Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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As soon as we have another full post cycle I'll update so we can get going on the first job!
I'll be updating in the next couple of days.
Does anyone need some help with posting?

The high elf turned on her heel, immediateley scanning the crowd. She knew exactly who was the perpetrator, how could she not? But unfortunately, the crowds made it difficult to get her hands on the obnoxious little fairy. Why did anyone tolerate her, anyway?

With a huff, the girl swiftly carried on out of the guild hall, likely aiming to pursue whatever job it was that she had accepted at the counter.

Meanwhile, behind it, the young woman that Trina had approached rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. She had pale brown hair up in a bun and purple eyes, with a purple dress. She looked to be in her early twenties, with fairly light, soft features.

"You have to know that it doesn't work this way by now, right?" she complained, "The jobs are posted on the board, you have to register one of those with me."

She sighed, glancing towards Neffy as she did.

"You don't need to apologize, I'm more sorry that you have to put up with her," she gestured towards the fairy as she spoke.

Meanwhile, anyone perusing the requests posted on he board would likely notice a set of potential jobs that looked to be in just the right range of skill:

Orc activity is on the rise between Venne and Walverrest. The crown has placed a bounty on every orc killed, with a bonus for confirming the area is clear of any further infestation. Risk to seasoned adventurers is estimated to be low; minimal sign of Troll activity.
The First Task

A monastery lost since the war against Orodrunn has been located and the church is willing to pay handsomely for any artefacts recovered. As the location is buried within Amalril, the risk cannot easily be quantified and novices are advised to look elsewhere.
The Second Task

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Darner@Crimson Paladin@Zoey Boey@Pyromania99
Saber - Artoria Pendragon

Artoria was about to open her mouth, to firmly state she was not looking dejected, nor impatient at all. Such things were unbecoming for her, as a knight. Certainly, she wanted the food to arrive quickly, but at the same time, acting in such a manner was inappropriate.

... Not that it changed the fact that she had, indeed, been acting impatient.

But before she could say anything, their burgers arrived. Immediately, the scent of the Triple Imperial(which did not in fact have three patties, but instead was described as being almost like three patties in one) was richer then other burgers offered by the by the establishment. There was also a distinct salty, but not unpleasant hint of fish... and when she took a bite...

The flavor was rich, with strong hints of spices and a definite taste of a savory, salty fish-based sauce. But it was hardly unpleasant, the preparation was quite excellent and the flavor was rather unique. Indeed, it was clear to the knight why such a burger would be sold at this establishment, and she was certainly intent on finishing the entire meal.

But that could not come to pass.

The lighthearted mood was shattered when an explosion rocked the kitchen, tossing injured bodies into the air. In a single motion, the Saber had placed her meal back onto the plate and risen to her feet, golden light rising from her body, her clothing seeming to vanish in a flash to be replaced with gleaming silver armor, over a blue, white, and gold dress.

In her hand she gripped what, to observers, an indefinable hazy shape, her blade cloaked in Invisible Air.

Her demeanor, from simply taking in the flavor of her meal to deadly serious, had shifted in an instant.

The people working in the kitchen had merely been performing their job. The patrons of this restaurant merely enjoying their food. And in an instant they had been brutally attacked.

This would not stand.

"Master," Artoria began, turning to face the sight of the explosion fully as she placed both hands on her sword's hilt, "I cannot permit this attack."

The 'whys' of what had occurred could wait. For now, what mattered was the safety of the people in the restaurant. It appeared as if the blast had targeted a tan-skinned Servant with a great shield and spear and her somewhat brutish-looking Master.

The Saber's eyes narrowed. While she wished to defend her Master, she could not stand idly by while people suffered and potentially died.

"I must intervene!"

With that, she crossed the room in an instant. Her first action was to grip a chunk of rubble in one hand and lift it off of a fallen employee, a young man who had been working the counter, with little effort. In a moment she had pulled him from the wreckage, noting he was still breathing, and placed him out of harm's way before returning to the site of the explosion. While moving the injured from harm's way was important, so to was identifying the attacker.

Whom the tanned Lancer and her Master seemed to have some awareness of.

"Who is the attacker?" she asked, sternly, glancing towards the two of them.


Tsugihara Runa


Her ears were ringing. While she wasn't close enough to the explosion to be harmed by it, the blast had still been loud enough to start her ears ringing, to nearly knock her out of her seat.

But she was a magus of the Tsugihara family, and this was not about to keep her down.

Runa assessed the situation, noting that several of the people in the restaurant, most of the employees and several patrons, had been injured in the explosion.

"Saber, can you locate the perpetrator? They can't be far!" asserted the magus as she glanced at her Servant. With her Saber's agility and sharp eyes, she felt certain it was possible.

As for the people who had been caught in the blast... getting them out of the way would be the best option. It wasn't as if Runa cared much for these strangers, no way! The only reason was, well, they could get hurt worse if more fighting broke out or their injuries were untended...


Drawing a paper slip from her bag, she raised it into the air and allowed it to fizzle away in a flash of light, the ethereal form of a fox materializing in its wake.

"Akane, start getting them to safety," she ordered the fox, which sprang through the air immediately to begin pulling the nearest victim of the explosion away from immediate danger.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

Mihama Nanako


Meltryllis's tongue was sharp as ever.

"Er, well... I'll go see what I have in the fridge, maybe making breakfast myself would be a good idea..."

Nanako rose to her feet, stretching. Aah, she felt way less sore now. It was almost entirely gone... she probably shouldn't strain it, but that didn't mean she shouldn't take advantage of the fact she could actually move her arm properly now.

"Haah... I'll try and get something together for breakfast and then take a shower..."

Does anyone need any help posting?
It was a fine summer's day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there were people out on the streets doing all kinds of things. From children playing to adults carrying out their daily work, the city of Venne was a bustle of activity. After all, there was no way anyone would ignore the opportunity to take advantage of such wonderful weather. At least for the most part.

And the adventurers of the guild were no exception to this fact. The Guild hall, too, was surrounded by activity. Citizens of Venne were busy submitting jobs for the guild, ranging from simple low-level pest control to bandit hunts, to clearing a location of goblins. There were all kinds of jobs ready for any adventurer of any level. There was even a request to persuade a dragon to stop harassing Dansbell, though it was difficult to tell how serious it was based on how it was written.

Inside the guild hall there was no small amount of activity, as well. Adventurers of all sorts, ranging from the lowest ranks to the highest, were purchasing food or drink, registering bounties, trying to find a party to tackle whatever jobs they were taking on. The guild staff behind the counter, in charge of handling administrative duties for the adventurers, certainly had their job cut out for them on a busy day like this.

Precisely why the guild was so busy today wasn't exactly clear, but maybe a lot of problems for a lot of people had simply gotten out of hand at the same time.

The entrance hall of the guild was wide, with a high arched ceiling supported by wooden beams and connected to the entrance by a narrower, shorter hall. On the far end was the counter for registering quests and opposite it a small tavern, equipped to serve adventurers with food and drink.

The board displaying various job requests was on the right side of the guild hall, and was currently a rather crowded place due to the sheer volume of requests coming in. Certainly adventurers were rarely without a job, but this seemed a bit extreme for a day that didn't seem particularly different from any other.

Still, that was hardly bad news, now was it? Plenty of jobs meant plenty of options for plenty of adventurers.

The girls behind the registration counter were certainly being kept busy. There were a few notable sights as well, in particular the slender, somewhat short, blonde-haired figure of what was the guild's only high elf adventurer(as far as anyone knew) taking a job to the counter and leaving in short order the moment that she was approved for it.

Certainly, it was a busy day.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Darner@Crimson Paladin@Zoey Boey@Pyromania99
@Zoey Boey: No problem!

To everyone else who has been accepted: I'm probably starting the RP tomorrow, so look forward to it!
@Zoey Boey: I think you're good now. Accepted.
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