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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Victor Bonheur

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: (Inside Quarantine: W) Conference Room
Skills: General Perception

When he spotted Ash finding a quiet spot, Victor looked back to the screen and enjoyed watching the remainder of the video, even if it was in a bittersweet way. He may not have known Thana or Gavin very well, but he had known their faces and to see them on media, in the world that was? It was something he could not help but feeling happy and sad over in equal measure. When Tati began to assault everyone's ears with the sound of shuffling the bookcase across the floor Victor turned and got himself up off of his knees. Bending over to dust them off a bit, he smiled as he watched his Little Bird protecting her family in whatever crazy, little way that she could. He felt a swelling of pride for Tatiana just then, she had grown so much and learned so much. It filled him with much warmth.

Once she was done and everything had settled, Tati's feet poked out at the edge of the bookcase. Victor chuckled quietly to himself before making his way across to the bookshelf in question and he began searching through the books on hand. He made a point to make no noise and quickly looked so as to give them the privacy that they needed right then. He spotted the Dr Seuss collection that was available and he beamed brightly, he'd always loved reading those to his children. He then spied a glint of faded gold on a few book spines and realised that these were the Golden books that were so popular in America. Victor had never taken time to read them as they were children's books, preferring to read Dr Seuss to his children when they were young, but Astrid had kept some in the infirmary for their younger patients back in Newnan.

Perhaps now was the time to read them, since he was unable to lose himself in a world, he could help another enjoy what he could not. Picking up "The Pokey Little Pup" Victor made his way over to where Jack was holding Jamie and gave him a smile. "Well, while Mama and Uncle are busy, shall we entertain Monsieur Jamie?" Victor flipped open the book to the first page and raised an eyebrow. "Five little puppies dug a hole under the fence and went for a walk in the wide, wide world... Puppies are afforded something we are not. Did not imagine when I awoke this morning zat I would be jealous of an illustrated litter of puppies!" He let out a laugh and looked back up to Jack. "If you would rather read the book to your son I understand, I am not entirely sure 'e will properly understand my accent." It had been a long time since Victor had taken care of young children in anything other than a medical manner. He was never the best with children in general, except his own. He felt nothing but love for Jamie and would do anything and everything to protect him but he was abnormally aware of how the child wanted little to do with him.

Of course, Victor did not fault the child for that, this world was strange enough as it is and Victor may have birthed him into this world, but Jamie had never known him and even if he had he'd never have remembered him. He knew Tati was very particular with who could and could not hold him and he understood it. Truth be told, he did not trust himself to hold the child for fear of hurting him or dropping him. But he could read to him, if his parents would allow it. Anything to help occupy everyone's time, he'd be willing to try. He glanced over to the people gathering to play cards and he knew he couldn't join them. It reminded him too much of time spent with Ash and James during the occasional night of entertainment. It also reminded him of Richard and that was a path that he still hadn't travelled down, nor did he plan to do so. Back to the matter at hand, Victor checked that none of the pages were stuck together from misuse but it appeared to be well taken care of. Perhaps he'd eventually find one for himself to read. Maybe. His thoughts then shifted to that of another book he held dear, that of his flower pressings. He felt a pang in his chest, like he used to get when his cellular phone was not on his person but he shoved the thought away as much as he could but the discomfort was clear on his face. He would get it back when they were released.

The sound of the door opening pulled Victor back out of his own mind and he smiled as he saw Atticus, one of the residents that he knew and felt a small iota of favour for. When he ejected the tape Victor listened to the empty sounds that filled the room instead. Hopefully someone would pick something to play so that they did not all listen to them reading the "Pokey Little Puppy". At the declaration from Atticus that Alexander and Thalia would be getting their prosthetics today, his curiosity peeked out. He'd be very interested in seeing the final products. He loved medical science for what it could do to help those that needed it. Even if he didn't understand any of the engineering science that came alongside it, he knew what the end products could do and that was good enough for him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

It was clear that it was not only Alexander and Manny who had some form of reactions to the home-video of Thalia and Gavin. Victor, the Frenchman who Alexander was sharing a room with slid down onto the floor. Victor was a good man, Alexander thought after having shared a few nights in the same room. He just hoped Victor and Jack thought the same back at him, especially if they had heard his crying. Alexander turned his gaze towards Ash as he commented on what was going on in the video, throwing a remark as heavy as a Daisy Cutter at Wayne before quickly leaving for a quiet corner. It was a sight Alexander had seen all too many times himself, an certainly a sea of emotions he had felt too.

Alexander was tempted to go and talk to Ash, though a series of things stopped him. The first was that he didn't know what to say. Perhaps he should have told Ash to breath, like so many others had told himsef? But Tatiana was quickt to follow her former punching-bag, and it was probably best to leave the two, for a moment three with Victor, alone. The second reason was Manny. Alexander looked back at Manny as he recived a comradly pat on his shoulder from his fellow baby-boomer, a wistful smile forming his lips. "If I'm a good man, then you're a Saint, Manny. But yeah, me too. Perhaps I'll end up looking like a Terminator or something?" Alexander tried to say in a witty tone, standing up on his one foot and two crutches, as the third reason was presented.

Atticus told them that Thalia and Alexander were to follow him and recieve their prosthesis for their leg and arm. It would be a nice change to finally walk again somewhat normally, after having used the peg-leg that rather medieval in nature. As Alexander got up and limped over to Atticus, he looked one final time back at Manny with a "I'll be right back, I'm sure. Take it easy, Doc." before he turned to Thalia. "Hey Thalia, you coming?"

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

So far nothing overly dramatic had taken place in the conference room, nothing compared to what had happened the first day they got there. Nigel "Hadrian" noticed that more people had gathered around the television to watch the singing, but that Ash the soldier perhaps hadn't reacted as well to the sight as the others? Hank had gone and pulled off the regular "don't know, don't care" attitude towards the tape, while Tatiana went to gave Wayne a well-deserved Ottoman slap for his comment. Nigel stiffled a sudden outburst of a quiet laughter, since he'd want to slap Wayne for a very long time, but the already heavy mood of the room made him only cough.

Nigel "Hadrian" went back to reading his book on the Fall of Rome, already having made up his mind on several key points on the author's work. Edward Gibbon had written the book well over 200 years ago, and Nigel was eager to point out what he either thougth or knew was wrong with his case, though there probably wouldn't be anyone who wanted to ask him. It was then that Atticus, the Athenian priest entered the room like a long-awaited senator in the Senate, ready to speak. Nigel put away his book and listened to what their priest had to tell, both about two of them getting their prosthetis and the coming interviews of the survivors. By now it was getting just too loud for Nigel's liking to read for himself, and he looked around the room to see if he could join the others in some activety.

Some were still gathered around the now turned off television, Erica was playing Pac-man alone, while the others not standing in a corner behind a bookshelf or getting ready to leave with Atticus, were playing cards. Erica, Nigel didn't want to bother her if she was busy, and he wasn't overly-eager to join Hank after that night. If he could have some time away from him, the better. That left one person he hadn't exchanged words with before. Hunter. Nigel wasn't sure of his decision, but he made his way over to the pooltable where Hunter was setting up shop. Perhaps after a few days in here, the young soldier with some anger-managment issues had calmed down? And if they were going to stay in Mexico Beach, perhaps it was for the best to extend an olive branch? "You're any good in pool?" Nigel asked Hunter casually, acting calm and trying not to upset the young man. "Mind if I join? Haven't played pool for a long time, so I'm quite rusty. Hunter, was it?"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Riley stopped for a moment as she could hear the noise that Tatiana was making as she started to drag the bookshelf over slowly to the other end of the room. She raised an eyebrow for a moment wondering why she was doing that, until she grabbed Ashton and pulled him to the side. And quickly knew what she was going on they needed to have a private chat after what they had just seen on the TV, then Riley turned his attention back over towards Panama as he pulled out a box of legos. It was something to gamble with even if legos didn't really have any monetary value.

[color=B0C4DE["All we need now is just some booze and cigars and it would be a real poker game. And of course you can join us Amelia."[/color] Riley said and smiled a little bit as Amelia came over and smiled at her girlfriend. She nodded quickly and motioned for her to take a seat, as well seeing that Hank was also in as well a few seconds later Atticus came into the room. She nearly did forget that they had their interviews today as well, seeing that Thalia and Alexander were going to be getting some prosthetics for their messing leg and hands were good at least. "So, what are we playing anyway?"

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Erica was enjoying the game a little bit as she continued to play a little bit longer until she was starting to get a little bit bored and she didn't want to use all of the quarters either since someone else may want to play as well. She finished her current round just as Atticus came into the room. She remembered that they would end up having some interviews now as well, and wondered how they would end up turning out for everyone. She ran a hand through her hair and decided to just join over with Nigel as well as Hunter to, as much as the kid did rub her the wrong way.

"Mind if I join you guys? I used to play pool back in the day as well." Erica said as she looked at those in the room as Tatiana dragged the bookcase over to have a private chat with Ashton. She then leaned herself up against the side of the pool table and eyed the others in the room some were about to get ready to play cards with Panama. She really wasn't sure if he would end up getting into trouble or not for going over and playing cards with everyone else, she was pretty much getting bored being cooped up in quarantine anyway as well for the most part.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 27 min ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Air went in, air came out. Again. The again. Keep them deep and easy. Don't force it. It was a simple breathing exercise. Ash knew that he was going to have to deal with his feelings about losing someone. He just hated that it was so public here. The concept of privacy was a forgotten thing in this place, though he understood the reason why. They were quarantined, pure and simple. What that meant specifically could vary from organization to organization, but at its heart it meant isolation from a larger group and observation. As a side effect, Ash didn't have a spot he could go to and deal with his emotions away from everyone else. Well, what else was new? For the time being, just keep pushing air in and out. It was times like this that he hoped whomever was taking notes on them would slip on a stray crayon and clip their head on a table end on the way down. He didn't wish anything permanent, mind you, just a blunt reminder that they were still people who had been through a lot. Plus, it might be funny in a dark sort of way.

Being the center of attention was never his thing. This was doubled by the nature of why he was drawing to many stares. Tati actually was of amazing benefit in this matter; who wanted to stare at him when there was a giant, screeching bookcase to draw one's attention? The fact that it was headed in his direction notwithstanding, it seemed quite effective in breaking the overwhelming tension in the air. By the time the ballerina was done, Ash was sitting next to her on the floor, behind a bookcase, discussing the potential merits of building a pillow fort. There was a tense moment as Ash stared up as the bookcase, apparently someone had decided that then was he best time for a reading selection - but otherwise it was a touching moment that drew a polite nod from Ash and a thankful nudge on his part. "Thanks, Tati," he said quietly. "This ain't something I'm getting over immediately. Even though I braced for it." He even managed a dry chuckle, even if it sounded a little forced, "Wouldn't mind that fort, though."

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Thalia's eyes got a little wider with Tatiana's response about Ash and her cousin. She craned her neck over to give the Captain a glance, the glance turning into a nigh bug-eyed look of consideration. Before anyone noticed (she hoped), Thalia turned her eyes downward, processing the new information. She remembered that, in her agitation with the man's hesitation to speak with her, she made an offhand comment in Spanish about Ash being the kind of guy that her cousin would have "fucked for sport". The fact that he readily understood notwithstanding, Thalia finally realized why the man gave him a very reserved look that still managed to get across the basic message of "Go to Hell". Maybe she owed him an apology. Or maybe he needed to stop being a dick about the whole thing and answer a few basic questions, seeing as he obviously knew Alicia well.

Well, like with most of the conversations that she wanted to have these days, she was just going to have to wait for it. How long could be anyone's guess this time, though. No problem. They had time. And she had a way or two to spend that time, which sure as hell wasn't waiting around. Tatiana had asked if she wanted to practice more or play cards, and she had made her decision. Spoiler alert: It wasn't cards. Getting in as much physical therapy and brutal training was going to be paramount in her getting her shit together and walking out of this place stronger than when she came in.

There was just one tiny hitch - Tati had decided to postpone their training to help out Ash. Oookay... Well, the guy looked like he needed it. Unfortunately, part of that "help" involved a metallic screech that seemed to never end, setting her teeth on edge and causing her to cringe despite a valiant attempt to hang tough. Thalia always did hate loud noises. Until she figured out what she was going to do next, Thalia just kept looking at the home movie featuring the Martin Clan, including her lost friend Thana. It really sucked. Thalia had a hard enough time trusting people, let alone making actual friends. Good friends had a nasty habit of dying. It was not a great thought to get stuck on. Stuff like that might crack you. At that thought, Thalia glanced back at Ash once more before moving out of his line-of-sight. Remove the temptation to stare.

Luck was with her, in more ways than one. Atticus's appearance removed the video from the equation, gave her something to do, promised her a replacement limb, and got her out into the open air. Well, you go Preacher-Boy. She walked optimistically over to Atticus, though did raise an eyebrow at the man packing heat. A shrug and a mental "Yahwhatevah" later, Thalia called over to Alexander, "Hells yeah, Mugsy. Let's do this." She was more than ready to get an arm of some kind back. It meant that she could start getting some additional exercise in.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Hank kept a sharp eye on what was going on in the room, even if he was dead certain that he didn't give too much of an outward appearance of giving a rat's ass about it. There was an interesting sense of camaraderie with a lot of these people; some of it seemed like the ebb and flow of goodwill birthed of familial unity, while at other times a strange, trauma based reaction that looked like it had more in common with PTSD or Stockholm Syndrome, maybe. It was funny what brought people together in times of crisis. Even funnier what odd selection of people that otherwise would ever have looked at each other twice were suddenly all buddy-buddy in the face of common adversity.

Not that he really showed anything to the people around him aside from a derisive grin, especially when the legos made appearance. So it wasn't betting in the traditional sense. "Yeahp, maybe when we're done, we can build a tower for height, see who won that way, huh?" Well, it was better than nothing. A few people trickled over to the table, including two more of his shaven head buddies from the other group. "Hey hey, well there ladies... We get a few more of us baldies going over here, we won't have to spring for team shirts. So, what's the game? Five card, Hold'em, Blackjack? We going to pair off and get a Bridge tournament going? Hmm..." He leaned across the table a little, a mildly sarcastic smile playing on his face, "Any of you ladies ever play '52 Pickup'?" He nodded boyishly, as if to intentionally telegraph a bad joke. "Real character builder."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

One of the bald lovebirds - Riley - came and took a seat next to Beatrice. She didn't doubt that Riley knew how to play cards, she was more of curious if Riley could play cards well. The famous rockstar seemed to have the standard life story - controlling parents meets teenage rebellion. Most people who did that and became famous for angrily screaming into a microphone knew how to play - at least, in Beatrice's opinion they ought to for the social circles they dwelled in. As Hank came over and made his comment about this being a movie, Beatrice couldn't help but smirk slightly with a nod. "Didn't you know? It's the hit movie of... what year is it, 2012?" she quipped quietly. Was she a bitch for being able to make a joke like that, even having been good friends with Thana? Maybe. She wasn't sure.

Beatrice's ears winced slightly, hearing something scraping and she turned her head in time to see the ballerina moving the bookshelf. She then glanced at Tatiana's final destination, putting two and two together, so she turned her attention back to the game. If she was trying to separate off an area for Ash so the two of them could have a therapy session or make a secret clubhouse that didn't involve Tatiana's husband, more power to them. It wasn't any of Beatrice's business, anyways. She turned her attention to the legos, raising a slight eyebrow. In the various foster homes she had been placed in, legos were a menace. She had lost count of how many times she had stepped on one. She wouldn't have been surprised if those plastic pieces of "fun" had killed a few nerves in her foot back in the day.

However, she would have rather stepped on a lego than have Amelia come to join them at the table. One lovebird was bad enough, but now they had the crying one too? Fan-fucking-tastic. "As long as the game is a little more involved than Go Fish, I don't mind," Beatrice commented, as Hank brought up various choices of things to play. She had nothing against Go Fish, but she wanted to play something a little more complicated and a little more interesting - especially since they were in a position to bet things.

As Atticus came through and mentioned that interviews would be starting that day, she couldn't help but feel a little bit paranoid about them. She had memorized the lies she wrote down on her intake form. Would they somehow have a functioning computer to look up records with? Would they know that she had been born in Justice and that she had more or less been exactly the kind of person that survived in Justice?

Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Jack nodded slightly at Ash, empathetic for the man and his pain. Had this conversation been happening ages ago, back before the world went to hell and gotten Ash's girlfriend killed, his response would have been different. Maybe this would have been a more lighthearted moment, with Ash leaving the room and teasing Thana about her voice. Jack would've maybe made a comment about how he still learned more about Tatiana with each day that passed. Would Ash and Thana come over to his and Tatiana's home for brunch? Or would they be more of the friends that had barbecues together? Would they have even known each other, if the world hadn't decided to end? Would he have met Tatiana? Would Jamie exist? "You got nothin' to be sorry for," Jack told his friend gently, as Ash excused himself.

He glanced at Tatiana as she grabbed the bookshelf and dragged it over, seemingly creating a private space for Ash. He wouldn't have thought of doing that and it didn't cross Jack's mind that asking Ash how he was doing had potentially made things worse for him. He was just trying to help as best as he could, avoiding straight up asking how he was feeling with seeing Thana singing, but still checking in with him. Jack then had to take a slight breath, hearing Wayne loudly congratulate Ash on having been with Thana. "Drop it, will ya?" Jack snapped slightly at the man. He wasn't going to say much more beyond that, since he had Jamie with him and didn't want to start a huge fight.

Froggy showed up and more or less rescued them, with Jack nodding and giving Froggy a thankful smile. "Ya think my accent is any bettah?" Jack then asked Froggy, laughing a little bit. However, Jamie apparently agreed with Froggy, either disliking the accent or just the book reading. Jack figured it was the book reading. The little guy started squirming in his father's arms, trying to get down so that way he could crawl around and play. "Oh no.... Ya take aftah your fathah, huh?" Jack teased his son gently. "I used ta do the same thing when my mom tried readin' to me..."

He fell silent for a moment as Atticus came into the room and made his announcements. Interviews were starting then. He hoped that the violence on the first day wouldn't negatively hurt anyone's chances of getting in here. He wanted his entire family to be safe and together.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Year 5: Part 2 Update

Date: July 19th, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)

Temperature: 83F (28C)
Humidity: High (Around 73%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH (19 KPH)
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

All NPC images are updated thus far.

Panama pointed to a chair and nodded. "Fuck yeah, more the merrier!" he exclaimed. He was bored out of his skull. Granted this wasn't as boring as Quarantine used to be when they first started doing this but it still got monotonous after a few days. If people were willing to play cards he was all for it. "Pull a chair over sugar," he said Amelia. Shuffling the cards he shrugged. "I figured just straight up poker for now, everyone knows how to play that?" he asked looking around. He figured Hank did, the man looked like the type to play poker while smoking a cigar on Thursday nights to avoid the wife.

Atticus nodded towards Thalia and Alexander before glancing over to Panama. "Hey, Eric, don't forget interviews start soon so try not to lose your ass before your cover arrives," Preacher chuckled. Panama perked a brow and thumped his hat back a bit as he leaned back in his seat.

"Who the hell is covering for us?" he asked. He hadn't bothered checking the roster this morning. Picking up his coffee cup, he went to take a drink.

"Wolverine and Checkbook," Atticus said with a big grin. Panama coughed and had to turn his head to keep from drowning everyone as he spit it out.

"Checkbook!?!?! General lost his damn marbles?" he asked as he wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. Atticus just laughed and shrugged before turning towards Thalia and Alexander and motioning for them to follow him. Walking out of the room, Major held the door open until they were all out before closing it again. "Think Maddog knows?" Panama asked towards Major. She gave him a nod. Shaking his head, Panama set down his cup and dropped a hand towel on the ground, letting it soak up what he had spit out.

Atticus was still chuckling as he lead both Thalia and Alexander out of the Quarantine building. Compared to how it was inside, it was like an oven walking out the door and it hit hard. It was hot and humid. The only good thing was that it was overcast and the sun wasn't blinding them. "This way," he said as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a puff as he walked. He kept a slow pace so Alexander wouldn't have trouble keeping up. They hit the side walk and started heading east on the main road. "It's just a couple of blocks to Fabrication and Mechanics," he said pointing down the street.

Two people were crossing the street towards them. One was an middle aged man with broad shoulders and brown hair. The other was a girl that looked to be in her late teens, maybe early twenties with blonde hair on a skateboard. "Yo Preacher," the man called out as they got within ear shot. "Where you headed?" he asked as he snatched the cigarette out of Atticus's lips and took a puff.

"Taking these two to see Tesla and Volts," Atticus said as he took it back and ashed it. The girl clipped the curb and jumped her board before coming to a stop near them. "Oh, Thalia, Alexander. This is Roy and Nikki," he said introducing them. Roy nodded, the girl looked them over, tilting her head to the side.

"What up?" she said. Not so much actually asking but more in greeting. "Come on, we gotta go," she said towards Roy, tugging on his shirt impatiently. Roy didn't move at first. Then she grabbed a good chunk of the fabric and started dragging him. Atticus laughed and gave Roy a look that said you're problem, not mine.

Screwing his cigarette in his lips he waved before he started walking again. "Come on, Volts hates to be kept waiting," he said. It wasn't long before they got to the building. Fabrication and Mechanics looked to be what used to be an old car repair shop with four stalls. Two were still open, but the two towards where the offices would have been were closed off and sealed behind windows and a door. Atticus opened the door to the Fabrication area and the AC hit them. Telsa was sitting on a stool and there was a tall large dark skin man standing next to him. "Volts, Tesla," Atticus said as he held the door open for Thalia and Alexander.

"Hey man, sweet you brought them," Tesla said as he jumped off the stool. Volts looked over and nodded slightly. "We got your gear," Tesla added brightly. "Okay, who's first?" Tesla asked.

Atticus looked over towards Thalia. "Why don't you two take Alexander first, I promised Thalia I would talk to her," he said as he stepped towards another door with a window in it. It looked like it lead to what used to be a waiting room and was used not as a break room. Opening the door, he motioned for Thalia to follow him and have a seat.

"Come over here," Volts said as he stepped over to a chair that had a stool in front of it. Volts squatted down on the stool and waited for Alexander to come over to the chair and sit down. Tesla grinned and walked over to the bench where two items were sitting covered with a towel. Picking one up, he pulled the towel off and held up the prosthetic leg. "Managed to make the foot the same shoe size, so as long as you wear pants, no one will tell."

"The ankle joint angle can be changed," Volts said as he took the leg as it was given over to him. "Just press here," he said showing where. "Three angles. Flat for basic walking and standing. Slightly bent, and furthest. The other two are good for running, just will have to find what you like better as you get used to it."

"Now, the socket here, where you stick your stump in. You fold that down and get good pressure when you put your stump in. It's padded but the pad will have to replaced. Usually good for about six months around here, let us know if it rubs away faster than that," Tesla chimed in as he pointed. "Then once you get your stump in there, stand up and roll the rubber up. It will suction to your real leg and hold snugly in place."

"Now don't think it will be magic. These things getting used to. Saw your other and damn. Adjustment period coming up but at least one will last. Rustproof. Titanium rod. If the rubber tears or starts stretching let me know so I can repair it before it rips. Don't swim in it if you can and take it off before showers. Just causes wear and tear that you can avoid," Volts said as he sat there.

"Right and oh here," he said holding out a plastic bottle full of white powder. "Baby powder, will help keep you dry so you don't get heat rash." He grinned. "So, let's get this baby on!" Clapping his hands together and rubbing them. Volts handed out the leg to Alexander once he was seated and the two would help Alexander get it on safely and snugly. Explaining how to care for it and such. Once it was on, they would help him stand on it for the first time and then let him take a walk around the room to get a feel for it. First with crutches and then without. The whole process would take about 45 minutes until they were sure he was good to go and it was time for Thalia. Once Alexander was all done, he and Thalia would switch places and she would go through hers. (Sigil and I will be collabing her talk with Atticus and getting hers.)

Back in Quarantine, the door opened and Roy walked in. "Yo, Wolverine!" Panama called as he spotted them, in the middle of dealing cards. Roy nodded and held the door open, the round of something rolling across the floor was getting closer. Then Nikki came in on her skateboard and came to a stop, blowing a bubble with the gum she was chewing. Both of them had side arms. Flipping her skateboard up, she tucked it under her arm. "Checkbook..."

"Deliverance," Nikki said with grin as she bounced on the balls of her feet. Roy rolled his eyes a bit as Panama set down his cards and walked over to them. Reaching into her back pocket, Nikki pulled out a folded sheet of paper and handed it over to Panama. Unfolding it he looked it over before handing it over to Major, who took a quick read and nodded as she handed it back. Turning, Major went ahead and left the room.

"A'right, gonna get this show on the road," Panama said before looking down at the list. "I'm gonna take you, one at a time, to your interviews. We only have six today so shouldn't be bad. Most of y'all will be goin' tomorrow," he said before continuing. "This is Wolverine," he said pointing to the tall man standing there in jeans and a button down brown shirt with the sleeves rolled up. "And this is Checkbook," he added gesturing towards the rather young girl with the skateboard, dressed in black skinny jeans, matching tank top with a maroon tinted oversized men's t-shirt over it, the neck had been cut wide open so it hung off her shoulder. The sleeves were cut off as was half the shirt at her waist so it didn't hang low. "They're yer guards while this is goin' on." Roy looked like he didn't want to be there, Nikki was grinning.

"Up first, Maldonado," Panama said and waited for the man. Roy leaned back against the wall where Major had been standing and crossed his arms over his chest. Roy was used to this type of detail and usually things remained calmed. He hoped they would, he didn't want any incidents. As far as he was concerned, the end of the world was the best thing that could have happened considering where he was from. Justice, California needed to be wiped from the map.

Nikki popped a bubble with her gum and leaned her skateboard against the wall behind Roy before going to one of the chairs and pulling it out, slightly between the pool table and where people were playing cards. Sitting down, her legs went loose in front of her and she slouched down, looking over at the people at the pool table and giving a nod of her head. "Sup?" she said, once again more as a greeting than an actual question.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Remember how I said to hold those interview to post until later? I am changing that - You will NOT post your interviews! Again DO NOT POST YOUR INTERVIEWS! So what do you do? Simple, look at the list below. If your characters name appears you will post being escorted out for the interview and then being brought back after the amount of time posted next to your name. What happens in the interview is between you and the interviewer. (After a lot of thought on this and seeing how all the interviews turned out, I decided this could be a lot more interesting and cut down on chances of metagaming. So what happened in the interview and who your character was interviewed by is up to you to reveal or not to the rest of the group.)
  • Wayne Maldonado - 15 minutes
  • Hank Wright - 1 Hour, 45 minutes
  • Erica Monroe - 30 minutes
  • Nigel Cooper - 45 minutes
  • Emmanuel Newman - 30 minutes
  • Beatrice Decker - 1 hour

~Doesn't matter the order they are listed here - when you post just check who has posted before you, they would have gone already if they are on the list and are back now. Then your characters name is called, you react to what is posted already, and then go, come back, and end there.

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Psychology, People Reading

Glancing over and up, she spotted Froggy. Coming over and looking for a book. Hadn't it been made obvious that she was trying to get Ash away from prying eyes? And yet he still had to come over. Maybe not to look at Ash but still. It irked her. The man supposedly had some training in psychology, but apparently not anymore. She hadn't really wanted to talk to Froggy since he showed up. Initially she had been overwhelmingly happy to see him, now she wasn't so sure. Something wasn't sitting right with her. She hadn't really tried to see who he was anymore. Little glimpses were beginning to bother her. Granted it took her a while for her to really be on much of speaking terms with anyone, including Jack. Still, even now, she was more open with Ash than anyone. Everyone in Newnan had lost people and lost their home but for her, she felt her and Ash had lost something else. He was no longer in command, she was no longer a counselor. In her mind, they would never be those things again. Things that were a huge part of who they were. It was one of the reasons she gravitated to Ash over the others. Tati figured everyone else form Newnan could either go back to what they had been doing in way or the other in time. She could never bring herself to be a counselor again and from the looks of this place, Ash would never been in command again.

Looking away she looked back at Ash and sighed. Giving a slight nudge back. She kept her voice quiet as she spoke. Unless someone came over and tried to eavesdrop they wouldn't hear her. If they did, she'd shove the bookcase on top of them and do the Nutcracker Ballet. "It's vhat sisters do," she said as she turned her head and looked at the wall across from them. At his words she quirked a brow. "Vould you really vant to?" she asked as she glanced over to him out of the corner of her eye for a moment. "Love come slov or quick. Love never leaves easy. If does, it vasn't love." Shrugging she picked at the nail bed of her thumb. "Stronger the love, longer it take." Resting her head back against the wall, it rolled until she rested it on his shoulder. "You cared for Alicia but admitted you tvo not in love. Dat took year after knev sure she gone. You feel much stronger about this, take much longer."

Leaning forward as people either left the room or were taken, Tatiana peeked her head out to take a look at their new guards. Looking them over before resting back again and getting comfortable. During the whole thing, neither her or Ash were called, so they had time to talk and with less people in the room. During all the walking in and out, Jamie was having none of it. Slipping down out of Jack's arms and plopping on his rear end. He wanted mamma. Little hands and knees scurried along the floor as he went over the book case and past it. Grabbing Tatiana's toes and squealing. Tatiana smiled and held her hands out to him, he laughed and bounced on his rear a few times. "You excited?" she asked watching him. He was one of the few things that made her smile these days.

Gripping her toes harder Jamie rocked and bent over. Tatiana sitting up from the wall and watching him. "Don't chev my toe!" she warned but that wasn't what the little tot was up to. Slowly he stood up on his chubby legs. This wasn't the first time he had done this. He had been holding onto things and using them to stand and try to walk but he had yet to take his first steps without help. That was all about to change. Letting go as he stood up, Tatiana waited for him to fall flat on his diaper. Then it happened and her eyes widened. "Yes, come momma," she said holding her arms out and bent her legs to get them out of the way. One wobbly step, then another. The kid was walking and Tatiana couldn't help but giggle. It seemed though, he wasn't going for momma, at least not exactly. He was facing her but his butt was to Ash. His little legs and he had had enough, knees bending as he planted his rear onto Ash's leg and squealed in delight, hugging onto his godfather. "Vell I be damned, you vanted Ash," Tatiana said surprised. She wasn't exactly sure how this was going to go over with anyone else but she in awe. Not so much that Jamie had walked, she had been waiting for it, but who she went to. Seemed the kid wanted Uncle Ash.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Detecting

Wayne looked over towards Jack and rose a brow. "What'd I say? Shit," he asked but shrugged. He wasn't too concerned. Leaning back he yawned slightly. Now he was bored and yet he still wasn't going to put in any fucking John Hughes bullshit. It was a good thing to, seemed people were getting read to be taken for interviews. As Major left and the two new people showed up, Wayne watched them both. The man obviously used to be a cop. He just had that stance. The girl, god she had to have been in middle school when the outbreak happened, maybe High School. She was young. Like by far the youngest person in the room besides the baby. He glanced towards Hank, Nikki or Checkbook as they called her, looked like she could have been just about the same age Hanks daughter would have been now if she were still alive.

Turning his head he head the baby squeal and looked over. Only seeing the feet of the two sitting behind the book shelf. Then the kid stood up and started to walk. "Aww hell, he's mobile!" Wayne laughed a bit. That was pretty cool. He didn't know for sure that was the kids first steps but after the last four days of watching him crawl or only waddle holding onto something, he figured it was. That was pretty cool, even in his book. He had missed watching his own kids first steps, so seeing this was a little bitter sweet but Wayne wasn't one to dwell. He grinned and nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Nothing stopping that kid now."

Then he heard his name. Stretching as he stood up, he strode over to the door and followed Panama out. It was time for his interview. He didn't know what to expect or who was interviewing him. He was hoping it was Daytona. Rawr. Yet, about fifteen minutes he came back. That was fast. He looked a bit confused and walked over to his recliner and sat down. Lacing his fingers together he placed them behind his head and just sat there quietly. Apparently, even if it had been a fast interview it had left him a lot quieter than he normally was.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Amelia was rather happy that she received positive reactions to her arriving. Well at least form some people anyways. She didn't say anything much as she walked over to pull herself a chair and sat down. Being with more people was a nice thing every now and then and it's been a hell of a long time since she last played any card games really. She frowned lightly when Hank mentioned the baldie thing they had going on and finally sighed. She had gotten over it and didn't really feel as angry or emotional about it as she did back then. When they arrived the stress was much and she was hungry, tired and emotions were hard to control in those situations. Now a while later, she had calmed down about it, but sure enough kept her head under teh wrapped scarf. She really didn't like hte feeling of it without hair. She nodded at Erica when the other woman came over to join them too.

Finally the talk moved about what manner of game they were going to play and it was decided it would be regular poker." I know how to play that." She confirmed, though she never played it much, she still knew the basics. Stuff like the order of the game and the combinatiosn of cards. She at least shouldn't be holding up the game with asking questions or the like.

Sure enough as if it was timed, when Panama was dealing up the cards, people arrived to say that the interviews were starting. THe pair that arrived was rather curious, especially since one looked rather young and arrived on a skateboard. Well Amelia couldn't say she expected that at least. Checkbook and Wolverine... She was curious how htey got those nicknames. Then her eyes were attracted to yet another thing as little Jamie crawled over to the location where his mom and Ash were. She smiled, watching the little boy. Even in this hellish world, life was continuing on. Refreshed and in better mood now she returned to the game at hand. She rose an eyebrow at Wayne's comment only to turn over and catch sigh of a walking Jamie for a moment. She blinked, then smiled and turned her head back to the game, but there was a situation now... Their dealer had left.

"So... while Panama is away... who's going to deal?" She asked the others. She didn't htink they would want to just wait Panama all hte time whenever heh ad to arrive and go while the interviews happened. To her surprise Wayne's interview didn't last too long though, he was back before long, less than half an hour.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

Manny did a light chuckle to Alexander's reply. "I'm no Saint, just a man who is working to better himself and the world around him. Good luck over there Arnold Schwarzenegger." He said still smiling. "Now go on so we can see what they give you." It was a lot easier to see the good things in life when they were happening right in the moment. Alexander had struggled for a while with losing his leg, the fact that he was getting a new one now was impressive, and exciting! To top things off, it seemed The Soldier Boy, Hunter, was being social. He figured that was a good start to anything in terms of improving the boy's state of mind. Manny had tried a couple times, but he didn't bite. Manny had to admit, this wasn't his specialty. Maybe Alexander was better suited for this since they were both Military. But the boy wasn't being loud, aggressive, and was interacting with people. Good start.

To up the pot even more, the little cute baby of the New Mexico Quarantine had started to walk. It was more of a stand at first, but hearing the excitement of those steps was absolutely AMAZING! Sure Manny was disappointed that he missed the actual steps, but it didn't diminish his excitement. "This world will never stop amazing me. Even in the middle of all... This. I am still impressed." He said to no one in particular. He wanted to move to get a better look, but he remembered how trying to interact with the parents on the first day went. He would let them have this moment to themselves. He wondered what that would have been like to be the parents in that case, Manny never having kids had never experienced anything like what they would have been experiencing.

Though, he did think that if he was a parent, he would have liked to enjoy the moment with as little outside interference as possible. Through the excitement of the moment, Manny had barely noticed the changing of the guards. The younger one though, seemed younger then the Soldier boy. She must have been in an earlier stage in school when all this started. Manny started to contemplate it, then he heard his name called for an interview. Though he wasn't the first, he was called up fast. Wayne came back in less then 20 minutes from his, and seemed... Off. What kind of interviews were these?! Manny stood up, and followed in for the interview.

He came back in roughly half an hour. He overall seemed pretty excited, though it was the type of excited a drunk person got when they heard a joke, saw everyone else laugh, have no idea what's going on, and are laughing only because everyone else is laughing. Manny is pretty sure he did good, though he isn't sure. He is still struggling to understand everyone here. Though progress is progress, even if it was... Different. It didn't seem like an interview for the job he thought he was going to get. He was... Okay with this.

Private Hunter James Monroe

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

Being social is not one of Hunter's strong suits. In fact, it is a rather weak skill set of his. Sure once he got to know people he was better about things, but everyone here was a stranger and a potential threat until proven otherwise. It didn't help that Hunter tried to start a game of pool to just take pot shots and see what he still knew. First, the man who came over was the one who tended to talk like he was from some over the top drama show. Though when he came over an asked Hunter for a game of pool, he seemed... To at least not fit the demographic Hunter had given to most of the people here. He spoke in a calm polite voice, Hunter figured he would give the man a shot.

Before he could reply, another person came over. The other Monroe. Hunter wasn't sure how he felt about her, he had limited interactions with her, and she did make a solid effort to remove herself from him by name back on the bus. Though, looking at it, he would have too in her shoes. Sure, he preferred to be alone, but what was eh going to do to stop them? Tell them no and start a fight using a pool cue? Though that sounded badass it wasn't something that he would have been able to win here. Guns beat sticks pretty much any day. Plus, Hank's words went through his head. He needed friends.

Hunter attempted a smile, though his concern was more visible then he would have liked. "Sure, sure sure sure." He spoke faster then he wanted to, but he didn't come across as hostile or threatening, more awkward then anything else. "Haven't played since highschool, but could be fun." He stopped for a moment to notice the change in guards, the interviews had begun, and the guards they had were being pulled to watch those leaving he guessed. Seemed odd, but maybe they figured someone might be a threat more if they had the ability to be loose. And in all honesty, the ability to watch a single door and make sure no one left, anyone could do. Escorting was a different game.

Going back to his game of pool he got the attention of the others playing. Out of everyone here, he had nothing really negative about them to say, they didn't seem like they would stab him in the back if he looked away for a moment. They could be a good start. "So, who wants to break? I good no matter what." He didn't want to admit that he was worried about fucking up his first shot in over six years. Though, he did smile at that thought, he was worried about how he might be judged for his skills in a game of pool. Better then being worried about being shot.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 Quarantine (Conference Room) -> J6 Mechanics And Fabrication
Skills: N/A

Alexander had to shoot Thalia a smiling grin at her enthusiasm as they were leaving the Quarantine to receive their new toys. Toys, haha, it sounded like they were a bunch of kids ready for Christmas or a group of grunts finally getting their hands on some new guns or military hardware. Alexander couldn't deny it, he was looking forward to it too. Walking around almost normally, it would be pretty neat as the kids would put it. Almost. Alexander gave a final nod to Manny as he told him to go, and limped out on his crutches behind Thalia and Father Atticus. It would be nice, normal.


As Alexander limped out on his one leg and crutches, that one word, that single part of the sentence that previously made him grin also brought forth the black lump he had cried out days earlier. Almost. It was just a prosthesis, not a new leg, and he would never be able to walk as normal. Would it be enough? Enough for him to be worth having around, to be with his group? His friends? The fear from back when he had just lost his leg resurfaced for a moment, as he failed to realize they had company. Alexander quickly looked up from having stared down at his missing limb and noticed the people talking with Atticus. Roy and Nikki. "Hello, nice to meet you." Alexander quietly greeted them back, glad that Atticus ended the conversation and continued to lead him and Thalia to their destination.

Fabrication and Mechanics.

It was a good thing it didn't take long for the trio to reach he other building, the weather was far from the air-conditioned enviroment they'd had in Quarantine. Hot and humid, even without the direct scoulding of the sun thanks to the cloud cover. Alexander half-anticipated the sound of birds and insects, quiet radio-chatter and someone further back in the line cursing the damned jungle, but this was Florida, not 'Nam. Thankfully Alexander soon stepped into what used to be a repair shop for cars, the once again AC'ed air hitting his old face like a good smack to the face. Inside he recognized the Asian guy from earlier, Tesla who'd taken the mould of his stump. The other man he didn't recognize, but he gave them a polite smile both as he limped inside.

Alexander looked for a moment worried as Atticus took Thalia aside to talk with her alone, leaving ol' Mugsy alone in the room with Tesla and Volt. What were they going to do with him? This was the first time Alexander had been alone with any of the Mexico Beach people. But he followed Volt's orders as he sat down in the chair in front of him, watching Tesla bring over something wrapped in a towel. The worry in Alexander's face slowly washed away as he saw what Tesla brought over; His new leg. Alexander had to chuckle as Tesla told him no one would see the difference if he wore pants. "Pants, in this state? Good one, Tesla, good one." Alexander said jokingly to him, but became serious afterwards. "But thank you, I appriciate it. Really." If people couldn't see he had lost his leg, perhaps they wouldn't see him as less of a man? He hoped…he really hoped so.

The old veteran payed closed attention to Volt's and Tesla's instructions on what the prosthesic was made out off, how it worked and how to adjust it. To someone used to dismantling an M16 and a Prick 25 on the spot, it didn't seem like magic to him. But he had to admit that he was impressed on what they'd managed to put together for him. It felt odd to put the leg on, having it sucked to his stump , but it worked. It actually worked! Alexander began to test his new leg, walking around the room first with the crutches, then without. The latter was when Alexander couldn't stop grinning like a little kid. He could walk! The veteran forced back and down the tears and laughter that longed to escape him, but he still smiled. "I…I'm speechless, this is fantastic! You two really know your shit…sorry, language." Alexander said to the two of them, as Thalia and Atticus eventually returned after a long time. Who knew what they had talked about? Alexander wanted to ask, but that was best asked later. So Alexander just looked up at Thalia and gave her a big smile. "How do I look?"

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Unlike the Pictish warrior who'd voiced his concerns quite loudly and brashly earlier that week, Nigel "Hadrian" thought that Hunter was acting less aggressively than what he had feared. Not entirely normal in old-world standards, but from what Nigel had gathered on his behaviour, Hunter seemed reasonable enough as Nigel asked him if he could join. Nigel hadn't expected Erica to join him, but he turned to her and smiled at her as they now were three, which now officially made them a crowd. Nigel turned back to Hunter as he told them "sure", and nodded to this being fun. "If none of us have played for that long, we'll all be even then." Nigel said to both Hunter and Erica, as he started looking for another cue.

While he searched, Nigel too noticed the changing of the guards and the coming interviews. While Panama were taking out Wayne for the first interview and Mayor simply left, they now had two new contenders in the Coloseum; Wolverine who took Mayor's place and Checkbook sitting down between the group playing cards and the ones playing pool. Nigel couldn't help but think Checkbook acted a whole lot like a student of his, as she greeted Nigel and the group while popping her gum. With the skateboard, she would have slipped perfectly into one of his classes, most likely late as always and feet slung up on the table. He nodded back to her and returned the greeting with a "Good day.", before he turned back to the business at hand.


First Wayne had gone and gone back after about 15 minutes, and afterwards one of the two old guys left too. The latter was gone a while longer, but Nigel payed more attention to the game of pool they were having. Hunter asked them who wanted to break, and Nigel stepped in to take the mantle. "Sure, I'll start." Nigel said as he took the cue and lined up the shot. It was not a good one, which Nigel would blame on a lack of experience the past years. Playing pool was not something he thought a lot to practice after the Undead took over the world. But he kept his annoyance to a disgruntled sigh, and passed the cue over to Erica in the end. While he waited, might as well try to make friends. Even Rome found use of the Gauls they conquered, perhaps Hunter could become trusted too? "So speaking of highschool, which one did you attend? Used to be a highschool teacher myself, and if we'd had pool tables back there…now that would have been nice." Nigel asked Hunter, before quickly adding ""Hadrian", or Nigel by the way. It's been too many new names to learn these days, you know?"

After another half an hour later, the old man returned from his interview, and Nigel himself was called on by Panama. Nigel gave a thoughtful look to Erica, not concerned or worried, but more wondering how the interview would be. How he would weather whatever questions they had for him. "I'll be back soon, I'll be fine. Enjoy the game, both of you." Nigel told Erica and Hunter, leaving the pool table and following Panama out of the Conference room and to where he would have his senatorial hearing, so to speak.

It took a little longer for Nigel to return from his interview than Manny, about 45 minutes or so. As he returned to the others and going back to the pool table with Erica and Hunter, he couldn't help but think over the interview. First of all it was both a pleasent yet strange sensation to be in the presence of a fellow partaker in the education of the masses. Secondly the seconds were a mixed bag, some of which he personally felt he'd handled well, others…Surely he couldn't have failed on the questions, could he? It had been quite useful that Nigel "Hadrian" had been a motivated teacher he used to be, but one questions troubled him as he walked over to Erica and Hunter. The one about himself.

Who he was.

"…so…who won? Want a rematch?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 27 min ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

"It was more than just her," Ash admitted, albeit quietly. He had a good idea that ears were on and/or near him, be it by their chaperones or the more curious of their number contained in Quarantine. "Not to downplay what we had. We were close. There was just a lot of bad shit that I didn't process up to that point. I don't know if I loved Alicia, any more than anyone else we lived with, trusted. But she was a symbol. She was the face I put on it. And I gave her peace with a rifle." His speech was frank, relaying information rather than having a great personal epiphany. It wouldn't have been the first time that Ash had put down someone he knew. Even someone he cared about. It was what you did, if you wanted to survive. "Took me a while to realize that. Thanks for holding me together until I did." She wasn't the only one, though. Ash recalled many a night in the back of his Hordebuster, sipping homemade whiskey and talking with Mr. James Grady. He also helped, but he was gone.

"This feels different, Tati. With Thana - It's actual love, and it's grief, and it feels... clearer, somehow. Less confused, less selfish. Hard to explain. I just know I miss her, and it hurts, and it ain't going away, and I don't want it to. Like it might insult her if it does. Does any of that make any sense?" Ash was a generally stoic person, prone to dealing with his pain, both physically and emotionally, with minimal complaint. A lot of the time, whether he wanted to or not. The openness of him talking about complex feelings was, in a word, uncommon. And it did make him feel a little foolish, speaking like he was.

Luckily, and very thankfully, the subject seemed to change with the arrival of the youngest of their party. The very youngest; the still crawling, still in diapers, still babbling baby Jamie. Ash watched the little guy stand with the help of his mother's foot as a handhold. It wasn't a rare occurrence, but the next bit was wholly unprecedented. Wobbly and unsure of motion, little Jamie took his first steps ever and stumbled in the general direction of Tatiana. It brought the start of a smile to the Captain's face. He was witness to the first steps of his godson. Little moments like this were the reason Ash kept going, even if he couldn't properly express how he felt the vast majority of the time.

Then swiftly, a look of momentary shock slammed into him as he realized that the little guy wasn't making for his mother. Little Jamie planted his tush directly onto his leg and moved in for a cuddle. "Oh my God," he said quietly, wide-eyed and looking to Tatiana for something, anything to break the joyous anxiety that manifested into the air around them. His first steps were to Ash. "Um..." he began, before coming to the conclusion that regardless of any uncomfortable social factors that might be involved, he wasn't going to deny the child affection, such as he could provide. Ash's face softened just a touch as he moved his hands to support the boy and cradle his yet uncertain head-bobble. "Hey there, guy. I've got you." he said softly, his accent shading his words with something more homespun.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Oh, Hank noticed the changing of the guards, and he didn't mean in front of Buckingham Palace. Mostly, the younger woman caught his attention, if she was even old enough to be called a woman at that point. He seemed to freeze for a second, the generally sarcastic yet self-assured smirk erased from his expression and replaced with something highly serious and very contemplative. Yeah, this girl looked like she might be the same age as his daughter, if she had survived to now. Even looked a little bit like her, or that is to say, she looked a little like a much younger version of his wife, likewise deceased. Life was still possible for the younger ones when all this went down; the teens and preteens who didn't have a whole lot of life experience to draw from to keep their asses alive. Distantly, Hank wondered if there was the mildest possibility that, were his family to have lived long enough to see the dead walk, could they have made it this far? Would his daughter have been able to, like this kid that just walked in? Would Hank still have become the antisocial, bitter shell of the man he used to be? Ironically, did that which broke him actually make him a survivor?

No, it didn't matter. Hank's face stayed serious for a long moment as the conversation continued around him. His eyes darted away from the girl that had just arrived and he tried to push those thoughts out of his brain, with marginal success. A few days living easy wasn't going to make him soft yet. Hank had already fractured and healed from his personal Hell. The world now was nothing compared to that. But it left scars. Even he could self-diagnose.

Wait, what was he doing? The past was the past and goddamnit, there was a card game at stake. Even if they were only betting legos. The girl was a harsh reminder of where he came from, no doubt. And at least his family was spared the horror of he world turning inside-out and quite possibly a more horrifying death than they got. The present was NOW. And presently, they were playing poker. Panama was a out of sight, what with the guards changing, so someone who knew how to handle a deck should probably do just that. "Yeah yeah, keep your hijab on, there. Okay..." Hank picked up the deck, gave it a quick, supplementary shuffle, and started to deal. "Simple fivecard, no wilds or any of that frou-frou shit, 2X4 bricks or better to open. Everyone ante in?"

Hank took a quick look at his cards, satisfied that this was going to be a highly average game of poker. After a little while, he was called back for his interview. "Guess I fold," he remarked, setting his cards on the table facedown. "Keep my seat open. This shouldn't take long." I mean, what was there to grill him about? Hank was an open book.

Almost two hours later, Hank returned to the Conference Room, scratching the back of his head. It was hard to read his face. "Hey Maldonado? Might just have ourselves a fishing buddy! How about that, huh?" He shrugged, and looked around to see if the card game was still going on.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room) -> J6 Mechanics And Fabrication
Skills: N/A

Once Thalia was in the room, Atticus shut the door so they could have some privacy. He was figuring it would take anywhere between half an hour to an hour for them to be done with Alexander, that gave them time. He had promised to talk to Thalia the day she had arrived but a lot of shit had to be taken care of and this was the first time he had been able to get her alone so she didn't have to be in front of everyone during their conversation. Sitting down, he motioned to a chair near him and leaned back. "Alright girl, let's talk."

A hint of suspicion flashed in Thalia's eyes for a second. She glanced around to note the presence or absence of any other entrances to the room before sitting down. She didn't want any surprises and making sure it was difficult to be snuck up on was just habit by now. She did sit, legs still tensed in case she needed to stand quickly, and leaned forward. "Okay. Good. I asked if you knew a Father Benicio Gonzalez. He's my father - actual biological father." The woman raised her eyebrows expectantly.

Atticus nodded. "Yeah, he was my mentor when I was in Seminary," he said as he leaned back in his chair thinking back on it. A grin came to his face. "I don't know whether the church paired us up because I had a slight obsession back then of blowing things up and they thought his background might get me focused, or they were hoping I would get him to calm down. If it was either of those reasons, they didn't get the goddamn results they wanted," he chuckled. "Two people who take the subject of Thou Shalt Not Kill in a vague sense aren't exactly the type that should be paired together."

Thalia gave a derisive giggle. She wasn't the giggling type, but just sometimes the duality of holy men, especially ones she was related to, gave her something to giggle about. "Spanish translation of La Sagrada Biblia gives more color." She eyed the man for a moment, as if in contemplation. "What was he like?" She knew he man well, but a different perspective from inside the Church might be illuminating.

"Tough." Atticus grinned a bit. "But he could be fun, granted, after the shit Joaquin and I used to pull as kids, I'm surprised he was willing to even be my mentor," Atticus said. Rubbing the back of his neck. "I kind of blew up his shed when I was younger, burned Joaquin's god damn eye brows off," he added laughing as he spoke, trying not to but failing miserably.

This was getting interesting. Thalia didn't spend her youngest years with her father's people, leaving much of that time recounted only as the occasional story from extended family or older friends. The Gonzalez Family stretched a ways, especially by way of reputation in certain circles. Even so, after a world-breaking apocalypse like this it was a huge coincidence for a friend of the family to appear randomly in her travels. "You knew Joaquin?" There was disbelief. But it wasn't like he got Thalia's name and did a background check. He knew the right names, and to whom they belonged. Thalia decided to go with it. "Preacher, that's the kind of shit mi familia looks for. They had me passable with a knife and a pistol when I was still watching My Little Pony." She marveled at the coincidence for a second. "You must have left just before they took me in." It was a little sad. Like family that she never knew she had, this must have been a trace of what her father felt about her.

"Yeah, I was with Foster homes," Atticus explained. "I turned 17 and ran away," he admitted. Shrugging he leaned back in his seat and rubbed the his hands together. "When I went into Seminary years later, Joaquin and I got back in touch. By that time he was working in Texas as a Ranger. I became his priest," he chuckled. "That was interesting. It was how I met the Martins. His partner started dating Gunny's daughter. That tape that was on? I had the flu that night, I played the fiddle in it." Looking over at Thalia he sighed a bit. "How I decided to come to Mexico Beach when shit hit the fan, well after the burn.." his words trailed off.

It was a small world. "Gavin Comfort." It was a stand alone statement. She barely remembered the man's name; it had been a long time ago and she only shared the man's company for a couple of hours. Thalia did get to see the man die. That did make him stand out. Between this and the home movie in Quarantine, a lot was coming back. "I met him. He helped us assault a fortification a year and a half back. He was frontal. I was with the breach team - quiet, sneak attack. Una plétora de corte. We met in the middle when the shit hit the fan." She shook her head, "Didn't make it. I'm sorry, Padre. He died well. Wish I could toast the fellah." This talk about fallen comrades and things-that-once-were hardened her features. What was she going to learn Thalia's face turned more toward the imperative, looking the man steadily with unblinking eyes, "I'm sorry, please continue. You were saying something about burning."

Atticus nodded. "Yeah, Comfort was one of a kind. Larger than life, figured he survive this end of the world shit. You know, the type to kill one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, and then ride his horse out of the fuckery like the Lone Ranger," he said with a half hearted chuckle. Sitting up, he looked at Thalia and blew air out from between his lips. "The burning, the church. It was right after the break out started. Joaquin and I were trying to keep order. He came to help me. It was a safe place, at least as safe as it could be when you didn't know what the fuck was going on. Thugs, people scared, tried to break in and take over. The place turned to a hellstorm. And a fire broke out. We were getting people out and the damn cross fell. I got pinned beneath it," he said as he stood up and pulled his shirt out from the waist line. Turning he lifted enough to show some of the scars, his back was covered. "Joaquin got me out," he said as he turned back around and tucked his shirt back in. "Owed him my life."

Thalia remembered the beginning of this new age of humankind. Like most abrupt but massive changes, no one knew it had come, at first. She saw her first Zed while making an early morning run to a nearby bakery. It seemed strange at first, but nothing too amazingly out of place for downtown Boston. Then literally overnight, society imploded. "The start of this gave everybody scars," she began. "Not downplaying yours, Padre. You earned your right to be here. Just... I didn't get to know Joaquin as well as I wanted to," she admitted. Thalia was being awfully open with this man, moreso than she ordinarily was with people. Maybe because he was a priest, like her father. He was also very familiar with her family, which was rare. Suspicion and curiosity warred within Thalia. "How did you repay him?" The question was obviously loaded. He said that he owed Joaquin. Owed, past tense. That meant one of two things to her: The debt had been payed, or he was dead.

"Never really thought I did," he admitted. "I figured I would end up owing him more than my life when he mentioned going to Mexico to the Casa but last contact we had, it wasn't looking good. It was broken but all he got when he said we were coming was no," he said as he finished tucking in his shirt. "We started heading this way, out of everyone I knew, I figured the Martin's, if anyone outside of the Gonzales's, had their shit together I should try. Thought maybe if I could get Joaquin here, alive, that would repay the debt but in the end I was wrong."

There were some people, some families even, that others gravitated toward when things got really bad. Her people were obviously examples of this. Apparently, so were the Martins. Thalia understood this. But the rest of it? It seemed choppy, as if the man was dancing around saying something which might or might not be uncomfortable to hear. Or to say. Was her family's compound in Mexico still there? Is that what Joaquin meant? And that bit about getting him to this place - was he actually here, or was Thalia completely missing something? This felt like pulling teeth to get a straight answer, but she didn't want what was a roundabout yet informative conversation to suddenly feel like an interrogation. Once upon a time, Thalia worked in a big building where speaking to people in certain sociable ways yielded positive results. She wasn't that woman anymore, granted. And she was the new girl here. It was still worth a shot. Thalia tried a more understanding voice, "Not sure if I get you, Padre. How were you wrong? What... happened out there?"

Looking over towards Thalia, Atticus knew he needed to explain more. "What always happens out there, shit goes down," he said quietly. "And then you realize there is no repaying someone when they save your life anymore. You just have each others backs as long as you can." He looked away slightly and sighed. "And for me, I tried to keep my faith. Hard though, even before the outbreak but now, it's rare when you get to see those little things that make you go God is still out there." Shrugged he walked over to a side door and opened it. "But when you get a chance, you fucking seize it."

Pushing the door opened, there was the sound of boots clicking on the floor. A man stepped into the room, dressed in black boots and a vest that was fitted and had a very ornate and bright design on it. His black hair was greased and his face clean shaven save for a soul patch. "Hola Angel," he said in a raspy voice with a crooked grin.

Thalia stood, spinning around as she rose. The chair she had been sitting in clattered heavily upon the floor beneath it. There was an unmistakable fire in the young woman's eyes. She took a single, faltering step in the direction of the man before uttering a single word that began quietly enough, but raised into something resembling a battle-cry. "Joa-QUIIIIN!!!" It was accented with perfect Northern Mexican, which (for her) was to say it vaguely sounded like she was about to leap from the top turnbuckle in a manner most unsubtle and destroy that which was set against her. She darted the coupe of steps over to him and, with arms outstretched, wrapped him in 3/4 of a hug (missing forearm). With tears mottling her vision, she looked up at her Gonzalez half-brother and gave him a traditional greeting, for a loved one who had been missing for so long:

"What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, JOAQUIN? Four days! Four god damn días en los que pudiste haber traído tu culo grasiento para decirme que estabas vivo, ¡GILIPOLLAS!"1 The look on her face had gone from stable and coolly suspicious to inflamed and direct, her inner Bridgette flaring in a manner that required subtitles. "Me estoy preparando para a fucking hook-hand y has estado aquí todo el tiempo peinando esos cunt hairs you call a soul patch sin siquiera enviarme un mensaje!2 Dipshit! Asshole! ¡Ve a follar a una cabra y cómetelo!"3 She was crying openly now, but buried her face in Joaquin's shoulder. Muffled but still audible, she relented, "It's good to see you again, hermano." She sighed. "You still owe me five bucks." It was difficult to tell if she was being serious. But the hug stayed.

Joaquin's arms wrapped around his little sister and he grinned his crooked grin, brightly as he held her tight, cupping the back of her head and running his hand through her hair. As she laid into him he just let her get it out. Chuckling as she ranted. Yeah, it didn't matter her last name was not Gonzalez she had all the fire of one. "And there it is, behold, thy inner Taco Belle emerges," he laughed. Granted if she had fully been, he would have been decked. Shaking his head, he just let her stay in his arms and held her close. "Do you think me truly that heartless? Had I known my blood were here, I would have slain any foe to reach you. Nay, I have been beyond to the east. I did just return to these walls. Upon hearing that mi ángel had arrived I did so threaten the padre that if he not arrange me to look on your face with speed he would meet his savior this eve," he explained as he picked her up in the hug. Lifting her feet off the ground and carrying her back over to the chairs, letting her feet dangle. Setting her down he leaned her head back and took her features in. "Nay, the world could not stop me being there for mi hermana."

"And there it is, Shakespeare in the god damn park..." Atticus muttered.

Thalia gave Atticus a glare, followed by a turnaround to eyeball Joaquin again. "You're an asshole. Shakespeare, really? You'd have thought an apocalypse would have got ya kicking that habit..." Her sudden foray into her second native language seemed to have receded as cooler Boston notes prevailed. "Okay, okay. You gotta understand that I did 'slay any foe' to get here, and I didn't think I'd find anyone I knew. It's been some shit out theah, Joaquin. Some 'I gotta ask help to open ketchup bottles' kinds of shit." She took a step back from her brother, mentally getting back to the mention of her cousin. "I have some news - family news - it's naht good, neither. If you haven't heard yet, sit down, okay?" Thalia motioned to the knocked over chair that she had just vacated. She took a deep breath, ready to spill hard news.

Atticus and Joaquin looked at each other, Joaquin biting his thumb at Atticus before turning his attention back towards Thalia. "You would deny me my one true love? Say it is not so. For now, more than days that fell before do we so need the flowers and the tongue of such. In a world of death, let my voice be a beacon of what once was and what shall be again," he said expressively with a swooping bow. He was always the theatrical one. Shaking his head he stepped closer to her and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Nay, on this day we will not dwell on such things that would bring darkness. I shall revel in the light that is mi hermana's face. So not cast shadows on such things that would disrupt my joyous tidings. I pray thee would not that to my brittle heart," he said with a smile. "Mi ángel, and who should you try to fool? I am no jester of court. I know thee. Even as thee is with one hand in the grave thou art stronger than most and the only true thing you miss is double clicking thy own mouse," he teased her with a wink and braced himself for any oncoming onslaught from her.

A hollow, blank stare was all that Joaquin initially got from Thalia. A serious discussion, derailed by the flamboyance of a man who was, quite possibly, her last remaining living blood relative. If her uncle Caesar could see them now, well... there might be stabbing involved. Hell, there might still be stabbing involved anyway, if she wasn't actually glad to see the man. "Joaquin?" she began quietly, with cold syllables. "The moment I get that shiny metal arm, I'm cramming it up your ass." She gave him a slow, solemn nod. "I thought you should know." Attempting a different tactic, she inquired with forced calm, "Do you know anything about Monterrey? About dad?"

Joaquin a crooked grin and shrugged at her mention of shoving her metal arm up his ass. "Thou knowest that wouldn't be the strangest thing that has occurred to me," he teased her. Then of course it happened. The question of Monterrey and their father. "Though knowest all I do, for the padre here already told you what we last heard. A 'no' when we did last tell them we would travel West to meet them once again. I do wish I could set you at ease but my knowledge is limited and does not extend to such unknowns. Father, pray he is alive but knowest he would not tell me no if it would be a safe haven of us," he said as he stood there. He wished he could tell her more, that he knew their father was alive or even dead, so they both could have closure together. Yet, some things in this world were unknown.

"Yah." she said in a tone that suggested that she wasn't over with the conversation. Oh she was putting it to the side for now, but this wasn't fully done. Their father, Benicio, was the kind of man who had zero problems with risks, so long as he was the one taking them. He would have known that normal overland travel was painful and deadly, now that dead people ate living ones and reliable transportation was damn hard to come by. And it was equally likely in Thalia's mind that he didn't want those he cared about risking their lives unduly to find him - or that their family's compound just outside of Monterrey was lost. It was still something that she needed to see for herself. This wasn't over. But between the presence of her half-sibling, this priest, and her unfortunate physical state, the journey to Mexico was definitely postponed. Thalia looked to Atticus, then back to Joaquin, whispering a repeat of her earlier sentiment, "It's good to see you again, hermano."

"And it brightens my world to know mi ángel is here. A lily among the thorns. We shall speak again, once thou has finished her time in the Quarantine, we shall visit. For now, I do believe that the Padre wishes thou to go with him. Go, receive thy hand and learn to click it," he teased her as he wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and hugging her tight as he spun her. Setting her down he pushed her hair out of ehr face and placed a soft kiss to her brow. "Mi ángel, mi amore, mi hermana," he said brightly before letting her go. Crossing his arms over his chest after giving a sweeping bow he nodded towards Atticus.

Atticus just rolled his eyes. "Come on Thalia, think they are ready for you," he said as he walked back to the door that lead to the shop and opened it. Joaquin smirked and headed out through the door he had come in, with a lightness in his step. More so than usual. Today was a good day for him. Once he was gone, Atticus sighed. "I fucking swear to god, he was sent here to test my god damn patience," he said with a half frustrated chuckle. "He keeps that shit up and your call sign is going to end up being Mouse..."

The young woman looked very much like she could stab her older brother, had she but a pointy implement with which to do so. Why she had allowed the man to sweep her up without so much as a well-intended headbutt to the bridge of his nose was beyond her; call it a gift for a relative she had not seen for long years. Thus was the nature of her family: Loving but potentially violent. Thalia was a hair more guarded than others of her bloodline, colder in the application of violence. But she was still explosive under the right circumstances. Still, it was extremely nice to see familia, and alive, after all this time. They would have to catch up as soon as they could. The priest might be a different story. She'd have to reserve her full opinion for a while. He seemed okay, though. A little like her father. But as for the Padre, Thalia didn't know exactly what he was talking about, but felt compelled to address it anyway. "He keeps that up and he's gonna need his own metal arm, Padre." She sounded serious. Nevertheless, Thalia followed Atticus's lead and exited the room, curious and a little excited at the prospect of a proper prosthetic limb. She added in passing, "Don't know what dad or Joaquin ever told you about me... but I'm nobody's ratón." Damn, but it felt good to be around family.

Atticus chuckled and nodded. "I'd pay to see that," he said before they were fully in the other room. Looking over at Alexander he smiled. "Looking good man," he commented in passing.

"Hell yeah, looking good," she said, an earnestly impressed look on her face, even though her words were subdued. Mayeb it was a little selfish of her, but she was anxious to get to her turn soon. It didn't stop her from passing some parting cheer. Sort of. "Congrats. Your ass is mobile now, Mugs; be square dancing in no time." She flashed a passable grin and turned her attention to the Techie who was supposed to be putting her back together.

Tesla looked over towards Thalia and grinned broadly. "It shouldn't take long for us to get you all set up. Ready to be a two handed girl once again?" he asked with a cheesy grin. He loved being able to do this for people. It was never as good as the real thing but it was an improvement over having a stub. Alexanders had been a success, he hoped Thalia would be as glad when they were done here.

At first, Thalia thought she sensed a touch of condescension in Tesla's choice of words. Maybe she was still lightly annoyed by Joaquin's display of textbook Joaquin-ness. She tried to shake it off. The guy looked genuinely giddy to be there doing his job, which reminded Thalia that she was also a little excited about the fitting. Let it slide. "Let's do this. Where do you want me?"

Volts walked over to the table along the wall and pointed to a stool. "Have a seat," he said as Tesla walked over and picked up something covered in a towel. Pulling the towel away he grinned and held out the arm. "After a talk with some others about your questionnaire we went a little medieval."

Her eyes narrowed, but a slow, devious-looking smile spread across her face. Thalia was contemplating the new abilities and limitations of this new appendage accessory, and how it might fit in and/or alter both her demanding training regimen and her brutal, fluid fighting style. Oh, there would be adjustment. But it had a very workable future. "Shiny," she crooned. "Give me the grand tour, huh? Tell me about it."

"Steel and tempered. It will not rust, is light but has a decent amount of weight to it. You can cause some heavy damage with this on it's own," Volts explained.

"Right, and the fingers articulate," Tesla said as he moved them, it took some effort but there was a click each time he did. "Easier to move to close than to open and that's to make sure if you use them to create a grip during fighting, a fist, or even to hold a weapon, it will hold," Tesla said and smiled as as Volts took it.

Thalia held her tongue, merely observing and listening. Every so often, she nodded as a point was made or feature explained. It was like the first time her father handed her a pistol, explaining the dos and don'ts of its operation. She was ten.

"We implemented a leg stump insert on it. So your stump goes in here, it bends as the elbow so you can use full movement of fighting technicians, with some adjustment of course," Volts said as he reached in it and pulled out a rubber sleeve that was attached. "Stick in, roll up the sleeve to half way up your bicep. It will hold in place."

She had expected a harness or cross-strap system to hold it to her. In a pinch, it looked like one might be implemented, but this looked much, much better. Her eyes brightened and the smile moved more toward the genuinely pleased.

"Oh here," Tesla said handing over another container of baby powder before going over the same pad, rubber, and care instructions they had gone over with Alexander. "So, let's get this baby on!"

Thalia took the care and feeding package from Tesla, partly having to practically juggle the items on account of the single hand trying to accept it all. Hopefully, with a little practice, it should be easier now. She held up her stump, quickly getting herself ready for the initial fitting. "Yeah, let's get it on! Don't know about you, but I'm sure as hell ready."

It would take about twenty minutes to get the prosthetic on and go through the full care and use and to get her comfortable enough with it to be ready to go. "With just some training you should be fighting close to par and with this you can use a shield."

When it was fully assembled and fixed to her body, Thalia stood. The hair on her arms and back of her neck rose, and she felt the most concrete sense of wonder at what had just happened. She started to tear up, looking at Tesla and Volts with pure gratitude. "Thank you," she said warmly, taken by emotion that she hadn't needed to deal with in a long time. She twisted and flexed her arm, testing its full range and balance. Not perfect. Better in some ways, worse in others. An adjustment, but to her it was absolutely beautiful. "I already have plans, Tesla..." she marveled. "And I'm going to do a lot more than some training. Thank you. Thank you both."

"Hey, no problem," Volts said as he dusted off his hands. "We aim to please," he added.

"You're welcome, glad you approve. Let us know once you get out of Quarantine if there are any issues we need to look at," Tesla added.

Atticus smiled as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at them both. "Well you both are looking sharp as hell. Ready to head back and show off you new wears?"

"Yah, I am. Lead the way, Padre." There was a hair more confidence in her voice. Not that she really needed any more, but it was there anyway. Thalia was anxious to get back and pursue additional, differing elements to her training. She'd need something focusing and nigh-obsessive to occupy her until she could get out of Quarantine. Her training would still be focusing and nigh-obsessive afterward, but then she'd also have a chance to catch up with family, no matter how flamboyant or off he might be.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Riley leaned back in the chair as she looked over towards Panama and gave him a little bit of a nod. "Pokers works perfectly fine with me." Riley said, she had played a few rounds of poker back in the day, when she spent hours on a tour bus with her former bandmates and they usually always did gamble a little bit of money. She did win a round or two but also lost more than anything but she had fun playing regardless as well. She then looked over at Panama who asked who would be watching them while he was escorting people to do their interviews. She was wondering how it all was going to be going and she was curious what kind of questions they will be asking as well for her and the others.

Riley rubbed the back of her neck slightly and shook her head a little bit at Hank's question if she had ever played 52 pick up, she still wasn't really sure what to think of the man. He was always to blunt sometimes, but then again she sometimes did come off that way as well to others. A few seconds later after the amputees had gone to get their prosthetics, Riley saw two people coming into the room, one looked a bit younger than the other one who she assumed was the name Checkbook that Panama had spit his coffee out. She looked over at the guy and gave him a slight nod as Riley turned towards Amelia. "I can if you guys want." Riley said to them as Panama and Wayne left to do his interview.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Erica leaned herself up against the pool table as she looked between Hunter and Nigel as she listened to the two of them speak. "It doesn't matter to me." Erica said, as she was ready to play as she eyed them for a moment, eventually she was given the pool cue and started to make her way around. Eventually she found where she wanted to and hit it, and handed it over to the next person as Erica looked over at the poker group. Erica wasn't sure what they were talking about as they mentioned two people taking over for Panama while they were escorted to be interviewed. She waited until it was her turn again, as Wayne went to go and do his interview, and then Erica looked over at Nigel once his turn was ready and gave him a nod.

As Erica leaned herself up against the pool table two people came into the room, and then one of them a girl who looked to be in her teens or so came over and she gave the girl a nod. "Hi there." Erica said giving Checkbook a slight smile before turning her attention back to the game. Once Nigel was done Erica gave him a slight smile, as she gave a slight shrug it had been awhile since she even did play pool. "I think I did maybe." Erica said, and then she was called in for her interview. "Anyway time to go, see you guys soon." Erica said, as she started to head out of the room, and to her interview about 30 minutes later Erica came back into the room, she wasn't sure how well the interview went but she remained quiet as she made her way back to the pool table.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Beatrice nodded as Panama asked if they all knew how to play poker. It was pretty much a staple of card games - though she wouldn't have been all too surprised if Amelia didn't know how to play. The girl struck her as Strawberry Shortcake's real life counterpart. She raised a slight eyebrow, not so much at the Checkbook codename but at Wolverine. She wasn't too certain if she should expect a skinny geek or a muscular man with interesting choices in facial hair. Once Wolverine came into the room, however, Beatrice noticed that neither of her guesses had been quite right. She couldn't help but wonder if the kid with him was his daughter. She looked young enough to be his. He definitely had the face of a parent having to deal with a rambunctious teenager.

The first interview was the outspoken and gassy man from what Beatrice remembered - Wayne. She had to wonder if that was an interview strategy - let one loose, gas the room or space where the interviews were being held, and then end up having the interview cut short from the fumes. She at least hoped to not be called directly after him. She didn't want to have to plug her nose the entire time she was being interviewed, especially as she had some minor lies to keep up and didn't want inconsistencies in her story. She hadn't really paid any attention as the baby started moving around, getting mobile. Sure, it was a milestone for the baby but Beatrice didn't really care. She had no ties to the little one.

The next person she saw leave and come back from the interview took a little longer. She figured it meant then that the interviewers didn't just have standard questions to pull from - or maybe that some people were more long winded than others. Still though, she would have anticipated the gas master to take longer than Manny. The interview after Manny took even longer. Maybe the interviewers were just thinking of more questions and going shoot, should've asked that to the others! then? Hank took the longest by far.

"Looks like I'm next," Beatrice mused after Erica returned from her interview and her name was called. "I fold," she said, getting up and heading out with Panama. She was gone for an hour and when she came back, Beatrice looked to be in a slightly better mood than when she had left. She returned to the card table, hoping that the game was still going on. It helped that she had had something to take the edge off - though she was practically all edge anyways.

Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

By some combination of Froggy trying to read to him and all of the people going in and out for the interviews, Jack realized that his son had had enough. The little guy wanted to be on the move and who could blame him? As Jamie slipped out of his arms and got to the ground, Jack assisted the little bugger, making sure that he didn't just fall and hit his head or something. He basically made sure that Jamie had a safe descent to the ground. At first, Jack walked a few steps behind his son, but once Jamie got to the bookshelf and found his mom, Jack knew that it was probably a good idea to give Ash his space that he needed. Jack walked away from the bookshelf, making sure that they'd have their privacy, but he kept an eye over there in case Jamie decided to reemerge and would need his dad to go get him.

It was a good thing that Jack was looking in that direction as something amazing happened - Jamie took his first steps. He didn't feel jealous of Ash this time. No, his mind was just focused on seeing his little guy start to walk and his eyes watered slightly. He felt so incredibly proud of Jamie. Sure, it was a small accomplishment but to him it was huge. His little guy was growing up and had taken his first steps! He really wanted to just go over and praise Jamie, to wrap Tatiana up in a hug, but that could wait. Barging on over and bothering Ash wasn't going to help. He hoped that Jamie going to Uncle Ash wasn't going to cause any problems, but he didn't think it would. Jamie was just a little sweetheart.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Year 5: Part 2 Update

Date: July 19th, 2012 - July 21st
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab- If we could get the rest of the interviews in post haste so we can move past this, that would fucking awesome! Remember, Beach Party!

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)

Temperature: 83F (28C)
Humidity: High (Around 73%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH (19 KPH)
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Atticus smiled and motioned for both Thalia and Alexander to follow him back to Quarantine. It was a good day in his book. Being able to let Thalia see her brother for a bit, both Thalia and Alexander getting their limbs. And when he walked back into Conference with the two, things seemed to be going smoothly enough. Checkbook popped her gum and smiled slightly at the people playing pool. A couple said hello, one ignored her. "Cat got your tongue?" she asked in passing but shrugged it off. Turning her head she caught the kid walking. He was a cute kid. Didn't see a lot of babies these days but she had heard about him from others that had been working in Quarantine.

Meals were served and things went calm during the rest of the interviews for the day. And then, well - this is what we got next:

Time Jump Update - Read Carefully - Those having Interview during this time, just do as last round, note how long the character was in interview, leave and come back during that time, and maybe a general reaction when they come back. We are skipping from end of interviews on Day 4 to end of interviews on Day 6.

Interview Information: Again, do NOT post your interviews. Here are the list of people going through interview and times during the time jump. Note the day your character has their interview below and how long it takes. Interviews will be concluded this round. Your daily guards are now Wolverine (Roy) and Checkbook (Nikki) : Roy acts a lot like Major but he does speak more than she does. Nikki is constantly chewing gum and will either slump in her seat or walk around, tends to put on music that was popular during the early 2000's right before the outbreak - you general pop music and even brings in some of Riley's Albums to play from back in the day.

  • Day 5:
    • Tatiana Newnan - 4 hours, 30 minutes
    • Victor Bonheur - 45 minutes
    • Jack Newnan - 30 minutes
    • Alexander Polawski - 1 hour, 20 minutes
    • Amelia Payne - 1 hour, 5 minutes
    • Hunter Monroe - 2 hours, 45 minutes
  • Day 6:
    • Ashton Holloway - 2 hours, 10 minutes
    • Thalia Carmichael - 30 minutes
    • Riley Ridgeway - 45 minutes

~Doesn't matter the order they are listed here - when you post just check who has posted before you, they would have gone already if they are on the list and are back now. Then your characters name is called, you react to what is posted already, and then go, come back, and end there.

Sleeping Arrangement Notes: After interviews are concluded on Day 4, and after dinner, Gunny comes back into the room to announce that there are some room changes now. He doesn't give a reason why other than to change things up. (Though, after hearing the room assignment changes, one might think it is to make things easier for some.)

  • Ash Holloway & Victor Bonheur: Room 1
  • Riley Ridgeway & Amelia Payne: Room 2
  • Jack Newnan & Tatiana Newnan: Room 3
  • Alexander Polawski & Emanuel "Manny" Newman: Room 4
  • Beatrice Decker & Thalia Carmichael & Erica Monroe: Room 5
  • Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper & Hunter Monroe: Room 6
  • Wayne Maldonado & Hank Wright: Room 7

Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Psychology, People Reading

Day 4: Tatiana listened to Ash and nodded a bit. Actually, she understood very well what he was saying. When Froggy didn't come back and she was forced to set out on her own, she had figured he was dead. Even as she left bread crumbs of where she was going, she had held out little hope that Jack was still alive. The only thing that had kept her going was Jamie and the fact he had to have her alive for him to survive. She loved both of them, one as her father figure and one as her husband. It hurt, so much. And honestly she didn't want it to stop. It reminded her how much she did love them. "Da, I understand," she said.

Seeing Jamie, she couldn't help but smile. It didn't matter to her who he walked to first, the fact he was walking now meant he was progressing and he would have a better chance to survive. This was good. Jamie squealed and babbled. Still hadn't had his first for sure first words yet but he was making more noise lately. Tatiana just let Jamie and Ash hang out a bit before the meals came and such. She figured the man could use a pick me up from someone who wouldn't ask questions. She was glad that Jack didn't bother them. Ash needed his time.

Interviews happened but she wasn't called on Day 4. As it was getting close to bed time, Gunny came in and announced room changes. Was there a problem? Her brow rose as she was told her and Jack would be rooming together now. That brought a smile to her face. While she had enjoyed getting some sleep at night, she had missed both Jamie and Jack at night. This meant they could just be together as a family in the evening. A slight grin came to her face, maybe one night she could have Uncle Ash and Grandpa Froggy baby sit and her and Jack could just have a night to themselves. They hadn't had that since their honeymoon.

Day 5: Tatiana was called for interview and she followed Panama out of the room. Her interview took longer than anyone else's had. She came back after four and a half hours. Walking into the room, her eyes darted around and then she made a bee line for that little space she had created for Ash the day before. Falling back against the wall and sliding down it as her knees bent. She looked emotionless in the face, just tired. Then she let out a shaky breath and pulled at her fingers. She wouldn't say anything about the interview other than: "Da, okay." if she was asked if she was alright or "Major." if she was asked who interviewed her.

Day 6: By the time Day 6 came around, it seemed most of the interviews were done. Only a few left from what she could remember. Granted, they may have gotten more done if her's hadn't taken so long the day before. Sitting down on the couch, she tucked her feet beneath her and let Jamie play on the floor in front of her. Granted, now that he had learned to walk, he was all over the place. She'd only have her rear on the cushion two minutes before she or Jack had to tear off after him and keep him from pulling shit on top of himself. Tomorrow was their last day in Quarantine and that morning they were informed as soon as interviews were done, they would be getting some information. Tomorrow was the point of no return she figured. Choose to stay or go, and be told if you were accepted or not. As Jamie darted off again giggling Tati looked at Jack. "Your turn," she said and poked him with her foot with a grin.

Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Detecting

Day 4:Wayne looked over towards Hank when he came back and grinned. "Fuck yeah, retirements just around the corner," Wayne said about them maybe having a fishing buddy. That would work for him. That was what they were going after anyways. Getting down to Florida, finding a boat, and just fishing while the rest of the world went to shit. Well more than it already was. This was probably as close as they were going to get and this place had A.C. He could deal with that. Not having one's ass crack sweat constantly was a nice change. Granted he did have a blue fluffy unicorn to wipe his ass with now didn't he?

Wayne hung out and others went for their interviews. Shit seemed to be fine right then. Then Gunny came in and made room announcement changes. That was unexpected but he wasn't complaining. Sporatcus was probably going to be happy as hell, then again he was rooming with the kid, so lord only knew how that would go. Seemed the couples were being put together now. Poor Lil' Momma, with that kid walking now he doubted she was going to get any sleep.

Day 5: Wayne didn't have shit to do on Day 5. Well other than eat and chores but there were more interviews. Tatiana's took fucking forever and the man actually found himself a little worried about the woman. When she finally came back he watched her closely. She didn't seem to want to talk or even be around anyone. Just walking back to where the fort area was now behind the book shelf. Something happened, he knew that much. What he had no idea. She had gone just after breakfast and came back after lunch was served. That was the longest interview by far. Language barrier? Doubtful, the woman spoke English well enough. It had to be something else. He left her alone and offered to work with Thalia is she wanted to so she could get used to her new arm. They had been working with Tatiana anyways with dance. It was something to do.

Day 6: Wayne was in the back of the room after Breakfast. Only three people needed to do interviews today and then they were done. Unless there were recalls. Tati was hanging with the baby and he was running off constantly. So it was work with Thalia is she wanted to until she was called or sit shoving a unicorn down his pants. He was good either way. He kept watching that Checkbook kid. She liked to move around it seemed. Tomorrow was the last day in Quarantine, Wayne had already decided if asked he would stay. He liked it here and if Quarantine was their way of welcoming people in and they had the resources for spiffy arms and legs, and once again A.C. - unless they told him to eat shit and get out, his ass was staying. Maybe he could get the recliner in his room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Victor Bonheur

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: (Inside Quarantine: W) Conference Room
Skills: N/A

Day 4:
Chuckling at Jack's response about his accent, Victor shook his head and watched as Jamie wriggled and writhed, like a worm out of the earth. He smiled gently at the tyke and watched as he slipped out of his father's arms. He let out a short, soft sigh - betraying his upset that Jamie didn't want to spend time with him but knowing that a child will do what a child wants and it was not anything personal. Or at least, that's what he told himself. Closing the book over gently, he thought about the idea of the interviews. He wondered if he would be called. Jack took off after his son and left Victor standing on his lonesome again.

A small commotion at the card table drew Victor's attention momentarily, his fingers still clutching that skinny little book and he saw Panama with coffee dribbling down his chin. Strange reaction but it was none of Victor's business as to what it was. If he'd been paying proper attention he'd have heard it was due to the change of guards but since he was gathering himself in his own little bubble, he hadn't really taken real notice just yet. Victor made his way over to an empty seat, away from most everyone and sat down. It wasn't until he'd sat down that he realised that Jamie had taken his first steps! He blinked and opened his mouth, wanting to say something but choosing not to. He didn't see the little fella taking his steps but he was happy for his family, they'd made it to a massive milestone and he was pleased for them. He smiled a little, it not quite lifting all of his features with joy and leaned back in his seat.

Victor saw the self conversing megaphone, who was the first half of the recliner brothers, being called away first for interview and when he returned quite quickly but in a quietened mood, Victor perked a brow and wondered what had transpired. Next was Alexander's friend who took about twice as long, then the man who spent a lot of time with the brunette girl, he then took longer again... What was happening in these interviews? Victor shifted in his seat and clutched the book in his lap a little tighter. He only moved to get food when it was served at lunch time.

Next up was Recliner Bro #2 who took the longest yet, Victor pretty much just stared at the door of the conference room while waiting for him to return from his interview, wondering if he'd be called and watching as he returned but not really registering it. He did, however, register their new guards, the young girl needed to learn better posture but in this world that was hardly a priority. The man, Wolverine, he was quiet like Major so far. He didn't know what to make of him. After Recliner Bro #2 returned, the young brunette girl... Eliza? Emma? Victor wasn't sure of her name, left and returned much quicker than the last two and then Beatrice was called. She took a longer time but not quite as bad as Recliner Bro #2. That seemed to be it for the day. His grip relaxed on the book and he stood, having his final meal and then went to start his duty of cleaning the conference room at the end of the day but was stopped momentarily by Gunny who announced changes in room assignments. He was to be paired with Ashton. Nodding to himself, Victor made no comment and carried on with his assigned task.

When it came to sleeping he said goodnight to Ashton and left the man to his own devices. He figured Ashton would need some time to himself after seeing the video earlier today. He didn't talk to anyone the rest of that day actually, Victor shrugged it off and went to bed to have a restless night of sleep.

Day 5:
New day, more interviews. Victor was as anxious today as he was yesterday. He found a quiet seat and awaited to be called. Tatiana was called first. He anxiously awaited his Little Bird returning as he wanted to ask her what the interview process was like but when she hadn't returned by lunch time, Victor's anxieties were at an extreme. He sat at the edge of his seat and drummed his fingers together, he could barely even eat. When Tati returned after lunch and made a bee line straight for the Sibling Fort he stopped himself from going anywhere near it. He wanted to, but his name was then called by Panama. He blinked and stood, making his way forward out of the room after Panama. He did all he could to keep his face calmed and his body from shaking. He was thankful for the walk to the interview room. When he returned shy of an hour later, Victor slumped back into the room and planted his backside firmly into his chair of choice. He spoke to no one for the remainder of the day, sitting with his eyes closed more than not. Were it not for the gentle rise and fall of his chest one might mistake him for dead. He had no idea who else was interviewed that day. If anyone were to ask him about his interview he would feign sleep. He had talked enough for one day.

Day 6:
It was their last day in quarantine and Victor did not know how he felt about it. He'd spoken to practically no one more than simple surface conversation and even then he avoided that where at all possible. He all but refused to discuss his interview to anyone that wanted to do so. He kind of wanted to get to know the other people but he also knew that there was the chance that he'd never see them again so what was the point. He was sitting in his chosen seat in the conference room, watching everything going on around him. His eyes resting on his loved ones more than a few times, a small smile permanently on his face despite how he felt inside as he watched Jamie scuttling all over the place and his parents chasing after him.

His heart ached, his mind was hollow and his body felt like lead. They were to be given some more information later that day. He felt ambivalence towards the information. He was beginning more and more to feel separate from everything going on around him. The only things he knew was that he wished for the safety and well being of those he cared for. Above all else. He had also spent the last number of days fighting with himself, wondering if he should have told their "hosts" the truth. If Tati, Jack, Jamie, Ash and everyone else were denied sanctuary here because of his judgement then he did not know if he could ever forgive himself. He hoped, as empty as that word felt today, that he would not need to travel down that particular road. Victor knew he was at a cross roads for himself - if his family could stay then would he?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4: Well the situation with the game was about how one would expect when the players had to leave every now and then. Amelia simply plaid, she didn't want to deal. Sure she knew how to play simple poker, but didn't feal like dealing was going to work out as easily. She had never dealt before, maybe she should get Riley to teach her later. Yeah that would be good. Still Hank eventually went for the interview, returning way later, followed by Beatrice and for once Amelia was glad someone had actually left.

She still didn't know how to deal with that woman. Maybe it was the way the woman was looking at her? She didn't bother dwell too much on it though, live and let live. If you don't get with someone just ignore them unless they prove to be a danger. That was what she had decided. Sure she kept an eye out for the possibility of danger, but wasn't going to act out unless she was sure.

Anyway, the day slowly rolled over until it was soon going to be night time, only to be told a really pleasant news. They were getting reassigned in the rooms department. So from now on she was going to be in the same room with Riley! Amelia's mood more or less spiked at that piece of grand news as a bright smile appeared on her face as she threw the most happy look she's had in a while at her love. If nothing else... no more half sleeping on the chairs, expecting a problem to happen with the other roomies... Well mostly Bea. The Erica woman did seem way more friendly overall. Their new room was room number two. She was still practically beaming as they finally went to their room for the night.

Day 5: Amelia would have loved to say the day got on to a flying start with maybe a party or something that wasn't too stressful, but no. Day started regularly until Tati went to the interview. She was there for almost five hours. This stressed out Amelia to no end as she was really worried what was going on. When the russian woman returned and Victor went next, Amelia was now really concerned, but at least he didn't take as long. He didn't appear in much better mental condition that Tati, which made Amelia even more worried as she went to the interview.

She eventually returned an hour and five or so minutes later. She appeared in much calmer state than when she went. She was glad it wasn't nearly as stressful or scary as she thought it would be. Had well explained it was Atticus who was running the interview and that it passed quite well, being asked normal questions and stuff, though she did have the trace smell of cigarettes about her. She was already planning to learn how she could get herself more cigarettes for the future, wondered if they were given out as rewards or paid for or something.

Day 6: It was nearly over. The quarantine was going to come to an end soon and today were the last interviews. Amelia was mostly worried because it was Riley's interview today and she hoped it would all be fine today. She was sitting neaby the Riley as they waited for the interviews to restart again. From what Amelia knew they should call Ash, Riley and the Thalia person for interviews today. Once more, Amelia let out a silent prayer that it all would pass by fine.

Hey eyes couldn't help, but catch a glimplse of the now really mobile Jamie. It was still as adorable and warming for the heart as it was the first time. Little guy was really energetic which was a good thing. Her eyes glided across the room, seeing everyone, resting on their new guards... well sort of new they were the guards for a couple days now after all and finally rested on Victor." Riley, I will go chat with Victor." She informed the singer and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before scurrying off to the doctor friend.

"Hey..." She called as she was near him. She was wondering why he wasn't speaking much." Can we talk? Maybe about books like we used to?" Amelia asked quietly as she looked at Victor." Or French... though I fear that I've forgotten a lot. I haven't had much chance to practice it lately. Or maybe we could talk about books in French?" She tried to chat up a conversation with the doctor. She always enjoyed talking with him, he was smart and friendly.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 27 min ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4: He had to admit it, it did him good to see that baby progress. A new life achieving goals in the world as it was now seemed miraculous. Ash spent a little time playing with his tiny godson until it was time for a feeding.

Room assignments came as an interesting change. Seemingly at first intended to mix them up, the new room order had them with more familiar people, for the most part. Maybe it was because they figured no one was going to kill anyone else and the group was willing to follow their rules. Regardless, he appreciated the change. Some people who needed time for themselves got it, and Ash had few concerns about the motivations of his new roommate.

During one of his less stoic moments, Ash even found it within himself to inquire to Riley about some of the music that their new guard had brought in for herself, "This is some of your earlier stuff, isn't it? You might have fans here." Though he never said anything directly to the younger guard about it. If she didn't already know that there was a pre-apocalypse star in their midst, Ash wasn't going to ruin the surprise if and when she figured it out for herself.

Day 5: Ash was curious to note that, in addition to her grueling sessions with Tatiana, the one-armed Miss Carmichael had decided to join him for his morning calisthenics. She didn't ask permission nor declare any interest beforehand, she just walked up and started hammering out pushups right alongside him. The new hardware she was sporting made it possible, and she threw herself wordlessly into it. Ash considered asking her why or saying that he wanted to keep his sessions private, but something about the drive of the woman prevented him. It was those eyes. He saw Caesar's intensity in the woman. She had something to prove.

The rotation for interviews still didn't include him. While he had no idea what the rhyme or reason was with the order in which they were selected, nor the significance of the varying lengths of them, he had felt more or less okay with the process as a whole. That is, until Tatiana came back from hers. The longest one by far, and she looked distressed upon her return.

When she found some marginal privacy in their bookshelf fortification, Ash quietly approached and sat down beside her. He didn't look directly at her, keeping his vision on the others in the room, collectively, as the line-of-sight of the shelving allowed, simply asking, "You good?" He wasn't fully buying her answer. But it's not like it was something to deck her over. Ash just stayed with her quietly until either she or the situation indicated otherwise.

Day 6: As usual, his task in the a.m. didn't take much in the way of time. Just as soon as he had finished, he was approached by Thalia again, an eager look urging her toward exercise again. This time, when they got to the sets of boxer crunches, she threw in a specific, extra combination with every other rep. Ash had seen that before, as well. His eyes widened as he remembered where he had, and what it must mean about her. Her smile was a chilling confirmation. It seemed that they would always be haunted by ghosts from their past. At least this was a piece of that past they had in common.

It seemed that finally, finally, Ash was called for his interview. They seemed to be cutting it close, too. The next day was their last in Quarantine, and he had a sneaking suspicion that those in charge were intentionally saving his interview for later to confirm or deny things that those formerly under his command were saying. Naturally, that was the point of separate meetings in the first place. Well, no matter what happened, Ash was going to answer as truthfully as he could. Mexico Beach might not be their last chance at life, but it was the best one they had seen in a long, long time.

Two Hours, Ten Minutes later:

It was eerily surreal. Ashton entered the Conference Room walking as a professional soldier might. Spine straight, shoulders broad, posture immaculate. His eyes were sharp and jaw squared. Ash's clothing looked as if it had recently been recently fixed; his shirt tucked tightly enough for his muscle tone to show through. Also, and oddly, his hair was wet. Otherwise, it looked like he was simply retaking his role as a soldier, with two HUGE exceptions: The skin around his eye was darkened, showing the telltale signs of one whopper of a black eye forming. It was about as big as his palm. The second, and significantly more alarming exception - His pant leg was covered with blood. It started high and ran almost fully down to the hem. Whatever happened during Ash's interview time, blood was involved.

He seemed to take no notice of it. There was a faraway look in his eyes and is mouth was clamped shut. He didn't offer explanation to anyone. Not even those closest to him. Instead, Ash found a seat and simply rested himself in it. He wore a very satisfied expression on his face that beamed confidence. Bright, unapologetic eyes showed remarkable clarity.

Ashton Holloway surveyed the people around him, making careful mental notes. Nodding slowly, he blew out a long, slow breath. His face was damaged more than when he went in, and blood stained his clothing - either from himself or someone else. Ash didn't seem to give a rat's ass about either.

His interview was over.

Hank Wright

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4: There were a lot of people who seemed worried about a lot of things. Hank understood that holding onto their individual concerns often gave people a sense of identity; an external locus of control that aided in defining who they were. To that end, they were, in part, identified by what they perceived they were struggling against. For many of them, that was living in general, which in this day and age had merit beyond simple paranoia. Others had more specific points they worried over, which Hank would have been more than happy to help them address if A) it was his job, B) he cared enough to, and/or C) he felt like getting a laugh out of it.

Good news, though! The rooms were being switched around a bit. In the case of his quarters, that just meant that he and Wayne now had the beds to themselves; one each with all the pillows for their reclining and/or fort-building needs. That wasn't so bad at all. Thinking back to Wayne's exclamation from earlier, about having a new fishing buddy, Hank put forward an idea that he'd been giving some thought since his interview ended. "Hey, Maldonado... Think about this okay? We've been talking for, well, shiny-God-in-heaven knows how long about doing the 'old person' thing and retiring in Florida, right? Well, we need to learn how to fish. Not that 'throw a line in the water and drink beer' fishing (but that's not off the table, let's not rule anything out). Like, really fish productively. And boat. Boat and fish. Fish and boat. Therapeutic fishboating. Or boatfishing. Whatever else they have us doing, I want to make that a priority. We could even bring a few of the more tolerable asshats here out with us after we're established. You with me?" If one didn't know an better, one might say that a man making plans for the future and choosing to involve others in them was a highly positive step forward.

Unrelated note, but god damn he wanted a steak. If they'd let him get out and hunt, he'd take care of it himself.

Day 5: The work that they let him do was good and all, but it just wasn't enough. Hank was the kind of guy that needed to do things to keep from going a little nuts. Or just act like an asshole. Not that something to do would fully prevent that from happening, but it did blunt the sarcasm a bit. Hank's time in Quarantine was getting a little boring. There was only so many times one could play cards for legos (that immediately went back into the box anyway) before it got stale. Often, he had given consideration to putting their various chores up for wager, though he thought he remembered someone saying that their assignments couldn't be transferred to anyone else. That was probably a big no-no. If it might have been allowed, Hank saw himself betting high and folding, just to have more productive stuff to do. But, it was what it was.

Now, the observant Mr. Hanktholomew Patrick Wright, after noting the extremely long interview of the Russian mom who Wayne was getting along with so well, likewise noted her return. And the condition that she was in upon that return. He didn't say anything outright, nor out loud. Something happened and he was likely never going to know what it was. She seemed okay and there was no shortage of people supporting her. It was best to keep his nose out of it. Sadly, he could not completely. The one thing he offered to her, and in as few words as possible, was, "Hey, ah, let me know if you need an ear. Seriously. Mean it." Hank backed off.

Day 6: Oh, what fresh and fugly hell was this? No sir! No, no, no, nooooooo. Big, huge, giant red flag just went off. Russian Red's shaky entrance yesterday was one thing, but Captain Ash-hole striding in with all the majestic poise of Captain America, looking like he just came back from a pugilist review and covered in blood, while no one gave a shit was making him a little antsy. Their guards didn't seem too ruffled. The man himself didn't seem to notice at all. The distinct lack of the previously mentioned shit-giving from all parties concerned made him very happy with how his own interview went, and curious as hell as to what happened to him.

Maybe he'd ask. Just not first. Someone else could ask first. That guy might actually be crazy, and Hank was an expert on crazy from behind both sides of the glass. Nope. One more day in Quarantine, then he could retire in Florida like he intended to, more or less. Stay frosty until then.

"Hey there, Cap'n! What the hell happened to you this time?" Shit. He just couldn't stop.

Not surprisingly, Ash did not respond.

Thalia Carmichael

Location: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4: Thalia stepped back into the Conference Room, an uncommon smile on her face as the was slightly proud, and slightly embarrassed of, her new arm. Not arm, really, though it was shaped more or less like one and did perform many of the functions that one might, with the exception being the vast majority of her previous manual dexterity. But damn, could she club a bitch out with it if she needed to. Thalia already knew what she wanted to have done to round her combat ability back out, and it would require the assistance of another fabricator of some kind. Or a decent armorer. But that was a question for tomorrow. Today, she had to begin acclimating to her new hardware.

Pursuing this, Thalia spent a good amount of time testing her flexibility and range with this new prosthetic. The bones of her forearm were obviously vastly compromised, limiting the ability to rotate the device considerably. Quarter turn at most. More work would have to be done with her bicep, shoulder, and elbow to compensate and not leave herself open in a scrap. But this was immensely preferable to the item she had for herself before. And more comfortable, too.

Then there was the news of the room change. Okay, keeping things moving, yay team. Being bunked with Beatrice seemed slightly double-edged. She had been pulling away. Being locked in with her at night might provide opportunity to ask a couple pointed questions about that, though doing exactly that might exacerbate the situation. If she wanted to talk, Thalia would be happy to give her the opportunity. Plus, she was still in a room as a trio, not a couple. There was no sense venting their business in front of someone else. Drama led to more drama, and they had gone through enough for a while.

Day 5: The next morning, Thalia rose, readied herself, and ate as much breakfast as she thought might be appropriate to the level of training she intended to inflict upon herself. That is to say, as much as they let her. Once ready to greet the day, the first thing she did was walk directly up to Ash as he readied for his own workout routine. It was cute, really, in a "I don't want to get soft" sort of way. Thalia had much more that she wanted to do with her time. She was out to sculpt herself into iron. Ash's workout routine would serve to increase her muscle mass by way of using her own body as counterweight, and thusly would compliment what she was already doing with Tatiana. So, she said nothing to the guy at all. She just walked up, confidently bracing for pushups on her knuckles (real and metal alike), and matched the solider push for push. It was a little more difficult than she remembered. Of course, not having an arm to brace on for so long meant that she couldn't actually do some of these exercises for a while.

Ash looked at her like he wanted to say something, a gesture to which she responded by shooting a similar look back. Oh no, he's not going to tell her to piss off. Ash should be happy that someone wanted to have a damn thing to do with his gruff, antisocial ass. And she might be a hypocrite if she let on that she was a whole lot different in that way. With new people, anyway.

Tatiana's interview ran late. Very late. In addition to the calisthenics from the morning, Thalia agreed with Wayne that they should continue their exercises from Tati's metaphorical playbook, and keep them going when she got back. It took a while, though. And when she got back, she looked blank. Absolutely blank. Between that and hiding in her and Ash's bookshelf fort, Thalia was a little worried. She backed off, though. Give the lady some time. They had their workouts in the meantime, which Thalia was taking very seriously. Very seriously. To the point of physical exhaustion seriously.

Day 6: Oh, that sly bastard! Thalia finally understood why the preliminary workouts with Ash felt so familiar: She had done them, exactly, before! Long before, now that her brain was putting a date to it. She had been one hell of a boxer back in the day, for one as young as herself when she got into it. More than that, she had an eye for styles. Her father taught her to box, long ago. He also taught her the difference between boxing in a ring and fighting in the streets. In turn, she took lessons from both and quantified it into a form that she could pass on to others in a more teachable way, turning a family brawling style into a martial art that kept evolving. One of the points that it evolved was when she found herself surrounded by apocalypse survivors wearing metal armor, behind walls of hewn logs. A tall, blonde bitch with her own family history trained with her, fought with her, and had her own routine. Army Captain was using that exact routine. That meant that he likely boxed, too. That meant that Vinters style bitch-hitting was still alive in the world, albeit in the mind of a man with more self control than its previous user. Pity.

The fun part: The routine got a little more complicated the further you went into it. Just for shits and giggles, Thalia stepped it to the next level up, throwing in an extra, alternating punch combination during their crunch sets. He recognized it. The look was priceless. Thalia grinned her ass off and kept exercising. Later on, she might talk to Wayne and Tatiana about it while they did their training. There was no way she was missing training.

As it turned out, Thalia had her interview on this day. She was gone and back in a half hour, and seemed none the worse for wear. Eager to get back to it, maybe, but otherwise unaffected by the Q&A session. On the other hand, when she saw Army Captain get back, she stopped what she was doing and, in a kneejerk reaction to a situation that might get hostile, made herself as least noticeable as possible, so as to take an erupting problem unaware of her next actions. Her eyes took in as much detail as her brain could process, and what she saw confused her to no end.

Ash was back, blood on his clothes and it looked like someone took a sack of doorknobs to the side of his face. What did he do? Why isn't anyone doing anything? Why the hell did Hank have to put his foot in his mouth like that? Was Ash hurt, or was that someone else's blood? Why did he look... content?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

Day 4: The fourth day was simple for Manny. His interview was over, Alexander came back on two feet, and damn was it a sight to see. Whatever contraption they put together was about a hundred times better then anything Manny could improvise. "So? Was it Terminator?" He asked with a slight laugh. It was good to see the man walk again. To add on the good news, the baby walk walking too! Sure he would to get to know him, but the parents didn't seem as up for that. He didn't blame them for that. He also noticed Hunter being social, and hasn't had an outburst since that first day. Sure he still gave Manny the creeps at times, but he seemed to be doing better.

Room reassignments came today after dinner. Manny stayed in the same room which was nice, though Hunter and Ash got reassigned. Alexander got moved into his room though. He didn't mind that, they were used to backing each other up when need be. Even with one foot, the man was still a much better fighter then Manny. Overall, it was looking good. Boredom seemed to be a common theme for many in recent days, though Manny found that odd. There were so many books available! How could anyone be bored?

Day 5: Manny continued his chores with a refreshed attitude, and not feeling like shit anymore he worked as hard as his aging body could. Though as things started to look up, Manny had to remember that nothing was perfect. Tatiana's interview had lasted well over 4 hours. She seemed to have become even more distant because of it too. What the hell kind of interview did everyone else get? His was short and sweet, the interviews seemed to be getting longer, and people seemed to be coming back worse and worse. Though a few people had shorter ones, they still had a defeated feeling to them when they came back. The exception being Amelia, Manny didn't really know her outside of catching her name though. He did remember her being pretty upset after she got her hair cut, so seeing her relaxed now was nice.

Manny did notice that many people seemed to be getting bored while in quarantine. He found that odd as they had so many books here! Even though the selection was limited here, the options were not half bad. Sure books weren't for everyone, but things didn't seem that bad? He did take note that after Amelia came back from her interview Hunter left for his. From what he could tell of the boy, it seemed like things could get worse here, it would all depend on the boy though.

Day 6: Manny was finally understanding the boredom issue. Sure he loved books, but damn it would be nice to do other things. He missed working, he missed jogging, or even just walking. He noticed Thalia and Ash doing pushups, though that would be something Manny wasn't in as good of shape as he used to be. So that he would have to pass on. He watched a couple shows on the TV a bit, but he was never really a fan of Television. He wasn't very good at pool, and he didn't want to push things with the soldier boy anymore. Cards were an option, if he got too bored of his book, he would join a game later.

Ash came back from his Interview today. He looked like he had been in a full on brawl?! Manny having been a doctor for almost his entire life felt he should at least do a simple check, but where to start? Sure the man physically looked like shit, but... He was smiling?

Private Hunter James Monroe

Location: Quarantine
Skills: N/A

Day 4: Today was overall a decent day for Hunter. He played a game of pool, no one died, no one threatened to kill him. Overall, a win. Plus, he was working towards improving things with at least some people here. Though Hunter was horribly out of practice when it came to pool, he still felt he did a decent game, even though he struggled to play a three way game of pool when the balls were normally only stripped and solid colors. It was weird, but it was fun just hitting balls over and over again. He wasn't sure what he thought of Erica at the moment. Nigel seemed pretty decent though, someone Hunter could probably get to like eventually. "[color=00a651][/color]Hunter's the name yeah.[/color]" He spoke answering his prior question. Hunter didn't mind small talk, especially if it wasn't about the early days. "I used to go to highschool a town away from where I lived, Penn Yan Academy. Nice enough school, though conflicts made it hard to stay focused on it." Soon Nigel had to leave for his interview. Hunter hoped that whatever he had for an interview didn't lead to him getting shot in the back of the head once he left the room.

Erica also left for her interview today. Playing pool Hunter didn't really keep track of time much so he wasn't really sure how long the two were gone each. But it didn't seem too long. Hunter made a note that it could be helpful to get a watch at some point. It never hurt to have a good watch. Or even a cheap one. At some point after dinner Gunny came in to let everyone know that they were getting room changes. So instead of the Captain and the old man, he was getting Nigel. He seemed nice enough, so Hunter wouldn't complain. No interview for Hunter today. Another thing he was fine with. More time for pool and... pool.

Day 5: Today Hunter did his chores, did them well, then went back to pool and coffee. Sure he liked pool, but god he wanted anything else to do. Did they set it up like this on purpose? To test people in situations where they get figity? To see how people would entertain themselves? TO stress people out waiting? God, no matter what it was, it seemed fucked up. Sure he could probably join a game of cards, if it wasn't for the fact he didn't know how to play any card games. He had no plans to admit that to anyone here, especially Wayne, he could see Wayne saying something stupid if he found out about that. So no, cards were off the table. So pool... more pool. So much fucking pool. On the plus side, if things went wrong, a pool cue made a better weapon then a coffee cup.

Hunter was partially convinced that they were skipping interviews today, then he remembered the Russian woman left this morning. And was still gone... Hunter saw this as bad for a lot of reasons. 1) Most interviews so far has been less then an hour, or barely over. 2) Was there more going on outside of interviews that should be noted? 3) Out of everyone to target, the mother seemed like an odd choice. Then again, she did throw the first punch. But the Captain took it well enough. 4) He wouldn't get a chance to say anything to her if she didn't show before quarantine was up. He felt guilty about day one still, but with nowhere to go he wasn't comfortable talking in front of anyone here. Especially since half had threatened to kill him or beat him up.

She came back hours after those thoughts crossed his mind. She had the look of someone who once had the confidence of the world, then had all of it ripped out from under her. "What the fuck happened here?" He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, mostly thinking out loud. Two more people went in for interviews. The new comer who Hunter still didn't get his name, though everyone else seemed to know him, and the used to be red head girl who wanted nothing to do with Hunter. Before he gave good reason for it in his mind. Then his name was called. Glancing at the Russian mother he wondered what was in store for him. He held the pool cue for a while, finally opting to set it down. There is a reason the human race decided to stop using sticks and stones. Bullets did more, and at a fraction of the effort.

After two hours, and forty five minutes, Hunter came back. The stress on his face was clear, the fear was easy to see. He looked like he was told the most important bits of information in the world, and had no idea what to do with that information. He wandered his way over to where he set his coffee cup down and went to take a sip. Once the cup was upside down over his head he realized he had finished it before he left. With the mix of emotions he was having he wasn't sure what to do, though the motions he did implied he was ready to pelt the cup to the wall. He stopped himself before the motions really went into play, but he wanted to so much at this point. He decided, this place is cruel, probably more cruel then the outside world. But he had to make it work. He kept to himself in a chair for the rest of the day. One plus side to this afternoon, no more fucking pool.

Day 6: Unlike previous days where Hunter put decent effort into his chores he was slower today, distracted on his own thoughts. He did his job still, but it was noticeable when he stopped and thought. Unlike prior cleanings, he didn't find himself looking for potential weapons and where to hide them. Though the job was done, and done well, it just took longer then usual. He had stopped eyeing people as threats, and how he would take them out if need be. He stopped internally plotting how to get a gun in his hands. Compared to the boy who walked in with a plan to take on the world, and ready to take it down with him, he had been broken. Now he just went through the motions until he could figure out what he had to do next. No, he was pretty sure he knew what he had to do. He was just scared to. Because if he fucked up it would mean everything to him.

After breakfast, Hunter took his cup of coffee and walked over to the couch. He was slow, and tried to hold the coffee in a non threatening way. But he held it tight like it was the only thing keeping him going and he would collapse if he lost it. He kept distance from the young baby, making careful note that he would probably get beaten to death with his own cup if he got too close to him. He stopped a bit off to the side of the couch, away from the young baby, and with a bit of distance between himself and Tatiana. "You're right. I know nothing." He spoke like he was struggling to get the words out. "I... I uh... fuck..." His words broke, and he was having trouble speaking. "Sorry just... Trying to figure out... how to word this." He took a sip of his coffee, then took a deep breath. Deciding the coffee was more help, he took another sip of that. "I'm trying to apologize... but I don't think a simple one liner will do it... If you want me to stop here I will, but I really do want to make things..." He wasn't sure what he wanted to make things now that he thought of it. "I fucked up. So if I could get a chance to fix that it would be awesome. If not, I get it, and I will walk away, and we wont ever talk again." Hunter waited for a response from Tatiana and to get tackled again. By who, could be anyone. Then he took another sip of coffee. The coffee helped, but damn did he wish it was something stronger. He barely noticed when Ashed walked in looking like he fought the world and the world tapped out.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alexander Polawski

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4: Alexander had to smile at Thalia's seal of approval as he had just gotten a new leg, himself having equally been impressed by Tesla's and Volt's handy work. It was sure as hell a lot better than the duct-taped piece of wood they'd managed to put together, didn't make as much noise either. Alexander grinned at Thalia and her square dancing-comment, finding himself a place to sit as she was getting her own little toy. "I might be up and mobile again, Thalia, but you'll be sorry when you see me dancing. It ain't a pretty sight, I can tell you that. With or without the foot. " Alexander joked back to his soon-to-be two-armed friend again, watching the arm being mounted on her and how it all worked. It wasn't magic, but the Army always had the fanciest toys in Mugsy's opinion.

Soon the duo had been returned to the Quarantine by Father Atticus, and Alexander was glad to be able to walk almost normally like before. Manny was obviously impressed by the whole contraption, and it looked like Alexander was joined in his walk by the little kid, to which Alexander's smile only remained brightly on his face as he watched. "It feels better than lugging around on the log, that's for sure. But I still prefer Mugsy over Terminator." He replied with a laugh, only for their new sleeping arrangement to be announced. Alexander and Manny were put together in Room 4.

Things were looking up for the group, for ol' Alexander.

Day 5: Today was another day of interview, and Alexander's name had been pulled out of the proverbial lottery machine for that day. First Tatiana had been called up and been gone for over four hours, followed by Victor, Amelia and Hunter. All of the interviews had been long, but Tatiana's was by far the longest. Alexander couldn't help but wonder what they had asked her about, and what she'd told them. It worried him. Should it worry him? The lengths did little to subside his fear. But as his turn came up and he was escorted out by Panama, he tried to force a soldierly courage upon himself like so many times before.

The Alexander that then returned from the interview one hour and 20 minutes later was a different man. Not by a long shot, but it was visible. Alexander wasn't afraid as he walked back into the Conference Room, he was relieved, yet still burdened. It must have had something to do with the interview being conducted outside in fresh air by the General himself, the whole tone of what had been more of a conversation rather than an interrogation he feared, and what words were spoken. And then there was the photograph, safe in his pocket. Relieved, yet burdened by the memories the talk brought back. But Alexander did smile as he walked back into the room with Panama, his fingers feeling the photo in his pocket. A photo of two men now long gone, one permanently and the other a fleeting image of his former self.

Day 6: The days were getting quicker by the hour it seemed. Perhaps it was the daily routine of cleaning-duty, regular meals and non-fatal activities that calmed down the old veteran's battle-hardened mind, which didn't need to comprehend everything in slow motion not to get killed by a stupid mistake? Regardless of what it was, Alexander was almost surprised when he realized their time in quarantine was nearly over, and then…then what? Were they in, or out? Some or all? Only God, and those in charge of Camp Mexico Beach, knew that.

Alexander enjoyed spending the first time of many years of respite to the best of his abilities, sitting quietly in a chair and enjoying his own company when he wasn't either watching TV with Manny or having a conversation with someone else from his group, or the others. He wasn't so occupied in either of those activities though to not notice the state in which Ash returned from his interview. Bloody and bruised, like after a rather harsh engagment with the enemy, yet smiling. How, and why? But Alexander asked him not, Ash's silence to Hank asking him was more answer than anything.

It don't mean nothin'.

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4: The game of pool proceeded as well as one could have imagined it to go with Nigel being left alone with Hunter for the half an hour Erica was gone. What impressed Nigel the most wasn't Hunter's skill in playing pool or anything like that, perhaps since they either were just as good or equally were horrible at the game. No, Nigel "Hadrian" had to give it to the young soldier who had spent the earlier part of the week making a fool of himself to the others; he actually behaved somewhat normally. Hunter both confirmed his name and answered Nigel's question about which school he attended. "Penn Yan? Didn't work there, but I think I've heard of it. New York, right?"

Though Nigel wasn't entirely happy with the new sleeping arrangements that had been re-shuffled. Hunter was getting better at having a normal conversation with, but Nigel was still weary of sharing a sleeping quarter with the clearly troubled man. Then again, what were the difference between Wayne and Hunter? And if Nigel could survive Wayne and his infernal farts, he would try Hunter.

Day 5: The following day brought more people away from the main body of the survivers, including Nigel's fast-becoming pool-buddy of Hunter. When Hunter had gone way for his interview though, Nigel first enjoyed the peace and quiet he got while contiuing his study of the fall of Rome in book-form, though he started to wonder what had happened when the first hour passed. Then the second, to which he would give Erica a questioning look, as if she would know. It wasn't that Hunter had been away the longest, that honour went to Tatiana. But considering what Nigel had been asked about the day before…no, he had no idea what they were talking about. At least Tatiana had a legitimate reason to lash out the way she did, Hunter had more or less snapped at a very unfortunate time. But most interviews that day took long to conclude, even the no-longer one-legged Alexander and buzz-cut Amelia, who didn't appear dangerous. Once Hunter actually returned, something was very obviously wrong with the kid. It was tempting to ask him if he was okay, but it was just as clear that giving him space was the best tactic of the day.

Day 6: By day 6 Nigel "Hadrian" was getting eager to get out in the open and stretch his wings again. Having spent a week in quarantine, locked inside a building like prisoners or slaves ready for sale, Nigel was looking forward to walking outside in the sunlight without having to fear your every step in the open. Before a roof and walls had been a blessing for his tired survivor's soul, but now it was what it was. A cage. So yes, the Neo-Roman gladiator was eager to escape the Colosseum. Whether or not it was as a part of this camp's machinery, he longed for the sun.

Nigel was still sitting in his corner and enjoying the book on Rome's fall when he took note of Hunter. Yeah, having talked to the kid and spent the night in the same bedroom made him aware of the young soldier, more than before. To his surprise, Hunter went over and apologizing to Tatiana for his behavior. Nigel was amazed, yet equally concerned. It must have been one hell of an interview the previous day. The sight of Hunter with Tatiana was countered by Ashton returning from his interview, prompting a (never) well-placed call from Hank on what he'd done then. One of those days, someone wasn't going to take Hank's words as easy anymore. Perhaps their next day in freedom would be that time?

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Day 4: Riley decided to start to deal them while Panama had gone and escort the one whos were doing their interviews for the day. She leaned back in her seat as she started to play with Beatrice and Amelia as she adjusted the scarf over her head, she was glad that it wasn't really itching or irritated at all which was a good thing. As the last interviews of the day went Riley looked up at Atticus when he started to announce some room changes. She looked over towards Amelia and smiled even more she finally did get a room with her which she was pretty happy about, and she didn't have to worry about her sleeping alone as well. And it would actually be nice to have a night or two with just them.

Day 5: Riley had spent the early morning doing her job that was assigned to cleaning the women's showers in the morning, now that she had gotten used to the duty she didn't half-ass it like she had done it for the first day or two, and since everyone else was using it, it had to be clean. Then after that Riley would sit down and hang out, she was surprised that Checkbook managed to find some of her own music before the outbreak. Riley spent most of the day by Amelia when she was called into do her interview as she looked over at her and gave her a loving hug and wished her good luck. Riley waited for everyone to finish up their interviews for the day, she spent some of it hanging out with Erica a little bit as well.

Day 6: Day six was about the same as normal as Riley did her normal duties that morning and she spent most of the afternoon with Amelia as she leaned back and did get a little play in the pac-man game as well as a round of pool as well. When she looked over towards Amelia and nodded towards her girlfriend. "Alright then love." Riley said towards Amelia and smiled towards her, curious what they were talking about. That's when she heard her name shortly after Thalia and Ashton's interviews came, she sighed slightly and kissed Amelia really quick before leaving to go and do her interview. About forty-five minutes later Riley came out of the interview and she went to take a seat on the nearest couch.

Erica Monroe

Location: Camp Mexico Beach, Florida, W (Quarantine) (Conference Room)

Day 4: Erica looked over towards Hunter and smirked a little bit when Checkbook commented him, she then went back to playing around with pool with the others. And she spent the rest of the day just relaxing, as soon as Atticus came back into the room and announced that they would be changing the sleeping arrangements. She took a moment to look over at Beatrice, she had already spent the last few nights with Thalia and that was completely fine with her. She was pretty badass on day one after throwing down Hunter since then, and eventually dinner came, and then they were escorted to their rooms for the evening.

Day 5: Day five came around and Erica did her job with Ashton tending to the clothes and putting them in piles with the others so that the people who took the clothes away had them ready for the following day. Erica spent most of the time either reading, or watching whatever movie they had in the collection. Or she went to play pool with Riley whenever she wanted to, and Checkbook came into the room to play some music as well.

Day 6: Then day six Erica had finished her duties during the morning and she eventually spent it mostly hanging out with Riley and Amelia a little bit. She knew that Ashton, Riley and Thalia had their interviews for the day, she looked at them for a moment as Amelia went to talk to Victor, and Riley had gone to do her interview. Amelia eventually spotted Nigel and made her way over towards him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Whats up?" Erica asked him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Beatrice Decker

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4:

Beatrice wasn't a religious woman, but she would have thanked a handful of deities when she found out she no longer had to room with Amelia. Her opinion of Amelia had not gotten any better over time and half of her wondered if getting to sleep with Riley - both in terms of actual sleep and then sex - would help the ex-ginger's mood. If she wanted to spend her time around crying people without hair, then she could have gone over to Tatiana and Jack's baby. Sharing a room with Thalia and Erica suited her just fine, since she... well, she wasn't sure how to clarify her feelings about Thalia - they were friends or something - and Erica didn't make her want to go kiss a walker.

Day 5:

When Tatiana went for her interview and didn't come back for hours later, Beatrice couldn't help but wonder what exactly the interviewers were trying to accomplish. Her own interview hadn't been that hard - did they let Tatiana have a bathroom break? Did they bring her in food? Or was it some sort of comical miscommunication where the interviewer didn't know he was scheduled to talk with her and then awkwardly came in four hours late? Beatrice did go and spend some time with Thalia that day, mostly just making a bit of conversation with her and asking if she wanted someone to work with her on things. She knew she had been pulling away, but she felt she owed a debt to Thalia. And if she was being entirely honest, Beatrice didn't really know if she could emotionally pull away from her entirely - something was stopping her from doing so.

Day 6:

Of all the interviews.... Beatrice couldn't help but wonder what had happened with Ash's. Had someone started to beat him silly, due to his connections to Thana? Thana had been brought up a lot in her own interview, so she imagined that they same was true and then more so for Ash. She stared at him for a few moments, but given his expression and body language she wasn't about to go over and chat. However, she had something else to do. She went on over to Thalia that day and took a breath. It was something she had been thinking about. "I'm a bitch," she said bluntly to her. She hesitated, looking like whatever she was about to say was incredibly difficult. "But you're my bitch - my friend, I mean... if that's cool," she finished. It was her way of trying to be nice and to more or less apologize for the way she had been treating Thalia since they got to quarantine. With tomorrow being their last day and potentially the last time they'd see each other, she might as well do it now. It was now or never.

Jack Newnan

Location: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Day 4:

Jack hadn't been called for his interview yet, but that didn't mean there wasn't a bit of good news. At the end of the day, the announcements came in, saying that rooms were being moved around. As much as he loved getting to be in the same room as Froggy, having a room with Tatiana and Jamie? It was practically a dream come true. He missed getting to spend alone time with his wife and child. He figured that Froggy would enjoy having a room with Ash - Froggy had been Ash's second briefly back in the day. Riley and Amelia having a room together also struck him as a good idea. Sure, it was specified to change things up but it honestly struck Jack as making sure people who were compatible with each other got to live together. It would make things easier on Jamie too, he figured, being able to be around both of his parents.

Day 5:

On the fifth day, Jack was the last of the interviews to go. When Tatiana came back from her monstrous ordeal, he was about ready to go and ask what the hell was taking so long. No one had had an interview that lasted this long before and he didn't see why his wife had to be put through all of that. Instead of asking though and demanding an explanation, he went over to the little space she had made for her and Ash - part of him wondering if it was just a her and Ash thing or if he would be allowed in to comfort her - and he went and sat down next to her, pulling her into his arms if she let him. He could tell that she wasn't exactly in the talking mood, so he decided to just be there for her and comfort her, until his interview was called. He was a bit nervous as he went, but thirty minutes later and he was back. He looked emotionally drained, even though his interview had been on the short side.

Day 6:

On the sixth day, Jack was debating whether or not to ask if they had one of those baby backpack leashes around - it would have done wonders for Jamie with the way he was darting all over the place. "I got him," he chuckled. "They taught us how ta deal with runnahs in the academy," he joked, referring to his days back as a cop. He got off of the couch and went after Jamie, making a few random ~sound effect~ noises as he kept Jamie from pulling anything down and getting himself hurt. "Oooh I got ya!" he told his kid with a goofy grin. However, as Ash then returned from his interview... Jack's alarm bells went off. What the hell sort of interviewer had he gotten?

"Hey man..." he said softly, trying to open up a conversation with Ash, but Ash didn't respond. He looked over towards Tatiana, extremely worried about his friend.
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