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Wulfric, Auguste & Alibeth

Mentions: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @13org Mayet @Helo Callum @Tae Saiya

Theodor stirred at the pitter-patter of feet down the hallway. He was sitting half the way up, hand on the knife he habitually kept under his pillow, when his door slammed open, and a cheerful, “Morning!” resounded.

It was just Noah, the child vampire. When he realized who it was, Theo released the grip on his weapon, and waved at the already departing boy. Down the corridor, another inhabitant was the next one disturbed.

“Damned brat!” Joan’s shout was clear despite the distance, and more racket followed.

Theodor ignored the sounds as a matter of habit. He rolled out of bed, and proceeded to stretch thoroughly. After working out the stiffness in his muscles, he called upon a servant. All he had to do was pull a cord, which was connected to a bell elsewhere, and wait. Even after 30 years, the sheer convenience of living as a noble still startled him on the rare occasion.

In the meantime, he padded across the carpeted floor to the windows, and drew aside all the curtains. Though the sun had fully set already, it was still fairly light outside. He cracked open a window to let some fresh air in, breathing in the scents of early evening. He was itching for a flight, but didn’t want to let Casna wait for too long.

The servant arrived shortly after Theodor had changed into his day attire, and had seated himself at his desk to review his work from the previous morning. Documents and loose parchment littered the surface, but he maneuvered through the chaos easily.

At a knock on his door, Theo answered with an, “Enter!” In came Marcin, a stout but finely groomed middle-aged man. The servant carried a tray, upon which lay his meal; a chalice full of freshly drawn blood. Theodor motioned him closer, and while grabbing the drink with one hand, held up the other with a single finger raised.

He drank deeply, and finished the first meal of his day in several quick gulps. “Mmm,” he sighed in appreciation, closing his eyes briefly. If he were younger, he would mop up the residue lingering on the cup. But as it was, he merely returned the vessel to Marcin’s tray. “Good man,” he praised, and gave the retainer a friendly pat on his arm. He ignored the subsequent nervous tensing the human couldn’t help prevent.

Smiling wryly, Theodor stood up, and preceded the man outside. Wouldn’t want to give the poor thing nightmares by following right behind his back, after all.

It was a swift walk down to the foyer, where, as expected, Casna was waiting for him. “Evening,” he called out to her. He was not at all reluctant to get into her personal space, and stood right beside her. He brushed her shoulder in greeting, then stretched an arm over the backrest of her chair, leaning down on it. His other hand was resting on his hip, his head tilted down to meet her gaze, fangs peeking through his smile.
Jacqueline Leroux
Interaction: Fable @Majoras End

While they were discussing the merits and demerits of splitting up, the elevator announced its arrival. A blatant open invitation…someone’s impatient to get us down there, huh. At Su’s words she nodded. “Alright, get going then. If I don’t hear from you, I’m coming right after.”

Then, the doors opened, and the strong scent of sanitizer, and a subtler one of blood wafted out. “I smell blood,” she whispered. “So, be careful.” She gestured for Breacher to go ahead. Once she did, and she was left along with Fable, she nudged him. “Just in case…” she trailed off, and pointed up the stairs, raising a brow. “I’ll stay to guard, but you could check upstairs,” she added quietly.

Regardless of what Fable did, Jacqueline waited only until she heard something – whether Breacher’s report, or something suspicious – or until enough time passed that she was sure Su had either exited the elevator or had become trapped within. Then, she used Havoc to pry the elevator doors open. She looked up and down the elevator shaft, checking if there was space for it to go both directions, or if it really led only to the basement.

Once she confirmed the elevator’s current position, she waited. Either Breacher contacted her as promised, or she didn’t – in which case trouble could be assumed. One or the other, Jacqueline would eventually follow after Breacher. The only exception was if Su explicitly ordered her not to come after her, or asked her to do something else. Or if someone unexpectedly showed up where she was, of course.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Evening outfit: This

The end of the ball was announced by the trumpets. His father stood up, and concluded with a paltry, egoistic speech. Wulfric stared at the king neutrally, but knew he could do so much better. He had influence as the first prince of Caesonia and the heir apparent, true, but it was not enough. Not while their ruler was such scum. It truly was high time to force the issue of his succession to the throne – one way or another…

With the party’s conclusion, Wulfric departed from the ballroom. He was one of the first ones to do so, and gave his mother a brief meaningful look as he passed her. As was their habit after important events, they would have a meeting later. But first, everyone needed to settle in, and either go to sleep or go pursue other activities. Besides, Auguste, mother and he all had their respective matters to tend to as well. Their mother the foremost among them, depending on whether Edin required anything. Though it was just as likely the man would go enjoy his concubines.

Wulfric’s lip curled, and his steps quickened. He didn’t linger on the distasteful image; it soured his mood needlessly. He retreated to his room, and called for a servant. He ordered the retainer to ready a bath, a change of clothes, and to come fetch him when that was done. Then, he opened the doors leading from his bedroom to the balcony, and headed outside.

As he waited, lounging in a cushioned wicker chair, he observed the stars, and let his mind wander. Now that he was in private, he finally had the chance to relax. However, after a few minutes, he was inevitably drawn to ruminating. He reviewed his day so far, especially the ball. It was practically habit for him to mentally organize; making note of highlights, separating factual happenings from supposition of their implications, forming goals and priorities, and so on.

Not long after the chill of the evening had thoroughly cooled him down, the servant arrived. At the polite knock on his door, Wulfric felt his body tense, his public mask back in place. He brushed himself down as he stood up to undo any wrinkles, and went to open the door. “Curran, good,” he greeted. “Your Highness,” the man replied.

The walk to the royal bathroom was short, and passed in silence. There, Wulfric simply ordered, “Come for me in half an hour.” He turned to enter the room before the servant’s acknowledgment fully passed his lips. The aroma of lime and lavender greeted him, and he nearly smiled.

He quickly undressed himself, washed himself with plain water to get rid of the sweat, then entered the scented bath. Here, with this, he could genuinely rest – if for a short while. He leaned his head on the ledge, closed his eyes, and let himself enjoy this one simple pleasure.


All too soon, it was time to leave. However, he was refreshed and energized, and so did not resent the end to his repose. Dressed in the freshly prepared attire, he not only felt ready for the meeting, but was rather looking forward to it as well.
Jacqueline Leroux

Jacqueline left the receptionist outside, then returned to Fable. She looked over the blueprint he’d found. It seemed simple enough, and was accurate up to the elevator. There, its existence proved the building did indeed have a basement. Jacqueline wasn’t surprised.

At Breacher’s suggestion, she shook her head. “I don’t think we should split up. Anywhere we go might be traps, but especially downstairs. And…going against Arzendale by myself wasn’t the best, so. I’d rather not repeat that,” she grimaced as she said so. Maybe she was too worried for nothing, or maybe going together was actually playing into the doctor’s hand, but scouting an unknown location – a basement where she suspected all those thralls might be being kept – didn’t seem particularly safe.

“Or, if you really wanna, we need a plan how to quickly go down after you if we need to,” she added.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Jacqueline Leroux

Mention: @Majoras End

“Hm, oh, I guess that was too much for a civilian,” Jacqueline muttered to herself when it became clear the receptionist lady had no clue what she was talking about. Somewhat louder, she clarified, “Let’s just say we’re government agents, part of a branch specialized for detaining dangerous individuals.”

Then the power cut off. Jacqueline tensed, and didn’t quite loosen up when the emergency power kicked in. She looked up, where a camera was now clear to their sight. “So…something on that computer they didn’t want us to see, or just that confident that they want us to know they’re watching,” she speculated.

She nodded when Su made it clear she’d go scout. “Got it,” she agreed. When she and Fable were left alone, she briefly turned to the boy. “I’ll be right back. You can check if there are any relevant physical files, I guess.”

Then, she escorted the captive woman outside. At the entrance to the clinic, she freed her from the zip-ties, but didn’t yet release the grip she had on her. “Okay, now, just listen calmly. If you fear for your safety, or want to have a debriefing on this situation, there are two police officers in an unmarked car not too far away. You just have to take this street here, then turn left there…” she described the shortest path the woman would have to take to get to the car, and what the vehicle looked like, including its license number.

“Tell them Leroux sent you, and they’ll be able to deal with you. This is just a suggestion though – you are also free to go home or wherever else you want. Just don’t interfere with out work at the clinic,” she advised. With that, she gave the woman a light pat, headed back inside, and closed the front door behind her. Then, she returned to the receptionist’s office, where she expected to rejoin Fable.

To the child esper, she said, “Alright, that’s dealt with. Unless there’s anything you wanted to finish up here, or if you’ve a report on new findings, we should follow Breacher asap.”

Once she got his response, she’d lead their way down the hall, Havoc raised, on the lookout both for Breacher and for any potential trouble.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Jacqueline Leroux

Mention: @Majoras End

The first thought Jacqueline had as they entered the clinic was that maybe they’d locked down the place for lunch just to prevent anyone from stealing all those neat monitors of theirs. It looked like a treasure trove for looters, really. She wasn’t a fan of the incense, but the place did have an overall healing vibe. Unlike the building’s exteriors, its interiors were fully playing onto people’s expectations as to how such a place should look like.

Of primary concern was the receptionist, however. Jacqueline tensed when the woman reached for something underneath the table – an alarm? – but thankfully Breacher had it handled. As soon as the woman was prevented from doing what ever it was she’d been intending to do, Jacqueline moved in to detain her, as Breacher had ordered. If the receptionist was a human, it was probably pretty menacing for someone with a war pick to advance on her. Just in case that she was an innocent civilian, Jacqueline kept her expression calm.

“We’re with GEMINI’s special forces,” she told her as she went to cuff her. “The doctor here is suspected of cooperating with a monster. One Justin Carnage, if you’ve been following the news any. If you’re uninvolved, you better make it clear now so we can get you out to safety before we move further in,” she explained. Jacqueline held the restrained woman, carefully observing her. Depending on what she said or did, she had to be ready to attack or defend; as Breacher had said, there was the possibility that this was a thrall.

She wanted to investigate the desk, its drawers, and the computer, but since she was occupied guarding the woman, she briefly addressed Finnegan. “Fable, wanna check that out?” she questioned, indicating the receptionist’s set-up with a tilt of her head. “Might be some interesting info for us there.”

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Jacqueline Leroux

Jacqueline was standing in front of Aspiria Refuge alongside two fellow espers. She craned her head up, then tilted it left and right as she looked at the building. No, no matter how she looked there was not even a single teeny tiny window anywhere. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that things weren’t built to code in Pax, but still. It was a wonder someone hadn’t marked it as suspicious earlier, given it was supposed to be a mental health clinic, and yet, there was shit nothing that’d stimulate any kind of health visible.

Even if the thralls entered the picture only after their raid on Justin, she wouldn’t be surprised to discover some other weirdness had been going on at the clinic since its establishment. Even if there had, it probably wouldn’t have fallen under Gemini’s jurisdiction though. Then again, she didn’t really have to consider any of that. The mission was just investigating the building and detaining the doctor.

As Fable pointed out, though, that might be made more difficult if they were expected. Given they’d locked the front doors, that was…yeah, she should just think of it as a given, huh. “If it’s anything like the time with Justin, we should be on the lookout for any and all entry and exit points.”

As the kid went and tried the door, Breacher pitched in. “Understood,” was all that she said. Jacqueline didn’t think she needed to be told not to kill the doctor – a human – but apparently, she’d come across as really bloodthirsty in general. Well. Not that that wasn’t true, but she wasn’t usually motivated to put down people. Besides, the doctor might have a lead on Justin, and they really could use that.

When Su gestured for her to go help Fable, Jacqueline did so. Havoc would get the entrance open easily enough. There was the faint thought that ‘investigate the premises’ should involve going around the building once, or trying to see if there was a back door, or something, but if the three of them had by any chance been seen already, there was no point in wasting time.

28 | Female | Gemini Agents | Iron Dust
Havoc | Great Axe | Arcane | Pry
Eternal Knight | Perfectly polished
Forged Arsenal | Earth/Metal | Breakthrough
[Quake (2), Mass (2)] Damage X (6), AoE (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Dispel (6), Zone (4), Pull (2), Restrain (4), Blink (4)


Wulfric, Leo & Charlotte

Mentions: Crystal @Heartfillia Kazumin @samreaper Mayet @13org Nahir @Rodiak

Wulfric was at a less crowded part of the catering tables, enjoying a glass of lemonade. He’d had it ordered freshly made, so the cubes of ice inside were not yet melted, and he was able to enjoy its pleasant coolness. Some mint leaves had been added as well, which made for a truly refreshing beverage. His gaze swept across the ballroom, taking in the guests. He noted who was conversing with whom, and where. One of the people he’d been meaning to talk, Leo Smithwood, seemed free enough. His sister was enjoying the evening elsewhere, and his dance partner had departed as well. Finishing his drink, Wulfric strode towards the man he considered a good acquaintance, perhaps even a friend.

Sure steps carried him close, and Wulfric arrived in such a way that Leo was unlikely to miss him. “Lord Smithwood, good evening. It has been too long,” his tone was polite, but there was also a hint of warmth in his greeting. There were not many people he sought out primarily for their company, rather than another reason, but the Varian noble was counted among those few.

Leo, lost in his own thoughts, focused on noting who had danced with who, and who was now conversing with who, soon found his attention caught by Wulfric. The prince carried himself with more than enough presence that it was hard not to notice him. While Leo was on friendlier terms with this royal, he bowed just as respectfully as he would any other, but with Wulfric such signs of respect had been earned rather than simply obligatory. As he raised his head back up he wore a bright smile. There was something to be said about remaining on good terms with a future king, but more than just the addition to his social circle, Wulfric was one of the few nobles who really understood what it was to live. He’d seen the prince hunt, seen him fight, and Leo saw a man who knew what it was to be in tune with both nature, and one’s own nature.

“Your highness, too long indeed. Today must be my lucky day, to hold company with so many fine royals in the span of mere minutes. The Danrose house certainly means it when they offer us the event of the season, another exceptional ball.” Leo offered up the expected titles of respect and compliments, but his euphuism was genuine. “And a tiger roaming the ballroom, that is a sight I never expected to see. Truly, I am in awe tonight, and how has tonight treated you?” He asked, and used the brief pause to scan the faces of the ballroom, searching for Thea, hoping she was having an equally grand night.

Wulfric inclined his head, accepting the acknowledgment of an event well done. He’d had a hand in part of the organization himself, after all, even if not to the extent his mother had, for example. He’d assisted in the budgeting and other administrative tasks, such as signing off on the invitations after his parents had done so. “Our long expected Alidasht guests have certainly enhanced these proceedings. I must admit, I was initially skeptical of so many animals indoors. However, they are overall well behaved. As well, I have since learned that the Alidasht value their companions in a manner different than we do,” the prince was diplomatic enough to make allowances for behaviors he considered unusual, if nothing else. When Leo looked away, and was thus not paying attention, Wulfric assessed the man’s body. He was at least as fit, if not more so, than the last time they’d seen each other, so he must have continued pursuing his active hobbies despite - or maybe because of - his personal loss.

Before the direction of his stare could be noticed, Wulfric redirected his gaze to the ballroom proper, and continued the conversation. “Besides,” here, his voice took on a very dry tone, “There are some people here who are much more obtrusive than any of the animals could be.” He exhaled sharply through his nose in a light scoff. Wulfric’s gaze was inevitably drawn towards Kazumin, who had just knocked into another person and was now juggling grapes for some inexplicable reason. Tempted to sigh, he instead rubbed his temples and looked away before a stress headache could befall him.

“Other than the interference from their ilk, my evening has been enjoyable, thank you.” As his attention turned towards pleasanter topics, his expression smoothed out, the previous brief bout of tension lessened. “The highlight of which has been speaking to Shehzadi Mayet, most certainly. I am truly looking forward to the promised dance with her,” he smiled, and his lids lowered in pleasure as he sought out her presence among the attendees. She was otherwise occupied, but whoever held her attention - including Lord Ravenwood, who’d led her for the waltz - did not unduly worry Wulfric.

“Speaking of, you were indeed fortunate in today’s luck of the draw, were you not?” this referred to the fact that Leo had been paired with Shehzadi Nahir Ibn Raif Kadir. “How was it?” the prince raised a brow inquiringly, curious if the man had made good progress in getting acquainted with a foreign royal - and what level of interest existed between the two.

Leo followed Wulfric’s gaze to Kazumin, the man with the cowlick he’d seen talking to Thea at the start of the ball. It was clear the prince didn’t like the man, and there Kazu was playing with grapes and making more of a disruption than the several wild animals in attendance. “Ah, yes that one, do you know him? I was starting to assume someone had brought their jester with them tonight. I saw him speaking with Thea earlier, should I be concerned?” Leo asked, his features tightening. The last thing his family needed was a destructive force, like some jester dressed as a nobleman, drawing his sister into further turmoil.

“I do not know his name, but you might recall he claimed to be a storyteller during that whole drama with Duke Vikena. Even then, he interrupted when it was not his place to do so, but the Sultan was intrigued,” he briefly summarized for Leo who’d either forgotten or had not noticed the man’s presence at the time in the first place. “As for being concerned…whoever he was paired with for the first dance ran away from him for some reason while crying. However, it seems Anastasia voluntarily approached him and was thoroughly entertained by him. My conclusion would be that though any harm he causes may be unwitting, there is a surely a risk involved in having someone so foolish and careless around.” Wulfric was inclined to be frank on this matter; more eyes on a potential nuisance could only be helpful.

Leo nodded, paying careful attention to what Wulfric said and thinking about the deeper meaning behind his words. The majority of cowlick lad’s antics were basic buffoonery, the sort of pest that would likely be resolved without intervention, but hearing that he’d made a lady of the court flee his presence in tears was an entirely different concern. Leo nodded again, this time slower, to show he understood, he too would be keeping an eye on the blonde stranger, and Leo would certainly be keeping him far from Thea. “I see,” Leo added but said nothing further on the matter. It was also clear that Wulfric didn’t want to waste too much time discussing the foolish lad and neither did Leo. He returned the discussion to more pleasant matters.

“And I have been fortunate indeed, to have danced with Shehzadi Nahir. An illuminating experience; from kingdoms so vastly different and all I found was common ground. Well, common ground and golden eyes I found myself lost in. The entire building could’ve fallen down and I doubt I would’ve noticed.” Leo relaxed as the subject was changed, grinning as he thought of his dance with Nahir. Wulfric noted the man’s wide smile, and thought he was rather dashing when he was so expressive. His eyes were especially intriguing, not only due to the lighting enhancing their sparkle, but also the joy reflected in them. Of course, neither Leo’s reaction nor his interest was intended for him, so Wulfric suppressed these stray thoughts.

“Now, Shehzadi Mayet, she must be the spitfire with the tiger? I wish you the best of luck, though I hardly think Caesonia’s favorite prince would need it. How did you fare in the dance lottery?” He asked, knowing full well that King Edin always handpicked the dances for his sons, and simply wondering who the monarch was hoping to add to his family.

“Yes, she is, and her companion is in fact a tigress,” Wulfric replied, smirking. He did not believe he needed luck with her either, but he’d take the well-wish regardless. He could certainly use the luck for dealing with his father in regards to the day’s events, when he’d unavoidably have to speak with (or be reprimanded by) him. At the following question, he shook his head. “Curiously enough, there’s been an interference today,” he said, voice automatically lowering as he imparted this. “While there has never been a true luck of the draw for me before this very day…Let us say the usual servants must have been waylaid,” the hint of viciousness on his emphasis made it clear he believed that someone was behind this. He intended to find who - he had a good guess anyhow - but more importantly, the various whys of the situation.

“Waylaid? A strange plot, through interference in such a minor matter only means they’ve tipped their hand too soon. No doubt you’ll get to the bottom of this in no time, but if you need a hand, mine are always free.” Leo offered, pressing no further for details into the prince’s dance, as always, Wulfric shared what he wanted to. The idea of a conspiracy at play was not a surprise, but to go about it by attempting to embarrass a prince with a mismatched dance didn’t exactly give the impression that a mastermind was at work. “Have to wonder, what exactly their endgame could be, those responsible would have to be fairly confident in their ability to remain hidden to waste the first move like that. You think you’re dealing with foolishness or hubris?” He added, thinking out loud.

“Yes, an odd maneuver, to be sure,” Wulfric agreed. If his guess as to who was correct, the person could afford to make it, but the reason as to why this particular action at this particular time was beyond his understanding at the moment. This was partly why he didn’t intend to implicate whom he thought might have done it; it was so strange of an action, his suspicions may very well be incorrect. Before enacting a counter-move - and revealing inconclusive evidence or all his unformed thoughts to Leo might count as one - he needed a firmer grasp of the plot. “Thank you for the offer. If I find myself in need of assistance, I shall take you up on it,” he was genuinely grateful, and did intend to accept if he believed it sensible to do so.

Wulfric didn’t think that this open interference was a first move at all, but didn’t say so. To the posed question, he answered, “The latter.” Then, he offered some of his perspective on the matter, though not the reasoning behind it. “It seems to me that it is either someone who doesn’t care if they show their hand or someone who intends to taunt me by doing so.” Perhaps Leo would guess that in his mind, the culprit in this instance didn’t necessarily need to remain hidden, and why the prince supposed that might be the case.

“Well, sounds as if the hunt is on, I’m sure you’ll have your quarry in no time. I’ll be sure to keep my eyes and ear open, for any signs of treachery.” Leo said, although he had already planned on keeping alert for an entirely other conspiracy, the troubling mystery of what had happened to his father. He doubted the two matters were related, and one did not just ask a prince for a favor with nothing to offer in return. It was troubling, however, to hear that someone had made any attempt to undermine a Caesonian prince. It seemed as if the fabric of order that held both Varian and Caesonia together was beginning to unravel, a most disturbing trend.

Then he noticed Charlotte being pushed towards them by a lady he did not recognize. Leo immediately packed away such thoughts, and offered a welcoming smile to one of his oldest friends. “Lady Charlotte, a delight as always, please join us.” He moved his hand to beckon her towards them, hoping that the animosity between the heads of the two Caesonian houses did not extend to their heirs.

Charlotte had stumbled as she had been pushed forward into the crowd. As she caught her footing on the other side of it, she was greeted to the sight of Lord Leo Smithwood, unsurprisingly as that had been the target destination, and surprisingly Prince Wulfric.Oh no. Prince Wulfric is surely going to hate me after all that. This can’t be good. Charlotte pulled together a smile and made her way over to stand before them. ”Hello gentlemen! Uhm-Your Highness.”She hastily bowed to the prince politely, hesitant to make eye contact. ”Hope I am not interrupting anything.”

As their talk of the mysterious plot concluded, they both caught sight of Charlotte approaching. Or rather, someone had urged her in their direction. Wulfric stared at the young woman who’d done so in contemplation. Though he’d only seen her from the back as she fled the dance floor, her dress and blonde hair were distinctive. Though he’d not met her, there was something about her that wouldn’t quite give his mind a rest. This was why he disregarded Charlotte’s strange awkwardness - she was likely still uncomfortable due to the incident her father had caused - and decided to ask her about her acquaintance.

“Lady Vikena,” he greeted her neutrally, and gave a quick but courteous bow. “You did not interrupt,” his assurance was curt, however; he was eager to make his query before the opportunity escaped him. “If I may, who was the young lady by your side a moment ago? I feel as if I should recognize her, and yet…” Wulfric trailed off, frowning off into the distance, trying to find Crystal’s silhouette once again. However, the woman had already disappeared, blending in with the rest of the gathered. Thus, he returned to calmly observing Charlotte. He rarely had occasion to speak with her, and did not mind the idea that he might get to know her better.

Leo only nodded in agreement with Wulfric, momentarily distracted by trying to catch a glimpse of the woman who had pushed Charlotte forward. He hadn’t recognized her either, and while there were several faces here he didn’t know, he simply assumed if he didn’t know who someone was by now, they weren’t worth knowing. The exception, of course, being those from Alidasht as they were all new to him, but he’d been mingling with the nobility of Varian and Caesonia for many years. Still, if Wulfric was taking an interest there had to be a reason, and he waited for Charlotte’s response.

Charlotte followed their gaze for a moment. Her brow slightly raised with intrigue. She wondered if Wulfric was interested in Crystal. She was glad her friend was gaining attention; Crystal was a sweet girl who deserved the attention of suitors. ”That’s Lady Crystal Damien. “ The last name was informative enough to not require any further explanation. ”It has been some time since she graced the public eye, but she has ever the lovely personality.” Her gaze moved to Leo and she smiled at him, ”We’ve been friends since young just as Lord Leo and I have. Small circle this all tends to be.”

“Ah, of course,” there was an appreciative realization in Wulfric’s voice. He did enjoy putting a name to a face. Though both had been known to him years ago, he’d thought Crystal might not ever make another appearance at court, and what little impression she’d made on him had faded during that time. Though it was wrong of him to have forgotten, he’d avoided revealing that embarrassing detail to Count Damien, if nothing else. “That it is,” he replied, in agreement that due to their relatively few numbers, the nobility did tend to form close ties - or bitter enmities.

Neither was true for him or Charlotte, however. And while her courageous self-sacrifice to the Alidasht had been impressive (and frustrating), it had already tarnished her reputation, and might do so even more severely, depending on the kind of rumours that would form. Her repute was not beyond repair, but would he be willing to aid in its recovery, however minorly, merely to sate his curiosity? There was the potential of alliance between them, but that was an unlikely goal of questionable worth. Still…he had had that faint idea that making her Dutchess sooner rather than later might resolve the Lorenzo issue neatly. If her father was relieved of the duty of making public appearances, or at the very least of the burden of serving as Lord of his House which he was clearly unsuited for, wouldn’t everyone fare better for it? It would be one of his speculative gambles, but he felt in the mood for it.

“Since the two of us are barely acquaintances, though - and when you aren’t otherwise…occupied,” this referring mainly to the compulsory dinners with the Alidasht, and whatever else they might decide to have her do in the privacy of their rooms, “Perhaps you could join me for tea sometime,” he said offhandedly. His casual invitation was certainly in contrast to the amount of thought he’d put behind it, but thankfully the contents of his mind were not so easily discernible.

Charlotte had been perplexed by his initial statement, murmuring under her breath as she tasted the words, ”Otherwise… occupied…” It was only magnified when he then invited her to tea. She paused. I guess he doesn’t hate me. Well that’s good. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Wulfric and his siblings did not receive the same opportunities as the rest of them had as children to build close bonds with the other nobles. King Edin had certainly kept them busy. Perhaps her mentioning such with Leo and Crystal had caused Wulfric to long for friends too. She had never realized how melancholic such a notion was. ”O-Okay. That would be nice… Let’s have tea sometime then.” After another thoughtful hesitation, she added, “I know perhaps we haven’t all had the chance to be friends in the past but now is as good a time as any. I think with everyone here for the season, we should all become friends.” She gave Wulfric a warm smile. The prince was surprised by this addition, but nodded gracefully in acceptance.

“By the by, speaking of friendship, did Lady Damien inform you what that infernal man who’d been paired with her did that caused her such distress?” Wulfric naturally assumed that Charlotte would know what he was referring to, given the claimed bond between the two women.

”Oh my. Infernal?”Charlotte looked over her shoulder toward her friend with worry, ”She did not mention anything to me about it … I hope she is alright.” It wasn’t hard to spot Count Damien in the corner of the room nearby with a furious countenance. His wife seemed to be speaking to him lowly. She found herself for a moment feeling more sympathetic for whoever had upset Crystal than the girl herself.

At the revelation that Charlotte did not, in fact, know what it was that had happened, he hummed thoughtfully. He followed her gaze towards the Count, who was visibly enraged. “I suppose she has confided the matter to her family, then,” he concluded. “But just in case he ever thinks to bother her again, let me point him out to you.” He subtly inclined his chin in Kazumin’s direction. “See, that one with the cowlick over there?” Just then, the man in question was crawling on the floor. Had he managed to offend someone to the point of having to beg for forgiveness, now? Wulfric shook his head in disbelief.

Leo watched the interaction between the two for a moment, relieved to see it turn out to be an amicable one. Prince Wulfric’s offer of tea was a kind one, but it also did not escape his notice that this was the second time Wulfric had asked for information on Kazumin. Leo wondered if Kazumin knew exactly how many potential enemies he’d likely made for himself in the span of one night? At best if the man continued to make a scandal of himself it would at least split some of the heat away from the Vikena house.

“Infernal.” Leo repeated the word to show he agreed and glanced at the blonde man crawling about on the floor. “How else could you describe someone who goes about causing trouble for the more, sensitive, ladies of the court?” He added with a shake of his head. If he remembered rumors correctly, and he usually did, Count Damien’s mysterious younger daughter was said to have inherited her mother’s fragile constitution. “Though if your friend has already informed her parents of the situation I have no doubt adapt hands are already on the matter.” Leo continued, and one rumor he had little doubt in, was that the silver-tongued schemer, Count Damien, was a dangerous man to cross.

Charlotte had gazed in the direction of the fellow on the ground, nearly raising a brow. He was infernal? He certainly did not look so. ”Oh he’s something straight out of the depths of hell.” Charlotte couldn’t help but reply with a little sarcasm. The mysterious blonde with the unkept hair collecting grapes on the floor was the last person she expected to be pointed out.

Still, if he had truly hurt Crystal, she’d would be cross with him. Her own voice echoed in her head as she had promised her friend that she’d have her back. ”I-I will confront him before the ball ends and find out what happened.”She finally told the two of them. Charlotte was a little afraid to do so as she had not been in any sort of confrontation since grade school. However she wanted to be a good friend to Crystal and if she had confronted the Sultan himself, then this would be a walk in the park.

Wulfric didn’t think Charlotte confronting that buffoon was necessary at this point, nor did she seem particularly invested in doing so. However, all he said was, “If you like.”

She clasped her own hands together and nervously tried to change the topic, ”Anyway, Lord Leo. How have you and your sister been fairing? I-..” This subject was potentially worse. Tears were threatening to form but she very stubbornly did not let them as she lowered her head to blink them away.

She sighed as she finally said, ”I’m sorry.” Charlotte was apologetic for not writing often enough, for not taking a carriage to their kingdom to be there for them, and for everything they had to go through. Yet it was hard to find the words past the apology itself. She could only hope as she raised her gaze to look at him that he would still understand her enough to know how much that simple phrase had carried.

The prince tilted his head to the side curiously, watching as Charlotte came dangerously close to crying. Was she so deeply affected by the disappearance of a friend’s father? It had been quite some time for her to still be saddened. Nonetheless, this was evidently a topic she needed to discuss with Leo - perhaps in private. However, Wulfric did want to hear the answer to Charlotte’s question, because although he might not be as emotional about the topic, he did care enough about Leo to discover how he was.

“Thea and I, have both found our own ways of coping with his disappearance but closure will only come with answers. Your condolences are appreciated.” Leo’s reply was rehearsed and controlled, said with a forced smile. He had known the topic was bound to come up multiple times this summer and family matters were best kept private, or at the very least not spoken too freely in such a public venue. His coping mechanism was feeling alive by searching out danger, Thea’s it seemed, was numbing everything away, both destructive in their own ways and hardly made for light conversation.

At first, Leo assumed Charlotte’s sudden emotional display came from her own similar loss. But, her eyes seemed to hold more than just grief, perhaps a similar sense of guilt at having not reached out more. “And I apologize for becoming so withdrawn, but I find solitude to be easier in trying times. I’m sure you understand, I know things have been difficult for you as well. The presence of Dutchess Vikena is greatly missed.” He added words that came out shaky and unrehearsed, but carefully chosen to show he understood. “But, we are all here now, I’m willing to make up for lost time, and I’m sure Thea could use a good friend.” He added, and guessed Charlotte would be able to infer that his concern for Thea outweighed his concern for his own well-being.

Unsurprisingly, Leo did not reveal much. He’d been just as reticent in the few letters they exchanged, but Wulfric understood the desire to not reveal your own pain to another. It was unwise to expose your own weaknesses, and awkward besides. “I am glad you are well enough to have made it tonight,” Wulfric said, expression sincere as he caught Leo’s gaze. He was possibly overstating it by saying Leo was well, but it was likely better than to say he was now ready to be in public. Though the man had admitted as much himself, it could have unintentionally come across as a dig by implying he’d been previously incapable. It was one thing to say something of oneself than it was to have it be said of you, after all.

Though it had been some time since she had seen Leo, Charlotte had known him long enough to remember his real smile. She couldn’t help but think Leo seemed quite different from the last time they spoke. Perhaps it was due to Wulfric’s presence or just the nature of the sensitive topic, but he seemed guarded. He was right about one thing though, at least they were all here now. Thea and Leo would be present for the summer and she could make up for the lost time. ”Thank you. No need to apologize. I do hope I can be a good friend to you as well, Lord Leo.“

Her expression softened as she recalled a memory and she said, ”Things have changed so much…Sometimes I wish we could go back to being kids sliding on our socks down the floor of the hallways. Though you’d always knock into somebody. ” Charlotte managed a giggle.

“I’m glad I made it here too, clearly it would’ve been a tragic mistake to have missed all this.” Leo returned to a more genuine smile, taking a moment to breath in just how breathtaking the royal ballroom of Caesonia was, to see all the exotic animals that walked its marble floors, and so many familiar faces that he hadn’t realized until now that he’d missed.

Wulfric, as always, remained a bit hard for Leo to read, he hoped he hadn’t inadvertently insulted him by implying not attending had been a serious thought, or if he simply understood the need to ensure one was composed before stepping back into the public image. But it was that same enigmatic quality that made the eldest prince so intriguing. He grinned wider as Charlotte recounted an old memory, “Now who says we won’t be sliding down the hallways in socks?” He countered, though he understood the sentiment behind her words. Some things had to change, there was no avoiding that, but it didn’t have to change all at once, and it didn’t mean everything had to change.

The musical cue for the next round of dances began to start up, this round, however, was simply by choice. So Leo bowed to Wulfric, “A pleasure as always, your highness, enjoy your dance.” He said before turning to Charlotte and offering his hand. “Would you like to dance with me?” He asked.

Charlotte laughed, ”Oh goodness. I’d still do it!” Sliding down the a slippery floor in socks was always a fun time, no matter the age. She still secretly did it in her own home. As the music started up again, she also bowed to Wulfric. ”See you sometime for tea, friend.”

“You two enjoy yourselves as well. I shall be seeing you both during your stay here, I’m sure.” Wulfric nodded to his conversation partners, then left quickly. He’d spent more time catching up than intended, and he needed to ensure he’d meet with Shehzadi Mayet on time. Thankfully, he knew where to find her, and people were generally inclined to get out of his way when it was clear he had somewhere to be.

Charlotte looked in Leo’s direction. With a smile, she took his hand, ”Of course.”
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