Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Rune_Alchemist, @Pyromania99: Hellooooooo?
This girl seriously didn't take a single thing seriously, did she?

Still... her spell had really worked. Only one of the harpies had gotten away. Sefira couldn't help but be proud of the fact she'd actually executed one of her spells.

Only now it was real.

Maybe that was a silver lining? She was physically a completely different person, but she was also capable of doing magic.

Seeing one of the other player's beasts suddenly charge up and nearly in real life was a bit of a shock, too, and the petite elf found herself reflexively clutching her staff in both hands, tensing for a few moments as she leaped back with a yelp.


Realizing how irrational it was to be scared of the beast given it belonged to Kokoma, Sefira took a deep breath and forced herself to relax a little. At least, as much as she could knowing there were so many monsters around. Where had they all come from, anyway? Back when Emeral Odyssey was just a game, something like this never would have happened out of the blue.

"W-we should probably try and fend off the monsters, we can't just sit and do nothing..." commented Sefira as she stepped forward. The other player wanted her name in exchange for a ride?

"Hmph, fine," she began, looking away, "Takeyama Mats-"

Realizing she almost said her full, real, masculine name, the blonde girl froze for a moment.

There was no way letting this girl know that was a good idea.

Hoping that Kokoma didn't hear her properly, Sefira cleared her throat.

"Sylvanbelle. Sefira Sylvanbelle."

They run a bit more halfling then dwarf, but you get ones who are way more martial, like how Charlotte from GBF is basically a paladin.
An impressive display of power, and it revealed a team of traitorous hunters on top of it.

Nobunaga had little tolerance for traitors.

The arrow that sailed towards her was hardly difficult to evade, a swift step. Certainly, she had questions about just how Novak had been able to predict the presence of the hunters, but that matter could wait until this conflict was resolved.

Surely, these hunters were skilled at combating animals. That much was certain. And the fact their prime target was Enli...

They had likely intended to strike by surprise.

Perhaps they would be unprepared for strong resistance?

"Novak," she began, glancing towards the man, "Make Enli a difficult target."

With that, she ducked low and began running. Immediately she was using the figure of one of the spear-wielding hunters as a shield, interposing him between herself and the archer. This would make her difficult to target as she made her advance, as it would force the archer to relocate or try and aim around his fellow.

Fighting a spearman with a sword was somewhat more difficult due to their range, but these were hardly trained samurai she was facing.

The moment she came within range of the man's spear, the petite black-haired girl would swiftly unsheathe her katana and swing upwards, in a bid to intercept his attacking and shove the weapon out of her way. If she could get into his range and beneath the spear, then the next step was obvious.

Take his arms.

If he survived that and lived long enough after the remaining two hunters were dead, he could be questioned.

@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
That's pretty much what I was expecting, honestly.
That would be correct, since it was already late. I forgot to note time of day in my post, oops. ^^;
Watching Kokoma handle the harpy that had attempted to divebomb them once again confirmed it in her mind.

Sefira wasn't helpless. She hadn't just become her character physically.

She didn't just need to stand by and watch.

But she needed her catalyst first.

Raising her right hand in front of her, mimicking the animation for drawing a catalyst as a Starlight Mage, she couldn't help but feel a little excited as blue motes of light flickered into existence, immediately gathering in her palm and forming the shape of a staff witch a spherical head. In a blue flash, the physical form of her staff had appeared. The round translucent blue orb surrounded by two metallic rings... it was a Glasstone Staff, one of the best catalysts for a Starlight Mage.

Sefira, in spite of the situation, couldn't help but feel some confidence building, even if her heart was still hammering in her chest and she was still reeling from the fact she was now a girl.

If she could do this much, then there was no reason she couldn't do everything else!

Sliding one leg back, Sefira took aim skywards, towards the concentration of harpies that Kokoma had thrown their hapless attacker towards. She had no idea how damage would work, if it would be more like real life or the game. But running was just going to get them attacked more, and if she could do something about this...

Blue light began to build at the tip of her staff, a magic circle filled with shimmering blue stars around the inner rim expanding around it as they did.

Magical energy was flowing down her slender arms, through the Glasstone Staff. She could feel it. It was gathering, brighter and brighter, at the tip.

And now it was ready to be released.

"Starbolt!" cried Sefira. There was a crack like thunder, then a rushing sound, as warmth rushed back up her arms and a force lightly pushed against her small body. The bolt of blue light ripped through the air, tearing skywards and directly for the harpies!

Fanilly felt quite lost at this point, sighing, her shoulders sagging. No matter how they discussed it, the conclusion was obvious: The shard was no longer in the keep. All these brave soldiers of Thaln had died in a horrific manner, and they couldn't even locate the culprit or the artifact that caused the madness to spread.

"Oiii, you've got some leads, right?" commented Alette, "Don't look so damn sad, you were cuter when you were determined, y'know?"

The Knight-Captain wasn't exactly sure why that mattered, but the truth was they at least knew what they were looking for and who was involved in its transport. It was better then nothing.

It was around that moment that Sir Fleuri, Sir Gerard, and the pale and mysterious figure of the Stingray emerged from the fort.

"The Silver Stone?" Fanilly said, stunned for a moment, "Why would they...?"

She couldn't understand why anyone potentially associated with the horrific acts here would be carrying such a note. Did they intend to meet there? At the holiest and oldest shrine? After being involved in something terrible like this?

Regardless, the blonde knight nodded to herself. This was their best lead, the only location they had any information on.

Thus there was only one path forward.

"... We ride to the Silver Stone," Fanilly said, striding back to her horse, "We have no further time to lose."

Alette sighed, hands on her hips.

"Tch, of course our job ends up like this... Good thing they paid half ahead, I guess," she commented, moments before the Stingray suddenly wrapped her arms around the mercenary captain, hanging off of her affectionately.

Fanilly pulled herself astride her horse.

They had to hurry.

The Silver Shrine was half a day's ride from the fort, at speed, which made the note even more suspicious. It had to mean something. It had to mean this was a meeting spot, didn't it?

It was coming into view ahead, at the edge of the Brennan Forest. A large, silver-white stone, sitting pointing skywards. When close enough, it would be possible to make out numerous sinuous, spiraling carvings, created by some of the most ancient residents of Thaln in honor of the Moon Goddess. It was surrounded by smaller stones, and a large, flat table with a hole in the center, leading straight down to an underground water source. It was not infrequent for offerings to be left here, cast into the 'moon pool' beneath the table or set at its edges.

Fanilly had been here once before, when she was seven years old. It had felt strange, an ethereal, light sensation filling her chest as she approached the shrine. The same feeling was present today, too, but at the same time...

Something didn't feel right.

@HereComesTheSnow@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk
Specifically I'm going to update tomorrow!
It should be fairly obvious what the horned man is going to do, so first person to reply and intervene can go ahead and say as much without waiting for my response.
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