β πππ³: ππππ π» πΏπππ πΊ ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ Location: Camp Mexico Beach Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles. Notes: Alright - with things currently as they are this is a shorter update than previous. Next round I will be pushing forward in some posts to start getting people ready for the funeral. We will probably stagger this so some characters will be a little more ahead on the time line than others - don't worry it will line back up quickly after a round or two. | βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ Date: July 23rd, 2012 βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ ![]() |
Administration (A): Downstairs Medic looked over towards Thalia and Sally. "Gurney and board from the hospital," Medic said with a slight nod as he was looking over Alexander. "Whoa, take it slow," Medic added as Alexander sat up. "We don't want you moving a lot," he said before looking back at Sally who hadn't moved yet. "Rolo! Gurney!"
"Oh yeah! Right! Fiddle sticks!" she said before heading back out of the room and up the stairs. Coming through the door that separated the front from the back she made sure it was closed up right once Thalia followed her, if she was, before heading out of the Admin and towards the hospital. There she'd have to explain and such a bit but she didn't think it would be a problem. And Thalia could help her move things back, that was if someone in the hospital didn't do it for them. It was a toss up depending on how busy things were right then.
Back downstairs Medic shook his head a bit before looking back at Alexander. "We can get your leg back on once I get some x-rays. Just wanna check to make sure something didn't break, and doc will probably wanna scan your head," Medic said as he made sure Alexander had his leg and was comfortable as he could be on the ground for now. "Now just hold still and fill me in on anything wrong or hurting." Medic is pretty sure that Alexander is fine and dandy, that it wasn't anything bad with the fall. Just a slip and the man is fine. He's talking, he's seems to be stringing sentences together well, moving on his own, so from his opinion everything is perfect but the man has been at this a while and in this world if you don't have to chance it you don't. A few tests is probably the best best.
Gunny Office: Will update next round. It is as it left off in the previous round.
Water Repair Shop (G): Maddoc is off and gone by this point and the two are left alone to do their job. Nothing big is happening this round to cause any trouble or set backs - which is good. There is a gentle rocking to the boat that doesn't seem to be causing any issues right now, again good. So things are pretty much unchanged at this point. Lisa can roll again along the same lines as last round to see about being able to cut down on time. Other than that, keep moving forward.
Mechanics (K): Mizrahi looked confused. "Must ask Dawri," he said in a bit of a defeated voice. He was trying to figure it out and he thought that Ash might know. The man had one of those American accents. Yet he was telling Mizrahi that he was from Virginia, apparently that made a difference.
"What do ya need to ask Sparrow?" Volts asked as he came strolling back into the shop and caught the tailend of the conversation. Mizrahi looked over and pushed off the side of the door frame where he had been leaning. Volts unscrewed the top of his water bottle and went to take a drink.
"Ma tuenih bialkhinzir wal'anf walharara," Mizrahi said, glad someone who spoke his language was back around. Yet, what Mizrahi said caused Volts to nearly choke on his water.
"Say that in English..." he said. "I think somethin' was lost in translation..." he added wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"More turned up than a briar push durin' hog beatin'... Tesla say wrong," Mizrahi got out. Volts started laugh and shake his head. It took the man a few minutes to get it under control.
"More turnt' up than a briar bush durin' hog heatin'," the man was finally able to correct it seemed. It didn't clarify a thing for Mizrahi. "Muhbat jinsiaan," Volts followed up with. This made Mizrahi's eyes widen and him shake his head violently left and right as he held his hands up.
"Not what I mean, no, not that," Mizrahi said before turning and walking off. The man was quick to get back under the hood of the vehicle he had been working on. Volts lost it, leaning against the door and having to hold on. He would have kept on laughing, it it weren't for the fact his shin suddenly was connected with a wrench that was rather nicely tossed from under the truck by Mizrahi. Now he hadn't been meaning to nail Volts, just the wall next to him, but he wasn't complaining either when Volts yelped like a dog and start saying some rather heated words in Arabic as he stormed off and slammed the door to fabrication.
Outside of the talking, things in the Mechanics shop are pretty calm. The cleaning in the mens room is taking a bit longer than one might think considering the difference between the two - meaning the mens was far cleaner to start than the womans. Problem is because the mens is cleaner they store more in it - like spare parts. So having to move those out to clean and then move them back is adding to the amount of time that is needed to get it done.
Supply (R): Everything is as it was the round before after the old women exited the building. There still isn't sign of Auntie currently so the place is quiet other than the two girls in there shopping. Time is ticking away and there is work to be done before the funeral time get there and Amelia has to leave. This round though nothing happens, no one comes in to seek anything or to bother you two, no strange noises. All is well - nothing to worry about this round. It's quiet (Perhaps too quiet. O.o)
Underwater Garden (U): Now the water is murky but it always is in the gulf, especially near the shore. The waters of the Gulf Of Mexico are never what one would see in pretty pictures of clear blue waters. At least not in this area of Florida along the coast the way it is. I'm sure Cuba is beautiful this time of year. So swimming there is going to need extra caution as even when one is close up, checking on plants or moving things, it is still murky. Further one gets from what they are looking at the worse it gets. There is probably a 20 foot visibility under the water right now. The currents are there and you can feel them but they are not causing any trouble thus far. In fact under the water things seem rather calm for the time being. There are a few smaller fish darting about, nibbling at algae growing on man made surfaces. Some shrimp walking over kelp or along the chains. One or two soft shell blue crabs are walking along the bottom, which at this point beneath the pier is not far below you, twenty feet maybe from the edge of the pier and quickly moving to nothing towards the shore as one could expect. All is well - nothing to worry about this round.
Thana Martin Location: Underwater Garden (U)Skills: N/A | ![]() |
Trying to get back into the swing of things was proving to be an easier transition than Thana had been expecting. It wasn't like she had had a lot of time before she had left Camp Mexico Beach in search of the others to get a real feel of how she wanted to do things. Things had gone so hectically with her trying to recover and put in her hours and do her interviews by those that were there and go through the military training they wanted done before someone was part of the community that way and more that when Thana got back she was worried that having to deal with the gardens was going to be overwhelming. Today it wasn't. How tomorrow went would be another story. For now however Thana had someone that was working out well enough. He was educated, strong, and a decent conversationalist. She'd have to ask about this whole Sportacus thing in his file later but for now it was working out well. At least well enough until he mentioned sparring with Thalia and Joaquin and his sword arm being sore. It made her stop mid dip into the water and just stare at him. Her head tilting to the side slowly. "Oh you mean actual swords!" she said after a few blinks before laughing it off and heading under the water. Her mind had taken a turn towards something entirely different when the man mentioned a sore arm and swords. Even in this world a grown womans mind can still hit the gutter.
Under the water, Thana was moving on. As they had only snorkles today there wasn't going to be going all the way down. But there was enough to tend to where they were just below the surface. Baskets and traps had to be brought to the surface and emptied into buckets floating half way in the water to keep anything they caught alive until they took it to the Mess Hall later. Some crops needed harvesting in small amounts, trimming dead or dying bits off others. It was not much different than working above the water it just took more time and a lot more preparation to get things in order. Not to mention Thana going back to the surface to clear water out of her snorkel every so often and rest her thigh. She wasn't saying anything but the way she grabbed it from time to time or rubbed it made it pretty clear that she was just pushing through.
Pulling a bucket up onto the underdock, Thana huffed before clearing the water off her face as it dripped from her hair. "Bit more than I expected today. We're gonna need to run this up to the Mess and dump it there before we can keep going," she said as the water in the bucket drained out the pre drilled holes in the bottom that let the water keep moving when it was in the water but easily strained it out without them losing any food in the process.
Nikola Warren Location: Supply (R)Skills: N/A | ![]() |
Nikki nodded a bit with a laugh. "Yeah. Not all the time but when things change it throws her off. Well, that's not right. Shit. Okay, if there is like a medical thing and someone comes in and shit hits the fan Mary is right on top of it. Cool headed, she's got it. When things that aren't life and death change around her, she flips some. Medical being pushed back for a boat returning for example," Nikki explained as she leaned back against the counter. Popping a few bubbles she thought back on several times Mary had snapped on her or others around her at the time. She always thought it was silly to blow up over something like that and it made her wonder just how the hell Mary was a person that they'd trust in Medical. Then she saw people get sick and come in and saw Mary do her thing. If someone spilled a glass of milk, Mary was the last person Nikki wanted around. If someone was bit or shot Nikki would take Mary over anyone else anyday of the week. Now, onto the old woman and their curiosity. "Nah, it's more than that really. I mean, it's their curiosity and shit but yer also the new folks. They've been watching the other couples for a while now. It's like watching reruns for years and suddenly there is a new Soap Opera on the TV so you just gotta see what happens. Pretty sure between you and Riley and Sparrow and that Captain guy those gals are goin' to be gabbing like its a Sunday social, or think that's how Sparrow puts it," she said pushing off the counter and looking around the place. Inhaling deeply it was odd how no matter how many years passed, any place that stored stuff for well storage all smelled the same. Even now, taking a deep breath Nikki was reminded of the old Good Wills she used to roam through when she was younger. Smelled just like this. Some things never changed.
Looking at the hat, Nikki smiled. "Hey I think it looks sweet," she said. Then tilting her head to the side she cocked a brow before shrugging. "Shit I would have picked the pageant gown in pink and wore that shit. It's the end of the world, have fun with it, stand out. Hell being alive makes ya stand out. Not smelling like a corpse makes ya stand out. And anyways that sun is brutal. The hat will be good for your head until the hair grows in some more," Nikki said before a light bulb went off in her mind. She got an idea. "Or we could rummage through the wigs," she suggested.