When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
19 days ago
When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
2 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting
Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.
@Crimson Flame Gonna come up with a lotta nicknames for this guy. Sparky, Lightning Fist, Shocking Reveal. They will not all be good.
Anyway, he's approved. Drop 'em in the Char tab whenevers.
@lotusthevoid Good sheet. Every fantasy game needs at least one rogue :P. You can pop her in the Char tab, 'cause she's approved.
I wonder how she'd respond if the Caravan ever ran aground of people who knew her in the past.
Gonna take this time to note that, since I used small, italicized letters in my CS template, a lot of folks have filled out their CS with such writing. You don't have to do that- in fact, it makes it harder to read. I only used the lil letters to make my how-to notes seem less intrusive.
Note that I might not have the time/might get sidetracked!
Caravan's Location: Tonight, the Pilgrims camp in the Forest of Emerald: a massive, unnaturally green forest, uninhabited by civilized folk but rumored to hide secret treasure.
You see that city? You can go to that city! But also like the mountains or whatever.
The caravan starts rolling at dawn today, through a forest so green that the locals call it Emerald. People here say that the trees drop gems rather than seeds, and the flowers have flakes of gold for petals. The children and the naïve of the Pilgrimage are already running alongside the caravans- hunting for their fortune in the grass. Everyone in the Pilgrim's Caravan, one way or another, is hunting their fortune. For some it isn't treasure. Some are here to find knowledge, a new life, new experiences.
Whatever the pilgrims seek, this long and ancient caravan will bring them to more places than only this forest. It has led them each already through shifting deserts and into cities vile with chymical odor, through lands lived-in by elves that only speak secrets and across marshes where the splashing water murmurs your name, through valleys where the sun turns black overhead and over mountains made from the bodies of sleeping giants. The caravan has no destination. And it doesn't have a home. It only exists to roam, from one place to another, trading what it needs to keep itself going, but always, always going. Always finding something new and strange and miraculous.
And if you join the caravan tonight- what will you find?
General Idea
So, the point of this RP is to create a fantasy game where the setting changes regularly. It's episodic, in a way. We can explore an ancient and imperialistic city one week, and then move to a magical jungle the next. There's no set time for how long we'll spend in each Destination- we'll just stay however long feels natural, fill out any stories/plots that arise, and then move on when the players start getting bored.
In-universe, the Pilgrim's Caravan is a large group of travelers, most of whom really do stay in caravans. They travel all across this world called Alwyne, bringing news and merchandise and spices from far-off places to whomever they visit. Travel in Alwyne is a bit dangerous- with the bandits, the goblins, the haunted roads and whatnot- and so the caravan is useful for people who do need to get around. It's big enough to be heavily guarded, but just quick enough to get out of dodge when something shows up that the guards can't beat.
The Caravan has been around for years, for centuries, so much so that nobody even remembers how it got started. Most people go for the obvious guess, that some old merchant company must have commissioned it long ago. But others with more active imaginations say that it was formed by criminal exiles, cast out from their home city and yet denied refuge in any other, or that a great goddess cursed her enemies to roam eternally, or that a child's game of "follow the leader" simply got way out of hand. Whatever the cause, the pilgrims continue on, traveling from one strange place (they call them Destinations) to another.
I'll be playing with you all, as a character who navigates for the Pilgrim's Caravan. But it won't be me picking our Destinations, because...
The Destinations is where the "Worldbuilding" aspect of this game really comes into play. When it comes time for us to go from one place to the next, I'll pick a player to make up our next location. You can come up with anything, as long as it fits the fantasy genre- the world of Alwyne is massive. A goblin city underground where we find kidnapped elves under interrogation, a forest that comes alive with spirits at night. You are encouraged to come up with plots/stories that could take place in your Destination, but reminded that players do not necessarily have to partake in them.
Either way, whatever you think of becomes canon, and I'll record it in the Lore of Alwyne, a log that I will keep of every place, magic, creature and race that we come up with. Because the Destinations aren't the only Worldbuilding element I want to bring in here: if you casually mention (IC) that there's a race of five-eared orcs who live on the other side of the Uftagarish Mountains, and you feel that should be included in our canon, just lemme know. I'll jot it down in the Lore. If this RP goes on a while, future players will see it, and know that someone thought of that. Maybe they'll add to it.
It isn't only about places. I want to flesh out Alwyne with you all!
On Joining and Leaving
This RP is intentionally set up to handle losses more easily. Because the caravan has people constantly coming and going, if a player drops the RP or goes MIA, we can just say their character left the caravan at our last stop. Likewise, whenever someone new wants to join, we'll say the caravan has just picked them up. This way we can accept new players whenever, and survive losses without grinding down.
(Plus, I'm hoping that our moving to new Destinations can help prevent the RP from dying too quickly. If people are getting bored and posting is slowing to a halt, we can just move on to a new, exciting place to breathe some fresh life back into things.)
If you've read along this far, you might be interested in joining. Character sheet below.
P.S. I have an unfortunate fondness for long sheets that ask you about things like your character's favorite color, and their worst fear, and other nonsense. Most people are wiser than me, and so do not care about these things. If you, like me, are a fool, I've included an optional "extra details" hider within the CS that asks such questions. (At the least, it might help you develop your character a bit!)
(If you've got a picture you're using, right here would be the place to drop it.)
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: If you're playing a human, or a more familiar fantasy race, you can just write something like "Dwarf, 54, 3 years in the Pilgrim's Caravan." But if you're playing a rarer or custom race, some description of the species would also be warranted.
Appearance: (You can skip this description if you've got a pic, but it is a nice chance to show off your writing.)
History: As long or short as you like; just try to give us an idea of who they are.
Personality: Try to think of how it ties into their history, and into the next section:
Motivation: What's their motivation for joining the Pilgrim's Caravan? Are they looking for adventure, are they escaping a criminal life, do they have a specific place they're trying to get to?
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: Tell me what your character is good at and what they need to do it, as well as any flaws or deficiencies they might have. If they can do magic, it'll go here. If you have a really unique type of magic (or anything similar), you might want to create a hider that explains how said magic works.
What They Most Want:
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Three Likes:
Three Dislikes:
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Worst Fear:
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal: That is, which animal they are most like- not which one they like the most.
Favorite Time of Day:
How They Dress:
Favorite Season:
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any): No, M., Jesus isn't an option
The Fine Print
Hopefully none!
I'd rather not make any real "rules" for what/how to worldbuild here. I want it to be a free space. But most roleplays that I've ran have, at some point or another, had at least one player think of some insane stuff that I couldn't have possibly anticipated when I wrote the rules out. Then I have to choose between allowing said insanity or adding more rules to the game.
So, if we end up needing to make guidelines for the worldbuilding, it'll go here.
1.) No godmodding, no controlling other player's characters. A basic rule in any RP. You know it, you love it.
2.) Cannot kill or otherwise disable another player's character without permission. Obvious, yeah, but I like having it written out.
3.) IC, magical means of teleportation/transportation are rare. This is so that there's still a purpose for the caravan. If it were possible for people to teleport from one locale to another, we probably wouldn't be walkin' and ridin' all slow-like. (Some limited teleportation, of a few meters or in very rare circumstances, can be allowed.)
4.) If conflicts cannot be decided, the GM will arbitrate. This goes for IC and OOC conflicts. I always prefer for people to work things out mutually. Ideally, everyone can agree about who wins/loses potential fights between characters, or who has the upper hand in a negotiation, or so on. But if you can't, I'll step in to try playing judge fairly.
@Crimson Flame I'm headed to bed, but I'll check 'em out tomorrow! In the meantime, you should prolly wrap it up in a hider- makes the thread cleaner :P
I have a concept in mind though am curious on if there's any limitations regarding exactly how long someone has been in the caravan
The caravan has been around for hundreds of years, but I do want to keep its origins a mystery for now. So, I'll say that a particularly long-lived person could have been a part of the Pilgrim's Caravan for up to 300 years. Any longer than that, and they'd probably have heard how it started.
she specializes in "realm-walking". Basically creating portals between two fixed points that her kind are able to travel through. She has gone a little mad from the Astral though, and is not at all a combat character.
Did you remember this bit in the Rules?
3.) IC, magical means of teleportation/transportation are rare. This is so that there's still a purpose for the caravan. If it were possible for people to teleport from one locale to another, we probably wouldn't be walkin' and ridin' all slow-like. (Some limited teleportation, of a few meters or in very rare circumstances, can be allowed.)
If her ability is portal-ing to other physical places, I don't think I'll be able to allow it.
Current RP I want you to join:
Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Current RP I want you to join: <a href="" title="">…</a><br><br>Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href=""><img src="" /></a></div></div>