Pilgrim's Caravan

You see that city? You can go to that city! But also like the mountains or whatever.
The caravan starts rolling at dawn today, through a forest so green that the locals call it Emerald. People here say that the trees drop gems rather than seeds, and the flowers have flakes of gold for petals. The children and the naïve of the Pilgrimage are already running alongside the caravans- hunting for their fortune in the grass. Everyone in the Pilgrim's Caravan, one way or another, is hunting their fortune. For some it isn't treasure. Some are here to find knowledge, a new life, new experiences.
Whatever the pilgrims seek, this long and ancient caravan will bring them to more places than only this forest. It has led them each already through shifting deserts and into cities vile with chymical odor, through lands lived-in by elves that only speak secrets and across marshes where the splashing water murmurs your name, through valleys where the sun turns black overhead and over mountains made from the bodies of sleeping giants. The caravan has no destination. And it doesn't have a home. It only exists to roam, from one place to another, trading what it needs to keep itself going, but always, always going. Always finding something new and strange and miraculous.
And if you join the caravan tonight- what will you find?
General Idea
So, the point of this RP is to create a fantasy game where the setting changes regularly. It's episodic, in a way. We can explore an ancient and imperialistic city one week, and then move to a magical jungle the next. There's no set time for how long we'll spend in each Destination- we'll just stay however long feels natural, fill out any stories/plots that arise, and then move on when the players start getting bored.
In-universe, the Pilgrim's Caravan is a large group of travelers, most of whom really do stay in caravans. They travel all across this world called Alwyne, bringing news and merchandise and spices from far-off places to whomever they visit. Travel in Alwyne is a bit dangerous- with the bandits, the goblins, the haunted roads and whatnot- and so the caravan is useful for people who do need to get around. It's big enough to be heavily guarded, but just quick enough to get out of dodge when something shows up that the guards can't beat.
The Caravan has been around for years, for centuries, so much so that nobody even remembers how it got started. Most people go for the obvious guess, that some old merchant company must have commissioned it long ago. But others with more active imaginations say that it was formed by criminal exiles, cast out from their home city and yet denied refuge in any other, or that a great goddess cursed her enemies to roam eternally, or that a child's game of "follow the leader" simply got way out of hand. Whatever the cause, the pilgrims continue on, traveling from one strange place (they call them Destinations) to another.
I'll be playing with you all, as a character who navigates for the Pilgrim's Caravan. But it won't be me picking our Destinations, because...
The Destinations is where the "Worldbuilding" aspect of this game really comes into play. When it comes time for us to go from one place to the next, I'll pick a player to make up our next location. You can come up with anything, as long as it fits the fantasy genre- the world of Alwyne is massive. A goblin city underground where we find kidnapped elves under interrogation, a forest that comes alive with spirits at night. You are encouraged to come up with plots/stories that could take place in your Destination, but reminded that players do not necessarily have to partake in them.
Either way, whatever you think of becomes canon, and I'll record it in the Lore of Alwyne, a log that I will keep of every place, magic, creature and race that we come up with. Because the Destinations aren't the only Worldbuilding element I want to bring in here: if you casually mention (IC) that there's a race of five-eared orcs who live on the other side of the Uftagarish Mountains, and you feel that should be included in our canon, just lemme know. I'll jot it down in the Lore. If this RP goes on a while, future players will see it, and know that someone thought of that. Maybe they'll add to it.
It isn't only about places. I want to flesh out Alwyne with you all!
On Joining and Leaving
This RP is intentionally set up to handle losses more easily. Because the caravan has people constantly coming and going, if a player drops the RP or goes MIA, we can just say their character left the caravan at our last stop. Likewise, whenever someone new wants to join, we'll say the caravan has just picked them up. This way we can accept new players whenever, and survive losses without grinding down.
(Plus, I'm hoping that our moving to new Destinations can help prevent the RP from dying too quickly. If people are getting bored and posting is slowing to a halt, we can just move on to a new, exciting place to breathe some fresh life back into things.)
If you've read along this far, you might be interested in joining. Character sheet below. My own character sheet is in the Char tab, and can serve as an example.
P.S. I have an unfortunate fondness for long sheets that ask you about things like your character's favorite color, and their worst fear, and other nonsense. Most people are wiser than me, and so do not care about these things. If you, like me, are a fool, I've included an optional "extra details" hider within the CS that asks such questions. (At the least, it might help you develop your character a bit!)
(If you've got a picture you're using, right here would be the place to drop it.)
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan:
If you're playing a human, or a more familiar fantasy race, you can just write something like "Dwarf, 54, 3 years in the Pilgrim's Caravan." But if you're playing a rarer or custom race, some description of the species would also be warranted.
(You can skip this description if you've got a pic, but it is a nice chance to show off your writing.)
As long or short as you like; just try to give us an idea of who they are.
Try to think of how it ties into their history, and into the next section:
What's their motivation for joining the Pilgrim's Caravan? Are they looking for adventure, are they escaping a criminal life, do they have a specific place they're trying to get to?
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools:
Tell me what your character is good at and what they need to do it, as well as any flaws or deficiencies they might have. If they can do magic, it'll go here. If you have a really unique type of magic (or anything similar), you might want to create a hider that explains how said magic works.
What They Most Want:
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Three Likes:
Three Dislikes:
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Worst Fear:
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
That is, which animal they are most like- not which one they like the most.
Favorite Time of Day:
How They Dress:
Favorite Season:
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be:
Three Likes:
Three Dislikes:
Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?:
Worst Fear:
Favorite Color:
Most Like The Animal:
That is, which animal they are most like- not which one they like the most.
Favorite Time of Day:
How They Dress:
Favorite Season:
What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any):
Also, if you're working on a character, don't forget to join our Discord. It's the best place to keep up with the community around this RP and discuss arcs/drama/whatevers together: discord.gg/5y9EkWyFCW
Having Déjà Vu?
Psst, hey. Does any of this feel familiar to you?
About a year ago, I made this RP for the first time, but due to sudden health issues, I had to drop it before the IC could kick off. That was always a big disappointment for me, so now that I'm feeling better, we're going for round two. If you're one of the players who was with me before- welcome back! You may drop the same CS as before in the OOC, and I'll guarantee your approval. If it was greenlit before, it'll be greenlit again. Or, if you're new, welcome aboard! Some fine print before we wrap things up:
Hopefully none!
I'd rather not make any real "rules" for what/how to worldbuild here. I want it to be a free space. But most roleplays that I've ran have, at some point or another, had at least one player think of some insane stuff that I couldn't have possibly anticipated when I wrote the rules out. Then I have to choose between allowing said insanity or adding more rules to the game.
So, if we end up needing to make guidelines for the worldbuilding, it'll go here.
I'd rather not make any real "rules" for what/how to worldbuild here. I want it to be a free space. But most roleplays that I've ran have, at some point or another, had at least one player think of some insane stuff that I couldn't have possibly anticipated when I wrote the rules out. Then I have to choose between allowing said insanity or adding more rules to the game.
So, if we end up needing to make guidelines for the worldbuilding, it'll go here.
1.) No godmodding, no controlling other player's characters.
A basic rule in any RP. You know it, you love it.
2.) Cannot kill or otherwise disable another player's character without permission.
Obvious, yeah, but I like having it written out.
3.) IC, magical means of teleportation/transportation are rare.
This is so that there's still a purpose for the caravan. If it were possible for people to teleport from one locale to another, we probably wouldn't be walkin' and ridin' all slow-like. (Some limited teleportation, of a few meters or in very rare circumstances, can be allowed.)
4.) If conflicts cannot be decided, the GM will arbitrate.
This goes for IC and OOC conflicts. I always prefer for people to work things out mutually. Ideally, everyone can agree about who wins/loses potential fights between characters, or who has the upper hand in a negotiation, or so on. But if you can't, I'll step in to try playing judge fairly.
A basic rule in any RP. You know it, you love it.
2.) Cannot kill or otherwise disable another player's character without permission.
Obvious, yeah, but I like having it written out.
3.) IC, magical means of teleportation/transportation are rare.
This is so that there's still a purpose for the caravan. If it were possible for people to teleport from one locale to another, we probably wouldn't be walkin' and ridin' all slow-like. (Some limited teleportation, of a few meters or in very rare circumstances, can be allowed.)
4.) If conflicts cannot be decided, the GM will arbitrate.
This goes for IC and OOC conflicts. I always prefer for people to work things out mutually. Ideally, everyone can agree about who wins/loses potential fights between characters, or who has the upper hand in a negotiation, or so on. But if you can't, I'll step in to try playing judge fairly.
Lore Sheets
Originally, the idea for the Lore of Alwyne was that players would mention stuff IC, and I would write it down in the Lore. But between work, other RPs and the large volume of ideas that a player group of this size can create, it has proven difficult for me to keep up. So, as a better system, I have created Lore Sheets that one fills out as they fill out a Character Sheet. Approved sheets will count as Alwyne canon.
You can submit one lore sheet for every two IC posts that you make, at most. So, if you have the itch to worldbuild- get to writing!
Race Name
A picture can work, although a neato written description will also function. If you are going to write it out, I recommend emphasizing clarity over style; other players will need a clear picture of what your creature looks like if they are to interact with and write about them.
Just a general description of the race; you can include, for example, what they're like, what they do, how they act, what god(s) created them, whatever. There's no actual rules for what to put here, I'm just asking you to tell me what they are in broad terms. More specific questions are asked in the following sections.
Inhabited Areas:
Where do they live?
What do they live like? Remember that a more spread-out and populous race likely has a lot of variation here.
How do other races tend to perceive and react to this one? For example, if this were a sheet for orcs, you might talk about how they're seen as brutal and barbaric.
Presuming they talk.
Magic Name
Tell me on the whole about the magic and what it can do.
Who tends to use this magic? Is it limited to a particular area, race or culture. Perhaps it is only practiced by a single shadowy cabal hidden underground. Or, on the other hand, maybe it is a common magic, simple and practiced by anyone.
Source (if any):
Often, a form of magic in a fantasy setting will be fueled by a particular thing. Mana, divine power, a pact with Cthuhlu, the inner strength of the practitioner, or what have you. Assuming your magic comes from something- what is it?
How is this magic perceived by others and the world at large? Is it seen as evil, holy, cryptic, academic? Or perhaps it is not known by many at all?
Note: This is for both nations and for large regions/cultures that we may encounter as the Caravan.
Other Note: Notice that, despite the various questions, this is a very light sheet template by NS standards; that is intentional. Please keep in mind that this is not an NRP. We are describing places our characters might encounter. If your itch is to describe an entire nation-state in detail, this is the wrong RP to do that. I may reject overlarge sheets of this kind.
(If you have a flag or other symbol representing this culture/nation, this would be a good place to drop it.)
In broad terms, describe this land. If some of the information is redundant with later questions, that's okay. This is just the intro.
What races, groups, religions and so forth tend to inhabit this area? If it makes mention of races and deities already approved in other sheets, consider that bonus points.
Culture and Society:
How do the people here live?
How did this land come to be?
Easy to assume they're a kingdom, given the setting, but they don't have to be. If this is a land so different that they don't even have a form of governance, this would also be the place to note that.
How Might They React To A Visit From The Caravan?
Other Note: Notice that, despite the various questions, this is a very light sheet template by NS standards; that is intentional. Please keep in mind that this is not an NRP. We are describing places our characters might encounter. If your itch is to describe an entire nation-state in detail, this is the wrong RP to do that. I may reject overlarge sheets of this kind.
Culture/Nation Name
(If you have a flag or other symbol representing this culture/nation, this would be a good place to drop it.)
In broad terms, describe this land. If some of the information is redundant with later questions, that's okay. This is just the intro.
What races, groups, religions and so forth tend to inhabit this area? If it makes mention of races and deities already approved in other sheets, consider that bonus points.
Culture and Society:
How do the people here live?
How did this land come to be?
Easy to assume they're a kingdom, given the setting, but they don't have to be. If this is a land so different that they don't even have a form of governance, this would also be the place to note that.
How Might They React To A Visit From The Caravan?
Note: This sheet can be used for both individual gods and also for describing a pantheon of gods as a whole.
A picture can work, although a neato written description will also function. If your god is so conceptual that they don't have an appearance/form, you may note that here. And, of course, a god might have many forms they appear in.
What are they the god of? Multiple things can be listed here, of course.
This is essentially the "personality" section, but for gods. Tell me how they act. Are they wrathful and punishing? Merciful, stern, unpredictable? Do they have a fascination with cheese?
Not who worships them, but rather, how are they worshipped? Through services at a church or similar institution? Meditation? Dark rituals performed at midnight? Through simply the lives and actions of the individual worshipper?
*Now* tell me who worships them ;P
How do people and the world at large tend to perceive this god and their followers?
Symbols, Artefacts, Icons:
If any.
Deity/Pantheon Name
A picture can work, although a neato written description will also function. If your god is so conceptual that they don't have an appearance/form, you may note that here. And, of course, a god might have many forms they appear in.
What are they the god of? Multiple things can be listed here, of course.
This is essentially the "personality" section, but for gods. Tell me how they act. Are they wrathful and punishing? Merciful, stern, unpredictable? Do they have a fascination with cheese?
Not who worships them, but rather, how are they worshipped? Through services at a church or similar institution? Meditation? Dark rituals performed at midnight? Through simply the lives and actions of the individual worshipper?
*Now* tell me who worships them ;P
How do people and the world at large tend to perceive this god and their followers?
Symbols, Artefacts, Icons:
If any.
Event Name
Note: This means any large-scale historical or magical event that you believe should be included in the Lore of Alwyne. It might be a meteor crash. It might be a lich those rose up five eons ago and tried to conquer the world. It doesn't mean smaller things, since this would be events of a historic scale.
Describe the event to me, please. What happened? As this is an overview of the whole thing, it's okay if some of the information you include here is a little redundant with questions asked later on in this sheet.
When did it happen?
Where, roughly speaking?
Presumably, something caused or lead up to the event.
The Lore of Alwyne
Note: The more generic fantasy races- such as elves, half-elves, dwarves, goblings and orcs- are not described here purely because most people already know what they are
A race of desert-dwelling dwarves who live in a society of Great Clans built within the valleys and crevices of desert-borne mountains, having much to do with the nearby Dinnin culture. They have, in fact, largely adopted the Dinnin faith. They are seen by the Dinnin proper as being neither truly Dinnin nor merely Kaffin; their culture has therefore gradually been accepted into the desert people's way of life. They are known for "scriptsmithing," a form of runesmithing that uses Dinnin script instead of traditional dwarvish runes.
The Dinnin-dwarvish culture was created by Enigmatik
The Dinnin-dwarvish culture was created by Enigmatik
Hailing from the Giant's Spire mountains, the Stoneclaw Giants are- as their name would imply- a huge, towering race of humanoids. They're known to be generally isolationist, choosing to ignore the outside world in favor of simply protecting their mountain home and the valuable mines they dig there.
The Stoneclaw Giants were created by TimeMaster
The Stone Clans -
They are giant clans which resides on the tallest mountains in the North. Each clans is made up of 6 tribes that have their own leadership. The clans are all specialized in different crafts and trades. Some are great Earth magic users. Some are miners. Some are traders.
The Clans are lead by the Giant King, a legendary being that is 20 metres tall and it's said to be older than most races. The tribes are all lead individually by tribe chieftains but all answer to one Clan Chief which is chosen from within the tribes that make up the Clan.
1. What are the names of the six tribes within each clan, and what are their distinct specialties or crafts?
The Clans are as follows:
The Stoneclaw Clan - They are all warriors of high demand. Some join up as mercenaries while others serve as the military arm of the Clans.
The Stoneheart Clan - They're the miner of the Clans. They live deep within mountains mining different minerals or making space for other giants.
The Stonehand Clan - The Earth Magic masters of the clans.
The Stonefeet Clan - This Clan is composed of smaller giants. They're the trading arm of the Clans.
The Stonemind Clan - They are the thinkers, the inventors, the smart giants.
The Stonemouth Clan- They are the farmers, the caretakers of the Clans. Great Yao Guai sheep and Yao Guai goats are being herded, bred, milked and slaughtered for the clans.
2. How do the clans interact with one another? Are there any alliances or conflicts between specific clans?
The clans all answer to the King and his laws. If there's a dispute between tribes, the Clan leader can be petitioned to resolve the issue. If there is an issue between Clans, it'll be up to the King.
3. Tell me about the unique Earth magic abilities of some clans. What can they do with this magic?
The Stone Shapers model mountains to fit their needs. Rituals lasting decades can be done to raise new mountains or rocks can be shaped in any form they wish.
4. How do the clans obtain the resources they need, considering some are miners and traders? Do they trade with outsiders?
Everything done by the Clans is meant to be used by all clans. The traders only deal with their own unless caravans from the other races reach their lands.
5. What's the history behind the origin of the Stone Clans, and why do they live in isolation?
Ancient Conflict: Many centuries ago, the Stone Clans faced a devastating conflict with a powerful neighbouring civilization. This conflict, known as the "War of the Peaks," led to immense loss of life and resources. This combined with their size made them to be seen with suspicion and fear.
6. How do outsiders view the Stone Clans, and do they have any interactions with smaller communities?
Most nations don't know about the existence of the Stone Clans as they live far from most nations. Those that know of them, prefer to let them be than face their wrath.
The Stoneclaw Giants were created by TimeMaster
You know what a human is.
A homunculus is less a race than it is a constructed being. It's a creature made of clay, just like a sculpture, but magically brought to life by its creators to serve some purpose or other. It's not at all unlike a golem, with the key difference being that a homunculus has a mind and will of its own.
Homunculus were added by twannyman
Homunculus were added by twannyman
A mixed race, "Tiefling" is a term for a person born with some devilish or otherwise darkly supernatural heritage, but who is not fully a devil themselves. They're often human or elven in the face and in the overall form, but still marked by the undeniable memoirs of the more abysmal side of their family tree: horns, bat wings, tails. It's hard for the common folk not to fear and mistrust a person who looks like such an evil creature; a Tiefling is rarely welcomed among others.
Tieflings were added by Abstract Proxy
Tieflings were added by Abstract Proxy
The Ainok are a dog-like beastrace, native to dry savannahs and scorching deserts. They live a semi-nomadic, clan-based lifestyle, travelling during the dry seasons of the year but settling in for more permeant homes during the wet season. They are shorter, more lithe than humans, and covered in a blotched, multihued fur, earning them the nickname "the Painted Folk."
Although an ally of the Dinnin kingdoms, the Ainok have stayed true to their own form of astronomical spirituality and believe in predicting ones fortunes through study of the night sky. As most never learn to read nor write, they also cling to a strong oral tradition.
The Ainok race was created by Enigmatik
Although an ally of the Dinnin kingdoms, the Ainok have stayed true to their own form of astronomical spirituality and believe in predicting ones fortunes through study of the night sky. As most never learn to read nor write, they also cling to a strong oral tradition.
The Ainok race was created by Enigmatik
The Eratie are a bat-like beastrace, complete with bat wings, snouts and fur, and lightweight bodies made for flying. At least, that's the typical Eratie: unlike most races, an Eratie's physical form varies greatly depending on the circumstantial "Powers" surrounding their birth. Things such as the time of day that an Eratie is born on, the ambient magic in the air, the stars overhead, and even the lighting in the room will all affect both how an Eratie looks at birth, and what they grow up into. Some are more bat-like, some more human-like or elf-like, and some have completely unexpected features such as horns.
Eratie are native to a small peninsula they name as Tureiamú, and there they have a complicated, strict culture heavily regulated by a caste system. They have little interaction with humans or other "ignorant" races.
Eratie were created by Tortoise
Eratie are native to a small peninsula they name as Tureiamú, and there they have a complicated, strict culture heavily regulated by a caste system. They have little interaction with humans or other "ignorant" races.
Eratie were created by Tortoise
Orphic, as it is practiced today, is a form of magic that uses Mana to power its spells and imbue items. Due to persecutions now passed, there's a tradition that this style is taught in semi-secrecy, from masters to just a single apprentice at a time. There was once another form of Orphic magic- that appeared not to rely on Mana- but that "High Path" is now lost to history.
Orphic magic was created by Expendable
Orphic was the style of magic practiced by the Oscana kingdom, and was split into two disciplines - the High Path, and the Low Path.
The High Path is now lost to us, all that remains is the Low Path.
Orphic teaches that there are little known currents of energy flowing in and around this world - in the sky, in the land, in fire, and the sea - and are known as ley lines, that only those with the mage sight can see. Depending on their size and nearness, they can provide a slow trickle or an immense flow of power. In Oscana, many important buildings would be constructed either on a ley line, or where two or more ley lines cross to take advantage of these flows.
A side-effect of this flow of power is that books of magic would often needed to be chained to the shelves - to prevent their escape.
For those on the Low Path, in order to access this power, they needed to convert it into a more stable, usable form, known as Mana. To aid them in this, they would borrow power from a mana reservoir to imbue their staves, then use their staves to draw power from the ley lines to refill the reservoir.
It is very important for the one who takes power from the reservoir to return it, lest it leaches off of them to restore its balance. They, in turn, may try to leach off of others, but this only temporarily quenches their thirst.
Those on the Low Path could then use the mana they collected to power their spells, or imbue items with abilities beyond their simple appearance that almost anyone could use.
The Roulon Empire viewed magic to be reserved for their aristocrat class, and resented this "commoner magic." This, more than anything, lead to their invasion of Oscana. Books were burned, reservors broken. Practitioners of Orphic were declared witches or warlocks, not unlike their own bastard children who showed any sign of magic, and were burned at the stake. In an act of cruelty, the nobles would prolong their victims' agonies by providing them with air so they wouldn't die from breathing the smoke before their flesh began to burn.
Orphic practioners of the Low Path hid themselves, shaving their staves into wands that could be hidden up sleeves. One woman, it is said, hid her stave as the shaft of her parasol, all the while working as a nanny to hide from the empire's witchfinders.
The spells were shuffled into smaller, more specialized books, so that if you knew what line they belonged to, you knew the spells they could cast. Instead of teaching in groups, there would be one master and one apprentice, working in secret. The apprentice's first task would be to copy the contents of their master's book. They would then study them in secret after their master had left to learn how to cast those spells. Later, they would take an apprentice and train them before moving on themselves.
Orphic line mages soon aquired apprentices in other lands, some in which their apprentices could work openly, like some of the Elvish kingdoms. However, most of the Orphic continue this practice of training one apprentice at a time before moving on, even though the Roulon empire has collapsed.
Orphic magic was created by Expendable
Utterance is a brand of magic that allows practitioners to speak to the elements of nature, such as wood, stone, wind, and so forth. Those who practice this gradually gain an affinity for the elements they most often speak to, and exert some power over them.
Its practice has been refined especially by the Uttering Monks of the Eld Marshes, who have tied it into their religion and consider it a form of spirituality.
Utterance was created by Tortoise
Its practice has been refined especially by the Uttering Monks of the Eld Marshes, who have tied it into their religion and consider it a form of spirituality.
Utterance has been described as a kind of cross-breed between druidism and elemental magic. It is a form of language, allowing one to speak (literally, with their voices) to the non-living aspects of nature, like stone, or sunlight. The obvious use for such a power would be to control natural elements; to tell a fire to cook or to burn down, to teach ice to freeze itself around a threat, to call on rain for the crops. It can do those things, though not so often or effectively as a true wizard might. (Reason being: the elements can say "no" to one using Utterance.)
Instead, the main reason the Uttering Monks study it is for learning from nature. Nature, after all, witnesses and knows many things mankind does not. One who speaks to the stars may learn from them the correct paths to travel, may hear of ancient history those stars' eyes have seen, may be told of great and secret things that happen in the heavens. Those who whisper to the wind may hear it whisper back, telling them of news from far-off lands, of secrets said in a king's chambers while the window was open and the night breeze whistling by. They cannot control the elements with the same precision as a mage, maybe, but a Sayer (that is, one who practices Utterance) knows far more.
And this learning goes deeper than head-knowledge, too. Finally, a Sayer has an Aura. Their Aura is based on the elements of nature they most often speak too, because as you commune with something such as fire, you will find that burning power seeping into your own soul. The Aura a Sayer has is felt almost tangibly around them, and heard in their voice, giving most of them a kind of unnatural charisma. One who speaks to stone seems strong and unbreakable, one who speaks to ice becomes coldly intellectual. All of them feel impossible to argue with. A good Sayer tends to get their way in conversations. Their voice carries much weight.
Utterance was created by Tortoise
Scriptsmithing (also known as Runesmithing, and by a few other such names) is an artform that allows a specially trained smith to imbue items with magical powers- thus creating powerful, magical artifacts out of the fires of their forge. Scriptsmithing is most often practiced by those of the dwarven race.
Scriptsmithing was created by Enigmatik
Known by several other names- runesmithing, glyphcrafting, and so on and so forth, the core of scriptsmithing is the same. With strike of hammer and bloom of flame, dwarves can imbue items, thereafter elevated to 'artifacts' with potent magical power. Each scriptsmith goes through decades of their life training in scriptsmithing- from days as a journeyman apprentice, writing and reciting the words, to a proficient student, capable of wielding the hammer themselves, to finally a fully qualified smith, each hammerblow pulling from sources beyond to fill their crafts with power.
A competent scriptsmith is capable of forging great artifacts for others, should they have the time and ingredients to do so. The very finest of scriptsmith crafts are made from the legendary 'starmetal,' believed by the Dinnin Dwarves to be leftover fragments of ancient Gods that came before the Light. In its raw form, starmetal is fantastically magically unstable, throwing out wayward energies that sicken and even kill those handling it unprotected- but the dwarves, with their natural resistances, are able to forge and refine it, creating artifacts with a beautiful damascene finish.
Scriptsmithing's potential, in the hands of a master smith, is almost unlimited. So long as one knows the words with which to express their intent, a scriptsmith can create anything from wondrous automata to staves capable of stopping a rampaging oliphaunt dead in its tracks. Alas, such a thing requires a dwarf ancient and competent. One simply does not become a master scriptsmith in a century or two.
Scriptsmithing was created by Enigmatik
Mycomancy is a dark form of magic involving fungi and mold. It is used to manipulate and control molds, whether this be simply speeding up the process of fermentation or the breaking down of dead matter, or generating entire lifeforms out of mold that are under the caster's command. Terrifyingly, a mycomancer can also infest living creatures with mold, slowing and weakening them.
Mycomancy was created by Lugubrious
Mycomancy was created by Lugubrious
Vitae is an energy that flows through all creatures, and there are some who are able to harness this energy to empower their own bodies.
Vitae was created by Twannyman
Vitae, also known as the energy of life is a universal force that dwells within every living being. To use it and train in it, you need to unlock it via meditation, training, and often a life-altering event. In general, the use of Vitae is simple, it enhances the body. Be that it's agility, strength, recovery speed or train of thought. It might make you jump higher, run faster, think faster or recover faster. As a source, it is not unlimited and should not be used for prolonged periods of time, if a being fully runs out of Vitae, they cannot access it for at the very least a month.
The way one trains Vitae is mostly by meditation, by transferring and absorbing the Vitae in the surrounding area one's source can grow. However if one kills a being by draining it's Vitae, the energy gets corrupted, turning poisonous unless repelled or extracted.
Vitae was created by Twannyman
Although there are no doubt many different breeds of divine-infused magic, practiced by different faithful across the wide lands of Alwyne, the goddess Valradun's magic in particular is worth noting for its connection to lunar energy.
Valradun's Divine Magic was created by Abstract Proxy
Nemeia is a priestess of the moon goddess Valradun. Imbued with divine magic, she commands lunar energy and powers of the moon granted to her by her deep connection to Valradun. Arising from her belief and trust in Valradun, her magic does not depend on formulaic prayers, ancient rites, or any arcane scholarship. Nemeia is a gifted healer, mending injuries and curing diseases through the manifestation of miracles brought forth by her steadfast faith. She weaves powerful protective spells, affording the blessings of the silver moon to those in need. Dedicated to preserving the natural order of life, Nemeia can channel the radiant light of Valradun to drive away the undead or harm evil creatures.
Valradun's Divine Magic was created by Abstract Proxy
The Oblitarchy are an old, lost pantheon of primordial deities. Those who worship them believe that they existed before all else- even the gods themselves. Although the Oblitarchs themselves are a group of deities, their followers have access to a form of magic unique to those who follow them.
There are ten "essences" (called, naturally, the Tenfold Essences) within Oblitarchy, each derived from one of the ten Oblitarch deities, and each grants different powers to a practioner.
Oblitarch Magic was created by Enigmatik
There are ten "essences" (called, naturally, the Tenfold Essences) within Oblitarchy, each derived from one of the ten Oblitarch deities, and each grants different powers to a practioner.
In plain English, Morvanne is a spellcaster dedicated to the various powers who those in the know refer to as the Oblitarchy, and the Tenfold Essences that Obliturges categorise. Morvanne in particular found herself predisposed to the Oblitarch known as the Threshold, associated with the essence of Hypist. This is the essence of the sleeping mind - where experiences become memory and memory engrained, and thus the Threshold is a peculiar thing - gifting and taking away knowledge in equal parts, and reigning over all that has been murmured in twilight.
Because of this, Morvanne is unusually well-educated considering her age in matters both of and not of this world, but this comes with it not only a forgetfulness of her own past, but also with remembering things that are not true, at least not within this Time. Outside of the Threshold, she also dabbles in the essences of Syis and Senopy: Change and Silence. Her lucky escapes and the sudden sickness that took her employer have not been entirely happenstance or accident.
To call upon these powers Morvanne must conduct rituals: long-winded things requiring careful preparation, the right ingredients, and potentially hours of tongue-twisting work to complete. Calling upon an essence requires items, people, times or places strong in that essence: A bloody knife for Ravume, a lover’s assistance for Percus or the deep midwinter for Senopy. For more complex rituals other, occasionally conflicting essences must be called upon and the more powerful the ritual, the more intense the essences going into it must be. A small Hypist ritual might only require twilight, but for the greater rituals… Well, a city on wheels is rather liminal, is it not?
Oblitarch Magic was created by Enigmatik
The Oblitarchy are an old, lost pantheon of primordial deities. Those who worship them believe that they existed before all else- even the gods themselves. There are ten of them, created through a great struggle beginning with the first two, and each champion some aspect of the mortal world.
And look, this one comes with a graph!
The Oblitarchy was created by Enigmatik
And look, this one comes with a graph!
The ‘Gods Before Gods,’ the Oblitarchy are a lost pantheon of deities who have, according to their believers, existed before anything else. Before there was Alwyne there were two of them: The Nowhere and The Glory, consisting of existence and everything outside of it, locked in an eternal dance which neither could overcome. The Nothing however, begot The Sunderer, and living up to their name they slew The The Glory and usurped The Nowhere, and from this calamitous beginning, all other Oblitarchs would rise, each one domineering an aspect of the mortal world that had formed with their struggles.
The Ten Oblitarchs and their Essences are typically depicted around a ten-pointed star, showing their relation to the other Oblitarchs. Clockwise, from the top:
The Sun Divided is the truest form of the slain Glory, heading the triarchy known as the Gods ex Solari. It is the rising sun – a peerless, wrathful, and unforgiving deity that seeks to bring forth the hours of The Glory once again and to gather all other essences within itself, to remake the universe as it once was. Its essence is Ejas, and it consists of the waking mind – higher intelligence, the drive of knowledge for knowledge’s sake, and the unrelenting progress of mortals.
The Chalice is the second of the Gods ex Solari: Once the warmth and comfort of the sun that nurtured life, the Chalice still holds that benevolent spirit. Its essence, Prist, is the only of the ten essences that can be physically touched, for it consists of the physical body – bones, muscle, sinew and blood.
The Threshold heads the diarchy of the Gods Obsucras. The Threshold is twilight – it is soft and dimly lit, existing between day and night, and holds dominion over all that is liminal. Its essence is Hypist, and where Ejas is the waking mind, Hypist is the dreaming mind. It is a master of irrationality and illogic. It holds memories and recognition, half-truths and lies, and shares freely, although not without cost.
The Prism is the other of the Gods Obscuras and one of the more esoteric of an already esoteric lot. Shunning one form, the Prism is ever-changing and ever-formless, refusing to be neatly categorised or pinned down. Much like itself, its essence, Syis, is the constant drive for change and evolution, although it cares little for the direction that this change takes.
The Nowhere is the oldest of the Gods ex Nihi, and is the only of the Oblitarchs to have lasted unchanged from the dawn of nothingness. If the Oblitarchs can indeed dwell in our reality, The Nowhere holds itself somewhere far beyond the comfort of Alwyn, out in the unforgiving darkness where nothing dwells and nothing can ever dwell. It exists in contrary to anything else, and has created only once – its greatest mistake. The Nowhere’s essence is Nihi, and it is true illogicality. Things which must not be known and cannot be known, places where life itself has been banished, never to return, - these are where Nihi is strongest. Those few mortals brave enough to try to master Nihi are known as apocalypsists and almost inevitably meet untimely demises.
The Sunderer heads the Gods ex Nihi, having overthrown its parent and shattered the Glory. It measures itself not on its own merits, but on how effectively it contrasts the Sun Divided, the pair locked in eternal enmity just as the Glory and the Nowhere once were, long ago. The Sunderer’s essence is Ravume, and although often categorised as nothing more than hatred, jealousy, ego and anarchic rage, is far more about contest and competition, thriving where there is conflict, and quick to raise a blade when offended or challenged.
The Silence is an oft-forgotten member of the Gods ex Nihi, which is ironic, for it is the ultimate fate of all mortal life. The Silence reigns in the ice of deepest winter, at the bottom of the darkest caves and in the endless abyss deep beneath the ocean’s surface. Its essence, Senopy, is the quiet death that comes to all mortals not slain in piques of Ravume – old age, sickness, cancer and frailty, those things that linger deep within the bones of mortals that comes out one day to claim them – this is Senopy.
The Constant is the lesser of the diarchy known as the Gods Exertus, and is as much a contrast of the Prism as the Sunderer is the Sun Divided. It not static, but instead driving ever-forward, an unrelenting force that refuses to allow others to slow or divert it. Its essence, Effiv, is willpower and fortitude, and sheer dogged determination – the drive to climb the highest peaks and cross the deepest valleys for no other reason than that they are there, and therefore should be conquered.
The Flame heads the diarchy of the Gods Exertus, and is one of the most intimately mortal of all the Oblitarchs. The Flame is ingenuity and skill, progress not for progress’ sake, but for improvement and inspiration. Its essence, Emiv, was there when mortalkind first learnt to make sparks to tame the flames, and has been there for every subsequent step of the way. It is technology, learned skills and craftwork, and it will only grow stronger.
The Delight is the last of the Gods Ex Solari, and is the rawest form of the Glory – its explosive force, its pulsing rhythm, its undulating colours. Its essence, Percus, is lust and gluttony, sloth and pride, but also delight, love, happiness and all the other of the myriad emotions that swell a mortal’s heart.
The Oblitarchy was created by Enigmatik
Eld Frowen is a monotheistic god honored by the Uttering Monks of the Old Marshes, who affirm that He alone created the world and all other deities are but broken reflections of Him.
Eld Frowen was created by Tortoise
The Uttering Monks, and those marshlanders whose villages are sprinkled amidst their monasteries, worship the ancient god Eld Frowen. They teach that it was him who Spoke all things into being at the beginning of time, and their practice of Utterance is but a pale imitation of that great act. Eld Frowen sits in the Unseeable Throne at the center of the earth, far underneath the sunlit lands, and He is still Speaking today. Every word that He says keeps the world in motion, keeps the sun rising every morning and breath in our lungs. All the universe is like a story told by Eld Frowen. (In fact, Uttering Monks often call the world of Alwyne "The Great Story.")
Other gods and deities are seen as Echoes of Eld Frowen's words, which form when the words He says echo off the walls of the great cavern that is his throne room, being changed and distorted in the process. Every other god is therefore an echo or a perversion of something Eld Frowen once said.
In art, Eld Frowen is often depicted as half man, half fae, and either blind or eyeless. Blind, because the monks teach that He is a bit of an absent creator, "an unmovable mover," who keeps the universe in motion but does not otherwise interfere in people's lives or the events of history. In a sense, He is a god both blind and deaf, neither watching over the world nor much hearing prayers- only speaking His great story, ad perpetuam.
Eld Frowen was created by Tortoise
Ad'itie is a Goddess of Twilight, Lies and Shadows. She's the patron deity and believed creator of the Eratie, a bat-like beastrace, and all throughout the world of Alwyne they are the only creatures who truly worship her. This is not surprising, as she's held not to be a native god of Alwyne at all, but a powerful, alien being who originates from a far-away liminal plane entirely of shadows, half-truths, and almost-reals.
Ad'itie was created by Tortoise
Ad'itie was created by Tortoise
A sea-goddess, Fãrryn is a known deity among sailors.
Fãrryn, goddess of the sea. She appears as a young elvish woman with wavy blue hair who reminds you of a playful dolphin. She has deep-set eyes the color of milk. She has an Amazonian build. Her skin is white. She has thick eyebrows and small hands. Their icon is a conch shell.
Fãrryn possesses two powerful items - a magical conch shell that allows her to control sea creatures; and Kŷiriŏn - a magic boat that can go anywhere at command (it is actually her son from a drunken trysk with a sailor, her father Ievis of the Forest thought her son was a degenerate and transformed him).
Valrudun is a powerful goddess, one worshipped for quite some time, who is most closely connected with the moon that shines over Alwyne each night. There are a few who go as far as to even claim that she has become the moon itself.
She's a gentle, giving sort of goddess. Her followers are not overburdened with strict rules, and her clergy are good people who treat few as being beyond redemption.
Valradun was created by Abstract Proxy
She's a gentle, giving sort of goddess. Her followers are not overburdened with strict rules, and her clergy are good people who treat few as being beyond redemption.
A greater goddess, worshiped since the ancient days of Alriel, Valradun is a powerful goddess said to hold sway over the moon and celestial bodies that shine in the sky of Alwyne. Over the ages, the domains she is believed to control have grown in number, and at present she is recognized as influencing a wide range of areas. Valradun's nature, appearance, and mood all change in turn with the phases of the moon. She is generous and freely bestowed gifts and blessings on mortals. She also makes few demands of her followers. When beseeched by her clergy, she is said to readily respond.
Drawn by teachings that emphasize compassion and gentle guidance, her faithful are a diverse group, and come from many walks of life. According to words of Valradun, all on whom the moonlight falls are welcome to join her.
Valradun is believed to control the ebb and flow of the tides. She is said to bring comfort and safety to those in need during the night. She shines light over the darkness, holding evil at bay through moonlight. Some learned scholars argue that Valradun has become the moon itself, infusing the moon of Alwyne with her very spirit, so that she can eternally watch over the world. Through the moon, she is thought to control the powers of lycanthropes.
Those who seek her help and favor are many. She is called by those who are lost, aiding travelers lost in the wild and ships drifting aimlessly at sea. Sailors, navigators, and travelers are known to ask for her guidance. Her protection is sought out by those about to embark on dangerous journey. Ever changing, Valradun is venerated by shapeshifters, especially lycanthropes. Regardless of the quality of their heart or their view of their condition, many of those afflicted with such curses see her as the mistress of their nature. Observing the guidance she graciously offers, some engaged in the endeavor of predicting the future, have come to the conclusion that Valradun might rule fate itself.
Although she cares little for the gender of her followers, Valradun is commonly worshipped by women, who look to her for guidance, courage, and strength. A being concerned with life, Valradun is said to love all those touched by her radiant light. She is believed to be able to deliver love to those who seek it honestly and to bless marriages entered in good faith. She is said to intercede during births to ensure the safety of parent and child. Finding beauty in many places, Valradun blesses all things that she finds beautiful, recognizing that sometimes pleasing the senses can be kindness enough. Conventional as she may seem, Valradun encourages her followers to be self-reliant and to discover their own path. She is therefore popular with adventurers, all those who stand apart from others, and chart their own course.
It has even been said that she is one of the few gods worshiped by non-wicked tieflings. Driven by her dedication to the protecting life and confronting evil, Valradun is known to grant visions to people who desired them for good purposes. As such, even those not dedicated to Valradun will often pay their respects to her, in hopes of gaining her favor and aid.
Finally, those born during the full moon are said to be blessed by Valradun and are often encouraged, if not expected, to worship the moon goddess.
Unlike many gods, Valradun does not chain her followers with heavy ultimatums. She is lenient on issues of alignment and religious observe. To her faithful, to follow one's heart and to do the right thing is viewed as more important than uninspired theological musing or the strict performance of rituals. Her worshipers are encouraged to be compassionate and tolerant of others. They are urged to be humble and self-reliant, to use common sense and practicality.
Followers of Valradun seek out her guidance through observations of the heavens and rituals conducted under the moonlit night sky. They believe that life changes like the moon, waxing and waning with each passing moment. Her clergy suggest that there is a natural cycle to all of existence, arguing that there is an unavoidable ebb and flow to every force found in the world. Valradun and her followers view the undead and evil creatures mournfully, believing that while such unnatural forces must be swiftly opposed and defeated, they are not always beyond redemption.
Valradun was created by Abstract Proxy
The Guardian of Travelers. The Wanderer stands out amongst deities for having no temples or priesthood, and belonging to no pantheon of other deities. He focuses instead on protecting those who travel, and- apropos to his domain- those clerics who serve The Wanderer are very much wanderers themselves, travelling throughout the world.
The Wanderer was created by Expendable
This god of travelers takes the form of a young man. He has a graceful build, with straw-like hair and silver eyes. He has tan skin. He's usually depicted wearing a green cloak, a tan tunic, dark breeches, and sandals. He carries a sack on a pole resting on his shoulder, while the other holds a walking staff.
His icon is a sandal.
He has no temples or priests as such, his clerics travel as he does. When their sandals wear out, they mark the spot with a pile of stones with the sandal pinned on top. Later, the Wanderer's clerics will leave a box with a digging trowel inside, and start building a roadside shelter using the materials around them.
The rule of the box is if you take a useful item from the box, you must replace it with another useful item. Misfortune will dog the steps of those who take from the box without leaving anything in its place.
Clerics learn how to tend to wounds and sickness using herbs, childbirth, and can be called to officiate weddings, births, funerals, or to settle disputes. Each carries with them two lexicons, the Way of the Road, and a personal journal.
The Wanderer was created by Expendable
The Old Marshes are a marshland country not far from Trist, known for its ancient monasteries, gloomy weather, the practice of Utterance magic, and the persistent presence of vampires.
The Old Marshes were created by Tortoise
The Old Marshes were created by Tortoise
Trist is an old, forgetful land, somewhere to the west and somewhere to the north, not terribly far from the Old Marshes. It is a land of stone, earth, and bones, tilled and toiled upon by peasants, ridden hard upon by nobles, and settled extensively by wave after wave of migrant, invader and coloniser. Out in the oldest of its places, villages that once proudly stood for generations have been covered by the silt of time, and in their place are barrows and tombs... Yet in its beating heart stand proud citadels of heavy stone and sloped roofs, gutters near-overspilling from the rain that frequently drizzles down.
The earth of Trist is fertile and rich, fine fodder for the peasant folk to divide into hedgerow-split fields or to allow sheep and cattle to ramble over. Although few would call it the most blessed place on Alwyne, only a fool would deny that the people of Trist feast more often than they experience famine.
Trist has wytch-hunters.
Trist was created by Enigmatik
A rocky and mountainous region, home to the Stoneclaw Giants and their six tribes.
Giant's Spire was created by TimeMaster
Giant's Spire was created by TimeMaster
Morenia, a somewhat poorly-understood kingdom rumored to be a place of lawful evil. It's so far to the north, however, that many in the more southern lands of Alwyne debate whether the rumored words about it are true at all.
Morenia was created by Abstract Proxy
She hails from the distant land of Morenia, far to the north, past the fallen Kingdom of Undast, and across the Sea of Bitter Tears. Said to be ruled by the archdevil Ixelja, remembered by masters of the High Art as the merchant of souls, a fell creature known for offering bargains to those faced with inescapable doom. Whether such forgotten recollections are true, is hard to discern, and some explorers maintain that Morenia is simply a particularly inhospitable kingdom.
Mentioned in a scattering of forbidden tomes thought lost to the ages, Morenia is reputed to be a realm of law and evil, once named by the Sage Belynia as one of the uncountable circles of hell
Morenia was created by Abstract Proxy
Tureiamú is a small western peninsula, a wooded area known as the homeland to the Eratie race. It is isolationistic and full of Eratie tradition.
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