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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
3 yrs ago
lol. lmao
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
4 yrs ago
you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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<Snipped quote by Bounce>


low-key wonders if it's too late to rethink my entire concept

[snipped cursed image]

Mmmm do not like this image
But what about the Codpiece?

is that

I suggest they do battle in a mud pit, preferably to the death
Throwing out interest for Wonder Woman!
Hey, @Cybermaxx. Post more. I like reading the Titan stuff. That is all.

I am notorious unreliable but I will do my best.

also UwU thanks daaaad~
So that was shorter than I was hoping my next post would be, but it was technically already late and if I saw myself in the post check-in again I'd prolly cry. Hoping to get the next leg of Stephanie's j o u r n e y up in the next few days!

'The Brown House' - East Warrens, Santa Marta
Issue #1.02: Have a Little Faith

'Hi, my name's Stephanie Brown. This is my bedroom.'

The clock strikes 6:00 AM and an alarm goes off on her smartphone. Its Michael Buble's cover of Feeling Good blaring out at max volume, demanding she rise to meet the morning. Steph gargled out a groan and rolled over until she was close enough to the nightstand to smack the screen, silencing it. A machine wasn't about to tell her how to live her life.

'And that's...me! I've never been very good at waking up.'

It was 6:30 AM, announced the alarm, and it was time to get up! The soothing yet energetic sound of jazz drifted through the bedroom, joined by the first rays of sunlight to peak through the window. It was a brand new day for Santa Marta, California, and the first day back to school since the pandemic came to an end. It was a day full of possibilities, hopes, aspirations...and Stephanie wanted none of it. She scrambled to mute her alarm for a second time before she was too awake to regret it.

'Never been very good at anything normal, really.'

7:00 AM rolled around and Michael Buble started singing right on schedule-

...Aaannnd Stephanie promptly shut him up before he could get two words out. She was quite on top of the whole 'not waking up' thing.

'But- given the whole cluster that was my childhood- can you really blame me?'

A knock on the door came at 7:45 AM. "Steph, honey, are you almost ready?" Crystal Brown called. "I spotted the bus stopped down the road while I was making us breakfast and came to check up on you." She paused for a beat, listening for a reply that didn't come. "Its waffles, bacon and eggs, by the way, just how you like them! I figured it would be a good way to celebrate going back to school after such a long hiatus. I know this pandemic's made things difficult, especially after the move, but I think..."

'That's my mom: my last, great anchor to reality. She rescued me from Bludhaven almost two years ago, now, no questions asked. I'd do anything for her- except eat her cooking.'

Stephanie blinked the crust off of her eyes and sat up, her head pounding. The sun was shining right in her face, she could hear her mother's muffled speech from other side of the door, and what was rapidly becoming her least favorite song in the world was playing in the background. Sliding out of bed, Steph stumbled over to the nightstand and plucked up her phone to shut it up. Then she saw the time.

"Shit!" She could've sworn it was six-something the last time she checked! How long had she dozed off for?

"Hey!" Mom yelled, her voice muffled by the door between them, "Language!"

Blankets went flying as she leapt outta bed, making a mad dash for her wardrobe. The bus would be gone in five minutes, tops. No time to get ready. Had to throw on the first pair of clothes she found. Deodorant was basically a shower in a can, right? That'd do. Hairbrush for the road. Grab the backpack outta the corner she'd tossed it in all those months ago. Try to tie her shoes and walk at the same time. Fail, fall over. Ouch. Finish tying before getting up. Was that everything?

She looked to the chest at the foot of her bed and her gaze lingered. Its body was all black save for the gold on its hinges, trimmings and lock. The colors were desaturated, the surface scratched and worn down by time. That chest's contents were all she'd brought with her when she left home.

'I already know what you're going to say. "Steph, you're paranoid! You should be packing rulers, notebooks and, like, calculators, not a grappling hook!" And I know, I know- you're right. You're right! The chances something goes wrong? Super low. But, on the off-chance something DID happen-'

Another knock on her door shook her out of it. "Sweetie, are you okay? You're going to be late!" Her mom called.

'No. No, not this time.' Stephanie sprung to her feet and made for the door, quick as could be.

Crystal started to turn the doorknob and step inside. "-You can't be late on your first day of senior year, Steph. After all, you're-"

Stephanie bolted right past her mom, nearly knocking her over in the process. "Sorry! In a hurry!" She called over her shoulder as she jumped onto the stairway handrail and started sliding down it. "Oh, and-"

@Retired, I believe of all of the suggestions so far, you brought forth the best solution. I absolutely agree that the idea of events being spread out rather than kept solely to the middle and end of seasons could be a very fun experiment in driving up the game's interactivity. I've already discussed options with @Hillan regarding how we want to implement this as a system going forward, and he's on the same page. So, with that in mind, everyone should be ready to see an announcement in the next few days.

Also, I've decided on a new rule. In order to ease the more militant idea of strict posting deadlines, even though the rule will remain to post at least once every two weeks, I've decided that I'm going to replace the Weekly Post Check with The Bi-Weekly Post Check instead.

In conjunction, I will be utilizing the "expiration" method of roster duty to give players more of a chance to gather themselves in what are undoubtedly very troubled times in all of our outside lives. As such, the player characters in red on the roster will now indicate who is halfway to roster removal rather than who is past the point of character ownership. After a month in red, a character is removed. But in that month, players have the chance to resume at their convenience.

I hope this makes sense, and if there are any questions, feel free to ask. But I think this can help to both address the fact that this is a slower game getting off the ground and that circumstances are a bit different for everybody with COVID-19 heightening problems all around.

good post king :thumbsup:
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