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Right, so first off, you got a couple of options here.

1. Vampires existed as a race before the Thousand-Faced God died. They were a long-lived species that drank blood, sorta existing in the same vibe-check as elves did. They, of course, did not turn others into vampires, because magic (and subsequently curses) were not a thing before the Thousand-Faced died. Theodore's dad did some crazy magic in order to become similar to a vampire, using pre-existing ones as a template. Main deal being that that means that dude was maybe 200 years old, rather than being 'ancient'.

2. Vampires exist as monsters after the Thousand-Faced God died. Same pathway for his dad to follow, though once again, dude ain't all that immortal. Just good at being old.

Anyhow, I'm more or less fine with all that ya got. Probably don't get too accustomed to writing small profiles for all your followers, or it'll be a lotta work in the future. Main thing to note is that Theodore's situation in regards to his capabilities is probably a 'big fish, small pond' sorta deal until he gets to Oratorio, in order to justify his backstory antics. Mostly just to prevent min-maxing shenanigans stemming from one's race. With that in mind, he'll mostly be human, but with an extended lifespan, the ability to digest blood, and a slight increase in physical ability compared to like-sized humans.

Otherwise, iz fine to toss into the tab.

Yeah, either 1 or 2 sound fine, don't mind his dad being 'old' instead of immortal or ancient. And sure, I'm not the type to min-max, the backstory shenanigans relied a lot on 'no one expected him to do that', so yeah, big fish small pond's all good. And tbh I did the profiles for the followers only because he's not really close enough to anyone to have a paladin atm, and I wanna try doing some characterization practice, so we'll see how that goes. But you can bet I won't be doing that for the mass of followers I'm assuming a character can get.


Not sure I'll actually have the time for this buut just in case, and out of curiosity...Would something like a vampire/dhampir (or an in-universe equivalent, or just, you know, a wannabe) and Domain of Blood work for ya? (Alternatives: Brilliance/Majesty for a king/queen, Beasts for various critters and the potential for a menagerie of furries).
In Avalia 8 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: The Saltrunner
Interaction(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Amisra @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Sirena @Tpartywithzombi
After the first sighting and report of The Silver Eyes, Arlen was one of the quickest to get a bearing on its position. At first, he remained there, ready to help their ship outmaneuver them as Tanithil had suggested. But then, the dark elf seemed to get a better idea. Arlen grinned, and followed the order to get below deck with a grin. “Hey, Tani, did I hear you say cannons? C’mon, man, you can’t mention cannons and not get me on it.” Smirking, he helped set up one of the guns. He positioned it carefully, meticulously. It wasn’t his pistols, sure, and the large caliber artillery was far more robust, but there were still tricks to get it shooting exactly where and how one wanted.

Arlen took a moment, closing his eyes as he drew upon his photokinesis. He packed as much light magic into the cannon ball as the time frame allowed, then got it into position. “Oooh-kay, loaded and ready. Careful with this one, boys, it’s gonna be a blast.” Of course, Arlen had aimed the cannon right at the tricorn and eyepatch bearing light elf in charge. That smug face would get a good scaring – or scarring, if they were lucky – alright. Now, just to get the timing exactly right…Arlen and the crew waited for the right moment, and when it came, the young light elf fired.

Attire: The costume
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Night
Location: Calbert Damien's Ballroom
Interaction(s): @princess Alibeth, @Lava Alckon Drake
Shortly after his discussion with Captain Durmand, Wulfric was approached by his mother. Did she actually think she was fooling anyone by trying to blend into the crowd when her attire evoked a veritable demoness from hell?

“Of course,” he answered cooly as he removed himself from her hold with a tactical sidestep. “But I cannot very well go forth and remove his tongue this very instance, now can I?” he snarked quietly. To try and preserve the charade that their meeting was coincidental, Wulfric positioned himself so he wasn’t fully facing her. He pretended to be absorbed in the refreshments set on the nearest table. To the casual observer, it would appear as if two guests who had just so happened on one another were merely exchanging trite remarks.

“Truly, that bastard can be dealt with at any time,” he remarked, a tad dismissive of Cassius. Because it would be strange to stand there doing nothing, he picked up a plate, and began an exceedingly fastidious selection of something to snack on. “It might even be entertaining to have his recently claimed son used against the count, wouldn’t you agree?” he questioned rhetorically.

“Speaking of.” He turned to her then, and presented her the plate of appetizers – as if all he was doing was recommending his favourite tidbits to her. In actuality, their conversation topic was of great import. “This household has a touch more of the unusual than you may prefer,” he related quietly, placing special emphasis on those two words. Wulfric expected Alibeth would correctly infer he was referring to magic. “I believe you will see what I mean when Violet makes her appearance.” It was only a terribly eerie supposition on his part that something was wrong with the lady, but if anyone could confirm it, he imagined it would be her.

“Now, if you do not mind, I should like to spend the remainder of my evening without you hovering.” Would he have to explain to her that her presence was, in fact, detrimental to socializing, especially with womenfolk? No self-respecting lady would take seriously a grown man so closely attached to his mother.

Granted, his actual, personal reason was a simple desire to not be scrutinized. It was insulting, the implication that he needed to be watched by her. Annoying, too. Hopefully, Alibeth would take his bait and turn her attention on the Damiens. A much better use of her time, in his opinion.

As he was about to proactively distance himself from her, and leave her to think on his words, Drake made his appearance. Just as he was so close to freeing himself from his mother’s ever-watchful gaze. What unfortunately inopportune timing… At the very least, Alibeth may still very well choose not to linger.

If nothing else, Drake’s penchant for theatricality drew out a smirk from him. “Good evening, Drake,” he greeted. “Or should I greet you as the Musician?” he joked lightly. “Your visage is recognizable despite the mask, you do realize?” he pointed out, entertained by the lord’s actions. Wulfric then moved onto the next immediate point he was curious about. “Was Princess Sadie unable to come?” he inquired, genuinely intrigued. He had seen them together this morning, and suspected Drake had been waiting for her. Possibly, the lord was now sans a date. All things considered, it was a decent opportunity to draw the man into a (preferably private) conversation.
In Avalia 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: The Saltrunner
Interaction(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Amisra @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Sirena @Tpartywithzombi
Arlen had spent a good chunk of their time down with Ismael at Port Vanarosa. They had lunch, chatting about their misadventures thus far, with Arlen asking about how it’d compared to the things the human had done back on earth. The elf had then shown him some fun places. After enjoying themselves for a bit, they had gone back to the ship. And what a surprise had met them there; an entirely new crew member. Amisra introduced Sirena, the dark fairy, and told them a false story of how she’d been found when the princess had left their ship. Arlen had covered for her, and got the truth from Amisra later.

Now, he didn’t entirely mistrust the dark fairy, since she had helped patch up his friend. However, he had heard many ill tidings of her kin, and from his observations, she did appear unstable at times. So, he was wary of her, and kept watch on her throughout their travels. Granted, their new passenger was a far lesser presence in his mind compared to the potentials of treasure. The captain had found a map he judged was genuine, so the chance of them actually getting something was decent. The promise of loot, action, and a fresh adventure energized the elf.

Their sailing had gone well enough so far, with Tanithil settling in as their newly minted, officially appointed first mate. “Ha! Now, don’t go getting’ too big-headed there, Tani,” Arlen playfully flipped him off. Still, he went about his task, though not before some passing words to his other companions. Most notably, Amisra had that stubborn look about her, the kind that let him know she’d be ignoring her injuries. “I don’t like sayin’ this, but you should listen to Tani, he’s got the right of it this time. If you're bored, just stick to that one,” he nodded at the dark fairy. He wrapped an arm around Amisra’s shoulders in a brief hug.

When he caught sight of Sirena, he simply gave her a nod. “Best not fly around too much,” he suggested. “A bad stray wind catches you, you’ll be like those,” he pointed at the billowing sails, “except not tied down.” To Ismael, he offered a bolstering pat on the back, and a, “Happy learnin’.” Then, he did do as Tanithil ordered, and took care of the sails. He couldn’t help but wonder what exactly it was that their actual captain was doing, however. Strategizing, maybe? Well, whatever, it wasn’t really any of his business as long as they kept afloat, and their human was safe and sound.

Yeah, I somehow haven't been feeling like writing anything for this x.x Also didn't exactly wanna quit officially but, idk. My bad.
In Avalia 11 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mention(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Amisra @Tae
Interaction(s): Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Along with Ismael, Arlen collected useful loot off the dead bandits. “Alrigh’, then. Help me haul ‘em over yonder,” he indicated an alleyway leading to the nearest pier. The two dragged the corpses through the small, desolate path, then dumped them straight into the sea. “Well!” Arlen clapped his hands together, then brushed them off as best he could. “That’s that.”

He followed Ismael, letting the human lead along the streets which were all to familiar to the elf. They wouldn’t get lost, and he was curious to see how Ismael did in unknown environments. “The most famous eatery here is Yolichi’s,” Arlen told him. “Figure that's what you saw.”

The two meandered to the restaurant. Though the elf had proclaimed it as famous, it appeared rundown and rather dank. They had to enter through a rickety doorway, go down a narrow staircase, and arrive in a low-ceiling room. Despite the bland if rustic interiors, there were quite a few people there. Arlen and Ismael took a two-person table near a window.

“Ya can ask ‘em to fry something fresh, or get something from the menu. Jus’ a heads up, the gator’s expensive stuff.”

The elf ordered a seafood stir fry and some ale, making casual conversation to Ismael as they waited. “So…there’s another good place around ‘ere. Sailor’s Pleasure,” he smiled slyly. “I know the people there, can probably get us a discount. Maybe some juicy info too~” he chuckled. “Or are ya more the type to pick ‘em up for free?” He nodded at the folk surrounding them. “Though, if ya changed ye mind, I’d always be up for some fun too, ya know?” Arlen grinned.

As the ale arrived, and he sipped on his drink, the elf grew thoughtful. “Still…I know she’ll be fine, but I am worried ‘bout Amisra. Her bein’ her, her pride might have got hurt worse than her head,” he joked weakly, but his heart wasn’t in it. “Maybe we should get some food packed up to go, bring it to our buddies on the ship.” He shrugged, then remembered something. “Oh, yeah, weren’t ya sayin’ how you’re missin’ a dagger? We can stop by a blacksmith or a shop too.”

Poor Kyouka... From sexy hostess to... Not quite as sexy snek. Hope there aren't any harpies on that mountain looking for passed-out worms to eat. :V

Heh, I do feel a harpy is one of those things she might have become too! I like snakes and nagas, but it sure is a shock for her.

Also, tip for Minami: maybe some 'accidental' uncovering of curtains if need be? :p
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