Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Corporate Clinic put me up for three sick days to recover
1 like
6 days ago
I think I'm catching a cold
15 days ago
O Rly? *Owl face*
20 days ago
Tired of being tired
22 days ago
Leak at the warehouse that ships our orders means I get a half-day. Wooh.
1 like


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

@Cyrania, @Theyra, @LimeTime966, @Double, @Thunder999999, @Morgannis, @Remram,@Letter Bee, @Sho Minazuki, @Mistress Dizzy

Jeez, I didn't realize just how many interested people there were for this until I had to send out this all-call.

Anyway, I'm sad to report that I am apparently sick. As my (previous) status implied, I went to the doctors to have myself checked up, on account of not having been feeling well for several days, and for not seeing any improvement (I've actually felt like it's been getting worse). Turns out I have some kind of infection in me ol' bod', and got myself a nice fat presciprtion from medicine to take. Antibiotics, to be specific.

This has led to two very unfortunate circumstances:

1. It's caused my panic anxiety which has for quite some time been alright to resurface. On account of the whole, my brain going: HOLY FAKKEN SHIT, YU MIGHT CROAK! - thing. I know it's not very likely, on account of the doctors finding it and me getting meds for it, but it still makes my subconscious go to all the worst cases and scenarios, which - as you might guess - is kinda putting a lot of strees on my already tired and weary person.

2. Since I've been sick, and will likely continue to be so for at least another week (hopefully the mds will cure that if they take, otherwise I'll have to get stronger stuff if there's no improvement by next week) I've not exactly been making any major headway or progress on the RP. Partly because sick, tired and not able wor think or write very well, and partly because the above.

In addition to this, the next week I was supposed to do a lot of RL things for my eyes. However, as I'm sick, that'll have to be post-poned, which means my schedule is going to get cramped and become very dense, following my (hopeful) recovery.

Ultimately, this has led to me to come to the conclusion that right now probably isn't a good time for me to try and start up and GM an entire RP as elaborate as this. I could tell you that: "Hey, don't worry, I'll be back in shape NEXT week and we can start things up then!" - but given taht I already promised you guys that we'd get stuff up THIS week, and I won't be able to fulfill that, I feel like my credibility would be - to put it mildly - questionable at that point.

I know this'll be disappointing,a nd some of you might not consider joining anything I make in the future - which is completely fair. However, I felt that I should inform and be transparent about this, rather than sit and make up excuses or keep you all in the dark... Or just let the topic drop down into obscurity and never respond to it again in the hopes that you'd all forget about it. I'm rambling, huh? Yeah, my brain feel like mush and I'm a bit dizzy atm... Please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes I mighta made, or if something doesn't seem cohernet.

Still, I wanna thank everyone who showed interest and were active and invested in this idea. It really was nice to see people who were inspired to participate in this idea of mine Hopefully, all or at least some of us can meet again in either a future RP, or someone else's creation.


  • Me confirmed sick
  • Unable to launch RP
  • CHristmas cancelled
  • Big sad
There's a class I want to make my character, but it's inexplicably gender locked. fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Brawler

I just want to make a woman with big fist weapons. is that ok?

It's my intention that there'll be no gender-locked classes in this RP. So feel free to make wha'chu want. :)
@Sho Minazuki
Welcome. Whiile it may not seem like it at the moment, trust me when I say, things will become very Fire Emblem-y, very fast, once the RP starts.

As for where the nation/country list is, it's still being worked on. Due to me catching a cold, progress on it has been slowed down. Hopefully, both it and the OOC should be ready this coming week though.

I don't see anyhting wrong with Piper in terms of eother personality or backgorund. However, Monks cannot use Anima tomes, such as Wind, Frost, Thunder or Fire, they're restricted to Light magic. Also, all healing is done with staves or items.

You brought up some good questions though, and I'll answer them as best I can. Do remember that I'm still under the weather currently, so I might not explain things well or clearly.

1. Are we using tomes or staves? I didn't really get into fire emblem engage, so I'm basing all of my class knowledge on three houses. If we use tomes, are we going to make it so durability is based off of the certain map/combat situation that we're on?
- As I said above, all healing is done with staves. When it comes to weapon durability, the onlyn things that'll use that are staves and thrown axe/sword/lance weapons. And items, of course. All healing staves will have 10 charge, and all throwable swords/lances/axes will have 5 charges, but the throwables are recoverable during or after combat, if a player wants to send time picking them back up. Players will be (largely) responsabile for keeping track of these numbers themselves, though I'll try to help - and tell you that you're "out of ammo" - if overuse seems to be happening.

2. I wasn't really sure if you wanted to include magic+ skills, or skills that give us a stat advantage?
- Since this RP doesn't raelly rely on stats, thereƤs no issue with taking "stat boost" skills. ALl that means is that you'll be slightly stronger/better in whichever category the boost is given. So, for example, if you have the Magic +2 skill, your magic will be a bit more potent than those mages of equal experience/competency as you.

3. Did you want us to learn those later if they are allowed to be included, or can we start with them?
- All I want is that players start off with reasonable and fair skills. DOn't start off with skills/abilities that a character would gain in-game once they hit something like Level 12+ or things that an inexperienced/new/fresh adventurer/mercenary/solider wouldn't have, like the legendary technique of Astra/Sol or Luna... As long as you do that, it's fine. You'll be able to learn more skills/abilities as the RP progresses, so there's no need to worry. By the end, you'll all be grizzeld, ass-kicking behemoths who trample (most) things... Except for all the Elites and Boss enemies... *cough*
I hope that answers your questions.

To the rest of you, sorrry it's taking a bit of time. I'm sadly not going to be able to get the OOC up this weekend as I'd planned - due to illness. But I'll try to get things up and running this coming week, provided nothing major or unexpected comes up.

Thank you again for your patience and interest in this idea. :)
Your character so far looks like alovely little lady, who'd fit in nicely in the setting without any issues. :)

And yes, tea does most certainly exist. Hot cocoa... Not so much, sadly.

As for the skills, you're perfectly fine picking Provoke. I'm actually contemplating letting people choose any one, single skill from any game if their chosen class has had multiple different ones. That way, if people prefer the Bishops from say, FE8, they could still pick their class-skill, as opposed to having to choose the skill from the latest game.

Hiko seems fine, although I'm curious as to why he hates magic users. But I guess that can be revealed in-story just as well as having it written out in the background.

As for his skills, yes. As it currently is, he'd have to have Vantage. But as I said above, I'm considering you guys being free to pick one of whichever game's class skill you like instead, rather than forcing you to pick the "newest" one.
good to know, but I prolly can't be on this weekend so I'll join on monday.

No rush. As I said, I can't even guarantee that it'll be done by this weekend. But it should be ready next week for sure if I don't manage that.
ANywho, since some of you already seem to have ideas and concepts for what character you wannna play, I went ahead and put together a prototype character sheet template.

Since you all won't have access to info about the nations and cultures of Aoes though, I suggest treating this as something mostly to kill a bit of time with, or to make a proof of concept with while you wait. Keep in mind that things in this CS template may be tweaked or removed in the actual, finished CS we'll use for the OOC.

@Letter Bee
No problem. ^^

I am interested in joining, if you don't mind a fresh face to the website! And if you're not all full up!

Can never be full up in the Inerest Check. After all, even if people poke their heads in, you never know who'll actually stick around until the OOC goes up. So, welcome. :)
Speaking of the OOC, I'm trying to aim for getting it up this weekend. That said, I can't exactly promise that I'll make it to then, but I shall try nontheless.
Next part of Tristan's attempt at obstacles when? :o
@Xaltwind, I have not played any Fire Emblem game, except for a few missions of that game with Roy on the emulator, but I am still interested.

And will this game have its own Discord?

Edit: Ah, it won't. That's fine; I'll think it over, although I really should not impose.

Edit 2: Best not to join, all things considered; apologies.

While I won't make or use a discord for this RP, there's nothing stopping any players from setting one up if they want one. Just thought I'd say that in case it changes or impacts your decision. Otherwise, best of luck wherever you may go.
Sorry about the laugh, I meant to press "Like", but apparently I misclicked and didn't notice. Cuz I AM SMURT! 8D
Anyway, yes, that is a completely viable and possible choice to play as.

I'm currently writing up brief overviews and info on the playable nations. While there'll be things that apply gnerally to each each country, culture and people, there's by no means a rule that says that your character has to be just like the rest of, or share the sentiments/majority views, morals or beliefs of whichever nation you choose to hail from. This info is just meant to provide you all with a bit of world-building and insight into the different countries and cultures. ^^

So far, Galador and Doros are done, and I'm currently working on Sageld. After that will be Hylant, then Breyla and finally Tinace.
Does this RP still deserve to utilize the Fire Emblem brand?

Feel free to make your own if you don't like what you see. :)
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