Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Over two thousand years ago, the world changed.

Even those who were alive during the cataclysm would struggle to explain it. Cities crumbled, millions perished, and the land itself was struck with impossible upheaval, entire continents crashing into one another to create new lands. Even animals and plants were changed by the disaster that struck planet Earth all those years ago.

Today, not a soul has ever understood the great cataclysm that rocked the planet and nearly destroyed humanity. Few exist who would be able to describe the event in any detail.

Today, cities have arisen once more.

Today, the power of magic has been embraced to create flying ships that can cross above the land.

The world has changed so much since the cataclysm, and yet humankind has managed to regain some of its former power. The new strongholds of humankind, such as the shining cities of Albion and Fuso and a few others, have managed to establish settlements outside of their borders.

All of this was possible not only due to embracing the use of magic, but also due to the discovery of artifacts.

Mystical, strange objects, some fully magical and others merging magic and technology, artifacts have hazy origins. Were they somehow brought about by the cataclysm, or did they exist prior to it? Few would be able to answer that question. The pioneering work by the Seven Legendary Sages, those who were the first to discover these incredible artifacts over a thousand years ago and continue to work with them to this day, paved the way for the future.

Today, the hunting of artifacts is a dangerous but highly-valued career. Many people perish from pursuing artifacts, as they are often found in bizarre and unnatural locations most effected by the cataclysm itself. But others find untold riches.

Artifact-hunting often becomes a job embraced by entire family lines, if they do not vanish due to engaging in the dangerous act. Other organizations such as the peacekeeping Alhein and the undead-hunting Burial Agency of Fuso have amore regimented and organized approach to acquiring these incredible objects. Alhein in particular as a robust research division, second only in resources to the Sages themselves.

Needless to say, the governing bodies of various cities will pay handsomely for artifacts as well.

So it's no small wonder that, when a new potential source of artifacts was discovered with the collapse of an ancient tunnel in forest-encrusted city of old nearby the large settlement of Hensia, hunters from all over and from all different organizations would flock to it.

Among the hunters is a local orphaned girl no older then ten, whose wish to learn more about her family will lead to a conclusion that she never could have imagined.

The world over two thousand years after the cataclysm is very different then it was. Shining cities of humanity stand once more, but they by no means cover a majority of the planet. Magic and technology have created flying ships and weaponry to deal with monsters and bandits and undead, but these is still much of this "reborn" world that is even now a mystery.

Artifact-hunting in spite of its danger is very widespread. Alhein Agents and Burial Agency undertakers are often best equipped for it, but that doesn't stop those who have made it their living regardless of the threatening conditions.

The world itself is covered in lush forests, wastelands, and some even stranger landscapes. The cataclysm gave rise to unusual creatures, some monstrous, and even some of humanity was effected to develop animal-like features.

In some places, even the dead are unquiet, which is what lead to the Burial Agency being founded in the first place. In others, the peacekeeping paramilitary organization Alhein battles bandits and monsters.

  • The Seven Legendary Sages: Yvette the Unbreakable. Fyria the Librarian. Vallard the Inferno. Rothschild the Knowledge-Eater. Claudia the Crimson. Fuuka the Seeker. Hargrave the Enigmatic. These are the seven legendary sages who first discovered the power of artifacts and paved the way for today's world. Operating outside of governments and organizations, the sages are still alive even today and have not been prevented from continuing to work however they see fit.

  • Alhein: Recognizable by their red and black military uniforms and powerful magical equipment, Alhein was founded by its namesake Edvard Alhein many years ago. Even beyond his death it remains, having grown in power. Founded with the purpose of combating threats to humanity such as monsters or even human beings who choose to engage in banditry, Alhein operates in the territories it is permitted in in order to attempt to keep the peace. Viewpoints on Alhein vary across the world, but it is agreed that they possess considerable capability regardless of how people think of their motives. Alhein also possesses a large research division, dedicated to analyzing artifacts that fall into their control. Alhein agents will also work for local governments to obtain artifacts for them as part of their deal to operate in a given territory, though their presence is not always guaranteed.

  • Burial Agency: Founded in the territories belonging to Fuso, the Burial Agency is composed of militarized undertakers. Due to a high amount of undead rising at the time, they were created in order to put down "restless sleepers" and properly conduct burial rites for them. Additionally, they were also well-equipped for dealing with noncorporeal entities such as restless ghosts. Today they operate not only within Fuso's boundaries but beyond, both destroying the undead and hunting artifacts they believe will further their cause.

  • Beastfolk: Humanity did not escape the unusual life-altering effects of the cataclysm. A percentage of humans bore children with animal-like features, such as ears and tails, and indeed capabilities that fell somewhat in line with the animal features they possessed. Over two thousand years later, such people are not a terribly uncommon sight, though they still face discrimination in some lands. Discrimination in far-north Navra remains particularly harsh.

  • Artifacts: Incredibly powerful relics, some purely magical and others unions of magic and technology. If they existed prior to the cataclysm or came to exist because of it is difficult to know. Their capabilities vary wildly, and they are not a common sight for the average person. Often times they are found in bizarre locations, such as caverns with magical distortions or old tunnels that do not obey the laws of physics. Other times they lay in places filled with dangerous creatures. Still, due to their powerful capabilities, hunting artifacts is a lucrative career choice. Most times they discover objects that, while able to be sold, are not truly counted as artifacts. However, every hunter dreams of finding a top-rank artifact.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Brief Backstory:
  • Skills:
  • Abilities:
  • Equipment:
  • Faction: (Optional, if they're from one of the factions mentioned or an original one. Ask me before making one of the latter!)

Also please note I will be enforcing a weekly posting schedule for this RP, though I will make an allowance of up to one additional week for people who have outside circumstances interfering!
I think if you make all these changes you're probably good to go.
@pandapolio: To begin with, you don't really give any explanation as to why he's hanging around the Iron Roses like you mentioned in PMs. He was told to, but why?

Aside from that, one of the glaring things is his abilities don't really give any idea of what he's capable of doing, and I want to know exactly what you intended with his backstory as well.

"Tch, why are you asking me about those losers, anyway?"

Mordred faced her Master again, a frown on her face. Why did she need to go chatting about the other knights again?

"You've got the best of them right here, right?" the blonde girl added, jerking a thumb towards her chest with a grin as she did. Sure, they didn't know where their opponents were, but that didn't matter! She was going to find someone tonight, and they were going to regret letting themselves be found when they realized just how powerful of an opponent they were up against!

Needless to say, she was making a beeline for the Church.

Whoever was there when she got there was going to be their opponent.


The Sakurazawa Homunculus


The tiny girl let out a small yelp of surprise as she was swept into the air, carried under one arm. This was... it was completely unsuitable...! Not that there was much she could do to resist, but what was her Servant thinking?!

Being positioned on his shoulders was... well, it was quite a bit better. Now she could look down on the others, which was all too fitting, as she introduced them to the opponent that would crush their ambitions for the Holy Grail War.

"Personally, I consider the forest an excellent location to begin with. Not that I believe any opponents shall be lurking within it tonight, rather..."

Hitomi adjusted her position on her Berserker's shoulders.

"It will allow us to target opponents and emerge to take them by surprise!"

Not so much an ambush, but the enemy suddenly revealing themselves was sure to surprise anyone they would go up against.

@Raineh Daze
After speaking to the men about the grove and the rituals carried out there, the plan of action for moving forward became quite clear.

The Kyrnith preferred the burning of Kyr reeds and musical notes with wind instruments. Finding the latter was perhaps not the easiest matter, but locating a plant and striking a flame was far more easily accomplished.

As Nobu lead the way towards the sacred grove, she glanced back towards Misaki.

"You see, when opening negotiations with one who perhaps feels slighted by the other party, a show of good faith can mean a great deal," she began, "This is especially true when it does not appear that you are on equal footing. In this world, this Kyrnith has undeniable control over the forests. As such, we must demonstrate our good will."

The petite black-haired girl smiled.

"We must open with a gift of Kyr Reed."

It was a matter now of finding the plant and burning it, which would be more simple then any of the alternatives and ideally grant a quicker audience due to its speed. Surely, the offering after such consistent neglect would garner attention from the beast more quickly.

  • Name: Arturia Pendragon
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: "Ex..."
  • Personality: A strong-willed, stubborn girl who is nevertheless extremely brave and filled with determination, Saber can be said to be one of the pinnacles of knightliness. Truly, she is the King of Knights. So dedicated is she to her knighthood that she considers herself to be a knight before she is anything else. While she is honorable and dedicated, she will not show mercy to her foes if they do not show honor and dignity themselves. A monster, it seems, will be treated as one. Saber has a strong sense of justice, and in all likelihood would first seek to eliminate any foes who choose to harm innocents or plan to do other actions that could be considered evil. Opponents who behave in an honorable fashion are treated with honor and respect, but Saber is not above concealing her weapon to gain an advantage in that regard. In spite of being a proud knight, Saber is riddled with regret and guilt for what she believes were her failures in ruling as King. While she adheres to a philosophy of a king ruling for their people, she still believes that it is her fault that Britain fell. Still, while she has these regrets, there is nothing that will stop her from her dedication to her knighthood nor her pride. In addition, Saber is also capable of being a kind and caring girl who shows concern for others. While she is proud and brave, she is also easily embarrassed and flustered.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: A
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: A+
    • Noble Phantasm: A++
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: A
    • Riding: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Charisma: B. The capacity of one to stand as a beacon to others, a sort of natural charm exhibited by those who spent their lives as leaders. At the rank of B, it is sufficient for one who was the King of a country.
    • Instinct: A. Finely-honed battle instinct comparable to predicting the future, allowing Saber to instinctively react to and understand even incomprehensible attacks. Visual and auditory interference can be be partially negated through this ability.
    • Mana Burst: A. Via the use of her enormous mana supply granted by her mana core, Saber is capable of reinforcing her entire body with mana, greatly enhancing her parameters. Primarily the use of this skill is for physical defense and speed, though even a single strike can be massively empowered by applying this reinforcement.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory
    • Rank: A++
    • Type: Anti-Fortress
    • Appearance: The sword gifted by the Lady of the Lake
    • Effects: Excalibur is the peerless holy sword forged by the planet. Unmatched by anything but the Sword of Rupture used to split heaven and earth, it is an incredible destructive weapon, a perfect sword created with the purpose of defending the planet. It is considered beyond any other sword in existence, even those that may have technically been crafted with more skill then it is. Its edge is perfectly sharp and it is an excellent tool for piercing and cutting a target, and it is also capable of unleashing a small beam of mana in order to assault her foes. However, its true power is unleashed when it is invoked as a Noble Phantasm. When its name is invoked, Excalibur unleashes a massive wave of destructive mana that utterly annihilates everything it passes over, atomizing every single thing it comes in contact with. Its strength, even in a state where its full power cannot be unleashed due to being partially sealed, is sufficient to permanently scar the earth in a manner visible from space if the blade comes in contact with the planet while invoked. Even phantasmal beasts and evil deities from alternate dimensions are annihilated by the wave of mana released by the invocation of Excalibur. While this is certainly an incredibly destructive weapon, Saber is unable to use it very often due to its high potential for collateral damage and strain on her mana supply.

    • Name: Invisible Air: Barrier of the Wind King
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Invisible Air is a sheath of wind that distorts and refracts light around whatever it encases. It is a simple form of magecraft that allows for the protection and obfuscation of anything it surrounds. Saber utilizes it to disguise the form of her sword, rendering it impossible to recognize the weapon she is using as anything other then something she wields with two hands. However, it can also be used as a form of projectile as well as a defense that can be applied to other objects. Saber may also utilize it in order to give herself a burst of speed, propelling herself towards her target in a manner similar to a rocket. When released to expose her sword's true appearance, it unleashes a shockwave that can damage opponents and knock them back.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A

  • Name: Mihama Nanako
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "Oh, so that's how it is?"
  • Personality: Good-natured friendliness is an excellent way to describe Nanako's default attitude. No matter who it is, she'll always try to treat them well, and try to get to know them, even if it almost seems impossible. This can be called the core of Nanako's attitude. Even if there is thousands of years between herself and someone else, she'll do all that she can to understand them and get to know them. She simply doesn't believe in treating people as if they're somehow foreign to humanity simply because of things like that. Additionally, she has a very optimistic outlook on life. Nanako always believes there has to be some path forward, even if it's difficult to see at the moment. She is the sort of person who treasures those that are close to her, to the point of considering their wellbeing well before her own. Indeed, it would seem as if it's very difficult to break her cheerful demeanor... however, it isn't impossible. While she usually doesn't allow it to bother her, it cannot be denied that Nanako sometimes has feelings of inferiority due to her low capability as a magus, and the fact that she has yet to summon a Servant. She tries not to let this affect her, but it's difficult for her not to feel down about it at times. Additionally, while she isn't without self-worth, sometimes she is extremely quick to dive into dangerous situations for the sake of others. Even if those others are Servants who are probably better equipped to deal with it then she is.
  • Abilities: Nanako possesses low capability as a magus. While it's not accurate to call her totally talent-less, her magic circuits are of average quality and she has a relatively low number of them. Not rock bottom, but hardly the best, and most of the actual magi of Fusang surpass her. Her affinity for Air does grant her some versatility, but she does not possess a wide range of spells due to the youth of her family. If there is one thing it can be said she excels at, her reinforcement typically grants her a surprising durability even in consideration of other magi. This is quite useful for someone who has a habit of throwing herself into danger for the sake of other people.
  • History: Nanako is the child of a very new magus bloodline, one that only recently discovered their potential two generations prior to Nanako. Her family was ecstatic at this discovery, and immediately began pushing their children to succeed in magecraft. Nanako is no different in this regard. In spite of her low capability as a magus, Nanako is the best magi that the Mihama bloodline has produced so far. They managed to scrape together the resources to fund her relocation to Fusang, but on her arrival she was immediately struck by the fact that much of the population had more capabilities then herself when it came to magecraft. Additionally, when she attempted to summon a Servant, she was simply unable to. For quite some time, she was rather depressed over the fact she was both unable to summon a Servant(unlike the majority of Fusang's population) and was inferior to most magi on the island. However, Nanako has recovered more recently, and has been considering trying to summon a Servant once again.
  • Other: Nanako is a native Japanese speaker. While she can get by, her English and Mandarin are not as good.
Fanilly had found herself in the same room as Tyaethe's lesson shortly after having her somewhat belated breakfast of Eggs Chauntressy, on the way to the shrine in Candaeln's gardens. She remembered that the vampire knight had wished to tell her about something that had happened at the party, but obviously the prior night had been quite a bit too full to handle the matter. So instead she witnessed the tail end of the lesson.

Fanilly herself had known at least some of this, a part of her education had featured learning about various types of creatures of varying levels of removed from humanity. Vampires had been among them. She understood most of how vampires functioned and the manner in which they were created, but obviously fighting them was a different matter entirely. What she'd caught of the lesson fell in line with what she had learned.

She couldn't help but wonder just what had happened in the fight with Damon Cal to lead to this lesson, however. She'd heard a little of it afterwards, but she had been far below and unable to witness the fight directly at that point. On top of that... Damon Cal. Had it merely been because it was his family's tomb? Had that been why he was involved? Was there something more going on?

The petite blonde had know way of knowing, and in the wake of the previous night there was so much to think about. But first.

"Dame Tyaethe? If you lesson is complete, ah..." she paused for a moment, "I understand there's something you wanted to speak to me about?"

@Raineh Daze@ghastlyInc@PaulHaynek
Well... it's going to e a lot to explain without that, but basically yes. Servants are historical and mythological figures.
@Dark Cloud: Masters are modern magi, Servants are typically historical or mythological figures.

Have you seen anything related to Fate before?
@Dark Cloud: While we'd prefer not to have a lot of people signing up with one character, might as well ask. What did you have in mind?
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