Avatar of Xaltwind


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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

I'm happy you like her. She's very fun to play. :)
Double-OOC-post, ermergerd, the indignity!
But, hey, at least Miyuki can ruin someone else's evening too this way. :3
Miyuki no Suzuyami

Locationn: Umbra Rose Condos, Bldg #1, Bldg #1 Cafeteria
Time of Day: Late Afternoon
Relevant Cast: @CitrusArms Yumeiko, @Lemons Velvet, Others at the Building #1 Cafeteria by proxy of vicinity

Miyuki's irritation at the sight of the neckbiting shrew was, at least momentarily, abated by the gentle nuzzling of her companion. It was enough for the time to calm the older fox spirit down and amke her focus on what really mattered. Which brings us to the crux of the problem.

The pig-like being who she had seen from afar earlier when she and Yumeiko entered now stepped out of the kitchen, waddled over to the both of them, grabbed his chef's hat in both hands, and began to apologize. Apparently, this was the rumored cook, huh? Kinda of ironic seeing a bipedal pig be the one standing around, chopping meat and putting hams into ovens... But perhaps he was merely pig-like and not an actual, y'know, magic pig who had somehow gained sentie--

-- Wait, what was that about the food? About all the food...!?

The busty black-haired vixen could mentally perceive herself dropping to all fours, before being swalloed up by a black whirlpool of despair and slowly fall down into a spiralling abyss, all while screaming at the top of her lungs in a horrified, exaggerated and somehow comedic fashion. Luckily, none of that actually happened, but it sure did feel like it could've. Before she could tear the gross piglet a new orifice for his negligience though, Yumeiko spoke up and - as was the norm for the golden goddess - spoke both calmly, gently and diplomatically.

Now how was she supposed to rip this guy a new one when she went and did stuff like this? Honestly, that girl...

Recovering from her reeling realization that all rations had rotted and their runbling stomachs were now resigned to remain restless and ravenous, Miyuki let out an irritated sigh before replying to the cook and his aide herself.

"Yes, quite. I'm very good with curses." Apparently the joke Yumeiko had made had now somehow actually turned into a legit, underhanded threat. "While I can look forward to the promised meal of the morrow, that doesn't solve the immediate problem. Is there anything to eat tonight? Or should we excuse ourselves to go hunting on our own?" The fox with the endowments said, eyes half-closed and mouth drawn into a thin line, as a few of her tails flicked sporadically in tense frustration.

This day had just been awful. First she gets assaulted when she helps someone. Then she gets accosted at breakfast. And now she was going to starve because there was no dinner? Truly, this was the worse, and there had never been anyone in all of history who had suffered scuh grievous harships as her this day! While she could... Appreciate... The chef's attempt at placating and promising them the world for the next time, she wasn't hungry then, she was hungry now. Her eyes slowly sacnned the dining area, wandering to see what the situation was like for the others.

Then she spotted it. And a wry smile slowly crept across her face. It was not a good smile.

"We'll have a seat, dear chef, while you check if there's anything for you to bring us." Her voice was suddenly disturbingly friendly, and that shadow over her eyes didn't exactly lend itself to making her seem less ominous.

Grabbing Yumeiko's arm, she pulled the golden haired spirit fox with her, moving to a table that was vacant. A table... That was neighbouring the neckbiter and her dandy-of-a-man whom were playing that silly shogi-knock off. Normally, the fox would never have deigned to even get close to this offensive woman ever again... But irritation, denial of food and the promise of making someone else's evening a bit more unpleasant was all the motivation she needed. After all, the midget had been noticeably affected by Yumi's presence in the morning, so it stood tor eason that having the demi-priestess as a table neighbour would, at least, bring her a mmodicum of inconvenience. Which would make Miyuki happy.

In an uncharacteristic display of gentlemanly-ness, she pulled out a seat for, and ha Yumeiko sit down - back towards the table with the two board gamer players, while she took up the seat on the opposite end, so she could watch the two aformentioned ones. Her golden purple eyes sparked with a mix of mischief and disdain.

"Let's take our time and give that poor man all the time he needs to fetch us our dinner. It can't be helped if these electronic doodads break doiwn, after all." ... She was being very tolerant about this whole thing, for being Miyuki...

Ill get a reply post up today!

But I've already replied.
So there is no need for bugging! Ha-haah!

--- Other ---

People: @Zeroth Yasunami Akitsugu, @Rune_Alchemist Yingmei Okudaira
Time of Day: Late Morning / Early Midday

As the pair were now engaged in an awkward conversation, of sorts, in the north-east part of the village... They were left mostly undisturbed and uninfringed upon by the rest of the world. A bit of a breeze might've blown, the sun shined down, the birds chirped and the grass sway... But, other then that, they were left to figure out their own meeting themselves.
I'm pretty sure the one who brings the food HOME is the one who decides who gets to eat, not the gangly waif who just heats it up.

Also, no soup for you either!

@Tally Dor
Aw, thanks. :)
Yes, we're currently full, but I'll place you in the waitlist if you'd like.

I am indeed male irl, got one of those crotch-growths and everything. No worries, it happens all the time - especially on the internets.

Bugging me for posts only works if everyone has posted at least once for the current round. Otherwise, you suffer the wait. ^^
... No soup for either of you tonight.
Just waitin' for Qaymu to make his next EPIC chess move. Then I'll have Miyuki despair respond to Porky and Chuckles about the lack of a meal.
Oh, sure, blame the victim. Real mature. Tsk, typical 2024 influencer-sheep. *Bitter and old*

Yeees... What could've happened to drive off or make the old residents vanish I wonder~?

Quick posts are good too!
But the dwarven huntress does not have a camel... ^^;
Or any mount or wagon for that matter... In fact, she doesn't even look to have a backpack or napsack... ... That... That's totally not an oversight on my part... She's just that
good at foraging and hunting. Yup. Definitely.

No worries. Holidays be busy and rough. You've still got plenty of time to post. :)
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