Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

19 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Cloud
Seems to be a central room that contains the stairwell, and opens up into four other rooms. There is a kitchen taking up one whole side of the box, a gym area with an attached shower on the other side, and a living room that takes up the rest of the space in an L shape. Presumably, either that central stairwell or some other stairs lead up to the dorms, but they'd have to come out in two different central areas because the dorm is divided right down the middle. Otherwise they'd be cutting into the two L shaped bedrooms.

@Queen of Aces
But...but how was I supposed to not find it when I can clip through the walls?! Also lol I thought this was solely the dorm building, and that Gello's "home" itself would be a larger, school-like structure or some kinda Demonic Hogwarts. Why would she willingly put herself in the middle of all these new hormonally charged babbies?

The map would be excellent if it were easier to navigate, and I really like some of the design choices and colors and whatnot. You did a good job, GM. But yeah, I think a plain top-down view with rooms labeled as "Stairwell," "Bathroom/Shower #1," "Boy's rooms" etc would probably be a little easier to visualize.
Yes in 3D mode you should be able to just clip through the floors. There is an app you can download which allows you to go into 3D and change floors using the top menu bar!

I figured out the WASD controls to some degree although it still doesn't work like I'd expect a first-person view should. But if I'm understanding it right, on the 1st Floor we have Lobby, Dining room (or maybe a conference area?), a wardrobe or some kind of storage, and a large bedroom that I assume is for the Dorm Mother or some other authority? On the 2nd floor we have a gym, a shower, a living room/game room, and a kitchen. And the 3rd floor is all the rooms, and two more showers? As long as I can get the general idea I can keep the images in my head easily enough.

@Queen of Aces
I'm having a very hard time trying to navigate the model, are there some controls I'm missing or something? All I can do is scroll the mouse wheel for zoom and pan in a given direction. I can see all of the top floor from above (where are the stairs to the lower floors?) but when I try to go around and through the main door of the bottom floor, the only room I can get a good look at is the entrance with the two couches and the staircase. Can't get a good view of anything else on other floors.
@Queen of Aces@Dark Cloud
Here's the profile for Empusa, Seiji's contractor. Let me know if anything needs to be tweaked. As mentioned before, her only participation will be in character interaction, and only if stakes get extraordinarily high would she petition Gello to get involved in Events, battles, etc. Otherwise, the only one she'd bother would be Seiji...and maybe whoever has the bad luck to sleep on the other side of his walls. And maybe under his floors. And over his ceiling. And...probably just anywhere in the same building.

@Dark Cloud
Seiji: Steel Blue
Empusa: Orchid

yeah it's just the color of their text no I swear I put thought into it shut up
Since @Queen of Aces has approved Seiji, I'm posting him for y'all to see. There's been a few small tweaks, I promise I didn't try to slip anything past the GM, but if anyone wants to give feedback I'm ready for ya, lol. His Demonic companion, Empusa, will be finished later on.

@Queen of Aces

Anyone have any questions?

I do have a few, actually, although GM and I are still working through the PM part. These should be more general though:
I've seen some powers that stick to solely supernatural events, and some that are more descriptions of capabilities. Is the intention for a Power to be only something like "Fire Manipulation" or "Teleportation?" Or do all of our character's abilities need to be included--things like "Hand to Hand Combat" for someone who knows Karate, or "Enhanced Strength" for a Demon whose body-type is yoked out? I know the GM wants the big powers to progress in stages, and I'm not sure what the overall "power level" of the RP is yet.

Also, if we had to assign a genre to this, would it be more Slice of Life, Romcom/harem (just with multiple couples), or something like Highschool DxD that throws a little action in there too?
Lucifer - Pride, Satan - Wrath, Leviathan - Envy, Beelzebub - Gluttony, Belphegor - Sloth, Mammon - Greed, Asmodeus - Lust.

Don't ask how I know these off the top of my head.

It's because of Digimon, isn't it? Either that or SMT.
@Queen of Aces

If you are still accepting I'd like to throw my hat in as well, with another Contracted Human/Demon Pair. I don't know if I'd be using the Demon as a full Player Character, I feel she'd fit more as kind of an NPC/supporter, but I'll be sending you the CS as it is over PM shortly since it may need a lot of tweaking or clarification.

EDIT: PM has been sent.
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