Year 5: Part 2 Update
Date: July 21th, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab
Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W)
Temperature: 83F (28C)
Humidity: High (Around 73%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 12 MPH (19 KPH)
Cloud Coverage: Overcast
*And now interviews are over and a new can of worms has been opened. Play it true to character because I will be watching.
Three interviews today, three people until this was all finished. Today they would get some more information on just what CMB was about. Interviews had to be finished first and then reviewed. The General might have been in charge but he wasn't in there constantly with these people, he didn't interview all of them. Notes had to be compared, talks had to be had. If the General had learned anything over his long life it was that one should listen to those that he trusted and knew well. Some more than others. Some just had a knack for being able to read people. Those opinions he took very seriously. Yes, he wanted to help anyone that came asking for it but he had hundreds to watch over. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
Panama did the escorting today, as he always did. Major was back in the room, Wolverine heading out now that she was back at her post. Checkbook however remained. Thumbing through records and chewing her gum, popping a bubble every so often. When Ash came back, her jaw went slightly slack. "Who the fuck made him a punching bag?" she asked in passing as it seemed he wasn't answering any questions, not to anyone directly it seemed until her eyes went to Major. Major just shrugged, not moving. Major rarely reacted to anything, save one event and her eyes went to Tatiana for a minute. Major looked at Tatiana from time to time but less so since the interview than before but she still watched. She just didn't seem to single Tatiana out more than others anymore. That was shifted to another. That was the Frenchman.
The door opened and a man who stood over six feet in height stepped into the room. He looked to be of middle eastern decent. Darker skin with short cut black hair, sprinkled with a few grays, and green brown eyes. He was probably in his late thirties to early forties. A muscular cut build could be seen on his arms as his black t-shirt sleeves stopped. His forearms wore fresh bandages and he had a lime green bracelet on his wrist. A new person for Quarantine it seemed. Thing was, he came in with a new pack. That was different. Maybe he had been taken care of with that before coming in but where was his escort? "Franken," Major said with a nod.
"Major," he said with a nod in a thick Israeli accent. He knew people there? Holding open the door he waited. Maybe his escort was coming in after him? A feminine figure who stood about five foot seven feet tall in combat boots and Navy canvas shorts, a belt around her waist and para ordinance pistol was holstered on her hip came in. His escort? She limped slightly as she walked and there was a large fresh bandage that covered a large portion of her right thigh. She wore a gray t-shirt and a set of dog tags rested around her neck. A lime green band was also on her wrist. No, she was in Quarantine as well. So this made two new comers but the woman was packing. Dark damp hair was tucked back under a cap that wore a silver oak leaf cluster on it. Depending on the branch of service she was either a Lieutenant Colonel, or a full Commander. Considering she was wearing Navy and Gray, chances were she was Navy. Granted only those that had served would know that.
One couldn't see her face at first, that was until she lifted her head. Looking towards the man that Major had addressed as Franken, one could only see the right side of her face. It was horribly scarred. Chin and up beneath the cap, ear to nose, and the right eye was slightly milky. She carried herself every bit the officer right then as she stopped and slowly turned her head, the other side of her face was unmarred and so very familiar. The other eye was clear and blue, the eyes of a Martin. Pulling her cap off she tucked it under her arm and surveyed the room. "Sparrow!" Nikki yelled and dashed towards her.
Franken took a step forward and held a hand out, causing Checkbook to slide on her feet to come to a stop just before she pummeled into him. He didn't say anything but the look in his eyes said to be careful, motioning towards the woman's leg. Slowly, a hand came up and gripped Frankens arm, pushing it down as she stepped forward, a slight limp as she did. He nodded and stepped back. Soon as he did the girl rushed over and hugged the Commander. Wrapping an arm around Nikki, she gave her a small hug before looking at the group. Her eyes drifted to Ash and she nodded slowly to him before looking towards the four she had traveled with for such a long time. She actually knew them more than Ash in a lot of ways. "Hey y'all," she said as she released Checkbook and took a step forward. Standing there and bracing herself for whatever came her way.
Tatiana Newnan

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Psychology, People Reading
Tatiana sat there on the couch and ran her fingers through her hair. She was okay. The interview the day before had taken a lot out of her but considering it was such a long interview she actually felt okay. Not good or fine but okay. Personally she was good but looking back on what the questions where and what she had said she wondered, if others would be. Especially after what altercation and what she could only assume was a test had happened during the interview. Having Major interview her had been a surprise but as soon as the woman opened her mouth she understood why Major was the one interviewing her. These people had their acts together. Far better than Newnan had had.
Resting the back of her head on the palm of her head she glanced around the room and wondered, how many problems in Newnan wouldn't have happened if they hadn't been so quick to let people in. Granted it wasn't like they were just open gate. People were interviewed, kept under guard, even locked up in a jail cell right off the bat. Hell one had been cuffed in the operating room for running her mouth. So while Newnan had been more lenient in some respects, they were far more harsh in others. The fact this place was still standing and had so many people, they were doing more things right than wrong in her book.
Only three people were left today for their interviews. Two she really wasn't concerned about but the third, Ash, she did worry about. Especially after everything so far and the constant reminders that were being hammered into his psyche. When he left she watched him leave. Her eyes going to the door anytime it opened again. The kid who had berated her on day one came over and started talking. Her eyes going over to him sharply but she didn't move and she listened. Kid was trying but watching him she wondered, was it for her or for him. Could have been either, could have been both. He had signs of both. Sitting there she thought for a moment before speaking. "Ve're good. Do it again, ve von't be," was all she said.
When Ash came back into the room, Tatiana's attention was taken from Hunter and even Jamie. She slowly stood. The man had what was looking like the start of a black eye. Then there was blood. Blood was common out there but in here? During an interview? She looked at Jack slowly and then back at Ash. Watching his movement and more than that, his expression. Walking over to her brother she knelt down and looked closer. Had he snapped? Lost his marbles? Tilting her head to the side she seemed to study him for a minute before looking confused. "You're good, you're actually alright." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. He hadn't answered anyone so far and from the look on his face he wasn't going to, not even to her. Whatever the hell had happened. Why the hell he had a black eye or blood on him didn't seem to matter. He was actually good right then. This was not a side of him she had ever seen. As long as she, or anyone else for that matter in Newnan had known him, Ash had never been good. Yet, right now he was.
Tatiana wasn't going to press it. She left Ash alone, tugging on Jack's arm and motioning for him to give Ash some room and some time. As far as she could tell he was fine. It was odd but he was. Backing off she went and sat back down and kept an eye on Jamie, trading off with Jack to go catch him if he ran off. Between glancing towards Ash from time to time and keeping an eye on Jamie, Tatiana didn't take note of most others things occurring in the room. That was until she heard Major speak, greeting someone and she looked over. The man looked like he had seen some action and he the band on his wrist. Then another came in and she slowly stood up. Those scars were bad. Not as bad as her own but on the woman's face. At least Tatiana could hide hers. This woman couldn't.
And the fact he was carrying a weapon made her sit up. What was different about her that allowed her to be with a weapon while in Quarantine? Watching the woman, she seemed familiar and once her face turned so she could see the unscarred side she knew why. Her jaw went tight as her eyes shot to Ash. That explained it. Not the blood, not the black eye, but his change in demeanor. The woman had dog tags on. Looking closely to Ash she noted he was only wearing one set now. Tatiana started laughing, it was just a chuckle at first but then she started cracking up. It was bubbly and bright like she used to laugh as she fell back on the couch. "Ty zadnitsa," she said through the laughter, calling her brother an ass but it was obvious she wasn't mad. She was happy for him. He had got them that was for sure. No wonder he was good. Thana was here.
Wayne Maldonado

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: Detecting
Wayne liked the idea that Hank had given a couple of days back. He was still thinking on it now as others went to their interviews. Each time one came back Wayne watched them. Amelia seemed fine but he could smell the cigarette smoke on her even from where he sat. Only other person that had had that smell on them so far was the Preacher. Sure, Maddoc smelled of smoke but there was a big difference between the smell of a cigar and a cigarette. He smirked a bit and shrugged. "Shit I could do with a smoke to so shut up," he said to the air. It was so common when Wayne spoke to no one, it probably wasn't even getting attention anymore.
The mans eyes went to Hunter as he started to approach Lil' Momma as he called her. Wayne looked like he was about to barrel into the man. He was carrying a coffee cup and for all he knew he would try to do something. Wayne half figured the kid was more off his rocker than he was personally and that was saying something. Especially after the way the kid came back the day before from his interview. Some people were obviously having more intense interviews than he had had and much longer. Then the kid spoke and Tatiana replied. It seemed like nothing was going to happen for now and he relaxed a bit but his eyes stayed trained on the kid, just in case.
When Ash came back, Wayne turned his head and quirked a brow. Looking over at Hank and snickering. "Either got his ass kicked or got laid, I can't decide. Maybe it was a BDSM session gone fucking right," Wayne laughed as he leaned forward and watched the man. Wayne just watched the man, this was something new. It had his attention. He wasn't going to ask, others had and been given nothing. Like hell the man would say something to him, unless of course he pushed the right buttons. Granted right then he wasn't trying to push buttons, he was just fucking around and speaking to Hank. And then something in the air. "Bondage you numbnuts," he explained to the air. "You know, handcuffs and whips." Whatever his little invisible buddy said or reacted with caused Wayne to fall out laughing.
Time passed and Wayne was still snickering from time to time over the thoughts that passed through his head. Then two more entered with wrist bands and one was packing heat. Wayne looked over towards Hank. This was something else new. He studied the man and then his eyes went to the woman as he stood back up. The gears in the mans old addled brain started turning. The video, the slap from Tatiana, his voman, the blood, the black eye, the look of relief on the mans face. She was scarred but there was no doubt in his mind that this was the same woman. A slow grin grew on his face until it was a broad bright smile and he chuckled with a snort. "You dog! You did get laid!" he exclaimed through the snickering. Shit, if the man got laid, maybe he would stop brooding around here and Lil' Momma wouldn't have to deck Ash again. Granted after his comments, Lil' Momma might deck him but he was braced for it if she got off couch.