Trenton, New Jersey
13:21Bobbi had regrets. Five big fat ones she couldn't shake off; she didn't want too. They had names, haunted her thoughts in the quiet moments, and were the reason she couldn't add her abuse of Fortune to the tally. Even after over twelve hours of guilt-tripping from Twitch. Not that she'd ever be able to explain that to him. Bobbi picked at the scab that had formed on her knuckles as Twitch finished his latest panicked tangent.
"I don't see what your problem is," She grumbled when he took a moment to breathe
"He hardly seemed so bothered." It was Bangs who cut him off before he could start again.
"Really, I just want to hear how the wings worked." She was trying to keep the peace, but Bobbi wasn't in a peaceful mood. The scab came loose, she put her fist to her mouth as the blood began to flow and scowled at her laptop.
"I just want to find Fortune.""And Delanden?" Was he accusing her? The kid had finally grown a spine, and she wanted nothing more than to tear it out.
"Have you found him in the past twenty minutes and just forgot to tell me?" That was met with the first beat of silence she'd had in nearly eighteen hours.
"Then Fortune it is."She looked at her screen more closely, flipping between security cameras, hospital logs, and a very recent police report. Nothing, and with every passing second the less likely it was there would be anything to find. Still, it wasn't like he could walk down the street in broad daylight with a gunshot wound and whatever other injuries he got from his fall. Even in Jersey. Bobbi moved her hand away from her mouth and began rapping her blunted nails on the motel desk. There were times, she thought, it would nice to tire a bit more easily.
"What about vet clinics?" The idea was too terrible to get a response. That, or Twitch was too angry to speak with her. She found she didn't care much which. The icy silence dragged on longer the second time before Bangs tried again.
"Fortune is a bad guy right? Hardly seems worth it to fly off the handle." Bobbi groaned.
"How much of that time did it take you to come up with that?""I have no idea what you mean. I'm always winging it." She paused for only a moment,
"Not going to chirp in Twitch?""You've ruffled his feathers.""Or he's hatching a plan""Can't do much from his nest""I don't know about that, he's quite talon-ted." It was terrible enough to cause physical pain, but Bobbi caught herself grinning anyways. She took solace that Bangs would never have the satisfactiong of seeing it. Even Twitch spoke up.
"If you two are done I'm going to catch some sleep. I'll keep the computers scanning Mock, but don't hold your breath."Bangs left the call shortly after him. There wasn't any reason for her to stick around, and she had other work to tend to. Bobbi's levity left with them, and she was alone with her regrets; always close to the surface of her toughts. The return of Fortune in her life only made it worse. She closed the laptop and stood, looking across the room to the window, the cheap curtains failing to block out the midday sun. A run would her good. She was reaching for the Mockingbird suit before deciding to. Fresh air would keep her from getting too worked up. Anxious. And if she just so happened to find herself southside again, well, a pair of eyes could look places cameras couldn't.