can my character be a vampire?
In DeadLiNe 7 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Name: Kiki McKenzie

Age: 18

Occupation: None


Biography: The youngest of three siblings, and the only daughter, Kiki got pushed into gymnastics and cheerleading by her overbearing mother ever since she was about ten years old, and although those activities have helped her come out of her shell and meet new people, she would much rather be at home, head buried in a good mystery book. She feels like the only person in her family who really understands her is her dad, and she gets along much better with him than she does her mother, who has become especially focused on being involved in Kiki's life now that her older brothers have both gone off to college.

Personality: Quiet and reserved most of the time, Kiki is very loyal and protective of her friends, and all that shyness goes out the window when she's sticking up for a friend.

Hey I’m supposed to make the token black girl!

Jokes aside I will have my sheet out by this weekend by the latest.


| The Cornerstone of the Brotherhood |

"With every swing of its holy edges, the chains of darkness shatter, and the fallen are cast back from whence they came."

| The Brotherhood crafted the Undead Hunter, a weapon forged through an ancient and sacred ritual using divine blessings. Designed to bestow its wielder with unmatched power against the forces of darkness, it was created by the Brotherhood’s most revered scholars and warriors, who blended their knowledge of holy magic and combat to forge the ultimate weapon against the undead and Apparitions. |

| Transformative Sword/Whip. |

| The Undead Hunter remains a well-guarded relic within the Brotherhood, passed down through generations of their most elite members. It has never left their Headquarters, and only the Grandmasters are entrusted with its use in times of dire need. The weapon has never been outside the Brotherhood's control despite rumors suggesting its loss during a fateful mission against a necromancer. Such tales are likely meant to conceal the true location of this legendary artifact, ensuring that it stays hidden from those who would seek to claim its power. |

| The most legendary wielder of the Undead Hunter was Sir Thomas, a Paladin of the Brotherhood renowned for his fearless crusade against a legion of undead. After Sir Thomas’ death, the weapon was passed to subsequent Grandmasters of the Brotherhood, each tasked with guarding it and using it only in dire need. |

| No. |
The Undead Hunter is a legendary artifact designed to wield devastating power against the forces of darkness. This unique weapon can seamlessly transform between a razor-sharp sword and a segmented whip, offering its wielder adaptability in battle against singular and multiple foes. The instant and effortless transformation allows the wielder to switch between close-quarters combat and mid-range strikes fluidly.

As the Undead Hunter strikes, it disrupts the magic that sustains the Undead, initiating a process of gradual dissolution. The flesh begins to wither and rot as the weapon's holy power takes effect, breaking down the bonds that tether the creature to its existence. As the magic fades, the creature’s essence is slowly consumed, eventually disintegrating into nothingness. When the Undead Hunter strikes beings such as Afflicted, Adjoined, Abominable, or Abscised, it inflicts severe burns upon contact. The weapon's consecrated energy sears through their unnatural forms, causing unbearable pain that disrupts their ability to utilize their Abstractions. Unlike undead beings, these beings do not disintegrate, but the holy flames of the Undead Hunter cause severe burns.

When the Undead Hunter strikes an Apparition, it unleashes a wave of consecrated energy that disrupts the very nature of the being. This divine energy amplifies the weapon's ability to unravel the magic sustaining the Apparition, causing a cascading effect that weakens the entity's defenses and diminishes its ability to regenerate. Once the Apparition is destroyed, the weapon's sealing mechanism activates instantly, drawing in the remnants of the defeated entity and automatically sealing it—acting as a prison for these evil beings.

When the weapon is transformed into a whip, it offers enhanced reach and versatility, especially against enemies that keep their distance or travel in groups. With brutal efficiency, the whip can constrict, bind, and tear apart undead and other evil beings. The whip can also entangle and bind its targets, making it nearly impossible for Apparitions or undead to escape once ensnared. Unlike most magical beings who can flee or teleport to safety, the weapon is enchanted to prevent them from teleporting to other dimensions until they are destroyed or released by the whip.

However, outside of this specialized use, the weapon functions as a regular sword and whip. Against, for example, Adepts and human beings, the Undead Hunter performs no differently than any other well-crafted weapon. While it can cut through flesh and bone and potentially damage magical barriers or enchantments through sheer force, it does not disable or disrupt these forms of magic.

When the Undead Hunter has been used extensively, it requires a period of re-empowerment within the sacred halls of the Brotherhood. This ritual involves placing the weapon on the Altar of Purity, which absorbs the ambient energy of protective wards and the prayers of the Brotherhood’s members. While in this uncharged state, the magical properties of the Undead Hunter deactivate, but it retains its physical form as a finely crafted sword and whip but loses its mystical properties, functioning merely as a regular weapon. It can still cut through flesh and bone, but its ability to sever the bonds of undead and Apparitions is diminished, rendering it ineffective against supernatural foes.

Interactions: None.
The Funhouse - Heinrich's Lab.

The sterile hum of the lab filled the air.

The only sound was Heinrich Thormer's whisper. His lab was dimly lit, save for the harsh light beaming directly over the steel slab on which Layla’s blood sample rested. The delicate vials, marked with her name, seemed out of place here, surrounded by strange instruments and technological apparatus that defied reason. Heinrich’s towering figure loomed over the sample, his mannequin-like body hunched at an unnatural angle, long fingers manipulating the delicate glass. His faceless, ceramic head tilted toward the blood as though he were studying it with eyes he no longer had. The silence of the lab was broken only by a soft, mechanic click as a syringe extended from his index finger before piercing the seal of the vial. He extracted just a few drops, carefully placing them on a small, magical glass slide.

"Curious," Heinrich whispered.

He placed the slide under an apparatus glowing with enchanted symbols. The device hummed to life, its projections displaying complex patterns and symbols, none resembling conventional scientific data. His fingers twitched, triggering a series of movements within his body. Hidden tools slid silently out from his limbs - needles, clamps, tiny scalpels - all poised to act as he continued his analysis. With a rotation of his mechanical wrist, the readings shifted, revealing intricate patterns of magical residue intertwined with Layla’s unique blood composition. Heinrich tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table...

"Luis will want to see this."

As Heinrich entered the meeting room, his strange, mannequin-like form limped eerily. The dimly lit space was enveloped in deep red velvet, and runes shimmered faintly along the floor and ceiling. Luis was already seated in one of the high-backed chairs, his fingers steepled. Next to him was Natalie, who was twirling a revolver as she leaned back in a chair. In the corner of the room was Shaquita Walker, with her hands behind her back. She glanced in Heinrich's direction before her gaze went forward. Luis grinned.

"Ah, Heinrich," Luis began, "I believe you have interesting news."

Heinrich stood hunched over for a moment before speaking with a menacing whisper.

"Correct," Heinrich said, "I have examined Layla's blood and its magical properties."


"... And I determined it can be replicated," Heinrich said, and Luis gave him a jolly grin.

"Perfect," Luis said. "Music to my ears, so we can keep the Rill siblings fed without relying on constantly extracting blood from Hyacinthus."

"Aaaaaand, we can leverage those spooky fuckers," Natalie laughed, her gun twirling coming to a stop. "Maybe it'd be worth icing Layla after this." She laughed again.

"However, we need a backup," Luis said, his face flat as he angled his steepled fingers perpendicular to the floor. "I think we can make a backup plan for the Rill siblings and our spies in Sycamore if push comes to shove."

Heinrich was silent for a moment as he got the drift.

"... I will get to work."

"Perfect!" Luis said as that grin returned. "Make sure to make it count because we'll lay low for a little while."

"But, what about that boy?" Shaquita piped up. "You still want him captured."

"I do, but..." Luis trailed off, shaking his after. "After the whole thing with Phantasia, I think it'd be best to keep our heads down."

Luis began his speech, paused for dramatic effect, before saying, "As much as she took it there, that is far too much attention on us. We're still very early in our plans and can't afford to have the PRA or Sycamore tipped off to our presence. Our spies know what to do, and we will only do essential operations like our sales."

"What about that clusterfuck on Rich Street?" Natalie laughed. "Word on the street is that Faith is gearing up for something big?"

"That works out in our favor because we finally have our in to the 317," Luis said with a nod of his head. "We finally have eyes on the inside, and..."

Luis shrugged.

"I doubt they're going to, I don't know, start a giant war that will consume the city!" Luis laughed before he looked between each member of the group.

"Everything is going to work out just fine."

The Rich Clique, Jiao-Long, & Chunhua Liu.

Introducing Hank Liu by the way.
Interactions: Not an annoying-ass Coven.
The Liu

The portal flickered in to existence.

Sage was chucked through it and landed on a plush rug. Then Jake and Gabe, adrenaline flowing through their veins, followed by Lin and Jaska. Sylvia entered with a flourish, her guitar slung across her back like a warrior's weapon. Finally, Mika quietly walked in with a flat expression, and Johnny hopped backward through it, landing on his feet with a cocky grin on his face.

The portal flickered out of existence.

"Oh my lord!" Lin said as her eyes scanned the environment. "Wait..."

Then Johnny looked around; they were in the foyer of some mansion. A grand spectacle of a place with high ceilings, white wallpaper, and marble floors and columns. Antique furniture lined the walls, and vibrant paintings depicting serene landscapes hung between portraits of strangely familiar faces.

"Wait... is this the fucking Liu Manor?!" Johnny asked, turning towards Sylvia, who awkwardly grinned and shrugged.

"Hey! You said 'Make a portal'!" Sylvia said, "So that's what I fucking did, Papi!"

"Why the fuck were the Lius the first thing that came to mind?!" Johnny shouted. "Why didn't you take us back to the Valos manor!?"

"Papi, I panicked!" Sylvia laughed. "I was thinking, 'Oh, the Harbor Lounge!' then realized that was a terrible fuckin' idea, Papi! So I had to come up with something else!"

"It was! But-"

"This place has more class than the Valos mansion ever will," Mika said as she walked over to her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder as she said in Cantonese, "Are you okay?"

Lin nodded.

"Yes," Lin replied.

"That's great," Mika turned her head to the rest of the group and said, "Don't get blood everywhere, please."

"Thanks for your fuckin' concern, Mika." Gabe said with a roll of her eyes. "You should have let me tear that bitch up!" Gabe shouted to the group.

"Yes, and burn the building down and have the PRA so far up our ass it's like a colonoscopy!" Johnny threw his hands up into the air. "You know what a federal colonoscopy is like? It ain't fun!"

"Why the fuck did you have to bring up her brother?!" Jake shouted, grasping his neck.

"I didn't even know he was dead!" Gabe replied, throwing her hands up into the air.

"... Oh Lord," Mika said, rolling her eyes. Before she promptly walked away, she said, "I'm going to get some tea. Don't kill each other."

"But still! We don't bring other people's family into shit! You could have said anything else, like call her a hoe!" Jake grasped both sides of his head.

"Everyone knows she's a hoe," Gabe shouted back.

"... What about Sage?" Jaska asked as he flexed his wings, pointing at the unconscious Sage. Then everyone looked at Sage.

"Oh yeah," Gabe shrugged. "We should make sure they're not fucking dead."

"Can Chunhua heal them?" Jake asked Lin.

Two footsteps approached from above, and Jiao-Long placed his hands on the railing and looked down at everyone - Chunhua was right over his shoulder. Everyone looked up at him.

"... What in good name is going on in here?" Jiao-Long asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Lin said with a shrug before she pointed a hand at Sage. She spoke to them in Cantonese, "Mother, Father, good evening. I hate that we interrupted."

"It is fine," Jiao-Long said as he looked at Sage. "What happened?"

"We got into a fight at Mirrorland," Lin replied; the last word was spoken in English.

Jiao-Long paused for a moment as he asked,

"... With who?"

Lin looked at every member of her clique before she said in plain English, "... The Sycamore Tree Coven. They attacked us after an argument."

"And I gunned down two of those fuckas'," Johnny then shot Jiao-Long the finger guns. "You're welcome."

"... And knocked out Sage and let Jake get stabbed with a fork," Sylvia teased before getting slightly smacked on the back of the head by Johnny.

Jiao-Long just shook his head.

"You all need to be careful," Jiao-Long began, "Your fight with the 8th St Coven was, what? Less than a week ago?"

"... I mean, they are the Valos," Mika said as she returned to the scene.

"Bitch, your sister's one of us," Gabe said, putting her hands on her hips as she turned toward Mika.

"Hardly, boor," Mika spat back, sneering at Gabe.

"This 'boor's' about to smack the shit-" Gabe said before Jake grabbed her by the bicep.

"Gabe, chill," Jake began, before adding, "... You don't even know what that word means."

"Yes, I do-"

"... What's going on here?" Amidst the shouting and screaming, a young boy no taller than four-ten walked over wearing light-blue pajamas. He rubbed his eyes, and Mika immediately rolled hers.

"Haaaaaank!" Lin said with a smile as she ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him. She gave her younger brother a warm smile. "Go back to bed, " she said to him.

"But I heard yelling. That person is unconscious. And he said he gunned down someone," Hank said; he glanced over at Johnny, who gave him a sarcastic salute.

"Just a figure of speech, little man," Johnny grinned. "No big deal."

"Doesn't sound like it," Hank narrowed his eyes.

"It’s late, Hank. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?" Lin sighed, running her hands through his hair, and gave him an assuring smile.

"Hank, listen to your sister," Jiao-Long sternly said. Hank turned towards his father before sighing and nodding.

"Alright..." He glanced back at Lin before whispering, "But you'll tell me later, right?"

Lin gave him a gentle nod. "I promise."

Hank finally went back toward the stairs, glancing over his shoulder. When he was out of earshot, the room fell back into its earlier tension, but Lin sighed and turned towards her mother.

"Look, can you heal Sage?" Lin asked Chunhua.

"It should be no issue if you can get them outside,' Chunhua replied.

Lin pointed her hand at Sage, and they floated through the air, and Lin slowly walked outside.

"When could you do that?" Gabe asked, crossing her arms.

"Since now," Lin sharply answered as she continued outside. Before Chunhua shuffled down the stairs and followed after her.

Jiao-Long, who had been silent, finally spoke, "You are all too reckless. You four wish to be a part of the Elite, correct?"

Jiao-Long raised his hand, cutting off Johnny before he could speak. The look in his eyes was enough to silence any protests.

"You think this is a game?" Jiao-Long continued, "You get into a brawl one week. Then the next week you get into a shooting! You expect your father to just clean up after you? Act like it's all under control? I get what living under his shadow is like, but this isn’t how things work."

"Look, oldhead, we handled-" Johnny's grin faltered.

"You handled nothing," Jiao-Long interrupted, his gaze boring holes into Johnny. "Do you know what would happen if the wrong people saw? The Sycamore Tree Coven isn't some random gang, Johnny. They will retaliate against us for this!"

"They started it," Gabe said, narrowing her eyes at Jiao-Long.

"And you finished it?" Jiao-Long asked. "They won't come after us because you killed two of them? Tell me, did you eliminate all of them? Ensure they won't run back and tell the rest of them what happened?" Jiao-Long raised an eyebrow.

They were silent, and Jiao-Long crossed his arms.

"Figures," Jiao-Long hissed; "In your recklessness, you’re missing the bigger picture." He paused, looking directly at Gabe. "Killing two members of the Sycamore Tree Coven isn’t a victory. It’s an invitation. You’ve started something that we may not be able to contain or control."

Gabe clenched her fists, biting her lip, but remained silent.

"Being part of the Elite means understanding consequences. Magic is not just a weapon to wield when angry or when your pride is hurt. It is a force that can shape this world. And the path you're on leads to destruction. For you and everyone around you."

Johnny opened his mouth to argue, but Jiao-Long’s raised hand silenced him again.

"You four have potential; I won’t deny that. But if you think for a second that I'll stand by and let you recklessly endanger everything we've built... you’re gravely mistaken." Jiao-Long’s voice dropped to a low, dangerous tone. "If you continue down this path - brawling in public, spilling blood - I will personally make sure your induction into the Elite never happens."

"But, Papi! Those motherfuckers attacked us! Were we supposed to let it happen?" Sylvia spoke up, tilting her head.

"And what do you think letting loose achieves?" Jiao-Long said, tilting his head. "You all think you are still teenagers, and think your actions will just be thrown under the rug without consequences. No. You're all adults now. You are no longer representing yourselves, but your families - and by extension, The Elite. If the Coven retaliates, it could start a war! A war we cannot afford to lose."

Jiao-Long shook his head, “The Elite is already dysfunctional enough! We already have to deal with Schmidt's impulsive children, and those two psychopaths the Pimms barely keep leashed half the time. The Elite doesn't need more people adding to the chaos when we're barely keeping together as is! It would be best if you learned to think before acting. Otherwise, you’ll find yourselves out of options and time.”

With that, Jiao-Long walked away, disappearing into the mansion's halls.

"... He has a point," Jake agreed.

"Look, he does," Johnny wiped his face. "Just not the point he thinks he does."

"So, what now?" Gabe asked.

"Look," Johnny paused. "Let's just... call it a night. I'm going to see if I can get another meeting with Isaac. Just keep your heads down, please?"

They all nodded before they left the Liu Estate.

Isaac Kane

Aaron walked outside of the house and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. His eyes scanned the night to see if anyone was watching and swapped to his other form for safety. She pulled a cigarette from the pack and lit it. She inhaled deeply and immediately felt a small nicotine rush fall over her mind. She looked at her hand and smirked. That was some fancy magic that person had. She would need to be very careful if she ever fought them again. She exhaled the smoke as she took a seat on the ground and pulled her legs in tight as she began to think about the coming struggles.

“... You smokin’ without me?” Aryin heard Isaac Kane's familiar voice behind her. When she turned around, he was wearing another well-fitted black suit. He had an unlit cigar in between his lips as he quickly lit it. “Prefer these, though. More class if you ask me.” He laughed.

“Told you I’d find you, didn’t I?”

”They are classier but there’s something about a crappy cigarette,” Aryin paused as she exhaled and looked up to Isaac, ”especially on nights like tonight. You’re fast,” Aryin said with a smirk. ”Shall I grab my checkbook?”

“Hold on, since what I’m about to tell you is unsourced, I don’t feel like it’d be fair to charge you,” Isaac began, before he grinned. “... But, tips are appreciated.”

”Oh I can give you a tip.”]

“Yeah, I’ll cut to the chase,” Isaac began, “The Elite employed those who attacked you, Blake Schmidt’s new lackeys known as Sentinel Solutions. He’s been paying them big money to go around and mug people of their artifacts.”

He took a few steps in front of Aryin before saying, “It was a test. They want to draw Greenwood out because they want back the axe that ya’ boy James carries.”

”Wait, wait,” Aryin paused as they shot out, ”we weren’t even the mark? They did all that damage in the hope that it would draw Greenwood into the fight?” Aryin inhaled deeply as they looked at Isaac. ”Which means that going forward they may attack us again, may attack the coven, just to try and find a way to get that axe back.” Aryin sighed as they finished the cigarette and put it out under their feet. They knew they would need to get this information to the 317, verified or otherwise.

”How did the elite get Scott Reese involved? Did you uncover anything relating to him?”

“Don’t know,” Isaac said. “Last I heard, Scott Reese was in Das Sonnenrad. Disappeared after it went down. Just popped back up the other night.”

”Does the Elite have any artifacts that you know of that could level the playing field against Scott, at either the island or the Emperor? Or would I need a checkbook for that question?”

“Well, that depends on how much you value your - or the 317’s - secrets, Aryin. The Elite’s got a few toys up their sleeves, but I’d say most of them are more flashy than effective against someone like Scott.” Isaac shrugged.

”What do you mean about our secrets?”

Isaac’s smirk widened as he took a long drag from his cigar, “... You still don’t get it, do you?” He started, “Information? It’s more valuable than any magic or artifact because what good is having all of that if you don’t know where to put it? Why do you think Kari was so valuable? Why do you think people want to know what she knows so badly?” He raised an eyebrow.

"Information is everything, Aryin. It's not just the ‘who’s got what’ or ‘who’s on the move’ kind of stuff. That’s useful, sure. But I’m talking about the kind of power that wins wars before a single shot is fired, the kind of knowledge that lets you win a fight without even showing up."

Isaac tapped his cigar and let the ashes and embers fall peacefully to the ground, "information? It’s like currency. Everyone trades it, buys it, sells it. But not all currency is equal. Some info is like a pocket full of pennies - enough of it can still get you something… eventually. Then, you got gold bars in a world of inflation. And that’s where secrets come in." Isaac then took a few steps forward and closed his eyes.

“Secrets are the currency that matters the most. They’re rare, protected, hidden. And the more dangerous they are, the more valuable they become. They’re the insider trading of our world - knowing someone’s breaking point, their weaknesses, the skeletons they thought were buried too deep ever to see daylight again. You can turn nations with a single secret. It’s why people will kill to keep or spend fortunes to learn them."

Isaac opened his eyes and turned his torso to look at Aryin over his shoulder, "Artifacts are just tools. Powers? They’re weapons. But secrets? Secrets are control. Control over what people do, what they think, how they react. You don’t win wars with brute strength alone; you win them with leverage. And leverage is built on secrets."

He gave Aryin the biggest shit-eating grin as he looked at her over his shoulder.

“So, tell me some of the 317’s dirty little secrets, and I’ll give you exactly what you want,” Isaacc then shrugged. “If not, then that’s fine. I hope you got that checkbook on hand, though!” He started laughing.

”Those secrets are not mine to spill. What would the bill be if I didn’t tell you a secret,” Aryin joked as they pondered if they should ever share that dirty little secret.
“Always the professional, I like you,” Isaac said, laughing as he walked a slow circle around Aryin, and tapped the ashes off his cigar. “Since you’re asking for straight numbers, and this is a somewhat vital piece of information… [i]Fifty grand.[i] Cash. No checks, no installments.”

He paused, looking at Aryin over his shoulder, “And before you start thinking that’s steep, consider what you’re up against. When it comes to folks like Blake Schmidt and his merry band of rich psychos, you're not just buying information from me. You’re buying time. And trust me when I say…" Isaac leaned in closer,

"... Time is running out."

” What if I introduce you to someone who can make the determination on the secret, or get the cash for the payment” Aryin asked as their eyes watched Isaac as he circled her, a small smirk spreading across their face.

Isaac raised an eyebrow.

“.... I’m listening.”

”I am going to get in contact with leadership after we finish talking. I could introduce your services, get the foot in the door so to speak, and from there they can decide how much this information is worth. I think they will find value in knowing how to handle that monster.”

Isaac rubbed his chin.

“... I like the sound of that.” He chuckled, extending a hand.

”I thought you would,” Aryin shook his hand as she smirked even wider. ”How do I get back in contact with you? Or will you find me again?”

Isaac reached into his suit pocket and offered Aryin his card with his contact information.

”I‘ll be in touch,” Aryin said as she grabbed the card.

Isaac nodded his head before he walked away.
The Greenwood Coven, & The 317.

Interactions: None.
Overlooking Elysium Island.

The rain beat on… Though, this wasn’t a natural rainstorm. Ruby knew precisely what it was. The Greenwood Coven stood on the cliffside, which gave a great view of the Elite Headquarters: Elysium Island. However, it was obscured by a thick, swirling storm. Ruby held her branch tightly as she narrowed her eyes.

“... They have the Eustis Veil active,” Pearl noted.

“They are up to something,” Ruby noted.

“How do we know they haven’t caught someone else on the island?” Jessica asked.

“Then it would be the perfect time to get in there and leave with their artifacts,” Ruby hit her blunt.

“Man they are probably havin’ one of them freakoffs!” James grinned, only to get elbow jabbed by Naomi.

“Maybe it has something to do with Sycamore?” Naomi shrugged.

“I’m learning where Sycamore goes,” Faith spoke up as she approached, “chaos always is right behind. My money is on chaos brewing for Sycamore.”

Ruby looked over her shoulder.

”Especially after what happened tonight,” Aryin said as she walked over to James and punched him in the arm. James laughed.

“Fascinating,” Summer said as she walked over to the edge of the cliff and pulled her steampunk inspired glasses from her bag. Her hand glowed a golden glow and soon that energy infused the glasses. She put them on her eyes and soon the lenses extended out. She began to look at the island in more detail.

“Thank you Ruby, once again, for being to meet on such short notice,” Faith said as she walked up to Ruby, “I have news to share.”

Ruby took a long drag of her blunt, blowing it out as she asked, “Lemme guess; the cult of rich assholes are up to no good?”

“No good at all,” Faith sighed as she put her hands on her hips, “they were the ones who attacked us. And they didn’t do it for our artifacts.”

”They did it to draw you out to get the axe,” Aryin added as she crossed her arms.

“The fuck?!” James shouted.

But, Ruby couldn’t help but laugh, “... Of course those little rich pissbabies couldn’t live with their L.” Ruby laughed.

“Well…” Pearl shrugged. “I take it we’re going to counterattack?”

Greenwood went silent as they all looked at each other.

“We have to,” Ruby said. “They are going to keep pushing us… If we let them.”

“You won’t be alone,” Faith responded as the corners of her mouth curled downward. “Those fuckers attacked our building, hurt my friends, and assaulted Aryin again tonight. They’re lucky I’m out of the monster making business.”

“How does the Veil work,” Summer asked as the lenses zoomed in.

“The Eustis Veil works by creating a defensive storm that blocks teleportation,” Pearl explained. “However, disabling it is easy.”

“Getting past the Eye of Ankhara is the tricky part,” Ruby nodded.

“Where’s the eye,” Summer asked.

Ruby shrugged.

“... On the island.”

“I know that,” Summer said with a sigh, “where on the island? Is it out in the open or obscured?”

James put a hand on Summer’s shoulder.

“What our perpetually high friend is trying to say is,” James raised a finger. “... We don't know.”

“We raided the island a year ago before the Das Sonnenrad war,” Pearl said.

“Yeah! We almost died!” Jess said, laughing.

“If it wasn't for our late member, Lyric Brown, we wouldn’t have made it off,” Pearl nodded. “She had a plan to get back onto the island…”

“... But, with all of her artifacts gone, we can’t pull it off,” Ruby hissed. “Probably on the island.”

“Tell me more about what the Eye of Ankhara does,” Summer asked as she took off the glasses, “I doubt I can make something to get past it, but I can try on short notice.”

“What does it do again?” Ruby asked.

“Essentially emits a field of sound waves that, if disrupted, will illuminate your aura for the whole island to see,” Pearl said. “Moving too fast, making too much noise, and using magic will activate it.”

“That’s a tough thing to get around. I don’t have an idea how to disable that,” Summer responded with a sigh.

“We find it, then smash it!” Jessica laughed.

”Scott Reese is always going to be our biggest threat,” Aryin paused, ”them being alive is already super fucked for the future. Them seemingly fighting with the fuckers down there means that any attack is likely doomed to fail.”

Ruby was momentarily silent, “... Both 8th St and Greenwood combined couldn’t beat that fucker. Their portal bitch had to get rid of him.”

“However, he can only transform at night,” Pearl nodded.

“So the best time to take him out is now,” Naomi added.

”Wait how long has he been back,” Aryin asked as her mouth dropped.

“We don't know how long he’s been gone!” James laughed.

“We fought him a few times when we threw hands with Das Sonnenrad,” Ruby answered, taking a drag of her blunt. “Guess he decided to clean up his act.”

”He should’ve died ten years ago,” Aryin groaned as she put her hands on her head, ”I thought we ended him,” Aryin groaned again.

“No time like the present,” Ruby shrugged. “Guess it’s just one more mess ol’ Sycamore left us with.”

”In our defense we were just kids, many who just kindled due to the snake,” Aryin paused as a small smile crossed her face, ”one minute I was a dude living my best life, the next I was a girl fighting monsters and talking hits that broke the others. We had no idea what we were doing,” she looked towards Ruby, ”we did the best we could against the monsters we faced.”

”Where was everyone else? We faced that shit alone.”

“Were kids?” James gave Aryin the biggest shit-eating kid. “Some of ya’ll-” He got jabbed by Naomi’s elbow.

“... She’s not wrong,” Naomi agreed.

“Living our best lives,” Ruby shrugged. “We had no clue what was going on until way later.”

“Look, Sycamore is not to blame for any of this, Ruby,” Pearl nodded. “At least not the previous version.”

“Yeah, let’s focus on what we can change,” Jess said. “Not pointing fingers.”

”Agreed,” Aryin said as they looked towards Ruby, ”how can we help with this?”

“Sycamore?” Jess asked, scrunching her face up. “Would they even help us?”

”You guys coming to our meeting today?”

Ruby tilted her head, “... There’s a meeting?”

“What Ruby means is; yes, Greenwood will be attending,” Pearl added..

”Good. You’ll learn what Sycamore has in store. I know I wont be able to do the plan justice but Sycamore has something in store for the fucks down there,” Aryin said with a shit eating grin.

Ruby grinned.

“... Well, I guess it’s time for bird girl to back up her shit talk,” Ruby laughed. “Because Sycamore ‘boutta enter the big leagues.”

”Lila has surprised me thus far. That slut better keep it up. We need it,” Aryin paused at they chuckled. ”She is looking more bird girl, you’re right.”

“I assume your people are ready for what’s coming next, right?” Ruby asked, putting a hand on her hip.

”Yes. Whatever happens next will be chaotic,” Aryin paused as they smirked, ”that is Sycamore’s natural element.”
The Coastal Harbor Mall.

”I haven’t been here since I’m a kid,” Aryin said as they walked through the doors of The Coastal Harbor mall.

“Not much has changed. These malls are, and always been, a blight. The pretzels are pretty good though,” Faith responded as the two made their way towards the food court, finding a large table, and sitting down. “They should be here any minute.”

”We have much to discuss,” Aryin responded with a smirk.

And on cue, Ruby showed up… wearing a red hoodie and sweatpants combo with a baseball cap on. Yet, Ruby wasn’t alone, accompanied by the entourage of Jess and Pearl alongside Naomi and Autumn. As she sat down at the same table as the rest of them, Ruby said.

“... You know, a fucking mall isn’t what I had in mind for a tense, important meeting,” Ruby laughed.

“The baseheads add ambiance, you know!” Jess grinned.

“So, we’re supposed to be meeting our giant friend from Sycamore here?” Ruby said, cracking a wry grin as she leaned forward and interlocked her fingers. “Well, where is she?”

A few moments later, Britney Williams approached, wearing a white sundress, a tan sunhat, and some tan loafers. She smiled,

”Heeeeeeeey, it’s great to see you all,” Britney began sitting down by Aryin, before turning her attention to Faith. ”Faith, right? It’s great to meet you.”

She extended a hand.

Faith reached out and shook it. “Sycamore, pleasure to meet you as well. I’ve met many from your coven over the past few weeks. Thank you for joining us on such short notice.”

”Heard you met the wonderful Linqian,” Britney laughed. ”But, let’s get to business… I heard you all got information on our mutual rich headache. Also heard that you all had a plan for dealing with them?”

“Linqian was a… delight. She’s strong though so she helped save our asses.” Faith paused as she rubbed her temple. “For those rich fucks we’ll just hit them fast,” Faith chuckled as she paused as she looked towards Ruby, “she’s the one who has more insight into dealing with the mutual rich headache.”

Britney’s gaze landed on Ruby, who was silent. The latter leaned back in her seat, and then shrugged.

“... My plan is basically to drop their gay little storm veil, and then we rush in and burn the island to the ground.”

Britney gave Ruby an awkward, broad smile, showing all of her teeth.

”... Are you for real? Like deadass?

“Yes,” Ruby shrugged again. “All of those rich fucks - or at least the important ones - are probably on that island right now. We drop the Eustis Veil, and then we open with Jess and James lighting the bitch up from a distance, then we charge in and kill 'em all.”

Ruby raised a knee on her seat before wrapping her hands around it.

“Daylight apparently makes their monster weak, and daylight also gives us her magic,” Faith paused as she pointed towards Jess, who gave Faith the thumbs up, “plus it keeps our element of surprise. From what I’ve been told they’ve struck first by attacking us. I want to make sure that when we strike back they stay down for fucking good.”

”But, there are some artifacts on the island that Sycamore needs, Britney noted, staying silent for a moment. ”What will you do about them?”

“... Take them, naturally,” Ruby shrugged. “I figure Greenwood, the 317, and… Sycamore - if they can pull it together long enough to participate - splits whatever we pillage three ways.”

“But, whatever artifact you need, we will give it to you as long as you help us,” Pearl said with a nod.

“Alliances are fun, are they not,” Faith sighed as she leaned back in her chair, “like they said. As long as everyone pulls their weight I see no reason why we can’t share the spoils. There may be artifacts I’m after as well, I just need to decide if the cost is worth a meeting with a shady information broker.”

”... Isaac Kane? Britney raised an eyebrow.

”He came and saw me after I got home,” Aryin looked over to Britney, ”we were attacked by a group called Sentinel Solutions the other night. All of it was an attempt to get an artifact back from Greenwood. Isaac doesn’t know if there’s anything there that can touch Scott, but,” Aryin sighed as she cupped her face with her hands.

“We won’t know for sure unless I pay fifty grand,” Faith rolled her eyes at the thought, “but if there’s a chance that one of them would allow me to fucking murder that Nazi and turn his corpse into a monster than I think fifty grand might be a small price to pay for that satisfaction. Alas,” Faith paused as she raised her hands. “I’m out of that business now so I might just have to savor his death.”

”I mean it’s one hell of a gamble, not going to lie,” Britney awkwardly laughed.

“... And I mean; who the hell else could it even be?” Ruby asked, raising an eyebrow. “I say we go there anyway because…”

Ruby let her words hang in the air as she dramatically paused.

“... Even if they haven’t already, they will find a reason to fuck with you all,” Ruby leaned back in her seat. “That’s how those rich fucks be. They just try ya’ll just for the sake of trying ya’ll.“

“I know you guys are dealing with a wolf in y’all’s hen house but this is also a problem that will come to affect you. If they came for us, how long will it be until they come for you? For your artifacts, for your secrets,” Faith added as she looked at Aryin than Britney. “So. I think this is what we need to do. I’ll pay the devil for information, see if there’s anything that can stop Scott at their locations, when we attack them we do it as one. Greenwood, Sycamore, and the 317 covens acting as one. We take out their knees, take what makes them strong, and make them regret ever trying to push their influence into our town. After the fight,” Faith paused as she looked towards Ruby, "Sycamore gets their artifacts, we get ours, and Greenwood can have their fill.”

Aryin was hung up on one singular word, their head twisting and turning as they tried to make sense of what they heard. ”Is the 317 a coven now,” Aryin asked with a raised eyebrow.


“Might as well,” Ruby shrugged. “When we take 8th out of the picture, we can be like a Coven… triumvirate.

“Man you don’t even know what that word means!” Naomi laughed.

”What I’m wondering is… do ya’ll have any plan past taking the Eustis Veil out and slugging it out,” Britney said with a nod of her head. ”Getting into the Veil itself will be a challenge…”

“... Unless we give them a reason to drop it,” Ruby grinned.

“I suppose there’s no harm in talking through it. We give them a reason to drop it, how so,” Faith asked as she smiled.

“We have been tracking movements in and out of Elysium Island,” Ruby began. “There are a few members of their rich cult that are not on the island at the moment… I suggest that we scare them onto Elysium Island.”

Ruby let her words hang in the air.

“We give them a big enough scare that they haul ass onto the island, forcing them to drop the motherfucker. It might be a small ass window, but the second it’s dropped, Jess and James unleash holy hell onto the island, and we teleport there and take it from there.”

”Maybe a few of the 317 can be the ones who scare them,” Aaron added as he swapped forms, ”we were attacked, revenge is fresh on all of our minds. It would make sense that we lash out at the first rich bitch we run across. We could have Alex with us to get us to the island after you guys start the fight. You’d just need to bring a painting with you.”

“Amelia can get us on the island afterward,” Ruby said, “But, otherwise, have at them. Long as you got them running scared.”

Then Ruby turned towards Britney, “I presume you have your way onto the island?”

Britney awkwardly laughed.

”... Yeah, he just talks a lot.”

“You can hitch a ride with us,” Naomi added. “It’s not like Amelia can’t handle it.”

“So a few of us will prime the powder keg, and you’ll all light the fuse. After it explodes, and the Veil is taken down, what happens? Do we just fight through whatever happens or is there going to be a plan,” Faith asked as she looked towards Ruby, “I like plans. If we don’t have a plan and have to improvise that is going to make my hair fall out but I guess I’ll learn to deal with it.”

“Hey, if we don’t know what we’re doing, neither will they,” Ruby laughed, then shrugged.

”As fun as that sounds, I would like to devise some sort of plan that doesn’t involve rushing in there like a bunch of crackfiends,” Britney laughed. ”How about we split up into two groups… One group raises hell on the island to keep their attention above ground while another slips in from behind.”

“I have an idea,” Naomi said, “If we’re going to scare one of those MFs onto the island, then how about I tag along?”

”How?” Britney tilted her head.

“I never told you - or used it - but I can transform into an itsy bitsy spider,” Naomi said. “So small, I can cling onto someone’s clothes or hair without them knowing.”

“It’s risky, tho’,” Ruby said.

“And you end up booty-out naked!” Jess laughed.

Naomi scoffed, “If I can get somewhere vital… Then it’s worth it.”

”That could work,” Aaron leaned forward, ”we scare the pour idiot we come across. You hitch a ride back with them. Would you be detected by the eye?”

Naomi shrugged.

“Not sure,” Naomi answered.

”If you don't mind me intruding,” Britney began. ”What’s ‘The Eye’?”

“The Eye of Ankhara,” Ruby answered.

”Oooooh, they have that…” Britney trailed off, ”It’s extra sensitive to magic being used, so it probably will set it off.”

“That’s why I think we should just go in for a shock-and-awe,” Ruby said. “All that’s going to happen is we’re going to get caught and then we start swinging.”

”But, the Eye only has a radius of a mile,” Britney said. ”Elysium Island is way bigger than just a mile.”

”Maybe we can use the time while the veil is down to get everyone on the island outside the radius of the Eye. Once we’re all on the island and coordinated we can go scorched earth,” Aaron added.
“And that depends on how long it’s down,” Ruby said with a nod. “We don’t get time to fuck around. Everyone’s gotta be on their shit.” She looked around at everyone before her eyes landed on Britney for a second.

Before she turned to Faith.

“... You said you had ‘fresh blood,’ right?” Ruby asked. “We can depend on them, right?”

”Fresh to the active ranks but a few of them have seen quite a bit of action,” Aaron paused as he glanced towards Britney.

“A few have, and a few more are green around the gills or not very useful in a fight,” Faith added, “I trust them to be dependable.”

“Your faith in me is always appreciated,” Cyrus interjected as he slid into an empty chair, a grin on his face. He examined every Greenwood member with a devilish look in his eyes. He was dressed well, with a well fitting white button up shirt overtop simple black chinos, “thank you again for saving my ass the other night. I’m Cyrus.”

“No problem, boy!” Naomi laughed, waving her hand.

“Yeah, saving asses is what we do,” Jess smiled at Cyrus.

“... Because how else will I eat them then?” Ruby monotony said.

“Sadly they did save you. Oh how I looked forward to calling on your ghost. Hi, um, I’m Olivia,” Olivia added as she walked up to the table. Wearing a cute denim overall, with a white shirt underneath, and a pair of red high top converse.. At first she did not understand why Cyrus had wanted to bring a group to the mall but she now understood as her eyes fixated on Britney’s. Instantly memories flooded to her mind of the fight against the snake, the bullshit that followed, and the text she ignored from Auri.

“I should’ve known,” Leah added as she crossed her arms as she stood to the side off Ruby, her thick French accent painfully present, “you truly didn’t need help picking out new clothes. I’m Leah.” This was particularly egregious. Her fashion was impeccable. The dark shirt was oversized, yes, but the tight fitting striped shirt that ran to her wrist made up for that fact. The yellow high waisted skirt commanded attention, and the tights underneath and large black platform boots simply complimented the whole fit. The fact that this man lied to her to just get her to come out here infuriated her.

“Cyrus, Olivia, Leah,” Faith spoke as her eyes narrowed, “what a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?”

“Monica talks a lot without realizing, have you ever noticed that? She told me you and Aaron were meeting our saviors today, by saying a big meeting was happening at the mall, and I wanted to bring all the fresh blood to them,” Cyrus smirked as he leaned back, “so they could see who they’re working with.”

“You didn’t even bring everyone,” Faith sighed.

“Riley said he was tasked with guarding the artifacts and a ‘good soldier follows orders’,” Cyrus said as he used finger quotes to drive home the point, “and Monica said malls are a symbol of American capitalism and by entering one you contribute to the continual erosion of the small business dream. Everyone else is here though so you’re welcome.”

“Well thank you for your help Cyrus. I don’t know what I was thinking of bringing you into the fold,” Faith muttered as she grabbed at her hair, “but you are right. It is good for Greenwood and Sycamore to see who we’ve added. Where are the others?”

“Nearby. They will be here soon,” Leah responded quickly, “I think.” As she finished taking the telltale ding of a text message played out from her phone, pulling her attention away from the table. She pulled the message open and saw it was from the babysitter, they sent a photo of her two children eating their meal. They looked happy, filled with joy, and okay. Leah took a big breath and exhaled with a smile.

As the conversation went down, Britney leaned into Aaron and whispered, ”... Let’s hope the fresh blood can keep from bleeding all over the place.” Before she turned towards Olivia and smiled.

”Something on your mind, Liv?” Britney smiled. ”... Did you ever find that Snake?” She darkly laughed.

“I thought that was you,” Olivia smirked slightly as she shook her head. She hadn’t been called Liv in nearly a decade and the name made a smile spread across her face, “I did not. I’ve been looking for it over the last ten years. How have you been? You look like you’re doing good.”

Britney incredulously laughed.

”... Yeah, I ‘look like’ I am,” Britney responded.

“That bad, huh?”

”My hair is greying,” Britney laughed.

“I’ve heard through the grapevine,” Olivia’s eyes flicked towards Aryin before they landed back on Britney, “that things have been rough.” Her eyes once again flicked to the side, this time resting on Leah, before coming back to Britney, “is there anything I can do to help track down the killer?”

Three women approached… The first was a skinny Spanish woman,, except instead of sitting at the table or going anywhere near the group, she decided to lean up against a table across from them. She smiled at them from underneath her pink hoodie and slid her hands into her pockets. However, the other two approached the table, notably, a very tall and dark woman wearing a trench coat, who calmly sat down.

Everyone stared at her for a moment.

“... I’m Lucia. It is great to meet you all,” she said, then gave them the finger waggle.

“Lily!” The girl with the dreads shouted. “I think it’s best if I stay over here!”

Then an average, a heightened girl with pronounced facial features walked over. She wore an all-cyan tracksuit that clung to her features tightly and an expression that screamed that coming here was a bother. She didn’t make a grand scene; she just sat down and started playing with her phone.


“It’s great to meet all of ya’ll,” Ruby monotone said.

“Hey, maybe we can throw a party once this is over!” Jess laughed.

“Why can’t we find people like that.”

”So we’re really doing this,” Britney said as she glanced around the table. Y’all crazy. She laughed before her eyes met Faith’s, then Ruby’s.
”But before we start the Fall of Rome Two,I gotta ask...” Britney turned towards Ruby, ”How sure are we that they’ll drop the Veil? Scaring them onto the island is one thing, but what if they don’t drop it? What if they see it coming? What then?” Britney put both of her hands up.

“Look, love,” Ruby gave Britney a dull look. “You’re relying way too much on plans and shit here… typically how it goes is; we make a super complex master plan, something unexpected hits us, and then everything goes titties up.”

”... And that’s my point,” Britney sighed, massaging her temples. ”What happens if they don’t… play along?

“What do you suggest, Britney, what would you do if you were in charge of this assault,” Faith asked with a raised eyebrow.

“We should have convinced the soldier to abandon his post,” Leah sighed as she looked up from the phone. She was doing her best to hide a creeping panic that was threatening to consume her. Leah knew that no matter what she could not put herself in that much risk, but at the same time she needed to meet more of this Sycamore coven as they were the only ones working to get revenge on that father wolf. Her eyes slid back down to her phone.

“His perspective would’ve been good to have,” Faith paused as she looked over to Ruby, then back to Britney. “You know what? We have a big problem with the attack on this island. The plan to get in works. But we need to make sure we can get back off. What if we spit into smaller teams when we begin the shock and awe? One team ensures the veil is taken offline, another goes for the artifacts, one team acts as support, one team acts as a decoy to draw their fury, while the rest stay back and engage and support from range. I don’t know, break the problem down into smaller chunks.”

”Would these teams like…” Britney said, waving her hands around as she tried to find the right words. ”... Be a mixture of the three factions, or we’re just going to delegate each faction to a task?”

“What would give us the best chance at victory,” Faith asked as she looked towards Ruby, “I think whatever gives us the best chance is the route we take. If that means we mix and match we mix and match.”

Ruby nodded.

“Can we trust Sycamore to be on their shit?” Ruby asked.

”Yes,” Britney nodded. ”We can arrange for a big meeting between our leadership and Sycamore so we can come up with a plan.”

“I trust my Sycamores, and the ones they’re close to,” Faith added as she looked towards Aaron and smiled, “Octavia’s brother is in Sycamore, Aislin is doing both, the crew likes doing the pub crawl with them. I don’t know if I trust Sycamore as a whole but I trust enough of those in it.”

”Sycamore doesn’t trust Sycamore,” Britney laughed, before her expression went flat. ”I’m not gonna lie to you here; Sycamore is a mess. We’re getting murdered, we got our problems, and some people clearly don’t want it to work. But, if somebody motivates them, we can get shit done ”

“Plus with Sycamore diluted amongst our crews there’s less chance for them to fight themselves, you know,” Faith chuckled as she shook her head. What a mess. What a colossal mess. “The after party better be lit. We’ll need it.”

“Oh yay, who’s job will motivating them fall to?”

”Trust me,” Britney smiled at Aryin. ”Leave that to me.”

Faith tossed Olivia a side eye, and Olivia got the message as she held up a hand as she backed off.

”Well we can start by making sure the problems are not on the same team. Drake and Sloane, Lynn and Linqian, and so on can not be in the same group,” Aryin added as they swapped back.

“... And keep that white-haired dolt the fuck away from us,” Ruby narrowed her eyes, before glancing at Naomi. “Especially away from Naomi.”

”That’s also implying everyone comes, but we should try to keep the people who work well together,” Britney said.

“So we got a bit more of a plan. How about that,” Faith sighed as she looked at Aryin. She wondered if she was making a terrible mistake. She looked to Ruby, then to the new members of her crew, and then back to Britney. “A fair point. When we know more about the headcount we can plan our teams out a bit more. I guess the only other thing I want to ensure is that we’re off that island and away from them before nightfall. I do not want to face Scott Reese again. How do we ensure we can teleport out, and how do we coordinate our departure?.”

“All we have to do is make sure the Eustis Veil stays off,” Ruby said with a nod. “And our teleporters alive and safe.”

”And if they turn it back on and turning it back off isn’t feasible? If they bumrush our teleporters?” Britney asked. ”The Eustis Veil is tough to destroy.”

“... Hope you can swim,” Ruby shrughed.

“What if we dedicate a group either to taking the Eustis Veil, or guarding it once we turn it off?” Naomi said with a shrug. “That way, it’s a non-issue.”

“And as for coordinating, we just need to decide on a signal of some sort,” Ruby said. “Something we can broadcast across the island without relying on a singular person or place.”

“What about flare guns,” Faith asked as she thought outside the box. “Not based on any person or any lux. Can be seen across the island. Give one to each group. And if it’s hard to destroy we’d need to dedicate some serious strength to protect it, we’d also need to dedicate some strength to protecting our supports to ensure we can leave.

”Four teams,” Aryin interjected, raising four fingers, ”support, agro, artifacts, and Veil.”

“We should have enough healers to cover all the groups,” Faith added.

”Just to be safe,” Britney said, ”We should give each group as many flareguns as possible. Ideally everyone gets one.”

Ruby nodded.

“... I can ask Lynette-” Britney rolled her eyes “-to give us some, but I asked for a pretty big favor last time.”

”Also, how many healers do we all have?” Britney began. ”Sycamore has one.”

“Greenwood’s got two, but one of them is more of an ‘off-healer’,” Ruby nodded

“We have two,” Faith added.

”... And how many teleporters do we have?” Britney said. ”Sycamore has two but I’m not sure if Jack can mass teleport in the window we’re going to get.”

“Like I said, Greenwood has Amelia,” Ruby said.

“We have one,” Faith responded, “though we’ll need to bring a painting to use them,” Faith paused as an idea hit her mind, “is the veil able to be moved? I think I just figured out how to get the Veil off the board. If it can’t be moved can we fit a painting around it?”

Britney laughed,

”I mean, it’s a big ass hunk of stone,” Britney started, ”You’re going to need a big ass painting to fit around it.”

“Can’t we just blow it up?” Naomi asked, raising her eyebrows.
”That’s a possibility, too,” Britney said, ”Probably would be easier than trying to move it unless ya’ll want to use it.”

“Let’s just blow it up,” Faith responded. She sighed as she wondered if such an object could help Sycamore against Father Wolf.

”Yup! Let’s just destroy a valuable artifact!” Britney began laughing. ”I mean, better safe than sorry. It could be used against us later.”

“I’ll shove the whole thing up Blake’s ass,” Ruby said.

Faith turned towards Britney. “Would that artifact help you against Father Wolf?”

”Probably not,” Britney started. ”Not as much as the Map of the Drunken Sailor would be.”

Britney then shrugged, ”... You know the Eustis Veil isn’t infallible, it also makes you crazy the longer you stay under it!”

“Then it should be destroyed,” Faith finally, and definitively, said.

“So, is there anything else we need to discuss?” Ruby asked, “We have to disseminate this information to our respective groups and organize…”

“Nothing else here,” Faith said as she looked towards Britney, “well, one thing. After we fucking embarrass these rich fucks, burn their island and steal their shit, how do we fucking celebrate?”

Britney shrugged.

”A nice little party, you know. Music. Drinks. Dance. Y’know.”

’A little party’ is what I call an orgy, babe,” Ruby said as Pearl, Jess, Naomi, and Autumn, facepalmed.

“Please no.”

Interactions: None.
Coastal Harbor Mall: Rooftop.

After the meeting with Greenwood and the 317, Britney brought her ass to the rooftop - not before urging a meeting with Jack. The simulated beach was the best part of this place when she was a kid… but now it doesn’t hit the same. They got rid of all the good stores, and they refused to get rid of all the junkies. Though, that wasn’t important… She stood up, hands against the railing as she watched the waves. In the distance, she could see the Eustis Veil active over Elysium Island. She knew the Coven was going there one way or another. So, she figured it should be on their terms.

Jack appeared in the blink of an eye, behind her and walked closer. ”Britney.”

Britney smiled as she turned towards Jack.

”Jack, thank you for seeing me on such short notice,” Britney started, ”Trust me, it’s very important… First, you know Auri is dead, right?”

”...No, I didn’t” He frowned. ”Since when?”

”As of last night, Aryin and I found her alongside Be and Todd,” Britney sighed. ”... Which means Father Wolf is no longer going after people who are just alone.”


He sighed. ”We’ll tell the others as soon as we can. But for now, you called me for something else. What is it?”

”So, to make this brief - something you can learn from! - Lynn put me in the direction of two artifacts in St. Portwell - the Mirror on the Wall and the Map of the Drunken Sailor - that can help us find Father Wolf, but Blake Schmidt and his cult of rich assholes have it.” Britney began before she pointed at the veil of swirling storms in the distance.

”It’s on Elysium Island, but we have two big problems. Problem numero uno is Greenwood and the 317 plan to raise holy hell on the island. Ruby is talking about razing the whole island to the ground. She’s way more intense than I thought. While they said that they’ll give us a cut of the artifacts they have on there, I don’t think it’s going to work out like that.”

Britney shook her head, ”One I don’t trust them to give us a fair share or even what we need - they are two powerful artifacts, after all - and two, Ruby is literally talking about nuking the island as the opening attack. From how Ruby’s talking, she’s more concerned with taking the Elite out of the picture than securing the artifacts.”

Britney leaned her behind against the railing, ”And problem number two is that the House of Cards Mafia was going to decipher the notes for the Elite the whole time. I’m not sure if Luna was trying to play us, but Greyson killed her…”

She shook her head.

”We should consider the House of Cards an enemy from here on out.”

Jack nodded, taking all that in. ”I warned the 317 against frontal assaults, but they aren’t idiots… How does Greenwood plan to do this? Do they think the island isn’t guarded?”

”Well, the Elite has the Eustis Veil up, do I need to give you a crash course on that, or…?” Britney asked.

”A sealed Apparition that halts teleportation,” he answered. ”I’ve heard of it.”

”The Greenwood Plan is basically to bully some members of the Elite onto the Island so they drop it to let them in, and then quickly teleport onto it while it’s down. Once they get on, everyone will split up into four groups… One will either take the Eustis Veil off Elysium Island or make sure they don’t turn it back on. Another will run underground to their artifact vault. One group to support. And another group to draw their attention. Then they will vaporize the mansion using their abstractions, and it’s on from then on.”

”Have they asked us to help them? Or did you simply hear about this at the last minute? I could teleport them in and out easily, if they need it.”

”They did ask for our help,” Britney said with a nod. ”But a little bit of the second thing, y’know. But, that brings me to my point…”

She cleared her throat, ”... We need the Map of the Drunken Sailor. We need the Mirror on the Wall. I honestly have no idea of how we will find and stop Father Wolf otherwise, and at this rate, Father Wolf will take out more of us than who will survive.”

Britney sighed, ”I can tell the Coven at large about all this, but they won’t listen. People like Sloane will be more worried about trying to take over the Coven. People like Blackmore and Kenshiro are too busy trying to pin this on me because their heads are up their asses. But they’ll listen to you.”

Britney paused for a moment.
”The reason why I asked you to come here is because, if we’re going to finally come out of this with something, YOU need to tell them. Please, Jack…” She sighed, grasping her forehead.

”They trust me more than they trust you. I understand that.” Of all the things that Jack could have added on to that, he just smirked. ”Blackmore and Kenshiro helped me recover the Brass Needle yesterday. Along with two other artifacts. If Greenwood betrays what little trust we were able to build, we can simply trade for the artifacts. And I’ll discuss the raid with those two, so they listen.”

”And that goes for anyone else who wouldn’t listen to you.”

”Look, you don’t need to do all that,” Britney said. ”All you have to do is assemble the meeting in the Eleventh Path or whatever, and just tell the Coven at large what I just told you.”

Britney sighed.

”I’m not expecting a miracle here - it’s already clear who’s going to be helpful and who isn’t - but I just need some help if we’re all going to pull this off.”

”And you will have it. Wherever I’m needed, you only need to ask.”

”Now, are you cool with the 317 and Greenwood meeting in the Eleventh Path?” Britney asked. ”I know the whole thing with Greenwood didn’t end well, but I think if we- you give them something to focus on, things might go better.”

”Absolutely,” Jack said, without skipping a beat. ”That is why we made it in the first place, a safe area for us to do what we need. The only condition is that Kenshiro or myself need to be there, we can’t leave others unattended.”

”That’s fine,” Britney sighed. ”So, it’s time to put out the call. Can I trust you to do it?”

He nodded, pulling out his phone which, funnily enough, should’ve stopped working a decade ago. It was old as shit. ”I’ll tell them immediately.”

The Eleventh Path.

The Eleventh Path was quickly filled with the members of Sycamore after Jack put out a formal notice to the Coven for a meeting. All over St. Portwell, magical doors kicked open and allowed them entrance into a large, circular room centered around a table. The meeting room gave off a vibe that conveyed nothing less than serious business, from the many chairs that blinked into being with a wave of Jack’s hand to the braziers of purple fire that dotted the walls.

Jack stood at one end of the round table, watching everyone file in. He had brought books and journals, as well as the artifacts he and a few others had recently plundered from Gloom. Today was a day where nonsense wouldn’t be tolerated. They had work to do. But first…

”Thank you all for coming,” he began, addressing all who had decided to come. ”We have important matters to discuss. But, before we begin, I have grim news. Auri Auclar, Todd Dancing River, and Bé Rochefoucauld were taken from us by Father Wolf recently.”

Britney just silently nodded.

”...They were murdered together. Not alone, and not separate from one another- Together. In the same place.” Jack’s expression was grim, with little light in his eyes. ”Whoever Father Wolf is, they have changed their approach. He is targeting groups now.”

He went quiet for a moment, so everyone could process this news.

”... A moment of silence, perhaps?” Britney said with a nod of her head.

Jack nodded, and didn’t continue speaking a second.

There was only the faint crackling of magic fire as the memory of Father Wolf’s victims was not forgotten. They were so few in numbers now, more dead than survivors.

Jack was the first to break the silence.

”Greenwood and the 317 will be arriving shortly,” He announced. ”They have asked for our assistance in raiding Elysium Island, a place owned by the Elite. Their goal is to take artifacts, and they’ll likely explain the plan in full. I am asking that the rest of you at least consider joining us as we do this. Their people are ours.” Sully and Aryin, among others. ”And the artifacts they are interested in are our best chance at finding definitive answers to our killer. We need this, and we cannot do it without our alliance.”

And then there was the matter of the mafia. ”The House of Cards will also be at Elysium Island, where they are attempting to decode Kari’s notes. If we see them, kill them on sight. They won’t hesitate to do the same.”

He gestured to the three artifacts in front of him. The Brass Needle, the Stasis Hammer, and the Map of Theseus. ”Drake, Kenshiro, Aislin and I found these in another world yesterday. If anyone thinks they could benefit from them during the raid, ask for them.”

And with that… ”Questions?”


26 | Malik Wyatt Jakane Jr. | He/Him
"I am Malik... of the soaring wind! Of the raging sea!"

Malik Wyatt Jakane Jr, a theatrical and flamboyant, embodies the spirit of Miami, Florida. As the only child of the enigmatic Shayton, Malik grew up largely unaware of the lengths his father went to provide for him. Shayton’s distant presence meant he appeared only for significant events in Malik’s life, creating a void in their relationship that would profoundly affect Malik’s development. Despite this, Malik's innate charm and sociability allowed him to flourish in his vibrant surroundings. Surrounded by friends and the excitement of summer activities, he nurtured dreams of becoming an actor, longing to grace the world stage.

However, as Malik turned eighteen, a pivotal moment arrived when Shayton felt compelled to reveal his hidden life to his son. This revelation pushed Malik even further away, deepening their estrangement. During this emotional upheaval, Malik experienced his Kindling Event, a moment he chose to keep secret from his father.

Upon graduating high school, Malik embarked on a journey to forge his identity. He enrolled at Miami University, pursuing a degree in Computer Science as a safety net. However, his true passion lay in acting. After numerous applications, his determination paid off when he gained admission to the prestigious St. Portwell School of Acting. Since then, Malik has dedicated himself to the craft, working tirelessly to achieve his dreams.

An outgoing individual, Malik thrived in various social circles, often frequenting his favorite restaurant, owned by the parents of Pearl Cho, a girl who moonlit as a nature-based superhero, the Winter Maiden. Their brief romance opened Malik’s eyes to magic, a concept he found both incredible and strangely familiar, for he, too, possessed magical abilities. This connection led him to join the Greenwood Coven, where he served as the Knight Storm, the sole male member during his tenure.

Amid a conflict against Emily, Malik devised a clever plan to enhance his acting skills by posing as a spy for the Greenwood Coven. With Ruby’s approval, he donned the disguise of a ruthless thug, meticulously gathering information to relay back to the GReenwood Coven. Yet, the role did not suit him; Malik felt out of place and miserable on 8th Street, yearning for the simpler times of hanging out with Greenwood.

As a second-generation African immigrant, Malik carries the rich cultural heritage of his parents—his father hails from Liberia, and his mother from Nigeria. However, he identifies as an American, embracing his parents' cultures while carving out his own identity. Standing six feet three inches, Malik is lean and athletic, having dedicated years to maintaining a healthy physique; after all, he is determined not to become a stereotypical “fat actor.” While he projects a tough exterior and a scowl on 8th Street, those close to him know that a massive softie lies beneath this façade. Little does he know that his father, Shayton, is currently in St. Portwell, and Malik would remain blissfully unaware of this fact.

Adept - Red Lux. Channeler: A Wind Chime made by his mother.
Aeromancy: The first spell Malik devised showcases his innate connection to the winds and reflects his peaceful, free-spirited nature. With Aeromancy, Malik can summon powerful gusts of wind that range from gentle breezes to fierce tornadoes. This spell aligns beautifully with the Aeromancy of the Spring and Fall Maidens, allowing him to synchronize with them. Malik can control the direction and intensity of the winds, enabling him to push back opponents or clear obstacles. One of the most impressive aspects of this spell is his ability to ride the wind, granting him temporary flight. Although Malik has temporarily retired the full use of this spell to maintain his cover as an 8th Street member, he still utilizes the flight aspect.

Storm-Cloud: During his time as the Knight Storm, Malik developed the Storm Cloud, a powerful spell that allows him to summon a telepathically-controlled storm cloud. This cloud serves as a conduit for various weather phenomena, allowing him to manipulate the environment around him dramatically. Malik can create multiple weather effects, from torrential rain and blinding snow to crackling lightning and thick fog. The storm cloud can be guided and controlled mentally, allowing Malik to focus on other tasks or engage in combat while still directing the weather effects. While Malik refrains from using this spell to maintain his cover as a member of 8th Street, the potential for its use remains a potent asset should he ever need to draw upon it.

Ionimancy: Malik can control and manipulate plasma, the fourth state of matter, or generate it at will. This potent spell enables him to shape burning plasma into various forms, such as whips of searing energy, protective plasma shields, or high-velocity projectiles that can sear through anything in their path. Unlike traditional fire, plasma is superheated and highly energized, allowing Malik to adjust its intensity, creating brilliant bursts of light and heat that can blind and burn opponents. His mastery of Ionimancy enhances his combat capabilities and enables him to showcase spectacular and dynamic displays of power that leave onlookers in awe.

Celestial Barrage: Celestial Barrage is a specialized subspell of Ionimancy, designed for his role as an undercover spy for 8th Street. This spell allows him to conjure miniature stars that mirror the twinkling lights of a night sky. He can shoot these miniature stars from his hands, each infused with intense heat capable of igniting flammable materials or burning his enemies upon contact. They dissipate upon striking an object, making them temporary but dangerous. While he can control the initial trajectory of the stars, Malik can also subtly adjust their path mid-flight, allowing for unpredictable strikes akin to the infamous Hellzone Grenade.

31 | Shinjo Akira | She/Her
"Yūkōno Toki is a tool, a weapon, and my duty as a Spirit Warden."

Callsign: Epoch.

Akira Shinjo is a dedicated Spirit Warden operating under Task Force Ø, Japan's counterpart to the PRA. Although not an official member of the PRA, she serves as a vital link between the two organizations in their shared battle against the supernatural. The Spirit Wardens, formerly known as the Yokai Extermination Brigade during World War II, carry a contentious legacy marred by war crimes. This history weighs heavily on Akira, whose grandfather was a Brigade member. The complex legacy of her family fuels her unwavering resolve to protect her homeland and rectify past mistakes. As part of a unique “Foreign Exchange” program, Akira has been sent to the PRA to assist with the escalating crisis posed by the Stygian Snake, an Apparition that has historically wreaked havoc in Japan.

Growing up in the vibrant city of Tokyo, Akira was raised on tales of spirits and yokai told by her grandmother, a revered Shinto priestess. This upbringing instilled in her a deep respect for the supernatural from a young age. However, the shadow of her grandfather's involvement in the infamous Yokai Extermination Brigade loomed large over her childhood. One fateful evening, as she walked home, a Yokai emerged and attempted to consume her. In a moment of desperation, as panic ensued, Akira underwent her Kindling Event. Just when all seemed lost, a member of the Spirit Wardens intervened and saved her. In that moment of desperation, Akira underwent her Kindling Event, awakening her latent Black Lux. This pivotal moment not only solidified her path as a Spirit Warden but also ignited a fierce commitment to confront and corral the spirits that roamed between worlds.

After the harrowing encounter with the Yokai, Akira’s life took a pivotal turn. In the aftermath, her grandmother entrusted her with Yūkōno Toki, an ancient blade revered in their family line of Oni-Kariudo (Demon Hunters). This incredible gift connected Akira to her lineage, allowing her to protect her community with a tool imbued with history and purpose. Motivated by her newfound purpose, she joined the Spirit Wardens, a decision that would shape her destiny. Embracing her role within Task Force Ø, Akira trained rigorously, honing her skills and deepening her understanding of the supernatural realm. With each mission, she grew more adept at wielding her Black Lux alongside Yūkōno Toki, embodying her family's values and the ethos of the Spirit Wardens. As she ventured into the depths of Japan’s haunted corners, confronting malevolent spirits and aberrations, she carried the weight of her family's legacy, determined to honor her ancestors and protect those who could not defend themselves.

With her stoic demeanor and unwavering dedication to duty, Akira embodies the essence of a Spirit Warden. She operates under the belief that her family's history and the burdens of the past are what drive her to succeed. Her keen focus on completing missions often overshadows her personal feelings, making her a woman of few words. However, one topic stirs her passion: Yūkōno Toki, her family heirloom and an ancient Ōdachi. Akira despises being trivialized as a mere anime cosplayer for wielding the sword; to her, it symbolizes her heritage, power, and resolve. Those who mock her attachment to the blade, like Meifeng, learn quickly that she is not to be underestimated. She passionately articulates the importance of Yūkōno Toki and its significance in her lineage, emphasizing that it is far more than a mere weapon.

Akira views her role with the Spirit Wardens as a personal honor and a sacred duty to her family and country. The mission to locate and confront the Stygian Snake, a historical terror that has haunted Japan for centuries, has become her obsession. She is resolved to face this darkness, even at the cost of her life. With every spirit she binds, Akira feels she is stepping closer to reclaiming her father's honor and bringing closure to a tumultuous past. Her training has sharpened her skills, allowing her to move with precision and strength despite her short stature of five feet two inches. Her toned legs, honed from years of sprinting and leaping, propel her through the urban landscape as she confronts the forces of evil.

Adept - Black Lux. Channeler: Yūkōno Toki
Truth of the Conclusion: Akira harnesses Truth of the Conclusion to facilitate the sealing of an Apparition with greater ease and precision than traditional methods. To cast this spell, she begins by drawing intricate sigils on the ground, each symbol reflecting her unwavering belief in the binding power of her heritage and training. This heightened conviction amplifies the effectiveness of the seal, making it far more potent than standard techniques. Once the symbols are in place, she places a small object, such as a talisman or stone, at the center of the sigils. The final and most dangerous step involves confronting the Apparition, where she must weaken it through a battle of wills, leveraging her mastery over Black Lux to exert influence over the spirit. Unlike regular sealing, which often relies solely on basic symbols, Truth of the Conclusion incorporates Akira’s emotional strength and personal commitment to her lineage, elevating the sealing’s power. When the Apparition is finally weakened, the sigils glow with a radiant light, pulling the spirit into the object and rendering it dormant with greater security. This spell ensures that the captured Apparition remains stable within its confines, minimizing the risk of accidental release.

Bonds of Summoning: With Bonds of Summoning, Akira gains the ability to release an Apparition from its seal, allowing her to command and utilize its powers for a limited time. To invoke this spell, she must first channel her Black Lux, establishing a connection with the sealed spirit. This process requires her to recite an incantation that resonates with the Apparition, evoking memories of its inherent desires and forging a temporary bond. Once the spirit is drawn from its dormant state, Akira can issue commands, guiding the Apparition to aid her in battle or perform specific tasks. However, her control over the spirit is contingent upon maintaining her focus and will; any sign of doubt could weaken the bond, risking the Apparition breaking free from her control. Additionally, while Akira can place the Apparition back into its original seal or transfer it to a new one, doing so requires precise timing and intent. If the Apparition senses an opportunity to escape during the transition, it may attempt to break free. The potential for backlash underscores the risk of wielding this spell, as losing control could lead to the Apparition unleashing its full power against her.

Promise of the Sinner: Promise of the Sinner allows Akira to engage in pacts or deals with Apparitions, tapping into their desires or regrets to broker an agreement that benefits both parties. To initiate this spell, she must first create a sacred space, often involving a ritualistic drawing of symbols that signify mutual respect and understanding. Akira then offers a token of goodwill, such as a personal item, as a form of currency in the negotiation. This token symbolizes her sincerity and commitment to the pact, establishing a foundation of trust. During this exchange, she draws upon her understanding of the Apparition's history and motivations, appealing to their emotions to develop a connection. These pacts usually involve the Apparition completing a task for Akira, allowing her to tap into its abilities or insights to overcome a specific challenge. However, this exchange has drawbacks; the Apparition may request a favor in return, which could involve future services, a piece of Akira's essence, or the promise of something more personal, like a memory or experience. The pact's success relies heavily on her ability to demonstrate sincerity and respect for the Apparition, as any hint of manipulation could lead to the deal's failure or even backlash. Additionally, if the terms of the agreement are not fulfilled, Akira risks incurring the Apparition's wrath, potentially leading to disastrous consequences for both her and those she seeks to protect.

Shadow's Grasp: Akira invokes the power of her Black Lux to summon ethereal hands formed from shadows that reach out toward a targeted Apparition. As these hands close in, they latch onto the spirit, draining its strength and vitality. The grip of the Shadow's Grasp is not merely physical; it penetrates the essence of the Apparition, sapping its Abstraction and diminishing its defenses. With each passing moment, the Apparition's power wanes, leaving it vulnerable and weakened, making it easier for Akira to confront or seal it. This spell requires significant concentration, as Akira must maintain her focus to keep the shadows intact while channeling her Black Lux.

Veil of Awareness: With the Veil of Awareness, Akira taps into the surrounding energies to detect nearby Apparitions, honing in on their presence through her Black Lux. To cast this spell, she must first find a quiet space and become completely still, allowing her to center her mind and attune her senses to the subtle magical fluctuations in the air. As she focuses, her aura expands outward, creating a field that resonates with the unique signatures of Apparitions. This heightened perception allows her to sense their locations and emotional states, helping her gauge their intentions.

Warding: Warding allows Akira to create a protective shield that prevents Apparitions from bypassing. To invoke this spell, she must draw a large sigil on the ground, surrounded by intricate designs that symbolize containment and protection. Once the barrier is established, a dark, swirling mist encircles her area, forming an invisible boundary that Apparitions cannot cross. Within this barrier, Akira can move freely, but any attempt by a spirit to enter is met with resistance. However, maintaining the barrier requires continuous channeling of her Black Lux, and any lapse in focus could weaken the shield, allowing a determined Apparition to slip through.

31 | Flora Sydney Benard | She/Her
"I was just trying to have a sister! I didn't deserve this!"

Flora was born and raised in the coastal suburbs of St. Portwell, where life always seemed picturesque on the surface. She spent her childhood playing with friends and cousins, reveling in the carefree days of youth. But Flora always felt invisible in the shadow of her older sister, Geneva. Geneva was everything Flora wished she could be: tall, beautiful, confident, and adored by everyone. Geneva was the star, while Flora, in her own words, had been “sixteen, clumsy, and shy for over fifteen years now.” She struggled to step out of the role of the awkward younger sister, and despite her accomplishments, they were overlooked in favor of Geneva's brilliance.

While Geneva went on to college, Flora's life took a different path. She remained in St. Portwell, stuck in a dead-end job as a receptionist at an accounting firm. Her days were filled with mundane tasks and the discomfort of dodging her boss's inappropriate offers for promotions. Meanwhile, she lived vicariously through her sister's glamorous social media posts, watching Geneva travel, succeed, and thrive in a life that seemed entirely out of reach. This quiet, relentless envy and the loneliness of living in her sister’s shadow gnawed at Flora.

Everything changed when Geneva got a new boyfriend. At first, it seemed normal, just another part of Geneva's perfect life. But gradually, Flora began to notice the shift. Geneva's once lighthearted posts turned darker, filled with strange, cryptic messages that Flora didn't understand. Soon, these dog whistles became blatant propaganda. But the real shock came when Geneva finally began treating Flora like a sister, giving her the attention she had longed for her entire life.

Flora didn't realize that this newfound sisterly bond came with a price. Geneva's boyfriend was more than just a toxic influence; he was a high-ranking member of Das Sonnenrad, a Neo-Nazi cult led by the charismatic and brutal Kaiser Draeger. He had wormed his way into Geneva's life, slowly twisting her worldview to match the violent, authoritarian dogma of the cult. Using his Abstraction, he discovered that Geneva (and, by extension, Flora) had latent Adept lineage, and he forced Geneva to undergo a Kindling Event to awaken her powers. As one of Draeger's Chosen, Geneva's next task was to recruit Flora, using the bond they had never shared as the bait.

Flora knew something was wrong. She saw it in the harsh rhetoric, the hate-filled dogma, and the chilling shift in her sister. But after years of feeling ignored, discarded, and second-best, Flora couldn’t resist the intoxicating rush of finally being seen. So when Geneva handed her the Aegis Piercer and invited her into the ranks of Das Sonnenrad, Flora accepted. In those early days, the approval from Geneva was all Flora needed to blind her to the horrifying reality of what she was becoming.

Her Kindling Event was swift and brutal, forcing her into the world of magic, where her latent powers were dragged to the surface. Armed with this artifact and Lux, Flora became a foot soldier for the cult, enforcing their violent agenda on the streets of St. Portwell. She killed for them, men, women, and children, driven by the desperate need to hold onto her sister’s approval and the sense of belonging she had never known. Each kill brought a twisted sense of satisfaction, a brief high as she basked in the acknowledgment that had always eluded her.

But eventually, the high wore off. Flora began to realize the true horror of what she had become. She had allowed herself to be manipulated and used as a tool for a fascist regime, all in the name of seeking approval from a sister who had only ever cared about herself. Flora’s guilt was overwhelming, a gnawing presence that consumed her every waking moment. She had betrayed everything she once stood for and believed in for a sense of validation at the cost of countless lives.

She wanted to kill Geneva to put an end to the sister who had dragged her into this nightmare. But Flora knew the truth: Das Sonnenrad didn’t tolerate traitors. Deserters were hunted and made examples of, and Flora wasn’t ready to die. So she played the part, pretending to remain loyal while secretly looking for a way out. That opportunity came when Kaiser Draeger’s enemies started closing in, systematically dismantling the cult’s strongholds. Flora seized the moment and reached out to Emily G. Reed, leader of the 8th Street Coven.

Flora became an informant, revealing the locations of the cult’s remaining strongholds and, most crucially, the whereabouts of Kaiser Draeger himself. During the final battle, she tried one last time to reach Geneva to pull her back from the brink, but it was too late. Geneva was too far gone, thoroughly indoctrinated, and willing to die for the cult. Flora watched helplessly as Geneva was killed, her soul claimed by the Specter Knight, and realized that her sister was lost to her forever.

After the fall of Das Sonnenrad, Flora found herself a marked woman. The remnants of the cult wanted her dead for betraying them. Desperate, she turned to the PRA’s new Regional Commander, Meifeng Liao, for protection. But Meifeng had no sympathy for Flora’s pleas. In her eyes, Flora was just another Nazi, deserving of whatever fate came her way. With nowhere else to turn, Flora sought refuge with 8th Street.

Emily G. Reed and her Coven loathed Flora for what she had done, for the blood on her hands, but they saw her value. Flora’s knowledge of Das Sonnenrad, her Lux, and her skills with the Aegis Piercer made her too valuable to discard. So they took her in, though she was far from welcome. Now, Flora lives as a pariah within the Coven, hated by those around her, despised for her past, but kept alive because of her strategic worth. She serves as their reluctant foot soldier, a punching bag for their anger, carrying the weight of her guilt with every step she takes.

The guilt Flora bears is crushing. She is haunted by the faces of those she killed, the lives she ruined, and the knowledge that she allowed herself to be used for such monstrous purposes. Her sister’s betrayal is a scar that will never fully heal, and Flora struggles every day with the knowledge that she is complicit in the horrors of Das Sonnenrad. Though she seeks redemption, she knows that forgiveness, either from others or from herself, may never come. And deep down, Flora isn’t sure she deserves it. Flora is an average-height Caucasian woman who is skinny with a face full of freckles and reddish-brown hair.

Adept - Purple Lux. Channeler: A Locket with a Childhood Photo of Her and Geneva.
Slipstream: This spell allows Flora to momentarily step out of sync with the present timeline, giving her a brief burst of hyper-speed. While under the effect of Slipstream, Flora perceives time as moving slower around her, allowing her to react with enhanced reflexes and speed, dodging attacks or covering large distances in the blink of an eye. However, using this spell comes at a cost. Every time she steps into the Slipstream, Flora experiences distorted flashes of her past, particularly the lives she’s taken under the cult’s influence. These haunting images blur into her perception, making each use emotionally taxing.

Echo-Trap: Echo-Trap manipulates time around a small area, creating a temporal loop that repeats the events occurring in that space for a few seconds. Flora often uses this spell defensively, trapping enemies in a cycle of repetitive movements, disorienting them, and giving her time to escape or strike. However, this ability has a darker layer: Flora can also use it as a cruel reminder of her past, forcing an enemy to relive a single moment repeatedly.

Phantom-Step: Phantom Step allows Flora to change her position instantly, leaving behind an illusory afterimage for a few seconds. The illusion mimics her last actions, confusing enemies into attacking her false self while she repositions.

Rewind: Rewind allows Flora to reverse her timeline for a few seconds, undoing any physical damage or bad decisions made in that time frame. It’s a spell of second chances, one Flora desperately craves, allowing her to undo mistakes she makes in battle or escape injuries that would have otherwise been fatal. However, using Rewind doesn’t heal her emotionally. Each reversal brings with it the reminder that, despite the ability to undo immediate physical harm, she cannot undo the more significant mistakes of her life.

Trance: Trace allows Flora to step into the past momentarily and observe events as they occurred within the last hour. She becomes an intangible observer, able to see but not interact with people or objects. This is useful for tracking enemies or gathering information, but it’s an emotionally fraught ability. Flora sometimes sees echoes of her past actions or tragic moments from her time in Das Sonnenrad.

Grab your ankles because the content bomb's just getting started


"Where every hand could change the game - welcome to The Card Shark."
Nestled along the bustling waterfront of St. Portwell, The Card Shark is a stylish clubhouse that serves as a neutral ground for characters from various factions to meet and interact. With its prime location overlooking the shimmering ocean, the clubhouse features large windows that provide breathtaking views of the waves crashing against the docks and the vibrant life of the harbor. The interior blends elements of a classic card room with maritime themes, showcasing polished wood, vintage nautical decor, and framed photographs of famous poker games set against stunning seascapes.

Upon entering, guests are welcomed by the excitement of chance and strategy in the air. Several high-end poker tables fill the central area, each themed after different card games. The walls are adorned with memorabilia from legendary poker matches. At the same time, a stylish bar along one side offers a diverse menu of craft cocktails and specialty drinks inspired by poker hands. A secluded backroom, accessible only to select guests, provides a space for planning missions, strategizing, and discussing sensitive matters without fear of eavesdropping.

The Card Shark regularly hosts high-stakes poker tournaments, witch-themed parties, and networking events that draw in a mix of mercenaries, thrill-seekers, and curious locals. Live music on weekends adds to the vibrant atmosphere, where laughter, clinking glasses, and the shuffling of cards create a charged environment.


"St. Portwell U! Ride the wave of knowledge!"
Nestled on a sprawling campus overlooking the scenic cliffs of St. Portwell, St. Portwell University stands as a prestigious institution dedicated to academic excellence and personal growth. Established over a century ago, the university boasts a rich history and a commitment to fostering an environment where innovation and tradition collide. The campus is adorned with historic stone buildings and modern facilities, reflecting its evolution while maintaining a connection to its nautical roots. At the entrance of St. Portwell University lies a vast, shimmering lake.

The university offers diverse programs across several faculties, attracting students from all walks of life. Renowned for its strong emphasis on the liberal arts, St. Portwell University provides degrees in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Majors like History, English Literature, Psychology, and Environmental Science are popular among undergraduates, while graduate programs in Marine Biology and Oceanography take advantage of the university’s coastal location.
Art and Design programs thrive within the university’s vibrant arts community, with students honing their visual arts, graphic design, and performing arts skills. The university's art galleries frequently showcase student exhibitions, fostering creativity and collaboration. St. Portwell University’s annual Arts Festival attracts artists from around the region, offering a platform for students to share their work and connect with established professionals in the field.

For students with a passion for athletics, St. Portwell University is home to the St. Portwell Sharks, a formidable force in college football. The university also boasts the St. Portwell Hawks for basketball, known for their agility and strategic gameplay. At the same time, the St. Portwell Dolphins dominate the swimming scene with impressive individual and relay performances. Sailing is represented by the St. Portwell Splash, which excels in navigating local waters and participating in prestigious regattas. Each team fosters strong camaraderie and school spirit, often drawing crowds to the Shark Tank, the university's iconic sports arena. The mascot, a fierce blue shark named Finn, embodies the competitive spirit of the student body, rallying fans at every home game.

Campus life at St. Portwell University is vibrant and inclusive, with numerous clubs, organizations, and extracurricular activities for students to engage in; there is something for everyone. The university also hosts various events throughout the year, including guest lectures, cultural festivals, and community service initiatives. The university library, known for its extensive collection of texts on traditional studies, serves as a hub of knowledge where students can immerse themselves in their academic pursuits. Housing options range from traditional residence halls to modern apartments, accommodating students with varying preferences. Each living space is designed to foster community while providing the privacy needed for academic success. As St. Portwell University continues to grow, it remains committed to its core values of academic integrity, social responsibility, and the pursuit of knowledge.


"Your harbor of good vibes and great company!"
The Winking Lighthouse is a charming café and bar located right by the waterfront of St. Portwell, named for the vintage lighthouse nearby that locals believe “winks” at sunset. Its large glass windows showcasing stunning ocean views and cozy outdoor seating offer a relaxed atmosphere perfect for casual hangouts. The café's interior is adorned with nautical decor, weathered wood, ship wheels, and maps of ancient sea routes, creating a space that resonates with the local maritime culture. The Winking Lighthouse is a beloved spot for both locals and visitors.

During the day, The Winking Lighthouse serves coffee and fresh pastries, drawing in students, artists, and professionals looking for a quiet place to work or socialize. As the sun dips below the horizon, the café transitions into a lively bar featuring a menu of craft cocktails inspired by local ingredients and flavors. Regular live music events add to the atmosphere, with acoustic performances and open mic nights attracting a diverse crowd.

The outdoor seating area is trendy, where patrons can enjoy the sea breeze and the sounds of the ocean while sipping on their favorite drinks. It’s not uncommon to see characters from different walks of life share a table, whether they’re old friends catching up, rivals discussing their next moves or strangers forming unlikely connections over a shared interest. In addition to its casual charm, the café often hosts themed nights and events, such as trivia contests or poetry readings.


82 | Sunshine Bella Jones | She/Her
"I will drink the blood of magic straight from the source."

Sunshine Jones's story began in her formative years within The Connections, an Illuminati-style cult led by her father, Albert Jones, in the world of Stars. The cult, shrouded in secrecy and ambition, sought to manipulate the flow of magic across the All-Verse. Growing up under her father's shadow, Sunshine was groomed to believe in the sanctity of their mission: to unlock the mysteries of magic and wield it to reshape reality. The teachings of The Connections instilled in her an unyielding desire for power and knowledge and a warped sense of loyalty to her father and the organization. However, Sunshine grew disillusioned with the cult’s stagnation and reliance on outdated doctrines as she matured. Fueled by a mixture of anger and ambition, she began to plot the downfall of The Connections.

In a stunning coup, Sunshine orchestrated a brutal takeover, dismantling The Connections from within. Her cunning and ruthless tactics allowed her to eliminate rivals and consolidate power. She subsumed the remnants of the cult into her vision, emerging as the new leader with an iron grip. During this time, she birthed the Inner Circle, a new organization focused on more radical and dangerous pursuits. Sunshine, now known as Echidna, became infamous for her savage experiments in pursuing magical supremacy. Her ambition led her to create the Blood Art Technique, which drew upon the essence of magic, the blood itself. This allure attracted followers, further cementing her power as they delved into their depravity to grasp the "blood" of magic.

Under her reign, the Inner Circle became a notorious haven for atrocities, where moral boundaries crumbled and savagery thrived. Sunshine's hands were stained with the blood of countless victims as she sanctioned mass murders and orchestrated human sacrifices to fuel her dark rituals. Torture became a tool of both punishment and experimentation, with her followers conducting grotesque trials to enhance their abilities. Cannibalism emerged as a hideous symbol of their devotion, while human trafficking and abduction fed the insatiable hunger of the cult. The Inner Circle's influence spread like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the All-Verse, where whispers of genocide and child homicide echoed through the night. Sunshine reveled in the chaos she created, believing that each brutality brought her closer to uncovering the ultimate source of magic, unaware that her descent into madness would ultimately lead to her downfall.

James Vanburen and the Accordance, a coalition of powerful mages and warriors dedicated to maintaining balance in the All-Verse, recognized Sunshine's threat. In a decisive confrontation, they fought to stop her ambitions once and for all. Despite her formidable abilities and the sheer terror she inspired, Sunshine was ultimately defeated, her forces shattered by the might of the Accordance. The defeat was catastrophic; Sunshine was not merely imprisoned but banished to The Pit.

Eight months pregnant at the time of her imprisonment, she gave birth to her daughter, Raven, in this nightmare of a realm. Despite the harsh conditions, Sunshine’s love for Raven burned fiercely, igniting a protective instinct that had been dormant since her rise to power. Sunshine’s maternal instincts and determination to escape solidified her resolve to protect Raven from the terrors that lurked within. She trained her daughter in the Blood Art Technique, desperately hoping to equip her with the means to navigate the dangers they faced and forge a path toward escape. However, this love was soon tested when the King of the Pit's Autoknights seized Raven, snatching her away before Sunshine could intervene. The loss of her daughter became a pivotal moment for Sunshine, forcing her to reflect on the choices that had led her to this hellish place and gradually mellowed.

The once-ambitious Enchinda began to accept the painful possibility that Raven was likely dead, taken by the unforgiving environment of The Pit. This acceptance shifted her perspective, leading her to confront the consequences of her relentless pursuit of power. No longer the ruthless leader who had sought dominance at any cost, Sunshine evolved into a tragic figure, wrestling with the weight of her choices and their impact on her life. The fierce ambition that once consumed her transformed into a profound sense of loss and regret, shaping her into a mother who recognized the futility of her earlier aspirations. Instead, she seeks redemption through self-reflection and a newfound understanding of the value of love and sacrifice.

Sunshine stands tall at five-foot-nine; her slender frame is in stark contrast, and living off scraps has diminished her physically. Notably, she is an African-American woman with albinism, giving her strikingly white skin and hair. Despite chronologically being in her eighties, Sunshine utilized Green Lux to maintain her youth.

Adept - Green Lux. Channeler: Blood-Stained Locket.
Sunshine Jones is recognized as one of the few true masters of Green Lux; having trained relentlessly since the age of nine, she views magic as a science. Her casting method, the Blood Art Technique, is both feared and revered; it involves covering her hand in blood and conjuring intricate symbols in the air. Each symbol represents a spell, a manifestation of her will that transcends the boundaries of conventional magic. The spells she cast using this technique are not mere tricks of the trade; they often blur the lines of morality and sanity. These boundary-crossing spells can induce grotesque transformations, manipulate biological functions, or result in body horror that sends shivers through those who witness her power. Sunshine has perfected this method to such an extent that she recalls each spell with unwavering precision, drawing upon a mental library of symbols stored within her mind.

28 | Zoey Amelia Gray | She/Her
"Moving on's hard when you're moving on from something real good."

Zoey Gray's life took a tragic turn the day the Stygian Snake unleashed its wrath upon St. Portwell. Once a vibrant and energetic young woman, Zoey was the kind of person who lit up a room with her infectious laughter and enthusiasm. She spent countless afternoons dreaming and planning adventures with her best friend, Claire O'Sullivan. To Zoey, Claire was a beacon of resilience despite the tumultuous circumstances surrounding her. Claire struggled growing up in a broken home and battling her demons, but Zoey admired her strength and tenacity. Their bond deepened as they navigated the complexities of adolescence together, sharing secrets and aspirations under the old Sycamore Tree that served as a refuge for their Coven.

However, everything changes in an instant when the Stygian Snake kills Claire. Zoey's heart shattered as she watched in horror as the creature struck Claire down before her eyes. The event was not just a traumatic experience; it was the moment that severed Zoey's connection to the vibrant life she had once known. The shared joy became an unbearable void, leaving Zoey feeling lost. In the aftermath of Claire's death, Zoey made the gut-wrenching decision to leave the Sycamore Tree Coven, a place that had once provided her with a sense of belonging and purpose.

Zoey struggled to find footing in a foreign and unwelcoming world in the following years. She took on a job as a bus tour guide, sharing stories of St. Portwell’s history with tourists, but the excitement she once felt for the job was gone. Now, each word felt like a reminder of her past that the Stygian Snake had irrevocably altered. Though she maintained occasional contact with her former Coven members, especially Auri, she rejected returning to the life she once cherished. Despite her growing detachment from magic, Zoey occasionally dabbled in her powers. Yet, every time she wielded her magic, she was haunted by the specter of loss, making it difficult to separate her abilities from the pain that accompanied them.

When Father Wolf's rampage began, Zoey firmly rejected Auri's call to return to the Sycamore Tree Coven. Zoey is a Caucasian girl who is incredibly tall at six even and is very skinny due to her genetics. She has black hair but with some streaks of blue in it. Zoey hasn't exactly been in touch with her magic side and usually only dabbles if needed.

Adept - Red Lux. Channeler: Projection Necklace of Claire.
Lightning Bolt: This spell allows Zoey to summon a powerful bolt of lightning from her hands that strikes her target with precision. Channeling her emotional intensity, she manifests her anger and sorrow into raw electrical energy. The impact causes severe electricity damage, but they will be stunned momentarily if they survive.

Snowmfall: Zoey conjures a fierce snowstorm, blanketing the area in swirling white flakes that obscure visibility and create an icy tundra. The storm can vary in intensity, from a light flurry to a raging blizzard, depending on her emotional state and focus. In addition to reducing visibility, the storm lowers temperatures, making it difficult for enemies to maintain their footing and increasing their chances of slipping or getting disoriented. Zoey can control the direction and strength of the snowfall, allowing her to create localized storms that serve as cover for her escape or as a trap for unsuspecting foes.

Snowmancy: This spell grants Zoey the ability to shape and mold snow into various forms. She can create snow barriers that protect against physical attacks, craft intricate sculptures, and form sharp, icy projectiles to hurl at enemies, which can inflict physical damage and freeze upon impact.

26 | Elsa Jolie Conner | She/Her
"C'mon, dork! We don't have all day!"

Elsa Conner embodied adventure and spontaneity, contrasting sharply with her best friend, Kari Wilson. Born and raised in St. Portwell, Elsa spent her childhood exploring the dense forests, lakes, and trails surrounding her hometown. From an early age, she was drawn to the thrill of the great outdoors, whether climbing trees, hiking mountains, or organizing bonfires with friends. Her boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm often inspired her peers to join her in her exploits. She was known as the girl who could turn a dull weekend into a thrilling escapade, whether camping under the stars or hosting parties.

Despite her outgoing nature, Elsa had a deeply rooted sense of loyalty, especially toward Kari. Where Kari found solace in literature and the written word, Elsa thrived in the world around her. She often dragged her best friend into the limelight, urging Kari to step out of her comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Their friendship was a testament to the idea that opposites attract. At the same time, Kari balanced Elsa's impulsiveness with her thoughtful nature, and Elsa pushed Kari to explore the joy of living in the moment. Together, they created a blend of caution and excitement.

The arrival of the Stygian Snake brought about a cataclysmic change in Elsa’s life. The city became a battleground overnight when the creature unleashed its wrath upon St. Portwell. During a vicious attack on Elsa's home, she and Kari found themselves cornered by the Stygian Snake's enthralled minions. Amid the chaos, Elsa and Kari underwent their Kindling Events and unlocked Red and White Lux, respectively. Despite their best efforts, Elsa and her friend Kari were overwhelmed by the relentless thralls. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, Britney Williams, an influential member of the Sycamore Tree Coven, intervened and saved them from certain doom.

Britney offered them the chance to join the Coven, and they joined without a second thought, with Kari quickly becoming an integral part of the Coven. As Elsa honed her abilities, she discovered the potential of her Red Lux, enabling her to manipulate fire and electricity. Her adventures shifted from casual exploration to intense battles against the Stygian Snake. Elsa’s indomitable spirit shone brightest during these dark times as she rallied her friends, inspiring them with her relentless optimism. However, the battles took a toll on her; losing fellow Coven members weighed heavily on her heart, especially after losing Lisa, Saskia, and Ella in the fight against the Stygian Snake.

After the Stygian Snake was defeated, Elsa remained with the Sycamore Tree Coven until it fell apart. The camaraderie and sense of purpose she found while battling alongside her friends was gone. She was left grappling with a profound sense of emptiness; the world around her felt alien and uncertain, stripped of the vibrant connections that once fueled her adventurous spirit.

Elsa turned inward in the absence of her comrades, seeking answers to the void that now consumed her. The adventurous spirit that once drove her to explore the outdoors turned inward, wandering through the familiar landscapes that had inspired her. Each step into the wild became a quest for understanding and a longing to reclaim the sense of purpose that had been so abruptly taken from her. In her adult years, Elsa moved in with Kari and began giving boat tours along the serene shores of St. Portwell. Through these tours, she shared her love for the environment and connected with tourists who sought the same thrill she innately craved. This new endeavor became her way of keeping the spirit of adventure alive, even as she mourned the loss of her comrades and the camaraderie that had once defined her life.

One fateful night, Elsa's life came to an abrupt end. Her body was discovered washed up on the shore, with a wolf idol carved out of Sycamore. Elsa stands at five-six with a slim build with a hint of pudge.

Adept - Red Lux. Channeler: Her Late Father's Multitool.
Pyromancy: Elsa’s primary spell is Pyromancy, granting her the ability to generate and manipulate fire with remarkable skill. This advanced technique allows her to create devastating explosions, form solid walls of flame, and even alter the temperature of her surroundings. Additionally, her connection to her emotions amplifies her control over fire; the intensity of her feelings can make her flames flicker gently or roar with fierce ferocity.

Electromancy: Elsa’s secondary spell, Electromancy, allows her to unleash powerful lightning bolts and manipulate existing electrical currents. Her proficiency in this field enables her to drain power from electronics, charge devices on the fly, and control the flow of electricity in her environment. She often employed quick lightning strikes as offensive weaponry. The ability to manipulate electricity also serves her outside combat, as she can navigate urban environments by drawing power from streetlights or charging her gear.

Cyromancy: While not as advanced as her pyromancy or electromancy, Elsa’s Cyromancy allows her to create and manipulate ice with surprising effectiveness. This spell will enable her to conjure ice barriers, create slippery surfaces, or form sharp icicles as projectiles.
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