Mako Akane
Mentions: @Lucius Cypher@Polaris North@Norschtalen@Conscripts@vancexentan@Melpaws@ShwiggityShwah@liferusher@TheWendil@ERode@Ryonara
Once everyone was done, Mako nodded to the teacher of the other class, and the Support students filed out, back to their own classroom. Once they were gone, she cleared her throat.
"The purpose of that wasn't just to show me what you can do, but how you used your quirks also told me things about you. First up, Maeda-san. Actually, this applies to Yang-san too. You two didn't demonstrate you quirks with a show of force or power but instead with a show. You entertained us. This shows that you both want your quirks to be seen by others, and for the crowds to be put at ease by you rather than impressed or scared. I think it would be fair to assume you think a Hero's relationship with the public is more important than their reputation for beating up strong bad guys. That's a perfectly valid view to have and a good philosophy to shape your journey's beginning around.
Horiyama-san. I assume that snacking is in some way tied to your quirk's recovery, in which case I will overlook it. Hoever, that is a glaring weakness in your quirk that we've already exposed. With training, I'm sure we can curb your need for immediate sugar after using your quirk so little.
Tarata-san. Quite impressive. Brute force alone would be formidable enough, but you're also quite skilled. In fact, I wonder if you've already had some degree of training. I wonder what nature of training it was..." Mako opened her eyes and stared into Dulga's. Her foxlike eyes were drilling into Dulga's being, or at least attempting to. After a second or two, Mako closed her eyes again, smiled and moved on.
"Nakamiji-San. You're quite fast, and precise, with a lot of control. You've also clearly been practising your flying for a long time but with your family I'm hardly surprised.
Majima-san. You need to have much more faith in your quirk, and push it to its absolute limit, if you're ever going to improve. You can't be afraid of using your quirk your whole life. Luckily, that's what this class is here for.
Nova-san. Impressive. You didn't make any noise. I see potential in you. Sorry that it's not the most optimal place for you to showcase what you can do. Outdoor exercises are what we're doing tomorrow, actually, you'll be pleased to hear.
Tennebalm-san. Your biggest obstacle seems to be your self-confidence. But, part of a Hero's duty is to perform whilst being looked at by crowds of citizens, and possibly even news cameras. We need to work on your stage fright. You are good enough to be here. You need to show us that.
Saki-san, very good, practical, display of some of the different things you can do. Of course I'll need to see you in action more to see what you can do well and what weaknesses you may have.
Kurowai-san. We can discuss your performance after school, in my classroom. Detention.
Sendachi-san. Thank you for picking those up.
And finally Yozakura-san. Very nice, very creative. Liked how you use your quirk. You're someone to keep an eye on."
After this, the class would go back to get changed. The following classes were not hero-related, and not every student had the same classes at the same time. However before you knew it, it was lunchtime, and you could either get food from the cafeteria, the hallway vending machines, or eat a packed lunch.