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@Saiyan if Zell doesn't suggest my team name idea now I'll be very disappointed :P
@Fetzen it is, yes! Feel free to submit a character sheet and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
@ProxyInc we discussed the changes needed on Discord, so you're approved!
@Expendable yeah, the second option is much better, actually. As long as the noble isn't part of the ruling family, I see no narrative conflicts. Sorry you have to rework your CS, but there were a few major things that wouldn't be plausible given the setting.
To the people accepted, I'll PM you a link to the Discord! We have lots of great characters, I can only hope my roleplay lives up to them.

@ZapdosThere you go, bossman. Let me know if anything needs changing.

Great work as always! Titus is accepted.

Accepted! I'll probably PM you at some point regarding that mission to talk about any plans you may have.

@Zapdos - for your consideration.

I'm kinda confused, though I admit that could be from all the CSes I've been reading. Why is her magic sealed and how did a random mage make a dark elf baby from two humans? That could be an iffy thing due to some of stuff for the royals I have planned.

and done thought of complicating it and adding more info and data but i am the sort of guy who makes simple stuff and then let is grow complex as the story goes by.

I'll have to send a PM regarding your CS so we can discuss it without cluttering this thread.
Adam rolled his eyes at James' jokes; that really wasn't his sense of humor. Still, it seemed like at least the resident teleporter laughed at them, so it wasn't a waste. Something to get their mind off of the recent tragedies, he supposed. The Druid did agree with the Cleric about moving forward though. Even if he got kicked off the team, the red-eyed man knew he would continue to do whatever was right. Then the battle leader asked everyone if they gained anything after the crystal shined purple. It was something to consider-

Or, it would have been, if MacKensie's arrival and Lillianna subsequent bursting into tears didn't distract the man. One more thing I failed at, he thought, she needs support right away and all I can do is awkwardly offer water. Adam picked up her staff, at least wanting to be able to be of some help to the woman. When she was done crying and ready to move, he would return it to her, along with offering to be there to talk if she wanted. That would be a good way of being supportive, yes. 

Unless she needed anything, Adam intended on walking in silence for the rest of the way to their destination. That is, he intended on walking in silence until he heard Zell's question.

"Do me a favour. Could you jump in that in that river over there and start drowning? Don't worry, I'll save you... I think... I just need a little motivation."

The Druid raised his eyebrows at this, quite restrained compared to what he was actually thinking. Is he an idiot? Looking at the river to see an old man with gray skin and pointy ears swimming in it, there seemed to be little risk of drowning, even if the man wanted to risk his life that way. The swordsman seemed to prudently change his mind before Adam could say no to his idea, instead asking how to activate his powers.

Ah, the teleportation. Yes, that was quite relevant. Adam took a moment to think about how to best answer the question, then spoke. "My ability is pretty straightforward. I think about what I want to happen in my head, and I apply…magical energy? For lack of a better phrase, to the place I want it to happen at. Then it happens. Take a look." The man pointed to a nearby windowsill; there was a small potted plant on it, one that looked almost dead. He used his magic on it, pretty effortlessly compared to what he had done in the Hillocks, and it returned to life, now looking like a silver and gold pinwheel if they had green vines to hold them. What an interesting plant. I'll have to look into other plants native to this world, the man thought.

Returning to the question at hand though, Adam resumed speaking. "Of course, there's a lot we don't know about magic here; our magics could work in completely different ways from each other. Maybe you have to be in the state of mind you were in when it happened, or maybe you can only teleport once a day, I don't know." The Druid shrugged his arms, as if to emphasize that last point. More cheerfully, he added "but look where we are! If you can't figure out how to teleport on your own, someone in the Adventurer's Guild probably knows how."
I'm just posting here in case I need to use this space later.
To everyone that was approved, I'll send you a link to my Discord server! I have used it for multiple RPs in the past, so there'll be old chats and such, but you can ignore those.

A big happy giant arrived! Like I said, very simple, but I do like to reveal more of the character in-game. Has plenty of room for development too since, you know, he's just a simple man.

I like Maxim! One thing to note, when he escapes he might have to leave his fellow villagers behind just for plot mechanics, although that isn't set in stone. Is that something you would be okay with? You could change the CS to Maxim volunteering for the mines to spare his fellow villagers, if you want. In any case, your CS is approved!

There is my shot at the bard character.

Approved, very amusing CS!

@Letter Bee you can still lurk, sure! I understand life being busy and wouldn't want you to have too much on your plate.

Color me super intrigued by this premise! Thought I would slide this in. I hope everything is alright within it. Tried to do something different. Let me know if I need to change anything or if it doesn't work. I'd understand. It's weird.

I like your CS! Religion and the government of this continent are very much intertwined, so any cults will definitely be crushed and crushed hard. I'd imagine living in a swamp would be a good way to stay "off the radar" until they weren't. I'm not sure if we need to PM about that in further detail, but if you have any questions, please let me know. I will say though that Mort should at least be relatable enough to make friends with the other PCs, for plot reasons and group cohesiveness. It's a brutal environment in the mine and everyone needs to have a plausible reason to trust everyone else in the group. That isn't enough to reject the CS though, just something I wanted to mention. You are approved!

@Tora should be fun! As I mentioned, I don't mind multiple people of the same class, so you can't really call dibs. I would just remember that you're not going to have any weapons right away.

@DX3214 when you are done with your CS, let me know and I can evaluate it properly.
@DX3214 if you have something in mind, post it here I suppose. If someone else has a really compelling concept for that class, it may be worth deferring to that, but I don't have a problem if two people are the same class. It would be boring if everyone was a mage or something, but I doubt that will happen.

Saiyan is thinking of an alchemist character, by the way, in case anyone else had that in mind.
I was very inspired today and wrote the OOC! It is located here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/190563-esc…

@Saiyan @BaileyBlue302 @Letter Bee @DX3214 @Tora @Zora @Riffus Maximus @Skwint

I'm looking forward to writing this RP!
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