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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jeff Jones
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Jeff Jones

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The two watched as the man responded, date glaring at him in his response, the eye meanwhile simply nodded at what he said. At the response of how time was relative and it moved differently, the eye gave a nod to him "Very well then. Thank you, for being reasonable to all of us and as well being willing to answer questions. I will contact you directly some other way if need be" The eye gave something like a bow, then turned to date, to which he picked it up and placed it back into the socket, then he looked back to Lex.

"Fine, although you better not have touched Mizuki" He left it at that as Lex then brought his attention to the table, the lights dimming and a hologram showing some man flying around. Lex called him "superman", to which date rolled his eyes a bit at, it was a really uncreative hero name. But then, seeing him next start to attack buildings and kill citizens had Date frown as he watched it all. As he went to look back at Lex, the older man came forward and punched him in the face, causing the guards to be called in. As they pointed their guns at him, Date only could stare at the man with a blank look. Then, he turned to look through the crowd to where he was standing, noticing a young girl that was looking at him. He then could only watch as the one dude in the weird suit getup shot webbing out to tie him down. He then looked over to Joel, then back to Lex as Fret spoke up in outrage"Your getting real close to pissing off a lot of people in this room, baldie. Including me, your telling me that you even picked out kids to help out on this mission to kill some alien that went rogue? I find it hard to agree with that, even if your not picking out people just cause they can fight, what happens to those who can't that get caught in a tough situation alone? You just gonna say their deaths are for a just cause and move on? As well those who didn't want to be here can't get back without your help, sounds a lot like you kidnapped people and are forcing them to help out."

Interacting: @Thatguyinastore

Trevor watched and listened to the others in the room refer to the bald man, as well as make note of what Otto said about guards being outside the room. Great, this man was expecting the more brash ones of them were to be handled simply, perfect. He figured it another good note to keep himself calm even if he believed he'd be fine to deal with a big amount of guards, hopefully with others help in this room. But then as they asked what they were going to be doing, the man himself got up and walked over to some table as the light in the room seemed to slowly die out, causing Trevor to glance around for what could be causing this, but seeing nothing. Trevor figured to move a bit forward to see the table better, and soon enough lights popped up that seemed to show some flying man. However, it's not as if something like this was new to Trevor, even if the application of how was at a lost for him, probably the same source the moving box and dying lights had.

He listened carefully as the bald man spoke of this superman, showing how he went from great protector to mass murderer, however before he could continue one of those brash fellows seemed to take action by punching him in the face, winning a bit of respect from Trevor. However, then the guard force that Otto had mentioned seemed to come through and point odd weapons at the man, however, he didn't seem like he was going to back down. Trevor was about to take a step to help with pulling the man off but the one who mentioned the guards seemed to make truth with his claims, using odd webs to pull him off and onto the ground. As the man sat back down and asked if they had any other questions, he allowed the others to speak before making his own point with a raised finger above his head first to get Lex's attention, then holding it lower while he asked his point "Well, while you're saying we can't go back without having helped you first...can I get a drink? Some alcohol would make this a bit more bearable if you could"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I suppose a more accurate word would have been was," Lex replied to Red, shaking his head. "And, I don't know if we both watched the same footage, but if he's allowed to continue his reign, then there won't be any locals left to protect." the bald man sighed through his nose, closing his eyes. "The rest of the Justice League is busy off world. For this - we needed outside help."

Shantae and Lilith were the next in line to ask questions. "Well..." he spoke to Lilith first. "An incorporeal being with the ability to possess things surely would come in handy for a job like this, no?" Lex asked, before turning his attention to Shantae. "We... did our research."

And he left that one there.

Before much more time had passed, Fret had stormed on over to him, angrily accusing him of a ton of things - and just generally being what some would call, "a Negative Nate." Lex, however, remained stoically calm as ever while the Player shouted all kinds of things in his face. Date had come over as well to basically say the same thing. He allowed the two to finish their respective spiels, only finally speaking up once they both finished speaking.

"Very well."

And then, Lex's hand moved over to a stationary button that was attached to his desk. He pressed it all while keeping his attention focused on Date and Fret. After doing so, Sarah became wrapped in a cloud of smoke. It was dark and thick, seeming to swirl around the girl for a long few moments. Eventually, it had enveloped her entirely... and then? She was gone.

"SARAH!!" Joel shouted from the side, still webbed to the floor thanks to Otto. The father was losing his mind at this point. He'd just gotten her back... he'd just promised that he'd never leave her again. And now? Now, this guy had just teleported her to God knows where with his... smoke bullshit. Joel wasn't a man who normally let his emotions show - but right now? Well, now, he seemed to be losing his shit. And he did not care. "When I get out of here, I'll rip y'er fuckin' THROAT OUT!!"

Lex, meanwhile, continued to show no emotion.

"Relax. She is safer now, as you requested." It was during this time that he looked at Trevor, and gestured over to where Kira was stationed. "The... alcohol is over near that man, by the way. It's on the shelf behind him."

@cadesmith @Jeff Jones @Second2Last @BoltBeam @davefromdiscord @SomeMekBoy @ProfSpacecakes @ClownTown @Chung @TheRealMonaMona @everyoneelse
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClownTown
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ClownTown Professional Clown

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


He bolted back up into sitting position shortly after the collision and gave a thumbs up to the blue... Hedgehog monster? "I'M A-OK!" The puppet got up and took a step forward, face planting, before getting back up again brushing himself off as though nothing happened. Weaker men might have gotten a concussion, but Spamton was no mere man, he was far too hard headed, mentally and physically.
However, hearing the rat monster refer to him as 'not friend' while it made sense considering they'd just met in a cage. It hurt far more than the knock to the head. But it also looked like people were starting to leave with the woman that had appeared out front of the cage. Without much thought the salesman grabbed the hedgehog by the hand and began to lead him to the elevator like a child hellbent on getting ice cream. "ONWARD TO FREEDOM!"
Once in the elevator it was a sea of legs, he was surprised no one had trampled him on the way out. Despite going somewhat separate ways he wanted to keep an eye on the hedgehog considering he was kind enough to stick around and help him up.
For the time being he was distracted by the lavish room and bald man inhabiting it. The moment he was permitted to make himself comfortable he scrambled onto one of the couches like some sort of unruly mongrel, and perched on the top. He listened as Luthor explained the bounty business "WOAH WOAH WOAH! I'M A [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] NOT AN ASSASSIN!" The more the bald man spoke the more uneasy the salesman felt. The videos were the worst part leaving him with his mouth open in shock. Afterwards he was chattering like a nutcracker.
The subsequent fight leaving him clinging to the furniture for some form of comfort.

@duskkyy @Thatguyinastore @Spooky Birb @RirisStride1 @Starmaker
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Second2Last
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Second2Last You're cringe, debate over.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilith and Shantae

Lex answered both of Lilith and Shantae's questions. Starting with Lilith, he said that a incorporeal being with the power of possession could surely become useful at some point or another, not to mention her other more powerful abilities. "Um...I guess that could help." She said showing a slight bit of uncertainty, Lilith actually was able to pull of some pretty impressive stuff, the only reason she really asked that was because she had somewhat of a inferiority complex and she probably still wasn't sure if she was comfortable with helping Lex out with his whole bounty problem, but hey, every little bit helps right?

Next Lex answered Shantae's question by keeping it brief and saying that they did some research and leaving it at that, that answer worried her, an answer that vague must mean that they must've done something really outlandish or immoral to do so and anyone that secretive must be doing so. They might of been spying on these people and their every move and that kind of creeped her out, so now that she was given that explanation she just responded and tried not to think about it anymore, as doing so would likely drive anyone crazy. "Uh...okay then." She wasn't sure if she wanted to trust Lex after she heard this.

But spying on people was just the beginning of Lex's questionable actions, actually this one was more the questionable. After having to put up with some petty arguing he became feat up with it and move his hand under the desk he was sitting in, likely to press some sort of button that was hidden there, and suddenly Sarah was surrounded in a mass of black smoke before disappearing completely. "Jesus Christ!" Lilith shouted out in shock, meanwhile Shantae let out a freighted yelp, now she trusted him even less. Neither of them didn't even know what to say at first but soon enough Lilith finally said something. "What...What the hell did you do to her!?" She believed that the whole 'she is safer now' excuse was good enough.


(Open for interaction)
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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Attesa Support Havoc Fox!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Grey's been taking this all in. So this Mister Luthor guy wants them here to stop some tyrannical overlord with powers from terrorizing the city? Sounds familiar, the dumbfounded fox thinks to himself. But apart from the name and the footage, the group, Grey included, don't seem like they have any clue about what this Superman is capable of. So when Luthor asks for any other questions, the fox is quick to speak.

"Sir?" he starts and steps forward. "I've got a question. What else do we need to know about this... 'Superman' guy?"

He would be lying if Grey said he didn't get some bad vibes from the billionaire, but this alien seems to be the bigger fish to fry right now. He'd have to ask more about why Luthor was keeping them under such scrutiny later- when they weren't being threatened with brain-frying frequencies and guns.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by QizPizza
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QizPizza Quiz but without the U

Member Seen 10 mos ago

To Maisha's horror, the kid just…yanked the knife out of his head like he was pulling it out of a sheath. The kid didn't even flinch as he wiggled around before finally releasing the blade from his dome piece. He must have been some kind of monster. Underneath his helmet, Maisha gritted his teeth and cringed. If he were the one doing it for an injured brother in a life or death situation, it would be no problem, but seeing it be treated with such triviality was something else.

Thankfully for the pale kid, the bacta patch would almost instantly clot the bleeding and begin healing the cut as if it were magic. Within the hour, the bacta would've completely healed the wound and left no scar behind.. That clear slime was a beautiful thing, healing wounds as if it were as easy as inflicting it...and bacta this pure and effective wasn't cheap either. Especially since the Empire's fall, getting high-quality bacta was almost impossible and a single tank cost as much as a small ship. With all that said, the point is: the kid better be grateful.

However, the boy's response did take Maisha off guard. Not the part about his age. Maisha was only 13 cycles old when he killed his first man and even younger when he first hunted the vermin that plagued his family's hanger. No, it was how casually the boy implied that he was going to kill everyone. As a bounty hunter, Maisha had met his share of eccentric, violent, and big-talking characters who would say the exact same thing and wouldn't cause him to bat an eye. What unnerved Maisha was how all the little details were coming together, between the appearance, the durability, and the violent comment the kid made. Individually, he wouldn't care, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

"You can definitely try, ad'ike, but I doubt you'd get through more than two of these hardened verde," Maisha chuckled, but it was more cover up his concern than anything else. He wasn't worried so much about himself as he was about everyone around him who didn't have the means to defend themselves against an unseen knife.

Before those concerns could be seen any further, the woman from before returned with a change of clothes and the go ahead to see Mr. Luthor. Maisha had almost forgotten about the man what had brought them here with all the commotion! The Mandalorian entered the lift with no complaints with all the others, just as eager as most to find out what the was going on.

At the top floor, the group was greeted with an opulent office fit for the well-dressed businessman sitting at the center desk. Maisha knew the type well, having dealt with those who held some self-importance just because they had plenty of credits to throw around. Lex Luthor immediately got to business, revealing that he collected everyone there for a "situation." The euphemism made Maisha cross his arms, knowing that it indicated a complex problem that would pay appropriately if this man had the slightest sense of fairness.

A small smile crept into Maisha's face as the man named Spike Spiegel asked if this was a bounty. Of course it was, but the pay...they weren't in much of a position to negotiate if Luther was able to put them all in that cage without any hitches. Maisha certainly wanted a enough credits to buy a few new blasters and the knowledge of where his ship was, but freedom was also nice.

Then the bald man dropped something about a "multiverse" and multiple universes. That threw Maisha's head into dizzy. Did he end up in Wild Space or get stuck in Hyperspace to end up here? Well...that would have to come another time, as he shifted his focus onto a hologram of a "Superman" and gave a brief on their target.

Seeing their target, even just a hologram...Maisha was became very, very concerned. This man could shoot lasers from his eyes, fly, and destroying buildings and chest cavities with his bare hands. Maisha had hunted his fair share of tough targets, but this...this was absurd! It was like asking them to take on a Gozanti-class cruiser with size of a man and the agility of an A-Wing with nothing but a few blasters!

Bewildered by this request, Maisha didn't immediately react to the man rushing Luthor and beat the living hell out of that dome piece, but thankfully, someone man in a red and blue suit yanked him away with a fiber cord before he killed everyone's best shot at getting home. However, just as it seemed to be over, Luthor pressed a button that made some girl disappear into a cloud of smoke, sending the girl's presumed father into a renewed frenzy.

Though he didn't know all the details, Maisha felt for this man, having lost his mother to the Empire. Family was important to many, and none moreso than a Mandalorian. He was feeling generous today, so he approached this man and knelt down beside him. He had a knife in hand ready to cut the man free from his restraints if he calmed down. "Greetings burc'ya, please calm down. Your fighting won't do your child any favors. Right now, you've been dealt a questionable hand, and if you jump on the draw too soon, you'll bomb out. I understand your devotion, though. I am no father, but as Mando'ad I know unrelenting devotion to my family. If you wish to have my assistance, I will do everything I can to reunite the two of you for no other reason than to see a family restored, ori'haat (I swear it to be true)."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by cadesmith
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cadesmith twinker bell

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

They're healthy, however they're also very confused!

As the smoke surrounding Sarah had cleared, someone completely different had been in the girl's place. It was none other than...

"I, the GREAT ninj- wha!"

The horribly dressed ninja looked around, a baffled expression donned upon her. One moment, she was fighting off crime, or, she was about to! Next thing she knows, she's just in a room with a LOT of different people! The restoration committee member didn't waste much time on examining each and every person there - as there had, again, been a lot of people. Instead, she looked to the one who she somewhat recognized - Lex Luthor was his name, wasn't it? The girl had heard that name and face thrown around here and there back in Gotham, well, for the one month she had been stranded in the city. Had some magic mumbo-jumbo led her to him and this diverse crowd? She took a few steps closer to his desk, humming to herself as she looked him up and down, before she held out a hand to shake his.

Safe to say, she was totally unaware of what happened before she came around.

"I think I know you, sir Luthor! Need an introduction or do you already know of my great deeds?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chung
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Chung Scuffed Characters Galore

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jeffrey Woods

"I'd have a response to that if I knew what you were saying." Jeff said to Maisha. "But what I do know is that you're trying to act tough, so I can't wait to get you killed!"


As the high and mighty Lex Luthor got decked by the savage and messy Joel, I couldn't help but cover my mouth and back away as he punches him.

This is my only opportunity to say this, so here I go!


So, this is what it feels like. It hit me with so much euphoria that it could make me cry, which is good, because it's the only way to lubricate my eyes without dunking my face into a bucket of water.


Time for the cheery Edgelord to do his schtick. Jeff balanced the tip of his knife on his finger, staring through Luthor with his unblinking eyes. He's obviously struggling to keep the blade standing, but he was never a man who had much style despite what he may think. He always proved his point through action, but he does like mouthing off and acting cool more. Despite it all, he's still some Teenager lacking any sense of self-awareness.

He threw his knife into the air, and caught it by the handle.

"Did your research, huh? Well, you clearly didn't do enough if you think I will help you. I might have the strength and skills you need, but if you knew who I really am. You would have never brought me here-- OOOOOH, ALCOHOL!"

. . . And he's also lacking an attention span as well. Once he got a bottle, he started chugging it before realizing he got distracted again. He decided to use this as a demonstration to his point.

"Uh, s-see what I mean? I can barely finish a sentence without wandering off."

Real smooth, Jeff.

@QizPizza @Jeff Jones @Thatguyinastore
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by cadesmith
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cadesmith twinker bell

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tosai “Fret” Furesawa
Fret’s healthy. But, he has no thoughts, for his head is empty.

"Very well? Very W-" And with Lex's response to he and Date's spiels, and the press of a button, that aforementioned kid disappeared into thin air. Literally!

"Wh- WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! Where'd you even- WHAT!" Fret has no words, none at all. Did he just- did he just cause that? Sure, it technically wasn't his fault, but- shit!

And, oh, remember that Tosai scanned the businessman earlier? Now that he has the results (which was given to myself via Store in DMs, to be clear), the Player couldn't believe it. All of this, and he just wanted everyone to calm down?!

"You seriously care about us calming down and NOT how we may feel otherwise? God, it's people like you that just- I-" He made hand gestures as he tried to find the words, but ultimately, he just couldn't. Fun!

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--Sougo Tokiwa--
Interaction: @Thatguyinastore@cadesmith

Before Sougo could even ask what Luthor meant by his answer, the room darkened, with the sole light being a holographic image emitted from the table. Sougo had seen this sort of tech before--it's from the future! At least, on his world it would be.

Finally, Luthor revealed their location; Metropolis. Sougo hadn't heard of such a place before, which confirmed his suspicions that he was indeed in another world. Insert Onore Decado joke here. In anycase, it seems that this city, Metropolis, had an alien protector--Superman of Krypton. From the video, it seems that he can fly. Not to mention...His strength. Brutally demonstrated as him flying through buildings, lasers beaming out of his eyes, melting mere innocents--misusing the strength to kill, not save. This made Sougo a bit uncomfortable.

It reminded him too much of his future self, Ohma. Revered as a hero by some, yet at the same time, cruel and tyrannical in nature.

As the lights turned back on, Luthor had a face full of someone's fist. An angry father, demanding an explanation as to why he and his daughter were dragged into a seemingly unwinnable fight. By the looks of things, yes, he is strong. But judging by Luthor's ways...He may have found a way to defeat him.

Luthor then explained that with the Justice League busy on another planet, he needed to drag people in. His explanation was sound...But something about this whole situation feels off. As Fret was panicking about making everyone calm for now, Sougo felt something pierce through his head--a migraine, as images of costumed heroes flashed through his mind. Sougo's Retrocognition activated again without his consent, allowing him to see glimpses into Superman's past. These memories...Were of Superman working with the League.

"Nngh..." Sougo groaned, rubbing his temple. A side effect of this ability which activated on fate's whims. Sougo couldn't master this ability, as he didn't even know what triggered it in the first place. He wasn't sure if what he saw is true, but...He might as well ask. "H...How do we know the League wouldn't come to his aid during all this?" Sougo asked, raising a hand. "I, uh...Had a vision that this Superman had deep ties with the Justice League, and was wondering if that's gonna be a problem if we don't manage to finish this in time."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Starmaker
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Starmaker Justice takes no holidays!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mood: "Wealth makes humans so lazy...!" | Status: Observant
Interactions: @RirisStride1, @Thatguyinastore, anyone by Lex's desk

As Hershel played the good samaritan again, Berit nothing cared for the woes of the others or seemed intent to move once they had been told to go out of the cage. After all, no one told the Nekomata what to do, especially not to hurry a good meal such as this. She had picked some quirks, or rather had them intensified, from her time as an actress, and it was to keep the image of grace that cats were known for whenever in someone else's sights. It would be a shame to have things get too messy before such a fateful encounter now, wouldn't it?

The cleric understood that hurrying her up was a pointless endeavor, seemingly opting to prepare himself something as well, as the pieces of meat gradually became smaller and smaller to its inevitable ending. I would do. Hunger was like a state of existence for the Youkai, but for now... It would do to keep her in a better mood.

With the arm offered like a perch or platform, Rena had swiftly stepped out of the pillow and prepared a majestic jump to land on the target, not being too mindful of her claws, climbing to sit on his shoulder again. She cleaned herself while he gathered all their belongings, expectedly only watching quietly, a soft pleased fur inaudible to anyone else.

As luxurious as the corridors, walls and overall decor seemed, it was all rather boring. Felt like a human of unbearable egocentrism, needing to flaunt their wealth by making everything extremely extravagant without a cause. It was as empty as the room themselves probably were. She had seen it before, ample spaces- So ample that they could not be filled unless used as storage. They were the kind of people that thought that they knew everything and oh, Berit looooved to prove them wrong~

Foolish human greed in a desperate need to make up for something aside, the cat was delighted to be met with grand, beautiful windows in what seemed like a typical business office. Not that she cared. The request was once more silent, if only to give the bald mastermind some reassembly of respect... temporarily. Instead, a double-tap of her paw against Hershel's shoulder and a gesture towards the desk with her tail was all it needed for the message to be received. They had gradually moved closer soon enough.

Berit immediately had hopped down to land on Lex's table once the distance was right. But instead of addressing the man himself, her attention was beyond his figure, and even more his words. Alien threat, huff, why would she care about that?? Can't you solve your own problems, obviously you have all this money to burn, don't you?!

The Nekomata took a deep breath. Patience, Rena, patience. After all, someone else had already delivered a punch to the rich CEO's face, and it put a smile on her muzzle to see that happen from such an advantage point. Oh, glorious! Glorious chaos!! This group was full of them, and they were bubbling up in so many ways~! It was only a matter of time before it truly exploded and the Siamese was really good at playing waiting games...

With her attention divided between the brimming outdoors and the conversations in the background, Berit had eventually realized the presence of a windowsill right behind Lex and promptly moved to hop into it, sitting down right afterwards. To most, it would definitely look as if she was ignoring him which, to be honest, was half true still. Outside seemed a lot more interesting!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All Might

Toshinori Yagi

All Might remained silent as Luthor began to finally explain why they were there. He watched the hologram presentation, and was struck initially with surprise. So, there were heroes in this world, too? That might make matters a little easier for him, at least. And this ‘Superman’… Part of him couldn’t help but compare him to himself. The two of them seemed similar, after all. Even their hero costumes had the same color palette.

Soon, however, the differences would make themselves disturbingly apparent. All Might watched with a horror that the rest of the group couldn’t quite muster — a horror that came from knowing the nuances of being a superhero, of being in those shoes himself — as Superman was shown destroying buildings, terrorizing citizens, and even using his great powers to slaughter those he was meant to protect. His fists clenched all the harder at his sides, his jaw tight in clear anger. This was no hero; this was a villain of the worst kind!

But he didn’t get a chance to think on it further. Joel, understandably enraged that his young daughter had been dragged into such a potentially deadly situation, rushed at Lex Luthor. He was almost immediately restrained, but that didn’t seem to be the end of it. Acting as if he were merely doing as Joel wanted, the businessman pushed a button on his desk, and poor Sarah was engulfed in smoke.

His body acted on its own, seemingly atrophied muscles suddenly bulging out to near-impossible mass, the seams of his leather jacket straining against the sudden change. This now titan of muscle dashed over to where Sarah was, moving faster than one could blink, attempting to grab her out of that smoke…

… but he was too late. She was gone.

"No!" he roared out as the last wisps of smoke passed effortlessly through his fingers. He then turned to face Luthor, fixing him in a steely blue gaze as the man explained she was merely moved to some unknown safe place.

"If she's as safe as you claim, then prove it! Show us where you have her, if for no other reason than to ease her father's worries!"

Interactions - @Thatguyinastore

3x Thank Thank
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by darkred
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darkred Friendly blue eyed woman

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Director “Piercer” Thomas Sinclair


Location: Cage>Elevator to Lex Luthor’s office> Lex Luthor’s Office


“Doomguy” as the AI speaking for him called him gave some interesting information. “Armored Response Coalition” was the company and demons is what Doomguy fought against back home. Sinclair took mental notes to ask later and frowned as the same woman came forward in a different outfit, asking for everyone to follow her toward the elevator. For what it was worth, he had a different motivation at the moment. The Helghast was causing problems and they couldn’t be allowed to cause anymore.
But this comes first.

Sinclair eyed Duke “Yeah, I can watch your back as well. He stared back at Duke for a second and then at Doomguy.

“I guess we’ll find our answers soon enough.”

Sinclair kept quiet and moved toward the giant elevator that surprisingly held everyone inside without feeling squished. He waited until the doors opened and everyone started to spill out.

The bald man must have been the man of the hour. Sinclair crossed his arms and frowned, and looked over at the bald man talking to everyone. “You weren’t specific in the type of “combat experience”, so I’m assuming you meant everyone here.

Eying Lex Luthor silently, his face never changing emotions for a short time trying to make his face unreadable.

Sinclair raised an eyebrow “Superman?” He frowned, he was asking to kill a man, which wasn’t too alarming, but this man was super powerful. Way above what a Helghast normally was during the Extrasolar war.

“Details?” Sinclair was only inpatient a bit.

@thatguyinastore @Critic Ham @Chung

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by darkred
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darkred Friendly blue eyed woman

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jak and Daxter
Status:Annoyed, Angry
??> Lex Luthor’s Office> Finding info about bounty about Lex Luthor


After finding out about their exact location, a woman came forward asking for everyone to follow her to see Lex Luthor.

Daxter muttered “I have no idea who this guy is and probably don’t want to know but come’n Jak, let’s see where this thing takes us.

Jak frowned “You sure, Dax. Daxter promptly nodded and both followed suit toward the elevator which was huge enough to fit a lot of people in. As the elevator stopped, the room inside was grand and luxurious causing the ottsel just to stare at the room in wonder and waved at Jak “Don’t worry, Jak, go find Lex and talk, we’ll meet up in a bit.”

Jak frowned and saw Lex Luthor and a lot of figures in front of the desk. “Why did you bring us here? A.. bounty? You mean you want us to kill this Superman with no details on what he’s capable of?”

He frowned, somewhere he wasn’t sure what he and Dax was getting into but he frowned.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lucifer had hung in the back, probably hidden pretty well from all the action. He had no real questions, everyone else seemed to beat him to it. Obviously they aren't the most organized bunch, and maybe that'll bite him in the ass later. Though the angel was now much more confident in his situation. That couldn't be all to it- really? Just.. take out some super gone Rouge? That's.. not bad. He's been kidnapped for worse! Or would it be less? At least he's needed right now, that's all that had to really matter.

With all the infighting going on, he's starting to understand Kira more. Peace keeping? Nah, not really his style right now. Luci much rather stand at a safe distance and watch the chaos unfold, after all why should he help these hot-headed morons? They seemed to be all the destructive power they need, not even a few moments in and these fuckers seemed to be at his throat like rabid dogs. Have they no honour? Not even a shred of respect? Terrible. There was no helping this situation.

On the other hand, Cloud was staying away for his own reasons. He wasn't much for talking in the first place, nor was he about to stop the others from being idiots. They weren't his problem, just some liability at the moment. All questions were getting answered, no real harm was done, and if he helps kill a man he gets to go home. Easy, right? Just like every other job the merc as done. Kill something, fetch something- whatever it was it was some hard task that payed well and made him stronger. Win-win yeah?

Though having ALL of these people here seems... excessive.. how strong was this "super-man?" And was he immune to swords? No one was immune to swords, and if they are no they aren't. Cloud will find a way, if they even need his help. Everyone in this room to kill one guy? Overkill, that man couldn't be so strong. Everything wore down eventually, he could do it if he tried hard enough... only would need a small team, not a small army. Cloud could care less for all these people, they fought too much and he wasn't being payed to like any of them. This was all too dramatic for his tastes, the merc practically scoffed at it all. They would wear out eventually, just had to let them scream a little.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RirisStride1
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RirisStride1 The brainstormer of nations

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sky-high tension, still rational minds.

Quite frankly, the whole situation had quickly and swiftly escalated into a mess of the highest order when it came to negotiating with certain aspects with certain individuals of the group. Abrupt and secretive handling on the pretense of showing authority would not nail smooth progress with a couple of fellows in the conversation... that much was obvious.

Specially when quite frankly the assigment read like a bounty hunting mission, one that was sorely lacking in details. After the initial mess of the supposed father attempting to assault Lex had been 'contained' yet the topic still kept going, the cleric straightened his postures from behind the half-moon counter.

He wasn't necessarily hostile, but he wasn't exactly cooperative towards the intentions either... yet he did also want more information, which left only one choice. Making use of the momentum of others that had been asking questions, the cleric mustered a slight and polite smile while staring in Lex Luthor's direction.

"So..." A booming and polite orator voice escaped the duke's lips, being loud enough and clear for the leader of the operations to hear.

"You want a us to eliminate a target, and you want our cooperation, yes? Though personally I am not all too opposed to initially cooperating, I have a couple suggestions if you want to smooth over the following interactions with the miscellaneous group." A confident voice sounded clear while retaining a minimum level of politeness towards the corporation owner.

"Be transparent on further details, specially on what the safe area is for the child that just dissappeared... apart from that, as a few others mentioned, more informations is required" Walking around the counter he had been behind and towards the window, he stopped right when he was in front of the center of it.

"I am not talking just powers, I also mean background, known public profile, desired 'form' to get rid of them because being overt and being secretive are two vastly different skillsets..." And as he side-eyed Lex, turning slowly towards him, his face went serious and his eyes grew sharp within an instant.

"Concrete crimes on their hands that make their head worth taking. Its one thing to need cooperation, but to earn it, apply transparency... its akin to doing proper business, after all" A slight and more relaxed smirk was shown right to the man who had so chaotically brought them together into this room, hoping his point had been made before turning into a slight frown.

"But if you want to remain secretive about more details or delay on them, be our guest sir... I'll just wait for matters to blow over, then decide what to do." Nodding and politely bowing a bit towards Lex, the cleric turned back around and placed his back against the wall by the largest window, side-eyeing the few to the outside while keeping his ears perked up.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mav
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Mav The Coolest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lex Luthor... The name has been stuck in his head since its first mention. It's not the most interesting, but the simple fact that it belongs to the supposed one in charge was enough for it to occupy his headspace for so long. With someone of so much authority, they must have a tremendous amount of power!

...He can't afford to fumble his words, then.

He declined the initial call for them to go meet Luthor, instead opting to stay behind and craft his next sentence. He must word this with care -- almost as much as he put into the chain he's yet to set off.

"'Lex Luthor, give me the way out,'" he mutters, a hand on his chin. "No... that doesn't sound quite right. Perhaps... 'Lex Luthor, give me the way out or I will have your head!' Yes, that's it! He'll have no choice but to comply once I say that!"

With his expertly crafted sentence engraved in his headspace, there is but one thing to do: find where everyone went. It shouldn't be hard. With everyone that went, their collective aura of power should be at least detectable! On that note, Schezo closes his eyes and allows his senses to descend to virtually nothing. He breathes slowly, eventually placing a hand on his hip.

"There they are!"

Quick as a whip, his eyes shoot open, landing on the rough location of everyone else. He is subsequently shrouded in a shadow, which spirals in on itself and vanishes, reappearing...


...right above Luthor's desk!

The dark mage lands with a clank, courtesy of his armored footwear. Now towering over his supposed superior, he points down at him, face awash with an intense frustration.


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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Pixxieblush
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Pixxieblush i'm the original starwalker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


In the middle of the barrage of questions directed at Mr. Luthor, an emblem of sorts would appear near the back of the room where Lucifer was standing, quiet enougn that nobody save for those looking in the right direction would see it.

It was barely there for more than a second before a tall woman with raven hair emerged, the emblem disappearing behind her as she became visible to the group. She gave a small knowing wink to Lucifer before beginning to walk forward, her shoes giving satisfying clicks against the office floor with a small burst of butterflies paired with every step.

“I’ve got to agree with the squire on this one. I’d hate to RSVP to an invite with no place and time on it.” Bayonetta stated in response to Hershel had said, giving him a small nod as her walk came to a slow as she approached the desk. The fact that she’d seemingly been not there before was addressed with a smirk as she continued to speak. “Do remind me, was I in charge of bringing snacks? I’d hate to be left without an excuse to be late to the party.” Bayonetta quipped, coming to a stop beside whichever people left room for her to stand in front of the desk. Though her vocal demeanor was all jokes and playful tone, if someone were to look closer at her face, they’d see Bayonetta’s jaw slightly clenched. Regardless of whatever she said to brush off her sudden appearance, it seemed that something—maybe the prospect of Joel’s daughter becoming spirited away and his stress beforehand—had perhaps touched a nerve or two.

@ratKing @RirisStride1 @Thatguyinastore (Open to other interactions)
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Chosen Hunter

Before the main man of the room could go and respond to the Hunter, a man in what appears to be some sort of comic book superhero get-up attempted to ge a rise outta him by attempting to save their diminishing pride by saying in a nutshell ‘don’t assume things about people until you see them’. Heh, as if he could take them more seriously if it weren’t for the fact they were wearing such a get-up. In his own opinion, he couldn’t help but give small chuckle at the statement made from this. Did this man ever heard the phrase ‘back up your bark with some bite’? The Chosen only turned his head over his shoulder to face the man before saying. “Perhaps you can do better than what is considered the weaker ones of this room, but we all know that happening is useless unless you got some actions to back up your claim. After all, wouldn’t want to be too boastful now of our own skills when it can very well be out of our own league oh how ironic this is coming from the same man who enjoyed speaking so highly of his own skill.

Yet, he didn’t get much of an response before Luthor went ahead to continue his statement. Yet again, the information being provided to them was barebones, just enough to keep him very much interested, but he was wanting for more of the fine details. After all, this next ‘hunt’ for some ‘big game’ was certainly no pushover if they were capable of bursting through walls like some drugged up Andromedon while also being capable of flight and shooting lasers from his eyeballs. Certainly no pushover from what he is seeing, and this Luthor expects a man with a bat to be any use in taking this ‘protector of Metropolis’ down? Heh, the very fact right there was enough to make him smirk at such a sight of individuals uselessly fighting against the man, getting donutted through the chest before leaving the actual competent ones here to deal with cleanup. He definitely had mixed reactions about such disregard for life, especially when his own might be in danger (as well as returning back to his own world to be reformed within his base), but as long as he wasn’t in the frontlines, they he could very well sneak away if things get dicey, and enjoy this fun opportunity within another world as another group would deal with supes.

Before the Hunter can even get a small joke in if the situation, it appears like someone here was a bit too ‘vocal’ with their ‘words’, and gave the bald man a piece of their own mind. The things people would do when family and friends are on the line, ah, he so too enjoyed seeing that sight, especially seeing Xcom soldiers get particularly angry and go into a blind rage when their buddy gets killed in combat. The bloodbath was nice to see on both sides. He couldn’t help but chuckle alongside the leather wearing ‘big balls’ as he nicknamed the bat-wielding man, saying no more as he let the situation handle itself.

And right in schedule, the same man who spoke to him earlier decided to shut up Mr. Family over here, by tying them up in what appears to be some sort of web like substance and tied them to the floor. Well, at least the super-hero suited man was capable of doing something useful now, but whether or not he actually had more in store was left unknown. “Well, your aim is certainly better than some others now, you didn’t even accidentally hit Luth here with a single shot. Although, I’m hoping that your ability isn’t just shooting sticky white stuff at any enemy we come across now. yeah, as much as usefulness would go, all it would take is a simple spark to set the entire thing ablaze. And we all know how much the Hunter hated fire now.

Next to be of current interest was the purple haired woman he mentioned earlier, who had spoken out in shock as if him saying ‘stripper’ was quite literally ‘killing then’ (not like he wouldn’t enjoy that option either), only to be stopped midway by phantom before a real conversation can start now. He could only give a smirk at such a sight. Quick to pipe up about things, but shut-up as soon as someone else tells them to do so. Oh, it will be fun trying to catch them off guard within conversations from now on, and seeing their reaction. Maybe he could actually get a full response from them soon enough instead of a small peep.

Other than that, within the corner of his eye, the same comically large rat creature looked like it was about to speak to him, before shutting up and just getting closer to the Hunter. Now that definitely interested the Chosen. What was this rat thinking of accomplishing? Was it looking for some cheese in his back pocket? The tall blue skinned ‘man’ didn’t care for the reason, only the fact they did such.

May as well ‘poke the bear with a stick’, as the Chosen squatted down from his full height of 9’2’ (and even then, was somewhat taller than Dris due to the size comparison here), as he gave one good look at the face of the rat humankind, before saying “You know, it’s rude to be going up to people, and not introducing yourselves. Although, I’m not bothered by this fact, just… mentioning it for further guidance. Nonetheless, you got a specific reason for coming up to me? Perhaps my weapons surely interest you… considering your get-up, I take it you don’t even know what a ‘firearm’ is, much less, a magnetic-rifle.” the Chosen said, more or less wanting to start a conversation regarding his own weapons, the somewhat large sniper rifle on his back called the ‘Darklance’, as well as the revolver like pistol attached to the right hip of his body called ‘Darkclaw’. He especially loved telling stories about these weapons, so, may as well provoke the chance of such occurring.

And yet, the ‘babbling’ on the sideline brought him back to full attention, slowly going back to his full height as he watched these ‘morally righteous folk’ speaking about irrelevant things such as… well, he did agree with them about the bringing of children to this, but all for the wrong reasons. They definitely would serve little purpose in all of this, hell, even the standard Advent Trooper would be better as an meatshield and more competent with magnetic assault rifles than something he needed to babysit everytime combat starts. But things certainly gotten too chaotic, even for his own good after the man ‘teleported’ away the man’s (who assaulted Luthor earlier) daughter in a cloud of smoke. Not the kind of teleportation he is used to, but one he is familiar with, at least concept wise.

And it certainly seemed like the more ‘hero’ types of this room didn’t like the sight of this, and as such, well, he was definitely amazed about how much chaos and ‘disharmony’ could occur in one place at the same time. It was as if Luthor didn’t even look at making a team that would at least tolerate each other, especially if they were gonna face something as dangerous as this ‘Super-Man’ now. But he supposed this man is either sadistic, or ‘stupid’ in the ways of most corporate CEO’s would be. Not surprising at all, the Hunter May as well guess that Luthor puts forth 25% of his earnings from ‘LexCorp’ into giving his head a good shine that is bound to make someone blind if staring at him underneath the sun for too long.

He did stop and listen to the speech that one of the few only competent individuals within this very room had spoken up. This man certainly has his priorities set straight, and had spoken up about one of the things he was thinking was lacking on Luthor’s part, ‘information’. He wouldn’t wanna be running blindfolded and running off a cliff now if he wasn’t properly informed of what would be happening and his to avoid it. He could only wait to see if this man had some sort of common sense to speak about it, because either he was attempting to throw them headfirst into danger with disregard for their lives, or this man was hiding something from them. Not that he couldn’t blame him, some people have secrets that they may as well keep to themselves, and yet, it made it all the more satisfying to steal such information when going through their heads by Interrogating them. And he was sure this man has a wealth of information he wanted to access.

But before the Hunter could think more about the use of such information, he only mentally face palmed at the very next words coming from some blue haired swordsman (seriously, what is the deal with this group and swords, are they asking to be shot from someone one mile away while they flailing around with their out-of-date weapons, attempting to make them relevant again only to fail miserably when introduced to the wonders of modern technology) who had completely changed the tone of the situation from something actually serious for once to that of a sit-com. Other than the arrival of some confident looking woman who looked more like they belonged in some sort of fashion show, the Hunter merely turned back to face Dris once again, crouching down to his level once more and saying “And to think we are gonna be dealing with this for the rest of our ‘little stay’ here. Heh, hopefully there’s some sort of compensation for going through this kind of ‘torture’ in the coming days.” The Chosen finished, and while it was said quieter than usual, it didn’t take much for others to hear him, especially with him taking a quick glance at the other individuals here.

@Spooky Birb, @SomeMekBoy

Mentions (character only, lazy rn and wouldn’t wanna tag people considering it’s not that important):
Shantae, Luthor, Lilith, “What happened to the girl” squad, Joel, Hershel, Bayonetta
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheRealMonaMona
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TheRealMonaMona Literal God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well this was just perfect. Another game? .. No. Even if the last one had.. odd characters. Rindo looked at his phone, wondering if he should ask 'Swallow' for help. If he even could. Rindo just kept looking at his phone for a bit, not paying attention to anybody else until he realized it was time to get on an elevator. Even during the ride itself he stayed silent, mesmerized by his phone.

After a while, he finally took his gaze off his phone. ...

The hell?

Who.. Who were these people? Who was this random bald guy, the very tall robot. the... rat.

"Not a big fan of these jokes. I've heard better."

Rindo placed his hands back in his pockets, phone going along with it. Until suddenly he noticed a familiar face.. Fret! Not really his first choice to be here, but a world without his friends was a terrible one. Lifting up his mask, Rindo smiled a bit walking up to his friend.

"I guess I shouldn't ask, but this isn't another game is it? And why does the rat talk? .. Wait, gonna take a pic."

Rindo pulled out his phone, taking a picture of the rat and attempting to send it to Swallow. It really didn't make sense to him, but he could really care less at this point.

@cadesmith@Spooky Birb
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