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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thomas’s face seemed to twist into confusion when Talie responded with a tongue that he did not understand. He did not realize that she could speak other languages and that was a surprise in itself. Trying to decipher the words, he allowed it to repeat in his head a few times but he only came to the conclusion that Tomasz might be his name. Other than that he had no clue what she said. Somewhat dumbfounded by her tongue, his lips parted so he could reply, but he instantly closed them in thought. What was he supposed to say to that? Rubbing the back of his neck in the sense of feeling odd and confused, he only offered a polite faint smile.

The man smiled more towards Reya, “Reya,” Dipping his head, he was somewhat confused about what Reya was doing but he didn’t want to ask.
It felt like forever though it was only thirty seconds later and she was breaking the silence between them. For some reason, the energy of this interaction was feeling different than the usual ones they had. It could be that they were outside of their payroll. He only visited her when he was on the clock. He hasn’t ever really seen her or interacted with her heavily outside of work. That could be it. Talie seemed flustered and he was becoming flustered though that all went away with her next two lines of words. “Don’t mention it. Ya just seemed upset earlier about the bear…” What was he saying? WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS!?! The man knew he shouldn’t state the obvious or bring things up. He might just embarrass her. Now he felt weird. He was weird. This was weird. Why is everything weird right now?
You should have just asked her about what she wanted… He thought because of her words behind her appreciation. This was not how he thought the interaction would go. Maybe he shouldn’t have won the bear but he promised so he had to. Save me a dance, Smurfy, a dog or an octopus would have been enough. Did… did she not want the bear? That seemed to cause all the energy to fade away and become neutral. You fucked up… Thomas thought to himself and really focused on those words. Next time don’t make a promise… idiot. Allowing his eyes to fall to the ground since he didn’t know how to respond to that sentence at that moment in time. He really felt dumb. This made him realize he should have come and found Talie first and asked what she wanted instead of going trigger-happy with the game booth and winning a bunch of stuffed animals.

A light pressure was on his cheek and that seemed to pull him out of thought and the realization of Talie kissing him on the cheek even if it was barely alarmed through his mind. Wait… Did… She just. Talie just kissed my cheek? His brows slightly knit together while he was thinking that and his eyes seemed to focus on hers. Opening his mouth to say something and closing it instantly.

As Talie was cutting the conversation short, Tommy just stood there in confusion and was utterly tongue-tied with this whole interaction. He didn’t realize that others were thinking that Talie and he could be having a romantic moment. That was not what he wanted to come off from this at all. He was completely oblivious to it though so he wouldn’t know till someone made fun of him for it or brings it up later. Talie began to wander away and he could actually function, “Aah need to go. Aah. Aah might. Aah'll try. Aah'll talk to ya later…” The man’s cheeks were dark red from more surprise than anything. He wasn’t expecting to get a kiss even if it was a light one from Talie. He wasn’t known to be very affectionate unless you were family or a close friend. Tommy decided that he would just walk as fast to his truck instead so he could go home and take a shower.

Out of that whole situation, he felt like Talie was disappointed because he didn’t get her what he wanted because he didn’t ask her what she actually wanted. That she was trying to be overly nice and appreciative about his gesture anyways and that he just disappoints himself more than he wants to on a daily basis. “At least she still wants to talk to meh later after that…That was weird…” The man whispered to himself as he opened up his door and put the two other stuffed animals in the passenger seat before getting in and shutting it. Turning the vehicle on and beginning to leave the festival to go home, take a shower, and change before coming back.

Location Driving away from the festival
Time After 3 PM
Mood Confused - Conflicted - Disappointed - A lot of mixed emotions
Interaction @PrinceAlexus @The Muse
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Kat Theodora Clark

Location: Festival | Interaction: Open / Nixie @Almalthia

"Card? No, I'm new here, all the cards were in the luggage," Kat sighs. They were so nice, with one of her designs decorating it. It was almost like an Artist Trading Card.

"I'm Theo, Theodora Clark," she said, glad that all that time looking in a mirror had paid off. A job meant money. She's even take pity money right now. Then froze. She didn't have a pen. Or a notebook. Or anything! Not even a smart phone.

"I don't have anything to write with, and I haven't gotten a phone, yet," she admitted, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks again. "I wasn't expecting any offers, since I don't have a booth or anything yet. Do you? Have paper and a pen?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@The Muse & @LovelyComplex


“I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE YOU—” Estella was prancing away from Levi, with all the energy of a child on a sugar rush, before she found herself tripping and stumbling right into a bush. Rolling off the bush and onto the ground, Stella found herself starfished on the grass staring up at the sky. He held her phone, which now had many pictures of them as they tried all the rides. Her brother, Hector, had called interrogating her and she promised she wouldn’t drink too much and that she would switch off with him, three hours ago. Well, it seemed the one breaking promises was Estella Serrano. She knew Hector couldn’t leave the pet zoo until she was there so she made sure to avoid that area just so she could spend more time with Levi. “... what was I, ur, saying?” She slurred, not bothering to pick herself up off the floor. “Oh that’s right. I cannottttt fathom you on a dry spell. LIESSSSS. You’re Casanova. Casanova can get whoeverrrrrr he wants. Anyways, picky me uppppp.” She reached her hands out to the air, like a baby.

Levi burst into laughter as Stella tripped into a bush and rolled herself to the ground. “Get ahold of yourself, Serrano!” He teased, standing over her as she chimed on about the last time he had been intimate with someone. It had been so…… so…. SO long. Two entire months!! A travesty, really.

He chuckled and shook his head, “Casanova? I like the sound of that.” He looked at her hands as she reached for him, then looked to the grass that she laid on. “I think you've got the right idea, actually.” Instead of helping her up, he laid down next to her in the grass and looked up at the sky which was beginning to show colors of purple and orange across the clouds. They had been walking, drinking, and playing games for hours. Laying down felt right, they deserved a rest. Thank god his time with Stella had turned into something fun and not a soap opera.

Turning to his side to face Stella, he smirked, feeling the alcohol swirling around in his bloodstream and threatening to make him do something stupid. “You think I could get anyone, huh?” He mused, keeping eye contact with her. “What about you?”

“What about me?” Stella was hearing him but his words were molding into one another. The world was spinning. She heard him speak but she also heard her heartbeat through her eardrums. With vigor, she turned to her side, practically throwing herself. Not realizing he was that close to her, she bonked her head with his, forcing her to repel backward while using him for stability, latching onto him tightly. “Owieeee.”

The sudden pain in her head caused her to scrunch her nose and make a face. When the pain settled she found herself in his arms, her leg weaved with his like a delightful tapestry. Her big amber eyes deeply stared into his. The way Stella looked at people, it made them feel like they were the most important person to her. She knew how to make someone feel special just by being herself. Always giving them her undivided attention. Always loving them with all her heart. “I can totally get whoever I want,” she gently protested, misunderstanding what Levi meant. Sure, she never actually pursued anyone but if she did, she was certain they’d hold tight. She was a once-in-a-lifetime catch and she knew her worth. Whoever her future was, she knew she’d make them the happiest person alive but until then, she’d make her friends happy. That was something she chose to live by. She loved making people happy.

Levi winced as Stella smacked her head into his, mimicking the same scrunched up face that she did. “Ow.” He agreed, laughing at her clumsiness. Face to face with her, he admired her bright eyes and found himself lost in them for a moment, the alcohol seemingly making them sparkle more than they might usually. When she moved her leg over his Levi felt the excitement of anticipation rush through his body; something he hadn't felt in WAY too long. He hadn't expected it with Stella but…. here they were. Laying on the ground of the festival's grassy area, ignoring the people walking by, and forgetting what time it was.

He pulled her in closer as she spoke, his eyes looking to her lips and then back to her eyes. “You could get whoever you want.” He confirmed, his voice lower and sultry now as he whispered to her. Gently, he pushed a strand of her dark hair out of her eyes, his eyes gravitating to her lips again. Just as he was about to pull her in for a kiss, someone walking by yelled out, "GET A ROOM!"

With the abrupt interruption, the dream began to fade and the reality of the situation started to set in. Turning red, seeing how close she was about to kiss Nixie’s ex, and her old childhood friend, Estella’s heart sank and her lips began to quiver. She was in a public place and if her father heard of how she was behaving… she’d be dead. Her eyes began to water as panic rushed through her. All she wanted to do was make Levi feel bad for leaving but it turned into them having a genuine, good time. She was able to not think about the ranch and just be in the moment, with her friend.

Don’t cry. Don’t show him how weak you actually are.

Pushing back, unlatching herself from his hold, Estella struggled to get herself up, picking up her bag as she did so. “Forget this… forget me,” she choked. What the hell was she doing? She really was stupid and now she was starting to think Levi actually wanted her when she was just like every other girl to him. She wasn’t special. He had shown that to her the moment he left and never called. She wasn’t going to be like every girl that fell for his beguiling ways. She wasn’t this damsel that needed some boy to pick her up, especially Levi who didn’t give a damn about her. “I…” She gave him a glance over before running off not finishing what she was going to say. She was embarrassed and knew at the end of the day, this was her fault. How stupid could she be?

Levi sat up quickly as Stella wiggled out of his embrace and began speaking nonsense. He furrowed his brow, confused at her sudden switch up of emotion. Did he say something wrong? Did he read the vibes wrong? Normally he could read the body language of women so easily; how did he misread the situation? He mentally cursed alcohol.

“Stella, wait! I-” It was too late, Stella had already sprinted off and was lost within the crowd. He frowned, pulling out something from his front pocket. Her phone. “Damn it.” He mumbled as he put her phone back into his pocket, standing up and getting ready to chase after Stella.

“STELLLAAAAAAAAA!” Miguel called out as he looked around, going to his older sister’s favorite rides, games and stalls. “Mr. Jeff, have you seen my sister? She was supposed to come back to the pet zoo like hours ago. It’s not like her to just disappear like this.” The worker at the slingshot balloon stall shook his head, tired and ready for a nap. It’s been a long day.

“Well, thank you anyway, Mr. Jeff.” It wasn’t long before Miguel Serrano saw Levi. He happily waved, trying to hide his worry. Quickly, the youngest Serrano jogged to the older boy, and his boss at the cafe. “Levi! Sorry if I’m interrupting anything, have you seen Stel? She’s usually pretty good at keeping us updated in our group text but we hadn’t heard from her in hours. Hector told me that Nixie told him she was drinking. I’m actually really glad I found you because Mr. Mark at the basketball game told me she whooped your butt.” He scratched his head, not connecting the dots. He rambled on. “Cisco and I have been spending most of our time trying to find her, making sure she doesn’t go too crazy. You see, when Stella drinks… Well, she gets really silly. And I love my sister, with all my heart, but sometimes she lets the emotions take over her, like nerves, and she just drinks way more than she can handle. You know? The only time she really drinks is when she’s with Reya and that might be once a month if the girls decide to take a break from their jobs. Anyways, I’m getting off track… my sister. Have you seen her?”

Levi paused as he spotted Miguel, relieved to see someone sober to help him! “Hey kid.” He greeted, the dread slowly setting in as Miguel explained that the family had been looking for Stella all day and on top of that - Stella rarely ever drank! Internally he panicked, glancing back over to the crowd to see if he could see the girl in the sea of people. “Shit… we were drinking. That must've been why she ran off!" He thought out loud, looking over at Miguel. “We were having a good time, I thought, and then she just ran away!” He intentionally skipped over the part about being intertwined with each other in the grass only moments ago. “I'll help you find her. I still have her-”

"Mommy, the sky!!!! Look it. Look. So pretty. Right mommy? Mommy are you looking?"

"Yes honey, it's a beautiful sunset. I see it."

Levi paused as he heard a young child squeal over the colors painted in the sky. His heart immediately dropped, his eyes looking upwards to the sky. “SUNSET?!” He exclaimed, eyes wide. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I'm gonna be late!” He said quickly in repetition, turning his body away from Miguel and looking over his shoulder. “I'm sorry Miguel, I gotta go!! Let me know when you find her, please!” Levi took off in a sprint towards the ferris wheel, forgetting to give Miguel his sister's phone. Nothing like panic and adrenaline to sober a person up.

“Wait Levi!” Miguel called out, visible sweat running down his forehead. This wasn’t good. Stella was drunk and somewhere at this festival or worse she tripped into a ditch and broke her leg. “It’s fine, this is fine… she’s okay, she’s going to be okay.” He repeated to himself, trying his best to not think of the worst case scenario.

He needed to call Tommy before Stella did something she’d regret. He didn’t know who else to call on. It wasn’t going to be his dad. He’d get so mad. She was supposed to be running the show today.

“It’s fiiiiiiiiine,” Miguel continued, trying to convince him. Nothing bad was going to happen. Stella knew how to take care of herself. She was the big sis after all. Shaking off the nerves, he turned the opposite direction to run back to the petting zoo.

This was not good. Not good at all.

Amongst the chaos, and in a sea of people, Estella searched for one person and one person only. Her best friend. Reya Parker.

She wanted to cry.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Upon getting home, Thomas went over to his couch and set the stuffed dog down. A part of him wished that he had an actual dog. With the other toy, he went over and set it down on the dining room table with all of Nixie’s birthday gifts that he got her this year. Glancing at them, he didn’t want to take too much time from the festival, but he found himself staring at them. None of these matter now that Levi is back in town… In his mind, he doubted she would even notice them if he left them at her house. For some reason, negative thoughts were creeping in. He couldn’t push them away. It was difficult and he felt like he was going to do something stupid.

Walking away from the presents with a sigh and stroking a set of fingers through his hair, Tommy was trying not to take too much time at his house or take a shower for too long because he knew he would get wrapped up in his thoughts and probably miss the rest of the festival. He already won the bear for Talie and he won something for Nixie and himself, he hoped they both liked what he won them. How Talie reacted caused him to be uncertain about her feelings for the bear or possibly him. That was a weird interaction. He didn’t know how he should feel about it. She’s never thanked him like that before.

As he stepped into the shower a sharp inhale was created and it sucked wind through his teeth from the hot water hitting his body. “Aahhh~” There was that sharp pain again and his face winced. For some reason that shoulder decided to kill him today. Ever since he woke up this morning it was a pain and he found himself naturally grabbing that shoulder in an attempt to coddle it or ease the pain. The man had no idea why it was hurting so badly from the simplest things though he wasn’t committing to any decision that would lead him to the hospital, not yet.

Attempting to be quick once his shoulder settled down and became tolerable, Tommy needed hot water to combat how internally frigid his body became from the ice water in the dunk tank. His feet ached under his weight and they were wrinkled and discolored from staying in soggy socks for so long. “Dunk tanks suck…” Mumbling to himself as he washed his hair. He didn’t need to be smelling like a wet dog or anything while dancing tonight.

Tommy spent longer than he anticipated he would in the shower, about thirty minutes, and he turned it off while grabbing a towel. Starting to dry himself as he stepped out and found himself looking at a broken mirror in the master bathroom. A distorted and shattered reflection of Tommy peered back through all the pieces that stayed up on the wall and he sighed. That broke almost a year ago when he was drinking heavily one night and slammed his fist into it. It was around his father’s death date. That wasn’t an excuse though that week usually had him fucked up in more ways than he could ever explain to someone.
He remembered how Nixie asked him how he got the cuts on the outer side of his palm and pinky finger on his right hand and he told her that he must have done it while riding Pandora or working around the house, he had no idea. A lie. He shouldn’t lie to her, but he didn’t want her to see him as anything else but a support system. The mirror needed to be replaced but no one came into the master bedroom or bathroom so he was not in any rush.

Shrugging his shoulders as he completed the drying process as well as he could before quickly getting dressed. Going over to the cabinet in the bathroom and grabbing out an ibuprofen bottle. Dumping a few pills into his hand before throwing them into his mouth and swallowing them dry. Tommy put the bottle back and closed the cabinet before he continued to do what he needed to do.

As he walked around the house and was making sure he had everything, he glanced at the presents on the dining room table, and he knew he needed to get things done before returning to the festival. Knowing he might be drinking and possibly do something stupid later, Tommy made the decision to drop Nixie’s presents off tonight. If he didn’t have them anymore, he couldn’t do anything stupid and regretful, and Nixie’s birthday wasn’t more than a few days away. Early birthday presents wouldn’t hurt anything. His heart began to race at the thought of what he was doing. Am I doing something I will regret? was repeating in his mind but he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, pushing those thoughts into the back of his mind. No, he wasn’t going to regret this… no matter the outcome it caused. Inhaling deeply once more, he needed it, before walking towards the dining room table and grabbing his hat that hung on one of the dining room chairs.
Grabbing his boots as he sat down and began to put his socks on. Putting his boots on as he grabbed his jacket and slid that on as well. Standing back up and stretching in an attempt to rid him of his nervous energy. It helped a little bit. Only a little. Adjusting all of his clothes and accessories, Tommy felt way better out of a work uniform and in his everyday wear. Most of the time he was wearing something like this to work.

Walking over to the living room, Tommy grabbed a cologne and put it on before leaving the house. The cologne was called gunslinger or that was the brand. He could not remember where he got it. It was something that Nixie’s moms got him for Christmas a few years back if he remembered correctly. He didn’t really buy colognes for himself. It made him smell very earthy and it wasn’t in an overwhelming way along with a tint of cherry wood and a light fragrance of evergreen trees. It was an interesting cologne but he would wear it because it was a gift. Plus he didn’t care to waste people’s presents.

Grabbing the presents and stepping out the door, Tommy made sure it closed behind him as he went over to his jeep and fired her up. Making sure he set everything nicely on the passenger side seat. As the lights were on and the engine rumbled, he couldn’t help but feel the chill of the air before closing the door behind him. Sitting in the driver's seat as he rolled down the window. At least he was wearing a long sleeve, he didn’t know how cold it was supposed to get tonight or if he was still chilly from the dunk tank. A shaky breath came from him as he asked himself, “What are ya doing?” The man kept his eyes on the variety of gifts he got for Nixie’s thirtieth birthday.

These gifts were all something he knew she would like. Possibly. One of them was something he won for her tonight at the carnival game because he knew she would love it or at least he assumed she would love the stuffed pegasus toy. His nervousness was building up in his chest as he continued to stare at her presents in thought. The other items were two movie tickets to a movie she brought up since it was coming out. He didn’t even know if she truly wanted to go see it but he was trying to show that he listened to the things she would say. Then he felt like an idiot. He could have just bought her one. Tommy bought two in hopes that they could go together but he didn’t even care for movies. Nixie knew that. Why would he even buy two? No. She would most likely take someone else. For some reason this was relaxing and a painful thought at the same time. It was a scapegoat present, he was already thinking of explanations if she questioned anything. Stop that… Don’t think like that… Closing his eyes and puffing his cheeks full of air. He held his breath before letting the air out slowly. For some reason that calmed him even when he was a little kid. It was something that his mom would make him do if he was having any overwhelming emotions or whatnot. It allowed him to not focus on whatever was bothering him.

The other presents sitting on the seat had a lot more thought put into them since he purposefully had the items handcrafted for the woman. The item that he thought she would enjoy the most was a decorative knife that had her name carved into the one side of the blade, Nixie. The other items were handcrafted dark chocolates since he knew she didn’t like the sweeter things. These were specially requested and made with dark chocolate, Himalayan salt, and buttery caramel. Ingredients that would combat the small tastes of sweetness that the chocolate and caramel had naturally. He didn’t think they were overwhelming in any aspect of flavor but he found that they were somewhat bitter before they turned into a buttery flavor with a mild sweetness to them. These gifts were too much, weren’t they? He was going to make an ass out of himself. What if they upset her? Why would they upset her? He sighed in frustration as he kept overthinking about all of this.
With those thoughts, he turned on the radio, and the typical country music station that he listened to came on. The man reserved before coming to a stop and putting the jeep into gear and going forward. Making his way to Nixie’s house, Tommy turned the vehicle off and stepped out. Grabbing the items and walking up to the woman’s house as he put in the spare key she gave him a while back. He entered without an issue. She had a spare key to his house as well.
Only being in her house for as long as he needed to be when she wasn’t home. He did not want to intrude on her space. The cowboy set all of the items up on her table so she could see them when she got home and he rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at the cream-colored envelope which was not the usual type you got from the post office. Conflicted feelings flooded him while he stared at it. Setting it down amongst the beautifully wrapped presents except for the festival toy. Biting onto his lip as he looked at the envelope amongst the gifts. “Aah caint leave this…” He mumbled to himself as he went to grab the letter. Stopping himself. Thinking. She had enough gifts, right? She didn’t need this letter right before her birthday explaining his feelings for her. What if she retracts his invitation to her birthday because of the letter? Why is this so damn hard… His one hand began to shake from the nervous anxiety that blanketed his body.

Breathing in a deep and shaky breath and breaking a shaky breath out, "Everythin’ will be fine even if ya leave the letter…” Trying to give himself some type of words of encouragement which helped slightly. Turning on his heel and beginning to walk away. He made his way to the door before he decided to instantly turn around and grab the letter.

Quickly grabbing the letter and walking out of Nixie’s house, he shut the door and made sure it was locked. This time in a way sealing his fate that he would not leave the letter on the dining room table. Slipping the letter into his back pocket as he stepped off the porch. The crunches under his boot and the sound of his weight covered the silent noise of that letter falling onto the porch. The front of it is his beautiful handwriting. Beautiful for a guy most would say. People teased him for how nice his handwriting was. Nixie was written on the front of the envelope and he could barely hear a thing from how high his blood pressure escalated and the overpowering noise of his heartbeat in his ears distracted him from realizing that letter wasn’t even in his back pocket.

Getting back into his vehicle and making his way to the festival, Tommy decided to spend more time at the police station booth. He was working with the K9 officer and teaching kids about what Shaggy the K9 officer does. Allowing children to try to work with the canine to find treats and everything else. He spent an hour or two playing cashier for the food part of the police booth as well. Then he was able to get off the clock and begin wandering around the festival.

It was around sunset and he was looking around, admiring the beautiful colors that were beginning in the sky, and he found himself in conversations with plenty of people. Most people bring up how his being dunked earlier was hilarious or kids reminding him of the canine officer and certain things Shaggy could do. Tommy loved kids and animals. He wanted dogs. He just never felt encouraged enough to get them for some reason and his past self would have thought he would have been married by now with kids.

That letter you write to yourself or at least one of the teachers in Sanctuary would make you write to yourself and would send it about four years after you left high school. He wrote something to himself, what he hoped he would be at. Moneywise. Life wise. Family wise. Tommy’s younger self would be so disappointed knowing that he was drinking and wasting his life away instead of having the family that he wanted. The dogs that he wanted. The life that he wanted.

In a way, the canine officer was a dog he had to work with a lot. In other ways, he had many kids. He would participate in the Boys and girls club after-school program for children who needed it. He coached all ages K-12 in hockey. Tommy was substituting those things instead of actually creating a family life for himself. The man had a life. Just not the life he thought he would have.

Tommy found himself at one of the carnival games, playing another one alone, since he had nothing else to do. He couldn't find Nixie. He didn't spot Levi. That definitely put thoughts in his head. Everyone else that he would want to talk to didn't seem to be out in the open. It felt like everyone was hiding. He was on his own for the time being. Deciding that he would attempt to amuse himself with games, he threw the ball at the cups. Knocking three of them down instantly.

Location At his house - Went to Nixie's house - Back at the festival
Time Festival Evening
Mood Content
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Festival grounds
Thoughtful, over dressed and curious.


The rather large bear sat on Talies armchair happily and prominently, she was rather flustered getting it however the bear was rather cute, very soft and could imagine it would be very welcome when winter came to Sanctuary as it would get cold. She grew up in the northern US and was used to winters being long, dark were blankets and good clothing was rather important.

Singing along to the sound of rock music sounded from her stereo as she was busying about her home. Thankfully the detached placement meant she could bother no one. Talie laid out a shorter royal blue dress deciding that she would dress well for the evening Market and make a good impression. Maybe it was overkill but she had no idea what the night market was like and decided to dress well.

A quick shower to freshen up after working the afternoon as it had been rather hot once everyone gathered closely especially around the funnel cake stand. The funnel cake was definitely worth it, so very worth it. Whatever Martha had done was magical and she had left a rather good tip even if it was free. Hopefully she remembered the next time funnel cake was on offer.

The night did get cooler so Talie had planned for it, deciding to take the short walk into town so she could have a drink and also walk off some of the too much cake she had eaten. That cake was plain a drug. The town was blessed by that funnel cake. Talie had only driven as her Truck had air con and the fact she needed to haul stuff to the booth and back. Manny's car was ridiculous and refused to haul more than a soft pillow while his truck was booked in for repairs from deferred maintenance.

Her thoughts turned to Tommy as she saw the bear, she really had to name it, it really had been impulsive to kiss his cheek but it seemed right at the time. Now she had an unsure thought about the implications and what people would think. However there was no way to turn back time and it was not like anything bad happened or wrong. No one was hurt and no one had done anything illegal.

"Manny, if you send me any more rom com memes il have to get you back!" Talie messaged spotting the ping from her phone, her Partner was teasing her about the teddy bear again. He was a good guy but he loved drama more than a bored housewife! "You need a date... be less interested in my life." Talie replied, it was a regular reply of hers to deflect him. The overly confident man needed someone to sate his drama needs.

Outfit chosen slipping on her silver heels and coat, it might get cooler later on having got ready. She hoped she got a few dances or so tonight having put the effort into dressing up, make-up and even found her iron pyrite earrings, a gift for graduation from college. The Small but touching gift from a friend was a sentimental one. Though unlike younger Talie who did not learn her handbag had a pair of flats folded up if needed. Younger Talie would have been spared rather a lot of pain if she did that.

Walking over Talie followed the noise and sound of people with the bright lights of the Ferris Wheel and the rides in the distance. Hoping to bump into some people she knew. Reya was interesting, going from knocking over, to being dragged over to share funnel cake in a matter of minutes. If she met Reya she would definitely buy her a drink or so to make makeup, even if she took it well Tallie felt responsible. They had talked and got to know each other abit and collected her Geodes from the office as it was easier than carrying them about. The woman was rather easy to get on with.

The siblings would probably be playing and that was never gonna be dull, if they put energy to perform as they did fight it would be a very good show. Em she was not sure if the pint sized woman had taken an instant dislike to Talie, petite maybe was the word! Given she had Heels on making her nearly 5'10, she could probably see her coming a mile away!

Getting closer the noise grew and the crowds began to get thicker and pavements busier. It seemed the night market was as, or perhaps more popular than in the day. Whatever a night market was! Markets with alcohol?

Definitely alcohol seeing that people were definitely looser and the atmosphere was rather jovial. Looking around Talie definitely had over done it a tad, but she felt confident and comfortable. Thinking of alcohol… Talie looked around to find a booth. "Long Island iced Tea please, with a little extra lemon" Talie ordered with a smile. Tipping the bartender and taking her drink leaning against a sign Talie wondered sometimes if she did the right thing. She could have taken a steady job back home, there had been a few potential partners back home and taken the easy way out. She did not regret her choice but being a virtual stranger In such an established town was not easy. She just hoped she had started to make some friends here.

Seeing the sign she was leaning against. Well it seemed the universe had a sense of humour to say the least. Date auction, dancing. Talie was not sure what she thought of the first but the second did appeal to her. It had been too long since she had a chance to, maybe see if there was a group or so in town. Have some fun and maybe make a friend.

Mostly just in passing.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
Avatar of Hey Im Jordan

Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Interactions: @The Muse (Levi) & @LovelyComplex (Stella)
Location: Abigail's Treehouse, then the Festival

From: Bradley
Gram and Gramps want me to make sure you go to the festival.
They say you’re spending too much time in your tree house lately… Which is kind of true? You’re probably there now. I have work to do, Bee. You gotta do your part.

Abigail looked at her phone, but didn’t bother replying. Instead, she brought her vape pen to her lips and drew in another hit. Her fourth? Fifth? Maybe seventh? Of the day. She’d stopped keeping track, but she knew the last thing she wanted to do was give her brother what he wanted. Do her part? Bradley hadn’t done his part since he’d left, and he definitely wasn’t doing it now that he’d moved back. All he’d done was make things worse. They had to live in a hotel for like two weeks while the foundation of their home was redone. It was stupid.

She blew the smoke out and navigated to the Spotify app on her phone, turning on a song and increasing the volume. She scoffed as she glanced at her messages one last time before tossing it to the side of the beanbag she was sitting in. I’m really so predictable, aren’t I? She said to herself as she slumped into the beanbag she was sitting in and reached to the right, where her trusty box of Nintendo Power magazines was. Of course she was in the treehouse. Where else was she supposed to be?

The treehouse was the only thing in her life that seemed safe anymore. Her brother had changed their house, changed the flower shop, changed the tea garden… he’d changed everything except for the treehouse. It was her last bastion, something her father had started and she’d finished with her grandfather. There had been additions throughout the years, especially as Abigail got older and grew an interest in building and engineering. There was a rope bridge attaching the treehouse to the window of her bedroom in the house. An idea she’d latched onto from her father before her parents' passing.

Before she could get lost in the sauce, the trapdoor in the treehouse popped open and she frowned as she saw her brother’s head pop up, putting his arms on either side of the treehouse floor to pull his upper body into the room as he spoke. “Abigail. Come on, you have to do stuff. You can’t just rot in here.” His words were met by Abigail holding up a middle finger and ignoring him as she continued to read about Majora’s Mask. Bradley didn’t pull himself into the treehouse, respecting his sister’s boundaries in his own way.

Stuff? What kind of an idiot says ‘stuff?’ Be specific, Bradley! When she realized he wasn’t going to leave, Abigail finally spoke. “There’s a weed holiday this week.” She said, not looking up from her magazine as she licked her finger to turn the page. Her words hung in the air for an eternity, or at least it felt like one to her. Mercifully, her brother responded.

“What? 4/20 is the only weed holiday.”

“Ha!” Abigail snorted in a laugh as she shook her head. “You’re so naive, Bradley.” The words could have been speaking about her brother lacking the critical information of the so called ‘weed holiday,’ or she could have been unloading months of unspoken annoyance. “7/10 upside down looks like the word oil. So concentrates are on sale.” She pulled the magazine down, just far enough so that Bradley could see the brim of her hat and her eyes glaring daggers into him.

“What? That’s stupid, come on. They’re just making things up!”

“Everybody makes things up, Bradley! That’s what language is, stupid idiot.She hissed, snapping the magazine shut so Bradly could see her whole face, including the frustrated look and scowl on her lips as she kept talking. “If you really want me to go hang out at the festival and —” She shuddered. “ — be nice to people. Then… give me weed money.” She held out an open palm expectantly.

Bradley stared at her. “You can’t be serious. Why would I give you weed money?”

“Big fuckin’ Bradley! Has house money, doesn’t have money to buy his baby sister snacks! Got that software developer money, but don’t got buy his baby sister weed money. Why don’t you fucking go the festival? I don’t even have funnel cake money you asshole.” Finished with laying into her brother, Abigail let out a huff of frustration, close to throwing her hands into the air.

“...alright. Alright fine.” With one hand, Bradley reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, opening it up and peeling off a couple of bills, which he placed in Abigail’s open palm. When she continued to stare, Bradley grumbled but ultimately peeled off another one, handing it over. “There.” He finally said and for the first time, Abigail smiled. In a way, it made Bradley feel like his brotherly efforts were fulfilled. Maybe, he thought, maybe she’ll forgive me…

“Now shoo, fly. Don’t bother me. The festival probably doesn’t start for like, what? Another fifteen, twenty minutes?”



“It’s 8 P.M. That’s why gram sent me to come get you.” Bradley said, and he watched the gears turn in his sister’s head, her mind spinning behind glazed, bloodshot eyes. He wondered what she was thinking for a few moments, before he said. “Good luck, stoner.” It seemed she would need it. With that, Bradley began to head down the steps and back toward the ground.

Abigail frowned as the gears clicked, the words she’d heard clicked in her mind. It was eight!? At night?! Forget not having money for funnel cake, there wasn’t going to be any funnel cake by the time she showed up at the festival. For fuck’s sake, had she missed all of the fun activities? What about knocking the chief into the tank of water? That was what he deserved, for telling her that she couldn’t skate the quad at the high school. It was summer Tommy. Nobody gives a shit about the high school quad in summer. “Fuck.”

Abigail hopped off of her beanbag and grabbed her messenger bag. Her father had given it to her when she turned 6 years old, after they’d watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark together for the first time. Abigail had bravely decided she wanted to be an archaeologist like Dr. Jones when she grew up, and her father had been happy to give her the bag he’d carried his things in during college. These days, it didn’t carry books, pens, or even notepads. Instead, it carried Abigail’s ‘necessities,’ or at least what she considered necessities.

If someone asked what she might carry in the bag when she was younger, she would have said she’d carry a whip, a gun, a Swiss army knife, a notepad and a set of colored pencils. Of course, the days of Abigail’s childhood had long since passed. No, she didn’t carry any whips or utility tools, instead the bag held her favorite My Melody plushie, a sketchbook complete with a set of colored pencils, forty dollars in cash, an unopened bag of spicy nacho Doritos, a half eaten bag of Cooler Ranch Doritos, what was left of a green apple Gatorade, a set of polaroids she’d taken in a photobooth with Kitty, and finally several mostly used flavored lip balms. Abigail claimed she liked the flavored ones so she could let whoever she was kissing decide which one she should wear, but the reality was simple: she licked her lips a lot and enjoyed the taste.

All in all, Abigail reckoned her entire life was in that bag, or at least all the parts that mattered.

She stepped out onto the balcony of her treehouse, then sat down with her bag on her chest as she situated herself on the red slide that spiraled down around the oak tree and to the grass surrounding it. Was it childish to take the slide? Absolutely. Did she do it every single time she was exiting her fortress? Of course she did! God willing, neither she nor her brother would have any children anytime soon, but their parents had paid for the slide and she was going to get a lifetime’s use out of the fucking thing. She jumped up to her feet and found herself face-to-face with her brother. “What?”

“You want a ride?” Bradley asked, dangling the key to his car on a single finger. Though she’d never regretted not having a license before then, she begrudgingly nodded and Bradley grinned. Abigail resisted responding, and Bradley knew he had to sweeten the deal. “You can run the aux.” Abigail thought about it, but finally nodded. Bradley watched as she threw her skateboard in the backseat.

“Can I hit your pen?” Bradley asked as he slid into the driver’s seat. He heard the car door next to him slam shut, and he waited for Abigail to respond. Abigail’s fingers were dancing on her phone screen, and with a click music began to fill the cab of the car. It was only then that she held out her dab pen to her brother.

“Bradley, when did you get so daring? Smoking weed? And driving?” She asked, raising a curious eyebrow as her brother took the pen and inhaled. Abigail kept talking, “wonder what gram and gramps would say. Geeze, killer calm down.” She said, reaching out to snatch the pen from her brother’s hand as he rolled the window down to let the smoke out. Abigail rolled her eyes. He didn’t even blow O’s! “Don’t fucking smoke it all, fucker. You technically haven’t bought me more yet!” She protested, and Bradley coughed as he started to drive away.

“I have to smoke enough weed to be sociable. Otherwise this is going to be… hellacious. It’s going to be bad enough.” Something gave him a bad feeling. Was it the lack of texts from Levi bragging about whatever nonsense he’d gotten up to that night? Honestly, it probably was. Either way, Bradley already knew where he was going. “I heard the Serrano family has a petting zoo here. I can think of nowhere I’d rather be. They just have animals there, for you to pet.”

“God. My brother is fucking autistic.” Abigail mumbled, before she grabbed the volume dial and cranked it up as the hook came on. She was done with the conversation, and wouldn’t be participating anymore. The message, it seemed, was received.

After they finally found a parking place for the festival, Bradley stopped the car. Before he could even give his sister a word, she was out of the car and off. Her bag was slung over her back and she held her skateboard in her hands. Bradley stepped out of the car and spoke at her back, “Bee! Make sure you’re back here before midnight, okay?”

“I’m not a kid, Bradley! I could be taking someone home tonight, you’ll never know.” She said, holding up a certain finger as she walked away. She knew where she was going: The date auction. With a bit of money in her pocket from her brother, she was going to buy whoever took her fancy. Honestly, the idea of buying someone at all vaguely interested her, that there was a chance she could kiss them only made it better.

Bradley, meanwhile, was content to wander. It was only a few minutes of wandering before he found himself holding a churro in one hand and his phone in the other. He was determined to find the petting zoo before the festival ended, but he was currently having trouble. Which was why he quickly texted the only person he thought might know: Levi.

To: Levi
do u know where the petting zoo is
i rly wanna pet a boat
goat. i mean goat. who would pet a boat?

He chuckled at himself as he looked at the typo before he dropped his phone into his pocket and took another bite of his churro. Then, he saw someone in the corner of his view. Someone pretty. Someone with pretty, long, dark hair. Someone… short, wow she was short. And she had… pretty eyes. Wait a second, Bradley knew that girl!

“OH MY GOD. Stella! Hi! Do you know where the petting zoo is!?” Confidently, he approached her. She might even know where Levi was!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thomas Fischer, Archer Graham, Moxi, & Doctor Fitkau

Both men seemed to have the exact same idea and began to move towards the stage when they heard the mayor's assistant, Jewel, announce the date auction. That the people who were being bid on needed to find their places. Everyone was beginning to move and people seemed interested in the announcement. Next thing they knew they were bumping into each other while trying to stand on the first step of the stage, “Ope! Apologies!” Sheriff Fischer instantly began to apologize to whoever he ran into. Noticing the newer face right away. A few people have talked about the doctor.

No, no, I think it was my fault. I was busy trying not to bump into others, I didn’t notice you either,” Archer gave a reassuring smile that he took nothing to heart in the situation and he was friendly. Both of them chuckled at each other’s reactions before almost going at the same time, again.

That was when Tommy stepped back a few steps and gestured for the coppery maned man to go before him. “Thank you, Sheriff,” Archer gestured his hand up as an extra thank you to the sheriff before he walked onto the stage first and went over into the positioning area.

Ya're the doctor that aah've bin' hearin' so much about. How do ya lak the town?” Tommy wanted to interact with the man a little bit. He was new to Sanctuary and he wanted to give the doctor somewhat of a warm welcome even though he slacked on it for a little while. The sheriff and chief of Sanctuary were not one to visit the hospital unless need be.

Archer nodded his head while standing to the side, “Yes, and you are the sheriff? Sheriff Fischer? Also the Chief, I have heard. I have been enjoying your small town quite a lot. The medical field here really keeps me busy,” Archer kept a light tone with somewhat of a playfulness at the end of his sentence. The hours made it difficult to find sleep sometimes and the lack of employment would have been stated as outrageous from the cities he has worked in before. Everything was fine otherwise and he was adjusting. Being one of the only doctors with multi-specialties in the medical field in this town seemed to be rare. There was barely a nurse at a head turn. It sometimes caused nightmares or sleepless nights, but he knew it would begin to turn around. It will get better.

Tommy seemed to force a smile to say keep your hope up, “Aah'm both. Aah can assure ya this isn't mah town. Aah just look after it. Aah try mah best to make it a little better,” The man felt like he was bragging to a point and glanced at the ground while rubbing the back of his neck. They were standing side by side and it was somewhat awkward for him. You would think the chief and sheriff of Sanctuary was more confident in certain aspects of his life but he was more broken than this town.

That makes both of us,” Archer playfully nudged the man and gave another warm smile since he noticed the man’s sudden change. Maybe the other was thinking? It was hard to tell but he seemed to busy himself with thoughts or maybe worries of some kind. “I bet we will be seeing each other more often. I notice your officers bring quite a few to the ER,

Chief Thomas and his officers were constantly bringing people to the ER for DUIs, drugs, or other injuries or issues when pulling people over or answering house calls. There was a bunch they had to do before processing them if they were injured and so on. “Aah hope we don't have to see each other while we work,” Tommy joked back since he didn’t want to visit on the payroll. That wouldn’t be fun to always see the doctor while they were both in uniforms.

Maybe we should get lunch together sometime. I need to become a little personal with others around this town or it’ll get lonely, maybe that’s the reason I am up here. Why are you up here?” Archer was one to keep small talk and it was easy for him to do so.

Thomas shrugged, “Aah love mah, kids. Aah've to be up he-yah fo-wah 'em,” The man didn’t have kids of his own but he felt like all the kids in the Boys and Girls Club along with his little champions of the hockey teams he coached were as close as he would ever get in the sense of family.

You have kids? What’s that like?” Archer seemed interested. He had wanted kids when he was younger and he still did but he found himself way too busy to have time for a family. Most of his relationships were great in the past but he has heard the line, you work too much or you don’t have enough time for us, a few too many times.

Tommy laughed, “No, aah don't have mah own kids. Aah don't even have a missy friend... Ya know. Aah coach the hockey team 'n volunteer fo-wah the boys 'n girls club. That's probably the closest aah will git to havin' kids. Ya know? busy 'n stuff,” Thomas felt like he was rambling and he felt somewhat stupid doing so. He couldn’t keep a relationship because he couldn’t truly commit. He was an idiot. He probably could have been married by now with children if he actually said yes and allowed himself to not be stuck up in the sense of being intimate with someone else.

Archer nodded his head, “I understand. My career path keeps me busy. It’s hard to think about someone else in career paths like ours. They are community-based and communities end up becoming our families if we allow them to instead of having personal ones,” Archer smiled and that reminded him he forgot to call his sister a few hours ago. Shit… The Scottish man took out his phone and looked at the several missed calls from his little sister Ari and the handful of texts asking if he was okay. That he usually texted or called around this time. “I’m sorry, I have to do something really quickly. Talk to you later sheriff,” Archer stated before going and stepping off the stage and instantly calling his sister. She sounded worried and he was only to the side of the stage but he was trying his best to keep quiet and not be stared at while speaking with her. That was when he noticed a familiar man with blonde hair and those icy blue eyes. Moxi.

Moxie gave the doctor a faint smile while he stepped into the crowd of chairs, moving past people, and his usual look of unamused interest peered through the crowd. Those cold eyes froze anyone in their grasp. Archer waved though he pointed at his phone and the Russian man dipped his head to show he understood, “Vhat a pleasant man…” He mumbled to himself while finding a spot in the crowd to keep his eyes on this playful date auction that was happening at the festival. It caught his interest, so he decided he would at least watch. It would pass the time for him at least and keep him out for a little longer.

Sitting down and getting comfortable, Moxi caught sight of a man walking down the middle of the aisle of chairs. What an odd mustache the man had. He hasn’t really seen the man before but he did not look like he truly belonged to this small town. They both were eye sores and their eyes met. Moxi’s sharpened as he looked away and onto the stage to notice the sheriff. Rolling his eyes. Why was he not surprised that the sheriff was participating in something so trivial and stupid? Pathetic.

The man with the unique mustache raised a brow at the blonde hair man as he found the man interesting. He swore he saw the other smoking on the outskirts of the festival earlier but his memory could be failing him. “I wonder where he is from,” The psychiatrist whispered to himself while going into the back of the crowd and disappearing in the waves of chairs that were available. Going to the second row from the back and a few seats in before sitting down. “This should be pleasant to watch. Such silly things make a good laugh and possible research.” Doctor Fitkau took out his pocketbook and a pen, so he could write down what happened during the dating auction and if he saw any strange behaviors or whatever. For research and self-interest research about the town of Sanctuary.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Manny Auction Post


Manny Downed the last of his beer as heard the call to the stage. Talie was over dressed he noted passing his co worker, she did look rather nice in royal blue though. Not that he would date a coworker, he would be blind to not notice she was attractive and the unmentioned but subtle Latina influences to her appearances. That tan was not just outdoors for sure. "Right, my date with destiny, dancing with nobody huh" Manny teased Talie. He saw her outfit and he saw she was not exactly dressed down.

"Just because I can clean up nicely. Worry about your date." Talie bat back to Manny, his cuban inspired casual was probably more fitting in coloured trousers, crisp white shirt suited the man. "Stay still." Talie adjusted his hat and collar before stepping back and giving her handiwork a confirming check. "Go, don,t move it." Talie gave him a nudge to the stage and sent him on his way.

"Yes Boss" Manny joked, technically she was his boss by seniority but with Two people in a small town it did not exactly matter. There was work to be done regardless and it only really meant Talie had to sign off paperwork. It was great he had a way to avoid the worst of the job and he could enjoy the fieldwork which was his favourite part of the job hitting the back woods on his trail bike. He had spent a while customising it, rebuilding it to his specifications. His dad was a welder and had taught him auto mechanics as a way of bonding. He could strip, rebuild and get most things with a combustion engine least running in a pinch.

Making his way past the crowds he soon found his way to the stage, he resisted the urge to move his hat, deciding to trust Talie and her adjustment.

"I'm here for my close up," Manny joked to a person behind the stage guiding people with the confident air of a man with no fear. He had no reason to be scared of an auction. Spotting two other men behind the stage, the Sheriff and he did not recognise the other, a taller man with dark hair.

"It seems I am not alone gentlemen" Manny spoke to them, he was honestly surprised to see the Sheriff here, maybe he could set something up with his own drama abilities. "Nice to see you outside of lunch, you know that's like her 5th coffee usually." He spoke to Tommy, maybe he could reduce her habit as honestly he was surprised someone could drink that much coffee and not be bouncing off the walls like a Toddler. He thought to swap her coffee for decaf but he liked to live and that was a fast way to end up buried in an abandoned mine. They had so many maps of old mines, mine shafts and old infrastructure.

"Manuel, Manuel de Santos, I work at the Geology station, thankfully mine is not that pink Ford." He shook his head, that truck was so Pink he swore she called Mattel to make a full size pickup truck. She even had pink fluffy dice and such accessories. "Man who makes the least, pays for a beer for rest?" Manny offered a little good natured competition that never hurt.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thomas Fischer & Doctor Fitkau

Doctor Fitkau noticed three men up on the stage more in the back, but he could tell there were three and they were males. How interesting… he thought while writing something down in his pocketbook since he was taking observations and notes at the moment. Men were usually more confident but he was surprised not a single woman had stepped up on the stage, not yet at least. He wondered if any women would be participating in the charity event tonight or night.

Thomas Fischer stood there inside of his own head since Archer wandered away to take a phone call and no one else was keeping him busy. Looking out to the crowd of people who were most likely going to have a good laugh from the playful evening. It should be fun. Usually the authority figure placed himself in charity events each and every year and usually tried to organize more money for the Boys and Girls club.

He knew some of his officers were going to make the bidding fun for him. They already told him that they were going to bid a few dollars to raise the charity funds for the heck of it. Make the process more exciting. The police force in Sanctuary was all about making it a better place for the community but they really wanted to go over and beyond for children who needed that extra support. It might be a self projection of his failed childhood. He wanted to make sure others didn’t have it so rough.

Glancing over to the other individual that spoke, his voice sounded familiar, and he noticed it was Talie’s coworker. The one that usually hid behind the counter as the sheriff brought Talie her coffee around lunch when he would visit. He was somewhat surprised that the man was up here but he did find the man quite flamboyant. Should he be surprised? Probably not. A faint yet warm smile was offered to the other man when he commented about lunch, “She would probably bury meh somewhere if aah stopped bringin’ coffee,” Thomas joked and lightly laughed at his own words, there might be a little truth to those words.
He would bring Talie coffee quite a lot for lunch time check-ins and whatnot. If he stopped bringing coffee, Talie would probably say something about it. Probably be disappointed. Tommy was a people pleaser, to a point, but he tried his best to keep his friends happy. He didn’t want people feeling how he constantly felt, so he smiled most of the time and would go out of his way to see positivity light up on their faces.
As Manuel began to officially introduce himself, Thomas held out his hand to shake the other man’s, “Thomas Jay Fischer,” It was odd to think about it but he has never been officially introduced to Talie’s coworker even though he comes around to the geology department quite a lot. Maybe she didn’t want him knowing the man or becoming close to Manny? Did she not really like her coworker? He wondered what could have kept her from introducing them weeks ago and those thoughts faded quickly.

Laughing at the other man’s request as he sighed, should he get into a friendly payment of alcohol? Would that be a good idea? Shrugging his thoughts off, physically, he deserved to have some fun sometimes, “Let’s make it a competition. Whoever makes the least pays but whoever loses the drinkin’ competition has to bah lunch fo-wah the next work week,” That seemed fair and he was trying to have more fun than he usually allowed himself to have.
Tommy was not known to be one to really drink in public or allow himself to let loose. Why the hell not? It was an annual festival and everyone was having fun and he was able to get off the payroll early today. He should allow himself some slack so he could enjoy his life a little more and have a bit of stupid fun from time to time. Everyone else was doing it while forgetting about him. The man has barely seen anyone he would consider himself close to all night. He knew Nixie was around but she seemed to be a ghost for the time being.

The man hasn’t spotted Stella the whole time and thought he would at least see her a handful of times and chat. Nope. Levi was back in town and the man felt like a stranger to him. They were childhood friends. They haven’t spoken in years, You need to get over yourself Tommy… he probably could care less about you. It’s been over a decade… Those thoughts hurt but he knew it was true. At least he believed it was true.
He has seen Nixie only once today and that was only in the morning. Maybe she was avoiding him. Levi was back in town. Those two always seemed to forget about him and the plans they would make together when they were back on. He wouldn’t be surprised if he hears how they are back together by the end of the night. Forever a third wheel with those two.

Who else could he hang out with tonight? Not many. It wasn’t like he had many friends to do things with. These thoughts made him realize how lonely he truly was. The only person that might possibly do something with him later, the only person that tried to make plans with him was Talie. Asking him to save a dance but she was even busy with Reya and others doing her own thing. With all the excitement, he wouldn’t blame her if she forgets.

Everyone was doing their own thing and he was just dwelling at this point. The man was planning to go home and get wasted tonight anyways. What a sad and pathetic life the sheriff of Sanctuary truly has. “A drinkin' competition sounds fun if ya are up fo-wah it. Not scared are ya?” Thomas got playful with those words and was trying to egg the man on. Why not socially drink and have some fun with it? It would probably make his night a little brighter than usual. The usual of being alone at home.

Interaction Thomas Fischer @PrinceAlexus Manny
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reya shivered as she took a seat at an empty table near the stage platform, feeling the temperature shift as the sun began to set behind the mountains. Looking around, she searched the sea of faces and wondered where her best friend was. She had not heard from Stella all day, which was odd. Reya had even visited the Serrano's petting zoo at one point but Hector had not seen his sister or heard from her when she had asked, which was also odd. At the time Reya had chalked it up to the fact that Stella was probably just enjoying the festival, but at this point she was getting worried. Stella knew this was Reya’s dads death anniversary, so it was extra weird for her to have not heard a single thing. Getting out her phone, Reya brought up Stella’s contact and hit the call button. After a few rings the call went to voicemail, which made her even more nervous. Opening up their text thread, Reya typed up text to her friend.

'Hey girl, where you at???'

She sent the text and set her phone on top of the table, hoping to hear back from Stella soon. Otherwise she intended to send out a search party. It wasn’t like her best friend to go missing like this.

Sighing, Reya leaned on the table and propped her head up with her hand, brown eyes looking up at the stage. As the Navarro girl took center stage and called up the date participants, Reya looked over the woman closely. The outfit she had chosen was nice and her hair looked perfectly manicured, as always. Jewel was always so well put together every time Reya had seen her and it made her wonder how Jewel was always able to pull it off. Although they had never directly spoken, Reya had heard much about her and her family from people who visited the tavern. Some good, some bad, but mostly apprehensiveness from the locals. As she sat there scrutinizing Jewell under the stage lights, Reya wondered what she was really like under that perfect outer shell. She imagined Jewell with her hair down and wildly blowing in the wind, makeup a bit smudged, laughing in the passenger seat of Reya’s red jeep wrangler, enjoying life instead of acting flawless all the time.

As the date participants began to step up onto the stage, Reya removed herself from her little daydream and got ready for the show. Although this would have been more fun to watch with Stella around, she figured it would still be entertaining on her own too. It was actually one of the only reasons Reya was still at the festival. She wasn’t necessarily having fun today, if she was honest, but she was curious who would put themselves up for auction and who would bid. It would surely be the talk of the town the next morning. As one of the resident bar tenders, it was her duty to be up to date with the gossip around town, of course.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Levi Brooks & Phoenix Jones

@The Muse & @Almalthia

Levi bobbed and weaved through the crowd as fast as his feet would take him, sprinting towards the complete opposite side of the festival grounds to where the ferris wheel was located. Like the distracted idiot he was, he had completely lost track of time! His eyes glanced up at the sky that lit up with beautiful tones of purple and orange reflecting against the gathering clouds. How could he have forgotten?! His mind flashed back to Stella. Her brilliant smile, her mesmerizing amber eyes, those lips…

Nearly crashing into a small child, Levi spun out of the way and hopped a few times to catch his balance before taking off again. "Sorry!" He called back to the mother who glared at him with daggers. ‘Focus, focus, focus.’ He reminded himself, expelling Stella from his thoughts. Why did that moment between them even happen?! He wasn't into Stella…. was he? Stop! He was here for Phoenix and Phoenix alone. That had been the plan all along - he needed to be there for her. His mind briefly reminded him of the image of Phoenix enjoying her time with Archer and he wondered if Phoenix would even show up at all. The suspense of it all was exciting, but he hoped she wouldn’t let him down. She rarely had in the past.

Screeching to a halt, Levi paused at a flower stand vendor who was beginning to take down their stall to make way for the night market vendors. "How…. m-... How much?" He breathed heavily, pointing at a small bouquet of daffodils that was still out on display. The vendor looked over the flowers and then eyed him curiously, probably wondering if they should drive the price up as high as possible since Levi appeared desperate.

“Well… They would just be getting thrown out tonight anyhow.” Mercifully, they decided not to take advantage of the situation. “Five bucks.”

Levi reached into his pocket for his wallet, his fingers instead finding Stella’s phone that she had left behind. His heart skipped a beat out of anxiety. He was worried for Stella, but he couldn’t stand Phoenix up on the “date” he had tried to set up either! He’d have to find Stella afterwards. She couldn’t go that far in this little town… right? Reaching into his other pocket, Levi pulled out his wallet and put a ten dollar bill down instead. "Thanks." He plucked the boquet up delicately, but before taking off again, he pulled out his own cell phone and quickly pulled up Tommy’s number. The last text message that showed up on the thread was from Levi years ago, stating he’d call Tommy back when he could. For a split second he wondered if he ever did, but there was no time for that! His fingers quickly flew across the touch screen.

'Hey dude.' Send.
'Sorry, this is really random, but if you see Stella can you let me know? I have her phone.' Send

He paused, thinking if he should include the rest of the story. He opted for only one more detail.

'Her and I were drinking, but I didn’t know she was such a lightweight! Miguel told me after. She took off without her phone.' Send.

If anyone was going to find someone, it’d probably be Tommy. At least Levi hoped so - Tommy was the police after all. Batman would surely save the day! With that, Levi stuffed the phone and his wallet back into his pocket and got back to running. Luckily the ferris wheel wasn’t much further.

‘I need to go back to the gym. Too many donuts.’ He thought as he arrived at the gate surrounding the ferris wheel, completely winded. Levi’s eyes searched for Phoenix in the nearby crowd as he took a few deep breaths to try to regain his composure. As he scanned the crowd his mind became hopeful that he was the first to arrive. It had not been sunset for too long… there was still a chance! Or, maybe she had decided to stand him up. There was always that option…

Nixie had at least gotten her information to Theo who'd be calling her and setting up a commission for the painting for her moms anniversary. She tapped her foot as the sun started setting, giving off orange and violet hues that she couldn't enjoy. Disappointment after disappointment should have prepared her for this. The scent of daffodils drifted to her on the gentle breeze that lifted the stray hairs that had fallen out of her messy updo. She'd taken her turn driving the tractor on the hayride and almost regretted not bringing Jethro.

Turning toward the scent Nixie closed her eyes and smiled slightly. She fingered the hem of the cardigan which reminded her of Lovefool by The Cardigans. Sighing she opened her eyes and she saw Levi completely winded as if he had run to not miss anything. She almost snipped at him asking how Stella was and if he'd watched her drinking because she was a lightweight. He'd have known that if he'd been around at all when she was in college.

Levi looked like he was panicking and Nixie thought about all the times he hurt her throughout the years. She thought about the fact that she'd given Chris her phone number and how well she'd gotten on with Archie. It was a long time coming but she realized that she had options. That she was worth it. She didn't have to put up with the way Levi treated her. She had let him hurt her. She could start to change all that at this moment.

Shaking her head Nixie realized that it wasn't something Levi could turn off or ever really change from. It was like asking a leopard to change his spots. Levi wasn't going to change so Nixie was. Now no change was made that was easy if it was worthwhile. Pulling herself out of her own head she smiled and waved at Levi a little awkwardly, her heart squeezing at how good he looked. "Hi." She blushed a little as she inwardly chastised her fair coloring then assured herself that it will get easier. It would take time to get to the point where she could see him and her heart not squeeze.

Levi grinned as Phoenix came into view, the crowd parting in front of him as they locked eyes with one another. He waved back at her and took a few steps towards her to close the gap between her and the crowd. "Hey." He responded, his voice low as he felt the butterflies in his stomach turn when she looked up at him and blushed. She still felt something, it was easy enough to tell by the way she looked at him. It was nice having her eyes on him in that way again. The way she had looked at him in the cafe this morning had been so cold, but this felt warm and fuzzy. Like it use to feel. "Oh." He suddenly realized he still held something in his hand. "For you." He offered her the daffodil bouquet , smiling at her with pride because he had remembered what her favorite flower was after all these years.

Taking the offered bouquet Nixie closed her eyes as she inhaled the crisp floral scent. "Hummmm. Thank you." Her voice had that warm, dark, smokey and spicy quality that reminded you of an excellent cigar paired with a bourbon with a bit of a bite. She cleared her throat delicately as if she could clear that quality from her voice, but she knew better. Her voice was a smooth sexy contralto like the classy film stars of old Hollywood like Lauren Bacall, Kathrine Hepburn or Judy Garland and more recently Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone or Scarlett Johansson. Her voice had been labeled over the years as 'erotic enough to talk a man into climax' and 'radio worthy' but not limited to 'phone sex'. So she supposed her voice was sexy. She didn't hear it but apparently others did.

"So ummm… what's on your mind?" Nixie was going to make Levi tell her what the reason was that he wanted to talk. She'd decide what to do after she heard him out.

Levi held his smile as he watched her, happy to have made her happy. He shrugged at her question and tilted his head in the direction of the ferris wheel line. "I just wanted to spend time with you… Let's take a ride, for old times sake." He began walking over to the front of the line and waved to a man who was running the ride. "Derek!" He called to the blonde haired man, "Let us through." The man looked at Levi as if he was joking. The line had at least twenty people waiting to be admitted to the ride.

“I can’t just let you cut, Lev-
"You know you owe me, big time. I’m calling in the favor now.”

The blonde man sighed heavily and nodded in agreement, opening up the chain that blocked the line of people from entering the ferris wheel. “Fine, fine. Come on.” He waved the couple through, ignoring the looks from people in line. "Thanks, man.” Levi patted him on the shoulder as he and Nixie walked through and onto the ferris wheel platform.

"After you.” He opened up the side door of the ferris wheel cart and gestured for her to step inside first. Once they were both seated, Levi made himself comfortable on the seat, recognizing that he felt a bit nervous now sitting shoulder to shoulder with her.

"So… how have you been? Tell me what you and Tommy have been up to.” He locked eyes with her, admiring how the sunlight reflected off of her fiery hair. In the back of his mind he reminded himself that he was clearly avoiding the “elephant in the room” conversation that he had previously planned to have with her. He’d bring it up…. eventually. It didn’t feel right to just jump straight into it. Not yet. ‘Maybe not today?’ He pondered to himself due to feeling the buzz of alcohol swirling around in his mind. He shouldn’t have drank with Stella so much before this. He might open his mouth and make things worse! Levi could hold his alcohol, but he was certainly feeling the effects.

Nixie was surprised that Levi was able to call in a favor with the line so long. He opened the cart door and had her go first. She moved over for him and as he deliberately, she decided, sat close to her. She froze as his shoulder touched hers and she felt her cheeks heat.

Wanting to sink into the ground Nixie blinked as Levi eventually caught her eye as the cart swayed with the movement of the wheel. Then he asked about Tommy. Nixie smiled slightly like a sister smiles when asked about a brother. "Well he and I have just been palling around like usual. You know… hiking, fishing, dancing, catching a movie or two. Same old, same old. Nothing different." She sighed and looked away.

"Look about what happened before you left for college…" Gathering courage for this next part of the conversation Nixie watched a few more people get on and the wheel finally swung into full motion. She unconsciously gripped Levi’s thigh as the cart tilted and rocked more than she expected. Her breath caught and stuttered for a moment. Her left hand braced on the side of the cart fingers spread. The butterflies in her stomach that had been there since this morning when she realized Levi was back surged with vengeance.

If apprehensive had a picture next to it that picture would be Nixie. Her next words were stuck in her throat. Lodged there unmoving. "Sorry." She'd done nothing to apologize for that night. Kitty hadn't even told her. No. Serena Clemens had taken great pains to do so.

Levi's heart jumped as Nixie went straight into the conversation he had been hoping to ease into... or possibly avoid for the day. "Wait," He spoke to cut her off, feeling bad that it was her who had to bring it up. "I-" He paused as the cart jarred forward and startled Phoenix, causing her to grip his thigh. His lips curled into another smirk, "If you wanted me to take my pants off you could've just asked." He laughed, unable to stop himself even in the midst of a serious conversation. Seeing the look in her eyes shift, Levi stopped laughing and cleared his throat. "Kidding, kidding." He smiled sheepishly at her. 'Damn alcohol...' He thought, even though he likely would have said the same thing if he was sober.

"Uhm... so...." Feeling the nerves settle in, he looked out towards the sun beginning to fall behind the surrounding mountain range as the cart slowly rose towards the top of the ferris wheel. Taking in a deep breath, he held it for a moment as his thoughts raced. For years he had went over how this conversation might go in his head. Thought about all the ways he could explain himself, justify his actions, apologize and redeem himself. However, in this moment, his mind felt frozen. He was forgetting every single excuse he had crafted. Instead, only one thing came to mind. "I'm so sorry, Nix."

Forcing himself to look away from the sunset, he locked his eyes onto her. "I don't know what I was thinking back then, but... I'm sorry. I know it ruined something between us… I'm a fucking idiot." He frowned as he looked at her, his eyes reflecting the pain he felt inside from his own mistakes. He had royally messed something up with his entire friend group right before he left and he knew that... All for some girl he didn't really even know or necessarily care about. Kayleigh Thrasher-Jones. Phoenix's own cousin. The girl had practically thrown herself at Levi and being the young, dumb, and drunk teenager he was... he went for it. He didn't think much of it at the time, if he was honest. He and Nixie had always flirted, but it was never anything more. The one time he tried, Nixie denied him. So he figured; why would she be upset if he went somewhere else? It was dumb. He quickly found that out after Phoenix discovered what had happened.

"I hope you can forgive me… Can we start over again?"

"If I had asked you'd have been gone years longer this time." Nixie pulled her hand away and with the other she put them in her lap and sighed. "Look… I had no claim on you. Just because you and I made out a few times didn't make me your girlfriend." She shrugged and looked away.

"Really I should apologize that I assumed things and technically I ignored you. You behaved true to form. I was the one who lost the plot. You are who you are and I shouldn't even want change that." Nixie looked back at Levi her emotions carefully hidden. She'd gotten quite good at presenting a fantastic poker face, it was after all part of the hustle. Not that she was hustling Levi, well perhaps she was, but not out of money…this time.

Levi asking to start over was like twisting the knife he already drove into her heart years ago. Or perhaps saying it was like a pin in a butterfly would be more appropriate an analogy. A smile pulled at Nixie's mouth. "Starting over sounds like just the thing."

Because that works for you so well. Moving on has always been so easy. I was the most hated female in school because you couldn't break up with your… flings. Tommy couldn't do it cause they'd cry so I had to. Then you and I were finally getting somewhere and you threw that away and you didn't even tell me… I had to find out from the on again off again fling who had it out for me.

"I saw you with Stella earlier. Don't move too fast. Javi will have your ass." The wheel stopped and Nixie shifted to rock the cart a bit.

"Don't… you don't have to apologize for anything." He said solemnly, sighing as she stated that he was simply being himself when he messed around with Kitty. She wasn't wrong, but it was a harsh truth he had been trying to fix in himself for years. While it was true that he and Phoenix were never dating, he should have known better. He didn't realize it at the time, but after 10 years of growth it was easy to see that Phoenix thought more of him than he realized.

Levi half-smiled as Phoenix agreed to start over with him, his body feeling the release of a weight that had been on his shoulders for decades. He noted her passive aggressive comment about Stella, but chose to ignore it. Her mention of the more exciting part of their past had his attention now. "You know…." He could feel the alcohol take over his words again, unable to help himself. "Speaking of making out…" He smirked, fixating his eyes on Phoenix, "You're still the best kisser I've ever kissed." He chuckled, recalling their teenage make-out sessions in his bedroom, or at the movies, or in the forest, or in his dad's pickup truck…. "You knock those California girls out of the park, for sure." He laughed, relaxing and sliding his hand behind Nixie along the seat of the cart.

Giving Levi massive side eye as he slid his arm behind her Nixie raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I remembered how many girls you kissed in high school, did the number multiply like tribbles in Cali?"

He was starting to push her buttons. Start over so he'll abandon me again. Time to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Tilting her head toward Levi she leveled him with an intense look. "Every. Single. One?" Nixie drew the words out. "Surely someone kissed better than me? I mean you were my first kiss. I didn't have the experience to stack up to Cali girls. Though Kyle was alright it was nothing to write home about. Jimmy wasn't bad but Liam was much better… he did this nibble thing." She tipped her head and pulled her hair out of the messy bun it was in. She was pulling it over her shoulder, finger combing it.

Levi’s eyes narrowed as Phoenix began to list off names he recognized; kids they grew up with in high school. "Nope. No one better than you." He confirmed, acting as if he did not care about the other people she had kissed. It wasn’t his right to feel jealousy, especially after whatever just happened with Stella, and yet….

Levi’s blue eyes shifted away from her as she let her hair down, purposely not wanting to stare at her beauty against the fading golden sunlight. Half because he thought he didn’t deserve it, and half because he didn’t want Phoenix to see in his eyes that he did actually care about her extracurricular activities. Despite never being exclusive, Levi had always felt that Phoenix was his. It was toxic and he knew it, so it was never voiced in such an assertive way, but that is where Levi first began to learn how to stuff his emotions down and not let them show outwardly. Apparently, that feeling about his red-headed seductress had never quite gone away. "Lucky guys." He mumbled, looking out at the scenery as the cart came to a stop at the top of the ferris wheel, fighting the urge to do something he’d make both of them regret by the time the ride was over. "If only I had stayed here… we could’ve taught each other lots of things." His voice lowered, almost as if he was talking only to himself and a thought escaped through his lips. There was an absence of his usual playful and flirty tone as he spoke, eyes fixated on the sunset as he imagined what his life would’ve been like if he hadn’t made one stupid decision. Or, rather, a series of very stupid decisions. Phoenix had been good for him at one point, and she knew how to make him feel important, and loved. She had been his home back then. The home was empty now, devoid of warmth and no longer welcoming. Destroyed by a house fire that he lit himself.

Levi’s eyes found their way back to Phoenix, a little smile appearing on his lips once more. "I missed you." With his arm behind Phoenix, Levi placed his hand on the small of her back and pulled her into a tight hug. "A lot." His heart raced as he pressed her against his chest, glad to have her in his arms again - if only for a brief moment. "I’m sorry." He whispered in her ear, pulling his body apart from hers in that moment and looking her dead in the eyes. With one hand he tilted her chin up towards him, his body tingling with adrenaline. He wanted to kiss her. And he nearly did, but suddenly a pang of guilt washed over him. What the fuck was he doing? He slowly pulled his hand away from her face and pulled her in for another hug instead. It was obvious he was fighting his bad habits, but Phoenix had always had that effect on him… "Thanks for not standing me up." He whispered to her again, laughing lightly before he let her go without trying to fuck up the rest of his night this time.

Heart racing Nixie's fingers twined in her waist length hair stilled at the raw emotion that Levi was showing. She swallowed hard as he said almost under his breath that sounded remotely possessive. She wasn't afraid, no, far from it. Hearing that much emotion from Levi was as intoxicating as a bottle of rumplemintz, and twice as sexy. Thankfully he wasn't looking at her at the time so she was allowed the time to compose herself.

That line made her feel more special than all the other girls in his past. That's all she'd ever wanted. To be seen by him. Not as just a friend or as a fling but someone that he'd fully open up to emotionally. He had started then realized what he was doing and got cold feet. Though she was sure she didn't help much by trying to hold on too tightly and too long.

He pulled her into a hug and Nixie laid her head on his chest. Being short had its advantages. She'd always liked hugs and was never afraid to give them. Hearing Levi’s heart racing she blinked in surprise. Speechless as he tipped her face up to him her blue eyes widened as she thought he was going to kiss her. Time stood still for a brief moment and in between one heartbeat and the next the moment was gone. Then came the guilt and as quickly as that she was frozen out again.

"I wasn't going to be that person. Everyone deserves forgiveness at some point. Even more so if the person wronged wants to move forward. Besides, Liam did way worse to me in college and I forgave him. Why should I forgive him and not you? Why should I forgive Kitty and not you?" Nixie tilted her head quizzically, raising her eyebrow. "Let me shoot you straight here Levi Alexander Brooks you broke my heart almost fifteen years ago. I love…d you."

Nixie covered the Freudian slip quickly and went on. "I forgive you and I'm putting it behind me. You want a fresh start, that's what we'll do. But I've changed. I'm not a little girl anymore and things change. I don't want to play games. I'm ready for more. I gave Chris my number. He's single, has a job he enjoys, and has a good reputation. He might call me. Who knows. After Liam I need a good guy. Chris might be good for me… again who knows. What I'm trying to say is I'm going to be dating. Can you handle that better than high school?"

"What the fuck did Liam do to you?" He snapped out of reflex, feeling a familiar anger inside ready to jump out at anyone who stepped to Nixie in the wrong way.

Levi's heart twisted as Phoenix said she love…d(?) him, suddenly putting out the fire that brewed in him towards that stick-in-the-mud Liam. Did she just… correct herself? He heard that right… right? It wasn't just the alcohol making him wishful? As his mind raced he barely heard what she was saying about Chris. The cart jarred forward to continue on its descent to the bottom and Levi impulsively moved with it, pressing himself towards Phoenix and pushing her back against the cart wall. His fingers found her chin again, tilting her face up towards him and instead of thinking twice about it this time, he passionately and hungrily kissed her. If it wasn't for the alcohol he probably would have thought better of that choice, but it was too late now.

Pulling away, he rested his forehead against hers and let his hand fall down to the nape of her neck. "You can do whatever you want, Nix." He said softly, eyes closed still as he processed what she had said. "I don't care, date if you want to. I'll back off if you want." He opened his eyes and looked at her now, tempted to kiss her again. He was offering her a way to "use" him whenever was convenient for her, even if it would actually hurt to watch her date others during that arrangement: he just wouldn't admit it. "I'll be here when you want me to be this time… Just say the word."

When Levi crowded Nixie suddenly she squeaked softly in surprise. She started to answer him about Liam when he kissed her. The surprised sound she made was cut short as he essentially swallowed it. The passion and hunger in the kiss was a little expected. They'd always had that kind of chemistry. The years had deepened it and just as she started to get over the shock and to respond Levi stopped.

Breathing hard with her heart pounding and eyes closed Nixie's breath mingled with Levi’s who had traces of beer on his breath. Oh please no. Dammit! Liquid courage. Fuck! He never would have done that without it. She blushed and shivered as his hand lightly brushed her nape. Biting her lip to stay silent as he put the ball in her court. She opened her eyes and saw his intensity and it made her squirm. Which caused his hands to brush against her nape and she shivered.

Nixie's eyes were half lidded and this close there was no hiding what Levi did to her hormones. Lips swollen from his kiss and flushed with desire she cleared her throat delicately and swallowed. Smoothing the wrinkles in his shirt across his chest; where she had twisted it in her hands during the kiss she looked down. "You been drinking?" She looked up at him.

Levi internally cringed at the question, suddenly remembering Stella and the… moment… they had. Shit! She was still out there too, drunk and without her phone! The anxiety over her wellbeing set in again, this time with a dash of shame.

"Yes." He admitted to Phoenix, a slight smile creeping onto his lips. "I'm glad I did." He closed the gap between them and gently began kissing her neck. God it was hard to focus on finding Stella when Phoenix was right here, allowing this to happen. "You make me nervous." He whispered to her, feeling the cart come to a stop but not fully realizing what that meant in the moment.

"Alright, alright. Get out, love birds." Derek's voice could be heard as he opened up the cart door for them to leave. Damn it. The fun ride was over…

Levi begrudgingly pulled away from her and stepped out before offering his hand to her to help her exit the shaky cart.

Nixie's head tilted back against the cart wall as Levi confirmed that he had been drinking leaving her neck vulnerable. He took advantage of the movement and his mouth on her skin kissing and talking was totally unfair. She went beet red when Derek called them out and took Levi’s hand. Letting go of his hand she began to fishtail braid her hair.

"Was Stella drinking too? How many did she have? Did you take her back to Hector? She's a severe lightweight. Like one beer and she'd be done for the night. Found that out when I took her out when she was old enough at CSU." Nixie turned full mama bear on the topic of Stella drinking. As long as Stella stuck to one beer she wouldn't go wild child and Javi might not kill Levi.

Talking about Stella also served to keep Nixie from pulling a 'Levi' and running away. She was not expecting him to do make-out sessions and take initiative tossing the ball in her court. She never liked dodgeball because she couldn't throw. Catch yes. Dodge yes. Throw no. So a ball in her court that she was supposed to throw back… yeah that was frightening when it came from Levi. He played dodgeball and she was playing ping pong.

This was not starting over. This was insider info that starting over he shouldn’t be allowed to use. She needed some rules. No, she needed lots of rules. The more the merrier.

"ONE beer?!" Levi exclaimed, exiting the ferris wheel platform with Nixie and completely changing his focus to finding Stella now. "For fucks sake…" He mumbled, the panic really beginning to hit now. "She was sucking drinks down like a pro!" He groaned, frantically searching the crowd. With the fading light the conditions for finding her were getting even worse by the second. "I need to find her."

In the distance, he could see people gathering around the central stage and Jewel Navaro began to call up participants for the date auction. Levi smirked, remembering that he had signed up his friend Brad without his knowledge. "Maybe she will be in the crowd over there?" He looked at Phoenix, unaware that she was also one of the participants. "What do you think?"

"Yeah ONE. Of course she sucks them down like water! She is extremely competitive! Honestly it's like you don't know her. And yes you need to find her. Normally I would help but I have to go on stage." Nixie pointed to Jewel and the stage. She slapped Levi sharply on the arm. "And kissing me is not starting over! You need rules mister! We'll talk about the rules later… over the phone!" She hissed at him quietly as made her way up to the stage.

"Hey!" Levi laughed and put a hand over where she had smacked his arm, pretending her hit had really hurt him. "You're participating?" He questioned, intrigued. "Yeah, yeah… rules, schmules." He said nonchalantly, smirking as she began to walk off. It felt right that she was playfully hitting him again and was clearly open to his advances in the ferris wheel. It might not have felt like starting over to her, but it was for him. Starting over from right where he wanted it to start.

Feeling a phone in his pocket buzz, Levi reached out and noted Reya Parker's name flash across the screen just before it automatically went to voicemail. Oh, right. Stella! Focus! He traded out her phone for his own, finding that he had missed a text message from his friend Brad. He laughed as he read the text about finding a goat to pet. Classic Brad. Unfortunately, there was no time to join his friend, so he quickly typed a response.

'Dude, find a goat later! We have an emergency!' He sent the text and looked up at the stage in the distance, seeing people begin to step up on stage.

Stella had to be there… somewhere. Everyone was going there! Plus, how could he miss seeing Phoenix up on stage? Maybe Stella would be in the date auction too. Two birds, one stone! Brilliant!

'Have you seen Stella? Meet me at the stage ASAP! Gotta find her. Also... You're being called up on stage. Time for the date auction!' He sent the text and shoved his phone back into his pocket before jogging off into the crowd, his eyes scanning each and every face he passed to see if he could find the Serrano girl or anyone who might know where she was.

Interactions: Tommy @Zora & Brad @Hey Im Jordan
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Looking over his shoulder his phone went off and that was odd. No one really texted him. Most people knew he appreciated calls more than texts. Sighing, since he assumed it was a spam number or something. One of those running text types of deals.


Taking a second look over his shoulder because that was abnormal. Why was someone texting him right now? Maybe it was one of his officers trying to be funny. He could see it. Looking around in the crowd, he was trying to see if he could spot any of his officers on their phones. There were two almost in the front row and they waved at him. Not seeing any others, he gestured to them to say hi as another POKE! rang out in his eyes.

Fine. Tommy reached into his back pocket and for some reason in that instance, he moved his hand across his other back pocket. Wallet. Wallet… Keys. Wallet. Only wallet and keys. OH GOD. WHERE THE HELL DID THAT LETTER GO!?! Pure panic began to sink into his chest and a wave of hopelessness faded into his existence. It should be there. The letter should be in his back pocket.

Grabbing his phone and opening it up, his thumb moved across the screen as it unlocked. Reading the texts. Texts from Levi.

Hey dude,
Sorry, this is really random, but if you see Stella can you let me know? I have her phone.
Her and I were drinking, but I didn’t know she was such a lightweight! Miguel told me after. She took off without her phone.

Why did reading these texts make him feel sick? What the fuck were you planning with Stella, Levi? his eyes sharpened at his phone and those stormy blue could pierce through anyone. Tommy could feel his blood pressure rise and his breathing became deeper than usual. He could feel himself begin to shake. Those weren’t all of the details. He knew his old friend. There was something that was being left out. That bastard better not have gone after Stella, his mind was thinking of the worst. Why wouldn’t Levi go after younger girls? Naive. Sweet. Innocent. They didn’t know his games.

No. Don’t think like that Tommy. Levi wouldn’t do that. Would he? Would he go after Stella… this was a difficult thought to process. He was unsure. Biting the inside of his cheek, he was trying to calm himself down but he could feel his body heating up from shards of anger. The anger wasn’t all about Stella. It had been shards of anger that have been lingering throughout his body for years.

You don’t know this man anymore. He became a city boy… They are never up to any good… Tommy thought to himself and began to send a text.

— I’ll keep my eyes out, Levi. Don’t come back to town and start breaking all the girls' hearts I care about again… —

No don't’ send that… The man erased the words of that text before sending it.

I’ll keep my eyes out, Levi. I better not find her crying.SEND

Tommy decided this was his time to leave the stage, he walked right off and hopped off the platform, and began to wander around the festival. Find Stella and make sure she is okay. Get the story from her. You trust her. She will tell you what truly happened right? If she tells you at all. He needed to find her to figure things out so he wasn’t mad at Levi for any reason. Through her story, he would figure out if he had a reason or not. Then he had to rush back to Nixie’s house. He must have dropped that letter. He needed to get that letter back. He needed to get that letter back.

As the man wandered through the crowd, everyone could see that he was on a mission. He was trying to find his little sister, well, she wasn’t really his little sister but he felt like she was a part of his family. Tommy needed to make sure she was okay.

Interaction Texting Levi @The Muse
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 mo ago

TIMESTAMP: Evening, just around the start of the Auction
Introducing: Kitty
FT: The Snypes Sibs
@Viciousmarrow & @LovelyComplex


As the Date Auction started, the voice of Jewel’s, the mayor’s secretary, could be heard in the distance, projecting out of a mic. And off the distance, a lanky, redhead girl with a plaid skirt, layered shirts, and a collar stared blankly around in the crowd, searching for the other redheads of this town. The one redhead she did find was heading toward the Ferris Wheel. She didn’t need that redhead. She needed the BAND.

Vermillion Ablaze.


This was odd, especially coming from her, that Zachary wasn’t on the makeshift platform waiting in advance. He was always like thirty to an hour early to practice. As the saying goes, early is on time, on time is late and late is UNACCEPTABLE. Maybe he was making last minute changes to their set list? Maybe he solved a grade school puzzle for once? MAYBE he found himself right in a pillow of tits, smothering his face in pure fluffiness?

No matter.

As she waited, to keep her mind off of the fact that she was missing a steamy event where people thirst after one another and throw their cash like they’re at a strip joint, she decided to warm up her bass. Feel it and let the music overwhelm her, like she did time and time again. Overflowing and clouding her senses. Without much thought, already having her red bass strapped on and hanging, she stood tall on a built stage near an open clearing. Once she was done loosening herself up by doing a little wiggle, she jumped high in the air before slapping her bass and playing DADADADADADADADADADA. High Driver Join. Selen.

She played as if the festival was empty. She was there, alone, surrounded by colors. Surrounded by feelings. Surrounded by her imagination. That was part of what made Kayleigh Thrasher-Jones a sight to watch. She acted like no one was there with her, regardless of who was near her. Her soul was almost tangible as she got lost with her bass, allowing everyone to experience something pure, something authentically Kayleigh. Or how she preferred to be called by everyone. Kitty.

Just Kitty.

Intensely, passionately, rocking with her bass and tapping on the fretboard, she focused inward, with her music, and waited for her cousins. Whether she was aware of it or not, Kitty was a fantastic bassist. What started as something she did because her father loved music and taught her everything she knows, turned into something that helped shut the parts of her brain that others would be scared of if she dared talk about it. Music made her normal or maybe it made her likable. Whichever it was, she didn’t care. Bass was fun. Bass had a feel to it. Bass was all about that good, good vibrations. It makes you want to dance. It’s part of the engine driving the song home. Slap it, tap it, get funky or go deep. That’s what made the bass the absolute best to play. The sensations it made her feel and made others feel. It really was all about that bass.

Em and Zack sat on the back of their dad’s old truck, watching their cousin’s frenetic performance as they gorged themselves on fully dressed hot dogs, oversalted pretzels, and the sweetly cheap nectar of Bud Lights. Twas truly a divine feast, fit only for Gods of Rock and Roll like themselves. Practice had gone well, and this was their sublime reward. Earlier, they’d gone back to the house and picked everything they need to perform tonight, including their strange cousin, Kitty. It was going to go spectacularly. Even Em seemed pretty confident in her abilities to sing the song and drum along to the songs Zack had relegated to her.

“This is the second time she’s done this in the past hour.” Zack mused, whisking crumbs away from his mouth with the back of his hand. “She’s really committing to this bass solo thing. Is she trying to tell us she wants to play that during the set?”

Em sighed deeply at her brother’s question. With a shrug, she finished off the last of her beer, her fifth drink of the day. “It’s that, or she just keeps forgetting we’re done practicing. She’s got goldfish brain, Zack. I love her, but god damn…” Em reached back into the cooler they’d brought along and cracked open another Bud Light.

“Goldfish brain? What do you mean?” Zack looked quizzically at his sister, not understanding the phrase.

Clearing her throat and shaking her head in disappointment, Em began to lecture her sibling in a matter of fact manner. “Zack… Goldfish, like you, have a small brain. Their cognitive skills aren’t up to human standards and they…”

“HEY KITTY! EM SAID YOU HAD GOLDFISH BRAIN!” Zack suddenly burst out. “ALSO GREAT JOB AGAIN ON THAT SOLO! REALLY SLAPPING THOSE STRINGS! COME GET A HOT DOG!” Beside him, Em blew a raspberry and rolled her eyes.

Suddenly stopping, Kitty looked over her shoulder at her cousins, her gray eyes falling on Zachary. She stood there, neither smiling or frowning. Her gaze locked with his and she took a moment to ask him something that had come to mind, in the moment. “Have you ever eaten a goldfish whole? Dropped it in your mouth and swallowed?” For some reason, something was telling her if Zack was dared to, he might or maybe she had a dream of him doing it and she wanted to see it. Regardless of how she remembered this, she needed to know. Would he eat a goldfish whole? Frozen in place, not budging, nearly a statue, she waited. They knew, especially Em, that Kitty wouldn’t move until he answered. That’s just how she was. She needed to know.

“Kitty, c’mon. You know that’s a sensitive topic.” Zack huffed, folding his arms together.

“Oh for fucks sake, Zack. You’re not going to bring up the goldfish we had as a kid, are you?” Em probed, annoyed at her brother’s sudden defensiveness.

“What? Mr. Hatley was part of the family, and you decided to put him in my mouth when I was sleeping.”

“I WAS 6 YEARS OLD, ZACK. YOU CAN’T PUT THAT ON ME.” Em rose to the occasion, nearly dragging the duo back into their ceaseless bickering.

“So yeah, yes, Kitty, I did swallow my best friend in the whole world when I was 12. You woulda remembered that ‘cause you and Em were accomplices.`` Zack’s eyes glazed over darkly, as if reliving a terrible nightmare.

“I knew it, I see things you know?” Kitty's mouth finally rose into a smirk as she turned on her heel, taking off her bass. “I must put away Oscar Winning Frankfurter the Seventh. He needs rest.” She shuffled to her case and like she was touching a gift from some almighty power, she placed her red bass back in, securing Frank and locking him up. Bouncing up, she pranced to her cousins and laid out her hand for the dog. “Does it have everything I like?”

Em gripped the bridge of her nose after hearing her cousin rattle off the name of her bass. “You guys have got to stop naming your instruments, oh my god. It should actually be banned. You know what I call my drums? I call them drums because they’re not real sentient creatures.”

“Em, that’s because you’re lazy and have no creativity. You just don’t have any pazzazz. I call your drums Dreama. I don’t know why, but that’s just the name that speaks to me.” Zack plopped a plain hot dog with absolutely nothing on it in Kitty’s hand. “There, Kitty. Your favorite. Air on Dog.”

“Perfect, I love Air on Dog,” Kitty graciously took her flavorless hot dog and inspected it, making sure it truly was her ideal hot dog. Afterwards, she started moving it in the air like an airplane as she talked to Em. Her cousin with no friends. “I don’t like Dreama. I prefer Oscar Winning Frankfurter the Eighth. And I think Oscar Winning Frankfurter the First, the Second, the Third, the Fourth, the Fifth, the Sixth, and obviously, the Seventh would agree. Frankfurter is a good name. Frank. Furter. Oscar Winning.” Once she was done with her rambles, the Air on Dog found its way into her mouth, she began unceremoniously shoveling it in.

Em started to rub her eyes in frustration at the sheer stupidity of these two. “Okay, that’s it. I’m breaking out the heavy shit.” She crawled her way back deeper in the depths of the truck’s bed and brought into light a gallon jug of clear liquid. With a little effort, she popped off the lid and heaved a hefty swig of the mysterious concoction into her mouth. She was gagging for air in a mere moment, the scorching liquor a fire in her belly.

“Holy shit, Em. It’s like 8:30. Oh wait… I guess that is the right time to start drinking.” Zack caught himself as he looked into the horizon, noting the sun’s quiet departure and the arrival of the night. “Welp. Let’s pass the moonshine around!” The flaming haired man took the jug from his sister and downed his own fair share before offering it to his cousin.

“All the shine, but where is the moon?” Kitty asked out loud, licking her fingers before grabbing the giant jug. “8:30 and because of your need, to live and breathe a set list that has no coherent theme, we miss the biggest event of the day.” Sighing heavily, Kitty brought the liquid mistake into her lips and chugged, chugged, chugged. When her belly was feeling fuzzy, she released the jug and passed it back to Em. “This is why we don’t get laid.”

“Yeah, okay. Speak for yourselves.” Zack chuckled to himself, posturing against the truck. For some reason though, Kitty’s words made him think that he might be forgetting something. Hmm… It was probably nothing.

Em was clearly flustered at the mention of not getting laid, but chose not to engage in that dialogue. The drinks hadn’t helped, her skin growing a deep red both in embarrassment and as her intoxication increased. “Kitty, what could we possibly be missing at this backwoods festival? What? Are we missing the corn shucking contest? Maybe the barnyard ho down?” The moonshine was quick to work on the small woman, and damn, she was already a little dizzy.

Instead of giving a clear answer, Kayleigh took this as an opportunity to play a game. With her hands free, she took a couple steps back, feeling lit because of all the drink she drank. Tying her shirt to show her stomach, and giving herself a sultry vibe, she walked down the runway flipping her hair side to side. When she did a pose at the end of the runway, she put her finger up for them to wait a moment and ran to the other side, pretending to be in the crowd. She swiped her hand on top of her other hand, like she was throwing cash to the stage. She brought her finger up once more, WAIT, and went back to the stage. Kitty pretended to have tears of joy as she picked up the cash off the floor.

Then and only then she was done acting out the date auction.

Wallah! She spread her hands out, spirit fingers, wondering if they got it from her obvious imagery.

“Oh! Oh! I know, I know!” Zack exclaimed, bouncing up and down like an excited dog. “Moulin Rouge! Moulin Rouge!” It was so obvious from Kitty’s display that someone was putting on a grand soiree, an elaborate performance of Baz Luhrmann’s musical masterpiece.

Em’s brain hurt. Between the two of her relatives, she felt like the only sane one here and her only comfort was the alcohol starting to set in her bloodstream. “Zack, nobody’s doing Moulin Rouge here… also what the fuck scene are you thinking about? It’s set in a fucking cabaret, not a strip club. Actually, wait you might be onto something…” Em thought about the context for a moment. In retrospect, maybe, for once in his life, Zack was right.

“Okay, Kitty, where’s the Moulin Rouge performance? I’m down.” The smallest Snype admitted defeat, slipping off the back of the truck and onto the grass. The world spun slightly, but not enough to keep her out of tonight’s festivities.

Placing her hands on her face, Kitty silently screamed. They were idiots. Both of them. To miss the signs. The obvious signs. They would never win a real game of charades. Grumbling to herself, her hands dropping to her side, she walked to them. Turning around, she pointed across the street, where there was a crowd growing. “The date auction. We’re missing the date auction. All because Zack loves to practice.”

“Oh yeahhhh! That’s what I forgot! The date auction!” Zack uttered, holding a finger up as if a lightbulb had just illuminated in his head. “That was pretty good, Kitty. Should’ve been an actress.”

Em, as well, was screaming silently. There was no way in hell that little runway shindig was an auction. Auctions didn’t have runways. How did that make sense at all?? “...Whatever. I don’t really care about that, so I’m just gonna sit here. You guys go and do your stupid little fake date bets, and I’m going to finish my beer and wait for the set.” She started to make a move back to the truck bed.

“We can go?” Kitty’s eyes widened, giving her cousins puppy dog eyes. She thought they had just started practice but if Zack was willing, she’d go and drag Em too! “Really?”

Zack grabbed Em’s arm before she managed to root himself to the truck. “No, no, no! We go together. As a family. To the date auction.” he insisted boldly, maybe not instantly recognizing how weird that sounded. “Oh shit, that’s right… I’m in it! C’mon guys we gotta go, go, go!” He felt around for his phone in his pocket, tore it out, and choked back a panicked shriek. “Damn it, I’m so late! LET’S GO, TEAM!” With Em in his iron grip, he started bounding towards the festival’s center.

“Wait! What about Frank? What about Bonnie? What about Dreama?!” Kitty shouted as her cousins were off like horses at the race tracks. Oh shoot. They were leaving her behind, she hated being left behind. Swiftly, she picked up her case and slid Frank in the back of Zack’s truck. Her gaze fell on the unfinished moonshine.


They couldn’t let that go to waste.

Grabbing the jug and saying her goodbyes to the instruments, Kitty speedily chased after her cousins, moonshine in hand. “WAIT FOR ME!” She paused as she almost ran into some randos. She didn’t bother saying excuse me. “DOES THIS MEAN I CAN PLAY?” The auction sounded so much fun! She’d give a killer performance.

“Of course you can play, Kitty! We’re gonna tear this auction up, baby!” Zack beamed, practically dragging his poor sister behind him.

“LET ME GO! LET ME GOOOO!” Em begged, tripping every which way as her stronger sibling ripped her away from her comfort zone and into the depths of hell.

Tailing the two siblings, Kitty sang NSync like she was their radio as they rushed to the biggest event of the day, the month, the year!


The date auction!

She couldn’t wait to see all the thirsty people.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Introducing: Bradley Thompson
Also FT: Estella Serrano
Location: Festival, heading to the Date Auction
Interacting: Reya @The Muse at the end

@Hey Im Jordan & @LovelyComplex


The world wasn’t steady. She could barely see what was around her, let alone walk straight. Estella Serrano did not drink. Not like her friends did. She was a working girl and had to make sure she could function on the ranch. Being in Levi’s presence stirred a fire in her that she didn’t realize she had until he came back in the picture. On top of that, he just let her run off! What a jerk. She knew he was a sleazeball but letting a drunk girl run off, not giving a damn? That’s a whole ‘nother level. Scumbug level!

Grumpy and perturbed, she tried to maneuver through the festival to find her best friend. It was absolutely frustrating she hadn’t seen Reya all day. Stella felt awful because she wanted to be there for her, seeing how it was her dad’s one year angelversary. They had promised each other they’d meet. On top of that, her phone went missing so it wasn’t like she could call her. Finding a lamp post, she hugged it for stability. Lifting her right hand in the air, she looked at the bracelet that she got for her friend, wearing it all day in hopes she could gift it and be like surprise, I love you. It had personalized braided rope and the centerpiece was a memorial photo projection charm that uses nano-engraving technology on the love stone. Stella put a lot of time and thought into this gift and she hoped Reya would love it.

First though? She needed to find her. Dramatically sighing, the eldest Serrano pushed herself off the post and started following the crowd. She had heard whispers that the auction was starting. If Zack was participating, Reya would certainly be there to drool at her eye candy. Her forever eye candy that she still hadn’t had the courage to make a move on. That girl seriously needed cupid to throw several love daggers at her, or arrows. Whatever. She needed someone to do magic or her poor Reya would always think of the what ifs, rather than live her life. As she swayed, failing to walk in a straight line, a handsome blonde stranger enthusiastically greeted her. Stopping in her place, she narrowed her eyes to try to get his face to stop moving so she could make out who he was. “Hi, yes… I do, um, I know where it is but do you know where you are?” Oh no, she wasn’t making sense. This poor guy. “... who are you?”

The handsome gentleman standing in front of her frowned. He hadn’t expected her to slur her words; the Stella he remembered wasn’t much of a drinker, if a drinker at all. Even so, it was certainly her; even with slurred words, he knew one of his old friends' voices very well. Was she so drunk she’d forgotten him? He bent down so he was closer to her face — she was so much shorter than he was, he almost felt like he was talking to a child. A very… very drunk child. This made him laugh.

After he was done laughing, the smile he wore never left his face as he straightened up. He was so happy to see her! Stella would know where the petting zoo was. Of that, he was certain. She was also a friend, but he really wanted to pet the goat. With the drugs still active in his system, he wasn’t exactly handling it the best. The smile faded, replaced by a frown. Should he have already introduced himself? He didn’t think about that.

“Uhm.. Brad. Bradley. Er, Thompson. Bradley Thompson. Abigail’s brother. That’s me.” As if to accentuate his point, he jutted a thumb toward his chest. His phone buzzed. He ignored it; it would have been rude to check it while talking to a friend! Bradley would check it later.

With him so close to her face, Stella narrowed her eyes. There’s no way this was Bradley. She gently grabbed his chin and turned his face from side to side. “Bradley. Like… B-Rad. Bradley that lives in Cali?” She tried her best to not slur as much anymore, hyper focused on the person in front of her. She was coherent but she did have long pauses between her words. She was doing her best.

Releasing him, she crossed her arms and tilted her head, “You changed. So much.” Maybe she was too drunk for this because the Bradley she knew didn’t dress this sophisticated and clean, and if she remembered correctly he had longer hair, glasses, blemishes and much more meat on his bones. It wasn’t until she really stared into his eyes, no longer letting her gaze wander, clearly checking him out, that she did see the Bradley she knew.

No way!

When did he move back home? Was he just visiting? Why didn’t he tell her?!

“Bradley!” She exclaimed, finally recognizing him. She jumped into his arms, practically pouncing and brought him into an embrace. Stella was always one to show affection to those she cared for. The moment didn’t last because grumpily, she pulled away and punched him in the arm. “So you’re going to act like you didn’t tell me you were here?!”

Bradley never really got used to being objectified. Of course he noticed Stella checking him out — the change since the last time she’d seen him was fairly drastic. Hitting the gym in college and whipping himself into shape after leaving Sanctuary had been one of his best choices in his life, but it was one that his grandmother seemed intent on undoing since he’d returned. After an adolescence and high school career filled with no success with women, glasses, and greasy hair, it was a weird change to have girls look at him. Really look at him.

He couldn’t deny a swell of pride in his chest when it was Stella doing it, though.

Being called B-Rad had made him smile. Was he rad? He wasn’t sure. After she hit him with the big question, Bradley tilted his head to the side. His answer was honest. “I didn’t really tell anyone I was coming back. I’ve only been back a couple of months!” He frowned. The last time he’d seen Stella, a couple of months had been an eternity, but they’d both been younger then. He was old now, a couple of months went by in the blink of an eye… “Abigail was acting out… my grandparents were going to lose the shop, the bank was gonna foreclose on our house… I had a lot to take care of. And I still have my California job! I just sleep when I have free time.”

He frowned. “I’m sorry, Stella. I just haven’t had time to do anything for myself since I got back.”

He’s been here for months?!

As surprised as she was, she didn’t take offense because even without them seeing each other, he still checked up on her and they chatted when they could. He never did disappear. He was just too shy to send her pictures of his California adventures but she loved hearing his stories and what he loved. Unlike LEVI, Bradley was a good friend. “Well then,” Estella grabbed onto his arm, hooking her own with his. She led the charge toward the growing crowd, using him obviously for stability. She was unable to walk straight. “Before I tell you where the pet zoo is, because I know how much you love the babies, you must help me. On a quest! To find my best friend.”

She glanced up at the man 10 inches taller than her and gleamed. “I clearly had too much to drink and was abandoned by a jerk-mc-jerkface. So could you do me a solid and keep me company? I do real dumb things when I drink and I really need to find Reya.” She pouted, turning back to the Auction which was a bit of a walk away. Or it seemed far away but her perception was tipsy-tourney. Leaning her head on him, she continued, “Her dad died a year ago and I feel like a bad friend for not seeing her yet. I really hope she’s okay.

At least she’d accepted his reasoning. He wished he had more time to establish a presence back in his hometown, but he’d been so busy that it just hadn’t been able to happen. Even his planned weekly sleepovers with Levi had been stopped dead in their tracks. There was no time to be Bradley! He was lucky he’d been able to sneak away for this.

He felt Stella leaning on him. How could he not? Almost naturally he moved his arm so it was looped around her waist rather than having her just hanging off it. It would be easier to steady her that way, he thought. “... sure, I like quests.” Of course, in his mind a quest was something that had a bit more swords and sorcery, but this was okay too. He could work with this. Plus, she didn’t want to be alone while she was drunk! What was he going to do? Abandon her so he could go hold rabbits? Rabbits that most likely belonged to her family farm? That just wouldn’t be proper.

“Oh, right! I got a text.” He didn’t know why he said that aloud. He pulled his phone out as they walked with her in the lead and his arm keeping her from falling. Really, he thought it was time that Stella go lay down, but he could both understand and respect the desire to be with a sad friend. He stared at the phone, reading the words once, then twice. A third time, and he still didn’t believe them. Eventually, he managed to speak again. “Oh, no.” He said.

“Someone,” he did not say Levi’s name. Whether it was intentional or a slip of a THC-riddled mind was anyone’s guess, “signed me up for the dating auction thingy. I’m gonna be auctioned off. Like a slave in Game of Thrones.” If Bee were here, she would have laughed at him.


“Hey, what better way to show you’re in town then go on stage and shake your booty?” Stella giggled, amused. As she went to look up at him again, up to see the concern and distress, her amber eyes caught sight of the brilliant moon. The stars were out and where they were, in a rural small town, there was plenty in the sky. Without the dark, one could only dream of such a beautiful sight. There was always something bigger and more beautiful to strive for. There was always something worth dreaming about. That’s what the stars made her think of. She loved the night.

“I bet Cali skies aren’t like this,” she whispered as she became distracted by something she likely saw everyday. Yet everyday, she observed it like it was the first time. Everyday she was filled with wonder and awe, never letting the dreamer inside of her die. Her gaze trailed from the sky to his face as he directed them closer to the event. Forwardly, she asked, “Were you happy? In Cali?”

That was not an easy question to answer, at least to answer honestly. Bradely was quiet as he thought about it, wondering if he should have responded. Honesty, he reasoned, would probably help them be friends for longer. That didn’t make it any easier to say something so seriously, he thought with a gulp. “Yeah, yeah I was. I… uh, don’t have the best memories of being here. Most people here weren’t very nice to me, Stel… Like, in school. People were mean until the day I left.” He said the last part in a hushed voice, as if he were embarrassed to admit it. “It was different there, it felt like people respected me more. They understood me better. It helped me… take care of myself more.”

The silence lingered for a second longer than he liked and Brad cleared his throat, quickly stealing a look up at the stars. “The stars are nice here though! Definitely better than Southern California.” He said quickly, stammering through his words and unable to hide the blush on his cheeks.

Sadness washed over the Serrano girl as she realized this town wasn’t a happy place for everyone. For her, it was home. There was a time when she and her siblings traveled to see their mom; she can count the times with one hand. It wasn’t many and before they all knew it, their mother wanted nothing to do with them and she stopped trying. Sometimes she wished she was part of the class of all her friends. Maybe she would have caught sight of Bradley’s bullies and all those that pushed him to the point that he couldn’t grow here. That he had to leave. She envied his courage and strength. He was able to get out. A dream many have but never achieve. She didn’t know if that was her dream though. She loved the ranch and her family. She loved this town she called home. But she didn’t see beyond the day, she didn’t really look ahead like most kids. Estella was thrown into a life of responsibilities at a young age. That’s why days like these when she did allow herself to slip surprised everyone. Stella rarely slips. Stella is a good girl and Javier’s legacy. Stella knew how to have fun but her fun always had limits. Levi brought out a side in her she wished she could bring out more. A side that made her feel free. Unburdened and relaxed. Little to no worries. Even if he did her good, for today, she was still mad at him and wouldn’t forgive him for ghosting her and their friends. Not until he legitimately meant what he said.

“I don’t know if this means much but I’m glad you’re back…” Stella responded, stopping in her tracks, which forced him to stop walking too. Grabbing on her dress, scrunching it in a tight grip, her downcast eyes looking at the ground and not him, she apologized, the booze shifting her playfulness to sorrow, “and I’m sorry you have so many bad memories here. I wished I’d notice.” She was an awful friend.

Bradley shifted a bit. He hadn’t thought about how this conversation would go hard enough it seemed. He didn’t really expect Stella to absorb his energy and turn it into her own. He had thought that throwing her off by mentioning the sky would keep it from getting too sad, but it seemed Bradley had failed. “Don’t be sorry, Stella. It’s okay. I wouldn’t trade my life for the world, I wouldn’t be here again if I hadn’t started here.” It made sense to him, so he nodded.

“And it does mean a lot! Don’t worry, everything is chill. Everything is awesome when you’re with your friends, and that’s where I am right now.” He paused and gave her a thumbs up. In his mind, there was no stronger confirmation than the sacred thumbs up. “I can’t believe I have to go up on stage and be prostituted. Who would even pay money for a date with me? My grams?”

“Me, but only if you do a smolder,” Stella snickered, teasing really, adding a wink for extra measure. Even if he didn’t give a charming look at the crowd, she would still bid on him. They were friends and she hated that he didn’t think he was liked, loved or wanted. She wanted to prove him wrong. Shaking off the sads, Estella tried to bury the grief and focus on her mission. They needed to get to the auction. Suddenly, however, she realized she was no longer using him to keep upright. She didn’t know when this happened but she had stumbled forward and for some reason, the world spun a lot faster than usual. Stella found herself tipping over.

Bradley was impressed with how Stella’s wink made him feel and he had to remind himself that she was drunk. A sober Stella would never talk or flirt with him in such a way… she would never intentionally give him that flutter in his stomach he’d felt mere moments before. She would never… fall like that! Bradley was almost more impressed with his own agility than he was with the feelings the wink gave him as he quickly threw his hands out and caught Stella before she fell to the ground, looking down into her eyes. “Ah, Stel. Be careful. Don’t wanna fall right before we get there, do you?” He asked with a grin before he glanced toward the dating auction stage.

Whoopsie. Okay, maybe the reality was starting to sink in that she got a little too competitive with Levi. And she was extremely inebriated. Though as Bradley held onto her, gradually bringing her from a dip to his side, she once again became bewildered with how much he changed. How different he looked. Did he really think he couldn’t get a girlfriend looking like that? “Will I fall…?” she playfully grinned at him, wrapping her arms around him once more. “...When I have you to catch me?” As her flirtatious words danced around them, she brought her attention to the crowd. She broke the moment by poking his belly. “You’re tall! Do you see Reya?”

Unfortunately, Bradley hadn’t seen Reya in years. He didn’t even know what he was looking for. Stella was right about one thing: He was pretty tall! Without really thinking about what he was doing, Bradley knelt down and helped Stella onto his shoulders and extended to his full height. “Now you’re tall. Do you see Stella?” Bradley asked, doing his best to stay absolutely still so that the woman didn’t stumble or fall.

This gesture caused Estella to beam red as she tried her best to keep her dress down, separating her skin from Bradley’s neck. In addition, she adjusted her purse so it was falling behind her and not hitting his head. She didn’t expect this but she also didn’t refuse it. When he stood fully up, she held onto his head, laughing like a child. If it wasn’t for his grip on her legs, she’d likely fall right off. She got lost in the randomness of it all that for a moment, she forgot why he did it in the first place but she was immediately brought on track when she saw a familiar head with brown hair, right by the stage platform. “You’re in luck, B-Rad. She’s exactly where you need to go.” There was a second she thought about calling her name but then she realized if she had family around, they’d try to find her and take her home. She also realized her being this high in the air would get her noticed too. “Okay, okay. Put me down… and take me to my love!”

Bradley shrugged. “As the princess desires,” he said as he kneeled down so Stella could get down from his shoulders. He had half a mind to let her walk on her own. Aren’t I due on stage? He thought to himself, but he didn’t voice his concerns aloud. Instead he just once again put his arm around Stella’s waist and led her toward the way she was going. When they were just nearly there, he stopped. “I gotta run, Stella! I can’t believe he signed me up for this. Fucking Levi. Oh.” He frowned. “Levi is looking for you, he seemed pretty concerned. I forgot to say. Don’t forget to take me to pet the animals, okay?” With that, Bradley gave Stella another smile — had his smile always been that charming? — and then turned to walk away, headed to the stage.


Just when she was going to ask him a question, he was off heading toward the stage and Stella was left with a thousand thoughts. She knew Levi and Bradley were close, years ago, but based on the little words that were just said… this meant… there was someone Levi stayed in contact with. And it wasn’t her. The anger was boiling inside her all of a sudden but that didn’t matter right now. She needed to not let this bother her and ruin her day. All these unanswered questions. On top of that bullcrap, Levi didn’t even tell her Bradley was in town. She wanted to scream but no. She couldn’t. She needed to not think about that asshole.

Breathe, Stella.

Focusing on the person that mattered the most to her, Stella skipped to the table Reya was sitting at (almost tripping) and slapped her hands on the table, “Reyaaaaaaa, I’ve been looking all over for you. I don’t have my phone but I’m here now!” She slid on the bench next to her best friend and yearningly, eagerly pulled her into a hug.

“After this, I have so much to tell you.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As he began to wander around to find Estella, Tommy found himself quickly blocked by the volunteer from this morning. Time… Tim. It’s Tim. He thought to himself while staring at the man who had a bright smile and a stack of papers in hand. “Hey Thomas, aren’t you supposed to be up on stage?” The man acted curiously but both of them knew that Tommy was supposed to be up on the stage. Tim flipped through the papers and had a copy of the whole festival outline, even the date auction.

Sighing at the man’s question, he didn’t have time for this, but he wasn’t going to be rude. Was he? “Time. Aah mean Tim. Tim. Aah'm busy at the moment. Aah caint go back up onto the stage. Aah've to find someone,” Thomas was trying to be polite but he was on a mission. He needed to make sure Estella was okay before driving back to Nixie’s house and making sure he didn’t drop that letter anywhere around her house. A sickening feeling overwhelmed him. What if he dropped it around the festival? His eyes might have got a little wider with that thought while he looked distractedly around at the other people.

Is everything alright sheriff?” Tim asked while being on the page of the date auction, showing the other man that he was next in line to get auctioned off. That he needed to be up there because he signed himself up.

Stroking a hand through his hair, he sighed, “Everythin' is fine. Aah just need to do other stuff right now,” That was a lie. Everything was not alright. He was probably going through withdrawals today. It felt like it. He thought the withdrawals that he experienced almost a week ago were bad. God… this felt horrible. He felt physically sick at this point. He could tell that he wasn’t keeping his behavior under control or his attitude in check either. Cursing himself, he should have just gone home earlier. This is what happens when an alcoholic just randomly tries to stop drinking for the twelfth plus time in eight years. He has almost made it two weeks. He can keep going. Can’t he?
Tim smiled in somewhat of an awkward way when Thomas responded, clearing his throat, “My son junior is a part of the boys and girls club and he really loves it there. More donations would give you a bigger budget to play around with…” Dammit, Tim! Why did you have to bring up the kids? Now the man was conflicted and he grabbed his jaw, covering his mouth with his hand while thinking. Staring at Tim. The man was being difficult. Thomas was being difficult. He shouldn’t have left the stage like an idiot.
Aah'm just overwhelmed beh-cuz aah got a few texts about a friend. Aah forgot somethin' back at a friends hahss as well. If ya want meh to go back onto the stage, can ya find Estella Serrano fo-wah meh? Text meh if ya see her. Just the location, so aah know she is okay?” This man was somewhat annoying because he knew the man wasn’t going to quit trying to get him back on stage.

The other man seemed to smile when being able to help, “Yeah, I can text you when I see her!” Tim was someone who always seemed to want to help. Volunteering for everything. He was somewhat of an annoying parent to the point where he put padding on his kid if they were playing dodgeball. He would put his kids in helmets as well. Thomas understood safety but it felt a little too much sometimes.

Great. Text meh. Aah really appreciate it,” The man gestured in a way that said thank you as well while he began to go back to the stage. Tim waved him goodbye with that typical smile he had on his face. It reminded Thomas of those old store clerks in the old western movies. Almost to a point where it was fake like Tim was hiding behind a mask. A little eerie sometimes.

Thomas made it back onto stage and got back into his place. Then he noticed Nixie standing there, but he didn’t say anything at all. He looked away from her. Maybe it was because of the gifts he left at her house or the possibility of her finding that letter. It might be that he felt like the woman ignored him all day. Like everyone else. Thomas was in his own head but he didn’t see any of his friends except Levi and he had no idea how to feel about that. Not seeing Levi the whole night either then getting a text message about Estella from him was bothersome. Could the cowboy say he was upset with all his friends? Yes. Yes he could.

No one cared to hangout with him after he got off his shift, he searched around for people and it seemed like he looked everywhere twice before giving up. Thomas knew he wasn’t in a good state right now. If he had been drinking, he would have been calmer and not overthinking everything. He just needed a drink at this point. Maybe he should have had a few before getting up on stage. All those thoughts about his friends disappeared as alcohol filled his mind.

The cold truth of not having anyone truly there to support you was hitting him again. Everytime he tried to stop drinking, he found himself alone, and he felt like he couldn’t tell anyone about his problems. That they would just leave. That’s what people did when his father started drinking. He was scared of being alone but he was alone. All these false connections with people were not true connections nor would they ever be especially if he continued drinking.

Thomas wished he never came back to Sanctuary. This was sober Thomas’s mind talking. The man did truly wish that he never came back. Wishing that he didn’t pick up the phone to get the message from his grandparents on his father’s side. How they guilt tripped him into coming back and taking care of his siblings even though his grandparents, aunts, uncles, or someone else could have. Thomas ruined his life on that day. Making that decision. A decision that he regretted.

It ruined everything for him. Dropping out of college to switch to online as he tried to support his younger brothers. Roy hated him. Almost every day from school a, How was school today, or whatever comment of positivity or support Thomas gave those boys. Junior would stay in his room and sometimes talk. Roy would explode on him. Throwing things. Throwing hands. Breaking stuff. Just explosions of emotion that a twenty-one year old Thomas did not know how to handle and practically allowed to happen. He allowed Roy to be the way he was and he hated himself for it but he didn’t know what else to do. He wasn’t supposed to be a parent for teenagers in his early twenties.

Moving back killed the relationship he had as well. They were going strong and for a little over a year, she was extremely good-hearted, and she loved being around Thomas. Thomas loved being around her. She was a biology student who was planning on specializing in farm animals. If he never came back, the stress of long distance wouldn’t have ruined it for them.

His whole plan was to stay a year longer in the big city for her to graduate with her bachelors in biology before going wherever she wanted to for veterinary school. They knew each other for a little while before getting into a relationship which was nice. They started out as friends and got closer. Probably didn’t help when she came to the house and that was a disaster. She wanted to surprise him for his birthday while attempting long distance and her experience was horrible. Roy was awful. Junior got jealous and pretty much fought for all of Thomas’s attention. The boys just wanted attention even if it was good or bad. Thomas was so stressed out. Roy was a brat and began to ask so many inappropriate things or say crude comments. It was awful. About two weeks after that with no communication, he got a paragraph of texts explaining that long distance wasn’t working out. That she really does care and love for him but she has a hard time with the long distance. How she hopes they could still be friends. Maybe try again in the future? But she wanted to live life. Thomas understood and didn’t fight about those texts. It however did make him heartbroken. With all the stress of Roy as well. That was the first night Thomas drank heavily and locked himself away in his room. Ignoring the world. Ignoring everyone and everything.

Why was his mind wandering so much? About what could have been. He came back. He fucked up. Everything is fucked. Thomas hated it and he kept his arms crossed, putting a barrier between him and everyone else, as he stood there silently and stared at the floor. Trapped in his thoughts. A part of him hated being sober because it allowed him to think of everything and he didn’t want to think of everything.

Stop thinking… You don’t have to think at all. Think about dogs or horses or something. You always wanted dogs. Maybe you should go adopt one. It might make this process easier for you. Having something there with you. Something that will listen and not judge you for being awful and depressed and lonely, That’s what he should, he should just get a dog. It would probably help. Pandora helps a lot. Thomas will go out to the barn and talk to her all the time. It always felt like she was supportive. Unless he was drinking then she would break the bottles no matter if he was holding them in his hand or not. They would be breaking if he was drinking by her.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Funnel cake
Too many to count

Talie spotted dark hair and saw a familiar face in the crowd, one of a rare few seeing Jewel take to stage and declare the event's opening and Manny vanished away. Though she had a strange thought that something was up, no idea why just something…

But what could she do, Reya… what would she like and what would she enjoy? She loved funnel cake and sweet things, ice cream and such. Fruity. Yes, fruity. Talie ordered a fruity cocktail and topped up her own drink before she walked over. "Anything fruity, sweet and colourful, plus a tip up on my long island" Talie spoke confidently, handing them a decent tip. Keeping people who gossiped happy was a good thing.

"Thanks, keep the change" she spoke to a somewhat flirting bartender, she really did not mind, it was all part of the territory. Tips, flirting, all that jazz and so. "Il make sure you get good drinks rock boss" the Bartender spoke, he recognised her from the local paper, her name was… he did not want to mangle it but remembered she was heading up the local rock docs team. He was not sure what they did but must be important enough to send a doctor.

"That's a new one," Talie laughed as she walked over to Reya, balancing the two drinks with heels clicking on the ground before the stage. However Chaos would intervene, Chaos always found a way to have fun with her life.

The stage was set and people were milling about and gathering for the auction as a whole. The tables were set up, little lights and such were all twinkling in the growing darkness. It was all very cute and had a certain small town style about it. The growing cooler air was nice after the long hot day and the long island would give her a happy buzz.

Walking over carefully Talie noticed movement on the stage but did not pay too much attention to it. That would pay her trouble later bouncing along to a song in her head. "Hey watch" Talie felt herself tripping slightly before someone else stopped her fall before anything severe could happen to her or the drinks. "Kurva" swearing as she managed to work out her situation. Taking a slow breath Talie looked around to see a taller man, was there something in the water making the men all big, tall and rather handsome? "Tomasz…" Talie thought aloud as he jumped down off the stage.. He seemed more interesting than just Thomas or Tommy deserved. Plus the Polish rolled off her tongue in a nice way. Something was odd, people tend to not jump off stages. She probably should pay attention.

"Sorry, Thank You for saving me. I'm Talie, and I am more coordinated normally." She introduced herself apologising, he was taller, dark haired. She was in heels and felt short next to him. Seeing Reya who was now talking to another woman. They seemed to know each other, would she be interrupting but she already had two cocktails. Her ankle was also voicing its displeasure if Talie did not sit down for a few minutes. Just her luck!

Reyas friend looks rather well put together, like Reya did. She had no trouble imagining they both had interesting times when the boys stopped being idiots. Well…less of idiots.

There was no choice really, she could always go back and talk to someone else if it was awkward. "Reya, umm sorry, I brought you a drink to make up for … well the disaster". Talie spoke slightly embarrassed remembering, spotting her with a shorter woman with rather nice waves of dark hair dressed again more casually than Talie… She really misread the evening. "I really overdid it didn't, i" she spoke as she clicked a few metres in heels, a royal blue date dress and her good cream coat.

"Mind if I sit somewhere, my ankle does not appreciate me right now unless I'm interrupting something. I can find somewhere else." Talie spoke hopefully. Talie was flustered, she planned to be nice, give a drink. Well it was a failure.

The auctions would be interesting though. Talie was about as smooth as sandpaper right now, she really should have got used to wearing the shoes before leaving the house. That was her habit…and oh.she thought she was better than her habit.

@Zora@LovelyComplex@The Muse

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