It would seem that, contrary to popular beliefs, flying-type monsters
weren't weak to lightning... Who would've guessed? That monster manual must've been written by a complete quack... That, or angels just got to be naturally resistant towards elements that came down from the heavens. Oh well....
It would seem that Iskah had managed to catch up with her rival and future fiancee though, as they all went tumbling down into a fountain together. A bit of water sports? Well, at least it was nighttime, so there weren't any on-lookers. Hopefully. Otherwise they might all get arrested for public indecency. That said, Vanessa raised an eyebrow when the Cupid fired off her dual arrows, which then morphed into... Whips? Vines? Strange... She'd not seen a technique like that before. It seemed they had some kind of binding or restricting quality to them. If she was really unlucky, they might even have some kind of magic dampening or abosrbing properties. Not that it mattered. The dark mage's attention and interest didn't lie in trying to fight the winged messenger of Eros after all.
Instead, the sorceress gave the cupid a big smirk.
"Are you sure it's me you should be focusing your attention on?"With that line said, before the whippy arrow-vines had reached her, Vanessa's head turned to the fountain again. Raising one arm, an icy azure circle of magic manifested infront of her open palm.
"Icicle Rain."As the words left her lips, the ring of magic patterns flashed, and unleashed a hailstorm of sharp, pointy - and most importantly - frozen ice spikes that rained down towards the fountain where the trio of contenders had crashed. Why was she opening fire on her own ally? Simple:
Iskah wasn't
actually a lizardman, and she was protected by a shielding spell taht nullified magic projectiles. Aun was an incubus, was wearing armor and - given what she'd seen of his skills in the previous city, prior to the orphanage - he could handle himself against magic. Which left the salamander. Not only had she just now falllen into a big gulp of water, but her kind was the type to get stronger and more ferocious the longer a fight went on... But at the same time, she was an
actual reptiliant monster, one aligned with fire to boot. Which, of course, meant that being drenched in below-room-temperature water, and then being bombarded with shards of biting cold arctic origins wouldn't exactly do her any favors.
Vanessa thus made absolutely no move to avoid the incoming wrap-attack of the angel, focusing instead on pelting the fountain - and the general area around it - with her frozen projectiles. Indeed, ont only was Iskah shielded by her own magic from before, but she also had the physical enhancement buff. This, coupled with the water-logged salamander now also coming under attack by chilling cover-fire would hopefully be enough to allow the doppel-lizard to overcome her enemy and win the day!
... Or something like that...
... Could just be that Vanessa was too tired and feeling a bit lazy to deal with these sorts of shennanigans this soon after having had to fight the Lot Knights... You never know.