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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Time: Early Morning / Early Afternoon
Location: Roshmi City / The Nest
"Interactions": Scathael @Apex Sunburn, Aerilyn @Alivefalling, Mari @princess, and Thraash @funnyguy
Mentions: Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, Zeva @Pink Khione and Brigitte @Tae

Earlier that morning, Five had secluded himself within one of Roshmi's many alleyways. The sun had yet to arise at this time, and the city was bathed in natural darkness, save for the central city blocks and neighborhoods, partially illuminated by rows of street lamps of varying sizes and properties. While confining inside the narrow lane settled between two inns, Five set to work maintaining his body, specifically his right arm, which he had noticed for some time wasn't optimally performing to his needs. He had just arrived in Roshmi City a few hours ago. He would undoubtedly be unable to see a specialist to perform a quality examination and tune-up this late at night. Granted, some individuals claimed to achieve the same service at any time, yet those same 'professionals' were either unknown to the greater populace or simply resided within the poorer districts of Roshmi. Five concluded it wouldn't be worth his time or money to humor any speck of honesty these independent businesses might have boasted, and he wasn't at all desperate to undergo serious repairs.

Yet the concerns about his wellbeing were mounting.

Five had not sought professional upkeep work for him for weeks, and the funds to arrange such services were drying up. Perhaps another reason Five wasn't too keen on taking up long-haul tasks, such as the one he had opted to pursue. Many methods were used to track targeted individuals. However, specialized skill sets, spells, and gadgets were typically crucial in narrowing down a bounty's route and location. Five certainly had no way to pick up on the aroma or stench of someone or something, and his hulking profile made him stand out in thinly populated areas with little cover. So, the problems with his dwindling capital resulted from paying off informants and witnesses willing to divulge any information, including the whereabouts of the Dragonborn, Thraash, and the Light Elf, Mari. Some asked for little coin, others had to be enticed into making a bargain. And then there were a few Five simply roughed up to obtain the information he needed. As it turns out, threatening to rip someone's arms off was an excellent motivator to gain compliance. Though at times during this annoying and costly process, Five nearly decided, out of rare impatience, to go after the troublesome pair early, but logic dictated he consolidate the facts necessary to produce a cleaner picture that illustrated their locality. Those puzzle pieces of intelligence eventually came to light. Now, Five was sure that today would be his big payday.

Time passed, and proper morning came with the sun rising over the horizon. Roshmi grew brighter with the sun's radiance and louder as its citizens and business owners bled into the streets, anticipating the markets soon to open. Several clicks sounded off as Five reattached his right arm back to his body. Bringing the recently repaired limb to his faceplate, Five's three burning eyes moved with rapid efficiency, judging the quality and effectiveness of his efforts. From bicep to fingers, his arm came alive, twisting and turning like a violent serpent. Five's right hand, in particular, seemed to mirror that of a maw of teeth, unraveling from a hammer-like fist into an open palm armed with five individual talons for fingers. Five had his weaponized limb undergo its unnatural and aggressive motions for another minute until he was satisfied with its performance. He would need it and the rest of his body to be in the best shape if he was going to subdue two criminal bounties, be them in cuffs or body bags.

Donning his cloak, Five took the time to ensure his armored frame was concealed by the black and thick fabric as best as he could. A giant Warforged walking in broad daylight was enough to draw many eyes toward his direction. The most he could do to obstruct his appearance was to resemble a cloaked and hooded humanoid, perhaps an orc or a large demi-human. This didn't stop pedestrians from noticing, though they were less inclined to take heed of him with his cloak thrown on. Thus far, his ruse had kept him out of trouble at the expense of him looking like a weirdo. Five would see it as a fair trade overall. He eventually exited the alleyway and into the street. With a more extensive crowd present, his disguise was enough to blend in that much better. For a few minutes, Five continued his advance through the street, which shallowly sloped into a downward incline leading to the city's entrance. Before he could take that route, Five peeled away and headed toward an elevated part of the sidewalk, which formed into a small public spot overlooking a portion of the city. Stopping at the marble palisade, his three eyes twitched and scanned the main road leading away from the entrance and the multiple streets that would branch off. If the information he gathered was corrected, the light elf and the dragonborn would be passing by and making their way to the lower-class sector of Roshmi. More than likely to hit up a vexing bar called the Nest. With an admittedly uneven timetable fabricated from these accumulated facts, Five anticipated his quarry would arrive from one of the intersecting streets. From there, he would simply tail them until the time was right to pounce.

Five's eyes were set to work identifying everyone traveling down the multiple streets he could oversee at an inhuman rate. Some individuals looked similar to his targets, but he could make out their subtle physical features. If, by chance, someone was using a spell or a disguise ring to mask their appearance, for instance, Five would most certainly pick up on spectral signatures such methods would naturally produce. Though he couldn't see past the façade clearly, the user's aura would give away their general profile and shape, which was enough for him to work with to catch a bounty should they pull such a trick. While Five patiently observed his surroundings, something caught the attention of one of his eyes. A strange surge of familiarity suddenly occurred to him. Turning slightly towards Roshmi's main entrance, Five offered another of his optics to the disturbance. At the same time, his last eye remained glued to the roads. The odd instance that struck him at first glance appeared to originate from a group of adventurers. Enhancing his vision, the faces of these new subjects of interest appeared closer to him than where they actually were.


For Five, time superficially stopped as he began processing the information from his optics. The figure wearing a cloak and armed with a halberd was an unusual sight. Compared to the fairies and the elves in his company, the man lacked the knife-ear trait Five was so used to seeing. And the individual's aura seemed off somehow. Something Five couldn't recognize immediately. Curious but inconsequential. The light elf wearing the disguise ring was another oddity, and the Warforged could only imagine the purpose they had in using the device. He wasn't worth the time figuring out. His fixation however landed on the two fairies. He had seen them before, yet somehow not in person. Five recollected his recent memories and discovered the reasoning behind the flash of familiarity that had caught his attention.


A deep static growl that would come from a hungry and anxious predator emanated from Five. Before him were two wanted criminals with bounties on their heads. Combined, they would be enough to pay for a complete tune-up and repair to his chassis. They were right there, his for the taking. The Warforged presently had the advantage. He wasn't spotted yet. With a quick leap and a swing of his sword, the party of adventurers wouldn't know what hit them. The initial strike would undoubtedly catch them off guard, and the follow-up strikes he would commit would take them down quickly. Forget Thraash and Mari! Take these two instead; they're right there! Yet Five rejected the urge to pounce. Logic quickly settled in and erased the desperate tension. Indeed, he could attack, but to do so out in the open? Near the entrance where the city guard would be stationed? Where civilians and local businesses were uncomfortably close to him, and a massive sword being swung about? Any offense he undertook would incur many risks he would rather avoid. He would draw too much attention, and any miscalculated swings that caused property damage or, worse, injuries to the non-combatants around him would reflect poorly on him as a bounty hunter. Being a Warforged on top of that made the circumstances even more awkward. He had no desire to get involved with the authorities, especially the Dark Elf variety. What spectacularly rotten luck.

A brief jet of steam shot out from a few of his external facial vents, the only way Five could visibly convey his displeasure. The situation and the conditions at present were not in his favor. Five observed his potential prey for a few more seconds before retreating from view the moment their wandering gazes could meet his own. With a click, the chemical fogger built within him came alive. It loaded a vial containing a white substance into its ignition chamber. A small thick mist shot out from the vents that made up his 'mouth'. In an instant, whatever visage of him that could be seen from the city entrance had vanished behind the artificial shroud. He was still annoyed about fate, apparently taunting him with unreachable riches. Five resumed his search as he repositioned himself atop the scenic viewpoint.

It was only another hour later until Five's eyes caught a glimpse of his true quarry, followed by another registry report manifesting through his consciousness, ((TARGETS ACQUIRED: BOUNTIES MARKED AS MARI AND THRASH FERNO HEADING EASTWARD -- CALCULATED ROUTE ALIGNED WITH LOCATION OF ESTABLISHMENT IDENTIFIED AS "THE NEST")).

<<INITIATING HUNT.>> Five hissed.

Five knew he would be trailing about a couple miles of architecture and apartments behind Thraash and Mari and had no visual of them for some time. There was even the chance they might not even be heading to The Nest and instead have gone to a different location altogether. Of course, that was always the risk of tracking prey; they could betray expectations at a moment's notice, whether they meant to or not. It was a fact he had long since accepted, and he could only but trust the intel he had gathered and go from there. Despite the apparent distance between him and his objective, the Warforgeds' natural cruising stride eventually allowed him to arrive in half the time it took his targets to get there. Five quickly scanned the surrounding slums and determined no pedestrians were present. Good. With what he had planned to capture the draconic demi-human and the light elf, he didn't want to involve other civilians besides the bar's patrons, whom he had already accepted as likely casualties to his upcoming ploy. They were criminals, after all. Who would miss them? His gaze was set on the bar itself, and his eyes glowed brighter. His vision shifted and pierced through the walls, making the interior visible to him. He could see the many people within the building eating, drinking heavily, smoking a number of toxic substances...

And there they were. Thraash and Mari talking up a storm, gaining the patrons' undivided attention.

Five made his way around the back of the establishment, though, only to find that the alleyway was unkempt with filth, rats, and sediment from other structures littering the backway. He would have frowned in disgust if he had anything resembling a mouth. With a quiet groan, Five worked his way through the muck, careful not to make any loud noise that could bring him unwanted attention. Funnily enough, with how rowdy the two were, he likely had little to worry about. Nevertheless, he prided himself in practicing surgical proficiency, and he certainly wasn't going to stop now or anytime soon.

The Warforged cleared the debris and found themselves staring at the backdoor to the bar. Next to the door were rows of trash cans filled to the brim with waste. And next to them was a Dark Elf who appeared to be in a narcotic-induced trance as their eyes stared unconsciously into the sky. It was evident to Five that the man was clearly on another planet as he took no notice of the hulking machine standing directly before him. Five paid the drug abuser no mind and glanced back toward the bar's main room and saw that the pair were still there. However, their attention now was fixated on a presumably drunken rabbit demi-human. Now, he only had to wait for the right moment to strike. Though the wellbeing of the bar-goers hardly concerned him, he preferred to keep the eventual confrontation between himself and Thraash and Mari. Five was confident in taking down these two criminals by himself should a fight erupt. Yet he knew from the intelligence he had gathered that they were strong and capable in their own right. Regardless of what he thought of them, he knew he had to take the pair seriously. Tipping the odds in his favor then would be beneficial in the grand scheme of things. He planned to wait out their venture of food and drink. Once they began to leave, he would launch his ambush, shrouding the area in a mist and incapacitating the two of them before they could plan a defensive response. All he had to do now was simply wait...


Or so he thought.

Five was immediately taken aback by the demi-human's retaliatory roar, followed by the swing of their mighty hammer, which obliterated the table she initially wasted away on and knocked both Mari and Thraash flat on their rears. One of his eyes quickly shot to the great hammer within the girl's grasp. It was a powerful weapon from what he could gauge. Still, his unraveling vision instantly found that the large weapon she wielded was fitted with a shockwave enhancement. Such a powerful modification explained the destruction she caused a moment ago. That was going to be a problem. The situation had now changed, seemingly for the worse. Five was still determining how Thraash or Mari would react to this unexpected dilemma. He observed the great hammer wielder closely, taking in her stance and demeanor, which had radically shifted from the deathly stupor she exuded previously. She was amped up for a fight; there was no doubt about it. Five hissed and steamed in irritation. Who was that girl with the hammer anyway? Another bounty hunter? A mercenary? He didn't enjoy the idea of another individual cashing in the heads of two bounties he had planned more than a month for to capture himself. Whether that was her intent or to start a brawl for the hell of it, what Five did know was that she had just become competition.

And Five wasn't about to share the reward.

Plan B it was then. Raiding the establishment wasn't his first and preferred idea, but his hands were now tied with the developing scene. Five reached for his greatsword and pulled the weapon from its magnetic mounting. With the sword in his right hand, Five decided to turn the weapon into a makeshift lance. He needed to enter the bar quickly, and the door didn't accommodate his massive profile. So, he would need to pull off some demolition work. His right palm then split open, revealing a circular chamber threaded and filled with rotating gears. He manipulated the sword's grip within his hand so his four fingers were now clenching both sides of the weapon's crossguard. The sword's grip was pulled into the chamber and locked into place, with the right thumb folding and sealing over his fingers. With several internal clicks, his right hand and the entire greatsword began to rotate and swiftly picked up speed. The rotation of the blade increased further, and within seconds, a subtle drone emanated as the sword spun and cut through the air. With his left hand, he braced his lance-arm and took a stance to eventually launch himself into the door. Mechanical motors and servos built into his legs and thighs clicked into position, and pistons accumulated dangerous pressure. Steam jetted out from all over his body, preparing to transform himself into a Warforged-sized ballista bolt.

After a few more clicks and clangs sounded off, he was ready.

"What are you...?" a tired and unbalanced query unexpectedly came from the high-in-the-sky dark elf.

One of Five's red eyes glared at the elf, <<GO BACK TO YOUR PLANET>>

The dark elf stared at him for a moment longer and leaned against the bar's exterior again, "...okay."

Not wanting to waste another moment longer, Five initiated his attack. In an instant, his body suddenly shot forward with a bang. Steam violently propelled him at a neck-break velocity, sending him into the doorway where his sword effortlessly drilled through and blew it apart, along with the rest of the doorframe and the wall too. The bar's inhabitants would have heard the destruction exploding from behind the establishment. However, they would have had little time to comprehend the dark, hazy mass that dozed towards them. Those furthest away would have seen a steam-shrouded entity with crimson eyes and a single massive horn charging in. Though Five was precise. He planned his vector of attack ahead of time, and his form swiftly carried him past the patrons and beelined directly at the demi-human girl and Thraashi and Mari. All three would have seen him by now and noted the giant spinning sword threatening to crash between them.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi!
Interaction:Brigitte @Tae, Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, Zeva @Pink Khione, Brigitte @Tae (optional)
Mention: A strange What If scenario.
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring, Oak Wood Staff!, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 560 Amas. Oh! And Owlbear loot that he hasn't shared

“My main concern is that Zeva will turn us all over to the dark elves if given the chance, and I do not trust Luum to do everything in his power to prevent that.”

“And I also wonder how much we can trust a man who cannot even locate his staff to keep proper eyes on Bardulf.”

“You can trust me plenty. A staff is replaceable after all.” Mister Luum had commented with a beaming grin. There was mention of Bardulf being responsible for killing Zeva if he wound up in their declared group. He's giving the job to the wrong guy. Bardulf wouldn't dare do such a horrendous thing. He thought he was sure Bardulf might likely find such a request distasteful on his own. It would make it all the more easier to rope the human in and leave the fairies to themselves. Besides it would do Brigitte good to socialize with someone other than himself.

The young demi-human woman was looking from face to face as everyone spoke, remaining silent as Mister Luum preferred. She couldn't help but wince every few moments as her sharp sense took in the surroundings of the city. So many people and things coming and going in one space was quite overwhelming. Despite this, she listened in on the conversation at hand. Mister Luum wanting to leave her with Bowyn and Rue wasn't what she might have preferred but she wouldn't argue. She enjoyed the two fairies so far, especially Rue since she was the sweetest of the group… and happened to be another woman.

“I don' mind tha groups if ye ask me.” Brigitte commented to which Mister Luum shrugged with his hands up as if her words finalized the decision.

They would have headed straight for the pointed-out bakery but Bowyn's stoat popped out of Zeva's bag and created a bit of a scene between her and Bowyn. More points for the Luumster. Or maybe simply minus points for the winter fae.

“Yes, let us go forth to the bakery to indulge in honeyed toast and the like!” He declared with excitement while pointing at their destination that Zeva was already marching to. “Brigitte!”

“Yes, Mister Luum.” She answered as she hurried to his side while the others went forth.

“The amas and our owlbear treasure is in the bag. If we split up, you and I, make sure to sell the stuff we don't need and buy me a new staff.”

“Aye, a wooden staff?”

“Of course. I'm cheap! Now let's go catch the others.” The two followed behind the group to the bakery that sold Honeyed Toast for 1 ama a slice! What a steal!

Bakery Items and Prices

1 ama per slice

Honeyed Toast

4 amas per order

Blas Buns
Fallaid Bread
Luckie Dips
Bannoch Biscuits
Toffee Apples
Cinnamon Hot Bread
Alaberry Custard
Alaberry Roll
Cacao and Peanut Butter Cake
Riverfruit Jelly Rounds (3)
Sandwich Breads
Moon Breads (Crescents)
Peanut Butter Buns
The Long Loaf
Pecan Fleefa Cookies
Cacao Cookies (2)

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Nest, Roshmi City
Interaction: @princess Mari, @Alivefalling Aerilyn, @Apex Sunburn Scathael, [@Shining Sector] FIVE

Get a new bounty I tell her. The bitch is piss drunk I tell her…

“Fuck,” Thraash cursed as he picked himself off the ground by using Mari's head to push himself up for good measure. His glowing yellow eyes glared at Aerilyn, the strange, drunk… and unbelievably tall rabbit demihuman. Where once was a table of pitchers in front of her now was shattered wood and glass scattered across the floor. Though Aerilyn had seemed to pull a 180 in terms of demeanor, Thraash wasn't going to stop being pissed off about knocking onto the floor. Not only did it cause injury to his reputation but who the hell reacts like that?!

“Lookin' for somthin'? No. I think I found what I'm itchin' for.” Thraash unslung his axe from his back, gripping it in both hands as he bared his teeth at her. To the patrons watching, Thraash and Aerilyn were having quite the odd state down with the stark differences in their demeanors. Even Thraash was starting to find it strange as she kept up her bubbly appearance. He didn't like beating the hell out of drunks but he'd make an exception. “Stop fuckin' smilin' and- The fuck is that?” A loud crash from behind the establishment stole his attention away from the rabbit. He turned around, his tail swinging against Mari for another good measure.

“What the hell is that?!” Floopa yelled as she moved away from the end of the bar closest to the approaching thuds. Thraash could hear a low droning sound that he could help but think would be a perfect addition for his Muse Box clipped to the waistband of his pants. He would have given the idea more thought if shit wasn't hitting the fan at the moment. He took a deep breath just before the hulking red-eyed metallic being burst through slightly shrouded in smoke with a greatsword spinning like a heavy-duty drill!

That's fuckin' solid…

Not wanting to be too stunned by Five's epic entrance, Thraash spat a small burst of flame. He knew it wouldn't stop the warforged but figured it would provide some level of disorientation. With that, Thraash would attempt to dodge to the right of the spearing sword. His body would knock a table or two over but he'd be ready and in position to swing down on Five's sword to hopefully open him up for Mari to deliver a counterattack. If she fuckin' does it!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Further off from Guavav Village than before - LOST
Interactions: @Helo Cyrus @13org Viola @Alivefalling Dante @FunnyGuy Darius
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Dress, which she decorated with flowers and hung little charms off the ropes, A small antler headdress with flowers and jewels, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

"Hello there!"

A voice from behind the four could be heard. Phia's wings were fluttering as she worked to catch up with Cyrus, Viola, and the two humans. Once they had caught wind of her voice, she landed on her feet and moved on foot over. She was grateful to see the four were alright and she smiled as she came to a halt before them. She put her hands on her hips and declared, "You all were very brave. Incredible feats by all...I will have to reward you all with a great feast when we get back to the village. " After a sigh, she asked, "...Do any of you need any healing?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: One week after Zora arrived into Avalia.
Location: Riverbloom, Daisy Bakery
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Barrock @Conscripts, Rowan

Soon after speaking with Rowan, Zora's attention finally was directed towards the orc, perhaps a tad bit late though. From the brief lessons she had about Kanth-Aremek with Aurora and Rowan, she was told about orcs. A race of ferocious and violent fighters, blessed with a truly intimidating physique, but with a tendency for solving most problems with violence while not being as cunning as the other races when outside combat. But despite everything she had heard about orcs, the one who was in front of her was very different from the stereotypes she heard and was told about them. Incredibly calm and collected, not resorting to violence even when it would be justified, such as the situation with the dark elf a few moments ago.

"No matter where we are, it seems there are always pathetic people like that dark elf..." Zora said, referring to the scene they witnessed a moment ago.

"Something tells me it was not the first time you had to deal with such situation... After all, you dealt with it in an admirable manner." She said, as she gave a step forward and extended her hand towards the orc.

"Sorry for intruding on your training. I am Zora." She said, greeting him as she watched the orc, intently observing his reactions, almost as if she was analyzing him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav


Mentions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy , Phia @princess , Viola @13org , Cyrus @Helo

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet, Steel Chainshirt of Deflection (3 uses per day), Disguise ring


Watching Phia depart, the stomping footsteps of Ulysses could be heard drawing close to the lone wolf waving off the departing fairy." Talk about a tense situation that was." The bearded male said with a barking laugh.

This earned him a stern gaze from Menzai though said nothing for merely standing was taking all of his effort and concentration. That and the promise made, spurring him to keep himself conscious until everything was properly finished.

" She's grown into quite the dependable young lady. Good thing too, otherwise we would already be searching for a new guardian candidate." The big man scoffed with a small chuckle, his meaty fingers fumbling over his body searching for something. A quick scrrtch, a match was lit and brought close to Ulysses face where he lit and puffed at his half-used cigar, the fiery glow giving the aged warrior's visage an almost eerie shadow as he turned his gaze to the injured wolf who still yet moved.

Observing quietly while taking a big puff of the cigar then slowly exhaled upward." The group will be alright, long as they got Phia with them. Even more so if they decide to go pay Sonia a visit." The mere mention of her name had even the huge wolf shuddering." Good luck to those brothers..after this incident, I doubt she will be in much of a good mood. Course.... nothing goes well whenever the sisters get involved." Another barking laughter rang out followed by a bit of cough from some cigar smoke getting caught in his throat.

Every swaying motion of the large hand had the glow briefly illuminate Menzai's face shadowed by his hair. The reddish hue contrasting with his slick, sickly pale skin. His eyes normally vibrant stood dim amidst the shadows, but still maintained that sharp, fierce spirit burning within those crimson glints. Gaze fixated on some unseen spot though his ears remained perked; flicking to his companions words as a single work spoken did not go unnoticed

Yet, gave no indication of what he thought or felt about the recent incident or what had been said. Menzai had always kept everything close to his chest. Mind, he was not simply standing there feeling sorry for himself; in fact far from it. Since regaining consciousness, Menzai had been slowly piecing everything together and working out how to best proceed. He had some ideas though still needed time to think on things and there was still the council that will surely be happening in the coming hours.

Ulysses let out a tired sigh, smoke billowing from his lips, the smell of booze on his breath." Those humans really are something too. Shame I missed the big open moment." A frown creasing his brow.

" They did well. If not for them, more lives would assuredly have been lost." Menzai spoke his praise towards Dante and Darius, his tone solemn and sad; peering off towards the Roc lying lifeless.

Following Menzai's gaze, Ulysses peered at the corpse and gave his beard a wary scratch." This is merely the start, of course. This attack likely no more than a warning. Probably trying to show us that even these woods aren't safe for humans. Didn't expect it to be so soon, but we might have-"

" Ulysses. Enough." Menzai cut the man off, his body trembling and wobbling in place about to collapse if not for the larger wolf stepping forward using his body to catch and hold him up." That is something.... I must discuss with the group, but..enough for now. Please, take me to the destination I requested." Asked the violet-haired wolf in a soft spoken manner barely above a whisper, refraining from elaborating any further for the time being.

With a final puff of his cigar." Ah, yes. Started rambling there and when you're already barely kicking. God forbids the reaction your mother will have." This time choosing not to chuckle, for what awaited Menzai was hardly a laughing matter. Things were only going to be more difficult once they get back to the village. Not to mention Sonia's possible wrath or how Phia would react if this prideful fool failed to hold up his promise. The duties of the guardian; a weight Menzai forced himself to carry. One they feared might crush him one day.

Bending downward using a decent size rock to put his cigar out on; finishing with a quick hand dusting, he turned and bent down." Alright. Get on. Your care is in my hands and making an enemy of the ladies from your family is one thing I definitely don't want on my arse."

A simple tired nod was his response as he allowed himself to rest against Ulysses back. Once secured and comfortable, the two made their way towards the Roc's head.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The Thugs

Interactions: Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos Amisra@Tae Arlen @Silverpaw
Location: Alleyway in Port Vanarosa

The leader leveled his gun at Ismael, a sly grin adorning his face. The grin, however, slowly dissolved as a dagger sliced through the air and lodged itself in his shoulder. His cry of pain echoed as he staggered back, his grip on the knife clenched tightly. In an act of desperation, he squeezed the trigger of his gun, but frustration followed as the mechanism jammed, rendering it useless. Pausing to take in the scene around him, his eyes fell upon the fallen fairy above Arlen. Then his gaze shifted to the incapacitated dark elf. On the opponent's side, only the female remained down.

"Boss?" The orc awaited his command, uncertainty in his expression. Neither of them had anticipated incurring any losses in this encounter.

"We retreat," the dark elf finally declared, his glare intense. "But this isn't the end. We'll cross paths again, and you'll all pay." With those words, both the orc and the dark elf abruptly turned and bolted, making a hasty escape.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport
Interactions: @JJ Doe Jun @Helo Zion @Tae Kenia
Equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, Hygiene supplies, spray bottle, short sword, backpack, a few pieces of jerky, 1000 amas, transmission bracelet, Portable Solar Box, location sender
Attire: His outfit

As Malachi rounded the corner of a building and stepped into the dimness of the woods, the urgent sound of a child's desperate plea for help surged in volume, pulling him deeper. He moved down the path and froze in his spot. There, ensnared within a network of silken threads, was a small, terrified elven boy.

Malachi's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his sword, drawing the blade with a soft hiss. He moved forward as he took in the surroundings. The scene, however, was far from ordinary. It wasn't just the boy that was trapped; it was as if the very woods had been trapped within the webbing. Malachi stiffened as he took in the sprawling expanse of intricate, sticky white threads that stretched between trees. Gazing around, Malachi's eyes widened as he realized the extent of the infestation.

How has this spread so much this close to Riverport? No one has slain the pests yet?

Blood trickled from branches and the sight of yet another elf trapped and unconscious not far off met his answer. The town had been providing never-ending courses to the beasts.

Every rustle of leaves and every flicker of movement in the shadows seemed to hint at the presence of the beasts responsible. The tension weighed heavily on him as he gripped his sword tighter and walked hastily toward the boy. He sliced through the webbing with his sword, until the fibers gave way under the blade's edge, and soon enough, the web that had ensnared the whimpering child was severed.

"Get behind me." Malachi ordered the child, who was quick to clutch at the back of Malachi's cape.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Time:Late Morning
Location::The Nest, Roshmi City
Interaction: @princess Mari, @Alivefalling Aerilyn, @Apex Sunburn Scathael, @ShiningSector FIVE
Equipment: Repeating crossbow, a bag, sword, two daggers, 3 small red potions, 1 large red potion, 1 large blue potion, hoverboard, portable solar box, eye protectors, fire starter kit, channeling gloves that turn her light magic orange, makeup, perfume, a skull she wears as a mask and a disguise ring

Mari could not say she expected the bunny-demihuman to smash the table with her hammer, but she supposed that wasn't her problem. The impact with the ground stole her breath away, an "oof" of surprise escaping her lips. Rapid blinks followed as she struggled to process the sudden turn of events. Waves of pain surged through her lower body, causing her to let out a low groan. However, it did not take long for the elf to jump back on her feet and proclaim cheerfully, "I did! I poured water on you!"

She did another double-take as the girl seemed to rapidly switch personalities as she spoke to Floofa, but that wasn't her problem either. "Needed you up so we can talk, sweet cheeks. We found your flyer-" Her gaze shifted mid-sentence over to Thraash, his axe's telltale unsheathing ringing in her ears. She then knocked on his arm as if it were a door. "Thraash chill. Come on. "

As if enough wasn't going on, a detonation of noise and force, like a thunderclap unleashed, reached her ears. Instinctively, Mari turned on her feet to look toward the door to see a large silhouette behind steam and crimson red eyes. She had not even the time to comment as it came toward them with a rotating, gigantic sword. Mari had no doubt Thraash would get out of the way, so she threw herself into Aerilyn, knocking her down toward the left onto the bar floor. It was fair payback for her little hammer stunt anyway! Her gaze swiftly found Thraash's, a knowing exchange that required no words– he would create the opening, and she would seize it. A startled giggle bubbled from her lips, caught between shock and an unexpected surge of exhilaration.

"I know the nest is known for being a little crazy, but this is a whole different kind of PARTY!" She commented excitedly as she went to work forming an orb of light in her hands. The energy formed between her palms, shining brightly to the dismay of the nearby patrons. If Thraash was able to successfully swing down on Five's sword, then she'd take advantage of the opening and send it straight toward Five.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 1 day ago


Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Much was discussed while they lay on the outskirts of town. Mister Luum in his usual archaic ways seemed to always have a contradiction to whatever the group had desired. Or perhaps it was them deviating from Mister Luum himself - it would likely be what the man would say as a counter to any sort of protest they had. For the time being, Bardulf shelved any desire to resist being split off just yet. He had to think this over...this wasn't his home after all and perhaps the elf had some form of extra knowledge that the others didn't. From what he gathered he was more familiar with this place than perhaps all of them, save maybe the new light elf woman who joined them.

Her actions seemed innocent enough. Bardulf had been around malevolent people before and Zeva, while capable of great violence, did not exude such traits. But he didn't blame Bowyn for holding suspicions. Territorial animals always protect their pack and home, whether the intentions of the supposed "invader" may be good or not. You stumble into the den of a mother deer or elk watching over its young, you'll find your innards painted on the forest floor before long.

As his internal monologue rattled on, there was a discovery of a tiny adorable thief in the midst of their group. Bardulf gave a faint smile at the appearance of Bowyn's critter friend, whose innocence seemed to lighten the mood a little. He had no additional words to add to what everyone had said, so for now he joined everyone at the suggested bakery as the smallest pangs of hunger struck his body. Perhaps that display of magic earlier had taken more energy than he thought. He looked up at the menu and remembered everyone prattling on about this "honeyed toast", which was about the most familiar sounding thing to him. That and the apples. Bardulf really enjoyed some apples. He was, however, scared that even his accent could give away his identity. He made sure his hood shielded his facial features as he pointed to the words "Honeyed Toast" and after a brief pause the words "Toffee Apple", and then placed 5 golden coins onto the counter (when it was his turn of course).

His posture was firm, slightly rigid, his breathing shallow and hidden, and while making every effort to seem inconspicious he would likely draw just a little too much attention as nearby customers and passerby would wonder "just what is up with that man?" Some would consider it creepy, some would consider it not their problem to worry about, and Bardulf would simply consider it "acting natural".

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Amisra @Tae, Arlen @Silverpaw, and the Thugs @princess

Tanithil scoffed as the leader ran off with his figurative tail between his legs. Not too far off was the big brute-like orc who was surprisingly quick to run off. "Get in line, then. Got loads of blokes who are rushin to off me now adays!" He yelled at them as they turned the corner. He then took a more serious stock of the results of their scuffle. Arlen stood above them looking down with what looked like rather mild injuries, so he assumed the fairy was dead or ran off with the others. Ismael looked a bit shaken up, and reasonabley so. Tanithil saw the gun jam, and wasn't sure what he would have or could have done in the event that a bullet found its way towards Ismael.

He gave a gesture towards the man, his fingers curling into the trademark "ok" symbol everyone knows with two fingers forming an "o" and the other 3 pointing upward. "Good first tussle, Ismael. We gotta work on that dodge work, maybe get you to make a shield or some sort of smoke screen with your magic but..." As he had spoke, Tanithil's gaze wandered over the rest of the back alley. There was the dead elf still leaking blood all over the stone walkway and the sight where Amisra had just been forcefully shoved into a wall. Several cracks lined the brick and even looked like parts of the building were beginning to buckle under the impact. But it was when his gaze fell on Amisra herself that Tanithil's foolhardy demeanor came fullstop.

He rushed to the unconscious woman's side and quickly looked her over. He began to realize the magic he had placed around her had practically shattered under the weight of the orc's strike. He had hardly noticed the faint return of his shield spell to his mana pool amidst the chaos. Panic swept through him as he checked Amisra's body for bodily injury. A cursory inspection revealed no fatal wounds or fractures, but he could see very little with his naked eye. His arms snuck under her back and legs, hands cupping her body as he lifted her up. He turned to look at the duo, and silently wondered where in the hells their captain had wandered off to. He swung his head to the side as if to point with it and shouted to the both of them. "I gotta take her back to the ship. You both can come with or keep looking on the town, but she's hurt and I ain't letting anything else happen to her. Arlen you're officially on guard duty." With that he ran off in the direction of the ship as he rushed to treat any injuries his dear friend may have sustained in the fight.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aerilyn Nalani

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Nest, Roshmi
Interactions: Mari @princess, Thrash @funnyguy, Scathael @Apex Sunburn, FIVE @ShiningSector
Current Equipment:
, mithril breastplate with Deflection enchantment, Strength enchantment gloves, adventuring clothes, large survival backpack, two large red potions, three pink potions, two black potions, cooking pot, portable fira, teeth cleanser, body cleanser, time teller, darksight glasses, travel shelter, portable bed, small pillow, lantern, flask, rope, wayfinder, fire starter kit.

Aerilyn stood silently, smiling as the now subtly enraged Dragonborn and Light Elf said their piece and stood up on their feet. She was preparing to respond when her ears detected an ominous buzzing, a sound that heralded chaos. Before she could react, a deafening explosion rocked the bar, sending shards of the splintered door flying in all directions. Instinct took over as Aerilyn's initial plan to evade whatever impending threat had burst through the entrance was abruptly discarded as the Light Elf lunged towards her, throwing them both out of the way.

Aerilyn found herself under the Light Elf who had unhesitatingly thrown herself into harm's way to shield her. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment. "Thanks, baby girl," she quipped, a mischievous wink punctuating her gratitude. But there was no time for further banter. Aerilyn swiftly pushed her new possible business partner to safety, her eyes now locked on the ominous figure that had intruded upon their meeting.

“Well... Do you know what I do when I have a problem with someone? I just get rid of them. Simple as that! No person. Nooo problem. Easy." A quote she had heard from an old friend came to her mind as it always had when any situation with another person arose. A solid reminder that the best solution is one that completely removes any issues.

Aerilyn retrieved her hammer, the weight of it settling reassuringly in her grip. Without missing a beat, she braced her legs and let loose as she lunged forward, her powerful legs giving her a boost of forward momentum. She drove her hammer in a sweeping arc toward the mysterious assailant, determined to defend herself and the two willing to help her kill the bounty. The air whistled with the force of her swing as it hurtled toward their uninvited guest; the shockwave from the hit would be enough to at least cause some issue.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Nest, Roshmi City
Interactions:Scathael @Apex Sunburn, Aerilyn @Alivefalling, Mari @princess, and Thraash @funnyguy
Current Equipment: Massive adamantine greatsword w/ Ethereal enchantment, heavy full-plated adamantine armor, magic nullification enchanted cuffs, standard backpack, rope (up to 50ft), wayfinder and timeteller, fire starter kit, first aid kit, chemist set to produce different mixtures for his fogger device, and small kit for minor repairs and maintenance.

Five's greatsword slammed into the wooden floor, its still-rotating framework effortlessly mulching the deck into mere splinters. He had missed, though the warforged wasn't concerned with the result. If anything, Five wanted the rabbit demi-human and Thraash and Mari separated. His reactionary measure worked as he watched them closely, jumping out of the way of his attempted strike and almost surrounding him. Ideally, he had betted on the demi-human disengaging from the ordeal and not drawing her ire onto him. Five had miscalculated, yet he wasn't bothered by that either. In fact, he was built for these odds, surrounded by talented and powerful foes and systematically cutting them down one by one. After all, he had butchered formations of dark elf vanguard and dispatched many of their veteran and elite troops during his killings more than a century ago. Five rose and looked down on his would-be victims, dissipating steam encompassing his imposing profile. Two metallic plates on his shoulders shifted and slid beneath his arm with a subtle yet noticeable clanking sound. The cloak he had worn up to this point slid off his metal body, revealing the extent of his armored form, illuminated by reddish hues that glowed from the numerable vents and slits. Five's signature triad of eyes realigned and maneuvered to face their targets.

The rabbit humanoid's intentions aside, the two criminals' strategy became evident the moment they moved to flank him. Five observed and analyzed their every moment. How fast they ran into position. The countermeasures they employed while doing so. The way they breathed to propel their bodies forward. The arrangement of limbs within the posture and stances they took. The direction and focus of their gaze. And the physical and magical hints they unknowingly disclose. Five simultaneously absorbed and processed the concurrent information of these aspects of battle and tactical direction displayed by each combatant. It became apparent to the warforged how fast Thraash responded to his attack by instinctively breathing in oxygen and then expunging a directed gout of fire aimed at him while moving out of the way. The demi-human's tactic would have done little to damage Five's adamantine body, and he was certain Thraash could have potentially breathed out something more substantial with what little time was available at that moment. It was an attempt to blind him. He would give Thraash praise for his quick thinking had that trick been used on someone else, yet it was employed on him. Five's optics had immediately adapted, momentarily interpreting the world through a colorless spectrum* where the intense heat became visually diminished.

Then, there was the stance his target was adopting. The warforged noticed how fixated Thraash's focus was. It wasn't entirely set on him; it was placed on his sword and Mari, which his other eye had caught the light elf in preparing a spell. Was she projecting photokinesis? It seemed likely, though he couldn't immediately tell if it was the offensive flavor or an illusion. Regardless, he could see through their ploy. It appeared she was preparing to manifest something when Thraash sprung into action and neutralized his sword. Commendable coordination without vocal communication.

And lastly, the demi-human wielding her giant hammer. Five had watched how Mari slammed into her, quite aggressively hard, to presumably push her out of the way of his earlier attack. The notion seemed odd, given how they were ready to brawl moments ago. Nonetheless, the rabbit girl was the first of the three opponents to launch an attack, charging from where Mari was and committing to a wide swing of her hammer. Five's third eye made him aware of the two other tactical factors on her person: a deflection and a strength enhancement tied to her gloves and breastplate, respectively. The facts themselves gave him an advantage in how to deal with her. He knew now that he would have to pummel her rather than rely on a single slaying attack to wear out that deflection enhancement. He could use the ethereal enhancement in his sword to bypass her countermeasure entirely, though he figured it would be wise to keep that trick in reserve should he be forced to call upon its finite advantage. Then there was the knowledge that her own attacks would be on par with his own thanks to the enhancement in her glove, imbuing her with heightened strength. Certainly problematic, but Five already formed a strategy to deal with her and the other two.

The moment the demi-human committed her assault, Five's entire body was morphing. Clicks and clangs resonated from within the depths of his armored shell. Gears repositioned into different mechanical systems. Pistons quickly directed pressure flows to crucial components. Panels and plates adjusted and realigned with his separating spine. In response to his changing internal framework, more steam vented out, followed by Five distributing a new yellow vial into his fogger device. The timing was everything, and his preparations began when his attacker took their first offensive step. Now, he would retaliate in kind. The droning emanating from his spinning sword had now intensified into an awful buzzing sound as the revolutions of the blade kicked up sharply. The surrounding air currents danced around what looked more like a lance than a sword, ripping up dust and residual debris from the floor. Another gunshot of steam exploded out from Five, signaling his move. His move in question, however, appeared to be that of a bizarre and unnatural contortionist performance. A performance that would prove deadly if unheeded.

Taking only but a single step back, Five's head and upper torso suddenly moved independently from each other. His body shifted right, bringing his left arm and taloned hand into a swing, now gesturing like a makeshift blade. At first, Five appeared to aim for the rabbit girl's head until his arm fluidly curved inward and merged into the head of her hammer. Yet it wasn't a colliding impact. Five could feel his entire left arm rattle as he precisely glanced it against the side of the hammer, sparks flying as metal rubbed against metal. The demi-human's enhanced strength was to be feared indeed. There was a chance the enhancement built into the weapon would go off from making the slight connection. Based on its intensity when it was first triggered earlier, he had calculated that the wave alone wouldn't cause any critical damage to him. However, the projected shockwave could reverberate throughout his mechanical body and interfere with his sensitive internal components temporarily. Five didn't like the idea of having portions, or worse, the entirety of his framework disabled, even if it was brief. He concluded he would have to compensate the best he could should that happen. His current main concern was using his mass and precision to nudge the demi-human's powerful hammer away from him. But his attack was far from over; his torso was still quickly rotating around. Five drove his sword into the floor once more; only now, he carved it up through his swift rotation, sending out a dense cloud of splinters and debris in every direction. A split second later, the blade was airborne and swung widely towards Mari. Given the length of his sword, mirroring his own height shy of three whole meters, the tip of the greatsword was barely reaching the bar's walls. Patrons ducked or hugged the walls to escape the sword, and the destruction is brought. Tables, chairs, and whatever object in the path of Five's large-improvised-woodchipper-sword-thing was instantly pulverized. He predicted the light elf had only a few seconds to disengage under the threat of becoming mulch.

Finally, Five's head, during his torso rotation, shot in the opposite direction before locking in relation to his left shoulder. A torrent of yellowish gas discharged from his mouth as he deflected the hammer away. The mist of paralyzing nerve agents quickly accumulated through his body's incomprehensible performance, spreading the chemical around the bar. Though the act was directed against both demi-humans, anyone within ten feet of him would risk breathing in the toxin and collapsing to the floor, constantly twitching until the effects eventually wore off.

Five's crimson eyes, still glued to their individual targets, glowed brightly as he watched closely how his foes would respond.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Nest; Roshmi
Mentions: @ShiningSector Five; @FunnyGuy Thraash; @princess Mari; @Alivefalling Aerilyn

Of course, it had to be today. Scathael hadn’t expected otherwise.

Well, most of him hadn’t, at least. It would be a lie if he said that there hadn’t been a small part of him that had wished for the rest of his time in the Nest to go quietly and smoothly. And so, he didn’t. That part was a fool, anyway; the place was practically a font of chaos. Neither did peace follow him whenever he left the open road for a town or city. With those two incontrovertible truths in mind, it would have been a far bigger surprise had his visit to the Next gone off without any further trouble.

Granted, he hadn’t quite expected trouble to manifest itself as a hulking Warforged launching itself through the doors. Flimsy wood burst into a shower of tiny splinters. Shouts and yells of surprise echoed up, down, and across the inn’s floors. One tore itself from Scathael’s lips as he almost fell from his seat. He kept his balance, however, and managed to catch a glimpse of the machine as it went straight for the dragonborn, his elf friend, and the demi-human. A fight erupted immediately, and the rest of the inn went into a riotous uproar, although all had sense and none joined in. “Bloody typical,” Scathael muttered beneath his breath as he settled into his chair once more and did his best to ignore the noise. Really, what had he expected to happen, coming here?

At least the Warforged didn’t seem interested in anyone else. Scathael just had to wait long enough for it to capture its quarry, or for said quarry to make a clever and daring getaway, and he could continue going about his business and on with his day.

Said business was a feline demi-human seated across the table from him. Her tail swished excitedly, as if it had a mind of its own, as she twisted around to watch the altercation with rapt attention. Scathael sighed and folded his arms over his chest. Up until just now, she had been haggling with him over a good quantity of excess musket balls he had cast back in the village. They had almost agreed on a good price, even. But Fate, as it was wont to do, just had to intervene.

Scathael exhaled slowly though his nose. Things could be worse, he supposed. He could be one of those that were fighting the vicious-looking Warforged, for one.

The demi-human furtively slid a hand towards the pistol on her thigh, and Scathael immediately gave her chair a hard kick. She let out a yelp, and snapped back around to glare at him with annoyance and a touch of embarrassment in her wide, brownish-green eyes. Scathael didn’t look apologetic in the least. He didn’t even sound sheepish when he said, “Are you an idiot? If you want to do that, do it from the other side.”

“Oh.” The demi-human’s irritation seeped away from her visage. “D’you think it’s got a sore spot around its back or somethin’?”

“No,” Scathael replied, managing to pack the dryness of a desert into that one syllable. “But I won't be turned into a stain on the wall with you if you're over there and I'm here.”

The demi-human scowled, but returned her hand to the table nonetheless. “I take it you’ve dealt with one of those before?” She jerked her head towards the Warforged.


“What was it like?”

Scathael shrugged. “I fixed the broken ones and left the able ones alone. That’s all. I never stayed around long enough to get to know them.” He never stayed around long enough to know if those in particularly dire straits ever survived long enough to get proper repairs, either, but he kept that part to himself. He recalled meeting some that had – quite literally – been on their last legs. Scathael could keep the mechanical parts running, but their magical components? That was well-beyond his expertise. He could only hope that they managed to find their way to someone who could properly fix them before expiring.

“Really? You weren’t curious at all?”

Scathael fixed the demi-human with an unamused look. “Yes, yes, you exposed me. I made friends with a few and we had tea parties.” The demi-human rolled her eyes, but chuckled and smirked anyway. Before she could reply, however, Scathael noticed the Warforged doing something strange. An unfamiliar tension gripped his heart as he eyes narrowed. Then, they widened as he saw sickly, yellow smoke billow from the machine’s mouth. He had seen something similar before, and on a Warforged as well. Granted, the smoke then had emerged from somewhere else, and had looked different, but Scathael wasn’t about to take any chances. It had been terrible then. He would bet that it would be terrible now if nothing was done.

“Windows,” he exclaimed and shot to his feet. The smoke was still thickest around the machine, but it was spreading quickly. Though the cloud itself was unlikely to reach him, diffusion would ensure that everyone in the inn would breathe some of the stuff in, even if they could detect neither scent nor colour. He looked at the demi-human, still seated. “Get the windows, get the fans, cut a hole in the walls if you have to.” His words came out in a torrent. “That thing is going to suffocate us all if we don’t do something quick!”

He didn’t bother waiting for a response, but the patter of feet against wood told him that she was at least doing something. One of the windows on the wall behind him was already ajar, and its old hinges squeaked painfully as he pushed it open to its greatest extent before moving on the the next. “Every window, every door has to be opened! Get the fans going as fast as they can as well!” He yelled at anyone in earshot, which wasn’t much thanks to the din of the fight. “Unless you want bad things to happen to you, do it quickly!”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Nest, Roshmi City
Interaction: @princess Mari, @Alivefalling Aerilyn, [@Apex Sunset] Scathael, [@Shining Sector] FIVE

The scene of calculated chaos unfolded in the bar. Splinters flew, tables shattered, and now some nasty yellow gas was filling the immediate area around the dreadnaught of Warforged. What was meant to be a rest stop was now a battleground.

Thraash couldn't believe his downswing against the sword was simply outmaneuvered to allow Five to perform a follow-up swing toward Mari who was charging up a light magic attack.

What really took the dragonborn by surprise was Aerilyn springing forth to swing her magically enchanted hammer at the warforged. Thraash had awaited the impact while inhaling through his nostrils.

Deeper… Deeper… Deeper… He could feel the warmth and pressure build in his chest. Even seeing the yellow-colored gas escape the machine of a man, didn't deter what he planned to do. He wasn't sure how effective the full brunt of his flames would be. He didn't know if the gas was flammable. Fuck he didn't know why this was even happening. But by the gods, he knew he was going to release a cone of fire that would make his pops proud.

“RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!” Thraash breathed at Five. He was aiming for his face but with the size of the cone, the flames would engulf his upper torso too…Oh, and hit a few of the chairs behind him… and some of the tables… and singe some of the hairs on Aerilyn… and there was also that deaf bovine demihuman regular that was minding his own business… And… I think you get it.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Riverbloom, The River
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @13org, @Conscripts
T A G S : @13org , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

“And, I am Aurora,” the Light Elf made a gracious bow to the Orc. Her hand was firmly holding her staff, as her body lowered itself.

Upon rising, Aurora’s milky gaze examined Barrack. He had a peaceful energy to him. She had witnessed Light Elves with more ferocity in their spirits. A small, polite smile rested on her lips. “I am so honored to be in the presence of a gentle creature.”

Her father had taught her to never underestimate any creature, great or small. However, she found herself quite curious about the Orc. He was not ordinary in the least, and it was admirable. She wished she could reach out and touch his face, to feel the muscles that rested his facial expression. However, she resisted such a notion.

“I apologize about the intrusion, as well…” Aurora hesitated. Her mind knitted together the best way to implore the Orc. There was much Zora (and she) could learn from the Orc. He had mastered a demon within his own nature that she could very well guess no other Orc had. To let him blend into the background, once again, would be a mistake.

Instead of immediately asking the Orc for any, assistance, Aurora decided to let the subject come to its own fruition naturally, if possible. Zora had already taken some sort of interest in the Orc. “What is it that others call you, my dear Orc?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest; Near Gaurav Village
Interactions: Viola@13org, Phia@princess, Darius@FunnyGuy, Dante@Alivefalling, Menzai@samreaper
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

Cyrus nodded once to Viola and clapped his hands together, delighted that they were all in agreement. They would walk with the two brothers back to the wolves' village and Phia and her lupin friend would meet up with them.

“The heavier a weight the more it is meant to be shared.” He placed himself beneath Dante’s arm opposite Darius and helped carry the mana-spent man through the forest. He noted the cautious look Viola wore around the two not-elves and he briefly questioned whether his nature was too trusting. Both brothers were an enigma, one he wanted to understand, and whatever Viola saw that caused suspicion remained squarely in his blind spot. He decided it all worked out perfectly; his trust would help the others trust them and Viola’s guarded nature would ensure that she was there to notice if anything was amiss.

Cyrus paused for a moment as he considered Darius’s question, there was much he couldn’t say yet. “We are from the River Fairy Kingdom, for a time life pulled us in different directions. What remains of our family scattered to the wind, until the fates saw fit to reunite us. Now, together, we ask the fates to bring us all back together. Those that still wander Avalia at least. Perhaps we are greedy, to ask for more, but family is deeply important. You understand that.” He spoke to the man who would’ve carried his brother alone without asking for help, knowing that Darius understood the sentiment. He paused, allowing Viola time to respond to the question as well, though he doubted she wished to provide a recap of imprisonment.

“I would ask you the same question, but I think it might be one you’d rather not answer. So instead I’ll ask, how long you’ve been with these wolfmen? They seem very cautious of strangers, and yet both of you and Phia seem very welcomed by them. Have we accidentally offended them or is this more a matter of time?” He asked of Darius, and Dante as well if the other man was up to questions.

Speaking of Phia, she soon caught up to them. “We are well, Phia, how about you? And your friend, the wolf who lost an arm, he is alright? That is not a simple wound to heal.” He spoke with admiration at how skilled Phia had become.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Mari & Aerilyn

Mari narrowly evaded the swinging sword that threatened to slice through the air, her body twisting and tumbling onto the tavern floor. She landed on the rough wooden floor with a roll, a searing pain coursing through her arm as blood trickled from a gash. He’s fast!

Luckily, Thraash had given her an opening with his token spicy burp of his. Just a few seconds later, she suddenly channeled her light energy with a focused intent. A brilliant flash of light erupted, momentarily blinding everyone in the room. The scene had shifted entirely once the glare subsided. Aerilyn now occupied the very spot where Mari had been standing just seconds ago, while Mari found herself in Aerilyn's place. However, known to Mari alone, this was not reality. She had not moved from where she stood. She was banking on the idea the warforged would at the least be confused a moment, if not fooled.

Finally, she hurled the orb toward him. “Okay you overgrown solar box. Attacking people the moment you walk into a place is VERY rude.” She got to her feet with a grin, “I mean, my feelings are seriously hurt, and you haven't even given me a proper apology! Come on, isn't there something called manners anymore? No 'hello'? No 'how are you'? Geez!” She hurled a few smaller light orbs with each question, “Where’d you learn your manners? Were you raised by beast men!?”

Aerilyn held her breath as gas spewed from the Warforged after narrowly dodging her initial attack, forcing her to back off. Her attention was then drawn to Mari and the Dragonborn. She watched as flames shot forth towards the Warforged from Thraash, followed by a blinding flash of light. As the brilliance subsided, Aerilyn saw what appeared to be herself across the room where Mari just stood armed with a hammer, ready for action.

'Incredible!' She tightened her grip on her hammer and swiftly lunged forward for another attack. Aerilyn’s body had taken the form of a magical sphere glowing with radiance shot from an illusionary Mari to any onlookers.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Forest near Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess, Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
243 Amas

Viola watched silently as Cyrus helped Darius to carry his brother. While there was a doubt about how much were they able to trust the brothers, the fact that Darius trusted them enough to let them help him carry his weak and vulnerable brother meant that it was... unlikely that they had any bad intention... Still not enough for her to fully trust them, but enough for her to lower her guard, even if only a little bit.

When Darius asked asked them whether they were fairies like Phia and if where did they came from, Viola looked towards Cyrus, unsure of how much he was willing to tell them. Fortunately, it seemed like Cypress already had a good idea of what to tell them. Viola simply let him speak in silence, watching Darius' reaction as her brother told him their story... or at least part of it.

While she did notice the pause her brother made after he was finished, supposedly giving her a chance to explain something about her, she simply stood in silence, unwilling to tell them too much about her yet. The eagerness Darius asked about where did they came from made Viola a bit wary. Cyrus also seemed to notice that and expertly steered the conversation away from that question, making Viola nod, agreeing with Cypress' words.

"They seemed to be quite eager to resort to violence and threats." Viola said, agreeing with Cypress as she glanced towards the other wolves on the distance.

"Ophe-... Phia... Thank you for the hospitality." Viola said as Ophelia approached, hesitating when she noticed she was about to call her by her full name, which Viola was uncertain if she was aware about.

"I'm fine. These wounds are nothing..." Viola replied as the Blood Rose continued to use the smooth part of it's vines to staunch the bleeding from the holes it left earlier.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
Avatar of Helo

Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: Rue@Potter, Bardulf@Lava Alckon, Bridgette@Tae, Mister Luum@FunnyGuy, and Zeva@Pink Khione
Equipment:Sword, hunting knife, a backpack with supplies, and a stoat named Raze who naps in the pocket of his vest.

From atop the winter fae’s head, the bristled stoat let out a mighty hiss. Scampering, tiny stoat claws frantically gripped onto the fairy’s scalp as Bowyn tilted his head to the side, and the lanky creature scurried down his neck and onto his shoulder. Another hiss paired with the baring of tiny fangs.

“Stolen.” Raze believed in finders keepers and he'd found the ama fair and square. His trinket was stolen from his own teeth. The stoat was deeply offended, the elf had not bested him in sneakery nor had she sniffed out the treasure. Merely plucked it from his grasp and took it.

“You got food, didn’t you?” Bowyn pointed out, as he began walking, close to Rue’s side, toward the cafe and its promise of cheap honey toast. He readjusted the hood of his cloak, despite how hot it was in Roshmi, with the hope that it was enough to keep him hidden. The hulking warforged that scanned and passed them went unnoticed by Bowyn.

The stoat stared with longing at Zeva’s bag. The food was gone now, it didn’t matter, only the ama that had been unfairly torn from his grasp, mattered. “Had it in my teeth.”

“Steal it back later. Double steal, twice as impressive.” Tiny ears perked up as the stoat found delight in the plan.

Bowyn figured he could just give Zeva an ama later if Raze actually remembered to steal it back. But he couldn’t just give Raze an ama, it wasn’t special if the little guy didn’t swipe it himself. It was more likely that the stoat would forget as soon as something else caught the attention of his beady little eyes.

“Disguise rings are pricy.” He pointed out to Rue. “You think it’s necessary?” He asked but that wasn’t his main concern. He dropped his voice to whisper before continuing. “If we split up the way Luum wants, I think we should try and keep an eye on them. I don’t trust Bardulf alone with just the elves.”
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