GM Post Catalog
#1 - Passing the Torch (feat. Starman)
![]() xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I S S U E #1: First Contact L O C A T I O N Lower Manhattan, New York City. 12:14 AM T A G S @Hero | Having some kind of murderous, robot bug fused with your body came with a lot of downsides. It was always scanning the people around you, always looking for a reason to bring out the big guns, always whispering in the back of your head about the many creative ways it could neutralize potential threats—whether that was a shady looking guy on the curb or Mrs. Martínez' mean ass Rottweiler down the block. It was like having Jiminy Cricket welded to your spine, with none of the conscience and all of the bad attitude the world could muster. But, it also had its upsides. Like being able to fly you all the way downtown in the middle of the night, so you could settle in the skyline and watch New York bring in the New Year with a bang. It had taken a little finessing, a little white lie about heading to bed early to keep the folks from catching on, but it was worth it. Up here, there were no threats to neutralize and nothing to worry about. It was pretty relaxing, all things considered—a welcome change from the discomfort that usually accompanied being encased in... whatever it was that made up the armor. All Jaime Reyes had to do was kick back, watch the fire works, and try not to let any particularly daring gusts of wind knock him off his perch. <<Unknown object entering atmosphere.>> And ignore the buzzing in the back of his head. <<Atmospheric reentry speed maintained; uncontrolled descent detected.>> It was probably just the fireworks setting off its sensors. <<Estimated point of impact: Newark Bay, 40.677320174169694, -74.12057787059817. Time until impact: 24.2 seconds.>> That sounded specific. That sounded worryingly specific. Deciding to humor the machine inhabiting his body, Jaime pivoted on the ledge of the building he had made his home for the night. Under ordinary circumstances, he doubted he'd be able to make out something that far away. But with the suit enhancing his vision, he could just barely see it—a tiny, blazing dot shooting across the sky. "That... Okay, that's not good. You're sure it's not a meteor or something?" <<Negative. Energy signatures in line with technology beyond Earth capabilities; probability of extraterrestrial origin 98.2%. 10.4 seconds.>> "So... Aliens. An alien is about to crash land on Earth. In Newark of all places?" <<Affirmative. 2.6 seconds.>> If the ship hit hard enough to cause a splash, Jaime didn't see it through the urban sprawl of Manhattan. Maybe he wasn't supposed to see anything to begin with. A month ago, the idea of aliens arriving on Earth would have been something he relegated to passing fantasies and old, cheesy sci-fi flicks. But a month ago, he didn't have a suit of magical battle armor like the stuff out of old, cheesy sci-fi flicks either. It was hard to pass off the impossible when you were the impossible. Plus, aliens were friggin' cool! How could he pass up being the first to meet a Martian? He sure as heck wasn't going to let the poor bastards make first contact with New Jersey; they'd never want to come back if that's what they thought all of Earth was like. "Can you get us to where it landed? I wanna, uh... Investigate the intruder. From afar." <<Organic Host: Disingenuous. Advise against approaching object; capabilities unknown, risk to host unaccounted. Prioritize the mission.>> Always with the mission. As if Jaime had any idea what that meant. Heck, he wasn't sure he wanted to know what it meant, with how the little thing suggested overcoming potential obstacles. "We'll never know its capabilities unless we go looking. C'mon, we're headed out." Getting the bug to do what he wanted when it disagreed with their course of action—which it did often—was usually like pulling teeth. Trying to practice flying around the neighborhood at night took more than a few failed nights to achieve before it acquiesced and did what he wanted. That struggle must have come in handy now, because all it took was a little bit of focus before the back portion of the carapace opened with a click, and four translucent wings manifested along thin, metallic ribs. A little hop later and Jaime was sailing through the skies above Manhattan, and across the bay towards Newark, the faintest trail of exhaust behind him as the scarab propelled him through the air. For all its backtalk, Jaime couldn't doubt his involuntary partner's competence. It had only taken a minute or two to jet his way across the city towards the landing site, weaving here and there to avoid the occasional overachieving bottle rocket as he crossed the more populated portions. He did not, however, get to see an alien spaceship for all his trouble; no sooner than he zoomed his way towards the shore facing the bay did the scarab suddenly buzz to life again. <<Non-standard lifeform detected, coordinates 40.67226910969731, -74.12317516952908. Preliminary scans confirm extraterrestrial origin. Subject: Tamaranean. Inhabitant of Sector 2828, Vega System. Combat potential: far beyond humankind. Approach with caution.>> It was hard not to notice them. Even from far above, the scarab had locked in on the lone soul as it made its way towards a nearby building and started... wailing on it?! "Why in the world is it trying to box with a building? We need to get down there and stop it before it catches the wrong kind of attention." <<Affirmative. Tamaranean physiology resistant to specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Suggested course of action: Judicious application of thermal energy.>> "We are not setting it on fire!" With some effort and just a mite bit of fledgling skill, Jaime circled his way back around and began to descend towards the ground below. He hadn't quite mastered landings yet, and he certainly didn't know how to hover, but at least he had gotten down the 'don't puke in the bug suit' part. That would've made the upcoming introduction much more awkward than it already would be. A stumbled landing a little ways down the block later, and the youth was just a short jog away from the alien and its incessant thumping. Of course, a bird's eye thermal view and far too many hours watching William Shatner wail on men in rubber suits didn't quite prepare him for what he saw when he rounded the corner to confront this alien threat. "Visitor to Earth, I request you... Cease... Your... Actions?," he blinked, half in confusion and half to ensure the scarab wasn't playing some kind of trick on him. "Is this the alien? Why is it a girl?" <<Tamaraneans exhibit similar sexual dimorphism to humanity. Subject appears to be a juvenile. Confirmation: It is a girl.>> "Yeah, I noticed!" Remembering he was, in fact, not alone with the scarab and therefore looked just a tad crazy yelling into the blank void beside him, the armor-clad teen composed himself and focused on the task at hand; welcoming this being to Earth. Or, at least, getting her to stop assaulting the side of a warehouse. "G-Greetings." Nailed it. |
![]() xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I S S U E #1: First Contact II L O C A T I O N Bayonne, New Jersey. 12:17 AM T A G S @Hero | Jaime was at least a little bit startled when the alien turned to address him—she did decide to start glowing and floating after spitting out that string of gibberish... Which, in hindsight, was probably a pretty offensive thing to call it. He made a mental note not to call her language gibberish during negotiations. Regardless of whatever he called it, it didn't change that fact he couldn't make out a single word she had said to him. At the very least he had spared the poor building any more trauma. "I come in peace. I just wanted to check on what was happening; my suit here says you had an, uhm, uncontrolled descent." Jaime said, holding his hands up in the universal signal of 'don't shoot'. At least, he assumed it was a universal signal. In hindsight, probably not a strong bet. "You said you know what her species is, can you translate her language for me? She does not look pleased to see me." He hurriedly whispered in the meanwhile. <<Subject exhibits signs of aggression. Speech patterns indicate displeasure in host's appearance. Confirmation: She is not pleased to see you. Suggested course of action: Judicious application->> "No fire!" <<Affirmative. Calculating alternative neutralization protocols.>> Jaime groaned to himself. Seeing as though the scarab didn't want to be especially useful in diplomatic matters, the teen decided to take things into his own hands. "Look, miss, there's no need to get angry, okay? I just want you to stop hitting the building before someone else in blue—who acts a lot less nice than me—comes by looking for you." He pantomimed her thwacking of the building with one of his hands, then shook his head 'no' several times. Body language. The ultimate form of expression. Yeah, this would work. |
![]() xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I S S U E #1: First Contact III L O C A T I O N Bayonne, New Jersey. 12:18 AM T A G S @Hero | Success! It wasn't often being the good at charades came in handy—frankly, this was the only time it had come in handy—but when it paid off, it paid off! There was still a level of tension in the air as the alien floated her way towards him, but she had stopped glowing, at least! That had to be good news. Glowing almost always meant lasers, and Jaime wasn't sure how laser-proof Mr. Kord's beetle robot was. <<Lifeform distance: close. Potential threat to host: unacceptable. Preparing to neutralize.>> Of course, Jaime was also not so sure how laser-proof this alien girl was. He might not have been entirely sure of what the scarab was capable of dishing out, but he knew one thing for sure—it wasn't lying. "We aren't neutralizing her. Maybe she's just... curious." He muttered through gritted teeth as the orange-skinned visitor seemed to circle around him. <<External investigation: equally unacceptable. Information exchange jeopardizes mission. Neutralization protocols required.>> "I said we—you are not hurting her. This is my body. You're just the tag along." He could feel the scarab tugging at his body from within; like it wanted him to move against his will, to do something bad. But it couldn't quite force it. It couldn't take control. <<Host: Unacceptably belligerent. Lifeform has made contact. Action required. Deploying neural shredder.>> "You're not deploying anything! I will put you away-" It was in that hurried whisper that Jaime realized something. He could put the scarab away. Then he wouldn't have to worry about it hurting anyone! Sure, it would leave him vulnerable, but a good Captain took risks! By the time the scarab had so much as caused a crackle to flicker between its mandibles, Jaime had locked it in a battle of wills. Go back in, go back in, go back in, go back in, go back INNAAAHH. He had forgotten, in that moment, how much it hurt to have the creepy crawling burrow its way back into his spine—he had thrown up the first couple of times. But he couldn't do that now, had to represent Earth. Had to bear it. As the metallic plating miraculous began to miniaturize and collapse inwards on itself, Jaime Reyes gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes, feeling the armor shrinking down until it all be disappeared between his shoulder blades with a sickening pop, the scarab going with it. The chill of wintry air that replaced the comfort of his armor shook him from the white hot pain, and he peeled his eyes open to peer at the alien without the benefit of a lens. The flying, glowy alien who had been pulverizing brick just a few minutes ago, and had apparently been poking at his chin while he muttered to himself like a crazy man. "I... Uh... Penny for your thoughts?" Maybe this was a bad idea. |