Victoria Belmont Half-Elf, Bard, Level 3 HP: 23 / 23 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A Location: Avonshire Region, roadside, post-battle Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A |
A tiny smile grew on Victoria's face. It was slight at first, prompting her to maneuver her dagger elsewhere for a moment that she might politely cover her mouth with a free hand. But as the sideways counterpoint to the answer she gave about
what possessed her continued, the signs of secondhand embarrassment for her fellow Half-Elf began to show around her eyes, until the quiet covering of her mouth turned into a full facepalm. She closed her eyes as to avoid the overt showing of a eyeroll so profound it might have been confused for a coming seizure. The young Bard tried as best she could not to let her frame shimmy from the giggle she held back, in hopes of maintaining her composure while there was still serious work to be done. There was simply too much that was
off about the statements given, yet they were issued with such steadfast conviction; and so she wasn't sure where to begin. Perhaps it was best not to.
When the lengthy condescension concluded, Victoria could only shake her head a little, and propose an alternate course of action.
"Maybe..." She had to pause, her tone bearing just a little too much mirth to be taken with the decorum for which she was aiming. Clearing her throat, she tried again, this time with enough diplomacy and compassion in her delivery that it at least
sounded sincere,
"Maybe we shouldn't speak to each other for a while." She nodded slowly as she spoke, eyes on Hugh,
"Yes, that would be best." Another smile, this one with more genuine cheer involved, showed itself when Kathryn returned with the oxen. Victoria waved to her as she came closer, and moved to speak to her once more. Being as she was the one involved, and they seemed to have already come to a settled understanding prior to this latest dredge of patronizing chatter, Victoria wanted to make sure that the open declaration of peace and friendship that was issued very publicly just before still held, despite other factors. Getting along with one's party was preferable to not, in her opinion.
"Oh, Kat!" she called, bouncing up on her toes a couple of times as she waved.
"Hey girl, look... I want to make sure we're okay. Okay? Like, are we okay? If you don't say we're okay, I'm going to keep saying 'okay', okay?" Her burgeoning use of the word which bordered on humored annoyance was punctuated by a charismatic smile that seemed to warm her whole outward appearance despite the fact that she was still bearing a loaded handful of severed Goblin ears.
"We're good," responded Kathryn, still seeing to her task with the oxen. With an affirming nod, she summarized plainly,
"Yeah." It was honest enough, and was received as such.
"Okay!" came the bubbly musings of a relieved Bard.
"First drink is on me when we get to town!" This rectified mishap settled once and for all, she hoped, Victoria moved on to other business. Her demeanor shifted from personable to dead professional in the second it took to turn around.
The first thing she did was visit the wine merchant's wagon. There was good canvas there, thin and strong, with cordage to tie it down if necessary. She took a length of the cord and used it to string up her prize of eleven Goblin ears; all lefties. These remained with the wagon, hung in an obvious place to the casual observer. She inspected the wagon and the oxen attached to it, giving a satisfied
"Hmm." The suggestion from Marita about splitting up wagon detail seemed as good as any. Downright logical, even. And keeping Kosara with their lent vehicle made sense for her, as she was learning - driving behind another wagon gave the mule a logical stopping and starting point, especially as it was trained to pull an army wagon. This would help a lot.
"Good idea!" she called to the Cleric, her mind already preparing for what she might tell Kosara about being in a wagon train.
"I'll take this one!" she announced, laying her claim.
There was one other task which drew her attention. More than this, one of the few things that inspired a sense of duty from the woman. Victoria acquired the canvas from the back of the wine merchant's wagon and solemnly made her way over to the campfire. The bones of the departed remained, along with the blackened skin and now very well done flesh of the foot roasting above. She delicately gathered each bone that was possible to gather, some of the smaller bones notwithstanding as they were consumed by the fire. They were placed in the piece of canvas as respectfully as she was able. Many had obvious marks from small, pointed teeth scraping across them to remove all of the tender, human-y flesh. The remains of the leg were another ordeal. It was a far more fleshy affair than the rest, and needed a little more time to store properly. A stroke of gruesome luck emerged when the lion's share of soft tissue parted from the bones as it was raised away from the fire. It plopped into the coals with a squelching
hisssss, leaving a small amount of steaming meat left to cling upon the osseous tissue, which was quickly shaken off. These creatures had cooked it low, slow, and well done.
Victoria took a moment to pick up and give regard to a few finger bones of the deceased individual, poring over them in a seemingly studious manner before pouring them back with the rest. mental notes on the state of them were taken, very little ascertained about their nature. Her hand retreated to a pouch at her side briefly and then she made a sprinkling motion above the assembled skeleton. There wasn't much else to do. Slowly, she rolled the canvas around her new bundle and tucked it into the merchant wagon.
"Can anyone help me get this coffin loaded up, please?" Morty, ever present as he was, did not have the height nor thumbs which might have been useful in this endeavor. They needed to get moving soon.
Kathryn was bunnied with permission from her player.