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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago

My Isekai Costumed Adventures

If you were torn from where and what you knew and were familiar with, then thrust into somewhere strange and unknown... What would you do, and how would you respond, I wonder? Let's find out, shall we~?
-- Mysterious Voice.


It was a day like any other, or perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps you had just had the very best time of your life, or mayhaps you'd just suffered the darkest hour of your entire existence so far. It may have even been just another unremarkable, mundane day with nothing to set it apart from any other. In the end, that isn't relevant at all. It doesn't matter if you were awake or asleep, at home or outdoors or even visiting someone or somewhere else. It didn't matter if you were in the middle of doing anything or doing nothing at all, for in the end, the last thing you can recall is hearing that strange, disembodied voice seemingly out of nowhere... And then everything went black.

... But then it got bright again. Too bright in fact.

You woke up. On your back. Staring into a pretty, cloudless sky. A soft breeze was blowing and you could smell the fragrant scent of ... A forest? Wait a minute... As you sit upright you find that you're in a clearing of some kind... In a forest or woods you don't recognize at all... Also, there're other people along with you, also on the ground... But what are they wearing!? ... Wait... What're you wearing?! When did you put this thing on!? More importanntly, where the heck did it come from?! You're pretty sure this wasn't part of your existing wardrobe and it sure as hell wasn't what you were wearing before you conched out into a drunken blackness a while back.

But for better or worse, it seems you're now stuck in some random place, wearing ... Whatever this is.... Surrounded by a bunch of strangers in equally bizarre or outrageous outfits... And, of course, you don't have your phone, your wallet or... Heck, even the clothes you were wearing just a moment ago. All you've got is whatever this ridiculous get-up is... And questions... So many questions...

But one question is more important than all the rest:

What the hell do you do next?


Welcome to MICA, friend.

This RP is based on the series 'Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear', a fantasy adventure comedy series about a girl who gets transported to another world and ends up with an overpowered and blatantly broken bear-costume... But her abilities and powers are all tied to that one costume, and without it, she's actually quite helpless. And that's what this story is going to be all about as well. You, the players, are going to be playing as humans from our time-period and earth, who get spirited away to another world completely unfamiliar to you, and get stuck with nothing but a bizarre, strange, embarrassing and/or outrageous costume or outfit of your own.

Now, unlike the story this RP is based on, your outfits aren't broken or overpowered from the very beginning - because if they were, it'd just be silly and boring. No, instead, you - as outsiders from this world - don't possess the innate abilities and biology of the natural residents, which means that you can't really do stuff like use magic or perform super-human feats of speed, stregth and/or endurance... But thanks to your costumes, you can bridge the gap between yourselves and the various floral, fauna and natives of this new and strange place. But remember, just like the series its based on, all your powers and abilities are linked to whatever costume or get-up you're wearing. And they're personalized, so nobody else can use 'em! Well, I mean, anyone can wear them, but they don't get access to do stuff you do when you put it on.

This is going to be a mostly adventure and comedy-based RP, with elements of dungeon-crawling, monster-hunting, JRPG tropes, over-the-top battle sequences and a tiny bit of drama and mystery. But just a pinch. For the most part, it'll be about silly, fun and light-hearted excursions and interactions, both between yourselves as players and the local inhabitants you run into. It won't be fun and games and shennanigans all the time, but if you're looking for grimdark, super-serious and bittersweet storytelling, this probably isn't going to be what you're looking for.

With that, let's get on with the stuff you'll actually need to know in order to participate!

Basic Information:

The world you'll be going to is one of a medieval fantasy setting. There is magic and monsters, the feudal system is very much still in effect and things like firearms or anything even remotely resembling modern technology just doesn't exist. Things that we, in our modern society, take for granted or consider common knowledge may in fact be things that the sentient people of this new world are completely unaware of, such as how atoms work. Also be aware that it doesn't matter what you were holding or carrying with you before coming to the new plane of existence, as the only thing you'll have on you when we start is the costume you were bestowed.

Other then that, the enviroment and nature of where we'll be starting is similar enough to central/western european standards. it'll be summer, or early summer/late spring and the time of day at the very beginning will be slightly before noon. You've all also been given the innate ability to speak, read and write the common language of the new world, even without your outfits on - as otherwise you wouldn't be able to communicate. But this is the only ability and power that isn't directly linked to your get-up, so keep that in mind.

While you're free to talk and interact with other player characters as much as you want, you're only allowed to make one post regarding any NPCs or enemies each posting-round. As an exmaple, if you attack a wolf and then another player posts about attacking the same wolf, you can't post again about further attacking that wolf - or any other nearby enemies - until the next GM post. Likewise, once you've said something to an NPC, you can't add more conversation just bcause someone else talks to them as well. If you want to expedite conversations, interactions or fights, I suggest you request doing a collab-post. I will post an update every sunday, so each posting-round will be one week, unless everyone else has already posted, in which case I'll post as soon as I can.

Oh, and in case you were thinking of making a serial killer or person whoo'd commit war-crimes or something... Just no. Whatever power or entity decided to isekai your character to this new world made sure to transport only people who wouldn't actively/willingly want to cause harm or destruction, nor be misanhropic or callous and malign. YOu don't have to be a saint or generic anime protagonist who screams and shouts about friendship and getting along, but you also can't be a total ass who abuses their potential new sweet powers.

The RP will start off by you all just having woken up in the clearing/glen described in the synopsis. From there, your adventures in this new, strange and exciting world can begin.

The Cast:

Here's the currently active cast of the story and links to their respective character sheets.

Final Notes:

I don't use Discord myself, but if you want to set one up, feel free to do so. Just leave me a link and I'll add it to this first post.

Likewise, I don't use Google-docs, on account of my bad eyes, but if you want to set something up with that, just let me know and I'll link it as well.

If you want to get in touch with me, the best way to do so is either by posting in the OOC; PM'ing me or adding me on Steam. My username is, unexpectedly, Xaltwind.

With that, let's all have some fun. :)
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Woohoo! Though I need to decide on a costume now in earnest. Have a fair few ideas after some google-fu.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Height: 150 cm

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Black

Name: Sayu Takayomi

Age: 18

Nationality: Japan

Occupation: High School Student

Gender: Female


"What? What is this ridiculous outfit? This… this short skirt… these wolf ears… this is completely embarrassing! I haven't worn a skirt since I was in elementary school and now I have to run around in a stupid, cutesy, cosplay costume! Not to mention those ears… they twitch on their own, can you believe it? And to think I'm stuck wearing it if I want to survive in this world… Garghhh, it's so infuriating!"

In short, she's a tomboy who "hates" cutesy things.

Other than that, she's a direct and honest person to the point of being somewhat of an asshole at times. She hates liars and schemers. She also hates being teased for her young and petite appearance.


She grew up just like any ordinary high school girl, with only the caveat being that her parents were mostly absent, leaving her to live on her own in her apartment. Something she was perfectly fine with, as she enjoyed the freedom she had.

She was sleeping in class when she was teleported into this newfound world. She hated school and she was pretty much a delinquent with bad grades. She never bullied anyone though. In fact, she hated bullies. She slapped a girl for bullying another once so hard she made her cry.

Costume Overview:

Type: Warrior

Source: Little Red Riding Hood

Imagery: Fairy Tale


- Auto-Cleaning: Your costume somehow washes itself daily, meaning you never need to worry about stains or bad smell!

- Auto-Repair: Should your costume ever become torn or damaged, don't worry! It somehow restores and repairs itself daily, meaning maintenance is a non-issue! ... Unless you're in a still on-going fight.

- Pajama Party: A simple translucent white negligee that reaches down to her upper thighs.

- Stat Boost (minor):

- Your First Skill/Spell: Rampaging Wolf. Using claws jutting out from her knuckles, she would tear the enemy to shreds.

My favorite candybar is milk-flavored.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Oh god, it's WOLVERINE! but about 100x cuter. There are no issues with the CS and it'll be accepted. :)



And there we go, Sayu's been added to the character tab. I've also added ehr stat boost and how protective her costume is, so go have a look at that wheenver.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Height: 5'6"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
Name: Aria Everhart
Age: 16
Nationality: United States
Occupation: High School Student
Gender: Female

Aria is a curious and determined individual, driven by her insatiable thirst for knowledge and discovery. Her analytical mind is balanced by a kind and empathetic nature. She values logic and reason but also recognizes the importance of compassion. Aria is also patient and methodical, often approaching problems with a calm demeanor. Her love for stargazing and astronomy has instilled in her a sense of wonder and awe for the universe. While she can be reserved at times, she's quick to open up to those who share her interests and passions.

Her costume makes her feel ridiculous and she can't shake the feeling that she's playing a part in some bizarre theatrical performance.

Aria is a high school student known for her curiosity and dedication. Growing up near a university observatory, she spent countless nights stargazing with her father. Her passion for astronomy led her to excel in school, and she often impressed her teachers and peers with her knowledge. Despite her academic prowess, Aria faced the same challenges as any other high school student—balancing homework, extracurricular activities, and friendships.

One evening, while studying for her final exams, Aria noticed a strange phenomenon in the sky. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the celestial display, and as the voice beckoned her, she found herself transported to a fantastical world.

Costume Overview:
Type: Hybrid (Caster/Warrior)
Source: Sailor Moon
Imagery: Magical Moon girl

Auto-Cleaning: Aria's costume cleans itself daily, ensuring she always appears pristine.
Auto-Repair: The costume repairs itself daily, ensuring it remains intact during battles.
Pajama Party: Consists of a soft, silky white nightgown with a V-neckline and short, fluttery sleeves. The same blue bow from her original costume is still tied around her waist. The gown also falls to her ankles, and the fabric is adorned with silver star patterns.
Stat Boost (minor):
First Skill/Spell: Moonbeam Barrage
Aria gathers moonlight into her hands, shaping it into shimmering spheres. She launches these spheres at her enemies, inflicting minor magical damage and possibly causing a temporary daze or confusion effect.

My fav is kit kat/milk chocolate Cadbury
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Ah, the classic magical girl. I was wondering if we'd get any of these. :)

Sadly, there are a few issues with your current character sheet, and I'll break the points down to make it easy to address:

1. Your CS isn't using the full, provided CS template, as your character's name isn't listed above her age.

2. Your character seems to actually like or enjoy her costume, which is a direct contradiction to the setting of the RP. As characters are meant to either find their outfits embarrassing, awkward or would just prefer not to have to parade around in it. You don't have to despise or hate your costume, but it shouldn't be something you're "excited" about either.

3. You have too many powers in your ability-list. You'd need to decide between Celestial Affinity, Celestial Resonance or Moonbeam Barrage. They're all fine, but at the very start of the RP you may only pick one custom skill/power/passive, so you'd need to choose one of them, you can't get 'em all.

Other than those points, there are no issues with your character. Let me know if you edit your current post so I can look it over again, or re-post your character sheet once you've updated it.


Oh, I forgot! This isn't actually a point you need to edit so much as I need to clarify it.

The Imagery-part is meant to merely tell the reader what your character's costume focuses on thematically. In your case, it'd be something like "stars & space" or "astrology" or "magic girl & the moon/stars".
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Xaltwind Fixed. Sorry, I misunderstood a few things while working on it. Originally I had the name above the sheet as well but I've moved it since it was hard to see anyway.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ah, yes. Much better.


Oh, I forgot! This isn't actually a point you need to edit so much as I need to clarify it.

The Imagery-part is meant to merely tell the reader what your character's costume focuses on thematically. In your case, it'd be something like "stars & space" or "astrology" or "magic girl & the moon/stars".

Basically, your Imagery is meant to just be your general theme. That way, I know what extra/additional skills or abilities to give your costume as your character grows, keeping them in line with your overall idea/concept. :)

Once you've done that, I'll be happy to approve of Aria.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ok done @Xaltwind
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

before i go start making a thing. still space, and thoughts on this as a costume? good or not mundane enough?

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Done and done. Aria has been added to the character tab and the active cast-roster. Welcome. :)


I uh... Uhm... What? I'm sorry, I'm having a little trouble understanding what you said there.

If you're asking if that picture is acceptable as a costume, I suppose it is? I'm honestly having a hard time telling exactly what it's supposed to be, though I'm assunming it's some kind of minotaur or otherwise similar person? It's very... Chibi... So it's hard to get a proper feel for the design. Some kind of cyber-cow?

If that wasn't what you wwre asking, I'm terribly sorry for misunderstanding. :(
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Done and done. Aria has been added to the character tab and the active cast-roster. Welcome. :)


I uh... Uhm... What? I'm sorry, I'm having a little trouble understanding what you said there.

If you're asking if that picture is acceptable as a costume, I suppose it is? I'm honestly having a hard time telling exactly what it's supposed to be, though I'm assunming it's some kind of minotaur or otherwise similar person? It's very... Chibi... So it's hard to get a proper feel for the design. Some kind of cyber-cow?

If that wasn't what you wwre asking, I'm terribly sorry for misunderstanding. :(

here have many images and it is a digimon who is based on Zhu Bajie (aka Pigsy) from journey to the west
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Is okay that my character has typical MMORPG Character growth: Character Level, Character JOB and it's job advancement and Character Skill Tree.

He was an adult who grew up grinding the game called DRAGON LAIR. He took an IT degree and graduated. He died naturaly at worked on some IT department due to the his abusive gaming life.

He was isekai'd as a young man, sixteen to seventeen years old human warrior.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PiNKPANTHERESS


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Da'Niyah
Age: Twenty four
Nationality: African American
Occupation: High School Swim and Cheer coach
Gender: Female

Da'Niyah was a observant individual, preferring to first try to analyze a situation before reacting on a first glance. However, this does not mean her emotions cannot affect her usually calm personality as under the right circumstances she can be stubborn, easily angered and down right narcinicitic. Yet, such a thing happens only once in three blue moons, so nothing to worry about. She is very collected and has a rather cozy presence, if she's not adjusted to you yet, she might not speak much at all, leading people to think she is quite stoic.

Her costume makes her feel like a people are always staring at her even when she's alone, this by itself makes her paranoid and easily anxious leading to ill temper.

Da'Niyah was born and raised in Detroit, MI, she went out of state for college cheered, swam and ran track there then came back to be a coach at her old high school. She majored in Biochemistry, and worked part time at a Research Facility before becoming a coach, now it's more of a side hustle.

Costume Overview:

Type: Hybrid, Rogue main class Warrior secondary class
Source: a overtop, coquette medieval/victorian circus or carnaval(?)
Imagery: Coquette, Acrobat, frills, jewels, flowers, lace, burgundy/cream/pink/beige, gold, pearls

Auto-Cleaning: Costume washes itself daily, you never need to worry about stains or smells
Auto-Repair: Costume restores and repairs itself
Pajama Party:

Stat Boost: Depending on which type of costume you picked, you gain a small passive boost to the correlating primary attributes. Do not touch this section though, the GM will fill it in once your sheet is accepted and posted in the characters tab.
Your First Skill/Spell: Pink Roses & Burgundy Thorns
This skill allows Da'Niyah to obscure the opponent's vision with a shower of pink roses obtained from her bouquet. Thorns from the stems could then be used to do minor physical damage to opponents.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'll probably work on/post my sheet tomorrow.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Oh, okay.
I guesss that's fine if that's what you want to make.


Nobody who came to the other world in this RP has actually died. In fact, they have to have been alive in order to be transfered.


Hah, so we finally got an actual adult for the group. Good, good, the high schoolers could use a teacher-like person to keep 'em in line. ;P

There're no issues with Da'Niyah's CS, but I will have to ask you to go read the Rules before I can accept her. Oh, and don't forget to describe your pajamas. :)

@Click This

Since I've got an inkling as to what you're up to, I'm very excited about your character. ;)

@Crusader Lord


... Ahem...!

Charlotte looks perfectly fine and acceptable! ............. If not for th fact that you forgot to include her height, eye and hair color... But once those are added, she'll be a welcome addition to the cast. ^^

Important Notice to All:

At this point, with so few vacant slots still available, I'm afraid there will need to be a queue added from here on. I want to give the people who posted and participated in the original interest Check a chance to finish their sheets and have a spot in the cast. Due to this, I may need to add one or two extra cast-slots to accomodate this, but beyond that there will be no new people added to the active group.

For this reason, if you're a player who didn't post or interact in the Interest Check, you may still apply, but if you're accepted you'll be placed on a Waiting List, and I'll contact you if any of the active players leave or drop out.

I'm doing this becuase, as you can see in the tags, this is supposd to be a Small Group-RP, and we've already hit the limit of available player slots.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alright then. Just teleported.

I mma write mine once I get into my pc. His costume is heavily resembled to the game he played and he will be the party's tank and support buffer.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago


You'll actually need to submit your CS though.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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