Avatar of Squirrel98


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Welcome to my profile :)

I am a 25 years old woman from Belgium, Europe. You can always send me a message to chat or about a roleplay. Even though I can be pretty busy at times, I always inform my partners when I lost interest or when I want to stop a roleplay for a different reason. This means that if I haven't replied to a roleplay yet, I didn't have time yet. I didn't ghost you. Since I regularly check the site on my phone, my replies OOC whould be fairly fast (if you keep my timezone in mind).

I can play as both male and female characters with a preference towards FxM and MxM pairings. Additionally, I can play multiple characters at the same time. I prefer to double (as in both playing a male and a female character), but this is absolutely not a requirement. I absolutely love romance in roleplays, but I tend to not include smut as it easily takes over the plot and that is quite boring to say the least.

I prefer my roleplays to be situated in either modern times or the future, since I am not interested in researching a time period in order to write about it in the roleplay. Also, I mostly use fictional locations. The reason for this is that I haven't been outside of Europe (except for two vacations in Egypt when I was a child that I hardly remember) and I am not willing to do a lot of research those countries in order to write about them in the roleplay.

Romance, drama, horror/thriller and slice of life are the genres that I have the most experience with, since there is a lot of describing the situation and a lot of dialogue. I have the least experience with fighting scenes, so please don't judge my fighting scenes as I am trying and learning. Since I mentioned horror/thriller, let me tell you that I have absolutely no limits with dark themes. If you have any, tell me BEFORE we make our characters. Do not be angry at me if you didn't even tell me about the topics that are sensitive for you and I happen to use them unknowingly. If you tell me about sensitive topics, I will ALWAYS avoid using them, no matter what they are.

I can work with long, short and no character sheets. My preference goes towards sharing a picture, name and age before starting the roleplay. I am most comfortable with using anime pictures, but I can also use pictures of real people if it's my partner's preference.

If you aren't sure that our writing styles are compatible, please ask me for a writing sample beforehand. Don't ghost me or reject me right after I wrote an intro post to our roleplay. That's just a huge waste of time for both of us. Of course if you find out during the roleplay that it's not for you anyways, you can always tell me (please do instead of ghosting).

Topics that I am ALWAYS willing to write about:
- the Fairy Tail universe
- Demons and/or angels coming to Earth
- the Apocalypse concept
- the Big Brother concept
- a Jumanji inspired story (either old or reboot)
- an adult version of Miraculous or Precure

Most Recent Posts

@Sky Blue It's different for each individual. They all have something that makes them appear as a demon, but some might only have horns while others look like textbook demons.
The world consists of four nations: water, earth, fire and air. The species living in those nations are able to create (to an extent, limited to their physical bodies) and manipulate their respective element. The water nation consists of mermaids and mermen who are known for being very adaptive and physically fit. They tend to stay away from other nations. Not out of fear or anger, they simply do not care about the others.

The earth nation has werewolves, known for being very strong and aggressive. The werewolves themselves are sad that they scare the other nations this much as they would prefer to connect with them. However, they have never before tried to convince the others of their good hearted nature, since the other nations fearing them makes it easy for them to always get their way.

The fire nation consists of people characterized by the term 'demons'. They are not able to transform, but sometimes have physical aspects such as horns or a tail. These physical aspects and their ability to control fire makes the others think that these people are demons and not to trust. No one fears them, but no one dares to connect with them either as they are supposed to be criminals. The people themselves don't like the assumptions others make about them, but they are not going to deny them either. They want people to find out themselves how wrong they are about these people.

The air nation consists out of fairies and angels. Fairies are only able to control wind, whereas angels can also change the temperature of the air and the elements it exists out of (such as taking away oxygen). These people are known to be very weak and naive. People don't care about them and mostly laugh at them. No one is aware of the angels' ability to take away oxygen.

The last couple of centuries, a lot of wars were going on between the earth and fire nation. The air nation got tired of being locked away in the sky, not being able to land on earth due to all of the violence. That's why the air nation tried to convince the others to come together and try to work things out. For some weird reason, all four nations agreed. However, their meetings did not go as planned. A war started between all four nations.

Years went by. The war has ended, but the four nations are still not connected with each other. However, a new species has been created who might finally get the four nations to come together in peace: demigods. Demigods are born of more than one nation (either born from two pure blooded from different nations or born from parents who already were a mix of different nations). They are capable of learning to manipulate different elements.


During this roleplay, different character will come together and form some kind of 'Team Avatar' trying to create peace between the different nations. You can choose if you want to be a pure blooded from one specific nation or a mix of different nations (which means that your parents did believe in peace between the nations). In theory, this storyline would allow several 'Avatars' at once, but everyone being able to control the four elements would get boring. That's why the 'Avatar' role will be limited to maximum two people. Also, no one HAS to be the 'Avatar'. This story can also be played with no one being able to control all four elements.

Rising Starborn Guildhall

That chef was amazing for cooking for this poor girl. And this poor girl was amazing for holding on long enough to get at this place right her right now. Everyone here was amazing. Matthew knew that he had to join this guild. He just had to. It would be good for him, finally a place that would actually feel like home. Of course his foster family was nice, but these people loved magic just as much as he himself did. And they all seemed to have such great stories to share. They all fought their own battles and that was simply amazing!

Matthew wanted to talk to the homeless girl, the one that they called the other new recruit. But it didn't seem as if she was interested in him. In that case, he should just leave her alone. She was probably just tired, or in pain, and he had to respect that by keeping his distance from her. But there were so many questions he could ask her! How she became homeless, why she looked that poorly maintained, how she managed to get to this guild, why she wanted to join this guild, what her magic was.

And that chef! What motivated him to cook for all of these people? Why did he do it? And was he a wizard as well? What was his magic type? Did he use it to cook the food? Was it MAGIC FOOD?! That sounded amazing! Could the candy in his hair be considered magic food? His hair was magic and the candy was in the hair, so by that logic that candy was magic! All candies are magic, they just taste so amazing! What was he thinking about? Oh right! Why all of these people were so amazing!

Should he go over to that woman again and ask her how she thought of ordering that dish? If it was her favorite dish? No, it probably wasn't a very good idea. She didn't seem to be in a good mood either. How could these people be in a good mood and a bad mood at the same time? Was something influencing their mood? How strange...

Rising Starborn Guildhall

After declaring her interest in finding a job and earning her money fair and square, she agreed to follow the woman and get herself cleaned up. How could everyone be this nice to her? The woman wanted to help her look less like... whatever she looked like... and the chef had started to cook for her without any ulterior motive. She wanted to think that there was more to it, that there was something dark hiding behind the good intentions that she simply couldn't see.

After getting cleaned up, she took a seat at an empty table and looked around to see happier faces and people getting along much better than she was used to seeing. Her life had revolved around people doing what they had to do and ignoring everything and everyone else. These people... genuinely wanted to be here... and be there for each other.

The other new recruit obviously grabbed her attention as well, no one could possibly miss his presence. He seemed to be so happy and enthusiastic to be there that it both made her just as happy and incredibly annoyed. She didn't quite know how to feel about him. And it didn't matter hwo she felt about him. She needed to just make herself seem useful and strong, so that these people would give her a job. It didn't matter who they were, they were giving her a chance and that's what counted.

While sitting in one of the boots waiting, she took the book that she had carried with her. The book contained a lot of different magic types and she loved reading about them again and again and again. By this time, she had memorized every word of every page, but it didn't matter. She remembered the last time she was at the library and how many books she was able to read. It was sad that the time was over, but at least she had this one book to remember that place by. Reading it gave her comfort.
Exactly 20 years ago, a large group of Superhumans came from their planet to ours. Their planet had evolved in such a way that they couldn't survive there anymore. Earth was the best alternative for them. However, the regular humans weren't too thrilled about a superior race with magical abilities taking what was ours. A war didn't break out, since there was no way for our humans to win and there was no other place for the Superhumans to go. That's why the Superhumans were given a large piece of mainland surrounded by three separate islands. No regular human would come there. Throughout the years, the Superhumans gained a reputation that was considered higher than royalty or even the gods. People had become too scared to even get close to them. An invisible wall was built between the two races sharing the same planet, because of which they didn't see or hear from each other throughout all of those years.

Sadly, another race has found its way to Earth. They look like the monsters from everyone's nightmares and no one can understand what they are saying. They appear to make animalistic sounds, but at the same time they seem very intelligent. It makes people wonder if they might be superior and choosing not to speak to humans, just like humans wouldn't talk to an ant on the ground.

A war broke out between the humans, Superhumans and the monsters. Humans were not a match. Superhumans weren't either. The survivors of both races had no choice but to join together in the fight against the unfamiliar monsters. How will two races who haven't even seen each other for years work together? Will the Superhumans be able to put their arrogance aside? Will the regular humans continue to fear the Superhumans, or does the confrontation with the monsters force the humans to see Superhumans as equals?

One Superhuman and one regular human become the leaders in this time of need. They force the survivors to stay in bunkers and share them as if they were family. The survivors don't even get a choice in which bunker they will stay at or with who. The leaders try to pair up the weak and the strong, the dominant and the submissive.


Every day, people from the bunker are paired up by the leader within your bunker to do tasks like go outside to find more food, protect the bunkers against the monsters trying to get in.

Sometimes you will have to fight, sometimes you will have to try to survive natural disasters. And while that is happening, you have to try to work together with people you never dreamed of being physically close to, complete strangers with different personalities and values.

Superhumans can have any type of magic you can possibly think of as long as it is not too OP. You are still human with physical limitations, not a god of any kind. You can either be very experienced with your magic or not at all, but you are always born with it.
@Estylwen Oh, I had a feeling! I wasn't sure how all the hints would fit, but now I get it :D
@Estylwen@Lexisheeps Thank you! I very much enjoyed my first survival RP and am happy that Amanda survived :D

Although I am curious what the answer was to the following riddle:

I rest between blood and other bodily fluids,
You love to drink me,
I change forms when beaten,
What am I?
Amanda Lewis
Amanda was disappointed to find herself into a new room. This place just kept going. How many rooms did she need to escape before finding her son? Apparently at least one more, and this time it was a train. There were a lot of noises, so she started to look around and soon discovered dirty creatures crawling all over the place. She wanted to vomit, or cry, or both. But she had to be strong and finish this room, just like all of the others. Amanda decided to look all over the train to have a good overview of the place. There were two riddles. She didn't know the first one. It's between blood and other bodily fluids and I love to drink it? So it's a liquid. Maybe water? No, how would water change forms when beaten? Amanda didn't know the answer, so she decided to focus on the second riddle.

The second riddle turned out to be easier for her as she quickly realized what the answer was. They move one step at a time, rule all, everyone is out to get them and when they die, people call them their mate. The riddle is talking about a game of chess. The king can only move one step at a time and when he dies, people yell 'Checkmate'! That has to be the answer: the King.

Amanda was smiling brightly from happiness as she had finished one of the riddles. However, her smile quickly disappeared as she suddenly detected stuffed animals. Did she see these ones before? She wasn't sure. Where they alive as well? She didn't know either. Maybe she should say something to them. "Hey... I-I think I solved one of the riddles... The answer is the King... From a game of Chess."

Rising Starborn Guildhall

When the chef started to approach Evangeline, she immediately flinched. Her first thought was that the man would throw her out. That's what they did to her at literally any other place she had gone to. However, he didn't touch her. He didn't ask her to leave. No, he even smiled at her. This was new. Did this guy somehow know who she was? Whose daughter she was? He couldn't have. No one in these regions has ever heard of her parents. Does this mean that he was being genuine at that moment? This realization made her calm down.

He even wanted to introduce her to the guild master. Wow, this meant that she actually had a shot at getting in. Of course she knew she deserved it, but she didn't expect things to go the way she wanted them to. The moment he started to ask if she was okay, Evangeline took a deep breath. She didn't want others to feel sorry for her. She didn't want them to be nice to her because they felt bad for her situation. She didn't need anyone to treat her like a wounded little bird. She was a strong woman and deserved to be treated as such. She wanted to earn their trust and return the favour.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the man announced that he was going to cook a meal for her. When did she tell him she was hungry? When did she ask him to do that for her? She didn't need him to decide what she needed for her. However, this wasn't the time to be picky. With every second that flew by, her knees started shaking more. A wave of exhaustion came over her, which was something unfamiliar to her as her magic caused her the side effect of not needing a lot of sleep. She had to be strong. She had to convince these people to let her stay, to let her work. "Thank you." She tried to say those two words in her most confident voice, but it sounded more like a raspy whisper.

Not long after, a woman approached the two of them. She started talking about getting her clothes as well as the food. They wanted to get her dressed? Just like that? They didn't care about who she was or where she came from. They simply helped her. Just like that. This was completely new for her, but she tried to contain her emotions as to not seem to eager. She needed to keep a strong image. That would be the best way to start.

"Thank you, Miss. I just want to earn money for food and a place to stay, fair and square. My preference goes towards working as a mage, but I'll take anything you want at this point. I have experience as a waitress in a small tavern, if that helps at all." She shouldn't have said that she would take anyone. Now she sounded desperate. Of course her appearance didn't help her case either.

Rising Starborn Guildhall

His eyes kept going back and forth between the homeless girl and the chef standing next to him. How did this girl survive this long without any money? Food? A place to stay? That's amazing! She's amazing! And wow... That chef served all of those people with food that they clearly absolutely love. How does he pull that off? Matthew could learn a lot from him. Of course cooking wasn't a talent of his. He might even forget that he put the stove on. That would be way too dangerous.

That reminded him. Two years ago, the woman living at the end of the street forgot to put the stove off when she went to the store. By the time she came back, nothing was left of her house. Even her neighbours had significant damage to repair. Where did that woman go after this incident? He remembered her fighting with the neighbours about payment for the repairs. Maybe she moved so she could pay for everything. Where would she be now? Oh, and what was he doing again? Right! He was at the guildhall where he wanted to apply for a job! Right, right, right.

When did this woman join them? It didn't matter. She asked him to wait for his turn, so that's what he would do. He would wait for his turn. He could do that. No problem. He had patience. He could be a very patient person if they needed him to be. Yes, he could. Oh, but what is that woman right there eating? It looked delicious! Matthew ran over to her, hang with his head above the plate and looked intently at the ingredients before him. "That looks delicious! Can I have a bite?" The woman immediately told him 'no' and asked him what was wrong with him.

That was a good question! What was wrong with him? A lot in fact! He should take better care of Belle. He should pay Rosa more money. He shouldn't depend on his foster family's money. He should let them know that he was okay. He should eat healthier, even though he needed to eat candy to be able to use his magic properly. He should train more, so he could be stronger. What was he doing again? Right! Waiting! Maybe he should sit down. That would make him look way more professional.

Matthew sat down in one of the boots and started to eat some candy he had stored in his hair. But maybe it was rude to eat food he brought himself. Then again, he shouldn't disturb the chef when he was clearly already so busy. Hmmm... What was the best thing to do in this situation? Matthew kept thinking about that while still eating the hair candy, not even taking it out of his hair. He might accidently drop it if he dared to take it out before the container was empty.

A wave of pain could be felt from her neck all the way down to her hips. Sleeping on a park bench wasn't healthy or comfortable at all, but at the time Evangeline didn't have another choice. All the money she haad earned as a waitress was gone and she would never dare to ask her parents' for more as she had finally succeeded in escaping from their home and the future they had planned for her. Being free, able to make decisions for her own, not being recognized. That was most important to her.

She stood up and immediately noticed that a crowd had gathered around her. They weren't looking at her though. What day was it? What time was it? Was it some kind of party? She had absolutely no idea. She decided to pack her stuff and move away from everyone. It didn't take her long. The only stuff she owned were: the jeans she wore that had a lot of holes in them, the white shirt with food stains and stains from being kicked to the ground whenever she chose the wrong place to sleep, the brown shoes that could fall apart any moment, a keychain with a pink unicorn attached to it and a book about different magic types including her own. The keychain was a gift from her parents. It was the only good memory she could remember of them. The book was stolen from the library on her last day there. Even though they must have found out immediately, they never did any effort to retrieve it. They must have realised about how difficult of a life she lead, which is why they let her keep it.

Her stomach was growling, but she didn't have any food or money to buy some. Evangeline took a deep breath, forgot about her dignity for a moment and walked up to a trashcan nearby a restaurant. She was luckily to find some half eaten leftovers. It smelled disgusting and might even get her sick with all the bacteria on it, but she had no other choice. She ate it, stilled her hunger and went up to a fountain to wash the weird smell off of herself. People looked at her weird, but she couldn't care less anymore. She also put a little bit in her mouth to make it less dry. After that, she made sure to disappear from that place and the people who were clearly judging her.

She walked up to a couple of taverns to ask about any jobs they might have for her, but they all judged her on her appearance. Evangeline didn't even get the chance to finish her sentence before they literally kicked her out. She didn't let this get to her though. She was confident about her abilities, her skills, who she was. No one deserved to live a life like this. This couldn't be permanent. She just had to keep trying and someone will say yes to her. Everything was better than returning to the life she let before with her parents. She had to keep reminding herself of that fact.

When she happened to see the sign of the wizard guild, flashbacks of her old dreams appeared in her mind. Right, she wanted to become a wizard. That's why she chose to learn magic. She chose this specific kind to net let her parents find out about her dreams, but this... This was her dream. She wanted to use magic to help people in need, to not let people become a lifeless puppet like she would feel at times. She needed to go inside. She needed to beg to join. She needed to convince them to not judge her on her appearance. She needed... Food... Her stomach was growling again. The leftovers weren't enough. If she could get a job here, she could earn money. Money for food, water, a place to stay with a shower. She walked inside the building with a great amount of confidence, a total mismatch with the way she looked. "Excuse me! Who can I talk to about working here?" She said while still holding the keychain and the book, the only things she owned.

Belle jumped on Matthew stomach as a way to wake him up. A loud cry out of pain didn't startle her at all as she did it every single morning. Matthew smiled and petted her enthusiastically before getting out of bed and dressed for the day. He threw on a red and black checked shirt, a white jacket, black pants and shoes. When he went downstairs, he saw a woman letting herself into his house. "Good morning, Rosa! Belle is in a good mood today and you... You look amazing!" Rosa was the dog walker Matthew had hired for Belle. She would come every morning and every evening to walk her, give her some treats, make sure that Matthew didn't forget to feed her with how often he got distracted.

He rubbed his head against Belle's fur, took some candy and a sandwich and left home. He was going to ask the people at the local guild if he could join them. They had to approve of him, right? His magic was amazing! Matthew started activating his magic and chewing on his hair, only to be disappointed with the lack of a sweet taste. Then he'll just have to eat the candy he brought. After the candy was gone, he ate the sandwich. After the sandwich was gone... He had no idea where he was anymore. Which route did he take from his house to the guild? It wasn't very far, so how could he be this lost already?

He asked some strangers on the street for directions, but most of them left as he was apparently getting too close to them. How would that scare them this much? Come on! Everyone likes attention, right? He stopped by a pet shop, went inside and looked intently at every single object and every single pet present. Where was he going again? Right! The guild! He started walking randomly again and getting rejected by strangers until one was kind enough to actually help him out. Okay, now no distractions anymore. Just follow the directions of that kind man.

Why did he want to join the guild again? Fighting was lame. He didn't like fighting. As a wizard, he would probably have to fight a lot. Maybe he could talk himself out of that! Then what kind of job could he do? He had to earn some money, so his foster parents wouldn't have to pay for everything. But then what kind of job? Oooh, he could provide cotton candy! Oh right, it wasn't actual cotton candy. Just lame hair. So he would have to fight? Maybe he shouldn't join the guild then.

But magic is amazing! He loved magic! There were so many different types and they all look amazing. Even battles can be fun to watch just because of all the impressive spells. Yes, he should join the wizard guild. And yes! He succeeded in getting to the guild without too many distractions! He was amazing! Amazing for not letting himself get distracted!

"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! I'm ready to become a wizard in this guild! Matthew said with a huge and bright smile on his face.
Amanda Lewis
Tears kept rolling down her cheeks as there was blood to be seen everywhere, even on her own skin. The monster coming closer and closer to her didn't help either. She tried to keep her mouth shut as to not make the monster angrier by screaming. She had to be strong. She just had to be. When it looked like this would be the end for her, she closed her eyes with great force that hurt her muscles and skin. Memories of her becoming a mother and being a mother to her one and only child, her world, flashed before her eyes and in her mind. The only thing that she could think of doing was apologizing to him, apologizing for bringing him to such a dangerous place and for not saving him or returning to him.

It was a great surprise to her that the monster chose not to eat her. Instead it started licking her, licking the blood off of her face. It was a huge relief for her that her impulsive strategy happened to work. However, she wasn't going to let down her guard so easily. Her body was as still as she could keep it, while her eyes were focused on every single action the monster was doing. When it stopped licking her and seemed to be done getting the blood off her, Amanda slowly stood up. She made sure not to make any surprising movements.

She heard two clicks that sounded like a door unlocking. They came from two directions: the one she came from and a new one. The choice was very easy to make. She had to go on further, there was no looking back for her. She had to go on to new doors, new places, in the hope that her own child might stand there waiting for her. If they were still alive at least... But this wasn't the time to fear for his life. She slowly backed away from the monster, thanking him for keeping her alive. While still watching out where she put her feet, still looking for other possible monsters being there, she went towards the 'Employees Only' door and opened it.
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