Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

First Act: Retrieval

The doors opened to the Head master's office, and a woman with jaded eyes walked through the opening, her bob-cut, greying, mocha hair moved with her head as she surveyed the office. It was quite a crowded place, with both side walls covered by large bookshelves that were filled to the brim, the floor littered with inventions of all sizes that lay ontop of a beautiful fur carpet. The only open area was a straight line to her boss' work desk, where her blond haired boss was scratching his head in irritation. Two large piles of paper were lain infront of him, one pile larger than the other, the larger pile was void of any signage from the man. The Headmaster notices the woman's arrival, gaining a small smile and placing his pen down onto the desk. "Hello Aurelia, are the preparations complete?" The dirty blond man asked his subordinate, welcoming the short break. The older woman nodded her head, gaining her own small smile at the thought of what was to come.

Today, the students of the Academy were being retrieved for their studies. Even though this was the third time she's been through this routine, it still brought a sort of warmth into the unoffical Invoker's heart. She knew at least two of the faculty who passionately await this time of year, barely being able to stay still during their breaks. Aurelia notices the larger pile of papers, and raises an eyebrow at her boss. "Have you been slacking again, sir?" the jaded woman questioned the man, who quickly raised his hands and shook his head violently. "No, no, no! I've been working, I swear!" The Headmaster replied frantically. "It's just been a hard day. Reopening the Academy isn't a smooth affair, you know." It really wasn't. There were supplies to be restocked, payments to be made, and repairs to be paid for because of a certain teacher's way of teaching, and the Headmaster had to approve all of it through paperwork. Aurelia acquiesced the reply, and placed a key onto her boss' desk. "When you finish, it's the fifth drawer from the left,"was all the woman said, but from the look on the blond man's face she could have been speaking of the Holy Grail.

The aging woman shoom her head, walking away from her boss and towards the door. As much as she respected the man, he could be as childish as Hana sometimes, with his obsession over sweets being his driving force for working. How in the world did he even create this Academy with such a mind set? Before she could leave, however, the Headmaster asked the woman his own question. "How is our guest doing? Has she acclimated to her new living arrangements?" Aurelia turns to reply, but nearly trips on one of the items lying on the floor. There goes her good mood. Fuming, she resumes her departure from the office, giving a reply as she goes through the doors. "She us fine. Meliona is going to her for a 'feeding' session," the older woman throws over her shoulder, closing the doors with a short "Goodbye." The guest in question was a young Vampire who suffered from a very strange condition. At the moment in time, the girl lived within one of the Dorm's rooms, 'feeding' on the Kitsune teacher's life force when she needed it.


Hana stretched her arms, sitting in the front passenger seat within "The Blight", Hephaestus on her left within the pilot seat. They had been flying for about an hour now, landing to pick up the first batch of students and later headed towards the edge of Noir to retrieve two students on the list, the Lightwood duo. "Aren't you excited? This is the third year you'll be teaching at the Academy! We'll need to throw a party for you! Oh, and one for Mel-Mel too, since it's her second year! Maybe Auris too, since..," the veteran Void user blocked out the Chaos Theory teacher's chatter, trying to focus on landing within the farmlands of Polaris safely to pick up the first students. This was why he didn't want anyone on the ship with him, because they get bored and want to chat, and chat, and chat. He had told the Headmaster he would have been fine on his own this year, but the blond insisted on bringing Hana.

Hephaestus leaned back into his own chair, lazily holding the steering wheel with a single hand. They would arrive in a few minutes, and hopefully the two students would be all ready and packed.
"... And we could have streamers, and cakes, and even a smoke machine! Hey, Heffy. Do you like sprinkles on your cake or-"

The armored adult groaned, rubbing his temple with his free hand. This was going to be a long few minutes...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jacob lay against a apple tree that sat in front of his and Arya's home, eyes partly closed. It seemed almost as if he was asleep, but he wasn't. He was meditating, trying to relax after a particularly nasty dream he had had the night before. Behind him was the house he and his sister rented from one of their neighbors. The house itself wasn't particularly large, just a one story building with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, living room, and kitchen, with a basement they used to store their books. It was located in a suburban area on the edge of a medium sized city. It reminded him a lot of their old home, before the Dreads had taken it from them.

He shook his head and muttered "No, stop it! That was a long time ago." to himself, trying to push back the flashbacks that were threatening to come. While this happened, his leg twinged slightly. Then a greater pain erupted from the top of his head as an apple landed squarely on it. He looked up to see his sister, Arya, grinning mischievously. "You gonna sit there muttering to yourself forever? Or are you going to get up and get ready to head off to school?" She asked him, picking a second apple from the tree and taking a bite from it.

Rubbing the bump on his head ruefully, he grumbled "I'm already all packed up. Didn't you see the bags in the living room?" He stood up and stretched, having been laying there for a good hour.

"Yeah I saw. Plenty of books. But you seem to missing clothing. Unless you are planning on borrowing from me? I packed plenty of extra clothing." She replied, the grin still on her face as she took another bite. Jacob's face reddened and he ran back inside the house. When her brother left, her smile loosened and she sighed. "As forgetful as ever." She mumbled, looking up at the sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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Fredrick was sitting down on the bench inside of the academy feeding the birds that were flocking around his feet some bread form the cafe.He was all alone which is how he liked this since he didn't care much for people,His former creator made sure that Fredrick would be distrustful of humans and their true intentions.

The birds were chirping and singing letting the undead that they were happy or so he thought that is what they would be saying.Finishing up with the bread he was still sitting down holding his head out as a bird was now perched on his finger chirping loudly."Good boy..." He muttered to the bird using the small of his index finger to pet the bird on the head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

To Meliona, the Dorms were a sacred place. A fox hole was always private, only for the lone reynards and vixen that lived in them, or for one's skulk. She truly didn't understand why humans were so... Lax when it came to the living arrangements of their kits. It just baffled her. That's why, as she reached the door of the Academy's guest, she hesitated from knocking. Foxes shouldn't be in other's dens unless they are stealing food, and she wasn't hear to steal anything from the young vampire within.

A Spirit passed by her, it's cold touch reminding her of why she was here: to help the young one inside survive. To feed her like she was one of her own kits. Taking a deep breath, Meliona finally knocks tentatively on the door. "Hello? Are you awake?" the Kitsune teacher called out to the girl inside, hoping to get the vampire's attention before she listened to her instincts and backed away. "It's me, I'm here for your daily feeding." The teacher patiently waited at the door, hoping the young teen would come out soon.
@Maria 127
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine Gale
I could hear the slow pace of the Kitsune teacher as she approached her dorm room and she knew why she had come. Ever since the headmaster took her in they believed it was in their best interests to keep her alive by feeding their life force to me.

A shiver goes down my spine as I anticipate what is going to happen next. After a short while of stareing at the door I decided to climb out the window and sit on the rooftop.

I begin to wonder what the other students will think of me and my feeding habits once find out. Would they consider me monster, or would they try to understand me.

I hear a knock at the door a hesitate for a moment unsure weather or not to let her in. I slowly climb down from the roof with quick but elegant grace and sit on the window.

"Come in." I respond in quiet but nervous voice. I was sure she would hear me as a result of her being a fox.

I hated these moments when I had to feed off of others. Every time I drained the life force of another to sustain me I feel as though I am doing something incredibly wrong. If she entered I would continue to stare out at the amazing view.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Come in," the young vampire responded to her call, making the kitsune take a quick breath to calm down as opens the door and walks through. "H-Hello Josephine" Meliona greeted the silver-haired kit, who sat on the window that was near the rooftop. The teacher was sort of nervous, since the only other person's den that she's ever been inside of was the Headmaster's, and that was only by nessessity.

The same situation hold true here as well, and the invisible Spirits that permeated the Academy wrapped around her, their cool touch calming her immensely. The kitsune sat upon the girl's living room couch, and laid her hands onto her lap, waiting for the vampire to come and take her fill.

@Maria 127
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine Gale
I turn my head slightly, my emerald green eyes now almost fully clouded by a blood red colour are clearly visible beneath my two toned colored hair.

" Are you sure you want to be doing this...I.. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. " I stutter and quickly look away. " I don't want you to feel forced to do this.." I say slowly.

I quickly take a deep breath close my eyes and try to ignore the most mouthwatering smell of the Kitsune life force and ignore my thirst for it while trying not to show the pain and amount of concentration i was In.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Meliona frowns, looking at the now red eyed kit with more than a bit of exasperation. "Kit, you've been s-starving yourself for quite a while now. I-Its been a week since you've arrived, and you haven't taken any thing except medication." the kitsune admonished the teen, expecting better out of the girl. From what she knew about her friend and fellow faculty member, Anna, a vampire could live up to two weeks without feeding. The poor girl has starved herself for half of that time.

Walking over to the two-tone haired vampire, the teacher forcibly takes hold of the girl's hands with her own, almost instantly feeling a drain on her life force. "T-there. Now you can't complain." Unbeknownst to the teacher, the drain on her life force allowed the student to see what she wouldn't normally be able to: the Spirits that followed the teacher where ever she went, along with the naturally forming Spirits of the school. The oblivious brunette gave the young teen a calming smile, letting the vampire have her fill of a 1000 year old buffet.

@Maria 127
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tossing the finished apple core to the side, Arya headed back into the house, shutting the door behind her. She figured they had another few minutes before the airship came to pick them up, so no point in standing around doing nothing. She stepped into the living room, where two piles of belongings lay on the floor. One was a neatly stacked pyramid of boxes, which was Jacob's. The other was a haphazard pile of bags, suitcases, and boxes. That one belonged to her. It was funny, she remembered how their parents would always berate her for being so messy and care free. Jacob was always the neat one, his room being meticulously organized and not a single item out of place. But she never had cared too much about that, preferring instead to be outside and rough housing with neighbors.
She heard a thump and a grunt from the direction of her brother's room, him presumably trying to pack up his clothes. It was strange, he was usually the one all packed up and ready, and the one reminding her of things she had forgotten. Was something on his mind? He had always been the most sensitive of the two twins.

Jacob emerged out of his room, looking slightly winded and holding a suitcase. "There. All packed now." He said, setting it down next to his pile of boxes. He turned his head to look at Arya and asked "Something up? You seem tense." Arya shook herself out of reverie and smiled wanely. "I'm fine." She lied. Damn it, she knew better than to lie to him. He could always tell when somebody was lying to him, thanks to his gift for souls. But Jacob just shrugged and sat down heavily on a worn but comfortable looking couch, opening up one of the books he almost always had tucked under his arm. This time it was a thick tome on the topic of soul binding. But she could tell by a quick glance at his eyes that he wasn't actually reading it. He had that same troubled look in his eyes he had earlier when she had found him by the apple tree. He glanced at his watch and said "C'mon, the airship will be here any minute." He put the book in one of the boxes and pulled out his rowan wood wand. Raising his arm slightly, the piles of luggage rose up into the air, following the two as they walked out of their house and back on to the lawn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine Gale
I listed to what Meliona said but was shocked at how quickly she grab her hand. Before she could even stop herself her body automatically began drain some of her life force. My eyes shoot open in surprise as I momentarily enjoy the "feast".

As I look around the teacher i see what seems to be ghosts or spirits of some kind.

"w..w..what was...that?" I ask with a look of confusion on my face, as I quickly move my hand from her's.

I get off the windowsill and cup my hand around one of the spirit like bearings as if attempting to hold one.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the Lightwood'a house came into sight, Hana finally stopped talking about anniversary parties and instead evaluated the two specs on the ground that seemed to be human shape. The female teacher's blue rims that held the lens of the glasses in place started to glow, several miniature sized Glyphs carved into the vision aids being powered by the woman's Aeon. "Huh, I don't think I remember having those two in my classes," Hana remarked, seeing the two students with very high quality even at the dramatically far distance and high height. The pilot looked at the white haired teacher with a raised eyebrow, as if he couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth. "Are you the Existence teacher here?" Hephaestus asked rhetorically, mentally rolling his eyes at his fellow teacher's shenanigans.

"Of course not silly! Gill is the one that teaches Existence, not me!"

"Then shut up."

Seeing the end of the conversation, the Void user starts the airship's descent, several Glyphs on the airship's small wings losing their glow, while others on the prow that were once dark gained their own glow. Hana pouts at the other teacher, feeling quite cheated out of the short conversation she was able to gain from the cool-as-a-cucumber male. The Blight lowers itself in front of the two students, still hovering slightly above the ground. Hephaestus pulls a few levers, and the side door opens automatically, a metal ramp unfilding itself from the metal vehicle and digging into the ground, allowing an easy boarding. Hana gets out of her seat, wiping the disappointment from her face and replacing it with a wide smile as she walks over to the new opening in the airship.

Coming in sight of the duo that stood within the field, the female teacher clears her throat. "Hello, and welcome to "The Blight", Heffy's airship! Don't mess with anything, or he might try to blow you to bits!" the albino greeted quite happily, almost giggling the groan that came from the cockpit. I'm Ms. Juniper, the Chaos Theory and Creation Control teacher! I hope we get to learn more about each other this year! Hana finishes her introduction with a flourished bow, and moves to the side so that the students may board the airship.


Meliona looked questioningly at the young vampire as she let go of the teacher's hand. She had barely been holding it for 3 seconds, wasn't she still hungry? Then the two-tone haired girl reached for one of her Spirits, and the kitsune's eyes widened slightly. What in the world? She wasn't even influencing the Spirit into visibility? How was-

Then the brunette noticed the young vampire's eyes, and understood. The girl's eyes, once red in color, became a light, ethereal blue, the same color that Meliona's became when she used her Aeon. The girl must have gained a sort of control over Spirits through her life force. Intriguing, but sadly unusable, as the blue bled out and became a bloody red once more. The effects must have been temporary, since the girl's own Aeon had converted the invading life force to suit her body. Reaching for the young vampire's hand again, Meliona advised her with a few words. "Steady now, young Kit, we aren't done feeding you yet. You need more if you want to grow big and strong" the teacher said with a small smile, hoping the vampire wouldn't shy away. Wasn't she supposed to be the shy teacher within the school?
@Maria 127
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gilfrid was walking through the courtyard, taking a usual morning stroll in his natural beast form. Even after 12 years of being able to do so, the Barometz still marveled at his ability to move, to be able to go places where no others of his kind have ever gone before. The plant behind him followed his movements, the ground beneath and directly infront of it parting, only to close itself once more as the green object left the area. The barometz greets a bird that flew by him, the bird chirping back as it continued it's route towards the zombie that sat on a bench.

The figure made the Barometz pause for a moment. Strange, he was quite sure that none of the students have arrived yet by airship. Hana would have been bouncing around, shouting at the tip of her lungs if that was the case. So, how did this young looking undead get in here? Changing his course, the white sheep of Tartary interacted with the ressurected human. "Hello there, lovely morning, isn't it?" Gilfrid commented, giving the zombie a smile as well as a sheep could. "My name is Gilfrid. Gilfrid Greenhorn. Might I ask of yours?" he let the question hang in the air, waiting for the man's reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hael Ignis
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Hael Ignis Anor Bland

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yoru was on a branch of a tree in Astra, he was playing a flute as he was waiting for something. A katana rest's on his back and black wisp like things float around him as he played.
The music seemed more calming than dark as he was taught that balance is crucial.

"I wonder if i came out here early." he says as he stops playing the flute, the black energy fades into nothing and he lets out a sigh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Fredrick Malleus Entsetzen...a pleasure" The undead man said without even returning the smile,It was not like he was being rude he did like some company but he was in a strange sort of mind set right now.The bird on his finger flying away which fouled his mood a little bit more."Pretty birds...don't ya think?" He then asked the strange sitting beside him looking at his hands and the sitched on his arm of when he was sewed together by his creator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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Josephine Gale
I continue to stare at the spot where the floating ethereal thing had been all the while almost completely forgot the teachers presence. When the Kitsune ladies hand meets mine it jolts me back to reality in time to hear what she had to say.

I didn't hesitate this time, I held the Kitsune's hand in a firm grip and began to concentrate on feeding off her life force. As she does this she closed her eyes as her hunger was beginning to be sated. She quickly opens her eyes once more only this time they glow a light blue as she watches the Kitsune's life force deplete quite drastically. She moves her hand away from her's once more before saying.

" I can't take any more of this from you..." she says quickly as the blue in her eyes fades to give way to emerald green eyes that has a red boarder and red flecks in them. "If I take anymore I think I may end up hurting you.."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Arya and Jacob both smiled back at Ms. Juniper as they boarded the airship. "We'll try not to annoy ol' Heffy." Arya replied, remembering the stocky and scarred teacher. Jacob said nothing, seemingly immersed in his own thoughts as he levitated the luggage up the ramp and into the airship. Arya followed after him, her face gaining a concerned look. "What is bothering you Jacob?" She thought to herself. He had never been much of a social butterfly, but normally he'd at least greet the teacher with a hello.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Blight was truly a engineering marvel. The entire thing, even the objects within, were all made of a very sturdy steel alloy, painted into dark and sort of rusty colors to make it seem to be made of normal iron. Despite the large size of the airship from outside, it seemed even larger within, being able to fit at least 300 people within its 5 different passenger rooms. Being one of the first students to be picked up, only a few others were inside, one of them waving to the duo as they boarded. Ms. Juniper gestured to the multitude of cushioned seats inside, "Take which ever seat you'd like! If you ever need help with anything, you can call me or Hef-" The teacher was cut off by a tendril of a vile purple color nearly taking her head off, only surviving by instinctively ducking under the Void strike. The tendril had come from the cockpit, where a slightly annoyed looking Hephaestus sat in his chair.

"If you ever call me that ridiculous nickname infront of students ever again, you'll have a large hole in the side of your head", the pilot called back from the cockpit, his voice seeming as if it was commenting on the weather instead of threatening a fellow teacher with death. The bespectacled teacher paled, and turned to the two students shakily. "L-like I said, i-if you need me o-or Mr. S-sin, then j-ust ask...", the teacher stumbled to the cockpit, having saw her life flash before her eyes as the air above her head got obliterated just a few moments earlier. Reaching her seat, the black haired man next to her gained a smirk. "I knew you would dodge it." he remarked unhelpfully, bringing the airship to a higher height as he did so. As it reached the apex of its ascension, the Glyphs on the metal vehicle's wings glowed brightly, and sent the ship from 0 to Mach speed in seconds.


When Josephine took hold of the teacher's hands once more, the kitsune could FEEL a much quicker drain in her life force. Her own ruby eyes turn an ethereal blue, as they stare into the vampire's seeing her Soul converting into energy for the teen's use. Feeling her life reserves start to get dangerously low, she pulls away the same time the vampire does. The still ethereal eyed teacher smiled at the young girl, happy to see that the kit cared about her well-being. "Are you alright now, kit?" the vixen asked the green-eyed teen, wondering if the one feeding session was enough.
@Maria 127


"Pretty birds...don't ya think?"

Gilfrid couldn't help but agree with the undead's sentiment. Nature always fascinated the animal, even though he was a product of such a medium, himself. Rather, it was because he was a part of it that it intrigued him. Every day, Mother Nature always surprised him with it's creations, and as he looked upon his current companion, he saw another, no matter how offshoot the zombie was, product of nature.

One of the birds landed on one of the Barometz' vines, and the sheep of Tartary brought it towards Fredrick. "Yes, they quite are", Gilfrid replied, watching the rest of the brids fly away from the duo. Taking a moment to appreciate the sight, the Barometz turned to the man next to him and asked a very vital question, "Now, what has brought you to our lovely Academy?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Yeah they are i have always had a affectionate relationship with nature...not with science though" Fredrick said looking at the birds flying around him before landing on the arm rest of the bench."I came here to..get away form my past...i want to creature life and love them and treat them with respect and love" Fredrick answered the his question petting the bird with his finger before it left and flew away to a near by tree.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"This is where we bid farewell again brother. Take care." Ulrich's voice ringed through the almost empty room. It was their meeting room, a single velvet colored couch was pushed against the wall and a painting of the sunset rested above it. A table was placed in the middle of the room, near the couch, while five spare chairs were pushed against the side. Ulrich, Lillian and their brother, Caesar, were the only ones there. The two had their things packed up, there weren't much really, and they were only awaiting the arrival "The Blight" to their home before they depart for the Academy once more.

"Indeed it is. I wish the both of you good luck. I will watch over our parents while you guys are gone." Caesar promised and the two shared a laugh while Lillian only showed a ghost of a smile. They then shared a hug before the eldest waved his hand, bidding farewell to the two, before disappearing through the door.

"And there goes our brother." Lillian muttered before taking her things and then heading outside, to wait for "The Blight" to arrive. This was her third year into the Academy so he was quite used to seeing the battleship fly over their house. She didn't need to say anything to Ulrich as he, himself, was entering his second year so she didn't need to speak of any warnings. "And here comes another year in the Academy." She continued.

"Yeah." Ulrich said in response though he knew that his sister wasn't talking to him in particular, or anyone for that matter, but he just decided to do it. He was practically bouncing with excitement. Another year at the glorious academy itself. Oooh, he was so excited to see the teachers again. Especially Ms. Hana, the local prodigy! She was really nice and really hands on when it came to teaching so he learned a lot from her. Another year with her is something he doesn't mind himself. And the Headmaster too! The only elective teacher that he shared with his sister. He couldn't wait until he could swing his saber around again. With that thought, his hands went immediately to his saber that was sheathed at his side.

Well, more or less, both were actually quite happy to get back into the academy. Their house was boring except for the now rare occasions where they would play with each other with Caesar who was now learning more about taking over their father's place which meant politics, something the two doesn't want to learn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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Aragorn The Gentleman of Light

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jacob could feel his sister's worry for him, and cursed himself for it. "This is not the time for me to be stewing in a pit of my own despair. She's managed to move forward, so I should too!" He thought to himself as he looked at his sister, who was now currently chatting to the few other students who had been picked up before them. Not for the first time, he wished he could be as outgoing as Arya was, but he also knew it couldn't happen. So instead, he tried to focus on something else. He remembered how Mr. Sin had nearly sliced Ms. Hana's throat, just for calling him Heffy. He grimaced. He had hated the man as soon as he saw his aura last year, which he could still remember being dark and hateful. More, he didn't trust the teacher either, and wasn't entirely convinced he would put the lives of his students before his.
Arya on the other hand didn't seem overly concerned about it. She had seen the tendril nearly take the teacher's life and had experienced a brief flash of anger, before she shoved it down. She knew the man's power, and had seen what it could do to other beings, her brother being one of them. And she knew, as she was now, she didn't stand a chance against that power. So Arya didn't let it bother her overly much. She motioned to Jacob, saying "Brother! Come and join us you introvert!" Jacob got up, looking visibly less stressed than he did before, and moved to sit next to his sister. "I just came up with the greatest idea!" She announced to him, looking pleased with herself.
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