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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Bast Ragoczy

Arriving on the shrine-town, Bast couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow. Everything was related to their gods... Pink and red were the colors that dominated the city. Wherever he looked, he could find statues of cupids & etc.
For Bast, all that was a bit exaggerated, but when he looked at Eilidh and saw that she was enjoying the atmosphere, he couldn't help but to give a discreet smile.

"I guess I can tolerate it for a while..." he thought to himself smiling kindly.

Another thing that caught his attention was that there were mostly humans on the street, until now, he didn't see one monster. By the way the people welcomed both him and Eilidh with open arms, even her being a monster, Bast presumed that should have other monsters in the town, albeit it seemed that monsters were rare on those parts.

Ironically, as soon as he thought about that, a beautiful voice called them. It came from a dark skinned Gandharva, asking them if they were from the guild and if they knew Arletta.

Hearing a companion's name there was rather surprising, but Bast was more interested on what the gandharva said just after that.

"I do respect your decision, Miss Gina. I agree with Eilidh, it is a kind decision... To protect your friend, but if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by 'issues'?" Bast asked, curious.

"If there is something to do with violence in general...is understandable. This palce seems to be a very calm and pacific town. Bandits doesn't seem to be a rather common problem around here, am I right? Otherwise you wouldn't need help." Bast concluded, looking to Eilidh and Gina.

"We are here to help, Miss Gina. Don't hesitate in leaving everything for us if things get dangerous." Bast said, with a reassuring smile.

As Eilidh said she was also ready to go, Bast looked to her eyes, with a serious expression.
"Don't you worry. I'm here with you." He said with a reassuring nod.

"Shall we go then?" He said to both Eilidh and Gina.

@Silver Carrot


Freyr chuckled when he heard Haley's cheerful voice, saying that she would stay as well, before going to look at the new guild some more before coming to help Bast and Bartholomew.

As he accompanied Bartholomew outside to help him, he was surprised by Bart's concern about him. It wasn't hard to see that Freyr wasn't really himself that day, but even though, Bartholomew had absolutely no obligation to hear or help him, but Freyr was glad that he was showing such concern about him.

"No, no! It's nothing like that." Freyr said with a chuckle after Bart's joke about beating the poet.

"That poet from the request was indeed a bit... eccentric... But he said some things that made me think a lot of things..." Freyr said, with a thoughtful expression, helping Bart to place the post.

"There is a reason why Vieras are so rare. They rarely leave their forests. In fact, if a Viera leaves the forest it was born, this Viera will be exiled and won't be permitted to enter the forest ever again. That coupled with the fact that male and female Vieras live completely separated from each other, without even seeing each other except in very special or urgent occasions mean that the life of a male Viera is pretty lonely..." Freyr said.

"I won't lie... My decision to leave the forest wasn't an easy decision to make. But in the end, I felt like it was the only decision I could take at the moment. There was nothing to keep me on that forest. Somehow, I didn't feel like my place was there. There was no one that would really miss me if I left so... I did." He continued.

"I do not dislike the life I've been living until now... Travelling, seeing new things, learning new things, meeting new people..." He said, stopping for a second and looking to Bart.

"But everything changed when I met Haley." Freyr said, with a thoughtful expression.

"To be honest, I find it a bit hard to put it in words... I don't really understand what I'm feeling but..." Freyr said, with a troubled expression.

"I am happy near her. Her cheerful behavior, her happiness. I can't help but feel... satisfied by being near her." Freyr said, with a smile on his face.

"The problem is that I don't know anything about relationships or love... And I don't really want Haley to go... It might be a selfish thing to think but..." Freyr said, embarrassed.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Silver Carrot(RBC),@PaulHaynek

Magnus held no particular objection to keeping The Guild's name as just...The Guild. It might get confusing when people try and recommend it to other people for jobs, but still, it cemented them as being...kind of a big deal. They weren't just A guild, they were THE Guild. To him, that was worth more than all the cool warband names his father had told him of, in battles long since past.

Ending the day on a happy note, Magnus was excited, tomorrow he'd be searching for the flowers that Kyle needed for his flying machine, and likely manage to make his dream come true. Snuggling into the bed that barely fit his massive frame with his feet poking over the footboard, he buried his cheek in a pillow and fell into the arms of sleep, wondering where the new guild member and the moth woman Maria had been all day...had their quest really taken that long?

The morning sun's awakening was met with Magnus' maw letting loose a titanic yawn, before her rubbed his eyes free of sleep, stumbling to his feet and nearly goring the wall as he walked, head hung a bit. He felt tired for no particular reason...he'd felt a bit of pain after the fight with the wolves, but other than that he was fine. Albeit, he'd never thrown an axe so hard as to almost split a carriage in two before...

Regardless, the Minotaur began his journey downstairs, ate his breakfast, and did some quick looking at the jobs being posted. He'd little want to do much more than to search for Kyle's flowers, but if someone needed help, he'd be more than happy to-

"E-Emili...o?" Magnus questioned, looking at the job for "Must Saviors Die?" after Rebecca had already left...There was only one Emilio he knew. His mind raced with terrible thoughts of what could have happened to Emilio after he'd seen him, but then he remembered...he'd been traveling alone, and Varjan warhounds...they could track for miles. And one had lived.

Desperation in his eyes, Magnus felt wholly responsible. He hadn't escorted Emilio, and even if he asked him not to, if he had just...just...No. Now wasn't the time to mope around about this. Especially since from what he'd heard, Rebecca was on this quest alone until Bart's help arrived. Clenching his fist, Magnus took a deep breath before turning to Bart, pointing at the quest to save Emilio. "I'll do this one!" he said, before dashing upstairs to grab his axe, jumping from the second floor as he came back with it. Dashing after Rebecca, Magnus was far behind her, hoping that Emilio would be safe, and that Rebecca wouldn't do anything dangerous. For all he knew, the priest woman wasn't a skilled fighter. A woman of the cloth didn't seem the fighting fully armored soldiers type...but then, she had dealt with Varjans in her last quest.

None of that mattered however, as Magnus nearly vomited trudging through the swamp, fear in his eyes as he plowed his way through the decay and mud. Seeing corpses for the first time, he had to hold his hand over his mouth to not vomit violently. Death...death everywhere. In abundance, and indiscriminately...this was no swamp. It was a dumping ground. Finally having caught up with Rebecca, Magnus held in a yell as he saw the fire be ignited under Emilio...no, there was still time! Seeing Rebecca dash forward, Magnus felt a strange sense of bewilderment as she effortlessly danced forward to cut one down. Gritting his teeth, Magnus felt tears welling up inside, knowing what might have to be done here. Letting out a tremendous battle cry, half to intimidate, and half to pull his courage forth, the Minotaur's steps seemed to shake the earth in his own mind. Axe brandished in his right hand, and his left clenched so tightly into a fist that he was likely to tear skin from his palm he sprinted forward.

One Varjan was in the way, and as such would receive a backhanded shove from Magnus, that would send him flying into a nearby tree. With axe in hand, Magnus grit his teeth before lifting it over his shoulder, striking with a single, powerful blow at the base of the post, the fire itself following the wind of the blow, but still building and burning. Doing the best he could, Magnus would drag up the entire severed post with his free hand, yanking it with all the force he had, the veins in his neck clearly straining as he broke wood from wood, with Emilio still attached. huffing and panting, he held the post and Emilio under his arm, brandishing his axe, eyes straining to see from the heat of the smoke know billowing up. "Leave...now..." the massive man ordered...or rather, pleaded. Even if they were Varjans, these men had hearts too. Cold ones, maybe, but Magnus...didn't want to be what caused any intelligent thing's heart to stop, cold or not.


A dull pain throbbed in Nephele's head as they returned to the guild. That hand that she'd held, the life she'd protected...was it all merely ghosts from the past, or a cruel illusion played by a clever playwright? Nephele felt she might never know the truth, but felt a mixture of peace and resentment in her heart. The night had been far too long, and with her friend having fought off a dangerous armored ghost, she felt they deserved a rest at least as long.

Once they returned the guild, Nephele was quick to eat leftovers, before hearing the discussion Neil, Bart, and Maria had about resting. Now that she was certain that there was no obligation after all the work Maria and her had done just the day before, she couldn't help but smile, going over and giving Neil a hug, clearly happy to hear someone cared. "A bath sounds wonderful... she murmured, yawning before giving Neil a rather dangerous pat on the top of his head, her claws just a few inches from giving him either a bowlcut or a botched full lobotomy. Releasing him from the hug, the sleepy dragoness would head off to go draw herself a bath, feeling that she'd be out of commission for that day. Just before she would shut the door, she would call out: "I'll tell you all of what happened afterwards!" to Neil and Bart. She'd need some time to get her ghost story straight anyways, if she didn't just pass out in the tub.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Silver CarrotRBC @The Irish TreeMGS

Yang Bethelehem

In between Rebecca and Magnus entrance, another presence moved and weaved itself into the encampment as the horses turned their heads and slowly moved away as if beckoned by another.

The horses then neighed as three of them was loosed towards the group, confusing and befuddling the warriors as there was only one lone rider that lead two other horses. It rode past Magnus before they halted in their tracks.

"Get on! Hurry!" A feminine voice echoed loudly and in an accent unused to the language spoken.

Rebecca and Magnus saw the rider, a short blonde woman with blue eyes and dressed in a fashion of clothes that seemed foreign akin to those far eastern monks with one difference, the sleeves had been cut off to provide more movement for her arms.

"Cut him from his bonds!" She quickly pointed to Emilio as she dismounted from the horses and ran to Magnus side without pause, she quickly beckoned them to come as she had prepared an escape path for them to leave should they choose.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Must Saviors Die?
~@Silver Carrot (REB), @The Irish Tree (MAG), @Restalaan (YNG)~

The sudden attack threw the Varjans into disarray, allowing the rescuers to accomplish their deeds. "Ahh, I recognize you." The man named Emilio said as he looked upon Magnus. "You are Magnus correct? You have saved me twice now so I now owe you two lives. That is one more than I have, my friend." Despite the situation, Emilio appeared calm and cheerful as soon as he recognized Magnus.

However, despite Yang's best efforts to quickly leave the scene, the Varjan Warriors have regrouped and have begun to advance upon the small party. "They are trying to free the traitor! Get them!" One of the Warriors ordered. Unlike the others, this particular Varjan was larger and appeared to be in charge. It was likely that he was a Varjan Champion. Such warriors usually travelled in small teams so it was fortunate that this one appeared to be alone.

Still, they were not Varjan Champions for nothing so they should not be underestimated. The Varjan Champion charged along with his Warriors at the escaping party. There were about three Varjan Warriors each for Magnus, Rebecca and Yang. The Champion himself appeared to be going after Emilio himself so that his true mission would be complete no matter how this battle went.

The trio were now in battle. They need to be quick and smart about their actions in order to achieve a favorable outcome.

Faith, Hope And Love Abide
~@13org (BST), @Silver Carrot (ELD)~

"I do respect your decision, Miss Gina. I agree with Eilidh, it is a kind decision... To protect your friend, but if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by 'issues'? If there is something to do with violence in general...is understandable. This palce seems to be a very calm and pacific town. Bandits doesn't seem to be a rather common problem around here, am I right? Otherwise you wouldn't need help."
Bast Ragoczy

"I'm... afraid your assessment of this town is incorrect, dear sir." Gina replied as she led Bast and Eilidh. "I'm not sure if your friend Arletta mentioned this but Valerie is... not really alright." The Gandharva began to explain. "The constant attacks of bandits on this shrine-town have taken a toll on her and made her lose control more than once where she would murder in cold blood. Something not exactly accepted in the domain of Lady Eros." Gina continued. "You see, Varjo is a terrible place to live. The people there live as if each day is their last. Every day is a fight, both metaphorically and literally. So it's not surprising that some decide to flee once the opportunity rises. They're not allowed to but some do manage to escape the clutches of that dark land."

"So that leads to the present." Gina paused for a moment to sigh. "North of here is a fortress known as Ravager's Rest, once known as Railuc's Rest. That's where Varjan refugees hole up upon escaping Varjo. They can't go to Pravar, they're part of the Order and thus, an ally of Varjo. They can't go to Lymeria or Mahigan since those are 'monster' lands. And... they can't go here. We're technically still Order in their eyes and thus we can't be trusted. So they make that fortress their home and since they know nothing save for raiding, they target the shrine-town and isolated farms for supplies."

"But as followers of Eros, we've done our best to convert them to less destructive lifestyles." Gina then smiled. "And we've succeeded, you know? I've actually lived through two groups of refugees." Her demeanor then returned to gloom. "But I can't deny that there were casualties. And it is those casualties that drive Valerie mad with bloodlust. And as a friend, I cannot let her fall further."

"So there, do you have any more questions?" Asked Gina. "Also, the farmstead is pretty far from here. I don't doubt that Miss Centaur can keep up with my pace but what about Mister Gentleman over here?" She then gasped and had a smile on her face. "Oh, don't tell me. You two are actually together so you just let him ride on you. I see, I see..." The Gandharva jumped to a conclusion.

Laying The Foundations 2
~@13org (FYR)~

"The problem is that I don't know anything about relationships or love... And I don't really want Haley to go... It might be a selfish thing to think but..."

"Ohhh, you like her then! You totally like her!" Bart replied, a grin on his face. "I'm no expert on the field but this is a textbook example of you liking her!" He then broke into a laugh so loud it could probably be heard all the way to Valoras Woods. "I bet Haley would be happy to hear that! You should go tell her once she gets here." He suggested a potentially very bad idea.

"You are in love, my bunny-eared friend. Or at least infatuated." Bart continued. "Though, most if not all Sirens are kind of like that though. Cheerful, happy and outgoing but I admit, there's something special about Haley. I have a feeling she's not your average Siren. She seems more... I don't know, worldly? No, that's not it..." The guild master remarked as he continued.

"Well anyway, how do you wanna do it?" Bart shifted the topic. "Do you want me to leave so you could focus? Do you want me to help you out? Start the conversation or something?" He suggested plans to your supposed confession.

A Small Problem
~@Eviledd1984, @The Irish Tree (NEP)~

"A bath sounds wonderful...
Nephele Francine Megalos III

Neil was taken aback when Nephele hugged him. When she pulled away, Neil stopped her. "Nephele, I..." He started with a clear blush on his cheeks. However, he never continued and looked away. "It-It can wait. You guys have fun on your bath, okay?"

Maria and Nephele hit the guild's bathroom to relax after their long quest yesterday. The well-built bath by the Dwarves allowed the two monsters to revitalize and reinvigorate their bodies. It really made them relax. They would have fell asleep on the bath had their senses not alerted them to a presence in the bath besides themselves.

Looking around though, they found virtually no one else but each other. Until they saw, in the corner of their eyes, a scurrying little black thing. It was quick and was out of their sight as soon as it appeared, preventing identification. Fortunately, both Nephele and Maria knew that the little intruder, at the very least, hid behind the wooden bucket in the corner. They could surround it and catch it.

However, they do not know what it was. Could it be dangerous? Then extra force would be needed, no? Except this bathroom would be expensive to repair if things get too messy.

~@Zaphander (SHA & FEA), @Kyun~

“Forgive this imputent child’s attitude. She’s just spoiling for a fight. Do you have any quests where someone like her could be needed?”

"Oh, ah, well..." The boy was still a bit intimidated but he composed himself enough to give a straight answer. "Here's the request board so ah, just... just take a look." He said as he flipped the board to give Shatter and Feast a view of the available quests. "Ah, I think most of these involve... involve fighting so... so, she'll probably enjoy them?"

"Good morning to you all. Mister Neil, is that the request board on your hands? May I take a look?"
Ars Argento

"Oh, hi Ars. Yeah, here's the request board." Neil turned to also let Ars see the requests.

-----MAIN QUESTS-----

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Feast and Shatter looked through the board, but before Feast was done reading Shatter took one of the notices off the board and raised it up. It was the "Must Saviors Die?" request. She didn't really read through the entire time and just picked out the important worlds like "Army", "Death", and "Dangerous". She didn't even know it was a search and rescue mission and even if it was, surely they could search and rescue their target after dealing with everyone else. Feast read it over and figured it might be a good quest for Shatter, so long as someone could direct her in the right direction. Feast was getting a bit sleepy so she gave Shatter and hug and went back inside of her armor.

"I'll take this one! Where do I go?"

Shatter slammed the notice in front of Neils and looked directly into his eyes. His blue visor had ghostly lights coming from inside that would be blinding from such close range to his face.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 21 min ago

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree

Maria Falena

Maria quickly following behind Nephele making sure she was not left behind, As she made her way to the baths a bit happy that she could relax after what was a long and tiring day yesterday. Removing her dress and placing it some place safe form anyone stealing her clothing. Getting into the hot water enjoying how it felt on her body and her fluff, "This feels so...good.." She said softly to her dragon friend giggling softly.

Her body relaxing when she suddenly heard something, Looking around the bath wondering if their was someone else in the bath. "Did you..see that? What was...that?" She said seeing something scurrying passed them, Standing up form where she was not even bothering to cover her lewd body. Her wings slightly flapping, She wondered what it was she was seeing the hiding under the bucket. She what this creature was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

After listening to the lengthy account of their mission, Eilidh now had a better understanding of things. Still, the last sentence left her stunned for several seconds. By the time movement had come back to her, the Centaur was already red as a beetroot. This went well beyond flirting. Riding a Centaur was a taboo for all but the Centaur's life partner. After a mere half an hour of being ridden, a centaur female's hormone levels would be very irregular, leading to, heh, very aggressive and erratic behavior.

"N....nnnnnonononono!" Eilidh stammered loudly, flustered. "I have never been ridden in my life! Bast and I do not have that kind of relationship! I don't know how Bast will keep up but it will not be by that method!"


Rebecca's first course of action when backup arrived was to free Emilio by cutting his bonds, then snatching a sword from a down Varjan and sticking it in the ground at his feet. "This is the most aid I can give you right now," she spoke quickly, before turning to the crowd of Varjans approaching them, and stood besides her companions, both Magnus and this strange woman who appeared to be aiding them. They would be stronger fighting together than apart. When the soldiers came into thrust range, Rebecca darted forwards and kept low, trusting Magnus to use his strength to keep them at bay, while she focused on killing them. A poor Order Priestess she would have made if she was squeamish about taking the lives of sinners.

Her estoc's point sailed toward her adversary's heart, every motion of both blade and wielder filled with grace.

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Restalaan
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ars Argento

Ars looked at the request board. Apparently the armor man/woman (thing?) was also here to take a request. A new member? Or perhaps an older one? Either way, they seemed confident, cause they took the most dangerous looking quest. "This one, maybe..." Ars muttered nearly inaudibly in the meantime, before making his decision and speaking up. "Is it fine if I take the Keeping the Peace request then? I believe no one else is assigned to it." That one looked simple enough, something even a newbie like him should be able to do.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Yang Bethelehem

Yang looked at the numbers that they had and compared to theirs, she scrunched her face, took a long deep breathe and swung her arms to the sides that the prayer beads around her wrist came forward. With one motion and barely any unnecessary moves, she slipped the prayer beads around her knuckles and a foot slammed the ground into a stance.

"Emilio! Get behind me!" She quickly said and guarded Emilio even as she saw Rebecca moved into action, she took the opportunity to scout and saw one of the heavily armored knight went for a beeline for Emilio.

"Big guy, take care of that big one!" Yang said to Magnus as shemoved forward and guarded the sides from the oncoming soldier.

One blow from a sword came and she raised her fist against it, as foolish it looked to the varjan warrior, the sword was then met with sparks when it connected to her prayer beads. The moment it did, the varjan warrior felt his sword moved away from her almost effortlessly. Like his arms was being guided smoothly.

That was the last thing he felt before her fist connected straight to the front of his helmet, creating a loud echoing ring like a bell before the Varjan warrior body was lifted and tossed back right into his comrades. Furthering scattering them apart.

"Come on, or are all of you warriors so weak you can't even take two girls at the same time?!" She taunted them and she joined to the sides of Rebecca. Hopefully they're more focused on them rather than Emiliio.

@Silver Carrot@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Silver Carrot(RBC),@PaulHaynek

Magnus gulped as he saw the opposition that faced them...That big one especially. He'd heard tale of legendary Varjan soldiers that stood a cut above the rest; Champions, they were called. That black armor spoke of trouble, but now with this new arrival they were-

Wait, big guy...that meant him. Big one...that meant...him. His jaw dropping for a moment as he realize the implications of having to fight a true veteran Varjan champion in single combat had Magnus feel a bit weak in the knees, but a moment's glance towards Emilio had his gut in knots. He was so bloodied...how long had he endured them? Taking a few deep breaths, Magnus clenched his axe in his hands and grit his teeth, before bolting forward, slamming his axe down on the Varjan champion before him. It was a blow that would even break through armor and yet...Magnus felt his axe clash against the flat of the champion's blade. Gritting his teeth, the Minotaur refused to lose this clash; Emilio was counting on them! Even if all he could do was by time while the others fought off the other soldiers, Magnus' axe wouldn't be resting anytime soon. He didn't want to kill him...but he didn't want Emilio to die either.

Letting forth a tremendous roar, Magnus started physically pushing the Champion back, keeping their weapons locked as he approached the fire. "YOU WON'T...HURT HIM ANYMORE!" he bellowed, his strength starting to become too much for the Champion to handle. Unless he changed tactics soon, he'd be roasting in his plate.


A content sigh escaped Nephele's lips as she basked in the warmth of the bath, the dragoness clearly pleased at the opportunity to soak in some warm water. She couldn't help but hide her contentment; Unlike a regular Dragon, Cave Dragons lacked an internal heat source to spit fire, which made being cold blooded kind of a nightmare in the winter. But it also made baths the absolute best. She was lucky that Maria had done her job when she did, otherwise Nephele would have been stuck waiting without a bath, as the natural spring within her cave had started to dry up.

Having hung her dress on a nearby hook, she delighted in getting the chance to wash her scales clean after a night of running through a dilapidated mansion. Humming softly as she washed her hair clean as well, her ears perked up as she felt the pitter patter of something small against the stone flooring...

Rising from the bathwater, Nephele stalked the bathroom silently, eyes glowing a bit as the room became filled with fog from her breath, congealing into two very convenient bust and waist level strips for her and Maria as she glowered at the bucket. "Maria. Stand back. she said, before crouching before the bucket, a slight purple haze starting to emanate from the corners of her mouth. "If you understand me, then I'll make this clear: You have until 10 to come out. I'll be merciful." she said, her eyes telling a far different story. She'd seen male monsters now, so if this was some pervert male fairy trying to sneak a peak, then they'd be in for it...or if it was a cockroach, then she'd simply paralyze it and kill it quickly. Preferably out of Maria's sight, since she didn't know if she'd freak out over a fellow insect being slain. "10..." She started, tiny gouts of purple fog puffing out with each syllable. Whatever it was, if it was sentient, it was either going to have to come out on its own, or be dragged out while paralyzed.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Bast Ragoczy

Bast heard quietly as Gina explained about Valerie and the situation in general. As Gina mentioned the reason why Valerie was a bit... different from the others, Bast simply nodded. He could understand what violence could do to a person, but as Gina continued, he couldn't help but show a bit of disappointment on his voice when she referred to the city as the domains of 'Lady Eros'.
It was simply unthinkable to want to keep a town completely safe and without violence without having a military force of some sorts to protect the place. For him, that thought was too naïve and gullible. Especially with their city being close to the infamous Varjo.

"Miss Gina... I do understand and respect your wish to have a peaceful and tranquil lifestyle, but I would heavily recommend you guys to have a trained military force of some sorts to keep the town peaceful. As you said yourself, Varjo is not a... good place to live. There are some people in this world that do not care about innocent lives, or anything at all. If you expect these people to not attack you, do as they please and change their lifestyles, I'm afraid to say that you will be severely mistaken..." Bast said, with a serious expression.

"I'm not saying that you should start being violent and militarized. But I'm saying that you should prepare yourselves if something bad happens..." Bast said, with a grim expression.

"I'm sorry for speaking such grim and dark things, but I would hate to see this city in ruins. Even though the architecture and colors aren't exactly my style." Bast said, with a chuckle and a smile.

"Regarding Valerie... Just be patient and do not give up. The human mind is a very complex thing, and when wounded, it takes a lot of time and effort to be healed." Bast concluded.

When Gina started speaking about the farmstead and how would they keep up with her, she surprised Bast with her next words.

"Oh, don't tell me. You two are actually together so you just let him ride on you. I see, I see..." Gina said, making Eilidh incredibly embarrassed, as she struggled to explain the situation to Gina.

Bast couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh after seeing Eilidh's reaction. He knew exactly what it meant for a human to mount a centaur. While he could tease her a bit more about that, she was already embarrassed enough.

"Don't worry, Eilidh, Gina. That won't be a problem." Bast said, making a single card appear between his fingers after a flourished hand movement. With a swift movement, he threw the card in front of him, making it levitate a few centimeters from the ground. With a slight tap of his cane on top of that card, it started multiplying itself, turning into a carpet of cards, on which he proceeded to stand on top of it.

"While it is incredibly adorable to see you flustered, Miss Eilidh, I won't be mean this time. Don't worry." He said again, with a chuckle. He understood what that meant to a centaur, and it was definitely not something a gentleman would joke about.

"Miss Gina, for centaurs, the act of a human mounting a centaur is a very... delicate thing. It is only done by it's life partner. You can almost see it as something akin to be married to someone or even to the act of consummating the marriage. Even suggesting someone else doing that is rather rude, and it could even be seen as offensive by some centaurs." Bast said, explaining the situation to Gina.

@Silver Carrot@PaulHaynek


The second Bart said that Freyr liked Haley, Freyr almost jumped out of embarrassment. Deep down inside, Freyr knew that he enjoyed a bit too much staying around Haley, and it could be something more than just enjoying her company, but he had never loved anyone before and was incredibly inexperienced on that matter. To make things worse and make Freyr even more embarrassed, Bart's loud laughter and the expression on his face would definitely draw a lot of attention.

"Please!! Not so loud." Freyr said, almost whispering, looking to the ground.

"I... Don't know how to even say that... I don't know how to even show her how i feel..." Freyr said, almost whispering.

"And... I don't know if she feels the same as I do. Even if we continue being nothing but just friends, I'm ok just by being able to see her smile." Freyr continued, his troubled expression gone, replaced by a warm smile.

"I just..." Freyr tried to say, without success. A mix of emotions ran trough his mind at that moment, and it wasn't hard to see that on his face. Freyr didn't want to maybe hurt Haley's feelings or potentially ruining their friendship. He wished he was a bit more experienced about love to tell her how he felt, he wished he could put his feelings in words but it was hard to him.

"Just... Don't tell her about it... please. I said too much already... I don't want to ruin our friendship." Freyr said, looking down and continuing putting the fences in silence.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Must Saviors Die?
~@Silver Carrot (REB), @The Irish Tree (MAG), @Restalaan (YNG)~

Magnus Eissenhoeff

The Varjan Champion did not reply with words but with a manuever. He moved to the side and let Magnus' axe triumph over his sword. Since Magnus was pushing hard, the male Minotaur almost tasted the flaming inferno that was originally meant for Emilio. Fortunately, Magnus was able to recover just in time to stop himself.

However, this opened the Minotaur to having a sharp blade placed right beside his neck, courtesy of the Varjan Champion. "You are mighty, warrior. I shall give you that." The Champion ordered you. "Drop your weapon and do not move. Lest your friends witness a gruesome fountain of blood spouting from your neck."

Meanwhile, Yang and Rebecca successfully fended off the Varjan Warriors coming towards them. They charged in madly and without organization, taunted by Yang's words, and allowing the two women to dispatch them with little effort. Little did they know, their mighty friend had been compromised.

"You two!" The Varjan Champion called out to Rebecca and Yang, intending to show them that he had Magnus in his mercy. "Surrender at once or else your friend here shall taste my blade!" The Champion yelled his demands. "Drop your weapons and surrender!"

"Naku. Masamang pangitain ito."

~@Zaphander (SHA & FEA)~

"I'll take this one! Where do I go?"

"Ah, ah, in... in Udor Swamp. The others have probably reached it by now but... but I doubt they're done with the request. From the look of it, I-I think they're going to need all the help they can get." Neil answered, still intimidated. "G-Good luck..."

And so the two of you were off to Udor Swamp to meet up with the other guild members and rescue this Emilio Hari. The trip was uneventful, just a peaceful stroll across the countryside and to Udor Swamp where things were a little different.

The swamp had a stench of death and decay. The entire wetland felt wrong, as if there was a mortal sin that was committed here or the place was fully saturated with malice and evil. The swamp's proximity to Varjo could probably explain all that. Nevertheless, you trudged forward into the dark, quiet swamp. Once you were far enough in, you begin spotting bones. Human bones, scattered throughout the environment. The further you went in, the more bones you saw. Some were old, some were fresh, some were complete and some were missing parts. The two of you realize that this place was more a grave than a swamp.

The two of you then hear sounds of fighting. Following it, you two are then greeted by a scene where four very different individuals were fighting about thirteen heavily-armored warriors. You recognize them as Varjan Warriors, humans with great combat prowess but lacked virtues in or out of the battlefield.

The four individuals were probably the ones from the guild and thus your allies. However, one of them have been taken hostage by one of the Varjans. None of the parties have noticed you yet, giving you the element of surprise.

Faith, Hope And Love Abide
~@13org (BST), @Silver Carrot (ELD)~

"I'm sorry for speaking such grim and dark things, but I would hate to see this city in ruins. Even though the architecture and colors aren't exactly my style."
Bast Ragoczy

"We're the followers of Eros, sir. We don't do military." Gina replied. "And for your information, we have changed their lifestyles. Like I said, this isn't the first instance refugees from Varjo holed up in Ravager's Rest and attacked us. And so far, our more peaceful efforts have yet to fail."

"Regarding Valerie... Just be patient and do not give up. The human mind is a very complex thing, and when wounded, it takes a lot of time and effort to be healed."
Bast Ragoczy

"Well... she's actually a Valkyrie but... yeah, I know."

"Miss Gina, for centaurs, the act of a human mounting a centaur is a very... delicate thing. It is only done by it's life partner. You can almost see it as something akin to be married to someone or even to the act of consummating the marriage. Even suggesting someone else doing that is rather rude, and it could even be seen as offensive by some centaurs."
Bast Ragoczy

Gina sighed. "I knew all of that. Why did you think I concluded that you two were together?" She explained. "Well whatever, looks like we're all able to make it to the farm in a short time. Let's not tarry then!"


The trio soon reach the isolated farm. The barns and house were ransacked and there were a group of brutish men walking around, checking the loot that they have gathered. It appeared they have settled quite well in this captured farmland. However, the trio's entrance was not exactly inconspicuous and they immediately went to grab their arms as soon as they saw them coming.

The Brigands have immediately formed a battle line facing the newcomers. "Wait! We don't wish to fight! We just came here to talk." Gina quickly put up her wings, trying to assure the warriors. "I just wanted to say that you don't have to do this. We have food and shelter in the shrine. You don't have to pillage anymore." The warriors appeared to relax as they listened to Gina's words. "This land isn't Varjo anymore. You've escaped right? You don't have to fight anymore."

"LIAR!" A male, opposing voice bellowed. The person in question was a figure draped in heavy armor and a unique helmet, holding an arcane staff in his hands. "She is a monster! And monsters lie, my brothers! They always lie! The only thing they are interested in is feasting on our flesh!" He loudly proclaimed. "We must defend ourselves!"

And with that declaration, the brigands charged forth with their weapons held aloft. Gina made one powerful flap of her wings which blew back the attackers but they were quickly recovering. It was then that the Gandharva readied her guitar. "I have a calming song that'll knock these people out but I have to prepare it for a few moments. Hold them off for a while, okay?"

Gina began focusing and about five Brigands began charging again with Bast and Eilidh in between. Battle was upon the farmstead.

Keeping The Peace

"Is it fine if I take the Keeping the Peace request then? I believe no one else is assigned to it."
Ars Argento

"Alright, dude. Good luck." Neil bade you farewell.

You set out on your own, back to your hometown Boreal Port. Reaching it by midday, the familiar smell of seawater ran through your nose. The poster of the request was a Riñas Chavez. You knew she was a Dark Priest who moved in Boreal Port to help restore the port town but you and her never really knew each other. Perhaps that would change this day.

Approaching the church where Riñas was staying, you find her sweeping the outside of the holy abode. "Oh, hello there. May I help you?" She noticed you first and greeted you. "Hey, aren't you that boy that Mister Lucian took under?" She recognized you. "A-A... Ars, right?

Laying The Foundations 2
~@13org (FYR)~

"Just... Don't tell her about it... please. I said too much already... I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"...Well, if that's what you want." Bart replied. "Although, being a monster she's bound to notice eventually. I don't think you'd want to be caught off-guard by her." He added an advice.

"Hey, you two!" A familiar voice called out. Haley approached waving a wing along with Talia the Cyclops. "Told you guys I'll be here. Oh and Talia here wanted to help out too. Construction seems to be her forte after all." Haley said. "Although, isn't smithing the Cyclopes' forte?" She turned to the Cyclops with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, that is true. However, I'd like to expand my abilities." Talia replied.

"Ah, I see." Haley then turned back to you. "Well, it's time to get work. How can we help?" She asked, still with her cheery tone.

Bart flashed you a sly grin. "Well, Talia. You got knowledge on construction, right? Well I want some advice on something. Here, follow me." Bart motioned to the Cyclops to follow him. "As for the two of you..." He meant you and Haley. "Just continue putting down the fences, alright?"

And so, Bart and Talia left you and Haley alone. "Well, looks like it's just the two of us." Haley told you. "Say, I saw you two talking earlier and I have a feeling it's something interesting. Mind sharing it?"

A Small Problem
~@Eviledd1984, @The Irish Tree (NEP)~

Nephele has reached the number six before the tiny intruder made its move. It quickly bolted out of its hiding place and scurried through between Nephele's legs. It was fast, too fast for the Cave Dragon to react. Nephele could only watch as the small creature reached Maria. At the very least, Nephele was correct in her guess in that the creature was a mere cockroach. A fast one at that.

After the insect reached Maria, it quickly crawled atop her foot and climbed up her leg. The mischievous bug continued to harass the poor Maria, crawling across her body and not letting itself be caught. It was quick and fast, evading any attempt by the two monsters to catch it with their hands. It would also sometimes disappear into Maria's hair.

Nephele and Maria must use a trick up their sleeves to deal with this small problem.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree

Maria Falena

Maria yelped cutely when she felt the cockroach crawling up her leg, She could feel it moving around across her stomach and chest. Using just two of her fingers to try and caught the roach, She did not want to crush and kill the insect and actually thought she could capture it and keep it as a pet.

She was trying carefully to grab the roach by sides and not trying to squeeze it's guts out, "Please stop Mr.Cockaroach..." She said softly feeling it moving around in her hair and fluff. "Should..we..perhaps using some sort of wind magic..to blow the creature into..a bucket or..a container to..capture him" She suggested trying to frantically get the insect.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Hah! Finally! Let’s go Feast!”

The journey to the location written in the quest was utterly boring, but the pay off was worth it in the end. A dozen mighty looking warriors facing off against a ragtag group who Shatter assumed was the other guild members. Feast sleepily roused from her slumber as Shatter was looking for a high location to observe the fighting.

When she had the vantage point, Shatter took out her great crimson blade. Rising it into the air the blade cracked before exploding into more than four dozen shards. But instead of falling to the ground these shards rose up into the air and transformed into sleek, blood red swords. They looked like thinner, smaller versions of Shatter’s normal sword. Then with no warning or mercy her blades rained down upon the backs and heads of the Varjan Warriors. And though it wasn’t really Shatter’s intention, Magnus was mostly safe from the rain if swords thanks to the champion’s body unwittingly shielding him.

But Shatter wasn’t just going to let her swords have all the fun. She charged right in, grasping two shard swords and swung towards any warrior who came within reach. Even as the blades pierced and slashed their bodies, they would not bleed nor would they feel pain, but that didn’t mean her attacks did nothing. From their wounds their very energies were being drained and their bodies would become sluggish yet satisfied, almost as if they truly did just gone through an epic and exhilarating battle. At the same time Feast, though she was still only half awake, was feeding off their energies leaking from their wounds. This energy she used to keep Shatter healthy and strong. And as long as Shatter kept fighting and cutting down her foes Feast can absorb this energy and give it to her dear friend.

“Ah ha ha ha ha! More! Give me more!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Varjan renegades were typical Varjans, and just hearing their slander was starting to get her angry again, but she knew that nobody had to die today. This was it. This as the test she'd take this quest for. If she could hold them off without taking a life, no matter what they say, no matter how they provoke her, then she'll have proved them wrong. If she so much as took one life today when she didn't have to, they'd be right, and she'd be no better than the lying, bloodthirsty monster they thought she was.

She spared a glance at Bast as she drew her sword, catching his eye and communicating that this was wear he'd need to hold up to his promise, though she needed his intervention to stop before she took a life, that too would be a failure in her eyes. No, her best weapon in this fight was to prove her foes wrong.

She blocked the swings of her attackers as about three started to fight her at once, and while it was easier to defend when you weren't attacking, the number attacking you would usually decrease. With three people attacking her at once, Eilidh was being driven back, and every so often an enemy's blade would cut into her horse flesh, causing her to wince.

Damn. Peace was hard!


Rebecca didn't even need to think about the best course of action. The moment she saw Magnus held hostage, she dropped her weapon and raised her hands. Besides, without Magnus, they didn't much of a chance fighting their way out, and Yang was seemingly fine without weapons. This was logically the best course of action. She needed to buy time to think.

"All right. I have surrendered. Now let him go."

As she was talking, she looked right at Magnus. Fire and desperation were in the maiden's eyes. She was willing the timid Minotaur to fight back! He was strong. He could break out of his captor's clutches. He had to, or they'd all be put to death!

At that moment,swords flew over her head and into several of the soldiers around her. Rebacca swiftly scooped her sword back up and turned on the nearest living Varjan, aiming her sword at his heart as it dated forward like a striking serpent.

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Restalaan@Zaphander
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Yang Bethelehem

Yang smiled even as she dispatched the Varjan warriors too taken by her taunts, charging right into their zone of defence. Despite that, a loud command by their champion interrupted them.

She turned towards Magnus and frowned when she saw the blade at his neck, her eyes turned to her companion who had tossed her weapon aside.

"What a bother." Yang unrolled her prayers beads, slackened them back to normal length and tossed them to the floor. She stretched her neck to sides and relaxed herself. "Sorry, my bad for assigning you to him."

Come to think of it, she was more suited for handling tough opponents in a one on one scenario rather than the big buy who can keep people away. Her master was indeed correct even as she was tinged in regret, she realized that she still had a lot more to learn.

Even as she struggled to figure a way to get out the situation, some swords flew down and interrupted her thoughts as it hit the warriors and champion.

She didn't hesitate as she saw an opening, her foot slid on her prayer beads that she had tossed down and flung it with her feet towards the champion sword. It wouldn't knock the sword from his hand but it was enough to get the sword away from Magnus neck for a moment enough that can move away from it.

In tandem, she moved towards the remnants of the Varjan warriors and resumed her assault with her bare hands. She feinted going high before her leg swept low, send one of the varjan in the air before she fell on top of him with a brutal axe kick to his helmet.

The ground cushioned his fall but the kick was more than sufficient to knock him down for good.

How many more? She looked towards the situation.

@Silver Carrot@Zaphander@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kyun
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ars Argento

Once more, Ars took the road that connected his home town of Boreal Port to the Guild. He had never taken it before, never ventured off the town limits, but the road was already starting to feel familiar. Maybe today would bring about an actual adventure, even if this one too was in his hometown.

Reaching the town, it didn't take long to find the church where he believed he would meet this Miss Chavez. He was immediatelly greeted by a woman seemed to be in the middle of sweeping the place. "Ah, y-yes, I'm Ars. I'm Lucian's... I mean, Master Lucian has taught me..." He was caught off guard by her apparently knowing who he was, but managed to quickly enough switch back to business as usual mode. "Would you happen to be Miss Riñas Chavez? I'm with the Guild to fullfill a request..."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Restalaan,@Zaphander,@Silver Carrot(RBC),@PaulHaynek

It took maybe a second before Magnus realized what had just happened...he'd been completely beaten without his opponent even striking him. He felt a wetness in his eyes, though his tears found themselves hard pressed to leave his eyes at the heat of the fire before his feet. Warm air pushed at his front, and cold steel pressed against his neck. Dropping his neck, as well as his gaze, Magnus felt pathetic. He'd really expected a plan like that to work...as if pushing with all his might was enough to solve anything. No, skill beat brawn almost all the time, so his loss felt more inevitable. Now however, his companions were in trouble.

Biting his lip, he hesitantly turned his head to see Rebecca drop her weapon. When his eyes met her's, he felt his spine straighten a bit, the gaze she offered offering a single word: Fight.

Grimacing, Magnus knew that she was right...and as if it were a sign that today was not his day to die, the mysterious stranger launched her prayer beads just as a bunch of metallic shards began raining from the sky, and, taking his chance, Magnus stooped low, right hand clenched into a fist. He didn't have time to go for his axe now; Rather than his axe, the Champion would soon find a fist imprinted on the side of his helmet as Magnus twisted his body, offering a powerful blow to the side of his head with every pound of his weight put behind it. Even if he didn't send the Champion flying, he'd have to contend with Magnus armed once more, this time clearly more in a fighting mood.

Saying nothing, the Minotaur slowly advanced, this time not foolishly rushing in. If he could just hold him off, then the others could take out the other warriors easy enough. Especially with the new arrival. "I-I can do this! I can!" he thought, reassuring himself that it was possible, remembering how his father taught him how to fight.


Maria would notice that Nephele had already climbed up on the wall, claws embedded into the stonework to hang on. "...T-That may work..." she said, apparently absolutely terrified of the cockroach. "I could paralyze it, but...you might be affected." she added, shuddering each time it poked out of Maria's hair. "Why do you want to keep it though? I-I mean...Bart certainly wouldn't want it to breed...and your roommate may hate roaches."

...If one didn't know better, they may think that Nephele herself was afraid of the little black bug. Either way, she felt that getting anywhere near the roach was undesirable, and also couldn't use magic save for her breath weapon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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@The Irish Tree@PaulHaynek

Maria Falena

"Well it is a Insectum like myself..so i cannot kill my own kin, I want to keep him safe form others who may harm him.." Maria said still in the mindset of being in her forest, She was the protector of her forest and the inhabitants there. The mothwoman was quickly moving to get a bucket to try and capture the roach, Maria was thinking perhaps if she could use magic she could get it inside the bucket. However the whole being paralyzed thing didn't sound like fun.

"Will it hurt if you use...your mist on me?" She asked the dragoness, She looked a bit scared but was wanting to capture and not kill her less then intellectual cousin. Not knowing that the dragoness was quite afraid of the insect, She would keep him safe in a cage form her roomate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Bast Ragoczy

"I suppose I should have expected an answer like that from people that call themselves 'Flowers of Eros'..." Bast thought to himself with a chuckle after he heard Gina's answer to what Bast had said previously about mounting Eilidh. Even though... It was adorable to see Eilidh flustered like that...

Finally getting to the Isolated farm, they were greeted with a group of brutish men checking the loot they gathered from their pillaging. Barbarians, at best. It was apparent that they were no strangers to violence. As much as Bast would like to try to talk with them and see if he could throw themselves against each other, he choose to let Gina do the talking. After all, he wanted to see with his own eyes how she would 'change their lifestyles'...

Gina's words surely were tranquilizing and calm. Her demeanor was calm and tranquil, trying her best to assure the warriors that she meant no harm. At first sight, it appeared to be somewhat effective, but all her efforts went to waste when their leader appeared, cladded in heavy armor and with a staff on his hand. With a loud and bellowing cry, he accused not only Gina, but all the other monsters of wanting only to feast on their flesh, encouraging his followers to attack them.

"I have a calming song that'll knock these people out but I have to prepare it for a few moments. Hold them off for a while, okay?" Bast heard Gina saying reading her guitar and pushing back the brigands with a flap of her wings.

"Miss Gina, there is no speaking with those kind. Blinded by their own warped ideas and twisted view of the world, talking to them is a fruitless task" Bast said, unsheathing his sword cane with a flourished movement.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Bast exclaimed, sheathing his sword cane again.
"I suppose you want us to refrain from hurting them as well, yes? For brutes with no finesse, a cane is more than enough, taking out my rapier is unnecessary." Bast said with a smirk, holding his sheathed cane sword the same way he would wield the rapier underneath it.

As he turned his head to look at Eilidh, he saw her looking at him just as she drew her sword. She wanted him to do as he promised. It was clear that she trusted him, and as a gentleman, Bast wouldn't betray her trust.

Nodding back at Eilidh with a confident expression, he turned his face again to the aggressors, that were already approaching both him and Eilidh. Three brigands immediately charged Eilidh, attacking her on a flurry of strikes. Although Eilidh was doing her best to defend herself, it was hard for a single person, it doesn't matter how well trained one is, it is hard to defend against three enemies at the same time.

Maybe it was because she was a centaur, a race that was famous for their warriors, or maybe it was due to Bast being a figure that it would be much more fitting to be in a mansion, a theatre or amongst the high society that they dismissed him as just a noble that didn't know how to fight. And as such, they sent just one warrior to him. It wouldn't be the first time that his enemies made that mistake... As much as he would like to show to that single brigand how big of a mistake that was, Eilidh was being pushed back and was in trouble. Bit by bit, their bladed found their way into Eilidh's flesh, making her wince and pushing her back even further...

"I don't have time to play." Bast said, looking to the brigand that was approaching him.

In the blink of an eye, Bast was already in a combat posture and in a swift and agile lunge, hitting the brigand's stomach with the end of his cane. Although his cane rapier was sheathed, the impact alone would be enough to disorientate him for a while. Using the same momentum from his lunge, he threw a card towards Eilidh. As soon as the card got near her, it started floating just in front of her, sending a strong cone of wind in front of her afterwards. Strong enough to push the other brigands back, giving Eilidh a bit of time to breathe.

"When will they learn to not judge others solely by their appearance..." Bast said, sighing heavily.

"Miss Gina... If you really want us to not hurt or kill them, you should hurry... As a gentleman, I can't stay idle as those savages hurt a lady." Bast said, going near Eilidh and staying near her, so it would be easier for them to defend themselves against the brigands' superior numbers. This time, they wouldn't underestimate him again... It would be considerably harder to do anything without hurting them.

@Silver Carrot @PaulHaynek


Freyr was still silent when Bartholomew replied to what he said before. In part, it was because Freyr had no reply to Bart's advice. All that situation had already caught him off guard. Haley surely enough should be a bit more experienced in those matters. What could Freyr even expect of her? Why he had to be on guard if she discovered his feelings?

"This whole situation is new for me. I don't know how I should act, or even prepare myself." Freyr said, confused after some time. But before he could say anything more, a familiar, melodic voice interrupted them.

"Hey, you two!" Haley said, waving her wing towards Bart and Freyr, together with Talia, saying that the cyclops wanted to help as well.

Immediately remembering Bart's words and all the conversation they had, Freyr looked down, red with embarrassment as he continued putting down the fences. Before Freyr could have any other reaction, Bart showed to be faster than him, as he was quick to call Talia and ask for her help on... something... Leaving Haley and the red, embarrassed Freyr alone.

"Well, looks like it's just the two of us." Haley said, before asking about what him and Bart were talking about, saying that she had a feeling that it was something interesting.

While her words were not helpful at all to Freyr's current situation, only making him even more conscious about her presence, he appreciated her company.
Was it really ok to hide his feelings like that? Just as Bartholomew said before, Haley would surely figure it out... Should he try to be honest with her and tell her his feelings? But again... That could potentially ruin their friendship...

Lost in his own thoughts and without realizing he was speaking out loud, Freyr said in a low tone, albeit loud enough for Haley to hear.
"We were talking about... you and.... me"
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