Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Five years have passed since the Holy Grail of Fuyuki was stripped down and torn apart. To completely dismantle the ritual known as the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, it was necessary to tear apart the goal of the ritual itself. And so, after a rather ferocious conflict between factions for the resurrection of the Holy Grail War and against it, the remains of the Fuyuki Holy Grail were completely destroyed. Never again would the ritual arise in Fuyuki. Never again would Servants be set against one another on its streets, summoned by those who craved access to the Omnipotent Wish-Granting Device known as the Holy Grail.


A scant few components of the Holy Grail lingered. They no longer held any function, mere pieces of a greater whole incapable of calling any Servants, let alone granting wishes. And so, when these pieces suddenly vanished, there was little consideration to what that meant. While a search was conducted, not a single piece of evidence remained.

Surely, these fragments were incapable of giving rise to another Holy Grail War, weren't they?

And yet...

Five years after the ultimate dismantling of the Fuyuki Grail, a new ritual arose. A Holy Grail assembled from old components and new, built by the Ainsworth family, in order to give rise to a new Holy Grail War. A ritual completely encapsulated by their intent, one that they would control.

Needless to say, this was a shock to the mage community as a whole. How were they able to assemble a functional Holy Grail from what little remained of the Greater Grail? It shouldn't have been possible.

And yet, in spite of all of this, they had taken control of the ritual. Setting the battle in the city of Mifune, it was to be a war where they had no chance of failure.

But this wouldn't stand. Elements of the Mage Association, either wishing to claim the ritual for themselves or wishing to dismantle it entirely, have been assembled to combat this attempt at locking down the Holy Grail War.

To their surprise, the Ainsworth family welcomed this opposition.

And so the scale of the Holy Grail War grew.

Two teams of seven Masters and seven Servants, poised to clash in Mifune City.

Just what is the goal of those behind this new Holy Grail War?

Hey, trying a bit of a different spin on my attempts at a Fate RP! Taking place fifteen years after the original Fate/stay night, this will cover a clash between a team of Masters and Servants dispatched from the Mage Association with varying goals ranging from taking the ritual for themselves to destroying it, and a team of Masters and Servants assembled by the Ainsworth Family.

There's going to be a few new twists to the formula, as well!

If both teams are not completely filled, my co-GMs and myself will be implementing NPCs to fill empty slots.

Additionally, in order to encourage more bold behavior on the part of the players, a Lives System. Will be in place. Every character will have three lives. This will be represented in the RP by three chances to survive a bad situation that may otherwise kill them. As a result, it is highly unlikely anyone will lose a character early on in the course of the war, as a situation in which they survive will come to pass. However, the lives system will be waived if:

The players involved agree with the death of their character(s).
The character has done something that is impossible to justify survival. For example, a Master revealing oneself to an Assassin-class Servant alone with no-one to defend them anywhere nearby and no defenses in place.

Additionally, the lives system may be waived if the RP enters a very late stage.

Now, into my more standard ruleset!

  • No Servants Older than Gilgamesh
    • He's the king of heroes for a reason, the most powerful Servant is also the oldest.
  • Few Servants from 1900 or later
    • Very few Servants come from beyond this point that qualify outside of the Moon Cell, please be careful if you choose a Servant from beyond this date.
  • Great Grail War
    • There are two teams, but any slots that are not filled will be occupied by NPCs.
  • Classes
    • The Servant classes permitted in this RP are the standard seven. However, one of the two Casters may be replaced with a Foreigner, and one of the two Berserkers may be replaced with an Avenger.
  • Lives System
    • As stated above, the RP will operate on a three lives system to encourage more bold behavior on part of the players. As a result, you cannot lose your character without using up three chances to survive unless you agree to your character's death or the situation is impossible to prevent.
  • No reality marbles
    • These are super-rare. Exceptions MAY be made but it's unlikely.
  • Have fun!
    • That's what this RP is here for. Follow standard RP etiquette and my guidelines, and you should have no problem.
  • Co-GMs


  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Skills:
  • Abilities:
  • Brief Backstory:
  • Faction:

  • Name:
  • Class:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E-A(Modifiers are caused by skills and should be covered in those skills)
    • Endurance: E-A
    • Agility: E-A
    • Mana: E-A
    • Luck: E-A
    • Noble Phantasm:
  • Class Skills:
  • Personal Skills:
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name:
    • Rank: (Any Noble Phantasm with a rank higher than A will be highly scrutinized)
    • Type: (Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress)
    • Appearance:
    • Effects:
  • Alignment:
  • Changes: (This section is purely for things such as genderbending. If you make a male historical or mythological figure female, I want an explanation for it)

Claims list:
  • Saber of Red: CLAIMED
  • Archer of Red: OPEN
  • Lancer of Red: CLAIMED
  • Rider of Red: CLAIMED
  • "Caster" of Red: CLAIMED
  • Berserker of Red: OPEN
  • Assassin of Red: CLAIMED

  • Saber of Black: CLAIMED
  • Archer of Black: CLAIMED
  • Lancer of Black: OPEN
  • Rider of Black: CLAIMED
  • Caster of Black: CLAIMED
  • Berserker of Black: OPEN
  • Assassin of Black: OPEN
@FlappyTheSpybot: Really hoping you keep feeling better!
@Caasicam: Alright, great! I'm happy to talk over any ideas you might have, as well!
@Caasicam: Yes, yes we do!
When it came to a test of strength like this, Fanilly couldn't deny she was at a disadvantage. For all the finesse that had been drilled into her, there was no ignoring the fact that the armored man was stronger then she was, and likely carried with him significant experience. But... she couldn't give in!

"You're not cut out for this, little girl," he snarled as he forced her back, "Let me demonstrate!"

She couldn't keep holding him back much longer, not with the undead he had brought with him...!

But at that very moment, Sir Gerard broke through the skeletons, bringing his sword down for a devastating overhead blow! Now it was the armored man's turn to be on the back foot, forced to disengage from Fanilly to save his own life, using the side of his blade as a barrier between his head at the edge of the knight's weapon.

The instant she got an opening, Fanilly surged forward, the razor tip of her sword glinting in the light of the torches as she immediately targeted one of the gaps in the man's armor. Cursing, he sprang back, clearly having anticipated his wall of skeletal reinforcements to withstand assault a little longer, even if they were capable of reforming provided there was enough of them to keep moving.

"Somewhat more capable then I'd thought, then," he commented, swiftly making more distance between himself as several of the remaining skeletons moved in to delay the knights' approach. Fanilly's eyes narrowed... this was cowardice, wasn't it? He'd only wanted to fight when he had a clear advantage, but now that he had two opponents he was making sure they couldn't close the gap and avoiding any direct conflict.

"Your undead won't protect you, nor will they prevent us from carrying out our duty," Fanilly asserted, raising her sword towards the man as the skeletons raised their weapons to defend him, "Surrender now and you will at least live to be brought before a court."

"Hah, as if you're in any position to make such demands," he replied, his free hand digging into the pouch a his hip. What he drew forth was something gleaming, red, a sort of talisman...?

"Tell me, Iron Rose Knights, have you ever heard the name Reddb-"

But before he could demonstrate whatever it was the talisman did, he let out a cry of pain, dropping the talisman immediately!

There, slipped into the joint at his elbow, was a gleaming dagger! Fanilly was suddenly struck by the realization that the ensuing chaos had made it difficult to keep track of the nem. Had Vosahnn...?

If she had, she had done her best to immediately return to the right side of the room, getting out of the way as swiftly as possible.

"Damn you little bitch! Kill her, kill her!" the armored man growled, clearly suspecting that the nem had been responsible. The skeletons lurched towards her, and Fanilly almost immediately sprang into action, bringing her sword sharply downwards and causing one to collapse into a heap of bone, fracturing its skull.

Now he was directly targeting Vosahnn, but at the same time, his anger and pain had lead to him making a critical mistake. The undead he'd used as a wall were departing in their attempt to kill the nem, leaving him open to a direct attack...!

The armored Barukstaedian's axe swung again, and again, as he kept up his assault. However, Tyaethe's taunting seemed to have served only to make him somewhat annoyed... it was clear he either cared little for the fate of the Vos Korvungand, or quite simply because he was more concerned with the fight at hand then anything else.

This time, however, the runes on his axe were beginning to glow... the next strike he made would have considerably more explosive force behind it!

The agility possessed by the hooded man was almost unreal. Not, it absolutely was. Just how could a man move so swiftly? How could a human being move with such agility? His strikes, the manner his body moved, it didn't seem as if it should have been possible.

But an Iron Rose Knight had likely seen such swiftness before, hadn't they?

The next strike that Fleuri made was not parried or dodged.

It was caught.

The man's hood had fallen down. Beneath was a handsome, clean-shaven face, black hair... and crimson eyes.

He'd caught the edge of the borrowed claymore in his teeth.

His fangs.

He freed the sword and stepped back, straightening.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he began, "I... am Damon Cal."

@HereComesTheSnow@Asuras@jdh97@Animal@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@Heartfillia
Alrighty, as promised, update incoming today!

I think it might be time to reveal just what the mysterious hooded man's deal is.
@Krayzikk: That's fine, I'm sure everyone understands if I postpone the update one more day.

I would really like to pick up the pace from here onward if possible though.
@Krayzikk: Should I give you a little more time then or go ahead? I do plan to move things ahead more when I post.
Four and a half centuries...?

Immediately, Nobunaga's intrigue deepened. This wasn't so simple as this kitsune being someone from her own time period. No, this kitsune was someone from the Japan of the future! How fascinating! That implied the woman who called herself a goddess possessed even further abilities then she had already learned of. Not only could she pluck someone from death, she could do so from any different point in time. While in other circumstances the now-petite warlord may have been quite skeptical of such a claim, the extraordinary situation she found herself in afforded immediately believability to the the strange assertion.

The black-haired girl listened closely as Takeshima revealed her knowledge by questioning her, providing answers to each piece of information she asked about. From the black-skinned samurai whom she had placed her trust in, to the details of her strategy at Okehazama, to the rise of that monkey, she asked questions about things that could not possibly have been common knowledge. And Nobunaga was happy to give her answers.

It was extensive, far beyond what even the most experienced warlord with the most widespread information network could have gathered in her own time. That implied that it was information that she had obtained via the preservation of documents at the time, which lent further credence to the claim she came from the future.

"Fantastic!" she declared, "I would have been sorely disappointed if my campaign had gone unremembered."

She clapped her hands together.

"But now that I have answered your questions, I have some for you myself," added the diminutive daimyo, "Tell me, what is the Japan of four and a half centuries hence like? How were you able to associate my new form with the name 'Oda Nobunaga'? Surely, if historians have recorded my life and exploits in such detail they would not have mistaken me for a woman."

Ah-ha! She had certainly heard her name spoken by the fox-eared girl. It wasn't as if it didn't make sense, the girl spoke Japanese, albeit in a fashion that seemed somewhat different to that which Nobunaga was used to. Still, it wasn't surprising that one of her fellow Japanese knew her name in the least. She did not recognize the girl's name, but it was simple to discern that it was a newly-assumed one. That left the black-haired girl to assume that this form was not that which the kitsune had originally possessed. With that in mind, she could easily have been anyone. While her way of speaking Japanese was not entirely familiar to Nobunaga, that did not mean she could rule out the possibility of it being someone who had fought on the battlefields she was familiar with.

Or perhaps not.

There was no way of knowing which of the possibilities at play in her mind was true until she simply asked. Though, the more she thought about it... how was it that this Misaki thought of the name 'Nobunaga' on sight and then doubt it just as quickly? How was it possible to associate this new form with Oda Nobunaga?

Well, that would be cleared up swiftly.

"Oh? Your instincts must be quite sharp, to even guess at my name, Takeshima," said Nobunaga, smiling as she placed the sheathed katana in her belt, "For I was most certainly not born a woman."

It was only suitable to introduce herself.

"I am indeed Oda Nobunaga, Minister of the Right and the one who was on the cusp of uniting our homeland."

She paused for a moment. How much time had passed since her death? Would this girl be shocked to see her here?

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