Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

16 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
30 days ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
1 mo ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

Update has arrived! As always, let me know if I missed anything or if anything's unclear!


Obtained Tungem Branch x4
Obtained Jackalope Antlers x2
Lost 1 Tungem Branch > Broken Wood Pieces x3
Obtained Pimplestool Mushroom x2
Obtained Crushed Pimplestool
Obtained Mushroom Shreds x3
Obtained Mycellium Lash x3
Obtained Frayed Mycellium Lash x2

Consumed: Partial Frayed Mycellium Lash
You have resisted Poison!
Activate [Ingestion: Pimplestool] (Y/N)? Approximate Ingestion: 0 > 10%.
Ingestible Skills [Pimplestool] - Further Progress Required.
Warning: This will ERASE current Ingestion progress!
Current Ingestion: Elwet 85%
All Ingestible Skills [Elwet] known; Additional Biomass Required for further Ingestion.

Jackalope Antlers have been broken down.
Obtained Jackalope Point x5
Obtained Broken Jackalope Point

You've attempted to Craft something!
Materials: Tungem Branch + Jackalope Point + Mycellium Lash
Process: Handcrafting

...Success! You've Crafted a weapon!
Jackalope Spear - 2H Weapon - A decent, if primitive spear. Not suitable as a throwing weapon due to its weight, but made of tough, sturdy materials. Jackalope horn is surprisingly sharp, almost as much so as metal.

The Tatzelwurm that lunged at Esfir met the orc runt's eyes as they flashed. In that instant it understood that not only had this creature seen it, ruining its ambush, but that the creature was stronger than one might expect for its size, and that it not only had the capability to kill the tatzelwurm, but the will to do so as well. The sheer wave of hostility threw the creature off just as Esfir hoped, and in that moment the runt made her move!

The jackalope spear pierced the monster's hide far easier than her sharp stone would have, catching it through its open mouth and piercing into the back of its head! The tatzelwurm was pretty much dead--but, like some venomous snakes of earth, its jaws continued to snap and its body writhed out the last of its energy! Its claws flailed at her, and if she wasn't careful its thrashings would push the body up the haft of her spear within biting range of her hand--!

Up above, the Harpy took off from its perch, and began to circle in the air...

Orc Camp

@King Cosmos

HP Increased! Healing Points are expended when you are injured, and when you suffer infection, illness, or certain status effects. When Healing Points are spent, your body will not be able to tolerate further expenditures. If Healing Points experience a sudden, severe drop, you may enter the Shock condition. When Healing Points are fully expended, you will enter the Unconscious condition. Further damage taken while in the Unconscious condition is highly likely to cause DEATH.

As Akeno explored the camp, she would see that many of the adult orcs and the Grunts were having their lunches around the cookfires, taking naps, or generally doing things that didn't require a lot of moving around, like sharpening weapons or crafting various bits and pieces. The weather wasn't especially warm, but the sunlight reflected off the rocks of the mountains and there wasn't a lot of shade. Combined with the ambient heat of the fires, it was comfortable enough for resting and bearable to move and work in, but unless it was absolutely necessary most of the camp seemed to be in "siesta" mode.

The entire camp rested at the base of a mountain, with a sloping ledge and trails at its edge back to the forest. Many of the camp’s shelters were thus carved into the rocky outcrops and cliff faces, though tents and crude wooden buildings were scattered around as well. Usually only the stronger or more renown monsters lived in the natural caves, with the rest being forced to make do with tents and teepees. In the case of some poor Grunts, it was the best they could do to make an A-frame shelter with a bed of leaves.

The few orcs who were moving around a lot, were doing something important enough to warrant it; Akeno saw a lithe-built orc running with a double armful of freshly cut logs, drawing the ire of several other adults he almost bumped into. Another had several wooden buckets and woven baskets balanced on his shoulders and head, and seemed to be making a lot of effort to keep them that way as he wibbled and wobbled towards a large patch of unclaimed ground near the brood pits. As the stack on his head did its best slinky impression, causing the orc to walk in circles under it until the whole height stabilized again, Akeno saw a couple of small beans fall out of the basket onto the ground.

She also saw the huge orc blacksmith, the one the other adults called Bowbh, working under a simple wooden shed. Several tall wooden posts had been planted into the earth, and thinner branches formed a frame for a sloping straw roof on one side. Underneath this shed, a furnace of fired clay bricks had been built along with bellows made from animal skins. Crude tables of both wood and stone held various tools and a few works in progress, although for a "blacksmith" it seemed like he worked as much with tree branches and knapped blades as much as he did with any actual metal. In place of an anvil he simply had a huge, square slab of stone. Its upper half had been blackened over time by the heat of objects laid upon it, and a fine layer of ash and soot. The orc carrying the wood deposited it next to a big charcoal pit, and said something to the blacksmith only to get a dismissive shake of the big orc's head and a halfhearted gesture of his hammer.

The Shaman enjoyed a rather cozy home by comparison: the cave itself was set at an angle to a curved rock face, and the lean-to had been built as an extension of sorts. It was similar, perhaps, to a covered patio or porch built as an add-on to a human house. A few of the Shaman’s personal belongings and knicknacks could be seen around the corner of the stone entry, but the outer area seemed to serve as her “workshop,” or ritual area…maybe even a lab? She seemed to have just finished talking to another Runt, one that had returned earlier than Akeno, and as the orcling went on their way Yambagorn shuffled back to her mortar and pestle.

Shamar, the Head Hunter of the tribe, could be seen near a large, yurt-like dwelling on the far western side of the camp, in an area of flat, unshaded rock. Away from the hustle and bustle of most other orcs, it was unclear whether she settled here out of personal taste... or because the fumes from her animal pelts, stretched and tanning in the sun, were so strong. Even to an orc's nose, they were unpleasantly pungent. The finished product of her pelts could be seen in her home's construction, stitched together in a multitude of colors with fur still attached. It looked like she had just finished hanging some new hides in front of her fire to dry, and now she was looking at several carcasses hanging over bowls of fresh blood as she decided which one to take down next.

As Akeno continued to wander the camp, however, she soon heard a group of orcs suddenly break out in chanting. One of them even began to beat a drum that happened to be sitting outside a tent. In rhythm they stomped their feet as another, larger orc passed by.


The Warchief of the tribe passed among them with a wide berth, two other orcs trailing exactly three steps behind both of his shoulders and scowling at any other adult who dared get closer. Agronak walked up the first set of stairs to a larger, more ornate dwelling than any of the other orcs had, one that seemed to have been properly constructed (by orc standards) to take advantage of the mountainous terrain. His two bodyguards stopped at the bottom of the stairs while the warchief continued on. They turned back, looking out at the rest of the camp, as they crossed their arms and scowled in an appropriate manner for their station.

After seeing all the "major players" of the camp and continuing to wander for a bit, Akeno would also overhear several snippets of conversation--or, as it happened, a few shouting matches.

"Wot's he mean that ain't enough wood?! I spent all morning cuttin' down that damn tree!"
“Hmph, more wood? What ‘e needs is more ore! And better stuff, too. That bog iron ain’t worth gruhk!”

"Anybody heard from them mukhs wot was talkin' bout a new cave they found down south? They oughta been back by now!"
"They's prolly dead if they ain't, then! What they been gone for--three days already?"
"Two o' them new Runts went lookin' for 'em! Fat lotta good they'll do if sumfinn's killed the others!"

"Dat idjit, what's he think he's gonna do? Crops take too long, we needs food now! Besides, where's he gonna get da water?!"
"Specially when da spring keeps stoppin' every few days! Won't be long afore we gotta start goin' to da lake again with them stupid big tubs!"
"Hah! Weakling already knows 'e can't fight worth a grukh, 'e might as well kill 'imself!"

South Caves


Obtained Red Cream x2

"Camazots are like...a giant bat, I guess? Imagine a wolf, but with its forelegs as bat wings and a way, way creepier face. Nasty predators, and they live in colonies big enough to split into multiple hunting packs. If you still remember what it was like sleeping in the Brood Pit, they were the things that screamed and blacked out the moon every so often." answered the Runt whose name Grunthor still hadn't learned.

As Grunthor watched the ceiling, he saw more web trails here and there but no sign yet of the spider that had made them. The two Runts came closer to the camp, and sure enough found the remains of a campfire, now burned down to cold charcoal, and three bedrolls. There were a few scattered belongings, the blackened remnants of a chunk of meat, and tracks...which led to the Runt's right, further into the tunnel. It was completely pitch black in that direction.

The belongings that Grunthor could make out in the gloom were:
  • A necklace of bones and dried ears. The ears were now the color and texture of jerky, but had a more elegant look to them than orc ears. They were long and pointed, but otherwise human-like. The bones all seemed to be finger bones. They appeared humanoid, but much smaller than one would expect from a normal person.
  • Leather gloves. Oddly, they seemed too small to fit an adult orc's hands, but they could probably fit a Runt just fine.
  • A lucky paw from some bear-like creature on a thin string.
  • Fingerless gloves, these properly adult-orc sized, made from plant fiber wrappings.
  • A set of playing cards made from squares of tree bark, with smudged charcoal markings for symbols and numbers.
  • A red cloth bandana.
  • Stone dagger - A properly knapped and shaped stone blade set into a handle that looks to have been made from an antler of some kind.

"Hey, check it!" said the other Runt in a whisper that still managed to carry in the cave. "There's only two sets of these footprints--this other track is like something, or someone, was being dragged!" He grinned back at Grunthor. "So your giant spider must've grabbed one of them, taken him deeper into the cavern, and the other two went after it!" He pointed back at the webbed up tunnel. "But if we haven't seen it again so far, that makes me think they either wounded it, or killed it. If we had a torch we could burn those webs easy, and go deeper to see if there's anything else down here--I bet they were carrying weapons and maybe some other stuff with them!"

From here, when the two looked back, they could also see that the cave wall to their left was a little smoother and less craggy than what they'd passed so far. Near where the wall joined the floor, they could see little lumpy masses that were oddly smooth, like rocks at the bottom of a riverbed. The first thought, of course, might be a mass of spider eggs--but there were no webs around this part of the cave, and where the sunlight's longest rays from the entrance hit them, they glimmered with a black luster...

Deep Forest


Skill Gained:
Muffle - Rank I - Muffle the sounds of your movements to become stealthy. The user's footsteps will be significantly more quiet, but this is only a deduction from the normal amount of noise they would make. Therefore, one's armor, weight, etc may still produce sounds beyond a certain level.

+Previous experience carried over
New Observation: Elwet, Goblin
New Ingestion: Tatzelwurm
You've gained a new skill!
New Items Crafted
Discovered New Area: Deep Forest

LEVEL UP! Level 2 > Level 3
  • Increase HP (Health)
  • Increase MP (Magic)
  • Gain 1 Skill Rank Point
  • Gain 1 Empty Skill Slot

Agar's new skill and his mud camo did wonders for his movement through the forest, as did his use of Field Scan. As he entered the dark grove of trees, the magical "sonar" wave expanded from him...and upon its return, a flood of information almost threatened to overwhelm him!

Skill Progression:
Field Scan Rank UP I > II!
At Rank II, one can roughly sense the silhouette of the creatures within range.

Not far from Agar, in fact so close that he could probably catch it if he lunged with the longer reach of his spear, was a rabbit shape with horns--one of those Jackalopes! But there was much, much more to consider before he decided on whether or not to pursue this prey...

In one of those dark trees, a large, bird shaped shadow sat nestled in what was probably a nest. It was bigger than that chicken-like thing he had encountered before. It was staying incredibly still, so much so that the silhouette he sensed actually grew dimmer--was it hiding from something?

That was very possible, given that on the ground in roughly the center of the dark trees, something with a silhouette like an alligator, plus ox-like horns, was slowly stalking through the forest. It was headed towards what looked like a ring of blurry shapes--they were apparently not close enough for Agar to make out the distinct shapes of them with his Field Scan. But based on their size...and the fact that he thought he could hear voices...were they more of those goblins? Or more Orc Runts like himself, possibly sent out here by Shamar? Whatever they were, they were definitely being hunted by this large, spike-backed beast...

Oh, and of course there were things more related to his actual quest. Through careful observation of the area and his stealthy movements, Agar had identified several mushrooms and other potentially useful materials:

  • A pointy-capped mushroom that is shiny silver towards its top, dulling to gray, then black, then rusty red towards the base. x2
  • A short, leafy tree no higher than six or seven feet, but many smaller branches on its trunk reaching up to nine or ten feet in length. The larger branches, usually near the bottom or middle of the tree, have round green nuts with thick shells.
  • Red Cream - An unmistakable red mushroom that oozes a red, creamlike substance when its bulbous head is cut. You once heard an Orc say a single mushroom could keep someone full for several hours. But they only grow in dark places… x2
  • Another of the mushrooms that look like a weeping willow, with all the tendrils.
  • A Turtleshell Mushroom! x2

However, based on where the various mushrooms were, harvesting them might prove a problem--the Red Creams were under the bushes near Agar, and not far from the Jackalope. Harvesting them, even if he was stealthy, would probably disturb the prey and send it running. The shiny, pointy-cap mushroom was further into the tree copse, closer to that big alligator-esque creature. And the Turtleshells were nestled in the roots of the same tree that the large bird was nesting in!

The other mushrooms, and the tree, would be easier to get to without being seen...in fact, that tree's branches would probably be sturdy enough to climb, if he needed to get away from something very dangerous on the ground...
I think I need to just say, I'm going to be cutting back on RPing in general for a bit. Thanks for the invite Z and I'll maybe return in the future but atm I'm just feeling a little burned out, I think.

Thanks for letting us know! We'll hope for your return, but get some rest! Enjoy the holidays!

I'm starting work on an update, those still working on posts feel free to continue!
Posted. I'm assuming that our demons are basically just in "spirit form" or a pocket dimension or something when they haven't been summoned and we can still interact with them in some fashion? Since we don't have COMPs or something that stores them?

Tokyo Streets


The trembling, bespectacled girl looked up at the man who offered her his blood drenched hand. Yet, though the crimson essence trailed from him like a streamer caught in the wind, it didn't wet the ground or stain her clothes. Instead, it disappeared as if evaporating. He had no shadow, either. But she could see him, standing there as solid as a rock. His blade reflected the sunlight in its cold steel--and it was definitely there, it had left a mark on the ground and everything.

"Ye cried me tae form a contract, didnae ye?" the creature said again, his eyes glowing like dull embers. He knelt down, his kilt barely brushing the cobblestones of the alleyway, and tilted his head at Miyuki.

"E-eto...Ai amu sorreh, m-mai Engrish iz not varry guud!" She could write it and read it pretty well, given all the cross-culture study of medieval and fantasy literature she'd done, but she hadn't gotten much practice speaking it since high school! It didn't help that this guy clearly had a really thick accent. "Sah-sank yoo for hepping me!" She fished her wallet out of her pocket, and grabbed the biggest bill she had--a measly 2000 Yen. "Th-theese is all Ai have, s-sorreh!" She bowed her head, and held it out to the man in both hands. What else was she supposed to do?! Was he going to cut her up next!?

"Ah accept!" Lham Dearg grabbed her hand rather than the money, the same hand that now burned with some strange mark. There was a flash of blue flame around both of them--and Miyuki suddenly felt cut off from the rest of the world.

A battle raged around her. She had no idea who fought against who, only that men fought and died with swords and spears in the shadow of great stone castles. The green hills ran red with blood, and the eyes of crows glimmered as they descended to feast. Miyuki screamed and covered herself with her arms as a wave of black feathers spilled over her.

Then she was back on the street, next to the closed shop, in the alleyway where an unearthly man had cut down a vicious goblin and spilled an entire bin of recyclables. But now, strange whispers in the back of her mind filled her with new knowledge.

"You...you're...not human. Not anymore, at least." she said, in her native tongue, as she looked at Lham Dearg. "But you're...my contracted demon? So you'll help me if...another one of those things shows up?" She looked towards the remains of the goblin--and as she did so, she noticed a scrap of paper fluttering underneath one piece of its corpse.

"Aye." Though the demon spoke his own language, somehow Miyuki understood the eerie echo of his voice. Through the power of their contract, no doubt. All of this...this was what that strange dream had been about? Even now she barely remembered having it...but everything was too real to deny. "Ye ainlie need tae ca' fur me by name, 'n' ah wull serve you--so lang as ye let me rammy tae mah heart's content!" Battle. He wanted to fight, to satisfy the deep bloodlust within his soul. A human spirit twisted by bloodlust and a savage grudge, dragged beneath the faerie hills and emerging as a dark warrior. Lham Dearg, the crimson hand...

"Til we meet again, wee lassie..." The demon's body began to disintegrate at its edges, and the wind appeared to blow him away in a cloud of sparkling dust. But somehow, as her hand throbbed and she slowly rose to her feet, Miyuki knew he was still there, watching her. He just wasn't in a material form anymore.

Was this...magic? Ghosts, demons, strange dreams--it sounded like something out of a crazy anime! Shaking her head, she looked once again at the goblin. Its body, too, was starting to disappear...With a quivering hand, she reached down and grabbed the slip of paper before it could blow away. As she held it, the black stain from the monster's blood dried up and flaked away along with the rest of the body.

"Messengers of Hope? That weird cult?" Of course, specifying "that weird cult" in Japan was like throwing grapeshot in a fish barrel given all the different groups one could run into on any given day passing out flyers or doing weird qigong dance routines. But the symbols on the flyer matched up with what she'd seen on the news a few times. The Messengers of Hope, and some other group--the Crimson-something--seemed like the latest bunch of whackos trying to get everyone from the homeless to politicians to lend them an ear. Was the demon...part of the cult?

Miyuki blinked. Maybe, her inner conspiracist whispered, the cult had summoned the demons! Like one of those fantasy games where an evil organization tried to break the seal on the demon king!

But she had summoned a demon too. Did that make her part of the evil group? And if the Messengers of Hope had summoned the goblin, had they sent it after her specifically? Or was it random? Why have a demon attack people in the streets?

The details of the flyer noted there was to be a meeting going on later tonight at Inokashira Park. For her that would be a little over an hour by train...Did she dare go to something like that? Even in search of answers?

"La...um...Lham Dearg? Do you know anything about this?" She asked in a quiet voice.

The whisper was inside her head! She jumped with a little squeal.
"Ah ken ainlie that mony powers ur converging oan this steid. A battle th' likes o' whilk haes nae bin seen afore shall soon be upon us!"

"...That's a no, then..." Her demon sounded almost glad for the prospect, but wouldn't be much help. However...she couldn't be the only one this had happened to, right? All those news reports of people getting attacked and claiming they had seen monsters, maybe it happened to them just like her own experience! She had no intentions of joining any strange new-age movement or letting anyone extort her for cash...and she had a rather scary fellow protecting her now!

"Umu!" With a pump of her fists and a tensing of her jaw, Miyuki felt her determination settle. She would go to this cult's little show, and find out what was going on!

Then she looked at her phone, and saw what time it was.

"Ah! I still have to do the shopping, and get lunch, and figure out what to make for dinner! Awawawawah!" She shoved the flyer into her pocket, hurriedly began throwing the bottles and wrappers back in the recyclable bin (everyone had to do their part, after all!) and then dashed away down the sidewalk!

That Evening, Inokashira Park

She wore the black hoodie from her fencing club under her jacket now, along with a red scarf that she could wrap around her face if need be. She even had one of her bokken--the wooden swords used for martial arts training--in its cloth tote-bag over her shoulder. As if that wasn't suspicious at all. But she felt a little like a ninja, or a mysterious hero, brooding under a tree as the park began to darken!

Nevermind that her legs were shaking, and she kept looking around as if expecting another goblin, or some mugger, or a crazed religious fanatic to accost her at any moment.

But around this time of day, aside from a few evening runners or people taking a shortcut on their way home from work, the park didn't have a lot of people in it. Surely a big group like the Messengers of Hope would be easy to spot...Would they all be wearing weird robes or uniforms? If she saw them...what was she supposed to do? Should she just...go up to them and ask them?

Hi guys, my name's Miyuki! I contracted a demon this morning, with the cursed mark that appeared on the back of my hand! I don't suppose you know who opened the gates of hell and let all the monsters out, do you? She closed her eyes and sighed at herself. Why had she let her whimsical side get the best of her now, of all times...?
what nerd do you know that researches proper lifting techniques for optimum core muscle gain lol

*looks up from scribbling in workout logbook, hurriedly closes "How to look like Goku" Youtube tab*

I'm with @ERode on this one lol, these days tons of weebs get pissed enough at society that they start lowkey turning into Chads. Or they get internet radicalized and start preparing for The BoogTM.

Eyo, planning on doing a buncha things that'll probably still be dependent on what the harpy does while Esfir's doing those things. Wanna do a collab? Or would it work out if I just PM you things piecemeal?

Either way is fine! It might take me a bit to reply because I'll be leaving for my class shortly.

Post is up! Let me know if I missed anything or need to clarify something, this was a long one!
North Caves > Forest


Though still somewhat far from the orc's camp, Esfir moved back into the more familiar environment beneath the trees. Easing through the brush in search of prey, her eyes would take in the many aspects of her surroundings. With her previous life's experience of scavenging for everything she had, in wilderness conditions much more vexing than these temperate lands, potential resources stood out to her.

A tungem tree, the same tough wood that had been used by Gren to make those spears and clubs he'd lent out among the group, nestled between the trunks of two taller, skinnier softwoods of some kind. To her left, given a wide berth by other plants, was one of those foul smelling rotleaf bushes like the one she had harvested before.

As she padded along the forest floor, her steps soft over the leafy blankets and loamy soil, she would also see a small patch of purple mushrooms with white spots gathered around the remains of a fallen tree...and, amongst them, a pile of bones. They looked like they had once belonged to a small animal, perhaps a rabbit? Most of the flesh was gone entirely, or at least dried down to inoffensive brown-and-black spots of gristle staining the yellowish-white skeleton. A pair of antlers, long and sharp if somewhat jagged, still stuck out of the creature's skull just above the mushroom caps. They were at least as large as the Elwet Antlers she carried, perhaps longer if a little thinner and more jagged.

But, the sound of leathery, flapping wings soon caught her attention. Up in another tree, high in the branches where a thrown weapon likely wouldn't reach, a featherless yet birdlike creature landed. Its beady eyes, hard to pick out on its almost blank, tightly stretched face, scanned the area...It seemed to register that Esfir was there, but didn't pay her any particular attention. The harpy shuffled a little on its branch, let loose a white wad of gloop from its rear end that fell quite far into a bush, then began to scratch and groom itself with one of its skinny, taloned legs...



While the two orc runts sat and dissected their kills, skewering various bits of the goblins over the fire--and in Svarok's case, attempting to add a little culinary pizzazz to the meal--the forest around them quieted down, perhaps due to the growing crackles and the smoky scent of their fire. It wasn't long before the two of them--perhaps with some trepidation--consumed their first real meals in this new world.

You've attempted to Craft something!
Materials: Goblin Heart + Lightly Tainted Goblin Meat + Crushed Blue Argep Berry x2 + Crushed Green Argep Berry
Process: Open Flame Roast

Crafted Item: Sweet & Tangy Goblin Roast! This consumable item may have positively enhanced or altered effects!

Consumed: Sweet & Tangy Goblin Roast
Activate [Ingestion: Goblin] (Y/N)? Approximate Ingestion: 0 > 30%
Current Ingestion: N/A > Goblin
Ingestible Skills [Goblin]:
  • Muffle
  • [???] - Further Progress Required
  • [???] - Further Progress Required
  • [???] - Further Progress Required

Consumed: Roasted Goblin Ears x2
Consumed: Roasted Goblin Eyes x2
Consumed: Roasted Goblin Tongue
Consumed: Roasted Lightly Tainted Goblin Meat
Activate [Ingestion: Goblin] (Y/N)? Approximate Ingestion: 0 > 35%
Current Ingestion: N/A > Goblin
Ingestible Skills [Goblin]:
  • Muffle
  • [???] - Further Progress Required
  • [???] - Further Progress Required
  • [???] - Further Progress Required

It seemed that, though they'd only eaten some of the large quantity of Goblin Meat they'd acquired and still had plenty left, that two things influenced their rate of Ingestion. Carmina had eaten ears, eyes, and tongue--sensory organs--while Svarok had only eaten one organ, the heart, but her cooking preparations made the meal much more palatable. So it seemed that more than just eating a creature's "normal" flesh was taken into account when "accumulating biomass," or however it was the Skill worded it.

Forest > Orc Camp

@King Cosmos

Akeno's trip back to the Orc Camp was mostly uneventful, as she was passing through territory that salready explored and there were many signs of other Runts running around as well. By this point many prey-level monsters had probably wizened up and decided to give the camp's surroundings a wide berth. But upon reaching the camp's entrance, she was suddenly stopped by the broad palms of the two guards.

"Runts can't come back til they finish the---" one of them started to say, as if following a script, but then he stopped and looked at Akeno with fresh, confused eyes. "A Tatzelwurm? Not bad...but how'd ya manage to burn it?" Before she could answer, the guard's partner shook his head and motioned her to pass through.

"Go to Auguz!" The bigger creature said gruffly to Akeno.

When Akeno re-entered the camp proper, it wasn't hard to find the Head Warrior. He stood on a small platform right in the middle of the thoroughfare, made from a couple of barrels that propped up a few planks of wood. The hastily put together dais seemed to be solely for the purpose of making him stand out, as none of the other orcs seemed to be paying him much mind and he wasn't waving his arms or shouting or anything.

"Another one! It's 'bout time!" said the Head Warrior as he hopped down. He took Akeno's kill from her without asking or even making any gesture for it to be handed over. Then he lifted the corpse close to his face and examined it with a long, drawn out hum. He looked at the Tatzelwurm, first with both eyes, then just his right as the left high squinted closed.

When he noticed how blackened it was, he glanced at Akeno suspiciously. But then he sniffed it, up and down the Tatzelwurm's length. Then he opened its mouth and peered inside. Then he turned the creature upside down and licked it somewhere that didn't seem sanitary.

After a moment, he shrugged, and tossed the Tatzelwurm back to Akeno. The head warrior grabbed Akeno's arm and held it up in the air.

"ALL O' YOUSE, LISTEN UP! THIS HERE RUNT--" he turned his head and whispered "What's yer name?" and then upon receiving answer he turned back to the camp--"THIS HERE RUNT, AKENO, HAS RETURNED FROM THE HUNT!" He then set the smaller orc down, and turned in a slow circle so that the entire camp could see the body of Akeno's prey. "SHE HAS HUNTED A TATZELWURM! TODAY, SHE LEAVES DA BROOD PIT!" Several of the adult orcs cheered or pumped their fists, and many more gave the youngster an approving half-smile or a nod of respect.

"Now, for the rest o' the day ya can do whatever the hell ya feel like...but tomorrer mornin', you be at the Trainin' Circle before first light! And after that, we'll figure out some more duties for ya!" Auguz crossed his arms as he nodded. "But no more babyin'! Don't be goin' back to the Brood Pit---from now on, you find yer own food, yer own shelter, and whatever else! If somebody will trade ya for it, or ya take it in a fight, then more power to ya! Just be willin' to work if somebody's willin' t' give ya somethin' for it!" With that, the Head Warrior hopped back up on the dais.

Quest: Find Something to Eat and Bring it Back Whole

  • Kill a Creature
  • Keep the Target in High Quality Condition
  • Return to Camp Uninjured

A New Quest is Available:

Quest Giver: Head Warrior Auguz
Quest Details: Fulfill Duties within the Tribe (0/2 Minimum)

  • Be at the Training Circle before sunrise tomorrow morning
  • Find your own food (2/3 meals provided for)
  • Find your own shelter
  • Accept an optional Quest from another Tribe Member

Completed Quest!
New Creature Observed: Pebble Mite, Dire Rat
New Creature Killed: Stone Slime!
New Creature Killed: Tatzelwurm!

LEVEL UP! Level 2 > 3
Choose ONE:
  • Increase HP (Health)
  • Increase MP (Magic)
  • Gain 1 Skill Rank Point
  • Gain 1 Empty Skill Slot

South Caves


"Confident, ain't ya?" The as-yet-unnamed runt smirked as Grunthor gave vague details about himself. It seemed the fact he hadn't actually named his current skillset or the one's he'd ingested hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Camazots? You tried to hunt a camazot without knowing what it was?" Grunthor's dark haired companion blinked at him with a genuinely surprised, or maybe even concerned, look. "Yeesh. You woulda been better off with the Wompus Cat, pal." When Grunthor looked into the cave and asked if either of them could see in the dark, the other orcling shook his head.

"We won't get [Dusk Vision] for a few levels yet, I don't think. But look how much sun is getting in there--I think our eyes would adjust enough to see after a bit. If we make a torch, whatever else might be in there is gonna see us coming...if it hasn't heard us already." He shrugged, then looked back at Grunthor. "If you wanna find some sticks or rocks to rub together, be my guest, but I say we risk it."

The mottled runt crouched down and moved carefully into the cave, sticking to the wall on one side. He motioned with his head and one hand that if Grunthor intended to do the same, he should take the opposite wall. It wasn't long before he was right at the edge where the sunlight reached into the cave's mouth...and after waiting a few moments, peering and blinking, the ember-eyed hunter stepped deeper into the shadow. He looked back over one shoulder to see what course Grunthor had taken.

If Grunthor followed, sure enough his eyes would adjust after some time so that more of the cavern came into view. Of course, his vision wouldn't be as good without a light source...but it was workable, for the moment.

Orc Camp > Forest > Deep Forest


Upon eating most of the Tatzelwurm raw--which was clammy, cold, and tough, even if the eye added a bit of flavor--Agar was able to unlock the remaining Skill in his Ingestion menu. By the time he finished cooking the bits of harpy and making his pouch, however, another half-hour or so had passed. Re-organizing, and stopping for a bit outside the camp to better prepare himself for this last hunt took a similar amount of time.

Once he was on the road, following Shamar's directions to head east towards that high cliff out in the forest, and then north into the green depths, Agar would travel for roughly an hour or so. Thus the afternoon was well underway by the time he started to notice an increase in the number of mushrooms around him. However, that wasn't the only thing he'd seen as he moved, carefully and with awareness, through the brush.

A large, scarlet-feathered chicken with a pair of horns on its head had seen him coming first, and disappeared into a thick briar patch with a loud squawk. Attempting to chase it would've taken him in the wrong direction from his destination, and the little critter apparently knew a path through the snagging branches and sharp thorns that the Runt couldn't see, because it was already quite some distance away by the time it cawed a second time.

Then, at first he thought he'd seen another Runt out here on a hunt, or maybe on the same quest he was on as well. But, as Agar drew closer, it became evident that this wasn't an Orc--its proportions were more mature even though it was roughly the same height as he was, and its ears and nose were noticeably longer though it had less muscle mass. It didn't see him coming, but before Agar could launch a sneak attack or call out to the goblin, the monster apparently saw something else in the deeper woods and took off after it, waving a weapon that looked a little like one of those obsidian-bladed paddles used by ancient Mesoamericans. It disappeared into a thick grove of trees whose shadows didn't seem welcoming at all.

Whether because of his muddy camo, his careful movements and previous life's experience in the wild, or just plain dumb luck, Agar wasn't accosted by the wildlife even though he saw a few other creatures, or heard them, from considerable distance. But finally, he came to a small clearing just before the woods seemed to transition to older, darker, and more crowded growth...

In this clearing, there were two pointy, cone-shaped shrubs with deciduous leaves that curled in tight around the plants. Hidden behind them were clusters of berries in two different colors; the larger, riper looking ones were deep, royal blue, while the smaller ones were green.

Nearer to the trees, a skinny mushroom sat with hundreds of small strands hanging down from its white stalk, making it look like a willow tree. The hairlike growths themselves had a slight red and orange tint in some places, and seemed to twitch like cilia whenever the breeze picked up.

Yet, despite it being at least two in the afternoon by the measurement of the sun...it seemed the trees were dense enough here, and the canopy dark enough, that a gently rolling mist creeped low to the ground. Wispy fingers trailed around Agar's ankles.

In order to find the Turtleshell Mushrooms, Agar could sense he would need to thoroughly search the Deep Forest one small piece at a time. From the "piece" he was currently in, the clearing, he had already quickly identified his surroundings. Searching a similarly sized area would probably take around ten minutes. Up ahead, he could see a game trail. But to his right, he could see a thicker grove of trees. The mist was thicker there, but the ground was also darker--mushrooms were supposed to like that, right?

In the same direction as the game trail, but far into the distance, Agar could also just barely see what looked like the crumbling tip of a tall stone tower...

Which direction would he go, and how would he search for his quarry?
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