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On early 20s man.

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ooh I just now found this, I do have a idea for a character. but I figure before I go though the effort of detailing it I'd check if it's possible to join or not. so is it?

This game is already been dropped by the GM due to the hiatus reason. 😔

Me and some other players here moved for another game.
With the hinder vision for the enemies under the mist and also to prevent the Musketeers to fire on concealed area. Chounan close his eyes and release a calm breath. As the Ki has been activated. Everything goes dark around him. A glowing circle appear under him. Being on the center of the circle with a radius of seven meters. The silhouette of two confused flanking soldiers appear on the circle. He sheathes his blade and makes a ready posture. A quick draw of the blade's stroke cuts the first flanking soldier following up a dashing two handed heavy stroke on other flanking soldier.
As Chounan is ahead from the rest of the party. He decreases his speed so that the party can see him in sight especially Jazdia herself. He will change course of the direction upon the elf's instruction. He keep ahead to the party just to make sure that pathing is clear. If some of the enemy camp from the side of the narrow path, Ki will detect them nd his quick reaction will counter who do sneaky attacks.
"That's not the way! Follow me! Gerrald is heading toward the catacombs. It seemed our guy doesn't want to leg it to the surface. He has five goons blocking the way for him."

As the elf instructed, Chounan went ahead from the two woman. Two long straps of cloth can be notice as were tied each of the hole of the handguards flowing opposite that Chounan's heading to. Those cloth belong to slaves he accidentally killed. The slave man's cloth tied on the katana's handguard the slave-woman's cloth tied on the wakizashi's hand guard. Chounan want the rest of the party have breathing so he voluntary himself break the odds who were obstructed their way. He blended on the darkness of pathway and with his Ki his awareness enhanced. Hunting down the Guild Master Gerald without killing him.

Chounan saw Yvonne rushing on the open gap that Jaz made. He performed Chiburi and sheathed his blade. "Suffer no more... You are free now." he prayed with his one hand for the deceased Werewolf. The three should be fine and enough, the more important thing to do is to escort the noblewoman. He then started to accelerate and chased Yvonne from getting in. He slipped through the gap and slide smoothly with his two feet to reduced the acceleration. He found Yvonne alone inside the interior, looking around for way up.
Chounan had enough time to switch his yumi bow into sword as the Werewolf regain its freedom, he activated his Ki for countermeasures. Wolves and werewolves crippled as there nose and eyes are no longer function. He had been dealing with this type of scavengers upon soloing or an ecort mission. He pulled out his kunais and hurled precisely on both eyes and nose. As the Werewolf charged in, a Perfect Counter is activated. With the concentration, everything is slow downed except himself. He performed a cuts aiming on its arm following up a heavy stroke on the head.
"Kaito-san, can you able to charm that bear? Probably it's one of our bear friend's relative... Also I must make haste, Sir Henri needs a help." Without Kaito reply Chounan started to dash. His movement speed is bit faster from Kaito's speed due to his stronger quads. Ki was activated and he will dodge the unexpected attack from the bear upon encounter. The sound of the approaching Shinobi semi-suppressed due to him being a light footed. He grabbed the nearby net and hurled with full body strength onto the scavenging Werewolf at Sir Henri's location. Countermeasure will trigger since Ki is on active. Upon catching the Werewolf with the net, he leaped away from safe distance and impaled the Werewolf by shooting with a Yumi straight it's Weak-spot.
Chounan quickly reacted thanks to Ki, he off with his wakizashi for a while and able to blocked his full shoulder guard to received minimal blunt damage and to prevent him getting of balance. He sensed danger again as the dying Knight-butcher who attacked the party, commenced an attack towards him for the last time. He evaded the several reckless and weaken swung and performed a side ways kicked onto the side of the handle to create a cutting force. Once it loosen from getting stucked, he grabbed the katana with all might and release strong pressure of blood of the Big man as he pulled off his katana with his two hand.

Retrieving his scabbards to sheathed two blades, finally picked up his bow again and start shooting the rest of the midgets. He deactivated his Ki since the target enemies are from the other side of the arena. He crouched and elevated his bow, releasing arrows upward. Dropping arrows from above made those midgets unable to react as the velocity went faster with the bigger mass of Ya, descending onto the target foes one by one and inflicting a heavy piercing damage.

Being a burdened to the elf made him pissed to himself. Being alone wolf during adventurer made him dull his coordination for as team as he kept soloing. He tighten his grip and went to focus. With Kaito's distraction and losing the big man's posture. Chounan slipped in, made a posture in order to deliver a devastating stabbed with a katana for the finisher showing no mercy to a struggling big man.

He actived his Ki to be caution on the surrounding especially for the responding foe to ensure countermeasures.
Chounan was the last entered the Arena. He put his yumi bow and his quiver full of arrows on the ground behind the backline of the party. He went straight to Jazdia and speak, "You should go to backline, Miss Jazdia. Let us main frontline be in front. My bow and arrows are all yours, so that you can use it when you run out of your main. It's better to tag along with their play, we can't win against overwhelming odds from here and the high grounds."

As he sheathed his katana, he threw his scabbard on the ground, same thing with his wakizashi. It seems that he is Ambidextrous and the katana still handing with his injured armed. Kaito maybe know what Chounan's thinking as threw he his own scabbards and a missing cuirass on his body. Chounan will rely on cunning as he is light footed and no longer restricting his agility.

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