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the universe is grand, but life is grander

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@Bazmund I'm going to have to withdraw my interest. It still looks great, I'm just busy. Best of luck!
@Bazmund This looks awesome, but I'd like to know more about the rules of magic, is it something learned or naturally occurring, can Dryads use magic in addition to the passive magic they're born with?

I'm probably interested if you have room.
Beware the young mysterious scholar of ancient magics who can't hold her drink for shit.

@Lord Wraith I added a person to Jacqueline's supporting cast if that's okay.
Jacqueline Glasse

Nice, France | Jacqueline Aude’s Apartments | January

“It’s cold.”
“So warm it.” Aude wasn’t even looking at Jacqueline, more intent on reading a letter held in one hand, stirring sugar into her own teacup with the other, of course hers was already steaming. Jacqueline swallowed her curses, stood, and tentatively lifted the tiny silver spoon over the tea.
In fairness, it did boil for a moment. Just before the quiet shattering then silent fall of china fragments and tea onto the thick carpet.
“Fix it.”
“You know I can’t.”
“Non ma Cherie, I know only that you will not try.” Jacqueline glared at Aude; who only sipped her tea, impassive as ever.
In the same time it took her to breath, the remains of the teacup went surging forwards toward the seated Aude, only to be limply bounced back to the floor by an invisible barrier. It was neither intended or expected to work, but the withering look she received was close enough to a victory. She stuck out her chin, childish and petulant she knew, but was already committed to it.
Aude sighed, lowering her teaspoon, and offered Jacqueline the letter. “I was thinking you’d leave tomorrow.”
“What? I-”

We are pleased to inform Jacqueline Glasse of her acceptance to Grimm University this upcoming semester-

The Spires, Lilith | Cruz Campaign Headquarters | Monday 14:43

This city had become nearly impossible to move around in. It didn’t help that Jacqueline Aude’s apartment lay so close to the water front. Prime real estate, except the water front had all but moved to the lobby doorsteps. Jacqueline's entire weekend had been spent indoors, attempting to study a month’s worth of missed lectures and ignoring Blanche’s complaints about the city, the weather, the food, and just about anything observable in the five room space. Rain or no, the solitary travel to the spires was a relief.

The office was empty when she walked in, and there was almost a flicker of hope at the chance of a day off. “Hello?” she called tentatively.

“Jackie! We missed you this weekend!” For half a second , Rebecca Strauss’ head was visible over the cubicle, before lowering again to leave only the top of her blond curls visible.

“I called, rain hit hard, they were sandbagging my street.” Jacqueline informed the curls, grimacing slightly at the un-asked for nickname. It was still two syllables, her full name was two syllables, what was the point?

“Well you’ve missed everything, big crackdown at a hotel over the weekend. ‘Course Simmons is getting so much credit you’d think he blasted in there himself. Smug rat.” The girl was passionate about the election, even more so about Cruz. Jacqueline shook the rain off while she waited for her to finish.

“Anyways everyone’s out. Obviously. Cruz went down to St. Abram’s to volunteer, draw the press’ attention back to us-” She clapped, suddenly and loud enough to make Jacqueline physically jump out of the last sleeve of her coat. Rebecca’s head appeared again, smiling at her, and still talking.

“Right - I was going to ask, I’ll need you to take over my job next week. I’m leaving town for a bit. Well planning to leave town, Christ knows what’ll happen with this shit weather. Either way, Gary wants you ready for it.”

Jacqueline frowned and walked to her own desk. She wasn’t invested in the campaign, for her it was just work. “Are you sure? I haven’t even been in the city that long and I’m not really qualified-” Rebecca was already brushing her remarks away, and came to lean on the desk, next to the too-large computer supposedly made sometime in past century.

“There’s nothing too it, you’re a fast learner and it’ll only be a couple days. News channels already love Cruz, pretty face and all that. It’s only the written media you’ll have to nag for and really, who still reads newspapers? I’ll take you out tonight to meet a couple of my contacts and you’ll have the whole week to shadow me.”

“Alright. But I told Gary I’d send him final charity dinner plans by seven tonight.” Rebecca nodded vigorously, curls bouncing.
“Sure sure. Let me know when you’re done and I’ll show you how to get a press report together then we hit the town!” She was gone to her own desk before Jacqueline had the chance to ask exactly what she meant.

The Bazaar, New Lilith | Cold Adder | Monday 22:09

At least it wasn’t a club. And it was a Monday, though the fewer people also meant it would be more likely for someone to actually notice the underage girl holding a potent drink. Not that they’d had a chance to card her, Rebecca had bought the drink and the rain had made the doorman disinterested in looking too closely. Jacqueline sipped tentatively. It wasn’t that she’d never drank before, but whatever Rebecca had handed wasn’t wine or sherry. The clear liquid bubbled and burned as she swallowed.

“There you are, come on they’re back here” Rebecca had reappeared, noticeably a bit pinker than before with a glass much less full than her own. She was pulled to the far side of the bar, nearly the back of the room. Two men waited for them, though Jacqueline only noticed one at first. He towered over everyone else, standing well over six feet, and his build was no less impressive. The smile he gave Jacqueline made her suddenly away of the sparking power on her chest where her pendant touched skin.

“Jordan here is with CCPD” Rebecca gave a second to gesture to a second man, Jacqueline tore her eyes from Jordan to the small nervous figure to his left. He was introduced as Oliver West, assistant to Simmons’ chief of staff. Her eyebrows shot up at that, but he started spluttering before she could get a word in.

“Rebecca I’ve been trying to reach you all day, about what happened this weekend-“

“Just a minute West, I want you to meet Jackie. She’ll be taking over for me next week, and I don’t want any gaps this far into the campaign.”

“Jacqueline Glasse.” Jacqueline corrected, sipping at her drink again. No one offered hands.

West fidgeted for a whole second before speaking again, almost in a panic. “Rebecca it was human trafficking in the hotel last weekend, they’re saying the De Vitis where involved and Simmons-” Rebecca cut him off.

“Excuse us for a moment.” Both Rebecca and Oliver disappeared, leaving Jacqueline and the imposing policeman alone. With a drink in hand. She downed it quickly, and the world swayed for a moment only to steady itself after a few hard blinks. Jordan remained silent, just staring at her.

“So… Cruz fan?” That earned a chuckle and Jacqueline smiled despite herself as she was led to a seat at the bar counter.

“I’ve been in this job too long to blindly follow my morals. ‘Becca just pays for the drinks” He waved the bartender “Two whiskey’s, neat, on the Strauss tab.”

Jacqueline pressed her finger tips against the bar as she watched the drinks being poured, all too aware the man was still observing her. These drinks where much smaller, and she felt confident enough to take it all in one swallow after politely clinking glasses.

She choked, coughed, and tried to remember how to breath. Jordan was greatly amused, laughing and shaking his head. “The hell is a kid like you working with Rebecca for?” A kid. Jacqueline scowled at the empty glass.

“Could ask a cop the same thing”

He shrugged, “Like I said, the drinks. And it doesn’t hurt to have as many ears to the ground as possible when it looks like the world is going to hell. ‘Becca and West play off each other, each thinking they’re benefiting from the situation. I just drop the word on any investigations going on. Media trade tidbits really.” His hand fell to his thigh to lift a buzzing cellphone. It looked almost comically small in comparison to the man. The bartender refilled her resting glass. She sipped more carefully but still felt her face pinch at the taste.

“You good to get home?” Jacqueline blinked, Jordan was standing behind her now, cellphone still in hand but looking at her. “Not a good night in the city. Might be a good time to go.” The smile that had disturbed her at first was gone, somehow that was unsettling now.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine” She tried to stand and turn at the same time and wobbled. Jordan was blessedly too absorbed in his call to notice. A quick search for Rebecca proved fruitless, and Jacqueline left the bar alone.


"Of course there’s a choice, you can always die."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Does it come in black?"
◼ HEIGHT | 5’8

◼ WEIGHT | 124lbs

◼ BUILD | Willowy

◼ HAIR COLOR | Brown

◼ EYE COLOR | Teal

Wealth suits Jacqueline, she has a lofty demeanor, good posture and a self-assured confidence rare for her age, rarer still for her position; few would guess how meager her own wealth truly is. Even so, her style is far from opulent, a simple near colourless wardrobe elegant only for its quality and tailoring. She’s tall for a woman, with a face too humorless for her youth, leading most people to suspect it far greater than it truly is. Her mid-length hair is always pulled back, revealing a pair small gold hoop earrings which, aside from her pendant, are the only jewelry she wears.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"My father’s death was the greatest day of my life."
The Glasse family consists of a long line of Draoi, going back generations with wealth and status to match. But Draoi live long lives, and competition among rivals is nothing compared to that within such a large family. The fall of the Glasse’ began only a few days after Jacqueline’s birth, a distant cousin took advantage of her mother’s weakened state and killed her. An eruption of chaos and in-fighting began, and in the end Jacqueline’s grieving father and newly bonded Draoi brother fled with her from Scotland to America. They had no plan but found themselves relatively comfortable in Maine, albeit without wealth or allies, and hunted by Venari, Constantine’s Guard, and family alike. Both father and brother limited their use of the Vis, and lived as mundanes. Jacqueline went to school as any normal child, and was never shown so much as a page of study by the Draoi. After nine years they were found by Jacqueline’s father’s father, her Grandfather Glasse. The family's infighting had ended, and only a handful remained. Jacqueline and her brother were meant to return to Scotland with their grandfather for further training, both being young and having potential. Her father had aged greatly with years of distance from magic, and was unlikely to regain his grasp on the Vis. Instead he was left with more than his share of the family fortune, which to the best of Jacqueline’s knowledge he drank and gambled with.

There was a good deal of catching up to do for Jacqueline, who had previously spent her free hours drawing and dressing dolls, she was tasked with reading stacks of books nearly as tall as she was. She took to the work well, and thrived in the new and old home of Scotland. But for her brother it was an unwelcome return to old memories that still hurt, and he stumbled. Young as he was, he’d never even had time to properly train with the Vis since becoming a Draoi. He failed regularly, and each time he failed he’d leave the estate without a word and remain absent for days. Once he simply didn’t return. It was a month before Jacqueline’s eleventh birthday and she was too preoccupied with that that entailed to fret as her grandfather did. They found him after three weeks, in a hospital already dead with lightning-like scars covering his body. He’d been found outside a bar with no personal objects. “Your brother was a fool,” her grandfather had warned as they stood over her brother’s dead body “it does nothing to live in the past. You will do better.”

The next death in Jacqueline’s life came barely a fortnight later. Venari had seen the body too, and recognized the markings for what they where; wild and un-channeled Vis. It took two to kill her grandfather, and he took one down with him, she had felt some pride in that before realizing her own plans had died with him. An initiate with no teacher would not be accepted to partake in the ritual. The only option was to return to her father, and abandon everything else.

It was then Aude found her. Jacqueline Aude, an old friend of her grandmother was how she introduced herself, and Jacqueline’s namesake. And so the younger Jacqueline moved to the south of France instead of Maine and became a full initiate of the Draoi. Her grandfather’s estate was left to the last cockroaches in the Glasse’ family; crawling out of the woodwork the devour that was left of the generations worth of wealth until there was nothing. Five years of study, the young Jacqueline did not dwell on her brother’s death, nor her grandfather’s murder.

A vote wasn’t needed for Jacqueline’s ritual. Someone had found her father, barely Draoi, unable to use the Vis that ran through his blood. It had been half a lifetime since she’d seen her father, and he may as well have been a stranger. She was the third to drink from the sacrifice, the blood long cooled by the time it touched her lips.

Since becoming a Draoi, both Jacquelines have been working on refining her use of the Vis, with very little success. A month before the storms began in Crescent city, Aude enrolled the younger Jacqueline in the Grimm city linguistics program, under the pretense study and being back in the country where she spent her childhood would aid with her focus.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"It’s empowering in a way, to be alone with nothing left to lose."

Ultimately, Jacqueline wants most to restore her family’s wealth and name among the Draoi. Her actions in doing so however, are severely limited- having only been accepted to join to Draoi as homage to what the Glasse family had once been. Without any wealth to call her own, she is expected to be the last of the line. For now she works mostly as a ward to her mentor Jacqueline Aude, generally doing her dirty work. While not privy to exactly what Aude is scheming, she was sent to Crescent city under the pretense of attending Grimm University, only to spend the bulk of her time campaigning for a man she'd never heard of.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"My brother died because he lost his pocket-watch in a card game, I’d say that’s a pretty good reason to avoid gambling.”
◼ Vis | Jacqueline is largely still learning her own limits when it comes to manipulating the Vis to her will. Nox powers, particularly kinetic and thermal manipulations, come to her almost easily while the Lux side of magic eludes her completely.
- Gravitation: Kinetic energy either attracts or repels an object to Jacqueline's conduit.
- Thermal: Over very short distances, Jacqueline's conduit either absorbs or dispenses great amounts of thermal energy causing the system to freeze or com-bust respectively.

◼ Bilingual | Since the age of 11 Jacqueline has mostly lived in France with her mentor, where she has picked up both the language and accent.

◼ Conduit | Jacqueline knows better than most not to even think of the Vis without a conduit on hand.

◼ Indentured| As freely as she spends money, Jacqueline knows she has none of her own. More importantly she is without allies save for Aude. It is one bridge she cannot afford to burn however much she may want to.

◼ Confidence of Youth | Even for a young Draoi, Jacqueline is prideful. Worse still is how easily wounded that pride is, and her visceral reaction to it. Her impatience and haste to anger when paired with undisciplined magic make for an unfortunate combination.

◼ Undisciplined Power | Tuning out the outside world to channel the Vis is one thing, but mastering her own emotions is another. There is no finesse or delicacy to Jacqueline's magic, it is unleashed in torrents more often than not, and despite all her years of study does not always perform in the way she intends.

▼ N O T E S:

Jacqueline Aude |

Jacqueline Glasse’ namesake, mentor, and general adoptive parent. She trained the younger Jacqueline, was the one that made her an initiate, and likely the sole reason she was allowed to partake in the bonding ritual at all. Aude now uses her to monitor Crescent city.

Blanche Vallen |

More a minder than a servant or butler, Blanche has looked after Jacqueline since she was 11 and was sent along to continue that care in America after leaving France. It is hard to tell which of the Jacqueline’s she is loyal to. Speaks no English.

Rebecca Strauss|

One of two media liaisons on the Cruz campaign

Rodger Clement | Jaqueline’s academic counselor, constantly hounding her for consistently dropping grades and skipping exams due to her ‘extracurricular’ activities.

◼ The Spires | Jacqueline has been put to the task of joining the Armand de la Cruz mayoral campaign.

◼ Albatross Cove | The location of Aude's apartment, where Jacqueline is currently living.

◼ Grimm University | Jacqueline has barely even seen the campus, which is odd enough considering it was supposedly the reason she came to the city. She is enrolled in and failing the linguistics program.

◼ Pendant|

The only object from the Glasse family Jacqueline is in possession of, or so Aude told her when she gifted it on the completion of her ritual. It is worn with a gold chain around her neck acts as her conduit.
<Snipped quote by Tackytaff>

Absolutely, fire me a sheet.

Great, here you go! Let me know if I missed anything...
But it's unlikely I'll have time to edit it within the next 24 hours regardless.

@Lord Wraith
I'd be very interested in filling one of the remaining Draoi positions, if you're comfortable accepting another.
Sorry, sorry!

There was a window some four feet from Jessamyn’s bed. Being on one of the upper floors of the hospital meant she couldn’t see much else than the overcast grey sky that hadn’t stopped her from staring at it nearly every waking hour. There wasn’t anyone to visit her but nurses and doctors and nothing on the T.V. held her attention. She was moping, but knowing it didn’t seem to make a difference.

“Ms. Colmer” Jessa did her best to ignore the voice, but couldn’t hide the involuntary flinch at the sound of the man’s voice. Dr. Holmen, the in-house shrink. It took them all about three minutes after finding out her history to conclude she must have tried to kill herself or at least come totally unhinged, despite having found her car (a total write-off now) two days ago. The doctor knew better than to say anything, but she could feel him staring at her. It made her angry, which he took improvement from the monotonous numb cloud she’d wrapped herself in. She lasted a whole thirty seconds before turning around. Apparently that was enough invitation for him to come and lean on her cot.

“How are we today my dear?” Jessa’s scowl reflected back on his glasses. God she looked horrible, she’d done almost nothing but sleep for three days and yet dark circles had formed blue and sunken under her eyes.

“They’re planning to move you today. With some other patients.” He waited her out again, and won, again.
“I don’t want group therapy” The smile she received told he’d been expecting her to say that.

“No that’s not what this is. In fact the papers are all set up for your release this after-noon, so long as I see a bit of positive attitude. Jessa squeezed her eyes shut and did her best to block out the constant image of a small cold hand grasping her own. It didn’t feel like a smile, and judging from the ill-controlled shaking of the doctor’s shoulders, didn’t much resemble on either. “You’re going to have to do a bit better than that I’m afraid Ms. Colmer. You can start by walking with me.”

Her legs hadn’t been hurt. In fact aside from a mild fever, dehydration, and being totally unconscious nothing was wrong with Jessamyn when she was checked into the hospital. ‘A true miracle, with the storm and all’. Still, lying in bed for three days left her slightly off balance. Dr. Holmen took hold of her arm as the room swayed. After a few seconds, he tried persuading her to continue.
“There’s a nurse with coffee waiting right on the other side of that door.” After three steps she could manage on her own, and shrugged the hand away.
Sure enough a nurse was waiting with two styrofoam cups just behind the door, a pitifully proud smile plastered to her face. Jessa grabbed the cup and kept walking before the woman could make a comment.
“Second door on your left” The doctor pointed to the right as they reach the hallway’s end. Jessa hesitated.
“Who was I meeting again?” His response was only to grin and turn around. She sipped her coffee. Cold, again. Two coffee’s a day for three days and only one of them had been even luke-warm. The door was already open and she could hear voices inside. She checked once more to make sure her gown hadn’t come undone before stepping into the room.

It was unsettling, being around so many strangers, even the air felt different past the door, and her first impulse was to sit near the wall and avoid eye contact. Of course, that wouldn’t really be a positive attitude.
“Hello, I’m Jessa.” She spoke quickly enough for the words to be near unintelligible, then quickly found a seat where she nursed her horrible, cold, coffee. But it was hard not to notice the severe injuries of two of the others in the room. One still in a bed, she craned her neck to look closer, and winced as the sight of IV’s running from the girls arm, and the nasty bruise around her neck. It was hard to tell anyone's age when injured and hooked up to machines, but she looked young. “Shouldn’t there be a nurse in here…?”
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