Avatar of Supermaxx


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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
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lol. lmao
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
4 yrs ago
you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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@Cybermaxx House thief's.... great sheet so far, correction for House Frey of Rosby, they'd be a Crownlands house, and thus owe fealty to KL.

Fiiiixeddd ittt
first post poggers


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another."
- Homer, The Iliad

Diana was never born. Her first memory was of washing ashore an island paradise, swaddled in a bloodied cloak, as all Amazons before her. They raised her to be a warrior, taught her of their Patron Gods, and warned of the dangers of the outside world. Through skill at arms, a head full of wonder and a golden heart she earned the respect of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, who took Diana as her daughter and heir. For all her life she knew only the peace and plenty of Themyscira. Yet, for reasons even she couldn't understand, she yearned for more. She yearned to know what lay beyond the sea, beyond the horizon she had watched since she was just a little girl. The gods granted her a chance when a hulk of burning steel came falling from the sky, depositing bodies onto the very shores she was 'born' on.

Only one man survived the plane crash: its pilot, an American soldier by the name of Steve Trevor. He told his rescuers- and captors- of the world beyond the sea. He told them of an apocalyptic war put on by a mad tyrant, bent on conquest and genocide. He told them that if this man succeeded, even their island hidden in the mist could be under threat. The queen, calling on the wisdom of Athena, knew what ought to be done. A champion ought to be chosen to carry the survivor home, to defeat this terrible foe, and to be Themyscira's bridge to the mortal realm. Athena chose Diana as her champion. She would be granted boons of power by each of the Patrons to aid her in her quest, though they came with a mighty cost: An oath that Diana would never return to her home of Themyscira.

She would enter the world in October of 1941, joining the Allies in their fight against the Axis powers. Diana would fly alongside the Blackhawks, shake hands with the one they called Steve Rogers, and mistake Captain Marvel for a demigod. She would go toe to toe with beings of unimaginable power and cruelty. She would bear witness to the worst- and even the best, at times- of what humanity had to offer. It was also when her exploits caught the attention of international press, who chose the curious moniker of 'Wonder Woman' for her. It became a part of her.

Victory came and went, but the work was never done. Diana would follow the survivor, Steve Trevor, back to his United States and make a life with him there. She would begin her advocacy not only for Themyscira, but also for peace, and for other beings like her that the world often misunderstood. An embassy would be opened in Washington, D.C. The Amazons would be granted Permanent Observer status the United Nations. And her new, curious role of superhero would continue to grow in scope and importance. Life was hard, but it was good.

Things deteriorated as time went on. The Cold War would ramp up and her diplomatic presence would be met with more and more hostility by every side, her neutrality brought into question constantly. Metahumans were viewed with distrust or outright hostility. Many of her friends would retire in anonymity, putting down the cape and cowl after so much public pressure. On top of it all, Trevor's health was deteriorating. After much deliberation, Diana chose to retire, too, so that she might spend the last of her love's life with him in peace.

Decades passed in lonely isolation before Diana saw a golden messenger descend from the sky, grave news clutched in his fist. Hippolyta, her mother, had passed suddenly, and she had not named another heir since Diana had left. Themyscira was in chaos and Olympus was divided. Some of the Patrons were beckoning her to return despite her oath, while others still warned of the dire consequences. Diana didn't care. The world of man had little left for her, and the Amazons were in need- she would return home, Gods be damned.

Queen Diana of Themyscira has ruled for just under five years and already she's made many a radical change. She has established normal relations with the governments of mankind, allowing a trusted circle of Amazons to go and leave as they see fit, and even allowed choice outsiders to visit paradise. She's even begun her work as Wonder Woman once again, joining the Justice League to help defend Earth from threats too powerful for any one hero to handle.

Yet for all the appearance of prosperity and stability, there is stirring in the pantheon. Daggers move in the shadows of Olympus. The Patrons are weakened, divided, and their rivals seek to take advantage of Diana's broken oath. Poseidon and Hades bicker over the Abyss- that dividing line between the ocean and the underworld. Deimos, Phobos and Eris clamor for the release of Ares. And Zeus, Skyfather and the mightiest of all the Gods, turns his jealous eye toward other pantheons of Earth.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I wanted to take advantage of the timeline of this game and went with a more mature version of Diana with a long history and a lot of lore I can draw from. She's seen everything from WW2 and the golden age of capes to the Cold War and the rejection of metahumans by the public, and those experiences will shape her characterization: Diana is more skeptical of people, she yearns for a return to an age of heroism, and she's more pragmatic in her application of violence. But, critically, she hasn't given up on her core principles. She still believes a better world is possible, only now she knows it is a road not easily traveled.

One of my main inspirations for this version of Diana was Wonder Woman's Rebirth run by Greg Rucka and a few others. I intend to incorporate more mythological aspects of her lore than the traditional superhero bits, though I hope to touch on those as well. The opening plot will be focused heavily on her Patrons, her broken oath to never return to Themyscira, and the possibility of war in the heavens. The consequences of her actions in this arc will affect the trajectory of the rest of her story in radical ways that I'm pretty excited for, if I'm honest. I just gotta make sure I get there!

I think I've made one attempt at writing in the supernatural corner of these One Universe games, and I've never applied for a major character, and if I'm honest I'm a bit nervous taking on that responsibility. After quite a bit of thinking and writing and planning, however, I believe I have a strong plot mapped out and an interesting direction to take the character in.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

This section will be filled in as characters appear in-character.

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P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
Time to fuck shit uppp
<Snipped quote by Cybermaxx>


Upset to the see the best Olympian isn't in any of these Wonder Woman sheets so far

can't believe you'd just go and spoil my backup like that. smh


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another."
- Homer, The Iliad

Diana was never born. Her first memory was of washing ashore an island paradise, swaddled in a bloodied cloak, as all Amazons before her. They raised her to be a warrior, taught her of their Patron Gods, and warned of the dangers of the outside world. Through skill at arms, a head full of wonder and a golden heart she earned the respect of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, who took Diana as her daughter and heir. For all her life she knew only the peace and plenty of Themyscira. Yet, for reasons even she couldn't understand, she yearned for more. She yearned to know what lay beyond the sea, beyond the horizon she had watched since she was just a little girl. The gods granted her a chance when a hulk of burning steel came falling from the sky, depositing bodies onto the very shores she was 'born' on.

Only one man survived the plane crash: its pilot, an American soldier by the name of Steve Trevor. He told his rescuers- and captors- of the world beyond the sea. He told them of an apocalyptic war put on by a mad tyrant, bent on conquest and genocide. He told them that if this man succeeded, even their island hidden in the mist could be under threat. The queen, calling on the wisdom of Athena, knew what ought to be done. A champion ought to be chosen to carry the survivor home, to defeat this terrible foe, and to be Themyscira's bridge to the mortal realm. Athena chose Diana as her champion. She would be granted boons of power by each of the Patrons to aid her in her quest, though they came with a mighty cost: An oath that Diana would never return to her home of Themyscira.

She would enter the world in October of 1941, joining the Allies in their fight against the Axis powers. Diana would fly alongside the Blackhawks, shake hands with the one they called Steve Rogers, and mistake Captain Marvel for a demigod. She would go toe to toe with beings of unimaginable power and cruelty. She would bear witness to the worst- and even the best, at times- of what humanity had to offer. It was also when her exploits caught the attention of international press, who chose the curious moniker of 'Wonder Woman' for her. It became a part of her.

Victory came and went, but the work was never done. Diana would follow the survivor, Steve Trevor, back to his United States and make a life with him there. She would begin her advocacy not only for Themyscira, but also for peace, and for other beings like her that the world often misunderstood. An embassy would be opened in Washington, D.C. The Amazons would be granted Permanent Observer status the United Nations. And her new, curious role of superhero would continue to grow in scope and importance. Life was hard, but it was good.

Things deteriorated as time went on. The Cold War would ramp up and her diplomatic presence would be met with more and more hostility by every side, her neutrality brought into question constantly. Metahumans were viewed with distrust or outright hostility. Many of her friends would retire in anonymity, putting down the cape and cowl after so much public pressure. On top of it all, Trevor's health was deteriorating. After much deliberation, Diana chose to retire, too, so that she might spend the last of her love's life with him in peace.

Decades passed in lonely isolation before Diana saw a golden messenger descend from the sky, grave news clutched in his fist. Hippolyta, her mother, had passed suddenly, and she had not named another heir since Diana had left. Themyscira was in chaos and Olympus was divided. Some of the Patrons were beckoning her to return despite her oath, while others still warned of the dire consequences. Diana didn't care. The world of man had little left for her, and the Amazons were in need- she would return home, Gods be damned.

Queen Diana of Themyscira has ruled for just under five years and already she's made many a radical change. She has established normal relations with the governments of mankind, allowing a trusted circle of Amazons to go and leave as they see fit, and even allowed choice outsiders to visit paradise. She's even begun her work as Wonder Woman once again, joining the Justice League to help defend Earth from threats too powerful for any one hero to handle.

Yet for all the appearance of prosperity and stability, there is stirring in the pantheon. Daggers move in the shadows of Olympus. The Patrons are weakened, divided, and their rivals seek to take advantage of Diana's broken oath. Poseidon and Hades bicker over the Abyss- that dividing line between the ocean and the underworld. Deimos, Phobos and Eris clamor for the release of Ares. And Zeus, Skyfather and the mightiest of all the Gods, turns his jealous eye toward other pantheons of Earth.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I wanted to take advantage of the timeline of this game and went with a more mature version of Diana with a long history and a lot of lore I can draw from. She's seen everything from WW2 and the golden age of capes to the Cold War and the rejection of metahumans by the public, and those experiences will shape her characterization: Diana is more skeptical of people, she yearns for a return to an age of heroism, and she's more pragmatic in her application of violence. But, critically, she hasn't given up on her core principles. She still believes a better world is possible, only now she knows it is a road not easily traveled.

One of my main inspirations for this version of Diana was Wonder Woman's Rebirth run by Greg Rucka and a few others. I intend to incorporate more mythological aspects of her lore than the traditional superhero bits, though I hope to touch on those as well. The opening plot will be focused heavily on her Patrons, her broken oath to never return to Themyscira, and the possibility of war in the heavens. The consequences of her actions in this arc will affect the trajectory of the rest of her story in radical ways that I'm pretty excited for, if I'm honest. I just gotta make sure I get there!

I think I've made one attempt at writing in the supernatural corner of these One Universe games, and I've never applied for a major character, and if I'm honest I'm a bit nervous taking on that responsibility. After quite a bit of thinking and writing and planning, however, I believe I have a strong plot mapped out and an interesting direction to take the character in.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

This section will be filled in as characters appear in-character.

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P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
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