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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mentions: @Potter Layla @SausagePat Ruby @Rodiak Zarai

It had taken Sjan-dehk more time than he cared to admit, but he was here at last. The castle. At the very least, it was within sight. Grey stone and painted roofs reached for a sky of soft azure and clouds of pure white behind a beautifully-carved fountain and across a small plaza. As he had just found out, the walls that he had been following – and which had been mocking him – the entire time he had spent wandering around the city like a headless chicken weren’t the walls of the actual castle. They merely sequestered a quieter, smaller town away from the rest of Sorian.

The real castle was a little ways farther in. Thankfully, it was plainly visible from the arched gateway which Sjan-dehk had just walked through. He would have been sorely tempted to simply call it a day and return to his Sada Kurau had he simply left one maze for another.

Well, to be perfectly honest, the temptation was still there. Only the reason differed.

The castle town was quiet. Serene, peaceful, with only vague murmurs of activity drifting through the plaza from its orderly streets and well-kept boulevards. Lilting birdsong floated in from verdant trees. Whatever din Sjan-dehk had experienced in the slums may as well have been naught but a distant memory or hazy dream. Washed-out cobblestones tapped a steady beat against his boots with each step. The thin crowd of well-dressed and well-groomed people glanced in his direction as he passed. Most were curious, but he wasn’t oblivious to the guarded stares and suspicious gazes he received. Sjan-dehk simply tipped his hat towards those whose eyes he met and continued on his way.

One might be forgiven that he – casual and smooth as he carried himself – was fully at ease. That could not be farther from the truth.

Something about this place sat poorly with him. The tranquillity felt a little too oppressive; the orderliness a mite too unnatural; the cleanliness a touch too barren. As if the wall that separated the quarter from the rest of Sorian kept the city’s liveliness out as well. Sjan-dehk didn’t like it in the least. There was life here, of course, but nothing felt alive. That didn’t make as much sense as he hoped even to himself, but all he knew was that he wanted to spend as little time here as possible. Perhaps he was far too accustomed to the rowdier parts of a city. Even in his native Jafi, he spent most of his time ashore mucking about in the rougher quarters, much to his mother’s chagrin.

Or perhaps it was his natural aversion to stately affairs trying to concoct a reason for him to leave before he had to play the part of a noble before the city’s lord.

Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. The tap of his boots against stones soon turned into dull thumps against wood as he crossed the drawbridge spanning the moat. A pair of guards stood a little too at ease beneath the massive gatehouse. They appeared to be too engrossed in their conversation to notice Sjan-dehk as he approached, but quickly sprang into action once they noticed him. Weapons and armour rattled and clanged against each other as they stood up straight. “Stop! Identify yourself!” One of them shouted with an outstretched hand.

Sjan-dehk had been prepared for this. If anything, he was surprised that he hadn’t been stopped by any guards earlier, armed and armoured as he was. Keeping his movements slow and deliberate, he raised his hands and presented two open palms to the guards. “I am Wasun Sjan-dehk of Viserjanta.” He kept his tone calm, looking at each guard in turn as he spoke. Clean-shaven and well-groomed, neither looked as if they were any older than himself. “I mean no trouble. I am here to speak with your lord.”

“Who of where?” the same guard asked, thin and pock-marked face scrunched in confusion.

The other guard spoke up. He was shorter than his partner, but with a stockier physique and a friendlier countenance. “Think I ‘eard that place in a book once.” He nodded towards Sjan-dehk. “‘Is people traded ‘ere years ago. Long ‘fore any of us were born.” Both Sjan-dehk and the other guard turned to look at him, and he merely offered a shrug in response. “I’ve been readin’. Guard commander always said we ‘ave to keep our wits about us, aye?”

“He looked pretty well-armed for a trader,” the thinner guard said and looked down his nose at Sjan-dehk with his dull, blue eyes. “What do you have on you? Two swords, two pistols, one musket? You look more like you’re here to kill our lord, not speak with him as you claim.”

“Four pistols,” Sjan-dehk corrected and turned slightly to show them the weapons on his back. “Also you are right. I am not a trader. I am the fourth lesser marquis of Jafi and captain of Sada Kurau. My ship. We docked at your harbour this morning.”

“I don’t know, Jas,” the shorter guard said. “‘E seems pretty honest. ‘Is rank sounds important too, what if ‘e’s another one of those late notice guests we don’t know about?”

Jas scowled. “Another one? At this time? They might as well let us go home.”

Despite the delay, Sjan-dehk found himself fighting back the urge to grin. There was comforting familiarity in hearing the banter between these two soldiers. Granted, had they been his crew, he would’ve likely told them to focus on their work by now, especially since these two had the rather important task of guarding the castle’s gates. However, Sjan-dehk wasn’t about to tell another commander how to do their job. He had his own matters to take care of, in any case. “If it would help, I can leave my weapons with you.”

For a moment, Jas seemed to consider the offer. Then he sighed. “Nah,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “The number of armed people I’ve let in these past two days, another one isn’t going to change a damn thing. Just watch yourself. If you do get an audience, that is. There’s some fancy nonsense going on that we’re not paid enough to understand. Ladies been coming non-stop. You’re the first man Dev here and I’ve seen this morning.”

“King’s tryin’ to get ‘is sons wives, is what I’ve ‘eard,” Dev said.

“King?” Sjan-dehk asked and furrowed his brow. That complicated things slightly. All this time, he had been preparing himself to speak to a duke or perhaps even archduke. A king felt far too important, far too powerful to be met with a lowly lesser marquis like Sjan-dehk. Perhaps he should have listened to the tutor after all, and learned to live with dressing in fine silks. For now, all he could do was just hope that this king wouldn’t be too put off by a soldier’s attire.

“Aye, King Edin runs this ‘ere place,” Dev replied. Shuffling a little closer and speaking in a lower voice, he continued, “Between you an’ me, I ‘aven’t ‘eard much good about ‘im–”

“Quiet!” Jas hissed and slapped his partner on the back, hard enough to almost send Dev flying forward and onto the bridge. “Are you trying to get us both kicked out of the guard or worse, killed?” He looked at Sjan-dehk and tilted his head towards the castle’s courtyard. “Don’t mind him. He’s just sharing some guardroom talk he really shouldn’t be sharing. Head on in and good luck with your audience.”

Sjan-dehk nodded his understanding. “We all have problems with our superiors,” he said with a knowing smirk as he passed the guards. There was some truth in that; while Sjan-dehk was strictly speaking the only noble on this expedition, he ultimately had to bow to the whims and requests of the various officials and bureaucrats aboard the Sudah. Except for the captain, of course. Sjan-dehk outranked him so long as they were on land, and that was perhaps one reason why that man had yet to even make his presence known to the local dockworkers.

As he crossed the courtyard, Sjan-dehk pushed whatever worries he had about meeting a king out of his mind. Duke, archduke, king, what did it matter? They all outranked a lesser marquis. This wasn’t anything Sjan-dehk had never done before. He just had to be polite and humble, and bite his tongue whenever he felt like saying something that shouldn’t be said in a courtly scenario. No one could expect anything more from him.

The doors to the entrance hall groaned as Sjan-dehk pushed them open. Immediately, he was struck by how packed the room was. Then, he noticed that they were all women. Surely the king and his sons didn’t intend to meet with every single last one of them? Sjan-dehk doubted there was enough daylight to give each lady a fair assessment. For a moment, he wondered if the local nobility practised concubinage as was the custom in Viserjanta until rather recently. Sjan-dehk’s high queen, Daraya the second, had made the practice illegal almost as soon as she ascended the Saffron Throne. In fact, one of Sjan-dehk’s last assignments before coming to Sorian had been to intercept ships transporting slaves meant for some depraved minor noble to build their own little harem.

Sjan-dehk hoped that wasn’t the case. Considering what he had done to the people he had caught plying such a sordid trade, it would make things awkward, to say the least.

Well, even if it was, what did it matter to him? This wasn’t Viserjanta. The locals here had their own laws and their own ways of doing things. It wasn’t Sjan-dehk’s place to judge whether it was right or wrong, and it certainly wasn’t something worth sticking his nose into. All he wanted to do was to offload his prisoners, figure out what to do with the rescued captives still aboard the Sudah, and more importantly, settle the fate of the Celestine once and for all. Nothing more.

“Excuse me.” He repeated that phrase, each time with a tip of his hat, as he gently made his way through the crowd to an emptier spot near the front of the room. Once again, he was all too aware of the strange looks he was getting, but this time he couldn’t in good faith fault anyone for it, for there were a number of women who caught his eye by their distinctiveness. There was the one in a wheelchair, who looked frail as she was bored; a white-haired girl with strikingly mis-matched eyes whose dress looked a touch less refined than the others, but then who was Sjan-dehk to say? In his yellow-and-white captain’s grab, and as well-armed and armoured as he was, he looked like he was ready to go to war at a moment’s notice.

His eyes lingered over the two women for a moment longer than he was comfortable with, and he quickly looked away to his destination. A relatively empty corner where he could lean against the wall. Opposite him was a dark lady, but it wasn’t her who drew his gaze. It was the deadly-looking snake sitting by her side. Now that was certainly something new, and Sjan-dehk wondered if her people tamed snakes as practice or if that one was just unique. He hoped it was the former, and that it was something that could be taught. The Viserjantan islands had no shortage of deadly constrictors and jungle vipers that would make excellent companions for the adventuring sort.

However, this was not the time for such conversations. He had a task to do. He simply hoped that the wait wouldn’t be too long.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Sorian Park
Time: 11am
Mentions: Anastasia @Princess

"Did you know that you have a very soft shirt?" Those words were caught him off guard the most. Farim turned slowly and looked at the woman who had just bumped into him. A look of initial confusion turned to intrigue as he instantly recognized the woman who had caused such an upset in the early morning. As he got a much closer look at her clothes, her complexion, her features, and heard her voice up close, he could definitely see why she would be dubbed a princess. When she wasn't accidentally running into folks or yelling at her parents, she still had an air of beauty and elegance to her that certainly caught Farim by surprise. Not to mention her words that morning were daring but she drove home a point most of the young nobles had begun to feel in that moment. He admired her honesty and such returned her moment of slight embarrassment with a smile.

"Oh? I believe that is fair to say. I don't think it's nearly as soft as your smile. I do believe I recognize you, they call you...Anastasia correct?" His accent bled through his pronunciation as he put just enough emphasis on certain syllables to sound like he was out of practice. He made sure to fully face her and offer a full bow, one arm over his chest and the other stretch out perpendicular to his frame. "A pleasure to meet you on such a fine day. I am Farim, from the land of Alidasht. I trust my cousins haven't been given you all...too much trouble?" He spoke politely but knew his family was a rather eccentric one, but he had no room to talk considering the exuberant garments he wore, the pet he had, and the amount of times he simply threw money at things.

It was then that the bird on his decided to make her presence known with a few deliberate pecks to the ear closest to her. Farim winced slightly, fixing his posture and chuckling at the demand for attention from Thara. "Okay okay, Thara. Go fly around for a little but don't cause any trouble!" He took the falcon into his hand and gently tossed her into the air, her wings flapping to catch the air and take flight, seamlessly gaining more and more altitude until it began to circle overhead. "Do not mind her, she is a needy bird. But a lovely one all the same." He rubbed his recently pecked ear and gestured lightly towards Anastasia. "I read of this festival in the newspaper of yours and simply had to come check it out. Every little event I've been to has had such wonderful food. I'm even excited to try a few games. Are you here to partake in these festivities as well?" He rattled off a few questions of sorts and after having spoken far more than he felt needed, Farim would keep his smile yet internally curse at himself a little. What is this, 20 questions? Let the gorgeous woman speak for once, you dope!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 5 days ago

Locations: Sorian Park -> Vikena Estate's Drawing Room
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Devan @Prosaic, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy

Being gladly invited over to the estate, John found himself quite well-settled in the comfort of the estate. He was more used to the lab or the more communal-styled housing for Varian public servants, but this too was fine. After all, he was quite an adaptable guy. And he needed a bit of rest too from chaos. He was still quite tired from last night, and so he sank almost completely into the red sofa. "Yeah, I dreamt of fighting wolves when I was a kid, and I kinda got the wish." John let out a laugh as he joked back. A rather peasant joke, but he was peasantry, technically, so eh.

Upon being introduced to her cousin, the good doctor gently bowed to Devan. "A pleasure to meet you. I haven't had the opportunity to meet both of you properly, so it's nice to finally sit down and have a bit of a chat." And some tea as well. He'd have enough of the waffles, so a nice delicate tea was the only thing he had. He'd give the maid a nice little thank you as she finished pouring the cup of tea for him. He sprinkled on his cup a bit of tea before swirling the spoon; shielded the cup with his hand as he blew the tea to cool it down a little.

Charlotte asked about his experience the night before, but she asked Devan first, so John glanced over to the man with a curious smile. Once he answered, the doctor gladly continued the conversation in a seamless manner. "It was fun, overall. The night was fairly chaotic, as our royals...well...they get a little rowdy." He shrugged his hands. He ignored the whole situation with Count Damien and all that. "I get quite a dance experience with the Shehzadis, that's for sure. Layla, the eldest one, that's...oooh boy." He chuckled, taking a sip of tea. "We didn't talk much, but she's a great dancer. Perhaps a little daunting at first, but certainly a fascinating personality. I hope to talk to her again at some point."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Archery Range > Hunting Area
Interactions:@Aerandir Verrick O'Hare, @Rodiak Zarai / Mathias, @princess Anastasia, @Potter Princess Sadie, @Mole Prince Felix, Shehzadi Mayet @13org
Mentions in order:

Roman was quite enjoying himself, he liked these moments seeing everyone smile and cheer regardless of what duty demanded of them. It didn’t matter their age or status they could just relax and enjoy themselves. Too many times did he see the others at each other’s throats, spewing venom and rhetoric, drama, lies, and tragedy. He made a silent oath to himself at that moment with a smile on his face, an oath to try to help them the best he could, not their ultimate goals or power grabs but as a friend for them. Fuck trying to find a mate he has all summer to do that right now they need more times like these, more hugs, more healing. Roman had no idea how he was going to accomplish this other than just being a good honorable friend.

With Lucas on his shoulders he was sure to stand for the young lad to get a better view and cheer just as loud with the boy when his father was up to shoot. He sure did remind the giant of his younger siblings. Sharing kind words and compliments with Lucas’s care taker Mary, the young women always seemed to be very friendly to him. Even after Mathias was defeated he kept Lucas smiling and cheering that his father did so well. Embracing Mathias in a quick hug and a smile whether the man wanted it or not it was simply Romans way of greeting what he thought of friends. He liked being this way with people but wasn’t always able to do it to the nobility in public.

“Good show Mathias, I see you were taking it easy on the lot of them. You and Verrick were always good at giving the nobility a run for their money.” Roman had a great respect for all the nobles and knights alike but still liked to poke fun at them.

Roman continued to cheer for Verrick with Lucas as his next opponent was the man he saw outside the Damien estate. The match was close but Verrick came out on top, not surprising to him. Now that everyone was starting to disperse onto the next big thing for the city Roman let Lucas go back to his father with a smile.

“Mathias” speaking with his never fading smile, “If you ever need a break I would be happy to take Lucas off your hands for a while. The ever so beautiful Mary can join me at any time as well.” Flashing a smile to Lucas’s care taker, “I’ll make a craftsman out of him yet.” There was no indication of a lie or a cost that comes along with it.

Verrick pulled his attention away from the knight as he approached, “Congratulations Verrick I never doubted you for a second.” Watching him let Lucas hold onto the prized bow. “Aye, I know that one’s not much for your style but if you return it I’ll give you a favor for it. That favor is a onetime piece of masterwork equipment for you, bow, sword, armor, tools. Tell me what you want to your specifications and I’ll have it done for you by the end of the summer. Maybe sooner depending on what it is. think about it and let me know.” A man like Verrick is sure to present him with an interesting idea if he goes for it.

With a nod he checked the time on his simple pocket watch and noticed that he should get going soon if he wanted to stop by his warehouse and make it to the hunting event. Looking over to princess Anastasia and lady Zarai he again smiled at them, “Lady Zarai, Princess Anastasia, thank you so much for joining me I do enjoy seeing you two smile and have a good time. Perhaps if you’re not too busy and can escape your guards, I’ll be at the tough tavern to sing a few songs tonight and I would love to see the two of you there and maybe get that dance from you.” He said this in all honesty but purposely said it aloud just to give their escorts a hard time. “Either way I do hope I see you all again today but I have to go if I want to make it to the hunting grounds on time.”

Turning to leave and looking to Princess Sadie while her and Verrick were starting to leave, “Hopefully I will see you at the Blacksmith lessons later today Sadie. I hope you have a wonderful day.” It had been some time since he saw her last. One of her tinkering inventions actually helped one of his last projects and even brought about a slight change to one of his forging techniques before. He always hoped that she would find a better piece of happiness then what she had before. If he could help her with that he would try his best.

Making the final good days to the people that were still around he nodded and smiled to Prince Felix, “I do hope you have a good day Felix. If you see your sister today please let her know that I said hello.” He didn’t have too much to say to the prince, they got along well but he wasn’t too sure if a lot of their interests aligned other than just being at the same events as each other.

Roman made his way up to where they were issuing the runner up prizes and he made sure to give the three best ignoble contestants the small work knives he had gathered as well. A short, well-crafted, and sturdy blade made for the working class for daily use. “Each one of these blades has the Ravenwood crest. If you’re looking for a new job or better work show this to one of our merchants and they will let you know about our current job openings. This knife will automatically get you better pay from one of our jobs. Otherwise congratulations and have a nice day.” With that brief explanation he left to gather a few things from his warehouse for the hunting event, it’s been some time since he was able to run through the forest.

/ / / /

Roman didn’t have much time to think about what he wanted to grab so he opted for a few smaller blades, a bearded hatchet and his favorite throwing spear. The animals in this part of the kingdom were rather tame compared to the many large predators and the formidable grazers they called prey. Here he didn’t even have to worry too much about the weather itself killing you. He didn’t change his clothes either he wanted a challenge and wouldn’t find one if all he did was camouflage himself to the surroundings. The only other things he grabbed was a water satchel and a meat pocket that he already ate, the name of that snack always made him giggle for immature reasons.

Stepping up towards the group of hunters and one rather well stocked red head that seemed to be calling the shots. He still towered over everyone else but gave her a smile and a nod, “that is a beautiful bow that you have.” Even though he could tell it wasn’t the best, beauty was still beauty. Speaking of beauty, he spotted a portion of the crowd that was giving a wide birth of two such Beauties. Mayet and her companion Nala seemed to be ready and waiting to join in on the hunt.

Being careful not to spook either of the majestic creatures he spoke before entering the bubble of space they created in the crowd. “Shehzadi Mayet, a pleasure to meet you on such a wonderful day, you are looking as stunning as ever. I hope you don’t mind if I join you two on this hunt.” His smile was nearly cemented onto his face by now but he made sure to show respect to Nala by not making eye contact and approaching from an angle that was non-threatening. “Tell me, what do you normally hunt back home? The creatures here are rather tame for what I’m used too.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time: 10:30
Location: Archery Range
Interaction:@PapaOso Cassius,

Jacob hesitated for a moment at the reaction he received. Of all the times he went to drag someone away. Not once was his threatening tone met with…whatever that was. A slight frown appeared on his annoyed face. He was actually hoping to bop him on the head with the blunt end of his ax. Or throw him into a table, possibly even throw him into the stands. He let out an annoyed huff and grabbed the smaller mans shoulder, his eyes narrowing more in confusion.

”Yer bum’s oot the windae. Does the tone of me voice sound like I’m here to give ye a prize?” he then motions himself pointing back to where he was coming from. ”I mean EVEN THE WALK. If I said nothing at all, it was clear I was aiming to bop ye on the noggin. He looked down at him again and blinked seeing his still smiling face.No? Even after that clarif.. he blinked more with an exasperated look on his face before letting out a large sigh.

Dropping his hand from Cassius’s shoulder, facepalmed himself. Pure barry! Well that explains everythin. Yer a bampot.” He shakes his head then quickly grabs cassius’s shoulder and yanks towards Crystal. ”Possibly a dungeon. But for now the Wee lass wants a word…

He gave him a shove in front of him. To point him in the direction he wanted him to go. Following behind him. ”The man is a Bampot. Thought I was coming over to hit on him… yep. ON him. Not hit him.”

Crystal sighed. Looking at Cassius with a glare that would make her father proud. She didn’t do it often, but she saw his glare and it was scary. ”Who are you really? Speak truthfully….please. She said in a forceful tone…but she couldn't help herself by adding the please at the end. Despite her intentions she couldn’t stop herself by saying it.

She seemed to fluster herself and added.”I-If you don't Ill have Jacob drag you towards the prison himself.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 1 day ago


S H O O T I N G R A N G E , 1 1 : 0 0 A M

I N T E R A C T I O N S :
@Heartfillia , @PapaOso

M E N T I O N S :

The hug was unexpected but he returned the hug. Mathias took Lukas from the shoulders of Roman into his own. "Thank you for inviting my son and Mary over during the competition; I appreciate it, Lord Ravenwood." He smiled at the tease from the lord, "Of course, wouldn't want to hurt some egos during my stay here. Had to give Verrick a chance too, didn't want to steal his thunder." Mathias had not been able to win a single archery competition in years now.

"If you ever need a break I would be happy to take Lucas off your hands for a while. The ever so beautiful Mary can join me at any time as well"

"I'd be happy to keep your lordship company, and I am sure this little one would too." Mary reached up to hand over the toy bow to Lukas, batting her lashes at Roman.

"... I’ll make a craftsman out of him yet.”

"You may have to compete with Verrick; he has been training Lukas here since the boy learned to hold a bow. Although, I do think it would do him some good and learn to craft things with his own hands." He was about to say something more but was quickly cut off when Lukas spotted Varrick and began to call him over.

Mathias watched the victor of the tourney, clapping as he finally greeted them. "Good shots there," He couldn't get another sentence in before the bow was shoved into his hands. Lukas squealed happily, reaching down and taking the bow with his free hand. He held it up for Lukas but didn't let go of it knowing the boy would not be able to hold it. "Always the hard worker," he half-heartedly rolled his eyes and nodded once. He was planning on saying hello to Lady Damien, of course, and apologize for losing the competition so soon. At least Varrick had given her an exciting show to watch.

"Indeed, Sir Mathias, you must go and greet that beautiful lady." Mary wiggled her brows, taking the bow from him and motioning the absolute tower that was the knight to lean down for her to take Lukas in her arms. "Go on. We'll be here." She leaned in to whisper, "Also, do try to find out about the new Damien guy; she looked shocked. I want the details!"

"Why? Are you going to start your own gossip paper now?"

"Perhaps, I could start my own and add a small section for single young knights and lords. You can be on the front page! Then maybe you'll finally be able to find a wife, or you can stop stalling and talk to Lady Damien."

"I am not stalling, Mary." Mathias smoothed out his shirt and vest, glancing briefly at the stands. "I won't be long," He turned to look at the remaining party of Lord Ravenwood's and gave them a bow before he left and headed to the tree where Lady Crystal stood. Not too far from him, he heard a commotion coming from the runner-up and a large man who did not seem to have the friendliest of faces. He thought about interjecting but did not wish to see the Lady leave without him saying hello first but soon realized that the two of them were headed to the tree.

Mathias blinked and almost considered walking back to the group, but a glance back and Mary's pointed look made him continue. He could see Lady Damien upset, and rightfully so. A stranger appearing from seemingly nowhere and claiming to be part of your house would upset anyone.

Fingertips red, lips cracked from the freezing winds. A boy stands in front of the gate, demanding to see the lord of the house. Looks of confusion and disgust thrown his way as the boy in rags enters the estate.

As Mathias was approaching closer, he realized that perhaps this would not be the most opportune time. He could deal with Mary's glare for a few hours until she got distracted by some handsome nobleman or just deal with it altogether. Lady Damien looked proper cross with the man; he felt his presence would only cause her trouble. Unfortunately for him, his feet had already carried him over to the tree. Mathias stood there, awkwardly looking between Lady Damien and maybe-to-be Lord Damien, until he quickly bowed to Crystal.

"I-" He cleared his throat, "I apologize; I can see this is not the best of times." He briefly glanced at Cassius, nodding his head slightly in greeting. If the ground could swallow me right now, I would greatly appreciate it. He folded his hands behind him, opening his mouth and closing it again when he didn't know what to say. He should have turned around when he had the chance. "It was lovely to see you. I will be by the stands if you need me, Lady Damien. And if you need any help, do not hesitate to call for me." He bowed again, giving her a small smile before turning to take his leave and escape this awkward situation of his own doing.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time: 9:30AM
Location: Inside Caesonia Castle then outside
Interaction: @PotterPrincess Sadie,@Rodiak Mattias
Attire:’nice clothing’

At the mention of his good shots from Mathias, he made a small scowl to disagree with him but did not reply back. Always pushing himself anything below the seven pointer was atrocious in the eyes of a Woodsman, even with an injured shoulder. They were always hard on themselves and it was one of the reasons they were known in their country for their uncanny aim. He nodded when he mentioned he was planning on heading over there and simply said ”Good.”

It was then he mentioned to the princess of his willingness to toss Ezra from a window. Once said, Verrick pulled back as she said no need, with a slight look of disappointment in her decision but he nodded. When she then congratulated him on winning he simply said “Thank you your highness.” He shifted his shoulder at the mention of it and shook his head. “I shall be fine. As long as you don't find any trouble during the day.” he said with a slight humor in his tone.

She was then distracted by a flier that flew into her grasp. He turned his attention to Lord Ravenwood. Legends were told of his ability to many social cues, but he immediately noticed Verrick’s lack of interest in the style of his craftsmanship. He was intrigued how his attention was heightened on things that had anything to do with his craft.

He nodded his head and said ”Thank you, for the faith and for the offer. I might take you up on that. “ Most of his tools and armor were basic, however well made for durability rather than looks. It was hard to get a Woodsman to upgrade their weapons because of their reliability and often sentimental properties. His knives were still the original pair he had when he was a teenager. His bow wasn’t as old as his original broke during his rescue of Princess Beatrice. But it was the one he made after that. As for other simple tools it didn’t really require a master to make. But he would think on it.

He had noted that Princess Anastasia and Lady Zarai did not greet him back. Not that it mattered to him. He only found it odd. More so when he noticed her normal bodyguard Wynstan was no longer glued to her while out and about. He wondered why that was. Perhaps of the rumors of the royals getting into a chaotic party he heard of?

His attention was brought back to Princess Sadie when she looked to him excitedly talking about a festival at the park. His mind went back to the barbaric scene of people fighting over waffles at that same park…while he noticed stalls farther away before he worried that might spill over somehow…perhaps over something different.

He let out a low”Hmmm.” as he thought about it. Personally he didn't mind a festival, normally there was good food there and it was an excellent source of overhearing tips and rumors of people chatting. It was also hard to say no though because she did look so excited and full of wonder. Despite her mask she often wore, he could see that this was a bit of her genuine side coming through. “Great would be an over statement.” He said in a grumbling tone. He let out a sigh and looked at her, folding his arms across his chest. “Alright, it's not like saying no will stop you anyways. Just one condition. First signs of trouble we leave, and no puppy dog eyes or begging to stay. Is that Fair?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time: 10:35
Location: Archery Contest
Interaction: @Heartfillia Crystal & Jacob

Cassius could only smirk as the monster among men shoved him forward in the direction of the woman in the cream colored dress. He honestly only understood a handful of the words coming out of the large man’s mouth, so he just smirked and walked on without any resistance. This behemoth was strong…very strong, but Cassius was confident that if he needed to he could slip out of the monster’s grasp and take out his knee before he even had time to react. It probably wouldn’t come to that, but it was better to be prepared just in case it did.

”The man is a Bampot. Thought I was coming over to hit on him… yep. ON him. Not hit him.” The behemoth’s words almost reverberated his bones in such proximity. This man seemed more like a loyal pet to this woman than a friend or companion. Clearly some kind of personal guard or hired lapdog. She was clearly in charge, and the glare on her face said as much. She had an authority to her that was familiar to him. Very curious indeed. Then she began to speak.

”Who are you really? Speak truthfully….please. Her words were forceful in tone…but the little please at the end betrayed her, killing the aura of power she was presenting just long enough for Cassius to see past it. It was clear that she couldn’t help herself in saying it. It isn’t that the authority was false, but rather it seemed like she was imitating the work of a master and perhaps was not quite up to the task. She became even more familiar at that moment.

The woman flustered herself and added.”I-If you don't Ill have Jacob drag you towards the prison himself. Such a harsh threat. Cassius could tell he was positioning the final pieces of the puzzle already. Why would she be so angry at his assumed false identity? It must be an incredibly personal matter. She must have more skin in the game than anyone else there in the audience regarding who he was. There was only one answer…She herself was a Damien.

Cassius could see the Count’s features in her face, if only slightly. From the moment her eyes met his he had not broken eye contact, but with her question and the threat afterwards he knew he had to say something. So, with a charming little bow he smiled at her and replied.

“What a day I have had already. First, I met the man who made me a bastard. Then I made quite the impression in my first fancy archery contest. Afterwards I made a beautiful new friend.” He looked back and winked at the monster who apparently is called Jacob and then continued. “And now…now it seems I get to meet my long lost sister for the very first time. Let me introduce myself properly. I am Cassius Vael of the Iron Wolves. Son of Meredith Vael and Count Calbert Damien. I am your brother.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 11am
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Interactions: Hanna @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword

Just as Mayet had finished complaining and stating her conditions for having someone join her on her hunt, she suddenly heard a rather familiar voice, first speaking to the redheaded huntress and then, finally, addressing her. The owner of that voice was no one other than the very able-bodied Roman Ravenwood. His request to join her and Nala on a hunt came on a good timing. Even though she had never seen him hunting before, she was certain that he would be at least more proficient than most of the nobles that had gathered for the hunting event... Or at least he wouldn't slow Mayet and Nala down.

"Lord Roman! It's good to see you again. I would be surprised if I didn't see you here today. You don't seem to be the kind to miss a good hunt." she said as she turned to greet Roman.

Nala, who was watching Roman as he approached them seemed to be satisfied with how cautious Roman was around her and Mayet by extension, sniffing the air a bit as he approached and letting out a chuff, satisfied.

"Stunning as ever... I like it. A fitting compliment to someone such as me." Mayet replied with a smile towards Roman.

"Back in Alidasht, people used to say that even the blood splatters and droplets in my skin after the hunts shined as brightly as the most expensive rubies..." Mayet said with a teasing smirk.

"Regarding your request, I would be more than happy to have your company for this hunt, Lord Roman. I was almost thinking that Hanna was going to be the only person in this entire hunting trip that would be able to keep up with me and Nala without slowing us down." Mayet said, clearly mocking the other nobles, some of which were carrying so much useless gear that it was painfully obvious that they had never hunted once in their entire lives.

"Although there is plenty of game to hunt in Alidasht, one should know well that they are as much a prey as they are a predator in those lands... Hunting by yourself in Alidasht is something only a fool would do." Mayet said as she began her explanation. Her tone becoming noticeably more serious for a brief moment as she said the last phrase, which was surprising for someone as Mayet.

"Lions and tigers in the jungle are easily able to kill an unaware hunter. Even the herbivores are exceedingly dangerous, such as the Gaur, grazing bovines with nasty horns and an even nastier attitude, the rhinoceros, bigger and nastier in every way when compared to the Gaur... With a terribly aggressive temperament or even the elephants, which are almost unstoppable once frenzied. Unlike the jungle though, the deserts offer... different challenges for hunters. The animals worthy to hunt there are few, but incredibly tricky and annoying to do so, such as giant lizards, able to swiftly move through the soft dunes and the giant, armored scorpions that require proper, specialized equipment to pierce their armor... Which honestly makes it a very annoying creature to hunt..." Mayet explained, rolling her eyes as she mentioned the giant scorpions.

"If I had to chose my favorite animal to hunt among all those though... It would definitely be the bandits and rebels that sometimes appear on Alidasht. In certain ways, those can show to be even trickier and more exciting to hunt than other animals." Mayet said, her ring-blade glinting rather ominously as she said so.

"While I doubt the creatures here would be as much of a challenge, having some blood flowing will be good, both for me and for Nala, especially with all the stressful situations we've both been through... I have been promising to take her to hunt since we arrived in Alidasht. Nala would definitely be very mad at me if she figured out that I had missed this hunting event." Mayet said, laughing as she gently caressed Nala, whom seemed to be rather eager to hunt, with her eyes fixed at the forest in front of them.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

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RĂ­oghnach "Riona"
Location: Palace Corridor
Time: Morning

From a distance, they appeared to be two women who overcame the status quo and forged a close bond. A lady and a maid walked side by side, not caring that they came from different social classes or what others thought of their relationship. Lady Morrigan tossed her head back, laughing heartily at something that only she and her friend (and possibly the knights that followed them like shadows) were in on. Her melodic laugh and hand on her companion’s waist captured the beautiful bond between the two. Surely, the stone-cold expression on the maid’s face stemmed from shyness or was an attempt to keep some semblance of professionalism while on the clock.

“Can you believe it? The little tadpole thinks he’ll grow up to become something other than a frog!” Lady Morrigan covered her mouth to suppress another laugh from bubbling out of her. “Here, I thought Alaric was a wet blanket. Who knew he could be so funny? A natural joke, that one, much like his father.” If anyone thought she meant jokester, they kept their thoughts to themselves. The knights didn’t seem to have a strong opinion on the matter, and every servant they passed was doing their darndest to blend into the background. Out of sight, out of mind.

“What about you, kitten? What do you think?” She asked, even though she clearly didn’t care. “I think it’s positively precious! I mean, think about it. They’re all adults, but they all cling on to this unfounded, cockamamy, delusion that they have absolutely nothing in common with—or, heavens forbid, even believe they’re better than—Edipoo, like naïve children who still believe in fairy tales. When will they finally accept the reality that we’re not all that different? Blood is thicker than water and all that.”

Riona didn’t respond. She was practicing the advanced technique of blending into the background while in the clutches of a predator. Unfortunately for her, the longer they remained beside each other, the harder it became to ignore a certain scent following her.

“Edin, Adelard, Alden, Alaric, Anya. Every single Danrose that exists, has existed, or will exist, thrives on debauchery. Even pain—because honestly, really, what is the actual difference between them? The only reason why Alaric is the black sheep of the family is because he prefers to inflict pain on himself rather than bestow it on others… I’m willing to bet he pays extra so he can beg his whores to punish him.”

The noble drew the maid closer, pressing her body against Riona and making it harder for both of them to walk. The offensive smell assaulted Riona’s nose and seeped into her mouth. She tasted it on her tongue.

“That’s why, and I hate to be the one to break this to you darling, but that’s precisely why those words he carved out on the wall? They mean nothing. It’s all for show: he’s playing you like a violin, just like Anya played Darryn, giving you false hope.”

The smell mingled with her words, somehow making them equally sickening.

“Alaric enjoys playing the role of a tragic prince. It makes him feel good, like he accomplished something by pretending to be a martyr. I suppose being a spare gives them the luxury of playing out whatever fantasy they like. They’re allowed to dream of a purpose beyond being a baby maker… Which is more than Anya ever had.” A rough note slipped between the cracks of Lady Morrigan’s usual silken tone at the end; just barely audible enough to register as anger.

“Riona.” Reflexively, her eyes shifted in Lady Morrigan’s direction. “Riona, Riona, Riona. You might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even you must’ve noticed by now. Alaric is comfortable with the way things are. He just uses his family as an excuse to do nothing. And why do you think that’s the case?” She whispered, so close to Riona that she felt her lips brush her ear. “Because his father is a parasite, his mother is a monster, he’s a Danrose… and he’ll never change ‘for the better.’ None of us do.”

A long and heavy silence hung in the air. Riona sensed, rather than saw, Lady Morrigan’s gaze fixed on her, waiting expectantly. Riona continued to look straight ahead, not dignifying her with a response.

The noblewoman’s hand abandoned Riona’s waist and slid up her back, claws extended. She sucked air through her teeth as the bruises and cuts inflicted by Lady Morrigan flared with pain. She whirled, glaring daggers and baring her teeth, ready to curse the woman out.

Riona jerked away from how close Lady Morrigan’s face was to hers, but she maintained the scowl, even when the filthy hand reached up to tap a finger on her nose. “Boop.” The blonde said before wrapping her hand around Riona and pulling her into an awkward embrace. Whiffs of Edin’s favorite cologne gagged the maid, and she lifted her hands up to shove the other woman away. “Play nice, kitten,” Her Ladyship warned in a hushed voice, “they’re not nearly as understanding as I am.”

The silver glint from swords partially unsheathed caught Riona’s attention. The knights stood motionless a few feet away, but it was clear from the way their hands were gripping the hilt that this was the first and last warning they were going to give her. Riona's hands hovered in place, unable to accomplish what they set out to do.

When the strawberry blonde backed away, her violet eyes twinkled, and she gave off an air of smug delight. Then and there, Riona saw Danrose’s signature blonde and blue eyes through the pink glass that hid her true colors. That’s all it (whatever outside blood the royal family introduced into their twisted family tree) did, though: distort the obvious. It wasn’t strong enough to overcome what the Danroses fundamentally were. If anything, it fed into them and amplified their worst qualities even more.

This bothered Riona because it meant that she believed what Lady Morrigan told her to some degree. It doesn’t matter how far the apple falls from the tree. Apples that aren’t devoured, rot. Riona’s shoulders sagged.

“You shouldn’t have… what was the saying commoners use? Put all your eggs in one basket? Yes. You shouldn’t have put all your eggs in one basket, my dear.”

“... I don’t understand what you are referring to, milady.”

Lady Morrigan giggled, “Silly me, my mistake.” She grabbed both of Riona’s hands and spun her around in the middle of the hallway. After a couple rounds of playing merry-go-round, She led Riona in an oddly familiar dance down the hall. The knights had to walk in wide strides to keep up without having to resort to jogging after the two.

Riona recognized the moves from the ball after a couple of steps into the spontaneous dance, which led to a thought. “You put my name in the lottery last night.” Her suspicion came out as an accusation rather than a question.

“Hm? Oh, yes. Anya gave me the idea. After that delightful fiasco with the palanquin and seeing how much it put the Alidasht guests into such a hissy fit, I thought it’d be fun to see what would happen if a Shahzade was partnered with a lowly servant.” How Lady Morrigan could smile without it coming off as a menacing grin was a mystery Riona would never solve. “What a borefest that turned out to be. So anticlimactic! I was convinced they’d slice you open on the spot.” She pouted, “I understand that what’s-his-face is still young and inexperienced, but by the heavens, he really needs to learn not to leave a girl unsatisfied.”

“Shahzade Munir Ibn Raif al Kadir.”
“What’s that, kitten?”
“The Shahzade’s name.”
“Hmm,” Lady Morrigan gave Riona the once-over. “Do you suppose that savages can sense those kinds of things? Did Moo Neir Evan Ralf Whatever-His-Name-Is feel kinship and that’s why he didn’t cut you down? I mean, even if you are a watered-down moggy, I think you can pass as an Alidasht. Oh, but what am I saying? They’re the type of cultured people who kill their own kind in a heartbeat to assert their dominance. If they thought you were even remotely Alidasht you wouldn’t have waltzed out of there unscathed.” Riona didn’t have the energy in her to point out that technically she didn’t leave the ball unscathed.

As they traced the steps, another familiar feeling started to creep into Riona’s consciousness. An uneasy feeling she experienced not too long ago, in Callum’s room.

“I did wonder… Where did you learn how to dance like that?”
“... I have watched many dances during my time employed here. I must have picked up on some things.”
“But surely watching how people dance and actually dancing are two separate things, darling. You danced like you knew exactly what you were doing.”
“Thank you.” The compliment was unsettling in itself, every step just made it worse. They were reenacting not just any dance. Why else would she bring this up?
“You must’ve practiced so many times for your kind to be that good.”
“Shahzade Munir was an excellent dance partner. I only followed his lead.” Oh. Riona realized. That’s why.
“Or maybe you’ve danced at a ball before.”
“Not many balls invite servants as guests, milady.” It’s the dance with Cal.
“In another life then.”
“In another life.” The dip that followed didn’t surprise the maid in the least.

Strange how much easier it was to trust someone you hated more than someone you liked even the slightest. When Callum did the dip, Riona braced herself for any outcome. With Lady Morrigan, she knew exactly what to expect. This Danrose would drop her like a sack of potatoes, given the chance. And she did, proving to Riona that she trusted this bitch more than she trusted the prince.

She should’ve swan-dived straight into the floor herself for that line of thought. However, it turned out Vincent and Wystan were pretty good trainers. The lessons kicked in without thought. She broke her fall by slamming her hands against the ground before her back touched it. The palm of her hands stung and her back didn’t appreciate being reminded of its injuries, but she avoided hitting her head and getting the air knocked out of her lungs from the impact.

Riona lowered her head against the floor and closed her eyes. She played back the image of a prince made of twigs and white as a sheet hovering over her. Every time she fell, he apologized with the same horrified look. When Riona opened her eyes, Lady Morrigan had taken the boy’s place. “Oops. I thought I’d be able to carry you. Kitten, you’re much heavier than you look! Have you considered shaving off some of that weight? You might as well since you’re fasting for two days anyways. It’ll give you a head start!”

Lady Morrigan pressed a hand against the closest wall. The “wall” swung inward, revealing the entrance to the servants’ corridor. “Don’t just lie there, kitten! Up!” Clap. “Up!” Clap. “Up!” Clap. “The others are waiting on you.”

Location: Danrose Castle, Staircase to Dungeons
Time: 11:00
Interaction: Darryn @princess

Riona dashed down the steps, skipping a few. Her satchel bounced around and the contents jostled inside. The tussle for space became so intense that a jar tumbled out of the bag and clattered onto the floor. Riona backtracked quickly at the sound and swooped it up. She exhaled a breath of relief to see the jar didn’t break and the poultice inside was safe.

As promised, Lady Morrigan broke four of Kristoph’s teeth. Two teeth had their crowns cracked open, exposing the pulp. She practically crushed another tooth into pieces so that only fragments of the root remained. The last tooth was fractured, but compared to the other three, the damage was minor (as minor as a fractured tooth could be anyways). It would’ve been kinder to just pull the teeth out, but that wasn't how the noble operated. If there was anything she could do to prolong the suffering, she’d do it for her own amusement.

When Her Ladyship and her knights finally departed to ruin someone else’s life, Riona raced to her room to fetch medical supplies. Although the medicine in Callum’s room and the medical chamber was of higher-quality (magical, even) and headache-inducingly expensive, she couldn’t risk sneaking in during the day. Her homemade remedies, made from the cheapest ingredients available and plants straight from the garden, would have to do.

In her room, Riona stuffed all the medical supplies she could in the satchel, along with a clean set of clothes and a coin bag. After she grabbed a cape, she rushed back to the servants’ hall to attend to Kristoph.

Not that there was much she could do for him. Riona wasn’t a doctor, let alone a dentist. The best she could do was numb the pain long enough for him to be treated by a real healer. Once the staff took Kristoph to the hospital, Riona grabbed her belongings and hurried to the dungeon.

She was about to reach the bottom of the stairs when Darryn hobbled into view. Her eyes widened. “Darryn!” Unless he had been hiding his ability to break out of jail the whole time, the stableboy walking freely outside of the cells must’ve meant they had released him. A wave of relief washed over the maid.

Riona hugged Darryn, then backed off as soon as he winced. “Sh*t, I’m sorry. I- I just thought that…” She studied Darryn, taking in for the first time the extent of his injuries. Riona cursed again before stepping to Darryn’s side. “How bad is it?”

She readjusted her bag so it wouldn’t get in the way and draped the cape over her arm. Riona offered the other arm, “Need help walking?” He nodded weakly, even though it seemed painful to do it, and held onto her. They bumbled around for a minute before they got the hang of the new arrangement and lumbered up the stairs, one step at a time.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago

""Adventure" is one word for it," He responds to Charlotte grimly. ""Mess" is another." Despite the rather tumultuous atmosphere of the park, he had managed to get his nerves to settle again. The day had long since promised to be bad, but Devan Vikena was... one to take things in stride, if it could be helped. The tinge of worry at the back of his mind told him that Charlotte was probably feeling much worse off in this matter, that having to deal with all of this drama regularly was bound to drive any person insane.

He didn't know what he could realistically do to help, but he was going to try.

"Dr. Williamson," He greets the gentleman with an inclination of his head, "It's a pleasure."

He does not comment on the fact that he watched this good doctor threaten the life of a man with a knife immediately upon arrival to the park, but it presses at the tip of his tongue. Charlotte manages to pull him from his thoughts to inquire about why he was here exactly and how his trip went. He wants to say something spiteful about his parents, to really act the victim in all of this but-- company. He clears his throat, and says instead. "I might have been giving my parents some trouble, I was... hopping from job to job for a period."

He lifts his shoulders in a shrug. "My mother started to imply that perhaps I needed a suitor to keep myself busy. I think my father just wanted me out of the house."

And out of the house, he was. Dumping him off at the Vikena Estate was not only lazy, it was an issue. His mother knew he was far too unpleasant to properly court anyone, or at least, that he would struggle quite a bit. "The ride over was mundane," he admits, a touch lighter. "Quiet, even. I feel as if I missed something terribly exciting though, with all of the drama that I saw this morning."

And with that, John begins to speak, telling Charlotte how his night went prior. Devan tunes into this, leaning on his elbow to give him his full attention. He takes a careful sip of his tea, scalding his tongue and silently cursing himself. All in all, by description alone, it sounds as if John didn't have the worst time. "Sounds like it was fun," he says affably, "Almost regret not having been there myself."

Not that he was much of a socialite, but he was well enough at pretending to be one.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Location: Park of Sorian
Interaction:@Lava Alckon Farim

"Oh? I believe that is fair to say. I don't think it's nearly as soft as your smile. I do believe I recognize you, they call you...Anastasia correct?"

A smile tugged Anastasia's lips as his words set in. "Oh yes, guilty on both accounts."She responded with a giggle. She curtsied as he bowed. As he introduced himself, she paused to let him speak before replying, "Super amazing to meet you Farim, and your cousins were also no trouble. Sorry again about the mess last night..." Though she had been enjoying the eye candy, she let her gaze wander toward the bird. Though, it seemed to be making itself known.

"Hi! Are you giving me kisses? Aren't you a little sweetie?" Anastasia cooed at the bird. If she had a say in the matter, then she'd have filled the castle with lots of pets. "I absolutely love this pretty baby!"

"Do not mind her, she is a needy bird. But a lovely one all the same."

"Oooh... Many have the same impression of me and I think there are certainly worse reputations."
Anastasia stated perhaps more earnestly than most would. As she watched the bird fly off, she thought, I d hope she'll come back when he calls her.

"I read of this festival in the newspaper of yours and simply had to come check it out. Every little event I've been to has had such wonderful food. I'm even excited to try a few games. Are you here to partake in these festivities as well?"

"I wish it was my newspaper. I'd make it way less boring! ...As for the festival..." She paused thoughtfully, tapping her chin, "I had come with a lovely woman but she's gone off to seek marriage with my brothers... What can you do, right? " She shrugged. "You seem to be alone too! You should spend time with me." She offered her hand and smiled up at him, "Wanna play a game with me?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sir Alden Drake Plannington & King Edin Danrose

Location: Ballroom
Interactions: @Helo Callum, @Inertia Auguste, @Silverpaw Wulfric @SausagePat Ruby @Apex Sunburn Wasun @Potter Layla @Rodiak Zarai

King Edin was not surprised that none of the princes were interested in the woman Alden had suggested. She had not been ideal at all. He waved his hand to motion to the guards to escort her out of the room. The next ten in line were thus brought in. The first girl that walked in was rather young looking but interesting all the same with her different colored vibrant eyes. She had a plain but acceptable enough brown dress. He was uncertain what his sons would think of her. The next woman was the Shehzadi, the daughter of the Sultan. He hoped his sons knew better than to reject her publicly. Lady Zarai Lesdesman was the next. Edin was pleased to see her make an appearance once more, though she was only as well looking as she could be with all those bruises.

It was the fourth person that made the rest of the women a blur to Edin. It was a man who seemed to hail from Kisoma possibly. Not only was it strange that he was a man here, but he was also completely ill-dressed and even armed. He could not believe he had been let in! “What is that?” He hissed under his breath then looked at Alden. “Do you see that odd man? Albert, what do you advise?”

A man? At a courting session for the princes? And well-armed as well… interesting. Alden observed the man for a second, and he was no ordinary man. He was well prepared, with eagerness to his face. A mercenary perhaps? And why exactly did the guards allow him here with royalty surrounding us? If he was here to kill the King, he certainly had his shot the moment he was allowed in. But even then, it could also be a trap. And he would end up in the crossfire if something were to occur. As much as he wanted the king to be filled with lead, this was not the place and time. He needed to advise carefully, and even try to protect him for his own sake… at least for now.

“Your majesty. As you can see this man is heavily armed, his physic resembles that of a trained mercenary. He could either be here for important matters, or for something more sinister. It is best to hear him out, but request the guards to remove his belongings. It's clear to see he has weapons on him, we wouldn’t want to risk anything. And best to address him later… in private.”

“Hmm.” King Edin stared down the man as Alden spoke. He suddenly and very theatrically slammed his hands on the sides of his chair. Then he stood up. “You there! If you are here to speak to me, you will allow my guards to confiscate your weapons, for the time being, then let them escort you to speak to my advisor and I privately. If you are here to seek out my sons or intend to speak to me while armed, then you must leave.” He recalled that in the case this was someone important, he should hold some degree of respect in his speech, thus he added on, “And thank you.”

He then looked to his sons, “If you are interested in any of these ladies, speak now. “ He tried to subtly nod towards Layla to hint her importance. Edin then addressed the room, “I will have the first three women that came in each move down and speak to my sons unless they reject them. My sons can select from you as well if they have an interest. This is how the process will proceed going forward. Ladies, simply move up to a prince. If my son does not want you, proceed forward to the next table. If you are too unsightly for any of them, then you must leave the room. Keep the conversation to five minutes unless they want you to stay longer.”

Alden considered the ladies that were in front of them. Overall an interesting group. There was even a representative of the Alidasht kingdom amongst them. He thought it over with himself. It would be an awful shame if she got rejected here. Hmmm. Then there was that scene with the mercenary. He considered his options for a second, then spoke to King Edin. “If I may, there seems to be quite a good amount of high-quality candidates here, and it may take a while before they would finish their conversations” then his tones appeared serious. “While our princes are busy conversing, we should deal with the strange man from earlier. I am unsure what will transpire, but it is an issue we must deal with at once. An armed man into our castle, this is a serious notion in deed”

“Indeed, we shall. Let’s see if he willingly puts away his toys like a good boy. I will not let him near me until that is finished.” The guards were already moving towards Wasun, allowing him time to put his weapons down before they made sudden movements.

“Very good. I will join you shortly, just need to give a word to the boys really quick. After all, we have a really important member among the women who is with the Allidasht. I want to make sure everything is convened smoothly.”

He’s so thorough and helpful. Like an Uncle to my sons. Uncle Albert.

You will be utterly ruined.

Alden proceeded to walk past Callum and carefully whispered in his ear. “You are doing well here, just going to give you some well warning of advice. You need to do your best to impress that woman from the Alidasht. I hear she is just your type. You will be thoroughly impressed…”

Alden then proceeded to walk to Wulfric. “It is good to see you doing well my boy. It has been far too long. I’ll tell you all about my travels later. For your best interest, interact with that woman in the brown dress. She may have the mindset ideal for the next king.”

Finally, he met Auguste. “It has been far too long since we have spoken, we must follow-up once this show is over. It is best to be open about possible prospects, you never know who may be the opportune lover for you. Even if her stature isn’t perfect, try the one in the wheelchair. She’s a pretty one, most likely you will get along with her the best. Never hurts to try”

After spreading his words of destruction, Alden then smiled as he returned to the king. “We have much to discuss with this man.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: 11am
Location: The Drawing Room of the Vikena Estate
Interactions:@FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Prosaic Devan @Conscripts John
Attire:Dress, Booties, Hair ribbon

Charlotte had frowned sympathetically at her cousin's initial words. Might? I wonder what kind of trouble he's gotten himself into. I guess he hasn't changed much. She thought. "Seems to be that's everyone's solution for troublesome offspring now. Marry them off." She commented somberly and rested her hands on her knees. Her mother had been that way. It had felt like for the longest time that her sole purpose was to get married and preparing for such was of the highest importance. She had thought perhaps men would have less of a push for such but it appeared it was just the same.

"Well you're welcome here as long as you like. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make this more comfortable or perhaps even more fun for you. We won't ever kick you out." She offered Devan a smile. "As for what you missed." With a hesitant sigh, she pushed over a copy of the newspaper to him, "I think I am going to require a moment to explain."

Her gaze shifted to John. His words were certainly puzzling."Oh? Rowdy? That is curious. " The ball had been quite mellow after the whole fiasco as far as she was concerned. Her expression dropped at the mention of Layla."Do be careful with that one, doctor. I do not wish to deter you, but she did unfortunately threaten me the first time we spoke." She was not one to gossip, but she felt it was important John be careful.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mentions: @Princess Edin and Albert Alfred Alden

‘To live humbly is to live harmoniously. To live harmoniously is to live virtuously.’

A great sage wrote those words a long time ago, with ink scratched upon bamboo strips long-since rotted away, in a kingdom long-since conquered, and for a royal family long-since extinguished. How that couplet survived the centuries was a mystery, but every Viserjantan noble knew it by heart and were expected by both peers and masses to uphold it in every aspect of their lives. As with all ancient wisdoms, every clan and family had their own ways of interpreting it. The Wasun of Jafi espoused the humility proselytised and took it – as some might say – quite far.

It was thus no surprise to Sjan-dehk that, upon stepping into the grandiose ballroom, he felt more than a twinge of discomfort tug at both heart and mind. Cavernous and opulent, it was the furthest thing from the austere and plain halls of his family. Walls and flooring of treated wood were the norm there, and whatever decorations that were allowed were of simple designs. Tried as he might, Sjan-dehk couldn’t help himself from looking at the walls and ceiling like some aimless and confused wayfarer. He kept a hand on the sling of his carbine, if only because he didn’t know what to do with it.

The moment he laid eyes on the people on the other end of the ballroom, he knew he should have waited outside instead of following the women in. An imposing – almost imperious – man sat on a lavish throne that was about as magnificent as the room itself. That had to be the king, and the elegantly dressed man beside him a likely advisor. Before them were three younger men. All well-groomed and regal as far as Sjan-dehk could tell, and all with the all-too-familiar aura of people far above him in terms of station. Those must be the sons Dev had mentioned earlier.

Women, princes, and a king. Sjan-dehk recognised a matchmaking session when he saw one. He did not belong here. Much as he wanted to resolve the issue of the Celestine and her former crew, he wasn’t as rash and foolhardy as to interrupt a royal affair.

Sjan-dehk stepped aside and allowed the women behind him to pass. It was too late to exit the room now; surely everyone present had seen him. Instead, he tried to slowly back his way towards a corner. Slowly and carefully, with no big movements to draw any further attention to himself. With enough luck, he could wait there until all was done. It was anyone’s guess how long that would take, but it was the polite thing to do. Hai-shuun would have to wait a little longer for further orders, but Sjan-dehk would rather try the man’s patience than risk sabotaging trade negotiations before they even began.

“You there!” The booming shout was accompanied by the slap of palms against wood.

Well, that was likely his shortest-lived idea. Sjan-dehk looking towards the throne. The king stood behind his sons, the combination of his stature and position giving him even more of a domineering presence. His eyes regarded Sjan-dehk with suspicion. Unwilling to show any cowardice, Sjan-dehk pushed up the brim of his hat and looked back. He was about to pay his respects and begin with his introductions when the king spoke once more.

“If you are here to speak to me, you will allow my guards to confiscate your weapons, for the time being, then let them escort you to speak to my advisor and I privately. If you are here to seek out my sons or intend to speak to me while armed, then you must leave.” Then, as if it were nothing more than a mere afterthought, he added, “And thank you.”

As it had been with the harbour master and the labourer, Sjan-dehk either didn’t understand or didn’t catch every one of the king’s words. Still, it was enough to discern two things. One, the two guards at the gate likely had a proper tongue-lashing to look forward to – if they could even keep their jobs – and two, the king seemed a reasonable and well-mannered man. Not many would have reacted as he had to an armed stranger in the presence of his family. He had even thanked him. Sure, it sounded like it had just been an act of courtesy, but that still said something about the man.

Yes, this was turning out better than Sjan-dehk had expected. Even if there was a contingent of armed and very cautious guards approaching him.

“Slowly, stranger,” one of them said carefully. Judging by how the other guards seemed to fall in a step or two behind him, Sjan-dehk assumed him to be their commander. “No sudden moves. Put whatever arms you have on your person on the floor. My men will take care of them.”

Sjan-dehk offered a friendly smile and slowly raised his hands in front of him, palms out. This all felt a little too familiar. He hoped it wouldn’t turn into a habit. “I mean no trouble,” he said, keeping his voice calm and level. As smooth as things were going, he wasn’t blind to the possibility of things taking an unpleasant turn simply because someone said or did something wrong. He made sure every guard could see him as he brought a hand to the strap of his carbine. “I am taking this off.” Sjan-dehk shifted his gaze between the armed men arrayed in front of him as he passed the thick strip of leather over his head. They bristled and gripped their weapons tightly, none taking a breath until the wooden stock of the carbine rested on the floor with a quiet clack.

Everything progressed a little quicker after that. Soon enough, Sjan-dehk had all of his weapons laid out on the floor in front of him. Ordered and neat, as if he were presenting them for inspection. “That’s all you have?” The commander asked. Sjan-dehk nodded and turned in a slow circle to show his empty holsters and scabbard frogs. That seemed to satisfy the man, and he gestured for two of his guards to collect the weapons.

“Careful,” Sjan-dehk said with a little grin that faded as quickly as it appeared. “They are loaded. Do not drop them. Would be dangerous.”

It was a half-truth at best. Yes, there was shot in the chamber and powder in the pan, but they were only half-cocked and so even an accidental misfire wouldn’t set them off. Sjan-dehk just wanted the guards to be careful while carrying them. The last thing he needed was a damaged spring or some other intricate part of the mechanism from being dropped. Mursi would never let him hear the end of it for a few days, at least. The two guards carrying his weapons nodded their understanding with nervous looks.

For his part, the guard commander didn’t seem too bothered by it. “Don’t worry, they’ll be stored in our armoury. No one will touch them until you return.” He nodded to the two guards who quickly scurried out of the ballroom with haste.

Now unburdened by his weapons, Sjan-dehk felt a lot lighter, but also a lot more exposed. He would have liked to keep at least one sword on his person, but arguing now would do little more than to prolong his time here. Besides, it wouldn’t make a lick of difference. Even if he were fully armed, it would take either a lot of luck or divine intervention for him to fight his way back to his ship if things turned ugly. Well, he did still have his fists and legs, even if he hadn’t done much unarmed combat in recent days–

He nipped that thought in the bud. What was he thinking? He was here as a noble, speaking to a king in peace. For now, he was Wasun Sjan-dehk the fourth lesser marquis of Jafi. Not captain Sjan-dehk of the Sada Kurau. Just thinking of it left a foul taste in his mouth – he far preferred the latter role – but such was the way of things. One either learned to adapt or learned to suffer, as some of the great sages of old would put so eloquently.

“All okay?” He asked.

The commander bit on his lip and looked Sjan-dehk up and down once before nodding. He waved for the guards to stand back before turning and looking to his king, awaiting his next orders.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 9 days ago

Interaction: Mayet @13org Roman @ReusableSword Hanna @potter

"Now now Sister Mayet. You surely are not actively hunting the armored scorpions, are you?" Munir called out as he rode closer to the group. Him, with his horse, circled the group which consisted of Mayet, Lord Roman, and an unfamiliar woman that seems to be leading the hunt. Grinning slightly, he reached a hand down and let Nala smell him, trusting the beast to not make his arm a pre-hunt snack.

"I would be very disappointed if you were. They're such majestic creatures, matter of fact, they should be the national symbol of Alidasht, eh, Lord Roman?" He said, offering the large man a small wink.

"So, the hunt. Does anyone know falconry? How are we tracking our prey? Not that the ever-lovely Nala wouldn't be a terrific tracker today..." Munir said, the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead glistened in the sunlight. If one was observant enough, they would spot the modified gauntlets on Munir's left arm. It was beautifully crafted, made of exquisite leather and thin golden threads. "I do wonder what sort of game this country offers... A forest, hm. Probably not many big game... Disappointing..." Munir mumbled slightly, randomly thinking back to the ball and his dance partner.

Just why was a servant girl a part of the selection anyways...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Park of Sorian
Time: 11am
Mentions: Anastasia @princess

"Super amazing to meet you Farim, and your cousins were also no trouble. Sorry again about the mess last night..."

He smiled at the gesture of hers, enjoying her curtsy and bubbly personality as she spoke. "Honestly, while I don't wish them harm...a little humility will go a long way for some of them." He couldn't help but let out a slightly loud syllable of a chuckle before coughing once to regain his composure. "I love most of them all the same." He suppressed the urge to scowl at the thought of a particular lacking father figure, silently cursing his bloodline for what could only be the 100th time in his life.

"Oooh... Many have the same impression of me and I think there are certainly worse reputations."

A sly grin moved along Farim's right cheek as he couldn't help but tilt his head and earnestly ask a rhetorical question. "People refer to you as a needy bird? Well that certainly isn't very nice..." He spoke with feigned innocence and smiled at her. He continued to listen to her talk about her now gone friend and the idea of frequenting the park together. He grew rather fond of the idea quickly, having no plans himself and wanting something new to break apart the monotony of the morning that had started so terribly with the gathering in the main hall.

"An excellent idea. It would be more comforting to have someone more familiar with the area to 'show me the ropes' as they say." He took a brief glance around the various stalls and noticed two particular stands that stood out immediately to him. The first being a game of what he could only assume was ring-toss. He noticed several folks trying and several folks failing to chuck a colorful ring onto varying bottles. The second game he looked at reminded him of a few peddlers back home who would use this routine to get a quick coin out of any unsuspecting players. A simple game of sleight of hand that he knew all too well, and would love to see if the vendors of Sorian held a candle to the streetfolk of Alidasht.

"That ring game looks interesting, as does the coin in the cup. But what do you think would be best?" He wanted to hear her opinion after all, and only just now did he notice her outstretched hand. He gently reached and placed his to match their palms and began to hold a grip strong enough to follow her should she pull but soft enough to not smother her hands. He even noticed a soft texture to them that distracted him for a moment before he returned the smile she was giving him. He looked up for just a moment and let loose a single long-toned whistle. "That's just so she knows to follow us. Wherever you'd like to go, I shall follow!" He winked with his right eye as he finished, ready to take off to whatever direction the woman desired them to go.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Archery Range -> Festival at the Park
Interactions: @Aerandir Verrick & @Blizz Lyra
Mentions: @princess Annie and Charlotte, @helo Leo, @Lava Alckon Farim
Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair

As Sadie watched Verrick’s internal dialogue, she glanced around. There were many families and couples heading to the Festival. She noticed Princess Annie colliding with an exotic looking gentleman she guessed was from Alidasht. Sadie smirked and decided to store it in the back of her mind for later. Her attention was brought back to Verrick with his low voice. Her gaze fixated on him with intensity and fought back a sigh. The protectiveness he held over her was endearing, given what had occurred in her life; yet she hoped she could have more flexibility coming to Caesonia.

Once he’d examined his options and reached his conclusion, she was on the edge of her seat. His proposal caused her to chew her lip. If there was trouble like there had been with the waffles and poor Charlotte, she wasn’t sure she could stand back. The other alternative though reminded her of the trouble she’d been in the past. The idea of a bad incident occurring made Sadie wonder if perhaps she shouldn’t go. If she could have chewed her fingernails off, she would have. The sweet and salty aromas from the festival wafted over and made her turn her head to stare longingly after them. If there was trouble, would she be helpful anyways? What if she made things worse…?

”I don’t think you need anymore though, Princess.”

”You sure you want that buffet, Sade? You’re not very ladylike, are you? All your inventions - I mean toys - you're a child... That’s what he keeps telling me, anyway....”

“No need to further bore you with my thoughts, I should clean up a bit and head out. Enjoy your morning Your Highness.”

Further bore you with my thoughts…. More like I bored you.....

Was she boring Verrick, was he following her because he had too? She realized she’d been silent for longer than necessary and turned around with a smile on her face. ”Of coooourse! Let’s go!” She beamed at him and took his hand and began leading him. Her smile masqueraded her true inner feelings, and for now, she’d ride that wave for as long as she could.

Once they arrived at the festival, her eyes widened. There was so much to see and do! And the aroma of the food? She almost began to salivate at the mouth. Her gaze moved everywhere and tried to take everything in at once. Though she mostly saw couples, families, and friends, there was one woman sitting alone. From her attire, posture, and vibe, it seemed as though she wasn't a simple commoner. Was she alone on purpose or was something wrong? Either way, it would be upsetting if she remained alone with so many fun things to do! Sadie knew the ache of feeling alone, and didn’t want this woman to contend with it longer than she had too.

While in her reverie, she had moved towards her at a calm but purposeful pace and stopped once she was close enough. Sadie blinked in surprise, then mustered a gracious smile and waved, whilst knowing Verrick would have her head. She remained cautious, but polite and friendly, and greeted her.

”Hi! I’m Sadie - Princess Sadie of Varian Kingdom-” She giggled and corrected herself and continued. ”I see you’re sitting alone and wanted to know if you’d like some company? It’s okay if not! I just… I just know what it’s like to be.. To be alone…I can just go away too if you’d prefer?” Oh no. Had she said too much? Would she annoy her like she annoyed Leo? Would Verrick be disappointed in her? The questions raced through Sadie’s mind, but not as fast her own heart was.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 11:00 am
Location: Ballroom
Interactions: Alden @Terrance420, Ruby @SausagePat, Zarai @Rodiak
Mentions: Wulfric @SilverPaw, Layla @Potter, Eden @Princess

“Ah look at my beautiful blonde-haired sons. Sons I’ve created.”

The comment barely registered a response; with every fiber of his being Callum rejected thinking of Edin as a father, and Edin had always mirrored the sentiment. There was no bond, no link between them, only mutual hatred and it remained a wound so old that it no longer carried a sting. It was only satisfying, to feel separated from the source of rot in his life.

I am no Danrose. I will be better. He reminded himself. But a quieter, more persistent, voice whispered how, and he had no real answer for it. Then it whispered when, and without the how he had no answer for that either, and he felt his stomach twisting. And then it asked, and for how long? How long before he gave up fighting them, everyone had a breaking point, when would he find his? Callum tried to ignore it, he placed what remained of his coffee further away from him, and tried to think about anything else.

He pushed all his thoughts away, good and bad, closed his eyes, and focused only on breathing. He found himself a few more precious minutes where none of this existed.

“You are doing well here, just going to give you some well warning of advice. You need to do your best to impress that woman from the Alidasht. I hear she is just your type. You will be thoroughly impressed…”

“Doubtful.” Callum muttered at Alden who had broken his focus and Cal barely bothered to glance in the advisor's direction. As if the once long-lost advisor knew enough about him to know his type. As if he’d ever trust the opinion or word of a man who was suddenly a part of Edin’s inner circle. No, Callum had seen enough of the Shehzadi at the ball last night; the whole better than everyone air about her, harsh piercing eyes, and the lack of warmth in her expressions that made him suspect her blood ran colder than the serpent that adorned her. If anything he guessed she was more Wulfric’s type than his.

Callum was entirely pleased to see that the Shehzadi was drawn into Wulfric’s orbit. A completely different Shehzadi from the one his brother had danced with last night. Gods, just thinking about Wulfric being the center of a love triangle between two sisters of a foreign royal family was enough to draw out a smirk. Scandals like that could really tear royal houses apart.

He glanced at the other two women before them. He gave a friendly smile at Zarai who he suspected, much like himself, was here only by her family's command. He didn’t recognize the other women, which was probably a good sign, as it meant she likely wasn’t a constant fixture at extravagant and pompous gatherings, and therefore someone potentially interesting. Either Zarai or the stranger seemed like fine options for conversation, so Callum gestured to the open chair in front of him and shrugged.

“Grab a seat,” he offered, “or bring your own,” he glanced at Zarai, “if you like.” Callum did his best to seem friendly and approachable, but he certainly wasn’t interested in forcing anyone to speak with him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Attire: Tunic
Interaction(s): Alden Plannington @Terrance420.
Mention(s): Edin Danrose @princess, Wulfric Danrose @SilverPaw, Layla Kadir@PotterWystan Blackmane @mantou, Zarai Lesdeman @Rodiak, @SausagePat Ruby.

The event had commenced, with his father being his usual self. Auguste could only silently sit through the shame of his father embarrassing the women who were excited to attend. A few of the women met his eyes as they left, he shot them a sad expression and mouthed a silent apology to those who did. Auguste was used to such things from his father, but it didn't make it feel any less bad than the first. While he knew this was foremost a political event to tie relations with other, powerful houses, making enemies like his father does daily is folly.

Auguste grit his teeth through the rest of the procession, and would do as he had always done- follow his father's wishes while attempting to accommodate others as much as feasibly possible.

The Second Prince raised a brow at Layla apparent interest in Wulfric's table. A second Shehzadi? Well, who knew his brother's (atleast in Auguste's opinion) endearing stoicism would be that magnetic. Auguste choked down a chuckle. Perhaps it was an example he should follow, he mused to himself. Who knows where that strand could lead, in the back of his mind he hoped it was nothing too... destructive, given Alidasht's rather bloodied traditions.

“It has been far too long since we have spoken, we must follow-up once this show is over.”

“A pleasure to see you once again, Sir Plannington. Of course, I am looking forward to it.” Auguste smiled. Alden Plannington, a man within my father's inner circle. Bless his father's heart, he tends to give stock to those who are yes-men. It did not mean they were trustable, just that they succumbed to every whim. As such, Auguste did not truly put any trust into most of his father's yes men. While he did not know much of Alden, him being a part of his father's circle meant nothing to Auguste. Wystan's investigation of the man was still pending, after all.

“It is best to be open about possible prospects, you never know who may be the opportune lover for you. Even if her stature isn’t perfect, try the one in the wheelchair. She’s a pretty one, most likely you will get along with her the best. Never hurts to try.”

“... I will keep your suggestion in mind.” Auguste did not mind who he would converse with, he would converse with whoever wanted to do so and would not chase anyone out within reason, status be damned. He did not want to make any more of the women any more downcast than his father had already made them. From some of the women's expression, it appeared that some of them did not want to be here, which he could understand.

Auguste cast a warm and inviting gaze to any of the women present. His eyes eventually landed on Zarai and Ruby, his expression softening into a smile. If either did not, well, so be it.
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