Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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This was spiraling further and further into potential disaster the longer it occurred. Serrica's behavior was only seeming to aggravate Lilian, who in turn was doing her best to incite Serrica.

And Anne had found herself caught in the middle of a potentially dangerously escalating situation. She wanted to try and stay out of these sorts of things, the idea of anything that could trip any sort of flag was terrifying at this point. This seemed like it was brewing to catapult them into a a chain of tempting flags left and right!

What did she say?! Aaah, she didn't want to express any interest in the Prince at all! She didn't want to go down that route! She didn't want to make Lilian think she was going down that route!

Deep breaths.

She had to take deep breaths, clear her head, and calm herself.

And give a natural response.

Perhaps bowing was a bit over the top.

"I-I-I wish you g-g-good luck!"

And practically yelling that almost certainly didn't yelp.

But Anne couldn't stop the anxiety from getting to her.

@PigeonOfAstora: Accepted.
“They say it’s bandits once again, or at least that’s what they suspect.”

He had sighed heavily as he spoke to her, his hands clasped behind his back. He was a tall, slim man, his dark hair cut short, his fine clothing sporting silvery embroidery, his features as slender as his overall build.

“To tell the truth, I tire of such lawlessness,” he continued, “To take advantage of a period of strife to lose all sight of decency and common good is bad enough, but it’s also a distraction from the true threat of those who encroach upon our borders.”

“Nevertheless, Lord Ostaric, no matter who it is who threatens our people, it is our duty to defend them.”

Her voice was high and clear, and her tone firm.

“Tiring of such lawlessness does not mean it can be ignored,” she continued, “Bandits are a threat to the lives and livelihood of our people, and thus it is our duty to ensure that threat is ended.”

While her appearance was that of a girl only just beginning her proper education, and her age was truthfully not very much older, her conviction shone through with her words. To her, it did not matter how commonplace or how strange a threat to the people may be.

It was simple fact that it was the duty of the nobility to handle it, for the sake of those whom they governed. Indeed, the duty of the nobles and the duty of the crown was to the country and its people.

“That Hraesleg conviction, hm?” remarked Lord Ostaric with a smile, looking back over her shoulder, “I suppose that’s to be expected. I can’t say I disagree, no matter how I tire of such matters. But you don’t always have to be so stiff, you know.”

The blonde girl cocked her head, her golden hair shifting. Compared for Ostaric, not only did she look quite young but she was far shorter as well, her sharp blue gaze married with youthful features. Those who only knew her by her looks would perhaps compare her to a doll.

“If such matters tire you, then you must be tired rather frequently,” she replied, without hesitation, “Should you not perhaps rest? My, perhaps a healer should attend to you, if you are so feeble.”

Lord Ostaric chuckled.

“I’d forgotten how sharp that tongue of yours was,” he commented, “A razor behind your teeth with the same edge as your sword.”

“And I’d forgotten that you were so prone to complaining,” she replied, without missing a moment.


He was her ally, and he was making such complaints? Didn’t he hold the very same beliefs that she did? Then why not hold himself to at least a higher standard?

“The Steel Princess is quite an apt title, isn’t it?” remarked Ostaric, “Regardless, I do agree that something needs to be done. But that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”

He paused for a moment.

“Still, I’m surprised you’re devoting the full force of the Lions to chasing bandits,” he remarked, “Given the threats to our border.”
Velvetica shook her head.

“They’re no less a danger to our people than anything else.”

But that wasn’t the entire reason. The frequency and brutality of the night raids of late… Her scouts had reported that the damage was much more then they’d excepted.

From ordinary bandits, at least.

“Then, while I expect it won’t be required, my forces will be ready and able to assist you in any way you need,” Lord Ostaric responded.

At last he had stopped complaining.

The golden lion’s head roared against the crimson background. It was the colors of not only the Hraesleg family, but of Reon.

It flapped in the wind above the camp.

The borderlands of Velt were frequently windy, and here was no different. The plains gave way to far rockier terrain, here, white stone jutting up from the countryside in various jagged formations.

Some were said to be haunted by strange fae, others housed ancient tombs of those who dwelled in the times of Talderia, or even beyond that.

The red tents that composed the Lions’ camp were not even so far from one such formation, said to conceal the tomb of an ancient heathen king whose spirit rose to lead the Midnight Hunt.

Such tales didn’t give the Steel Princess pause for even a moment. Ghosts and spirits and unseelie fae were not of her concern.

It was near here that the raids had first begun. Always at night. Fast. Brutal. Crushing. Not only supplies, but people, living and dead, were taken.

While no clear picture had been painted of the perpetrators, Velvetica had her suspicions.

Ordinary bandits were rarely interested in the dead.

With the assistance of her scouts, they had pinpointed the raiders, whatever their nature may be, to these rocky regions.

Were they truly bandits with a twisted interest in the dead, they would be cut down.

Were they soldiers of Ithillin attempting to mask their presence by stealing corpses, they would be cut down.

Were they of another nature, they would be cut down.

The Hraesleg Lion preyed upon the enemies of Velt. It killed for the sake of Velt’s people.

Velvetica took her spot towards the center of camp. While the Lions should have already been well aware of what was to come, it would soon be time to give them the final word.

When her scouts returned, and reported to her the nature of their enemy, or at least enough information to solidify her final attack strategy.

There were far too many unknowns, indeed, but these raids had persisted long enough.

She would ensure they ended.

@Raineh Daze@Rin@AzureKnight@Psyker Landshark@The Otter@VKAllen@Eisenhorn@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@HereComesTheSnow@Octo
It was a familiar presence.

An obvious presence.

In hindsight, she was the one who made the most sense when the threat was beasts, even if Aleksiya doubted it was an intentional threat on her behalf. She was either dead or enraged and not thinking clearly.

Either of these was dismaying information for the vampire. She quite liked Kordelia, and she was far more amusing to see pouting then in a state of fury. And, well, needless to say, seeing her dead would hardly be a welcome sight.

With that being said, it also heralded her reawakening, did it not?

Or perhaps if she was awakened, then the manner in which she had perished would be the source of her rage?

Either was a sad thought, but at the same time it also meant Kordelia was present in some regard. Which meant that not only would acquiring her mean reuniting with one of her favorite toys, but that it would likely put an end to the beast threat.

She straightened with a sigh.

"I believe I've determined the source of these beasts," she commented, running her fingers through her hair as she tilted her head towards Dragan, "And it's something we should be dealing with as soon as possible. Without delay, preferably."

@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark
@Octo: Accepted.

@PigeonOfAstora: I'll take a look when it's done.
@HereComesTheSnow: Accepted.
@Octo: Alrighty, sent that along.
@Octo: A few examples of female Nem names include things like Essyrah, Tili, Ynah, Fariha, Nyhi, and Vahna.

I think the best inspiration for their food would be to look up the kind of cuisine arid communities eat, as their culture doesn't entirely have a one-to-one analogue and is sort of a mishmash of inspirations from different cultures of similar regions. I do actually have some parts of the nem language figured out that I can send along in a PM.

As for Veltan cuisine, Velt is primarily modeled on Britain, so you can run along those lines for food. One of the examples I do have figured out for sure is a roasted duck breast sliced and presented with vegetables, but I've suddenly blanked out on what I called it. ^^;
@Octo: Nem culture is built around closely-knit villages primarily, though there are a couple big cities. They primarily live in the continent's arid regions, in white stone villages with larger underground complexes beneath them.

Nem primarily worship Illa-Nem, their chief goddess, who appears as a beautiful Nem goddess and represents the night itself, though they also have many other deities(like the largely-negative Yrrah, a flaming titan with a whip of fire who represents sunlight, an amusing contrast with the Sun Goddess Reon).

Most Nem's lives revolve around their nocturnal lifestyle, but Nem who move north often try to realign their schedules to fit with the local peoples, with varying degrees of success in this endeavor. Nem value resourcefulness and cunning, but also the bonds between one another, stemming from their now-distant nomadic origins.

Worship of Illa-Nem is conducted through priestesses, ranging from their early to late teens and living in communal housing in Nem villages. Nem are considered adult when they reach sixteen, and it is custom to through a lavish coming of age party involving the entire settlement(or at least those living in the same area in larger settlements).

Nem raise a unique breed of dog, known as Ivrizahn Hounds, to serve as mounts.

Nem language lacks the "B" sound, which is something they struggle a bit with when learning other languages.

A northern stereotype of Nem is that they're thieves. It's especially common in Ithillin, but it's not like Velt is that much better about it.

As for cuisine... Nem cuisine is pretty varied, with one of their famous dishes being Sandcrab(or tytufo in their language). The most famous recipe for sandcrab features cooking it up with a bunch of spices in its own shell. They also make a paste out of a variety of sweet desert melon, sometimes used as a dessert and sometimes used as a flavor for other dishes.

In terms of imports and exports, they import a lot of metals(not that they have none, it's just far easier to inport them) and export a lot of glasswork and some of the more unique Nem weapons(the largest of their swords, Mahlar, serving as an effective single-edged curved longsword in the hands of larger races).

I'll admit the continent and countries don't have a name yet, I've just never figured out something I liked for them. ^^;

As for what she could have, Nem alcohol(which is kind of pathetically weak for any other races but works for some purposes) is one, nem weapons and glass, varies healing items and enchanted items, including potions and jewelry/weapons, basically anything that seems suitable for a fantasy merchant is probably okay.

Off the top of my head that's most of the relevant information.
In that case, good luck to you as well.

I've already posted this in the discord(I think everyone who needs a link should have one) but I'll also say here as well: The IC is going up this week!
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