Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Aster Damien Luxiel

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Aster checked his mirror one more time as he entered the dining pavilion, checking his hair and glitter one more time. He;d barely had enough time to take a decent shower after the morning class he taught―definitely not because he had a long routine and a late morning class really cut unreasonably into his time!―and he had to be perfect. Not that it was hard. His parent was the most beautiful thing in existence and he wouldn’t deny he got all his looks from her. He picked up a goblet and a plate, offering some of his food as per usual, and then scanned the hall to see who had made an appearance. He rolled his eyes at the whole Zeke and Demetri thing going down and sauntered his way over to his cabin’s table and slid into a seat across from Arthur, his newest sibling, and Theresa. He shot his other siblings a haughty look.

'Really? You know it doesn't work unless they can actually hear you." Aster rolled his eyes, leaning in towards the pair in front of him and stage whispered. "Ignore the harpies. They're just all upset their outfits are a few decades out of date now. Everyone knows denim is in this fall, not…" Aster grimaced as he gave his siblings the look over. "Even the kid of Zues is in on the trend. And I heard one of our sisters found a wrinkle today. Can you believe it? Is she even Aphrodite's child or did she just piss Mom off?"

"Did you get that?" Aster leaned back, eyebrow arched as he stared down his siblings. "Try and remember this time. Gossip properly or not at all. You'll set a bad example for our sister." He rolled his eyes and turned back to the pair with an exasperated sigh. "Siblings, can't live with them, can't live without them. And what do we owe this pleasure, Arthur. Bored over there at the Hades table?" Aster snapped his fingers as a light bulb went off in his head. "Oh Mona, I have a few different eyeliner and mascaras coming in. I don't have anything that'll ft that punk aesthetic you have going on quite but I was reading and I think I found something that'll give that kick-ass vibe you seem to be going for. I still can't get over the fact they put you in that hideous camp shirt. How could you, Theresa." He lamented dramatically, leaning back with a hand to his forehead.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Athanasia Theroux / Andy

Location:Dining pavilion, Camp Half Blood

Conversations were happening abound in the dining pavilion as Athanasia tucked into the food she had selected. Choosing things with particular care, her ears slowly sorting through the conversations that floated through the air. Arthur had joined the Aphrodite table to talk to Mona and had been joined by Aster. Who, much to the pale girl's amusement, was chiding his siblings. Though she raised a brow at the comment that the Hades' table had become boring. Well, it was not wrong. With only her and Arthur it was little wonder that they preferred the company of other people. Smiling though she sipped at the tea with a pinky extended as was proper.

Andy nodded at Ash's comment about them looking good. Though in her opinion she wasn't included in that we. "At least I don't look like a total hobo anymore." She lifted the sleeve of the only slightly too large shirt. It wasn't the camp shirt but one her brother had given her the first night he had been at camp. "What is your plan for the day?" Andy had spent a bit of the morning climbing the tower (and loosing), but she didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. She probably would spend some time working on her swordsmanship at the least.

Shrugging, Ash smiled cheerily at Andy. "None sense! At least you can walk around with looking like a ghost! And, your eyes have color! Mine just get comments about black eyed children. You know, the spooky story thing?" She objected with a sigh of annoyance. though it perked up at the thought of pulling Andy into some training with her. Though what training that would be was another question entirely. "What about some fighting? I do need to get better, else Arthur is going to keep getting all proud of himself and we'll need a bigger cabin for his ego!" It could be considered a mean or rude comment save for the fondness in her voice and the laughter in those dark eyes. She wanted to ask how Andy liked having a brother herself, but that was a question for when less people were around.

"I don't think you look anything like a ghost...Though I've never seen one so I can't honestly say." She paused. "Ghosts are real?' She wasn't certain. She had seen the skeletons that Ash and Arthur could command, but they weren't ghosts. "He can't have that big of an ego, I mean have you seen the inside of my cabin? That took some ego to build." She shook her head. Andy had heard enough about Zeus to know that statue could have easily been twice the size and Zeus probably would have still been disappointed in it. "But yes, let's spar!" She hadn't spared with someone her size yet. It had mostly been the older kids and they had all been in teaching mode. Andy was proud of herself she seemed to be a quick study when it came to fighting.

Ash nodded and laughed happily. "I got lost in the mausoleum in New Orleans when I was smaller. But I had friends to play, I didn't know they were ghosts. If I ever go back you should come with me, I'll introduce you!" The daughter of Hades grinned. "Our cabin reminds me of it, sorta. Especially with the coffin beds. It's weird."

Andy, while intrigued to meet ghosts was also very terrified at the idea of it. Instead of responding to that offer she took a bite of her food. "I've never been to New Orleans. I was born in Pennsylvania and despite moving a lot I never left the tri-state area." Andy didn't talk much about her life before coming to camp, a few things were obvious. She was underfed and under-parented. The Satyr she had come in with had told Mr. D where she had been found, but Andy didn't think many of the campers knew that even.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Mary looked at the little ball of fur that had managed to find it's way into her lap and let out a giggle. The little kitten could be persistent, that much was obvious. He clearly was begging for food, despite the fact that it wasn't kitty food or anything. She thought for a moment, before she grabbed a small scrap from her plate and gave it to him, "Alright, I know you are begging! Here," she said with a slight laugh before looking over at Eva. "Yeah, seems like it, didn't expect him to follow me from the cabin though..."

She started petting the small kitten that was in her lap, smiling slightly as she did so, since the kitten really was being adorable. It was hard to say no to a small baby animal that was clearly trying it's hardest to be adorable. Mary glanced up only when she heard Kristen's voice talking to her about the kitten, and she nodded her head slightly at that. "Yup, this little guy clearly doesn't want to leave me alone either, but I'm fine with that. His name is Uno."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

Camp Half-Blood:

Tammy stared at the Poseidon table for a moment, and then over at the Aphrodite table as well, thinking for a moment and started to giggle slightly as she thought about Leda's suggestion about starting a food fight. She really would like to either dump something on Zeke or Aster's heads. She didn't like either of them that much they always were annoying to her in the first place anyway, looking over at Leda. "We could always prank Aster and Zeke at some point today." Tammy suggested, she was always willing to one up on pranking someone around camp, though the Hermes kids were way better at that as well then she was. "A food fight would be fun, but i'd rather not get my head chewed out by either Chiron or Mr. D. is never really fun."

Theresa looked towards Mona for a moment, Annabelle was from the Hecate Cabin though she had only been in camp for about a week now as well anyway. Then Aster had to come to their table, though she didn't really have much of a choice since Aster was their half sibling as well in the first place anyway. "Well, would you rather wear purple like the ones at Camp Jupiter? I think those are an even uglier color." Theresa said, she didn't like the color purple at all really to be honest, and most of the people at camp chose to wear the orange camp shirt. Though that didn't stop some from wearing something else that they wanted to as well, looking at Aster for a moment. "Mona can change the shirt whenever she wants to." Theresa said shrugging slightly and smiled towards Arthur before going back to eating her lunch.

Annabelle quickly turned her attention away from the Aphrodite table, before turning her attention towards Jade as she sat down at the table. She gave her a friendly smile and waved towards her, seeing that the girl was somehow magically able to make it to the table with no issues at all. However as soon as Jade sat back down the spell she had done failed, and her vision went dark again it was a pretty new spell anyway after all and spells always did wear off after sometime as well. "How are you Jade?" Annabelle asked as she was about to finish eating her lunch as well.

Over at the Hades table where Andy and Ash were, nothing really was going on at the moment really though they would see Alannah was leaving the dining pavilion. Everyone in the Dining Pavilion would be able to hear the sound of a horn going off, over at the barrier near the main entrance to Camp Half-Blood. There was a satyr and two other kids, they were being chased by a group of Empousa. (introducing Jason & Janelle) the satyr was playing through his windpipes as vines wrapped up three of them. "Just quickly make it over there you will be safe." The satyr told them.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion

Uno happily nommed on the little table scrap that Mary had given him before curling up in her lap purring contently as well, before falling asleep in her lap. "That is really cute." Eva said to Mary and looked towards Kristin and smiled towards her and waved her over and allowed her to take a seat which Kristin did. She gently reached over and petted the little guy and looked towards Mary for a moment and smirked. "You should have named him Goose or something." Kristin said jokingly as she leaned back a little bit and looked over towards the Poseidon table for a moment at the group that was there.

"Did you want to hit the climbing tower after lunch?" Kristin asked Mary, she didn't really have anything else to do for the rest of the day at the moment. She finished teaching and training that morning and she pretty much was bored and she did enjoy climbing the tower just for fun. Then she heard the horn going off, which usually did mean that there was some Monsters just outside of the barrier protecting the camp.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion

Kiera looked between both Demetri and Zeke for a moment, trying to hold some giggles between the two of them insulting one another which she did kind of find funny as well. She rubbed the back of her neck slightly for a moment before looking over at Zeke and blushed slightly and shook her head. She wasn't sure if he was just joking with her or flirting with her right now, as she thought for a moment and smirked slightly. "Why don't you two keep roasting each other? It's actually entertaining." Kristin said, as she took another bite out of her lunch. She noticed Jade coming in and she seemed to be seeing just fine which was surprising as well and smiled towards her and waved. Before turning her attention back towards Zeke for a moment "I think so maybe?" Kiera said, though she was happy for her friend.

Then she heard a horn going off, she hadn't been at camp for long at all, and she wasn't sure what it actually meant looking at the two of them and then over at Zeke. "Whats the horn sound mean?" Kiera asked, Zeke would know right away that there were some monsters very close to the barrier. Kiera remembered the horn going off when they won the Capture the Flag game but she had a feeling that it meant something different.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 4 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Dining Pavilion

Arthur wasn't used to be laughed at by people, but even so, he wasn't about to get angry over these people's opinions. It seemed to daughters of Aphrodite were as vapid as they were attractive, and that meant they were of little interest to him. Still, Mona defending him made him smile, it always being a good feeling to know that the people he trusted were ready to defend him. He quietly responded, "I'm sure Ash and I would appreciate having you at the Hades table, if you're in the mood for a change of venue." He offered. He was by no means attached to staying around these people.

It was at that point that Aster decided to join them, and he found himself smiling outright, and he said, "Not at all, I just thought the Aphrodite cabin could use a touch of class, Mona can't make up for her sisters alone, can she?" As he said this, he returned Theresa's smile with one of his own. He normally wouldn't be so direct, but given the current tone of the table, that was a relatively tame comment. Around that time, the horn went off, and he gave a quizzical look to those around them, unsure of what that meant. "What's that sound mean?" He asked, hoping to be filled in.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Camp Cafeteria

Demetri's eyes glanced at Zekes arms when he mentioned showing off his muscles. The threat of a swoon looming over him. "If its entertainment you want then him showing you his 'muscles' surely will do the trick. Really now Zekeypoo dont you think if she wanted to see two toothpicks she would conjure one up on her plate?" Demetri chuckled at his own joke as he clattered his tray onto the table to sit next to Zeke. "Don't worry I've had all my shots, and if not then maybe you could ask dear old dad to toss me an arrow and heal me up." He stuck his tongue out ayyyy the blonde boy, their visages clear opposites of one another; a blonde preppy jock sitting next to a dark haired emo teen. They couldnt be further apart. It appeared that Kiera and Zeke were distracted by some girl at the Hecate table, who was for some reason staring at them. It was honestly a bit creepy. Demetri was about to comment on what she was doing and ask who she was when a loud horn began to blow. Being that there's no games currently going on, he assumed from the many movies hes seen that a horn signaled an attack. His eyes quickly darted towards Andy, Arthur and Athanasia and he stood up and ran towards them, summoning his dagger in his hand. "Dont know what going on but stay behind me."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jade Schneider | Dining Pavilion

After a few moments of sitting there staring at her friends, Jade's tone and demeanor suddenly took on a more concerned take. As her vision started to fade out and went dark once more. Something she had just wanted to avoid completely now that she had been able to learn the spell. Unfortunately, it seemed like she hadn't really gotten control over the spell it very much seemed. As she frowned, scratching the back of her neck, Jade let out a soft and defeated sigh. She had been so proud of herself, yet it seemed to escape her just as quick as it had really arrived.

"Well I was doing good but now I'm just annoyed." She said with a soft sigh of annoyance. Grumbling slightly to herself, as she slowly started to eat her lunch. "I had a new spell that let me see, and it was super cool. But now... its not working. I can't see again so I guess I gotta try to activate it again later." She mumbled in annoyance as she messed around with her food, muttering to herself about stupid spells, stupid wearing off, and wondering how she could start the spell back up and have it last a bit longer this time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Online

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel winked at Kiera when she told him to just keep going at it with Demetri. Maybe he would, if just for the sheer joy of it. It had been rather boring at the camp lately and playing Capture the Flag was only fun so many times. Jade seemed to stare at them for awhile until her eyes glazed over and she looked away. Ezekiel frowned. ”Some sort of spell maybe. Doesn’t seem to be working anymore,” he noted.

He turned and smirked at Demetri’s comebacks. ”Toothpicks hey? Looks can be deceiving boy wonder.” He shifted, placing his elbow on the table to get ready to arm wrestle when the barrier horn went off. Ezekiel stood up automatically and looked at Kiera when she didn’t move and then questioned him. ”Monsters at the barrier. I’d advise getting a weapon or two if you don’t carry one on you. They haven’t gotten through in awhile but never say never.” He looked back behind him and watched Demetri run to protect others. He rolled his eyes and saw Jade still sitting at her table. ”Get Jade somewhere far from here. Her cabin or the blue house maybe.” Ezekiel left the dining pavilion and headed towards the barrier, pulling his sword out of hiding as he went. He wasn’t certain whatever was knocking at the door would get through but one never did know.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Leda Storm

Location: Camp Half-Blood Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"We just need to move quickly, that way Mr. D and all can't tell we started it," Leda pointed out to her sibling. It was a simple trick but quite effective - it was even done by the kid in the Incredibles movie to put a tack on the teacher's chair. Of course, at the sound of the horn, it became apparent that food fights and all would have to wait. There were monsters at the edge of camp. And while the enchantment prevented them from entering, it was never a good idea to let them just camp out on the edge and wait for the demigods to have to venture outside.

Leda pulled off her pendant and the magical item transformed into her glowing sword, Ultraviolet. "Seems like the day is about to get interesting," Leda commented with a grin. Sure, there was a risk any time they went off to fight monsters, but she didn't mind it too much. Demigods usually had tragic deaths when they were young and she just wasn't afraid. They knew exactly where they went in the afterlife, meaning that if they died now, it wasn't really the end. And besides, every fiber of her being screamed at her to live life to the fullest, to paint with all of the colors available to her, and to never hold herself back because of fear. "Ready to go kick some arse, sis?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Despite the many voices surrounding her, which at one point would have driven her up a wall in frustration, she found herself enjoying it because these people didn't piss her off. "Would have made more sense for me at the Hecate table, or even Hades, but we can't pick our parents right?" She was still confused at how she could possibly have Aphrodite as a mother but wasn't adolescence the time for rebellion anyway?

"I wear the shirt ironically until I can get my hands on some scissors. I intend to "punkify" it as soon as possible. Any help would be appreciated," she informed Aster. He was her "man on the inside" as it were. If she wanted to maintain her persona, she would have to find ways to go about it.

Before she could continue, a horn sounded. She looked around and noticed others standing up or what looked to be preparing for something. "I take it that isn't a good horn?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 day ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"I think his name is perfectly fine!" Mary said with a slight laugh at Kristen suggested a different name for the kitten. She looked down at the little guy in her lap, smiling at the little kitten. She was glad that she had gotten the little cat, or more of that someone had been nice enough to offer the kitten to her as opposed to keeping him for themselves. The kitten was adorable, and he certainly liked to snuggle up with people, no matter what the time of day was, and she was perfectly fine with that.

Hearing Kristen's question about joining her at the climbing wall, and she thought about it for a moment. "That sounds like fun, sure, I can do the climbing wall after lunch. Though I probably need to get Uno here back to the cabin, since imagine trying to do the climbing wall with a kitten trying to get you to sit there and pet it!" She said to Kristen, before she heard the horn blaring, and she looked a little concerned, "Or we should see about what's going on outside the barrier," she said, looking at the little kitten once again, before picking him up. "Hey Eva, want to hold the little guy for me, I want to go see what's going on at the main entrance."

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Entrance
Skills: N/A

Things definitely were off to more of a crazy start then anything. Jason was racing along after the satyr that was with them, heading to wherever they were going. He was holding onto his sister's hand, dragging her along so that she could keep up without any difficulties. One thing was for certain, he didn't care if she complained about him dragging her along, this was not one of those instances where she could easily do this on her own. They practically were running for their lives at this point, who would let her actually do this on her own? "We're almost there, just a little bit farther," he said towards his sister as they were racing along.

Janelle more of was sort of glad that she couldn't really see what it was that was chasing them. It never was a good thing if you were glad that you were blind, aside from the fact that she couldn't really run by herself since knowing her she'd probably run into a tree or something since they were in an unknown area. One thing was for certain, she didn't really know much about where they were going, aside from the fact that they were being chased by some weird monsters or whatever they really were. Monsters were real, that was definitely a weird thing and something she wouldn't have been able to guess earlier that week. "We better be almost there, I don't know how much longer we can keep running like this..."

"Yeah, I know the feeling," he said as the satyr yelled at them to run to the entrance, and he was growing a bit tired from the running as well. He saw the satyr tie up a few of the creatures that were chasing along after them, but he didn't really stop to turn or ask if the satyr needed help. At the moment, his biggest concern was getting his sister to safety, then he might turn back around and help out if the satyr would let him. His sister was the main thing he was worried about, and he stopped running once they reached the entrance area and passed through the barrier that the satyr had directed them towards, and turned to look back at the creatures that had been chasing them.

Janelle sounded a bit out of breath, when she felt her brother stop running, she practically had to dig her heels into the ground in order to stop herself from falling on top of him. That would have been a bit ridiculous, but she didn't say anything to him at first, just catching her breath, since she was breathing fairly hard. After a few moments, she stood up completely and turned her head somewhat so that she could hear what was going on behind her. "What the hell are those things?"

"I have no idea honestly..." Jason muttered, staring at the creatures. He still wasn't even sure where they were at the moment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 7 days ago

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavillion

A horn sounding across the camp interrupted the chat between Andy and Athanasia. The pale girl turning her head towards the sound, as she caught Arthur asking what the horn meant. A reasonable question, she thought as the sound seemed out of place. Sipping at the tea, she frowned as Demetri came bolting over, dagger in hand, and ordering the three young half-bloods behind him. Smiling sweetly, Athanasia had an unnerving glint in her black eyes that spelled trouble as she set down the tea. "Oh la, Demetri. Thinking to defend little me." She crooned though there was an undertone of annoyance. As if she couldn't defend herself! Flipping her braid over one shoulder, the child crossed one leg over the other at the ankle. It irked her, but it was true. As she was, Athanasia had to admit that she was pretty vulnerable and weak. Not to say that couldn't change, for it would change, but it was irritating while she always felt 'lesser'. She was supposed to be the best and brightest. Perfection was her goal, nevermind what her mother thought.

Zeke was also on the defensive she noted, so that horn was definitely not good and not some 'big brother overreaction'. "I dislike being short." Athanasia muttered into her tea, wrinkling her nose. "If you would, snälla?" To anyone else she was speaking to the air, but the earth groaned and a skeleton emerged from the ground next to Athanasia. The tiny girl was simply grateful this one had all its bones. "Go see what's about." Ash ordered her chin in her hands. Kicking her legs back and forth absently. "See Demetri? Those who wish to make bones with me, will deal with bones." Grinning at the phrase she had heard her mother say to a colleague. 'If they wish to make bones about it-!'
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Aster Damien Luxiel

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Aster rolled his eyes at Theresa’s lukewarm response. Why was that the comparison? She chose literally the lowest bar next to Uggs―the appropriate reaction is clearly defined by the brand name and he will fight anyone who tries to tell him otherwise―and claims its better. Which is technically true but so is anything from the garbage so she doesn’t have to try really. He goes to say as such but the horn sounded and he groaned. Really? Right after he sat down to eat?

“It means monsters sauntering a little too close for comfort.” Aster sighed, staring longingly at his food but pushing it away and standing back up with a little extra flair. “They won’t make it through though so don’t stress about it. However, my curiosity is more than a little piqued. Gunna pop on over and see what all the commonition is about. Never know what is going to happen.” He wanted gossip material and a horn was definitely prime material. He wasn’t going to miss out on this for anything. He blew a kiss towards Moana and Aurthur and positively skipped out of the dining pavilion.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location:Dining pavilion

Any response Ash would have given Andy was interrupted by a horn and then campers rising and heading toward the hill. She frowned uncertainly what was going on at first until Zeke explained that it was a warning that monsters were too close for comfort. The responses from years of running started kicking in. She had her dagger off her bracelet but realized her brother was standing between her and the hill now. There was a welling of emotion as she was both annoyed that he was trying to protect her when she was capable of fighting but also loved it. They only had known each other a few days but he was her brother and he was doing what big brothers do. She smiled at his back and relaxed a little back into her seat. Keeping the dagger handy.

"Can you see what the skeleton sees? Like are you able to control him from a distance or will he have to report back to you? How does he even talk to you? It isn't like it has lungs or a tongue?" Andy asked Ash wondering what her plan with the skeleton was. She had just sent it to check things out. The skeleton could be incredibly useful if Ash could see through it's "eyes" and command it from a distance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

Camp Half-Blood Dining Pavilion:

The Dining Pavilion was already getting a bit chaotic as the campers were all starting to scramble and get out of the dining pavilion and towards the barrier. Theresa looked towards Arthur, Aster and Mona when they asked what was going on, and started to stand up before answering them. "Monsters at the gate, usually it isn't a good thing since they don't really venture to close to camp either." Theresa said towards the two of them. She quickly started to make her way over towards the barrier entrance as well to see what was going on and what they were actually going to be facing.

Annabelle looked towards Jade seeing that she had gone blind again which did suck letting out a sigh and shook her head slightly she knew that spells always did end up failing and at times weren't that reliable either. "Well i'm sure you can retry doing the spell again so that way you can see again." As she heard the sound of the horn going off, and stood up and looked over towards Jade for a moment wondering if she'd be safe there or if she wanted to find out what it was that was going on. Jade would hear everyone shuffling to get out of the Dining Pavilion as well. "That horn going off means that theres some monsters at the gate." Anabelle said towards her. "Do you want to stay here, where it's safe or check it out?" She asked her half sister.

Jace had gotten up from his table and looked over at those who were at the Zeus table seeing that they hadn't left yet and came over towards them. "That horn usually means there is a monster or monsters just outside of the gate." He told them, seeing that Ash summoned a skeleton smiled a bit towards her. "If you guys want to go and check it out you can, or stay here where it's safe." Jace said looking at the three newbies, before quickly heading out to meet up with the others at the main entrance.

Camp Half-Blood, Barrier Entrance:

Tammy looked over at Leda as she drew out her sword and smiled a bit, and nodded she was more than ready to actually have something to do, and she was ready to kill some monsters right now. "Certainly i'm down for kicking some ass. Hopefully it's not a cyclopes they are so nasty." She said, and quickly bolted off towards the barrier of Camp Half-Blood, Jason would see Tammy and Janelle would feel a gust of wind made by Tammy instantly popup right behind him giving him a tap on the shoulder.

When Jason turned around he'd get a better view of the Camp itself, seeing the Big House, to the cabins, to the Long Island Sound and beach in the distance as well. "Oh sweet, new people hi. Oh, Empousa have been chasing you this entire time? Pretty cool, haven't killed them in awhile." She said, as she noticed the group of Empousa approaching about twenty of them just stopping shy near the barrier hissing Alannah came up just in time as well looking over at Tammy and the two siblings who were there. The Satyr however that was escorting Jason and Janelle wasn't so lucky, as one of the creatures cut him down.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion -> Barrier Entrance

Eva looked towards Mary for a moment when her sister asked if she could watch Uno for her and nodded. "Of course, i'll take him over to our cabin." Eva said, knowing that the horn wasn't a good thing, she wasn't to much of a fighter though as she quickly got up and left the dining pavilion towards the Demeter Cabin. Kristin smiled a bit when she said yes to climbing the tower later, seeing as everyone was starting to pile out of the Dining Pavilion now. "I guess rain check on the whole tower climbing thing then, lets go see whats up there." Kristin said as she quickly ran out.

It wasn't to far from the Dining Pavilion to the main entrance to camp, when she got to the top of the hill she noticed the two new kids who were there, as well as her half sister Alannah and Tammy there to. Kristin got closer towards them and seeing the group of hissing Empousa, taking off her bracelet which turned into a spear in her hand. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, nice to meet you guys i'm Kristin." She said offering a hand out to Jason and Janelle.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion -> Barrier Entrance

"Yeah it's a spell I think, unless there was some kind of pact with Cthulu or something." Kiera said half jokingly as she looked at Zeke suggesting getting a weapon, she took off both of the pendants off of her necklace which turned into two separate swords and smirked towards him. "You forgot I got these on my first day here." She said, as Kiera got up, looking back over at Jade seeing that Annabelle was still with her. "I think she's fine though." Kiera said, as she wanted to see what was going on as well and quickly ran out of the Dining Pavilion as well.

When she eventually got there, she noticed two new faces who were there, as well as the other three people there and smiled seeing that there were people ready to defend. When she got closer she noticed the group of monsters that were there, which she didn't really know what they were she had only encountered cyclopes back at school.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

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Arthur Stanford

Location:Dining Pavilion

Arthur blinked as Aster blew the two of them a kiss. He certainly was an animated individual, much more open than himself. Unsure of the proper way of responding to such a gesture, he simply nodded back to him after a brief second. The news of monsters showing up at camp was a much more pressing matter. Though, he didn't know if he wanted to check that out. He could defend himself a bit better now, sure, but he also felt a level of apprehension. A pit in his stomach at going to see things that would actually want him dead. He felt safe at camp, but his first run in with them left him scarred.

He looked over to Mona, gauging her interest in heading over. If one thing was for certain, it was that he wouldn't be going without somebody he trusted. "If that's the case, um... do you wanna go and see if we can help?" He voice was less confident than usual, obvious that he wasn't eager by any means. He couldn't just stand by if people were needed to help, but frankly, he was looking for an excuse not to go. As dense as this week had been, it'd still only been a week, and as in control as he tried to be, he was still only twelve.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Camp Cafeteria

Demetri could feel their eyes burrowing into him; sharp daggers stabbing his back as he essentially babied two demi-gods. He looked around and noticed the amount of people heading towards the barrier, they all said it could withstand the assault but it didnt appear that they had much faith in their own words. Better safe than sorry I suppose. As it stood they were in ome of the safest spots in camp, he had his weapon and powers at his disposal should any unruly beast try to make their way into the camp grounds. As he stood there, eyes peeled, mind in full spaz mode, a skeleton appeared near him and he nearly cut its head off. Stopping only when he heard Athanasia speak to it and give it commands. Right, demi-gods. And aggravated sigh forced it's way out of his throat as he kept staring towards the camp barrier while speaking to Andy and Athanasia behind him. "Sometimes I forget that you're the children of gods with these amazing mythical powers."

His leg began to shake in impatience and anticipation of the battle to come. His mind darted from subject to subject as he recounted several ancient greek mythos to himself, trying to prepare himself for what ever unsightly being may be trying their luck today. Then there was a sharp stinging scent. This could be a stroke, or a sign, or both, but it smelled like ozone, burning his nostrils as he recalled his sisters prowess for what could only be described as Sith Lightning. Another sigh. "If you want to fight then we can go, ita not far. Stick by me and shout if you need me. We dont need any little heroics today that could cost you your life ok?" Demetri waited for a response and would gladly follow the two intod battle if they so wished to.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jade Schneider | Dining Pavilion

Hearing the horns and what her sibling said they meant, Jade's eyes went wide as if trying to perceive something despite the darkness she saw not changing a bit. After a few moments she muttered some soft words that only made sense to another spellcaster, as a small ring of glowing greek letters appeared around her fingers for a few brief moments before disappearing as she tried to activate the spell to see once more. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned while the poor girl was under pressure. Instead, she could only really see the outlines of various objects as opposed to the color and details from earlier.

With a small huff of irritation, she looked towards the shape she knew to be her sibling. "I'm going back to the stupid cabin. My spell isn't working and I don't wanna be near danger when I can barely see." She said softly, before standing up and marching out of the dining pavilion with anger clear on her face. The girl stormed her way back towards her cabin, slamming the door open as she marched further inside and threw herself heavily upon her bunk. Looking over, she noticed the spellbook gift from her mother and in a sudden flash of anger hurled it across the cabin. "What the hell is the point of that fucking book if I can't even see enough to be useful!?" The teenager screamed at the nobody in particular, just the empty cabin. Perhaps she was angry at the being that had given her the book, yet it seemed to only taunt her as she couldn't use anything in the damn thing. Or, perhaps, she was angry at herself for not meeting her own high expectations.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion ---> Camp Entrance -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel looked over at Kiera when she produced her weapons and he rolled his eyes. ”Well I don’t remember everything all the time, I just say I do,” he informed her. They took off running together and made it there to see Leda and a couple others. Among them was a satyr and two new kids. Ezekiel rolled his eyes again. ”I really hate summer camp,” he muttered. Of course new kids came all year round, they had a bit of an open door policy. He turned his sword around in a circle, keeping his wrist loose and looked over at the creatures that had caused the disturbance.

Ezekiel looked over at the Empousa and gave a bit of a shudder. He supposed before they went all dark side they were attractive but now they were just extremely disturbing and loud. ”It never is straightforward and easy,” he said. For the time being though, they were being held at bay with the barrier and seemed to only show up because they were chasing the new people. So maybe it would be easy and Ezekiel could go back to teasing Kiera.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion -> Camp Entrance
Skills: N/A

"Definitely seems like it," Mary said to Kristen with a laugh, before glancing over at Eva as she handed her the little kitten. "Thanks Eva, wait up Kristen!" she said, before she headed off towards the Camp Entrance after her friend. Things definitely were not going to end well, at least somewhat anyway all things considering. She glanced around as a bunch of other kids went racing for the entrance, including the children of Iris going at super speed of course, leaving just about everyone else in their dust.

She raced along after everyone else, seeing the commotion going on. Monsters outside the barrier and a few new faces had just come through the entrance. This certainly was one way for the new people to make an entrance, that was for sure, but she wasn't so sure what to do otherwise. Mary glanced over at the creatures, ready to use her abilities just in case. [color007236]"Quite a way to make an entrance don't you think?"[/color] she said towards Jason and Janelle, looking at the monsters.

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Entrance
Skills: N/A

Jason wasn't so sure about this entire situation, given how they had gotten here, and now there were a bunch of people sort of swarming around the area. He saw a girl zipping around at high speeds as she tapped him on the shoulder. This whole situation was definitely a strange one, and not one he was used to. There were creatures chasing them down more or less, and one of them just killed the satyr who had been helping them along. "Janelle... Be glad you can't see anything," he muttered to his sister, as everything was going on around them.

His sister was just listening to the commotion, hearing the sounds of the Empousa outside of the barrier. Things were definitely strange, at least as far as she could tell. She could hear the sounds of others approaching, people who weren't exactly the monsters outside of the barrier. With the sounds of voices talking to them, she turned her head so that she was more or less facing Kristen. "Hello there, my name is Janelle, this is my older brother," she said simply, somehow remaining calm.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, I'm Jason... And mind telling me what exactly you mean by Camp Half-Blood? I'm still a little bit confused as to what the hell those things are," he said, pointing towards the Empousas. They definitely were weird things, and clearly not too friendly. He wanted to know just what was really going on around the area, as everything was going crazy. Things definitely were a little strange to him, but he had no idea what to do now.

"Jason calm down, we probably can figure everything out in a little while, preferably after those weird things are dealt with... Though you are probably right... I should be glad I can't see what's really going on..." she said, shaking her head slightly. Her brother more or less could be considered a bit over protective, meaning he likely was going to try and stop her from doing just about anything, however she didn't really care. She wasn't incapable of helping others if she was given the option to.
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