Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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  • Name: Arturia Pendragon
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: "Ex..."
  • Personality: A strong-willed, stubborn girl who is nevertheless extremely brave and filled with determination, Saber can be said to be one of the pinnacles of knightliness. Truly, she is the King of Knights. So dedicated is she to her knighthood that she considers herself to be a knight before she is anything else. While she is honorable and dedicated, she will not show mercy to her foes if they do not show honor and dignity themselves. A monster, it seems, will be treated as one. Saber has a strong sense of justice, and in all likelihood would first seek to eliminate any foes who choose to harm innocents or plan to do other actions that could be considered evil. Opponents who behave in an honorable fashion are treated with honor and respect, but Saber is not above concealing her weapon to gain an advantage in that regard. In spite of being a proud knight, Saber is riddled with regret and guilt for what she believes were her failures in ruling as King. While she adheres to a philosophy of a king ruling for their people, she still believes that it is her fault that Britain fell. Still, while she has these regrets, there is nothing that will stop her from her dedication to her knighthood nor her pride. In addition, Saber is also capable of being a kind and caring girl who shows concern for others. While she is proud and brave, she is also easily embarrassed and flustered.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: A
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: A+
    • Noble Phantasm: A++
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: A
    • Riding: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Charisma: B. The capacity of one to stand as a beacon to others, a sort of natural charm exhibited by those who spent their lives as leaders. At the rank of B, it is sufficient for one who was the King of a country.
    • Instinct: A. Finely-honed battle instinct comparable to predicting the future, allowing Saber to instinctively react to and understand even incomprehensible attacks. Visual and auditory interference can be be partially negated through this ability.
    • Mana Burst: A. Via the use of her enormous mana supply granted by her mana core, Saber is capable of reinforcing her entire body with mana, greatly enhancing her parameters. Primarily the use of this skill is for physical defense and speed, though even a single strike can be massively empowered by applying this reinforcement.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory
    • Rank: A++
    • Type: Anti-Fortress
    • Appearance: The sword gifted by the Lady of the Lake
    • Effects: Excalibur is the peerless holy sword forged by the planet. Unmatched by anything but the Sword of Rupture used to split heaven and earth, it is an incredible destructive weapon, a perfect sword created with the purpose of defending the planet. It is considered beyond any other sword in existence, even those that may have technically been crafted with more skill then it is. Its edge is perfectly sharp and it is an excellent tool for piercing and cutting a target, and it is also capable of unleashing a small beam of mana in order to assault her foes. However, its true power is unleashed when it is invoked as a Noble Phantasm. When its name is invoked, Excalibur unleashes a massive wave of destructive mana that utterly annihilates everything it passes over, atomizing every single thing it comes in contact with. Its strength, even in a state where its full power cannot be unleashed due to being partially sealed, is sufficient to permanently scar the earth in a manner visible from space if the blade comes in contact with the planet while invoked. Even phantasmal beasts and evil deities from alternate dimensions are annihilated by the wave of mana released by the invocation of Excalibur. While this is certainly an incredibly destructive weapon, Saber is unable to use it very often due to its high potential for collateral damage and strain on her mana supply.

    • Name: Invisible Air: Barrier of the Wind King
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Invisible Air is a sheath of wind that distorts and refracts light around whatever it encases. It is a simple form of magecraft that allows for the protection and obfuscation of anything it surrounds. Saber utilizes it to disguise the form of her sword, rendering it impossible to recognize the weapon she is using as anything other then something she wields with two hands. However, it can also be used as a form of projectile as well as a defense that can be applied to other objects. Saber may also utilize it in order to give herself a burst of speed, propelling herself towards her target in a manner similar to a rocket. When released to expose her sword's true appearance, it unleashes a shockwave that can damage opponents and knock them back.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A

  • Name: Mihama Nanako
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "Oh, so that's how it is?"
  • Personality: Good-natured friendliness is an excellent way to describe Nanako's default attitude. No matter who it is, she'll always try to treat them well, and try to get to know them, even if it almost seems impossible. This can be called the core of Nanako's attitude. Even if there is thousands of years between herself and someone else, she'll do all that she can to understand them and get to know them. She simply doesn't believe in treating people as if they're somehow foreign to humanity simply because of things like that. Additionally, she has a very optimistic outlook on life. Nanako always believes there has to be some path forward, even if it's difficult to see at the moment. She is the sort of person who treasures those that are close to her, to the point of considering their wellbeing well before her own. Indeed, it would seem as if it's very difficult to break her cheerful demeanor... however, it isn't impossible. While she usually doesn't allow it to bother her, it cannot be denied that Nanako sometimes has feelings of inferiority due to her low capability as a magus, and the fact that she has yet to summon a Servant. She tries not to let this affect her, but it's difficult for her not to feel down about it at times. Additionally, while she isn't without self-worth, sometimes she is extremely quick to dive into dangerous situations for the sake of others. Even if those others are Servants who are probably better equipped to deal with it then she is.
  • Abilities: Nanako possesses low capability as a magus. While it's not accurate to call her totally talent-less, her magic circuits are of average quality and she has a relatively low number of them. Not rock bottom, but hardly the best, and most of the actual magi of Fusang surpass her. Her affinity for Air does grant her some versatility, but she does not possess a wide range of spells due to the youth of her family. If there is one thing it can be said she excels at, her reinforcement typically grants her a surprising durability even in consideration of other magi. This is quite useful for someone who has a habit of throwing herself into danger for the sake of other people.
  • History: Nanako is the child of a very new magus bloodline, one that only recently discovered their potential two generations prior to Nanako. Her family was ecstatic at this discovery, and immediately began pushing their children to succeed in magecraft. Nanako is no different in this regard. In spite of her low capability as a magus, Nanako is the best magi that the Mihama bloodline has produced so far. They managed to scrape together the resources to fund her relocation to Fusang, but on her arrival she was immediately struck by the fact that much of the population had more capabilities then herself when it came to magecraft. Additionally, when she attempted to summon a Servant, she was simply unable to. For quite some time, she was rather depressed over the fact she was both unable to summon a Servant(unlike the majority of Fusang's population) and was inferior to most magi on the island. However, Nanako has recovered more recently, and has been considering trying to summon a Servant once again.
  • Other: Nanako is a native Japanese speaker. While she can get by, her English and Mandarin are not as good.
I'm interested if I can think of a character idea!

"Haah? Why didn't you say so before?" Mordred cocked her head, one eyebrow raised. The church wasn't even particularly far, was it? Jeez, all that sitting around and waiting when they had a potential opponent so close by?!

"Jeez, Master, I had an opportunity to kick one of our opponents' asses this whole time..." the blonde knight folded her arms, having finally released her Master's hand after dragging her for full city block's worth of distance, "Let's go. I was tired of just sitting around already!"

There was no doubt in her mind. If Saber met an opponent in combat tonight, she'd beat them. There wasn't the slightest question. She was the heir to the throne of Camelot, and a powerful knight. One of the most powerful, ever!

Whoever she faced, they were going to regret stepping up to take her on.

The Sakurazawa Homunculus

The sight before Hitomi's eyes was her Berserker outfitted like some sort of stereotypical delinquent, the type who might hang around alleyways and engage in street corner brawls over the honor of a woman or something of that nature.

Just how had he acquired that clothing so quickly?!

"I suppose golden is one word for it," commented the small girl, waving one hand as she did, "But I don't think you have a chance of blending in looking like that."

Sakata Kintoki was a huge, muscular man who would stand out in a crowd of bodybuilders, let alone the average person.

However, that wasn't her concern at the moment.

"Hmph, it will do for tonight I suppose," Hitomi folded her arms across her chest with a nod to herself. She already had a plan for the proceedings tonight.

She had summoned a legendary figure born on these very lands, in a class that could enhance his already-impressive capabilities, and yet in his case left his mind intact.

There was no reason not to press her advantage.

"Berserker, we're going to strike first," she began, "Any one of our opponents on the streets tonight will soon learn to regret their decision."

@Raineh Daze


"I am Mordred, the one and only true heir of King Arthur Pendragon!"

She had arisen from the circle with a singular purpose in mind. She had felt the call, not only from someone seeking to summon a Heroic Spirit, but from someone using a catalyst tied to the round table itself.

A worthless piece of trash, for sure, but an opportunity she would not, could not, pass up.

"So, are you my Master?"

The woman who had summoned her, who had answered her, was...

... kind of a disappointment, but whatever. On the overweight side it looked like, though it was hard to tell with the clothing she was wearing, definitely not the type who was used to any kind of fighting.

but whatever. It's not like she had to do any fighting, right?

Saber knew she could take care of all of it by herself. The blonde knight knew there wouldn't be any problem. She was going to crush their opposition and claim her wish, claim the throne, for herself! Just as was her right!

To her dismay, the 'strategy' that her Master chose to employ in spite of her eagerness to strike first was to remain in this apartment, doing as little as possible, in a bid to wait for opponents to come to them instead.

Mordred couldn't stand it.

Being cooped up inside without doing anything would be bad enough even if there wasn't a chance to be taking out her enemies, but all they'd done for two whole days was stay inside while her Master occasionally reinforced the bounded field surrounding her home.

It was maddening. She didn't care if this catered to her Master's skillset or whatever! She was the one fighting! and she wanted to fight!

She'd had enough.

"That's it, Master! We're going out tonight, and we're going to enter this war already! I'm not going to sit here like a coward any longer!"

At this point, grabbing her Master's hand and physically dragging her from the house into the night seemed like the only course of action.

So it's exactly what she did.


The First Night

In the end, it had been her curiosity above all else that lead her to this position.

While she professed her loyalty to the Church without a shred of duplicity, the truth was that she had little interest in the veracity of naming this conflict 'the Holy Grail War'. She could care less about its ultimate goal. Perhaps that was why they had approached her in the first place? To be honest, she didn't care. Not when the opportunity that had been afforded to her by her appointment lay right before her eyes.

She had no interest in the Holy Grail itself. Not only because she did not desire it for her own, but because she did not even care about it in the same regard as the Church itself.

If it were a fake? That didn't matter. Nor did it matter if it was the genuine article.

What mattered to her was its capabilities. What mattered to her was who it could call.

Heroic Spirits. Servants. Summoned figures of the history of humanity brought to the present to wage battle against one another. To claim this Holy Grail.

That was where her interest lay. The opportunity to meet these people, to see who they were, to see their true nature. That was what she desired.

She clasped her small, delicate, frail hands together in prayer as her eyes regarded the moonlight. The night was still quite young. The sun had only just set.

She had accepted the role of the Church's Overseer for the sake of witnessing them.

A smirk crossed the lips of the Overseer.

She had accepted the role of the Church's Overseer to watch them struggle.

The first night approached.

She was nothing if not confident.

For what reason had she prepared? For what reason had she been born in the first place? This was her purpose, and she wouldn't fail.

Especially given the spirit she had summoned in the first place.

Her long black hair hang over her back as one of the maids provided by her remaining relatives brushed it. The small girl, appearing to be nothing more than a child, sat with her legs kicking lightly as she considered the course the war would take.

Undeniably, no matter who her opponents may be, she was going to claim victory. It was a simple fact, not only backed up by self-confidence but also by her capacity as a magus, as a homunculus.

She was tied to this land. The Sakurazawa bloodline always had been, but Hitomi herself was even more intrinsically linked to the land by her very nature. As long as the battle took place here, there was no doubt in her mind that she would win.

Not that there was any reason to doubt she'd win in the first place.

"... I am done, ojou-sama," the maid's voice said behind her.

"Good, good. There's no reason not to look my best tonight, after all," she declared, smiling to herself as she slipped off her seat and looked back over her shoulder, "Not that my opponents will be capable of appreciating the fact that I am."

Her smile only broadened.

Ah, the strain on her when she'd summoned her Servant hadn't been the most pleasant experience, really... it had hurt inside of her stomach when she initially called him from the throne.

But it had faded swiftly, and Hitomi was greeted with a powerful figure from Japan's history. Not only a native heroic spirit, but one whose name was known through the country for his exploits.

Sakata Kintoki, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Minamoto no Yorimitsu.

... Who had immediately asked if she was feeling well when as she recovered from the initial summoning, which was a little unexpected... but not unwelcome... but still!

She had summoned a powerful Servant, and she was going to take advantage of this to the fullest.

Hitomi left her room, followed by her maids, and headed downstairs.

"Are you ready, Berserker?" she asked, arms placed on her hips, "We're going to teach our opponents that they never should have tried to enter this Holy Grail War!"

@1Charak2@Rin@Raineh Daze@KoL@King Cosmos@Vahir
For a scant few moments, the chamber was completely still.

The first thing to break this stillness was Tili, who immediately ran to her sister's side before the girl could even begin to speak and threw her arms around her, burying her face in her shoulder and sobbing. In short order, her twin sister returned the embrace, and in all honesty speaking more to them at the moment was unlikely to receive much of a response.

Fanilly took a step back, casting her eyes around the room.

"... Ah, yes, Dame Maritza, good thinking," she said, between deep breaths to try and calm her own mind. The conspirators above were dead. The mercenaries slaughtered. Had the Necromancer had even a little more room to act, he could have bolstered his forces with the slain or released his other liquid undead. But they had pressured him, and the surprise betrayal of the lightning mage had opened the path for Tili's crossbow to deliver the final blow.

They had successfully rescued the hostage and put and end to the plot to kill Princess Eliabelle.

The blonde knight-girl's shoulders sagged as she took another deep breath.

"We shall be transporting the prisoners-" she hesitated for a moment. While Tili had been coerced into her attempt on the Princess's life, that did not mean she was not still a prisoner in the end. Certainly, her sentence would be greatly lessened due to the circumstances and the fact her involvement was quite cut and dry with little room for questioning, but that fact remained undeniable.

"-so that they may be questioned. We should inform the local guard as well, so this place may be cleaned of the dead and searched for any foul sorcery or other irregularities."

Her eyes fell on the lightning mage, who had quite willingly put her hands behind her back in order to allow herself to be bound. Was the fact that the Necromancer had casually threatened to end the lives of everyone in the room, including herself, the reason she had changed her mind about fighting alongside him? Or was there more to it?

"My loyalties?" the mage cocked her head lightly, an empty-seeming smile on her face as she regarded Sir Gerard, "My loyalties were to the man who carried that axe and to myself. Most certainly not to a man whose plotting lead to his death."

The conspiracy was dismantled, and the hostage was saved.

But many questions still remained.

There would be much business to handle in the coming days.

And so, the next morning, Fanilly awoke. Her blonde hair pooling around her head, she blinked her eyes blearily before slowly sitting up and yawning. Ah... She hadn't slept in late, had she? Glancing upwards, and seeing the morning light filtering through the curtains, she decided it was unlikely that she had. With another yawn, she slid out of her bed. Her morning routine was carried out with little incident. Her maids came in while she was in the middle of trying to change herself, undressed her, brought her to the bath, cleaned her, and dressed her.

The outfit was one commonly worn by the Knight-Captains of the Iron Roses. A frilled skirt, a fine jacket, and golden epaulets. All of it was blue and white, reflective of the Order's Mayonite origins.

Fanilly proceeded downstairs.

Today, it seemed, would go without incident. They would have to sort out what to do with the Nem, but... certainly it wouldn't be like anything yesterday. As she understood, the Princess was now under heavy watch, but there had been no further attempts on her life.

Thank Mayon.

@HereComesTheSnow@Asuras@jdh97@Animal@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@Heartfillia
-oops not ready yet
What gave Nobunaga immediate pause was the sight of the woman, wearing rather familiar armor. She supposed it was to be expected that such things did exist in this world, given the weapon she had acquired shortly after her awakening. But she hadn't expected to see someone in such armor so swiftly. This place hadn't resembled her homeland of another world, so even if she was aware such a land existed... she simply doubted that she would see any sign of it so soon.

It seemed that she was mistaken.

Undoubtedly, she wished to know more about that person.

".. .I must admit, I share Misaki's curiosity," she said. "Who are these visitors?"

Planning on updating Monday at the latest.
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