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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sir Alden Drake Plannington & King Edin Danrose

Time: 9am
Location: Ballroom
Interactions: @Helo Callum, @Inertia Auguste, @Silverpaw Wulfric

”HELLO!” King Edin moved through the doors to the ballroom, “Ah look at my beautiful blonde-haired sons. Sons I’ve created.” He smiled upon them then gestured to Alden as he made his way to a throne to sit in, which was situated behind the princes. Strategically, he did not glance Callum’s way. “This is Albert. Remember him from years ago? Me neither but nonetheless he’s not dead and he’s here to help advise us today.”

I have no idea why I am wrapped up in this nonsense… and Albert? Seriously?? Better than Aldoon I suppose…

“It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances again young princes, you all have grown to be quite the gentlemen”

To Alden, it actually was nice to meet them once again. He remembered them well and fell into similar sentiment knowing they were being raised by such a vile man such as Edin himself. He simply had wished they had met under different circumstances. Little did he know why the King had set up such a ridiculous ruse like this to court his sons, and more importantly, why he was being wrapped up into this charade. But nevertheless, it should be amusing to see what outcomes would be brought upon. He had thought that maybe he could even have some fun, in his own cynical ways.

“Alberta it is more important than anything to find not only perfect spouses for my sons, but strategical selections if such could be made.” He said lowly, “As women are brought in, we must be picky. I know their hearts are fragile but we must not mind them. They are randoms after all. However, if they are royal, ugly, or not, we must allow them a chance to speak to the boys.” He pulled away and took a seat. He gestured to a nearby seat for Alden to take his.

The first ten women were brought in with large smiles. They looked to be jumping out of their skin with anxiety. King Edin grimaced as they were lined up. “The first two there.” He gestured to two girls in peasant dresses, “They do not belong.”

“Your majesty, if I may, why not let them get the chance to speak and converse with us first. They certainly will not be speaking to the boys, but it could be some sort of amusement for us to believe they have a chance. And who knows, they may surprise you. Afterall, I was previously a peasant before, and have I ever let you down?”

“Hmm.. Yes. Amusing if anything, I do agree, and one does have a sizeable bosom. We will need a closer look, for logical purposes.” He stood up, ”My advisor and I will first speak to the girls before the princes state their opinions. Girls, come forward over here.” The women looked at each other before lining up before the King.

“You first.” He pointed at the first peasant girl, ”What is your name?”

“My name is Edith… I heard so many wonderful things about Prince Wulfric and I simply would do anything for the chance to meet him!” The girl began to introduce herself but soon exploded into her excitement.

“And what have you heard?”

“That he’s so eloquent with his words and romantic. He’s a real gentleman and oh dear is he even more handsome in person…” She looked over to stare at him.

King Edin scoffed, “Well all those things are quite obvious. He’s my son, of course he’d be good at everything. What do you offer to him? Why have you come today in rags?”

“This is all I have and can afford. I apologize. I have been told I am a very kind person and I can be a gentle and doting wife to Prince Wulfric-”

“If may interject, young lady, we appreciate that you have come and presented yourself here today. I am sure you are quite a… lovely and caring woman, but please, the princes are in need of a partner of equal standings. If you believe you belong, what can you offer Prince Wulfric do that the others can’t?”

“I... I can sing!”

”NO!” King Edin waved her away, ”You and the other girl in rags must leave at once!”

The girl burst into tears while the other girl put a comforting arm around her. She led her out rather hastily.

Just like the king. Crude and rude. He will never change

"Moving on.” King Edin glanced over the other eight. ” First one is wearing too much orange. I hate orange… The second girl is dressed a little too much like a prostitute. Hmm.”

After a pause, King Edin declared, ” These women are a terrible start. Please remove them all at once. They’re all quite hideous and clearly also delusional.”

“Now hold one, why not that one right over there. The one in green with blue eyes. Certainly one of the Princes would be interested in that, wouldn’t you agree?” As much as Alden wanted this charade to be over, why not learn more about the possible patrons of this kingdom? After all, Alden sensed something different about this one. Almost as if she had a demeanor of hatred behind that charming smile. This was a good opportunity to plan something, if his hunches were correct.

”Ehhh.” King Edin’s face scrunched up as he tried to find something remarkable about the woman and failed, but Alden was his advisor after all, “Well, boys, do any of you fancy this lady in green?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Shooting Range
Interaction:@Rodiak Zarai

Anastasia was not surprised at all to see Verrick win. Though she was surprised the random hunk, who identified as part of the Damien family, had won. He had appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Was he even really related to the Damiens? She supposed he had looked like Calbert a little... Though she had only pondered this all so long. She was soon very much distracted by Wulfric leaving guards to babysit her. Anastasia had much preferred Wystan, but he had tagged along to the castle. She'd have to brainstorm ways to lose these two, a process she'd almost perfected at this point in her life. She glanced at Zarai as everyone had begun to take their leave.

Zarai had been looking away when she gazed upon her and Anastasia had paused to stare at her while she was preoccupied. She's still so... Finally, she gently tapped Zarai's shoulder, "So, where next, hon? I want to do something you like."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sweet vindication. Sjan-dehk could hardly think of a better way to start his sojourn in Sorian.

His first taste of a harbour in months went exactly as he had hoped. No stuffy official reception waiting for him, no rehearsed script to recite and best of all, no nobility to talk circles around him. Just an overworked and surly – rightfully so, Sjan-dehk would add – harbour master all too eager to move on with his mountain of duties once their terse negotiations over berths and payment concluded. The frazzled man had barely given what was likely the first Viserjantan to set foot in Sorian in decades a cursory look. Sjan-dehk was back on the water and aboard his Sada Kurau well before the hour was up.

That was fortunate for him but not so much for the royal tutor. The second thing Sjan-dehk did once he returned – the first was to change out of his garish clothes for his more comfortable usual attire – was to seek out the old man and throw a few teasing barbs and witticisms his way over his earlier fretting. To the tutor’s credit, he had taken it all in stride. Aside from a few grumbles and muted protests, he had offered few words in response. Neither did he seem too upset when he eventually left for the Sudah, even offering a few parting words of advice to Sjan-dehk, namely reminding the captain to keep up with his lessons in the local tongue.

Which was good; none of Sjan-dehk’s words carried any real malice. It was all just some good-natured fun before the hard graft that came with a ship in harbour. Careening a ship in shallow waters only allowed the crew to do so much. Most of the work that went into keeping a ship seaworthy could only be carried out whilst docked. For the Sada Kurau, that meant at least a few days of constant toil. Sjan-dehk liked to keep his ship ready for action at a moment’s notice.

And while the Celestine was under his care, that meant the same for her. Such was the reason Sjan-dehk and his carpenter found themselves in the bowels of their newly acquired prize.

“Careful, captain,” Hai-shuun said with a cough as he carefully stepped over a collapsed pillar. A loud thud echoed throughout the dark and cramped confines as the heavy broadsword sheathed on his hip crashed against the sodden wood. “Fuck!” Were it not for the speed with which he shot out a hand to steady himself against the hull, he would have surely fallen into the murky, ankle-high water. “Remind me again, captain, why must we be armed while on our prize?” He grumbled.

“You’re the one who wanted to put our prisoners to work, master Hai-shuun. If anything, I’m the one with the right to complain.” Sjan-dehk followed close behind. If the carpenter was having a hard time making his way through this mire with his one weapon, Sjan-dehk had it far worse with the veritable armoury he had on his person. Two swords and two pistols on his sides, two more across his front, and a further two on his lower back. All of them seemed to conspire to press against him in the most uncomfortable of ways as he squeezed his way through the narrow space. “This is a bloody foul place.”

It was. Stale and mouldy air hung like a thick blanket over the two men. Despite the scarves wrapped tightly around their mouths and noses, the vile stench of wet rot still managed to worm its way into their lungs. Heavy droplets dripping from the ceiling drummed an irregular rhythm against wood, water, and sometimes their heads. It was enough for Sjan-dehk to wish that he had worn his hat down here, its likely cumbersomeness be damned. Were it not for the lantern carried by Hai-shuun casting its flickering orange glow in a tight aura, they would have been in total darkness.

“Nothing a bit of cleaning up can’t fix, captain,” Hai-shuun called back. “My boys will have this place good as new by sundown, you can be sure of it.” He stopped at a thick pillar that had clearly seen far, far better days. An immense, pale fissure running along its length all but bisected it. Jagged gaps marked where great chunks had broken away. A maze of planks and sailcloth had been nailed and tied around the damages, but they were clearly fighting a losing battle. “Except for this, captain. This is what I wanted to show you.”

“The main mast.” Years of being a carpenter’s apprentice allowed Sjan-dehk to quickly recognise what he was looking at. That, and there was likely nothing else aboard a ship as small as the Celestine that called for such a strong and sturdy piece of wood.

“Yes, captain.” Hai-shuun gave it a few tentative pats. In the dim glow, Sjan-dehk swore he almost saw a flash of regret in the man’s bark-brown eyes. “Damn shame. It’s a fine piece of wood. Our gunners must have given it a good smashing on the gundeck and wrenched the whole damn thing hard enough to crack it down here. A few more hits like those and we would’ve dismasted her and taken half the hull with it.”

Sjan-dehk let out a low whistle and gave a slow nod of approval. “Dismasting a ship through her hull, who would’ve thought.” For a moment, his mind raced with the possibilities of such a tactic, but the moment passed as quickly as it started. There was a more pressing matter that needed his attention. He cleared his throat. “We’ll have to replace the whole thing, by the looks of it. That likely means new rigging and new stays as well. What’re the conditions of her sails?”

“Not a scratch, captain. She had them furled when we engaged her.”

That was one piece of good news, at least. “Excellent. What about her fore mast? Can’t imagine that one got away unscathed when we shot this one to splinters.”

Hai-shuun tilted his chin towards the bow. “I’ve already had a look, captain. A few knocks and scratches here and there, but nothing we can’t patch up. I’d reckon the main mast took and deflected whatever shots that would’ve struck the fore mast.”

More good news. They had taken prizes in worse conditions before. Far worse; some were little more than flotsam by the time they were towed into port. With those prizes, however, they had the option of keeping them, either to be refitted as a new addition to Jafi’s navy, or sold for scrap. Neither option was viable with the Celestine. Not without the possibility of causing unnecessary trouble, at least. “Think we can get these Sorian nobles to pay for a new mast?” He wondered with a mirthless chuckle.

Hai-shuun responded with one of his own. “Perhaps if we sent Avek. Man’s got a gifted tongue.”

Sjan-dehk sighed. “A shame we can’t.” He looked the damaged mast up and down. Certainly, it had to be replaced if the Celestine was to ever safely take to the seas under her own sails again. That meant finding the right wood, putting together the right crew, maybe even hiring a few extra hands, and then there was the additional costs of tackles and ropes for rigging and stays. No small expense, to be sure. Sjan-dehk would have happily footed the cost had it been certain that he would be able to keep her. As things stood, he still had to offer the ship to whoever it was that ruled this city as a sign of goodwill. A simple act of politeness, if nothing else, but still it meant that the Celestine could be out of his control by day’s end.

Of course, he could simply offer up a ruined ship and be done with it, but that simply wouldn’t do. If he had to present the Celestine to anyone, she would be as close to prime and pristine condition as possible. His honour as a captain demanded nothing less. Besides, even Sjan-dehk knew that offering what was little more than floating salvage to a foreign noble would be impolite at best. A perceived slight or even insult at worst. He groaned inwardly. Such matters of courtly decorum were far too complicated for his liking.

“How long would you need to fix this mess?” He asked and glanced at Hai-shuun.

The carpenter sucked on his lip and placed his hands on his hips. For a moment, he said nothing as he examined the damaged mast in detail with scrying eyes. “We can probably have this uprooted by nightfall if we work fast,” he began slowly, moving a hand to scratch his chin. “If we can find the wood to replace it by today, I can have my boys start shaping it tomorrow morning. Then we’ll have to put together a crew to raise it, and that should take us another day.” He paused and tapped his fingers against his thumb in sequence several times. “I could have this repaired in three, maybe four days. Five at most.”

Sjan-dehk nodded and folded his arms across his chest. Maybe there was a way out of this conundrum of his, after all. “Let’s get above decks, master Hai-shuun. I feel like we’re going to catch some strange new diseases breathing in this muck. Smells like bloody piss and shit down here.”

“Doesn’t taste too differently either, captain.”

“Yes, never remind me of that particular episode again,” Sjan-dehk said drily. He stepped aside as much as he could to allow Hai-shuun to pass, which meant it was still an uncomfortable squeeze made worse by the pistols across his chest. The carpenter led the way with his lantern through partially submerged wood and metal fittings. Their progress was as slow as it had been the first time they came through here, but eventually they reached the steep flight of stairs that brought them up through the gundeck and back into the refreshing coolness of the main deck. Sjan-dehk immediately pulled down his scarf to draw in a breath of fresh air and to bask in the warmth of the late morning sun.

A buzz of activity surrounded him as he made his way to the gangplank, where his hat was waiting leaning against the gunwale. All of Hai-shuun’s carpentry crew and some additional men from the Sada Kurau were hard at work restoring the Celestine. A few climbed up the lines to inspect yards and spars, most stayed in deck sawing and shaping wood, but all were armed with at least one blade or firearm. Sjan-dehk walked past the reasons for their caution – all seventeen of them – amidships. The shackled prisoners toiled under the watchful gaze of sailors armed with swords and muskets as they disassembled the two heavy guns on deck. Bound as they were, Sjan-dehk didn’t like the idea of giving them tools that could easily be turned into weapons by a man desperate enough for freedom. As such, he had decreed that anyone working on the Celestine was to be properly armed, as if they were boarding an enemy vessel.

Naturally, that included himself, and even more naturally, that meant he had to be the most armed member of his crew aboard the ship. A good captain had to set a good example, after all.

“So what should we do, captain?” Hai-shuun asked as they leaned over the gunwale to the right of the gangplank. Directly across from them, separated by a single wooden pier, was the Sada Kurau. Sjan-dehk could hear his crew shouting to each other as they carefully lowered the three diagonal lateen yards to deck. Sahm-tehn and Azwan were the loudest voices, both seemingly competing to drown out the other. A tangle of ropes and tackles hung from the masts like vines creeping down a tree.

“If we were to leave the mast as it is–” Sjan-dehk turned to face Hai-shuun, his body and one arm resting against and on the gunwale. “–would it stop you from repairing the rest of the ship?”

Hai-shuun considered the question for a moment before responding. “Not likely, I’d say. I would prefer to have the mast replaced first, however. It’s a big job with a high chance of damaging something or other in the process. We’ll be doing double work if we have to repair damages from that on top of what we’re already doing now.”

Sjan-dehk stood up and picked up his hat. “I don’t like it either, but I’d rather not sink money into a ship that could end up in someone else’s hands by sundown. Do what you can around the mast now. I’ll go find whoever it is that owns this city and have this ship’s fate settled as soon as possible.” A mischievous grin crept across his lips as he threw on the hat. “With some luck, maybe I can make this thing sound like a shit enough heap that they wouldn’t even want it.”

Hai-shuun laughed. “Best of luck with that, sir. I will be onboard–”

An alarmed yell cut his words short. Both men snapped their heads around to look at the Sada Kurau just in time to see one of the lateen yards fall a fair distance before the crew caught hold of the ropes. Even from this distance, Sjan-dehk could hear Azwan and Sahm-tehn screaming for blood in turn. “...I’ll go see whoever owns this city after I investigate what just happened,” Sjan-dehk corrected himself and gave Hai-shuun a curt nod. “The Celestine’s yours, master Hai-shuun, I’ll have Azwan check on your progress later. Any problems you find can be told to him. He should know how to handle such matters by now.”

“Understood, captain.”

Sjan-dehk marched himself down the gangplank as quickly as he could. Truthfully speaking, he wasn’t as worried as he seemed. Azwan and Sahm-tehn were experienced sailors doing – in the case of the latter especially – what they did best. It was just that this would be the first time in a very long time Sjan-dehk would be further than a stone’s throw away from his ship. For an indeterminate amount of time, no less. A quick visit to make sure everything was in proper order, that was all he needed. Perhaps to take care of whatever lingering affairs that needed his attention as well. Nothing more than that.

In a way, the slums of Sorian brought Sjan-dehk some small sense of relief. It was comforting to know that he could be in a strange city on the far side of the world, and yet its poorest and most destitute quarter was not at all unlike those he would find in any Viserjantan city. There were dingy taphouses selling drinks that he assumed would either give a man great joy or sudden blindness within three swigs; wretched dens for people to throw away their hard-earned coin on games that may or may not be rigged; hopeful merchants hawking odds-and-ends from their dilapidated doorsteps, and of course, the occasional clamour of an ongoing tussle.

All this, and just barely a stone’s throw away from the piers where his ship was docked. Over the coming days, he expected his crew to become very familiar with the place. Cheap drinks and fast games were to sailors as sugarcane was to ants. That meant Sjan-dehk and his officers would also have to become intimately familiar with these winding and narrow streets. Someone has to stop the crew from doing something they would otherwise regret, or prevent them from starting some sort of international incident.

For now, however, Sjan-dehk was – and he loathed to admit it – lost.

Had he been in a better mood, he would have laughed. Here he was, a veteran captain who could find his way across open seas and terrible storms alike using nothing more than the sun and stars, lost in a city of which he had a map. The harbour master who had sold it to him even gave some directions, although he did speak with such haste that Sjan-dehk barely understood a word.

His intended destination peeked over the roofs of ramshackle hovels. Grey stone rising high above drab and mottled wood, as if it were teasing him. Being able to see the castle but not find his way there vexed Sjan-dehk to no end. Initially, he had thought he could simply cut across the slums to the road beyond which looked on the map like it would offer him a direct path to the castle’s entrance. Unfortunately, the disorderly tangle of muck-filled streets and alleys proved too challenging to navigate. There was no point in pushing forward when he didn’t even know where he was going, and so he decided to retrace his steps and return to the coast.

Fortunately, most of the slum’s inhabitants gave him a wide berth. Either they didn’t know what to think of this strange foreigner wandering aimlessly among their homes, or they were cowed into hesitation by the arms and armour he wore.

Sjan-dehk had intended to leave behind at least one sword and most of his pistols – out of comfort more than anything else – but it had been quite the rush aboard the Sada Kurau. Between adjudicating over the matter of the slipped yard with Azwan and Sahm-tehn, changing out of his sodden clothes for ones that didn’t stink of bilge water, and Mursi choosing the worst time possible to present a rifled breech-loading carbine for inspection, Sjan-dehk barely had any time to properly think his actions through. And so, he ended up leaving behind only the two pistols that had been on his chest, but somehow bringing Mursi’s carbine along, which he had slung across his back.

It was all dead weight, he knew. Unless a minor war broke out whilst he was ashore, he was quite likely over-armed. Still, they did give him a sense of security as he navigated these dark streets. That they kept potential troublemakers away was a nice little bonus.

He recognised the briny whiff of ocean air long before he saw the blue waters of the harbour. At last, he was back to where he started. The exact same spot, even; just a little farther down to his right, he spied the streaming pennants flying from the masts of his Sada Kurau. “Well, fuck,” he muttered beneath his breath and let out a long sigh of resignation. For a moment, he considered returning to his ship and dropping off his excess weaponry, but decided against it. He wanted to offload his prisoners and settle the question of the Celestine as soon as possible. Before dusk, if at all possible.

Turning away from his ship, he followed the road along the coast. The thronging crowd jostled and pushed him like waves against a skiff. Gritting his teeth, Sjan-dehk pulled the brim of his hat lower over his eyes and did his best to gently and politely plough through the mass of people. It didn’t take long to find himself in another slum, but this one at least had a better-defined road for him to follow. A horse-drawn cart laden with prisoners rattled past him, throwing up mud in its wake. Sjan-dehk made sure to give it a wide berth; it wouldn’t do him any favours to show up looking like a mess at the castle.

He could feel the curious and wary gazes of the crowd burning through his clothes. Heads turned as he passed, even if for but the briefest of moments. Though Sjan-dehk understood their curiosity, he couldn’t help but feel discomfort, and so he doubled his pace. He kept a hand hovering surreptitiously near the hilt of his sword, and kept it there until he rounded a corner and the disorderly mess of run-down shacks and hovels began to thin. Up ahead, clean streets and sturdy buildings of stone awaited. A smile flickered across his lips. At long last, he was making real progress.

It didn’t last long. Before he knew it, he had reached the outskirts of yet another harbour. A guttural groan of frustration rumbled up his throat and he furrowed his brows in frustration. Then again, most of it was his fault to begin with; so focused had he been on following the street that he hadn’t paid much attention to the castle, which now rose high over tiled and stone roofs to his left. Still looking down upon him with that very same mocking gaze. Sjan-dehk pulled out the map and examined it again. He looked up at the grand estate beside him, then back to the map. For all the good it did; speaking the language was one thing, but reading it was another entirely.

The crowd from before was long gone, reduced to a trickle of well-dressed people walking with purpose to wherever it was they needed to go. Not at all the sort who looked like they would deign to stop and help a lost traveller, but Sjan-dehk didn’t have much of a choice. Excuse me. What is this place? He asked the first person who passed, a man in a fine suit. He barely glanced in his direction. Sjan-dehk frowned but asked the same question to several more passers-by, each time receiving the same response. He bit on his cheek and did his best to swallow his simmering frustration. Wealth and power never did beget courtesy, as many a wise sage had once written.

Eventually, someone did give him an answer. A man dressed in drab, shabby clothes with a heavy sack slung behind a shoulder stopped. “This place?” He repeated and cocked his head towards the estate. “Tell you truthfully, friend, I’m not sure either. Moved here not too long ago myself, you see. People I work with at the docks tell me it’s some duke’s place? Vikena’s the name, or something like that.” He paused and looked Sjan-dehk up and down, letting out a low whistle as he did so. “You might want to keep those weapons elsewhere before you head inside, friend. In any case, I hope that helps.”

The man continued on his way before Sjan-dehk even parsed his final sentence. By the time he finished translating the words in his head, it was too late. Who? He called out, but the man was already too far away to hear him. Sjan-dehk could only sigh, curse his poor luck, and study the map once more. Well, if a duke did live here, then he couldn’t be too far from where he needed to go. Judging by how it loomed over him, it had to be just one street away. Sjan-dehk just had to figure out how to get to said street.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time: 10:50AM
Location: Archery range
Interaction: @PotterPrincess Sadie,@Rodiak Mattias and Zarai,@princess Princess Anastasia,@ReusableSwordRoman
Mention:@TaeThea,@HeartfilliaCrystal, @HeloLeo
Attire:’nice clothing’

Verrick found out he was going against “Lord Damien.” It was a close match, but sadly Thea didn’t win. Which he was fine with…he didn’t want to compete against her anyways, but he knew she could have used a win in her life.

His shoulder was aching a bit more now, taking more time with his shots in the last round and using his right arm more. This “Lord Damien” was a talented shot. He wasn’t sure if he could pull off a win with his shoulder.

He went first, again using his unusual style of pulling four arrows out. But unlike the others, he took his time and planted two in the bullseye. The third barely missed and hit the seven pointer ring, and he winced again on the final shot, hitting the five pointer ring.

His opponent followed up with three bullseyes and a 5 pointer. Verrick blinked a curse in his head. Rotating his arm a few times and pulling out another four arrows. He Pulled back his string and cursed as a sharp pain shot through his arm. He growled under his breath as he saw his arrow hit the three point ring. He took a second more to calm himself, before attempting his final three shots. The next two barely missed the bullseye, just inside the seven point ring. Pushing through his pain he pulled his final shot and… hit directly center of the target.

He watched as his opponent took his final shots. Wincing inwardly as he already had a higher point than him with his five and 7. With how well he did in the last round he was sure he was going to lose…that was until his next shot went wide and hit the one point ring. Even with a bullseye on his next shot Verrick would barely win. He let out a tiny sigh of relief and tossed the bow onto the table. Looking to his last opponent he offered his hand. “Well done. I don’t see archers with an eye like yours in Casonia very often… though I know Count Damien only has two daughters…So who are you really?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Whatever his answer was, he only nodded his head. As he was then offered the bow, coin purse and trophy. What the hell was he supposed to do with a trophy? He felt the weight of it. Well.. he could always melt it down. He nodded to the woman in a silent thanks. As for the bow, it wasn’t as heavy as he expected, he expected it to be unwieldy. He heard of Lord Ravenwoods skills at making ‘pretty’ functional weapons. But he never held one. Still… it was a bit heavier than his bow. Certainly not his style for blending in.

He took his prizes, and headed over to Mathias. Grabbing his personal longbow, he slung it over his shoulders. Looking up to Lukas, who sat on his fathers shoulders. ”Here…I can’t hold onto two bows. Hold this for me.” He still didn’t decide if he was going to let the boy keep it, but who knows… he might forget about it.

”Well that’s enough fun for me. Back to work.” He said looking at Mathias. ”Better go say hello to Lady Crystal… SIR Mathias.” He said with a joking half bow. While it was technically his title. The lady calling out his name before the match was not something he normally saw with Mathias.

He made his way over to the Princess and passed Lord Leo. Making sure he caught his eye, he brushed his nose after wrinkling it, letting out a huff as to get rid of a bad smell. A tiny smirk on his face as he continued on.

Upon reaching the guards for Princess Sadie, he tossed his trophy to one of them. ”Put that in the Princess’s carriage. Ill take over from here.” He looked to see Prince Felix here…but not… He cleared his throat.

He looked at Princess Sadie and those who sat next to her. Bowing deeply as he ”Princess Anastasia…You look enchanting as always.”

“Lady Zara.” He said with a slight respectful bow. He met her once or twice before… but never really spoke to her.

Nodding his Head to Lord Ravenwood, “Thank you for the bow.” He said calmly before Looking to Princess Sadie. Despite Felix standing right there, he bowed down and placed his head next to her to whisper.”Whatever that fool said, It was not true. I can toss him out a window later tonight if you so wish.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
Avatar of FunnyGuy


Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Time:10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Location: Pancakes at the Park
Interaction: Charlotte @princess, John @Conscripts, Devan @Prosaic,
Mention: Mayet @13org

10 a.m.

Pancakes at the park had been a disaster, and despite Lorenzo not having been enthused to go initially, the opportunity for waffles made going worth it. There was also…

Lottie… For the second time and the second day he had caused an embarrassing scene. Even if he didn't believe it was his fault initially, it might have been best to simply leave. Unfortunately, hindsight was the only thing Lorenzo gained from going to the park. No waffles or pancakes had found his stomach, only adding to his spiraling.

And then there was Mayet. The duke hoped the young royal would omit him from her time spent at the park. The shame he felt was heavy enough to keep him absolutely speechless on the short walk back to the estate. He didn't even have the energy to properly greet his recently arrived nephew, only giving the young man a forced smile and nod.

Once they had entered the estate, Delilah had been kind enough to lead them all to the drawing room, but Lorenzo took a much-needed detour toward the kitchen.

“I will join you all in a bit.”
He lied. The man couldn't bear to face them after what he just did to them. Besides, he needed to eat something and perhaps take a much-needed dose of his comfort medicine. In the kitchen, his eyes met Chef Gilbert who raised a brow at his sudden entrance wondering what the duke might desire after eating at the park. “Could you fix me something, anything really… And have Nathaniel take it to my room… please.” The way the Duke's gaze slowly dropped away from the direct eye contact he'd been giving Gilbert was all the chef needed to know what kind of mood he was in.

“I won't be long, my lord.” Gilbert gave Lorenzo a nod that allowed the down duke to shuffle out of the kitchen and travel straight into his bedroom.

11 a.m.

Is the desire to change one's self… one's being… a betrayal towards who I am? Raising a sharp jagged blade of doubt… of hate… to slaughter my helpless form… a lamb? Perhaps this, yes… Yes, I'm a traitor to me… yet my sacrifice would bear result. To strength… becoming…. like that of a ram…………..

But have I not tried? Attempted? Failed? Suffered? Oh, that devil made sure of it… Kept me from death to writhe in this pain… this life. Without love or embrace…. a wife…. No no, that wasn't him…. Or was it? He did not feed me the drink or create that strife…. His only crime- his only crime… was preventing me from plunging it into my soul…. the jagged blade of that knife….

Lorenzo lay on his back, body sprawled out on his messy bed. He has pulled and ruffled the sheets in his opioid-induced stupor. His relaxed and smiling expression could be the illustration of true bliss from a dedicated artist. On his nightstand sat an opened dark-tinted bottle with a label containing scrawled writing reading, “The Remedy"

“Yes… this is truly it.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 11am
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Interactions: Hanna @Potter

With her plans to relax at the park and watch the archery competition being completely ruined, Mayet was definitely running out of patience. Her stay on Caesonia seemed to have only given her problem after problem. Fortunately, both for her and Nala, she ended up overhearing about a hunting event on the forest just after the Shooting Range. Despite the terrible humor that the recent events had put her into, she couldn't help but let out a smile as she turned to Nala.

"Since our plans to relax were completely ruined... What do you say about us going to that hunting trip I promised before?" Mayet asked, nodding towards the entrance of the forest as she looked at Nala, which turned towards her with an almost skeptical look on her eyes as she observed the few people that were gathering near the entrance with their hunting gear.

"Oh, them? Just ignore them... If they're smart, they'll keep out of our way and if they're not... Well... I'm sure they will learn very quickly." Mayet said with a mischievous smirk as she leaned forward, gently touching her forehead against Nala's, which now seemed to be a bit more comfortable and excited about going hunting after Mayet's words.

"Besides... You know as well as I do that they won't be able to keep up with us." Mayet said as she stood up with a smile as she started making her way to the entrance of the forest.

Among the people who were gathering to the hunting event, many of whom Mayet was certain that had never hunted anything bigger than a fox, there were a few whom definitely knew what they were doing. One of which was the woman whom apparently was going to be their game warden. Even though Mayet did not like her attitude and the tone of her voice, Mayet would turn a blind eye to it... As long as she didn't speak in that tone with her. Besides, she would definitely be helpful in keeping the others on a tight leash and let Mayet and Nala hunt freely.

Mayet arrived just as the woman finished giving her warning to the other hunters. Despite not saying a word, it was, as usual, almost impossible to ignore her presence. Even though Nala by herself already drew a lot of attention, Mayet wasn't behind by any means. Besides Mayet's exotic appearance and her intimidating, regal air of confidence, another thing that drew attention was the fact that Mayet didn't seem to be carrying any equipment that would be considered necessary for other hunters. No armor other than the simple, short black dress she was wearing and the gold jewelry adorning her, no weapons other than her ring-blade and a few circular, razor sharp blades that she wore on each of her wrist, each one of those with a similar black and gold motif as her blade. The glint coming from them was a clear hint that they weren't just decorations.

If anyone else showed up like Mayet did for a hunting trip other than Mayet, they would be labeled as simply being overconfident nobles that believed the world itself would bend to their will and nothing wrong could ever happen to them but for some reason, it was different for Mayet. One glance in her eyes was all it took to notice that there was... something more to Mayet. There was a certain dangerous, sharp look in her eyes, something that hinted that she could be just as dangerous as the majestic tigress that accompanied her.

"I suppose I can allow someone to join me if a group is really necessary... As long as they can keep up with us. Or at least won't get on our way when we're hunting." Mayet said as both her and Nala looked to Hanna and the rest of the hunters with very sharp eyes, almost as if she was trying to measure their abilities.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alibeth Danrose & Fritz "Ryn" Hendrix

Location: Danrose Castle Library
Time: Morning
Interaction: Queen Alibeth @princess

The distinct scent of books, both old and new, hit Ryn as he entered the library. A soothing odor—one that reminded him of his grandmother’s library. Replace the redolent of lilies wafting from the bouquet with honeysuckles and magnolias and he would be right at home.

Despite the morning sunlight pouring through the large window, the library managed to remain dim. Without the assistance of a candle or lamp light, Ryn imagined how difficult it would be to read anything far from the window. On the flip side, the lack of sunlight meant less damage to the books. These architectural choices made Ryn wonder if these types of libraries were designed by people who hated the act of reading books but loved storing them. As if simply keeping books in their possession made them smarter via osmosis. If only it was that easy.

What a dream it could be if people could take a trip to the library, sit there for no longer than a short bath, and then leave the building with all of its knowledge seeped into one’s core like hot water. For those who could not afford the luxury of reading or formal education, it could be a chance to expand their horizons. Ryn gave the fantastical idea serious consideration, going through the logistics of it as he silently ambled deeper into the library.

Queen Alibeth emerged from the very back of the library not too long after Ryn had entered. She calmly moved out from behind a stack, her hands folded neatly as her eyes gave the man a quick sweep. She smiled at him, the sunlight illuminating her form as she stood before the window, “Looking for anything in particular?”

The movement he caught in the fringe of his vision jolted Ryn’s heart. Expecting someone to be in the library helped him feign ignorance, but the fluid grace with which the queen moved still took him by surprise. At first, the count made sure not to face the queen. Just as he passed the wall of books and stepped into the sunlight, he turned his head away from the window. In that brief moment, Ryn prepared himself. Debating what kind of response would gain him more favor. If he was going to play the long game, however, lies closer to the truth tended to be the safest option. So he did what he would have done when the queen spoke.

“Creators!” Ryn jumped and whipped his head toward the window. “Queen Alibeth? Oh, you gave me a fright!” He placed his hand over his heart, taking a step back as he did so, only to bump into a table with a stack of books at the edge of it. The books toppled over, most crashed to the floor while a lucky few narrowly escaped the same fate thanks to deft hands and the sacrifice of a bouquet.

The count glanced at the queen, “Uhh…” then placed the volumes back on the table. “Well,” he said, “that was only mildly embarrassing.” Ryn checked the bouquet’s condition before turning to the queen, “Can we—” he cleared his throat, “May I try that again, Your Majesty? I promise I’ll be less clumsy next time around.”

Alibeth slightly raised a brow in reaction, eying him up and down.

Ryn snatched the bouquet from the floor and walked backwards back to the door. He opened and closed the door for effect, but never left the library. A few seconds later, he opened and shut the door again. This time, when he emerged from the corner, he had nothing in his hands. Ryn turned to the queen and, in mock surprise, he raised one hand to his chest. “Your Majesty? What a lovely surprise to see you here. How do you do?” He bowed, sweeping his arm out.

“I am well.” Alibeth responded curtly, a small smile crossing her face. “Surprised to find me occupying a space in the castle I reside in?”

Ryn watched Queen Alibeth’s expression closely, then smiled broadly. “No.” He approached her, his eyes glancing over the area she emerged from. He spotted nothing amiss, just rows of books after books. “I am, however, curious as to why Her Majesty is in the library and not enjoying breakfast.” With her family. He turned his attention to the queen. He leaned forward, “Have you rested, Queen Alibeth?”

Curiosity killed the cat…Why question me on such things, Count Hendrix? Why the bouquet prior? She thought to herself. Alibeth felt no need to explain herself to a random.

“Are you here for a book in particular?” Alibeth did not pause, practically interrupting him and earning an amused expression from the man. “They should be in alphabetical order for the most part. “ She moved forward until she was before him. This time, she did pause before speaking again, ”State your name. “

Queen Alibeth acted nothing like she did during the party. Gone was the meek trophy wife, replaced by an icy rose with a thousand thorns. A queen who’d send a boy to his death in order to send a message. A woman who, with a high likelihood, did far worse if it meant protecting the status, the reputation, and the illusion of the Danrose name. A person who worked her fingers to the bone for it.

Ruefulness colored the count’s countenance as the queen approached him. The makeup and self-discipline hid her fatigue well, but he did not miss the echoes of her weariness emanating from her person. His eyes swam out of focus, though they never looked away from the queen, staring at something beyond the physical realm. They came back into focus, along with his usual polite smile, only after Queen Alibeth stood before him. “Ah… it seems I failed to make an impression last night, then.” Ryn straightened his back, “My name is Fritz Hendrix, Your Majesty. Count of Erwynn.” He inclined his head once again. “I’ve only recently been blessed with the title.”

Alibeth had remembered him and his name quite well. However, she liked to keep men’s egos in check when she could. “Ah yes. We were acquainted at the ball, weren’t we? Blessed indeed.” She coolly looked down upon him and smiled a little for no apparent reason, ”Perhaps some of the historical books may interest you. Caesonia has a rich and interesting background.” She gestured toward a nearby bookcase. Something flickered in the count’s eyes, but he made no comment. He just continued to smile. “I reckon those flowers were for a maiden you fancy?”

Ryn raised his empty hands with a mischievous expression, “Flowers?”

“Yes you had them previously. I may be older, but you will find I don’t miss much.“

Ryn rubbed his chin, staring at the floor for a spell before clapping his hands together as if he remembered something, “Oh yes! Those flowers!”

“Excuse me, Your Majesty.” He said as he circled around Queen Alibeth. When she turned to face him, nothing but the color orange and the strong scent of lilies greeted her. “Do you mean these flowers?” Ryn lowered the bouquet. Despite the treatment they received moments ago, the orange lilies and the bouquet wrapping looked in pristine condition. “They were meant to be a surprise for someone who looked especially tired and needed at least one nice thing to brighten their morning… Unfortunately, as you are well aware, a certain count made a fool of himself so it’s no longer the surprise he hoped it’d be.” The count offered the lilies to the queen. “For the person who… deserves far more credit than others give her.” History and the like.

Alibeth took them in her hand. She examined them with her eyes as her gaze slid back to Fritz. ”How thoughtful. Thank you, Count Hendrix. Your kindness is refreshing.” She presented him a smile. ”Always a pleasure to be recognized for one’s efforts.” There were two types of individuals who made kind gestures such as these: the ones that were genuinely amiable and the ones who had something they wanted to gain. Considering most people she meant fell into the latter category, she remained skeptical of his intentions.

Ryn returned Queen Alibeth’s smile with a sympathetic one, “It is. Even if it is a duty you willingly bear, it’s nice to be recognized for it on occasion. I hope…”

“I’d be careful with that one, Fritz.” Udo’s words from the meeting rang in Ryn’s head. “It’s damn obvious who’s holding the reins around here. And if that armor she was wearing wasn’t a costume and her sword wasn’t just for show…” The ocean held Ryn’s gaze with such intensity that he felt water being sucked out of him. He took a sip of the bitter tea he prepared to quench his thirst. “You need to consider the possibility that she’s involved.” The insinuation turned the tea in Ryn’s mouth into bile, but he prevented himself from spiting it out. Instead, he washed it—the taste, the phantom smell of charred flesh and burnt down homes, their wails, the emptiness that followed—down by gulping the rest of the tea. Drowning it all into the recesses of his mind.

Ryn shook his head, laughing weakly, and changed the subject. “I failed to impress you, but I hope my feeble attempts of acting suave will be good for a laugh at the very least.”

The orange lilies—the flower of contradicting symbolisms—bid the count farewell. “I’ve intruded on your respite long enough. Thank you for tolerating me, Your Majesty. May your day be filled with more happiness, big or small.” Ryn bowed and turned on his heel. He took a few steps towards the door and then paused. “Ah. Since you did make a suggestion. Which history book do you recommend I read first?”

” You’ve made the impression of a thoughtful young man. Thank you for the lovely exchange.” The queen made her way to the door as well. She paused in the entryway and told him, “I recommend ‘The Dark Ages of Caesonia’.” Then she made her way out. However, before Ryn could leave, he felt a strange magnetizing pull toward the back of the room where Alibeth had first come from.

Ryn held the door open long enough for the queen to exit the library before turning his head and releasing his hold on the handle. The door slowly creaked and shut on its own accord. An eerie silence descended upon the room. He stared at the last row of bookshelves Queen Alibeth emerged from, waiting for something to appear from behind it as she did. Perhaps a hollow-eyed apparition or the shadow of a beast. Something, anything, to explain the pull.

He felt himself being tugged towards the area. Was the past calling him over or was he just imagining it? Unable to resist whatever it was that demanded his attention, Ryn tiptoed his way over.

When Ryn reached his destination, he found a bookcase of fictional novels. A small amount of sunlight reached this area from the window as the feeling of being pulled toward a shelf in particular remained.

“They should be in alphabetical order for the most part.”

Ryn traced his fingers over the spines of the books. For the most part.

He retrieved a pocket watch from his vest. As much as he wanted to thoroughly investigate, he needed to head to the Vikena’s residence soon if he wanted to keep his promise. After a moment of contemplation, Ryn searched the library for a pen and ink and wrote down what he saw in the bookcase onto a piece of paper. While the ink dried, Ryn removed a book from the shelf, confirmed that it was an ordinary novel, then returned it to its original place. He repeated the processes a grand total of 33 times.

Though he found nothing special about the books themselves, he noted that many of them housed a few bookmarks within them. Odd. Are multiple people reading the same books? In the Hendrix household, when more than one person wanted to read a specific book and they were not willing to wait for the current reader to finish it, it was not unusual for them to share the book and utilize multiple forms of marking tools to keep track of who stopped reading where—only when the employees wanted to read the book did the Hendrixes relent and buy additional copies of said book.

Another thing Ryn noticed was that some of the bookmarks had a peculiar hole punched into them. Aesthetic choice or something else? He examined one of the bookmarks, flipping it over and rubbing it with his fingers to see if he could feel anything unusual before placing it back in its original spot.

The bookcase was just as unremarkable as the books themselves. He saw no obvious markings and there were no hidden buttons to be found. For all intents and purposes, it was one of the many bookshelves in a room full of books. That did not mean the library did not have secrets to hide, however.

He glanced over at the neighboring row the queen indicated as the history section. Somewhat reluctantly, Ryn made his way to the section and stared at the volumes of Caesonia’s so-called history. The count smiled wryly at the imaginary librarian, I wonder if the arrangement is intentional. He pulled out the book titled The Dark Ages of Caesonia and flipped it open to the title page. Right below the title was an etching of another, far more famous, artwork; a mural painting that still existed in Sorian. The count’s smile vanished, leaving his features smooth and devoid of emotion.

He snapped the book shut.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Guest House
Time: 11am
Mentions: Layla @Potter

Sitting at the table with all this prepared food looking at his cousin, Farim could feel a rather distinct set of emotions and tones in the way that Layla spoke that seemed all too familiar with him. He could tell she was having a bit of a morning to say the least, and while he didn't blame her for the curt and tense replies, he could still feel the sting of her tone. In-between lines of questions he could almost feel as if Layla were shooting daggers into his very soul. He had been part of many unpleasant dinners before, and did not quite desire to continue a forced conversation if there was no enjoyment for both parties. It wasn't so much that he felt unwanted but he certainly did not feel desired either.

He stood up slowly and picked up a small bowl, leaving some chicken curry in it for Thara to feast on in a moment. He gave a warm smile to Layla and spoke to her in a calm and polite manner, as was his usual cadence. "I think it's about time I took my leave. I was planning on heading to the festival and the time has already gotten so far from me. I just wanted to make sure the family is going well and that nothing...bad or nefarious was happening. All I could hear were the sharp words of my father saying that we were all made fools and I wanted a more precise opinion." He paused, moving the bowls together that were done with into the appropriate boxes they came with. He lifted the bowl to Thara's beak and let her peck and nibble at the morsels of food as he continued speaking. "But it is rather uncouth of me to drill my cousin with questions so soon in the morning. So I will let you enjoy yourself. I'll send a servant soon enough to clean up here and I hope to see you at dinner, Layla." He ended his talk with a smile and began walking towards the door and with the hand that Thara was perched on, delicately moved the door handle as to not disturb his bird. The door swung open smoothly and he took a slight bow towards Layla before leaving. As the door shut behind him he looked around to make sure no one was present and rolled his eyes slightly. Must everyone be so stingy today?

He walked back to his room, on the way finding female maid making her rounds through the common room. Farim recognized the woman from back home as one of the many staff that would take care of the Shehazdi Palace, and was happy to see another familiar face. He raised an arm and spoke directly to her, keeping his voice from being startlingly loud. "Pardon me, Ayisha. Would you be so kind as to check on Layla here in the next half hour? She will likely have some dishes to be tended too and some other small favors I'm sure." He flashes another smile, his eyelids coming slightly closed as he displayed his friendly persona. The maid, as if by instinct, nodded and smiled back to him, giving him ample reason to believe she would see to it that Layla would be taken care of. He briskly walked to his chambers and in a similar fashion to before, opened the door and walked into his room.

"Come then, Thara. It is time we head to the park. I hear there is a fun festival there!" He took the bird and began to quickly walk from his chambers and out the front door. He took the nearest carriage, his bird happily resting on his shoulder while they got into the back of his ride to the festival. He told the driver to take their time so he could enjoy the ride to the park. He rather enjoyed the new scenery of the capital. His homeland would always be beautiful to him, but a change of location never hurt anyone. Sorian had plenty of good features to it, even if the capital may contain some...less than ideal occupants. But such is the way of any city, really. Farim continued looking on and taking note of any passersby, and as the carriage came to a stop he couldn't help but notice the large volume of sounds and people gathering in the beautiful park. The several stalls of pleasant looking food and many games he could see from afar definitely peaked his interest. Even though he had just ate he could still feel his stomach making room for more of Sorian's yummy delicacies and treats. He took a few steps from the carriage, his bird happily spreading its wings and tilting its head at the several new sites before her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 11am
Location: Sorian Festival
Interactions: Anyone who wants to

The investigatory detour with the Captain proved fruitless, so General Carris took her leave to enjoy the rest of the day. She left the warehouses for the time being, with the knowledge that once Captain Durmand found something, she would need to hear about it herself. There were things in this land that needed to stay dead and buried, and things that needed to be brought to light among the eyes of a kingdom. Lyra Carris knew this. Who could know it better than here? She walked her way back to the street where the two first met and continued from there. It was no shock to Lyra that there were onlookers; Ordinary citizens that couldn't help but stare in curiosity at the formally dressed woman in a red and white uniform. The sword that rested against her side was a dead giveaway that she was somebody who mattered. In this city, rumors spread like flames. She knew that much would not have changed at least.

When the church bells rang for the eleventh time, that was the reminder that Lyra had planned to attend the Sorian Festival. So, that was exactly what she did. The park was covered end-to-end in booths, crowds and children hyped up on sugar. All of these things pointed to a substantial amount of enjoyment to be had, and even a foreign Major General deserved time off every now and then, right? Lyra passed through the crowds, her eyes flicking from one spot to another as if by muscle memory, seeing what was happening around her to maintain situational awareness even during a festival. Lyra passed by the ring toss game which a small child was currently failing badly at. He was aiming for the furthest bottle to get the biggest prize, but the rings didn't fly straight.

"Here, child. Let me." she told him as she paid for some rings, stepping up to throw them. With near-effortless flicks of her sword arm, she landed three rings on the same target, and won the largest prize in the entire game for the child who looked happier than anything she had ever seen. The child's mother thanked the General, and Lyra continued on having made someone's day. It was at that point she found her way to a stall selling a variety of popcorn. Lyra paid for toffee and salt, and supplied the woman with a rather bubbly compliment about her hair to get a little extra sprinkled on top. She then made her way to a bench and enjoyed her snack, throwing one knee-high booted leg over the other. A Major General had things to do, but she'd be damned if she didn't enjoy herself in the process.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 13 days ago

Time: 9:30am → 11am
Location:: The Park of Sorian → The Tough Tavern → The Castle

Although Ruby had been enjoying herself with the waffle fiasco, she suddenly realized the severity of the situation when she saw John brandishing a knife. This was no longer a simple debate about who could eat the most waffles. She ran back home to the tavern, pushing through the patrons at the tavern to go back up to the attic. There she returned into fetal position and rocked back and forth for a few moments. After she calmed down, she decided to try to shake off that awful nightmare of a pancake party.

It took some deep breathing exercises and meditation, but she was ready to refocus her day. She didn’t want to stay here in the attic alone with the ravenous thoughts of her mind, so she pulled over the newspaper once again. After reading through it, she pointed aggressively at the line detailing the Prince’s Court. Yes. This is where I can refocus myself on my true goal. I need a beautiful wealthy man. Ruby nodded firmly to herself, satisfied with her decision. She had one nice dress that she saved for occasions like these. She had been waiting for this moment.

As for how she got the lavish dress, that was a story for another time. She brushed her hair and actually put on shoes. Once she felt ready, she made her way down the stairs. This was her time to SHINE.

Olga was more than confused, however, she kept her composure as always as she wiped down the bar, glancing over, as she coolly asked, “Ruby.. Vat are you doing? Second time you bolt through my tavern like a crazed bull and now you come down the stairs in gown? Should I be worried?”

“Olga, Olga, settle down! This is no time to worry. I am doing what I have meant to do for so long now.” She paused and saw the lingering concern on Olga’s face. “I will ensnare a man that can take care of me like he should–I mean… Take care of us.” Ruby smirked and performed a curtsy.

“What?” She was not making any sense. Olga wondered if the girl had accidentally taken a drug or perhaps had drank something she shouldn’t have. However, this was Ruby after all. She had not been all there even as a child. Her brother, who was sitting on a stool at the bar, was also confused, but more so amused. “Explain more. You know I have no idea vat you mean!”

Jack looked ready to laugh as he smugly commented, “Ruby, don’t tell me you’re going to the Prince’s Court. You know they aren’t going to marry a poor girl who lives in a tavern across from a whor-”

“Shut ya mouth and get back to work!”Olga snapped, interrupting him.

”Yea, get back to work Jack. That is precisely what I will be doing as well, because I am going to the Prince’s Court to work some magic. You’ll see!” Ruby attempted to scurt off before Olga could stop her. Won’t marry a poor girl who lives in a tavern… pshh, like you thought I was going to tell them.

Olga did a double take. ”Ruby you’ve lost mind! The only thing you’ll be working is the broom across floor. Gah!” She put her hands on her hips as Ruby left.

“Ruby steal some of their stuff!” Jack called after with a chuckle.

Now that was an idea that Ruby could get behind. She continued to walk off with a newfound sense of confidence. As she walked toward the road, she felt that she was stunning enough to get someone to escort her to the castle. Ruby attempted to wave down a horse and carriage, to no avail. They must not see me through all of this fog! There was no fog.

She walked the rest of the way and even though it took some time to get there, she did end up getting there before the line got long. As the first ten girls were invited in, she found herself next in line, waiting in the entrance hall. Ruby silently judged some of the other girls’ attire. Although she envied the high-class dress that she saw, she convinced herself that they did not wear them as well as she could. She was prepared and eager to finally find her Mr. Coinbag.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time: 10:30
Location: Archery Range
Interaction:@PapaOso Cassius,
Mentions:@Rodiak Matthais, @Aerandir Verrick

Crystal was very excited to watch Sir Mathias shoot…as well as Sir Verrick. Though she was conflicted right from the start. She truly did want Sir Mathias to win, but she also wanted Verrick to win as well. The childhood crush she had on the man was now back in full strength. She found herself blushing at seeing his muscular arms in the few moments he would reveal them from under his cloak.

From the stories she heard of Woodsman during her research,She heard time and time again that they were true masters of the bow. As well as having a strange style not normally seen. She worked off what she could hear about, but to see him actually shoot would be amazing for her future books. She frowned a bit when she realized she forgot her idea notebook as well as left her typewriter at home.

But on the other hand, Sir Mathias certainly made quite an impression on her as well. Seeing him with his son brought a small smile on her face, and warmth to her cheeks as well. It was rare to see a man so genuine with their child in public like that. Most nobles were very standoffish when it came to showing ‘love’ to their family.

It was strange to see the two together. One as a knight and the other as a commoner. Short and tall, rugged and elegant. Smiling and a scowl. She found herself fascinated at the opposites. Something she would certainly have to add to her next book somehow….and bring it naturally so the readers didn’t wonder where the heck this new character came from.

Sadly though as the contest began, she got quite distracted at an unexpected entry. A man claiming to be the son of her father. She could already feel eyes on her as people began to mutter under their breaths, wondering if it was true…and what that meant for the family.

Before he even took his first shot. She looked to one of her extra guards and said, ”Please go back home and inform my father of this and bring him here. ” The guard bowed his head and quickly turned and jogged off towards her home.

”Why are we waitin? I can go ov’r there and give ‘im a wee bonk on the head and drag ‘im out of ‘ere” Jacob asked a bit annoyed. Miming hitting his own head with his ax as he spoke.

”We don’t want to ruin the show for the people…You can still do it, just wait till it’s done.”

Jacob cracked his knuckles with a wicked grin and twinkle in his eye. . His tone clearly improved as he said.”Pure Barry! Looks like me birthday came early this year!”

Liah did speak up softly, ”He does share some traits with Count Damien… But I couldn’t imagine your father ever being unfaithful to your mother. So clearly the man is an idiot.

Crystal nodded, but she did not say much for the rest of the tournament. Sadly Sir Mathias was defeated in the first round. She frowned slightly and wondered if he would be ok clapping as he walked off the field…but with how he acted with his son afterwards it would seem her worry was misplaced.

She was surprised at Verrick’s showing though, while very subtle in showing his pain. She could tell he was not shooting as well as he should have. She wondered what happened recently that he injured himself. But his skill did show when he did switch between dominant hands as well as firing with the arrows in between his fingers. A skill none of the other archers used. Or were as quick. Despite not being as she imagined she still enjoyed watching him and got excited each time he did win.

On the other hand…She half paid attention to the man who claimed to be her brother. Partially annoyed and out of spite to not give him her attention for daring to claim to be her brother. Though he was good, a bit of a show off though which only added more of a bad taste to it all. She did not clap for him one time.

THANKFULLY. Verrick won. Though it was close. She sighed with an audible breath. At which Jacob turned to her expectantly. Crystal nodded as she stood up. Wiping the wrinkles out of her cream dress as she did. Her other guard folding up the blanket she had brought as they prepared to leave. She looked to Liah and grabbed her two books from her. She then looked over to Sir Mathias wanting to go over and talk to him shifting her books higher on her chest as she hugged them to herself... But she shook her head...not right now. She frowned slightly. It going away quickly when she noticed Liah watching her with an amused raised eyebrow.

Liah, seeing how Crystal reacted to Mathias this entire tournament easily caught on. Liah simply nodded her head towards the knight while keeping her eyes on Crystal. Conveying to her to go talk to him with out words.

Crystal only turned red as she knew Liah saw right through her. Shaking her head quite suddenly and firmly which caused her hat to slide a bit. "W-w-what? No. I can't simply walk up to him...b-b-besides I have to deal with this b--baffoon." She said quite quickly as she adjusted her hat. Making sure to look in the complete opposite direction of Liah...and Mathias...which was at the tree behind her.

Liah rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smirk before looking back towards Jacob as he made his way over to the imposster.

Jacob chuckled under his breath and with a little hop in his step he swung his ax over his shoulder and made his way over to the man who dared claim to be the count's son. ”Oi! YE WEE BAWBAG!” He hollered as he walked directly towards him. Pointing his big meaty finger at the smaller man despite his 6’4” height. Jacob still stood a foot or so higher. When Cassius would look at him he nodded. ” AYE you! Yer Coming with Me!” He said with a scowl.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time: 10:35
Location: Archery Contest
Interaction: @Aerandir Verrick & @Heartfillia My dear sister

Cassius loosed his final arrow and scored big with a 9. He was sure it wouldn't be enough for the win, but it was nice to end his round with a good shot. He looked over to his opponent and gave the man a look of respect. The scores had not been finalized, but he knew the man had bested him. As he looked towards his opponent the man addressed him.

“Well done. I don’t see archers with an eye like yours in Casonia very often… though I know Count Damien only has two daughters…So who are you really?” His opponent asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Who am I really? That is such a good question. I'm certainly not as good an archer as you my good sir. Regarding my father...It appears that the good Count has a bastard along with his precious daughters. I just happen to be the asshole unlucky enough to share the man's blood. I don't expect anyone to believe me, but truth is truth after all". The man simply gave him a nod before turning to accept his prizes. Cassius left things at that.

Well, the result of his first match in the archery competition did not go his way. Nor did the second. It mattered not, though, as his ultimate goal in this endeavor was more than successful. What an ARRIVAL. The people cheered for his bombastic antics. Perhaps without them he could have pulled off the victory, but it was never about winning. It was about being seen, and the lords, ladies, and commoners alike in the stands definitely had their eyes on him.

Cassius had spent as much time looking over the crowd as he did his archery targets. It was his way of feeling their temperature. He wanted to get a read on as many of them as possible, and being a little extra braggadocious was sure to stir up some reactions; be they positive or negative.

Many were positive indeed. Cheers and applause spilled from all around as the spectators appreciated his tricks and panache. Others were smug and judgmental of him not taking the competition seriously. Most were probably somewhere in between. Then there was the woman in the cream colored dress. Her reaction was something else altogether. She spurned him entirely. Purposefully not giving him the time of day. Was that a bit of spite he read on her face? Now that is interesting.

He thought of her as soon as the competition was over. She was hard to miss with that dress that probably cost more than all of his belongings together…and her blonde hair, which probably took a team of servants to ensure each strand was in its rightful place. He chuckled to himself as he put the bow back on its holding stand. Running his fingers through his hair, Cassius turned to look towards the crowd once more. He specifically surveyed to find the spiteful woman. She intrigued him more than anyone else in the stands. To his surprise, the woman’s rather large companion was making his way towards Cassius.

“Well this is going to be riveting.” He spoke aloud but to himself as he watched the man approach, making sure to put on his most dickish smile.

“Oi! YE WEE BAWBAG!” The large man hollered as he walked directly towards him. This behemoth was pointing his big meaty finger at Cassius, who would usually be the larger man given he stood 6’4” in height. In this instance, however, the behemoth stood a foot or so higher than him. Cassius gave this giant a flirtatious glance with a nod, but before he could speak the large man reached out to grab him.

“AYE you! Yer Coming with Me!” He said with a scowl. Cassius did not resist the man’s advance, instead holding his hands out to his side as to let the man do whatever he wanted.

“It was my understanding that only the victor got a prize. But here we are. What a prize indeed. So big. So very strong. I sure hope you are not overcompensating for anything, my good man. Now that…would be a shame. Cassius held his ground completely. Not resisting, not backing away, and not a single flinch as this monster among men got even closer. He spoke his words with frisky arrogance and a hit of sensuality. “SO…large man. Where, indeed, will you be taking me?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 1 day ago


S O R I A N P A L A C E , 1 1 : 0 0 A M

I N T E R A C T I O N S :

M E N T I O N S :

Zarai cheered for Verrick when his victory was announced. Had she wished for the hottie to win? Sure, but this was a Varian win, and a Varian win was like a win for her too. It filled her chest with a sense of pride that quickly dissipated. The argument from the morning was creeping back into her mind now that the tournament was over. What was she doing? She couldn't waste this season, her last season, on ruining her reputation further. No matter how she felt and thought of this whole fiasco that was courting season, she had no choice. Despite the amount of money and privilege she had, she could not run away from the inevitable.


Zarai cringed. Why couldn't she just marry herself? Yes, that would be nice. She was pretty, after all, and if she could, she would kiss herself! Well, not right now. It'd probably hurt. Gods, did her face hurt. Maybe she could ask her knight to fetch her some ice. Oh, and some ice cream to numb her lips. Seriously, that slap did not help at all.

"So, where next, hon? I want to do something you like."

"Hm?" Zarai turned to look at Anastasia. It took her a second, or maybe three, to finally see Princess Saide and Prince Felix had joined them. Sweet, Saide's here! And her brother. She gave them a quick bow and a cheerful wave.

"Don't know, what else is happening around?" She tapped her chin. "We can check out the fashion district. I need some fabric for a new dress I'm working on. Or we can go somewhere and relax, maybe? We are not too far from the lake. What do you think, princesita?"

"If... If I may, princess, Lady Zarai, your mother is expecting you back in the palace at eleven o'clock."

"What for?" So she could scold her some more? Throw in another slap or two while at it!

"You are to meet with the princes. I understand Duchess Ledesman informed you of this."

"Oh. I forgot." Zarai pressed her lips together. "Well, I'm not going." She turned back to look at the princess with a smile, ready to plan out the rest of their day.

"I apologize, Lady Zarai." Sir Barrios said before the princess or Zarai could say anything further. "Duchess Lesdeman made it clear you were to attend this event, and as a knight under the Lesdeman's employment, I must obey." He moved to retrieve Zarai's wheelchair from the side.

"But..." Zarai's brows furrowed, looking back to Anastasia. She didn't want to leave her alone, nor did she want to be alone. Besides, she already knew the princes, and they knew her; why the hell would her mother want her to attend the court? It's not like she would marry one of them– or she could. Maybe. If Zarai managed to bag one of them, one of them being Auguste or Callum (Wulfric is not even an option), then she'd have more freedom and distance from her family. She'd be royalty! She's also see Anastasia everyday! What if she married her instead?

"My Lady." Sir Barria was waiting now, the wheelchair in front of him.

She glanced at it. She didn't want to go, but it was clear that Sir Barrios was giving her no option. She couldn't run; she couldn't even walk by herself without the help of someone. Zarai gave Anastasia a defeated smile, reaching out to take her hand.

"As soon as I am done, I will go find you, I promise. Sir Barrios will take me straight to you once the court is done, and then we can stuff our face with all of the cake we can find." A small squeeze before she pulled back.

The knight helped Zarai into her chair, and the lady did her best to hold back a groan when the boning of her corset dug at her side. Sir Barrios began to spin the chair around, ready for departure, when Zarai tapped his arm and pointed at the Watchdog. "You. Take care of her and make sure my princesita is not bored. Yes? Thank you!"

"Lady Zarai..."

"Don't have too much fun without me." Zarai flashed Anastasia a smile before saying her quick goodbyes to the rest of the table, thanking Roman for inviting them over.


A sea of beautiful ladies greeted Zarai when Sir Barrios pushed her chair into the hall. A smile immediately spread over her lips, and she ushered her knight to the closest group of ladies dressed to the nines in colorful and expensive-looking fabrics. She greeted the group of ladies, who smiled down at her with excited smiles and giggles.

Their conversation mostly consisted of excitement about meeting the princes; she would rather talk about anything else other than Wulfric's "perfect" hair. Zarai tried to switch topics, and while two of the ladies were initially interested, their attention was quickly robbed by the presence of the princes before entering the ballroom.

So Zarai sat there, face heavy with enough makeup to semi-cover up the discoloration in her face, and a dress that washed her out.

"I hope this ends quickly; I already miss my princesa."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Her bedroom > Princes’ Court
Attire: Her dress
Interactions: @SausagePat Ruby & @Rodiak Zarai
Mention: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Inertia August @helo Callum @Terrance420 Alden

Despite the subpar food and her cousin’s departure, Layla picked the newspaper back up. She scanned the list of events.. There was an execution which made her raise her brows. They had these as daily events? What a pit of vipers. She glanced down at the play and smirked when she read the title and knew who it was for. Layla giggled when she thought of dinner and the mouse she’d be playing with. Oh, how she looked forward to it….

As she read the title of the festival, she remembered her cousin muttering about it. Rolling her eyes, she continued reading, and debated between the Prince’s Court and the Hunting. She knew immediately where Mayet would be. Though she missed her dear sister, she decided against hunting. It wasn’t as if she, Layla, was in any shape to do so anyways, and besides, it wasn’t only animals who needed to be hunted.

”A Prince’s Court? Desperate.” Zilal picked his head up and looked over at her. ”We’ve got some Princes to meet, my dear Zilal.” He flicked his tongue when she stood up and came over to him. She patted his head affectionately in which he returned the gesture with a head boop of his own. Layla laughed genuinely, and watched as the maid came in to take care of the food. She froze, seeing Zilal, but then forced a recovery. Layla stared at her coldly, eyebrows raised and arms folded.

”You will not make any comment on Zilal, nor act like such a coward in his presence. Got it? Her voice was commanding and offered no response to the comment other than a curt nod. ”You will take all this trash out of my room and clean it. I want it spotless when we-” Layla gestured to Zilal and herself slowly, making sure the woman could understand. A scarlet flush rose to the lady’s face, but Layla only smirked and continued. ”-return, I would like chocolate dishes from the kitchen upon my return, not too hot or cold and don’t go through my belongings.” Layla beckoned Zilal and he began slithering after her. The maid quickly moved out of the way and watched wide-eyed, but a curt glare from Layla forced her to continue working.

When Layla arrived with guards in tow to the Prince’s Court, she scowled at the line of raggedy peasants. She watched ten girls get called in, then come running back out and chuckled. Her presence was not yet noticed, which bothered her. Scoffing, she clicked her tongue and made a few girls jump from surprise which morphed into fear when they saw Zilal. This line would not do; she was not waiting behind all these hopeless romantics. Scoffing, Layla flipped her hair and almost burst from laughing; the maid she’d terrorized yesterday was again hit by her hair. Laughter boiled from her, but not as loudly as usual because she was busy trying to remain standing. She gestured towards Zilal to follow her and began making her way to the front. Girls moved out of her way, terrified by the snake and also mesmerized. Either combination worked, because she was soon near the front. There, she noticed a few odd girls and studied them with amusement.

There was a girl with short white hair and monochrome eyes. Weirdo. Layla thought to herself and admired the girl’s attempt at dressing up. Still, she looked like she was trying too hard. Her gaze moved to a girl in a wheelchair and raised her eyebrows. The makeup on her face tried to conceal her bruises unsuccessfully. The girl looked miserable enough and Layla wondered if she needed to be put out of her misery. Layla shrugged and turned to the front, smirking as she waited for her turn in line.

This is all entertainment. Layla thought with amusement and watched the girls inside getting drilled by the king. What a scumbag. This country’s a joke.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Attire: No cloak
Time: 11:00 am
Location: The Entrance Hall
Mention(s): @Helo Callum, @Inertia Auguste, @princess Edin
Interaction(s): @Terrance420 Plannington
“But sure, make me late, spin it like it’s my fault.”

Because Wulfric had already walked past Callum, and his younger brother nor anyone else of import would see it, he permitted himself a liberal eyeroll. As if he needed to do that, and as if he would.

Given that he had no issue speaking coherently, and moreover, was quite capable of his usual sassy backtalk and even exhibited his annoying tendency to quote out of context, Wulfric supposed Callum was not quite as out of his mind with drunkenness as he’d initially assumed. Still, it remained a fact that he was worryingly over-reliant on alcohol. Not only did he see no issue with it, he apparently viewed this trait as a positive in some ways. ‘Drunken and jolly’ indeed.

No matter. There were now two months in which his attempts to alleviate the problem should yield a higher rate of success…More so than at any other point in their past. The sooner he set up some sort of intervention, the better.


Aside from lacking his sabre, which unfortunately wasn’t suitable for the coming event, Wulfric returned to the Entrance Hall looking more or less the same. His servants had made exceptionally quick work wiping down his body of accumulated sweat (not that there was much of it), reapplying some perfume (orange and black pepper), and attending to other various minor tasks. Pleased with their smoothly organized efforts, he had granted them an early break as a reward.

Despite their swiftness, and his steps being a hair short of rushed, he did arrive a tad past eleven. Of course, it wasn’t as if his father was punctual. Auguste, however, was already there, and Wulfric offered him a brief nod in acknowledgment.

Callum managed to show up very shortly after, and he had done…something. Water had been involved, and his brother now also held a cup of coffee. Ah, well. It was not as if anything more could be done right then. But next time, he’d have someone introduce his sibling to the wonders of make-up.

The first prince let himself be led to his designated table, gaze sweeping across the crowd. He formed a small smile for them, and bowed shallowly at the audience before taking his seat.

Edin arrived as loudly as ever, and Wulfric did not let his words perturb his countenance. As reprehensible as it was, Callum being dismissed or denigrated by their father was par for the course. But really, if nothing else, one might think he would prefer not to lend credence to those rumours of his youngest being a bastard with his remarks. Of course, it was entirely possible he did it on purpose, and took some sort of twisted pleasure in it.

The man by the king’s side was a very unlikely surprise, and the prince took him in curiously. Albert? No… This man happened to have a particularly memorable name. Alden, the same as Auguste’s middle name. And a thematically fitting last name…

“Plannington,” Wulfric greeted him. “A pleasure to have you back,” he returned smoothly, though it very much remained to be seen whether his presence was a positive or not. “You yourself have matured as well, no?” he raised a pointed eyebrow. Advisor he may be, but it was still ridiculous to have someone so close to his age commenting on how ‘young’ and ‘grown’ they all were. Smirking, he added, “And surely, your travels have contributed to that. Recount me your experiences sometime, hm?”

Then, it was time to watch the spectacle of Edin making preliminary selections of the hopefuls. Some impertinent commoner thought she could be his wife, when she should be grateful that she even had the chance to see him up close. His lips twisted in dark amusement as he dismissed the peasant’s ogling with a piercing glance. You better cherish that for life, girl.

Naturally, she and her friend were the first ones escorted out. Seven others soon followed. ‘Delusional’ was an apt descriptor, but it applied not only to this group, bur rather, to everyone who’d gathered today. Every one of them who believed they had a chance to marry him or one of his brothers simply because they could meet today…What was that, if not delusion? Though his father was in the same boat, if he honestly thought this event would result in a match for any one of them.

For some reason, Plannington held back one of the initial ten women. To prolong their collective suffering, or…? Folding his hand to lean on, Wulfric gave the lady a brief, bored look, his demeanour oozing insouciance. But because there were some more interesting faces at the front of the line, he let his gaze slide right over her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time: 11am
Location: The Drawing Room of the Vikena Estate
Interactions:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Prosaic Devan @Conscripts John
Attire:Dress, Booties, Hair ribbon

Not long after they had established themselves in the drawing room, Lorenzo took his leave. Charlotte stared after him with concern as he left the room. She had known from experience that he might not return as quickly as his words seemed to promise. It was a shame as she longed to enjoy a happy moment with Lorenzo after so much turmoil the last few days. She knew all this turmoil hit him harder than anybody else. For a moment, she considered what she could do to cheer him up. She slowly sat down on the red cushions of the couch, her gaze moving to Dr. Willamson and her cousin. "Well wasn't that just an adventure?" She said to them with a small smile. Charlotte was already feeling a little drained today, but she knew her manners when it came to entertaining. " Dr. Williamson, this is my cousin Devan... Devan, Dr. Wiliamson is visiting all the way from the Varian Kingdom."

The sound of a noisy cart being wheeled into the room pulled her gaze. The blonde hair of the maid's head could be seen over the tower of goodies as she pushed the cart toward them. Delilah had an assortment of tea, cucumber sandwiches, and other little treats. She and Charlotte exchanged glances as she poured some tea for their guest, John, first and foremost, then for Devan. As Delilah had handed Charlotte her tea, she gently touched the hand she placed it in a discreet and brief movement. She knew that the maid longed to hear about everything.

Perhaps Charlotte had been a more talkative girl at one point in her life, but she had fallen into more introverted patterns in recent years. Thinking of conversational questions to entertain the two gentlemen was a little difficult, but she did manage something. Her mother had left a mark on her when it came to maintaining her manners. "So, Devan, I'd like to hear all about your travel here and more about the situation that brought you here if it suits you. Then John, maybe you could tell us about your evening at the ball last night. Did you have a pleasant time or...Um... dance with any ladies you're interested in?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Shooting Range
Interaction:@Rodiak Zarai @Lava Alckon Farim

"Oh I'd love to go shopping! But if you want to go swim in the lake first, we're already here. It'll be quiet I am sure since it's early-" Anastasia excitedly had begun her reply only for Sir Barrios to shoot down her hopes and dreams. The palace? She had forgotten her brothers were meeting with possible marriage prospects today. Her mother had tried to talk her into doing the same thing, but she would not have it. And as always, she seemed to be able to get away with not attending such whereas her brothers simply could not. It had not dawned on her that Zarai could be interested in any of them, so Zarai's initial answers were no surprise.

Anastasia whirled on Sir Barrios in her usual emotionally charged reaction."She is hardly a child. If she does not want to attend then certainly you should obey Lady Zarai Lesdeman. Does her word not carry any weight to you? She is a lady!" She then frowned at the sudden change in Zarai's expression. A smile of submission. She squeezed her hand as Zarai took it.

"As soon as I am done, I will go find you, I promise. Sir Barrios will take me straight to you once the court is done, and then we can stuff our face with all of the cake we can find."

Anastasia pouted at Sir Barrios for a moment longer before looking at her, "Well if you must. I suppose if you are able to seduce one of my brothers then at least we'd get to live together, right?" A smile crossed her face, "You'll find me at the park over there." She leaned and whispered, "And please don't mind Wulfric, he is an enigma. Feel free to prank him."

"I'll be going to the park. Maybe I'll see you guys there!" Anastasia informed her other company at the table. Wystan seemed keen to follow as Zarai had directed and guard her silently along with Wulfric's guards, so there was nothing she could quite do about the entourage that followed her. The last thing she wanted to do was go back to the castle right now and face her parents.

Or worse, run into Darryn.

As they arrived at the park, she was greeted by amazing smells. That's right. There's a festival! The food smells so good. Oh, there are games! This is great. Maybe Wystan and I... She glanced over to see Wystan and the other guards moving off to the side. They clearly were not going to let her leave their sight but seemed willing to give her space. Was she grateful for that?

Anastasia felt a familiar feeling of loneliness fill her gut and became quite distracted as the emotions she shut in plagued her once again. Maybe Zarai didn't want to hang out with me...Will she even come back? If I am a mistake in my own family, why shouldn't others see me the same? It's not like I hold any purpose. Oh, but after such an awful morning I really do not want to self-pity like this...It's so pathetic. Maybe I just need to cheer myself up. I need to do something exciting or maybe I just need to do drugs or-

As she had been in her mind, the notion that she had been walking across the grass was completely missed. She walked right into someone without realizing it. She had stepped right into his back and stumbled, nearly losing her balance. "Oh! ...Hi! Sorry!" Her reality snapped back into place and she took in the sight of the man before her. Oh I remember him. He was there this morning. I think he said his name was Farim. To the surprise of most, sometimes even herself as she had viewed herself as unintelligent, Anastasia actually had a very reliable memory.

"Got a little lost in my head there. Really sorry!" Anastasia gave him a smile. The last thing she wanted to do was screw up relations with the Alidasht even more. "Hope I didn't hurt you. I was thinking a lot which is a bad idea clearly." Shoot. Is he mad? I can save this.

"Did you know that you have a very soft shirt?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning, 10:40am
Location: Shooting Range
Interactions: Nahir @Rodiak

Leo had a favor in mind when he suggested the wager. Had he won he’d have asked Nahir to look out for Charlotte during the dinner she and Duke Vikena were scheduled to have with the Sultan and his family. But the thought would never leave his head. While Thea fared well against the knight, the stranger from House Damien proved more than her match. Had he followed instinct alone, and chosen Verrick, he would’ve won. Perhaps it was a mistake to bet on family, but it was not one he found any regret in.

“A fine set of matches. And your man progressed the furthest, name your favor whenever it suits you.” Leo showed nor felt any trace of resentment at the minor loss; owing a favor to any royal was only a future chance to further ingratiate himself and this was another opportunity to get to know Nahir.

"Your sister is a skillful archer."

This comment from Nahir only brought forth his most genuine smile. It was refreshing to hear his sister recognized for her strengths rather than the often whispered rumors of youthful mistakes.

“How kind of you say.” He said, standing as the matches ended and using the conversation as an opportunity to not clap for Verrick, though he was glad to see a Varian win. “I hope your day brings you as much delight as your company has brought mine.” He added before bowing in the Alidasht manner. His words, while meant to appease the ego of royalty, also came with sincerity. Royalty, and most nobles, could see through hollow compliments, so Leo always kept his honest.

Leo waited for an official dismissal, just as he had with Princess Sadie, before departing. It was more than just maintaining the image of a proper nobleman, these signs of respect were a part of the structures that held society together. Leo believed in order, and he believed in the social hierarchy which kept the order. It all mattered, and it became as instinctual as breathing.

Time: Morning, 11am
Location: Athletic Arena
Interactions: none

The first time Leo had witnessed an execution he’d been too young to understand all of it. He now better understood how King Edin ruled; he chose the easiest path, one of brutality and fear. The public executions, and the immediate willingness to offer up a stable boy as a sacrificial lamb, served as a constant reminder of what would happen to those who stepped out of line. It was effective, for a time, but it would not maintain, and eventually, he would only be remembered for his failings.

Such extreme force could only create opposition. Caesonia was already showing signs of weakness, an unraveling of order. And while Caesonia struggled, Varian would strengthen and maintain. Varian inspired complacency over fear, this was long-lasting. This was the better way.

The crowd today was somber, eyes all fixed on the event and very little noise was heard above the wind which strummed against flags and banners. This doomed man walked towards his end of his own accord with indignant confidence. There was no struggling, no screams nor pleas for mercy, only mismatched eyes that burned with rage.

The same sorts of questions floated about; who was the doomed man, where was he from, what had he done, and how will his life end? Whoever the man was he had not drawn himself a packed crowd, his ending clearly didn’t hold as powerful a draw over some of the other events taking place. Not even important enough for the King or Queen to show an interest.

But the arena held enough of a crowd to see that there were still plenty who saw the value of witnessing such a brutal act. A catharsis of darker and more violent aspects of human nature, to quench the thirst for the old ways and then leave the arena after the execution ready to again strive to live an honorable life. Leo found value in this, it was important to experience all aspects of the world, good and bad, to understand it in its entirety.

Despite how dark an event it was, this held a memory that had been only his father and him.

One perfect summer day his dad had taken him to watch a man die. It had been the first time he had been talked to less like a child and more like an equal, like an heir. He’d been let in on the most important part of his father’s life, the part that was The Duke of Stravy before all else. That day felt important, and Leo had felt important that day too.

It was a strange memory to cherish, but he did, and he found a sense of peace in being here now, on his own, repeating the ritual and waiting for the catharsis.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Archery Range -> Festival at the Park
Interactions: @Aerandir Verrick
Mentions: Too many to name, you know who you are
Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair

The Archery competition, despite the unruly man Ezra, was not tarnished. Here she was reunited with Anastasia, Zarai, Felix, Lukas, and Roman! Sadie had been thrilled to see all of them, but due to the business of the competition and the passerby coming and going with various guards, had not been able to chat much with them. That was okay, there was always later! Poor Zarai looked horrible. What cruel jerk had beat up such a sweetheart? She’d have to give them a talking to.

Seeing Verrick win brought a smile to Sadie’s face. It had been sad watching Leo, Thea, and Matthias lose, but at least someone from Varian had won. The wonders of the Damien bastard son piqued her interest. Was it true, or was he a wannabe? She itched to question him but now isn't the time. Everyone who competed were impressive archers. Sadie glowed with pride watching everyone and had bounced on the balls of her feet during the last match with Verrick and Cassius.

Once Verrick approached her, she smiled brighter than ever. Her mouth opened for her to congratulate him, but quickly fell silent. His words made her frown because it indicated he’d known about whatever Ezra had done. She didn’t want to remember his words which still cut through her like a knife. Still, there wasn’t a need for drama or unruliness, so she smiled as though nothing were wrong.

”No need! Thank you.” Sadie examined his shoulder with a slight frown. Would he be okay? ”Congratulations on winning! You did great! I see your shoulder is hurting; would you like to go treat it back at the castle?” Sadie paused and knew he’d likely reject.

Before she could continue, her attention was caught when a loose newspaper someone had tossed out came flying by. She gasped with excitement and quickly snatched it with surprising reflexes and speed. Sadie began to scan it and turned to Verrick with excitement and wonder. ”Verrick! There’s a festival at the park! Isn’t that great? Maybe we can later?” Sadie glanced up at him and eyed his shoulder, before facing him again.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 9 days ago

While he has been away for what seemed an eternity, Munir scanned the newspaper while fiddling with a honeyed fig. The golden honey syrup dripped slowed down the side of the fruit, and landed on one of the cushions that Munir was resting on. With an annoyed "tsk", Munir tried to smear the sweet liquid off the velvet cushion. When his effort failed, he sighed and stood from where he was resting. Tossing the stem of the fig into bowl, Munir straightened himself up and decided his course of action for the day.

Walking by the sanded cages where his pets are kept, he opened a little latch on the top and dropped in some grasshoppers. "Haven't fed you guys in a while, enjoy the hunt and the meal, my beauties..." He whispered towards the cage. Closing the latch, he opened the door and addressed his servant, "Ready my horse and bow, I'm going hunting." The servant nodded quickly and paced off down the corridor. Munir then made his way towards the gathering location of the hunting part.
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