Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 30 days ago

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s lab

@XxFellsingxX@Savo@Thayr@Pyromania99 @Crimson Flame@Theyra@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord

“Better he runs around here than anywhere else.” Camphor grumbled, though still wearing her usual tired expression, seemed to perk up a bit. “You sure I couldn’t convince you to be a full time assistant?” Frieda was behind Camphor making an ‘x’ shape with her wrists and shaking her head briefly.

“But to answer your question…well, the easiest place to start is right here. Lots of pokemon consider Byjerlfal their home. Even have some ghost types that hang around at night if you know where to look.” She’d take a swig of the coffee. “But if you're looking for non-urban areas…Route one or two is a good starting place. Route one cuts directly through the nearby forest and straight through to Pines End. Lots of grass and bug types out there. Route two travels along the coast, eventually meeting up with routes four and five at the edge of the Eidda Plains.”

“Uhm, professor, what about that old manor?”

“No. If there’s one thing you guys listen to me on, don’t go into the Winding Wood or that manor. That place is not for novices - its dangerous out there. And if i find out you did and trust me, I will, you’re going to have to deal with a very angry midget scientist and nobody, not even me, wants that.”

“Ah, actually, that reminds me! Its not really marked well on maps since its not a major route but there’s a cave on the beaches of route two. You might be able to find some good pokemon there.” Frieda interjected.

Habitat Forest

The Snivy flinched, giving a small cry of surprise as it was apparently seen. Its tail was quickly pulled behind the tree. A few long silent seconds passed before it poked its head back around, glancing at Richard with a small bit of apparent apprehension before quietly walking out from behind the tree. Richard had no way of knowing this, but the professor had been taking care of each pokemon here herself for quite some time. This Snivy was here, specifically, because it had been the runt of the litter so to speak - having been passed up for a starter time and time again for its seeming shyness.

The Snivy took a few apprehensive steps towards the trainer, hesitantly reaching out and taking the berry it had apparently been munching on earlier and…then offering it instead to Richard, seemingly wanting to share it.

Well, it had been relatively easy all things considered, and it would likely never be this easy again but for now it seemed at least, he had earned this Snivy's trust. Assuming he'd put it into the pokeball shortly afterwards....

Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bjyerlfal City || Camphor's Lab => Camphor's Lab: The Habitat || Morning

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s lab

@XxFellsingxX@Savo@Thayr@Pyromania99 @Crimson Flame@Theyra@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord@PKMNB0Y

“Hmm…” Camphor quickly checked the time on her phone, frowning lightly before shaking her head. “Okay, times up! Everyone get your butts back over here!” Camphor shouted to everyone present. “Hope you did everything you wanted to here, cuz we’re done. Just one more thing i need to give everyone. Frieda?”

“Right, professor here.” Frieda got everyone's attention. “So, something the Professor has been working tirelessly on to help prepare everyone is a special type of pokedex.” The assistant would pull several sleek, green and black objects from a bag she was carrying. Smooth, rectangular and about the size of the palm of one's hand but about an inch thick. “It can scan pokemon from a fair distance, and has a near permanent uplink to the database here at the professors lab, and comes with a bunch of other functions. Weather, map, functions as a phone - and a direct line to Camphor if you need her for anything.”

Please hesitate to call me. In fact, don’t even think about it.”

“E-erm well, it also has a virtual assistant that can and should help assist you with any questions and be able to answer most things on the fly. Its an incredibly robust system I helped create so I hope its useful to you all.”

“Its also programmed with your trainer IDs, and will function as a Level 1 Research ID. That is, you can freely access the lab and anywhere on the Ground floor here in the lab and a few other labs across Eidda.” Camphor interjected. “The lab in Mireth comes to mind as well as the Mexatus Institute. It has box access and we can remotely give you your pokemon at any point, supposing the connection is good enough. Don’t go to some powerfully electromagnetically charged area or super far underground, or extremely rural area and expect it to work. Essentially, anywhere with wireless access it should work. Now if everyone would register your devices, Frieda or Camilia can help once you do-”

Richards’ device was the first to spring to life.

A little chibi of someone that looked suspiciously like Camphor popped up on screen along with a bevy of information regarding his recently acquired pokemon.


The process would repeat for everyone present as they registered and turned on the devices.




@Crimson Flame




@Crusader Lord

“Congratulations on your first payday. Don’t get used to it being so easy. Here.”

Camphor personally handed everyone five pokeballs and two potions each! Including Camilia! Wait-

“By the way Camilia, you’re heading out too. You’ll be my field agent.”

Camilia was handed a pokeball containing an Alolan Vulpix

“Alright, that’s it. You’re all free to go from here.” Camphor yawned, passing an empty coffee mug to Frieda and completely ignoring any protests Camilia might be having. “Feel free to hang around the lab, I guess. Just don’t bother me or go into restricted areas. I’ll be in the observation area if anyone has any more questions. Frieda, go give those other three the pokedex will you?”

“Y-you really should do it yourself professor…”

“Don’t wanna. I’d ask everyone stay out of the habitat for now though. We’ll be moving some more pokemon in here in a little bit.”

“U-Uhm,. Well, as long as no one has anything else…you can follow me to the reception area.”

Well, that was that. Everyone had everything they needed now. Five pokeballs each, some more cash, and a new partner pokemon for some of you…so…what would you all do, then?

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s Lab
Mentions: N/A

Listening to Frieda as she went over the various functions of the special type of Pokédex, Isla briefly caught herself nodding before remembering the weight on her shoulder. He hadn’t even been there for ten minutes and already it just felt…normal. Natural. It just was. Snorting to herself on that, it seemed that Dancing wouldn’t really be woken up by much at all. Heck, he hadn’t been when the professor felt the need to yell them back in, of all things. Well that’d be good. She focused back on the assistant, all the different things that ‘dex seemed to be able to do. Weather, map, phone, scanning Pokémon at a distance, that was…well, that last one was good. Isla had already gotten her hands on a map and she was reasonably sure her phone could give weather already, and the new Pokédex didn’t have all of her favorite music, but it was better than nothing.

Of course, then she went over the other uses. A virtual assistant…what would that do, exactly? What would she expect it to do? Maybe…offer advice? Maybe detect hiding Pokémon? And it was a “Level 1 Research ID”...somehow that didn’t sound like it would work for anything outside of the labs. Mireth and the Mexatus Institute, though, those were locations to remember. Maybe when she finally got over there, those researchers would have more information on whatever…particular things were there. Isla wasn’t exactly sure about that, either. Surely they did some of their own research, though, and didn’t also just send-off kids to catch Pokémon for study. Surely.

Getting one of the Pokédexes handed to her, she felt it heft down just the tiniest bit. It was lighter than she expected, for how thick it altogether was, but the item definitely wasn’t like one of her family’s drawing pads back home. It was maybe the size of…someone else’s palm, not Isla’s, green and black in a contrast that somehow slightly evoked the imagery of forests and their shadows. She watched some of the others click theirs on before doing the same and a little avatar appeared on the screen…a tiny, tiny little Professor Camphor with funny proportions. It read-off a bit of information on Eevee, as well as a more personal comment at the end, and that seemed pretty standard between all of the other people. Soon after, she was handed even more Pokéballs and some Potions, Professor Camphor already saying that they were free to go and offloading whatever remaining work she had on Frieda before being led by that same Frieda into the reception area. Nice.

Following her into the reception area, one hand absentmindedly petting at the fringes of hair on her still-slumbering little Eevee, Isla looked around for just a moment. A tension seemed to be there before she decided to, finally, break it. After all…she really, really did want to get out and into the wild, or rather as wild as one could find just outside. “So who else will be going out of the city?”

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

She couldn't believe her eyes.

But there was no denying it.

Of course, it wasn't as if she was unaware of the process through which fossil Pokemon could be revived as living examples of their species. It wasn't exactly a common, everyday thing, but no-one with any knowledge of extinct Pokemon would be unaware of the fact it was a possibility.

Still, knowledge of the process and actually seeing it were two different things entirely.

Beyond that, not just seeing one alive, but also... also...

This Tyrunt was hers! It was her partner!

Sophie thought she'd never have a Pokemon of her own, even when her health had reached a point where it was at least likely she'd have a normal lifespan. And certainly, she was aware that she'd have a Pokemon after she was approved to be part of this project, but knowing it was going to happen and the actual experience were entirely different.

On top of that, the fact it's a Tyrunt...!

As soon as she'd actually gotten her into the Pokeball, she immediately let her back out again. It was for the best, really, not just because she wanted to get a good look at a living, breathing Tyrunt, but also because the aforementioned Pokemon seemed quite miffed about being put inside a Pokeball in the first place.

She'd have to think of a name. She had to.

But first...

"Thank you!"

Sophie called out to Professor Camphor, waving her hands in the air.

"Thank you thank you thank you! She's beautiful! She's awesome!"

The small girl gestured excitedly to her Tyrunt, who appeared to pick up on the fact she was being praised almost immediately and went from the nearest thing it could manage to a pout to practically radiating smug energy.

"Did you know?! Did you know?! Did you know that Tyrunt already has sufficient bite force to tear through a car, even at this juvenile stage?! Also, the muted colors are theorized to help young Tyrunts better blend into the surroundings to avoid danger and, for older Tyrunts, ambushing their prey! Ah, and did you know it's likely that Tyrauntrum in the wild was a social predator?! And did you know-"

If someone didn't stop her, it was likely she'd collapse from sheer enthusiasm.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Camphor's Lab

Once the Snivy in front of him chose to both accept and return his gesture of goodwill, the young man couldn't help but smile. if anything, the fact that the Pokemon in front of him was notably less arrogant than he might have expected was striking on its own, now that he had seen it in person.

How that would pan out remained to be seen, of course, but for the moment that basic level of trust was good enough for him. Hopefully it would grow in a positive way in the days to come, at least.

Splitting the berry he was given in half and returning the bitten portion to the Snivy, Richard pulled out the Pokeball he had been given with his free hand and held the button out towards the Pokemon in front of him. The Snivy, half-eaten and half-split berry in hand, seemed to hesitate for a moment before placing one arm out to push the button. One red flash of light later, and the grass snake Pokemon had disappeared within.

"That went a lot better than I had expected it to," the young man finally said, the tension in his body finally releasing as he let out a sigh of relief. "All right, then... I suppose a nickname is in order, huh? Guess I'll figure that out once we're done with all the formalities and hit the field."

After stashing his new partner's ball away, Richard promptly returned to where Camphor and the others were waiting and, without any further (apparent) interruptions, promptly received the Pokedex and other goods from the professor. The young man responded with a curt 'thank you' after everything was in hand and, after shunting everything relevant into his backpack, glanced at the actual machine he had been handed. While the question as to why they were being given dedicated hardware for data collection did cross his mind briefly, reiterating the question promptly nipped it in the bud. The quip about Snivies in general wasn't anything too outlandish to him—they were somewhat well known in Unova as well, after all—but what caught his attention was the fact that it had an egg move.

Something to reference later as well, then.

Once he had retrieved his luggage from where he had left it, Richard quietly followed behind Frieda as she led the group back to reception before he realized that the excitement had left him more than eager to simply strike out.

But first, of course, came the matter of handling his bags. As nice as it might be to bring all of his clothes everywhere, Richard had no proper desire (or the physical prowess) to be able to drag more than his backpack around for the next who-knew-how-long.

The prompt gushing of the white-haired girl next to him about her new partner, though, had given Richard a mild shock. He had expected people to be enthusiastic about being able to head out into the world, but she seemed more excited to actually have her partner in the first place.

Maybe excessively so, though.

"You're sure fired up about this, huh?" he interjected, a slight smile on his face. "Can't say I don't understand, though. I assume that your gushing means that your partner's a Tyrunt, then? Might be a good idea to get some empirical evidence if you're so gung-ho about your new friend. Wouldn't recommend trying to actually tear through someone's car, though. No way the professor's going to bail you out for something like that."

After making that little joke, though, Richard glanced back at where his Snivy's Pokeball was attached before glancing back towards the rest of the group.

"That being said, though, I think I'll hold off on diving into the field for a bit," he remarked, considering the matters at hand for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders. "Need to shove what I have here into storage and pick up some supplies before heading out. If anyone else wants to tag along, though, I wouldn't mind the company."

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clarissa Ryte

Camphor's Lab, Byjerfal City

“Better he runs around here than anywhere else.” Camphor grumbled, though still wearing her usual tired expression, seemed to perk up a bit. “You sure I couldn’t convince you to be a full time assistant?” Frieda was behind Camphor making an ‘x’ shape with her wrists and shaking her head briefly.

She got the feeling Freida was trying to be her metaphorical lifeline, that and she felt the idea of 'make the psychic girl bring me coffee with her MIND' felt very Camphor-y on second thought. That or becoming a target for the Impidimp....or Sir Lopsalot doing something to the Impidimp for that matter. Or worse! Maybe. She had no idea if that sort of stuff would be the potential case for her as an assistant, but she wasn't taking any chances. So politely, the girl shook her head side to side to reject the last-second repeat offer.

"No thank you, Professor, I'll be fine as things stand."

Though from there things seemed to wrap up well enough. The trainers getting their first Pokemon would congregate back eventually, the Professor would try to get them out of her lab and on the road, etc. There was also a warning about an abandoned manor house, which was concerning but curiosity-sparking at the same time, and they would get a quite interesting sort of Pokedex. Came with Lab ID and everything! Not to mention it would ping off about Sir Lopsalot the moment she booted it up and registered it, electronic voice and mini chibi Camphor (seemed happier than the real one in her eyes) ringing in her ears and moving on the screen as she listened to Freida explain its functions. Phone, weather, map, all good an nessecary things to have at least. Then the direct line to someone who didn't want to be bothered, potential to get Pokemon in boxes and get sent others from them, and-

Don’t go to some powerfully electromagnetically charged area or super far underground, or extremely rural area and expect it to work.

...Well, some might take that as a given perhaps. At least back in Orre they had. Still, it was good to know. Not that Eidda would be the same type of wasteland, really, as she knew that much at the very least. But it would have open, wild areas with...yeah. Filled with Pokemon. It still felt strange enough to the psychic trainer that places could be so full of Pokemon, according to everything she'd been told or learned about since leaving Orre.

At any rate, she had five Pokeballs, two potions, her Pokedex-type device, a bit of money to go with, and a dream to boot if she was counting everything. Luckily her suitcase had optional shoulder straps for walking in this case as well. That would at least make it more bearable to move things at least.

There were also a few people standing around her who seemed to be starting to 'group off' already. In particular Richard seemed to go toward a sickly girl who seemed like she'd fall over with the lightest breeze, not that she literally would that is, and one of the other people who had an Eevee on her shoulder seemed to be asking around as well somewhat. Or rather...

“So who else will be going out of the city?”

...yeah. What felt like somewhat of a timid attempt to see if anyone was going the direction she wanted to go. Timid? Er, well nervousness in this situation was certainly something Clarissa herself could understand if nothing else. Nerves were never a fun thing, but they had to get going some way or another. However, leaving the city so soon was not much of an option for her now after the ill-fated run-in she had at the airport. A contest star was wanting her to come and get backstage after the show, and a VIP ticket had alraedy been pushed on her at that! But until the contest, she could at least try to do some more local things.

It was likely, really, she'd be getting out of the city the next day if nothing else after having to stay overnight. Could likely find a spot to rest at a Pokemon Center, unless Camphor let her bum on the reception room couch or the like for just one night. Hmm.

"I intend to look for some urban Pokemon in the meantime myself, though later I have to...go to the contest after someone at the Airport forced me to take a ticket to it. Likely I will have to stay the night and leave the city tomorrow with that in mind, but if anyone wishes to 'group up' still despite this I am willing to do so."

Clarissa sighed to herself as she pulled out the nearly glistening VIP ticket the woman had pressured her to take. Valarie, was it? Contest star, and gym leader perhaps too? She'd heard a few things in the crowd, one or two she wished she hadn't heard, but she felt it'd be worse for her if she snubbed a potential gym leader's invatation to the show....a-and backstage and all that. Right? Ugh.

"Bun. Bun bun."

Sir Lopsalot commented in what seemed like a consoling tone as he lightly patted her on the back of the head from where he sat on her right shoulder now. For a Buneary, he seemed rather in-tune with her mood for the most part. But...perhaps their time together so far had helped that along as well. Now she could at least pay him back by seeing how they could both get stronger! Become the best them that they could! Or at least that was the general idea. Not to mention they could bring some friends along with them too, depending on what they found and caught.

Still, the psychic felt it would be best to see if anyone took her up on her offer of 'group up' for this work before heading out. While in part she felt comfortable alone with her Pokemon, she had to at least admit that, having someone else to get to know would be good as well. And, perhaps, she could get a scan with her Dex' to see what the lazy looking sleeping Pokemon back in the lobby was in passing. It seemed...somewhat cute? Interseting at the very least, but yes she did feel it had a properly cute aspect to it somehow as well.

@Rune_Alchemist@Bartimaeus@Thayr (And @ anyone else not mentioned in the post if they're interested in grouping up too potentially.)
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 30 days ago

Well. The Isla situation was taken care of for now at least. She'd likely use her Pokeballs to catch Pokemon and that was a net boon for everyone involved of course. Now that they were back with the professor, she listened along to the woman's words, nodding along where needed. Yep, she could sure help them figure out the Pokedex if needed. Everyone's Pokedex came to life as they got registered and she was happy enough to see...

That is, until the professor handed her Pokeballs. "Eh?" She questioned, looking at the balls before being handed a Pokeball with a Pokemon in it. "W-w-w-wait! P-p-professor? What do you mean field agent!?" The professor, however, shrugged her off. "Prooofffeessooorr..." The woman complained as she was ignored once again. She would practically be sobbing if it wasn't in public. "Haaaa...." Instead, she sighed and looked around at all the people the Professor had hired to go catch Pokemon for her. They were discussing where to go and plotting out their courses... She had no idea where she would even go at this. She just released the Pokemon from it's Pokeball and she had an idea what it was. Something she had mentioned wanting to get her hands on. A Vulpix. Not just any Vulpix, an Alolan Vulpix.

She knelt down and pet the little thing. "I guess we'll be traveling together then little one." She picked it up in her arms and moved on with Frieda. She didn't really have much to add to those around her. Perhaps she'd join someone but... For now, she would walk near Frieda and trying to get a feel for those around her.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ripley Lennox

Mentions: Clarissa (@Crusader Lord) Location: Camphor's Lab

Ripley was instantly enthralled by the sight and promise of these "special" pokedexes. He'd always wanted to set out on the world, pokedex and partner at his side to see what the world have to offer. So, as one was put towards him, he immediately took it and booted it up, diligently taking in what it had to say.

"Ahaha, it's so cute!" He commented aloud to the group, barely being able to tear his eyes off it as he pointed to it in its novelty.

He was, immediately after its info drop on his beloved partner, finicking with the screen and any buttons he could find, filtering through the various apps and settings in an excited exploration of the new technology bestowed upon him. He was never much of a techie himself, but countless young souls thought of a pokedex as a dream-tool for any aspiring trainer. It was truly invaluable. And this one was even playful, to boot! His thorough inspection of the device was interrupted only by the delivery of a small carepackage, containing a couple potions and a few pokeballs, to his person. Which he accepted gratefully, a smile on his face as his head dipped lightly in thanks.

After that, he tuned back into Camphor's dismissal of the group, offering them the last bits of info they needed. Hopefully he wasn't forgetting anything important that he needed to ask - though, there was so much to think about for such an expansive and unknown journey that it was likely he indeed was. Either way, if he really needed to ask something, there was always Camphor's number on the 'dex. The consequences of using it, well.. hopefully he wouldn't have to find out. It was probably something like eight-million pushups..

Either way, once they got back to reception it seemed everyone would be thinking about their next steps. As they walked, Ripley couldn't help but feel energy buzzing through his legs. He was brimming with a desire to get out there. But, if one thought about it.. where was the rush? He and Zorua had all the time in the world to explore wherever they wanted. So maybe they could take it a little slower - after all, he never even left Rivenwall, and all 'the sudden they were in Byjerlfal, of all places! As the others debated their next steps, so did Ripley, internally, as his companion skittered about.

Said companion seemed to be doing its own exploring as it paddled about beneath the other trainers, examining them each briefly and managing to catch their plans in the process. Nobody could really tell what was going through the creature's mind, but Pokémon had their own way of thinking that led them to gravitate towards whatever it was they gravitated towards. And in this case, it seemed an offer from one of their fellow trainers interested the little thing. As Ripley stood not-at-all still, thinking as he flexed his calves subconsciously in anticipation of their departure, Zorua pattered up to him and nudged him to draw his attention.

The boy's attention shifted downward towards his companion and drew the conclusion, based of its gestures towards her, that it wished to accompany.. Clarissa, was it? in her offer. Ripley had heard the couple-of offers so far, and was currently taking them into account as he tried to decide what their first course of action should be. He had yet to decide - but if Zorua wanted to go down a particular route, well.. what reason had he to deny her? His gaze shifted back upwards and towards Clarissa. Hmm. Well, she didn't seem like a stickler for fun, at the very least! ..He hoped. But, it seemed she was interested in scoping out some more urban-based Pokémon - and he was definitely not going to scoff at that!

In truth, he himself had never really planned on what sort of companions he had been hoping for, in terms of Pokémon - he more-so just expected certain Pokémon to.. make their way into his life, if ever a thing were to happen. He knew there were trainers who treated the capture of Pokémon more like a collection of sorts, and he supposed he could see the gratification in that. But he wasn't the sort of person to limit himself in such ways. That is not say he was not the type to not have a type - he had some ideas in his head, in terms of Pokémon-interest. Really, who wouldn't? Living in Rivenwall, he had seen many-a 'mon brought to fight in the tournaments they held there. Some of them more exotic - but the ones that were domestic to the area were those with which he could grow to appreciate the profile of, being as knowable as they were. Being that they were mostly urban Pokémon in Rivenwall, and he had never owned a pokeball to catch them, it was only natural that Rip was just dying to get his hands on at least one of them - so he might have plans parallel to the pink-haired girl himself.

But for now, he'd see about addressing the matter at hand. Breaking out of his thought bubble, Ripley took it upon himself to approach the offer casually, walking up to Clarissa until her attention visually shifted to him. His features rose as he offered a smile in greeting. "Heya- Clarissa, yeah? I wouldn't mind waitin' around for a day if you're lookin' for a partner or two!" He spoke, looking down to his side as Zorua skittered up between the two trainers, eyes affixed upwards towards Clarissa in hopefulness. "Pa's always said I need to cool my heels when it comes to making big decisions, so maybe that day could be what I need for the journey-ta-come. Well - if you'll have us, of course!" He finished, a hint of considerate hesitation creeping into his last few words. He'd understand if someone as.. loud as him was unappreciated as a partner - he had been confronted with such scenarios before -- but it'd never stop him from trying. Even if he was denied, he still had Zorua, and that was more than enough for him, in the end.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

Lab -> Commercial district

Aside from telling her not to die from overexcitement (It didn’t seem like a joke) Camphor wouldn’t say anything else to the trio as they left as the broody looking fellow followed her towards the observation area instead of the elevator.

Assuming they didn’t want to speak with the other three trainers, Nevine, Remi, or Laurel who was in the process of leaving already, the small trio were free to leave. As they were doing so, they’d notice a certain broody fellow being tossed back into the reception area by a rather large Grimmsnarl - likely he had annoyed the professor in some manner and was told to get lost. Remi would wave bye regardless.

Heading out from the lab and from its front entrance, the group would soon find themselves back in the heart of the commercial district, skyscrapers reaching upwards into the skies full of various businesses, a large crowd of people moving about their day. Some, clearly on business, others families or tourists simply seeing the sights. Some food stalls with some local specialties were being sold, too.

A flock of Starly briefly had a scuffle with a flock of Murkrow before the two bird types split off. The starly made their way towards the Residential districts, while the Murkrow went to the Industrial, faster than one could scan.

What was more useful for Richard though, was a building that had ‘King Storage’. The ‘I’ was replaced with a stylized Kingambit blade. “Where the King guards your treasure!”. Perhaps a rather too on the nose or typical cringy corporate slogan, all things considered. It was a fairly popular chain of high security storage boxes in Eidda. It likely was the best place to get secure storage. Assuming he’d head inside, he’d be greeted by a friendly fellow.

Of course, aside from that there was also something that might catch Sophie's attention - The Byjerlfal historical Museum. It wasn’t the biggest or most prestigious Museum and Eidda. IT was more often the target for field trips from the nearby Wailport school, or a more tourist spot. Still, it was well regarded in archaeological and historical circles.

Oh, pair was standing outside having a rather loud argument. Sophie at least would instantly recognize the woman of the group as wearing the uniform of the Eidda Historical Society.

“You can’t be serious! The Society can’t just take over our dig!”

”It can, and it will. If you have a problem, take it up with Director Matthias. Everything has gone through the proper channels, so your completely amateur services are no longer needed. He will be back from the Winding Wood shortly, so you are free to wait until his return.” The mild condescending tone she was speaking with made it clear what she thought of the taller male.

“Tch…haaa, fine. Just let me know when he gets back and that I want to speak with him.”

“Noted. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go fix the mess someone made.”

“It was an accident!”

“Accidents, cost a fortune in historical records, Mr. Riley.” With a dejected, almost angry sigh, the man would take a seat on a bench outside of the museum, head in his hands. Seems like something may have happened that could be slightly interesting…

Rather notably else, however else, was a large sea of green amidst the gray and loud sounds of the city. A large sign hanging over the entrance of it would say. ‘Byjerlfal city park’. From what could be seen, it was a massive park the size of an entire city district by itself, almost. According to a few maps placed outside, a few refreshment stands…might be a good place to get away from the noise of the city and find some pokemon…Laurel could be seen, heading into the park with her Sprigitatio.

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

Leaving the lab, the pair would find themselves being assaulted by the loud sights, sounds, and noises of Byjerlfal yet again, though this time they were not in such a rush. One thing would become immediately clear - the Contest Master Rank contests were the biggest event right now in all of Byjerlfal. Valaries face was plastered on almost every single large screen, or every single ad accompanied by the faces of every single master rank contestant.

Which coincidentally, had their names and specialties as well.

At least she’d have some idea about the competition, now if she didn’t already know. All of them seemed pretty good at what they did, judging from how well the posters had been. Of course, Valarie didn’t have one because who didn’t know her? Besides, she got the most screen time anyways. The contest hall was just a short jaunt away, though she’d likely be a bit early for the contests to start but hey, who said that VIP pass had to be waited to be used.

Perhaps Valarie would find the initiative amusing.

There seemed to be a small commotion over by the Museum visible not too far away. See the first section of the post if you want to get involved in that. There was also the large City Park that could be accessed from the Commercial, Residential, and Industrial areas, being centrally located made it easy and a nice walk for anyone looking to cross sections of the city, some pokemon could likely be found there.

A small flock of Starly flew overhead, being chased by a flock of Murkrow, faster than scanning would allow…they’d seem to split off after a brief scuffle to the Residential and Industrial districts.

Oh, they could see Laurel, too. She was heading into the park with her Sprigitatio.

Otherwise, they were free to do whatever else they wanted too.

Camphor’s lab

“Oof, looks like someone managed to annoy the professor.” The familiar voice of Remi would greet Yuu. Nevine was sitting on the chair still, lazily tossing her head in there direction. Laurel seemed to have already left, though. “What’d she book you for? Asking too many questions or touching something you weren’t supposed to?” He’d chuckle, offering a hand to help Yuu up.

“...So when are we leaving, Remi…?”

“Well, the professor said she had something else for us but she seems like she’s not feeling very sociable any more so…might as well head out sooner than later? I wanna go visit Pines End.”


“That said, Nevvy…hmm…what do either of you say to a battle?” Remi would turn to Yuu and anyone else still present. “Doubles with Nevine and I? Or think you guys can handle me on your own?” Remi was confident, if nothing else. Nevine seemed to not be too interested in battling, but didn’t seem like she’d say no if challenged, either.

“Oof, I am so glad that’s over with.” Frieda stretched, holding her arms up and stretching her hands. “How are you feeling, Camila? I know this is rather sudden but, well, she trusts you more than the trainers and I guess she’d figure you’re better at field work than I am.” Frieda offered Camilia a small smile. “Oh, speaking of-she told me to give you this as a thank you. Let me see your ID?”

Assuming she did-

”Camila’s Lab ID has been upgraded to level 2 access!”

“She said she’s been meaning to do it for a while, but you know how busy she can get. Don’t know the specifics of what it’ll let you do, but you should be able to at least bring yourself into actual labs and stuff in other affiliated labs. Also you know, you’re free to come back any time. I’m sure the professor won’t mind you too much. Also you know, call me instead if you need anything I’ll talk to the professor for you.”

”Camila Recieved Frieda’s number!”

” Anyways, good luck! I’m gonna miss having someone else to babysit-er, help the professor with work. The other interns and assistants always slack off too much, too…"

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
Mentions: @VitaVitaAR @PKMNB0Y

"Did you know?! Did you know?! Did you know that Tyrunt already has sufficient bite force to tear through a car, even at this juvenile stage?! Also, the muted colors are theorized to help young Tyrunts better blend into the surroundings to avoid danger and, for older Tyrunts, ambushing their prey! Ah, and did you know it's likely that Tyrauntrum in the wild was a social predator?! And did you know-"

Well, not everyone was able to keep themselves calm on everything. Isla watched with some amusement at the girl gushing over her Pokemon, throwing out facts here and there like there was nothing else in the world that could matter. Angling herself just a bit away from the girl as she went on left and right about every point, trying to keep Dancing a little further away from her rambling, she listened to all the different pieces of information. Of course…there seemed to be something to be said for where she…Sophie? Yes, that was her name. There seemed to be something to be said for where she'd gotten her information, that she seemed to think the little guy could bite right through a car even as small as he was.

Looking over to him, which she was practically presenting to the world with enthusiasm, Isla could barely stifle a giggle. The Tyrunt was already preening and posing, aware that he was being praised by the new trainer, and the smug energy was almost palpable. Wheezing out a breath, she smiled at the whole of the scene as a hand snuck up to Dancing, idly petting his fluffy collar. It seemed that she wasn't the only one so skeptical, though, as a guy…Richard, that was his name, spoke up.

"You're sure fired up about this, huh? Can't say I don't understand, though. I assume that your gushing means that your partner's a Tyrunt, then? Might be a good idea to get some empirical evidence if you're so gung-ho about your new friend. Wouldn't recommend trying to actually tear through someone's car, though. No way the professor's going to bail you out for something like that."

"That being said, though, I think I'll hold off on diving into the field for a bit. Need to shove what I have here into storage and pick up some supplies before heading out. If anyone else wants to tag along, though, I wouldn't mind the company."

Well…maybe running out of the city immediately wasn't the best idea. A quick mental inventory of everything she had in the duffel said it wasn't entirely enough to live out on the road for a bit, even if she wanted to run off and out from the streets so soon. Besides, maybe there was something to be found in the city. After all, there were Pokemon there and, just as important, there were probably some other researchers. After all, Camphor couldn't be the only one. Maybe…well, something like the Sevii caves people. Archeologists? Maybe? She snorted at the thought. It would be interesting to look into, even if it wasn't exactly why she was there. Clarissa spoke up, then.

"I intend to look for some urban Pokemon in the meantime myself, though later I have to...go to the contest after someone at the Airport forced me to take a ticket to it. Likely I will have to stay the night and leave the city tomorrow with that in mind, but if anyone wishes to 'group up' still despite this I am willing to do so."

Contests. Crowds. People. Isla struggled to not flinch at the thought, the noise, the movements. There would just be too many, all in one place, all cheering and yelling. No, she suppressed that flinch. Instead she found herself frowning, replying quietly, "I…would rather not go to the Contests. Sorry."

She considered it all for a moment, before finally saying to Richard, "Well…alright, that's fine I suppose."

Leaving the lab, soon enough she felt the crowds closing in. It wasn't as bad as before, not as many and not as loud, but it was still there. People talking behind, all around, smells and noises over everything that seemed to yell here, there. The skyscrapers loomed over them, stark light and shadow. It was all a lot, all a lot, and she felt the need to put headphones on to shut it all out. Following after Richard, her hand keeping on reaching up and around to scratch at Dancing's fur collar, she tried to keep her mind off of all the crowds. Street food smells wafted out through the way, steam and shrimp with a dozen other smells, and briefly Isla considered getting some snack to eat but…no, no. She only had so much to spend, for now, and surely there had to be better things to spend on. Something to buy in a pack, at least. Isla huffed out at the thought.

A glance of movement above, and Isla looked up. Black shapes of Starly and Murkrow flying above, before splitting off to the distance while darting between the buildings. Her eyes followed after them, watching…where was that off to? A free hand rummaged about a pocket as Isla extracted her phone, tapping a few times to bring up a city map. Residential and…Industrial? That couldn't be healthy for the Murkrow. Why would they live there, in the city, instead of the forests? Isla filed that bit of information away in the back of her mind.

King Storage. Well there it was for Richard to get into, though Isla didn't follow him whether he did or didn't enter. She barely paid attention to the store sign, even, instead looking down the street at the museum in the distance.

Oooooh. That might be good to visit. Isla looked over to Sophie, smiling slightly, "Want to go?"

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Commercial District

With apparent companions for the near future, Richard raised his arm slightly to signal his leave as he left the lab proper. The walk towards the Commercial District was nothing particularly noteworthy, but once they had arrived...

Well, it would have been hard for Richard to not feel a little nostalgic for Castelia City. The ever-charged atmosphere was nowhere near as strong as it was back in his hometown, but there was a little something to be felt from this regardless. If he had more money, maybe even a bit of window shopping and wandering about would've been in order.

Maybe on the return trip, then. He'd have to come back here eventually, given how he was nowhere near suicidal enough to take on the Gym here yet.

The bird Pokemon scuffling overhead did briefly catch Richard's attention, though given what his starter was, maybe taking on a Flying-type would have to wait a little bit. It was worth considering for the future, but given the likelihood of something going haywire, that didn't seem particularly enticing as training.

Eventually, though, the young man would find exactly what it was that he was seeking: a storage company to employ the services of.

"Place looks as promising as any," he remarked, glancing the building over briefly before glancing at the other two, then to where their attention seemed to be focused towards. "If you two want to head over, I'll catch up with you after I'm done here. Hopefully it won't take too long."

With that, the young man gestured briefly towards the two girls who had chosen to tag along with him before breaking away and entering the building. The usual marketing pitch didn't really faze him—not when he had heard the same thing so many times before for other service-providing companies back in Unova—but the fee seemed reasonable enough for twelve months of access from anywhere in the region.

"Mmm... I think I'll stick with the basic plan for now," he said, filling out the last of the paperwork he had been given before handing off his luggage, "but I'll probably register for premium sometime in the future. I can transfer things over from here even if I've bought in elsewhere, right?"

There were a few other minor questions that he had, but at the very least the problem of his extra bags had been handled. Hopefully the others hadn't simply abandoned him or gone elsewhere in the brief time he had spent in here; spending the next few weeks flying solo didn't feel all too enticing, even if he'd have some Pokemon as company.

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Clarissa Ryte

Camphor's Lab, Byjerfal City

Would anyone even be interested? Hmm, the psychic had no idea. It wasn't her most personal first choice, but it was something she felt would better catalyze travel and the like if she was ina a group. More people and Pokemon to look out for each other, support each other, etc and all of that. It was the sort of thing her grandmother had often talked about from her own past.....one that had lied outside of the Orre region for a while. Had always felt fantastical to Clarissa herself, but then again traveling in groups for safety was also something she had been used to back home as well. Especially when it was a longer journey through the wasteland and such to go visit one place or another. They had brought the bikes they'd used back in Orre with them, even, when they'd moved to Eidda.

....Maybe one day she could ask about hers again, if she happend to pass by home. But for now, she needed to see if anyone else was-

Breaking out of his thought bubble, Ripley took it upon himself to approach the offer casually, walking up to Clarissa until her attention visually shifted to him. His features rose as he offered a smile in greeting.

"Heya- Clarissa, yeah? I wouldn't mind waitin' around for a day if you're lookin' for a partner or two!"

Hmm? It was the boy who had bluntly called them something like 'lab rats' prior, yes? Albeit he'd done so as excitedly as ever, it seemed, from the impression he'd left on her back there. She didn't lambast him for it, as socially awkward as the moment felt by her witnessing it to some extent, but the younger man also seemed genuine in his offer as well. Eager. A bit opposite to herself, admittedly, but perhaps that'd make for a good dynamic when traveling? Hmm. Still, with no one else biting at her offer at least someone seemed to be interested in coming along with her at least....mandatory stop by the Contest later, and having to stay in the city overnight as well, aside.

"Pa's always said I need to cool my heels when it comes to making big decisions, so maybe that day could be what I need for the journey-ta-come. Well - if you'll have us, of course!"

Clarissa nodded at the boy in a generally polite manner. Perhaps a bit formal, but it was what she was accustomed to when restraining herself and more importantly her powers properly.

"I'd be happy to have you along, if you still don't mind waiting with me tonight due to the Contest and such. It was...er...an unexpected thing pushed on me in the heat of the moment at the airport. But at least it gives us a chance to rest tonight here in Byjerfal after doing some Pokemon hunting and seeing the Contest, if nothing else, before tomorrow comes."

She'd no idea what Valerie had in mind for her. It did send a small chill down her back to think about it, though, before the psychic trainer lightly shook her head and looked back up at her new group member. It was time to get moving...and preferrably before Professor Camphor got too grumpy perhaps.

Commercial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

She....she didn't have a clue how popular Valerie was around here, did she? No, actually, less than a clue. Ignorant compared to perhaps anyone worth their salt who knew of the contest scene. At least that was the vibe the woman's face being plasted all over the place gave to Clarissa as she and Ripley walked down the streets of the city's Commmercial District. Not to mention all of the faces plastered across the ads for the Master-Rank Contest that would be going on, who likely had their own fanbases to some extent or another. Or perhaps some of them sought to overthrow Valerie herself, perchance? Er, she got the feeling that anything involving competition at this level likely would result in quite a bit of viciousness in some fashion or another internally....both personally and with Pokemon battles for all she knew. Or perhaps the dangers of Orre really weren't so bad here in this place, and she was assuming too much on a whim?

Though it was also frustrating she couldn't get a scan on the flocks of seemingly two kinds of bird Pokemon heading by them, even as she'd tried to scramble to pull out her device only to let out a defeated but mild sigh before putting it back up again. At least they seemed to be going in a couple of different directions they could search, right?

Further, her suitcase was being carried on her back, Sir Lopsalot sitting on it keeping an eye on their rear, and she felt she was becoming somewhat used to the weight on her back at least. Meant she was carrying enough supplies for the road, and if it got tiring she could pull it along in urban areas or such she figured. Plus the Contest Hall was not too far away either from this place, so once it got time to go there it would at least be simpler for them if nothing else if they kept close enough to this area at that.


The psychic trainer's eyes were drawn to a familiar green cat and trainer in the distande. Laurel, one of the trainers from Camphor's Lab, seemed to be going into the park along with her Pokemon. As it also lied off in the distane from them, Clarissa's eyes felt drawn after this over after this toward the local Museum, where something seemed to be going on outside of it.

It was certianly a lot going on in general they could do, really, but Clarissa would take note of things before looking over to Ripley.

"Don't have to be at the Contest Hall until things start, Ripley, so we have some time before I have to be there at least.

In the meantime, the Park seems like a good place to look for some Pokemon if you wish. Though I'm also curious where that flock of bird Pokemon went as well admittedly.

What about you?"

Holding out her left hand, the psychic pointed in the direction the flock of Murkrow had gone. Something about them had stood out to her eyes compared to the others, and if there were a lot of them it bode well for trying to catch one...she hoped. At the same time, going to the Park was a reasonable idea for starting things off in her mind as well. A more natural place certianly more like the Poke-Spots of Orre due to how small it was, maybem, and so potentially that would make it a place where she might get better adjusted to Byjerfal in that sense. Still, all she was going was pointing out what she felt like initially doing for the most part. Perhaps they could even get some training in for their Pokemon through battles to capture Pokemon at that!

Even so, she wanted to see what Ripley wanted to do as well so they could get started on things before too much time passed.

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 30 days ago

"How do I feel? It feels like a stab in the back of sorts. I know what kind of person she is, but I wish she would have at least discussed it with me." The lab assistant turned field assistant mentioned, mindlessly handing her ID over to the other assistant. "What do you need it for?" She asked before seeing her level was increased. That was really nice. Then, when Frieda gave her her phone number and told her to call her if anything came up, she couldn't help but let a small tear come to her eye. She tossed her arms around Frieda and brought the other assistant into a hug. "This is why you're my best friend, Frieda." She said, happily. "Best of luck on the babysi-- Watching over the professor." Camila commented before releasing Frieda and sighing a small bit. "Sorry. Just a bit happy about that. I'll try not to call you too much. Maybe I'll just head straight out and try to get the task done as fast as I can." She mentioned, looking at the other people in the room. One had challenged the others to a double battle. Well, outside of catching Pokemon, that wasn't her cup of tea really. She'd rather just surround herself with the cute things and note their characteristics instead.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ripley Lennox

Mentions: Clarissa (@Crusader Lord) Location: Camphor's Lab > Byjerlfal City Commercial District

Ripley celebrated internally as he was accepted onto the adventure by his new comrade. In truth, he was a bit relieved to have another trainer at his side for such a grand undertaking. He had never really thought out how such a journey would track out in his head - so the fact that it was happening now was kind of surreal - and he had always imagined he would have to start it alone, with just his Zorua. But now he was feeling a touch more confident.

"Awesome!! We'll be happy to travel with you, then!" He replied cheerfully, with Zorua performing a short few hops of joy at the event.

It looked like the two trainers would be alone for the time being - no telling whether someone would join them after they left or not - but it seemed a good a time as any to get started on what would be, for Ripley at least, an exciting new branch of life.

They wasted no time, shortly leaving Camphor's lab and finding themselves thrust into the unknown - Byjerlfal City's Commercial District.

Despite the complete newity of Byjerlfal's densely-populated, bustling streets - and the various areas and sights - within the Commercial District, there was an outlying sense of familiarity to Ripley, somehow. Maybe it was the fact that Rivenwall was a place that lended itself well to workaholics - the atmosphere there, in some places at least, was one of bustling minds and bodies - and perhaps this was the case here, too. It, at least, seemed most people here were similarly occupied with whatever it was they were each up to. This sense of absorption in so many people in one place, along with the buildings that climbed above them, watching over them as they all went about their days, had Ripley feeling said sense of familiarity. Well, except for the fact that Byjerlfal, being a more centralized and supported city, was a bit more modernized with all its digital billboards and stuff - but he wouldn't be the one to complain.

All-in-all, this led Ripley to feel oddly secure despite the new scenery. Moving alongside his new partner-trainer, luggage rolling behind him as Zorua trotted along next to their feet, Ripley's Pokedex wouldn't leave his hand. As they walked, he would scan every Pokémon they passed by - even if it was one with which he was familiar, whether through meeting or reading. Each pop-up on the screen led to a further increase in dopamine as he regarded each one excitedly. Some of the scans were taken in chains as they passed by several Pokémon he knew little of - but those he'd get to save to read for later, once they were idle or something.

Clarissa speaking broke him away from the his excited-ingrainment in their surroundings, pulling him back to his senses. He turned to regard her as she spoke, offering a couple options for them to partake in. He thought for a moment, picturing said options. His eyes flicked to her for a moment and he felt a sense that she was really interested in seeking out the Murkrow. From what he knew, Murkrow were Dark-type Pokémon with a penchant for stealing and mischief - his eyes lowered to glance at his sidekick Pokémon - just like Zorua. Well, who was he to deny such a wish?

"Hmmm." He hummed, one hand moving to tap his chin as the other rested on his hip lightly. "Chasing Murkrow seems like fun! I'm cool with whichever choice, but I reckon you're more excited to follow them birds more than anything, huh? If that is the case, let's do it!" He replied, his features bright as usual. He took it upon himself to start walking in the direction his psychic partner gestured to, half-turning back to motion her to come along. He turned to look ahead once more as he mused aloud, stepping forward with a casual pace. "I wonder how easy it is to catch a Murkrow.. we have 'em back in Rivenwall, too, but I've never tried to catch one." In reality, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to catch a Murkrow himself, but the thought was worth having. Matching Pokémon with his new travel-buddy could be fun, but he wasn't sure. His hand shifted down to his jeans-pocket. Inside were two of the five pokeballs they'd each been given - the rest he had stored in his suitcase for the time being. They had a few pokeballs, so depending on how lucky they were, they'd be able to catch a Pokémon or two with what they had. There were techniques for making such captures easier, but for now those were probably out of their reach considering their lack of experience..

Either way, his eyes scanned the horizon and the various perches above as he looked for any sign of the Murkrow that had been flicking around through the air moments ago.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Ah, er, I wouldn't have her actually bite a car, eh-heheh..."

That'd be no good! It'd cause a serious ruckus for one, and of course the car's owners wouldn't be happy if she just went around having her bite into cars.

"Then again..." she paused for a moment, her thoughts speeding through her mind at a rapid pace, "Maybe if I found a junkyard or something, then..."

Her train of thought was interrupted when she was approached by another girl. Looking up at her when she offered a visit the museum... well, there was no way she could turn that down.

"That sounds great! Hehehe, Tyrunt, we can introduce you to your relatives!"

Practically spinning in place, Sophie happily extended her hand to the Pokemon, who tilted her head somewhat curiously. It was hardly the first time Sophie would go to a museum, but that was because she never passed up the opportunity. Ever since she became healthy enough to go outside regularly, she'd been to them plenty.

"Besides, I need to make sure I don't go off on my own too much," she added, her smiling fading only slightly. It was true, part of reason she was allowed to go in the first place was because her parents were assured that she would always have someone around her who would be able to help if anything happened.

And she hardly blamed them for the sentiment.

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Byjerlfal City, Commercial district Museum

Commercial district

“Yep.” The boy replied to Richard. “Your info is in our database now so anywhere else you bring items too they’ll be registered under your account and name. If you buy the membership, you can move items between any of our facilities. We’re pretty much everywhere in Eidda except Giants Watch.”

As he’d finish speaking and taking care of Richards items and sorting them, a man in a well dressed suit would walk in. Normally, it would not be anything out of the ordinary but Richard might notice a slight frown forming on the guys lips before being replaced with a usual friendly sales voice.

“Right then, well, if that’s everything I have some important business to take care of.”

“No need to rush for me, Felix.” The suited man said, leaning against a wall near the door.

“He was just finishing up anyways. If you have any questions feel free to call later.” A small business card was given to Richard with the store's number on it.

Assuming Richard had nothing else he wanted to do or ask of Felix, he’d be allowed to leave…which would mean he’d be met with three more men in suits. They’d say nothing to him as he’d leave.

This left Isla and Sophie to head into the museum by themselves. Heading up the stairs it became clear before they’d even enter, the place was absolutely packed. Kids, from the look of it, not to mention other tourists, but the majority of the place was packed with young children as well as teenagers. The normal respectful silence of the museum was gone, replaced by a loud din of voices talking, various apparent tour guides leading children along the exhibits. A quick look at some bedraggled people that looked to be teachers, some mildly tired looking museum staff and a few backpacks and sportswear labeled ‘Wailport Academy’, made it clear that they had stumbled into the Museum during a field trip.

Once they actually managed to get through the doors, they’d be met with a large skeletal recreation of a prehistoric pokemon hanging from the ceiling - a four legged creature that was apparently an ancestor to the current day Wailords. This was one of a few skeletal remains found, and also the largest.

“Well, you two have picked a bit of a bad day to visit the museum. Apologies for the noise, field trip day for the Wailport Academy.” Before they could do much else though, the girl wearing the Society's uniform approached the duo, having been standing just inside the door.

“Excuse me, Miss Lilian,” An older gentleman would interject. His jacket was off, slung over his shoulder but the emblem of the Wailport academy could be seen under it. A delibird plushie was being held under his other arm. “You wouldn’t happen to have seen a kid with a growlithe and a red backpack run out just now would you?”

“No.” She’d rather bluntly reply.

“Ugh, of course Zach would choose now of all times to run off…”

“Hm, well assuming he’s still in the building he’s unlikely to get far. I’ll tell the staff here to check some off limit and staff areas.”

“Much appreciated. I doubt its anything to worry about, well…unless he breaks something…” A tired sigh as eyes settled on Isla and Sophie. “Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt. If you’ll excuse me.” Going back to his papers, the teacher would head further into the Museum, talking with a few more adults and staff workers.

“Well, if you two don’t mind me asking, what brings you to the Museum?” The girl, apparently named Lilian, would ask. “I can point you in the direction of a particular exhibit. We recently got some new things from a recently discovered dig out near the glaciers on 42, though most people are here for the fossils and ancient Pokémon.”

Richard would come back just at the tail end of this conversation...

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District -> Industrial district
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

The murkrow had split off from the starly after a scuffle, and while they were faster than the trainers and swifter moving it would make tracking that specific flock something difficult. Still, they likely didn’t want that specific flock. There were likely Murkrows in a lot of areas around here.

Heading away from the Commercial district, towards the docks, and following the seaside to the Industrial district would be the easiest way to get there. Eventually the noise of the loud ads, the cacophony of different voices from tourists would be a distant noise replaced by the sound of silently humming machines, bird song and the sound of an occasional worker or vehicle moving by. Skyscrapers instead gave way to warehouses, row upon row of them along with other industrial buildings for shipping, manufacturing.

A gloomy serenity would fill the area left behind by Bjyerlfals commercial district. Even the people here were more rough and tumble looking compared to the commercial district's more glamorous and shiny exterior.

Finding some Murkrow out during the day might be a bit difficult. They were nocturnal after all, but then why had that flock been out and about? They could hear a few Murkrow cries coming from further in, down some alleys but the place didn’t exactly seem the safest place to go poking about in. Still, even this place had a few things of note.

A small chain of shops, and even a small cafe named ‘Wailords Rest’ was visible lining the walls. Seemed fairly cozy and well traveled. It faced the sea and a number of sailors from the SS calliope, the recently docked liner could be seen here. Looked like there was some commotion within.

They had for now, though, lost the trail of the Murkrow. They might need to either ask around or find some way to look for the pokemon.

Byjerlfal City -> route 1

“Ah-” Frieda tensed slightly at being suddenly hugged by Camila. “O-oh well you know lab partners have to stick together and all. Uhm-weh!” Before she could break free from the hug, Pix would climb between the two, laughing impishly before it’d take a free hug from both. “Pix is sad to see you go too, I guess, ahaha.” Frieda laughed, pulling away and holding the pokemon in her arms. “Well, good luck out there Camila. Let me know if I can ever help you!”

Heading out of the lab, Camila would be met with the usual hustle and bustle of the city. She could see some of the other trainers Camphor had hired not too far away. Some seem interested in the museum, and a few were hanging about seemingly interested in heading into the park. All places she had been before, what with living in the city and all that.

Instead, Camila decided to go ahead and leave the city and instead, head to…

-Route 1-

What greeted her was the forest Route 1 was known for. Fed by water runoff from various streams and rivers that fell from the mountains to the north and Lake Peltra, the forest was allowed to flourish. Lush, verdant and green, and once she got a few meters away the noise of the city would already be drowned out by the greenery and the slowly thickening canopy. Walking along the path she’d pass by a small stream before the city would disappear entirely behind her in the foliage, a gentle stream of sunlight filtering down from above.

Nearby the path split into a small fork, where some helpful info for trainers and people seemed to be posted. A map of the forest and a warning officially issued by the League for novice trainers to stay out of the deeper forest. A girl who looked sorely out of place was standing next to it Lightly dressed, leaning against what seemed to be some sort of motorcycle modified to be good for off roading. Her attention was on her phone, and she seemed mostly to be ignoring everything else, though her eyes occasionally flicked upwards towards the forest.

Otherwise, there was nothing super special to notice here, with route 2 being the main avenue of traffic between Byjerlfal and Giervor. A few houses could be seen for those that wanted a little more peace and quiet outside of the city, but it was mostly just other people going for peaceful walks and the like. Along the river, a few people fishing could be seen out on a pier.

A little further on she could see a small sign and a path that read ‘Winding Wood.”

Now then, she was free to do whatever she wanted from here.

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 30 days ago

The roads outside the city were quite and peaceful in comparison to inside of course. Camila decided to carry her Vulpix through the city and set the cute thing down when they were out of the concrete jungle. "Haaa. Still can't believe the Professor would toss me to the wolves like that. Eh, Vulpix?" She asked, looking over her new Pokemon.

It just gave small, "Pix!" In agreement.

This gave the girl a small smile as she knelt down and gave the fox a pat on the head. It was a cute Pokemon now and when it eventually evolved it would become quite the beautiful and fluffy sight. "Hmm. Perhaps I should give you a nickname. There's more than just one Vulpix in the world after all." She scratched at her chin for a few seconds. "Hmmm... Let's not think too hard about it. Since you're an Ice-Type, how about something simple. Does "Snow" sound good?"

The Vulpix tilted it's head for a second as if confused before giving a small nod and running in a small circle giving out small yips. It seemed to like the name well enough. "Alright, Snow. Let's take the first steps of our journey together." With that, the two walked fully onto Route 1. It was about what one would expect, more a walking path for people in the city, but it had its own charm. The more they walked in, the more the verdant forest enveloped them and quieted the bustle of the city.

Soon, they were walking alongside a stream. It looked clean and glistened in the sunlight that pierced the forest canopy above. Camila looked ahead and saw something that seemed... Out of place. A girl dressed lightly, though looked rather fitting on her. She looked over the rather impatient looking girl and walked closer. For some reason, she felt like she should talk to her. Perhaps it was the small glance she received. Or, rather, the occasional ones. "Hello. How are you? I'm Camila."

As she introduced herself, Snow ran up to the girl and looked up at her, giving a "Pix!"

"And that's Snow." She made sure to stay a decent distance back, "Sorry to bother you if you're busy. I just wanted say hello to the first person I met after leaving the city." Her eyes drifted to the motorcycle before going back. "Especially when that someone has an off-roading bike. It makes one a small bit curious."
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Route 1

“Hm…?” The girl glanced up from her phone, a neutral, mostly unreadable expression present on her features. “You make a habit of bothering cute girls or did I look that out of place?” Her tone of voice made it hard to tell if she was joking or not. “Not interested, even if you are kind of cute.” The woman fished a small lollipop out of her jacket pocket, unwrapped it, and proceeded to stuff it in her mouth.

A few long seconds passed as the girl simply stared, a somewhat deadpan expression. Camila got the distinct feeling that whoever this girl was she wasn’t particularly that into having small talk or conversation.

“...hm. Sorry, let me do that again. My partner says I need to try and be more sociable with people.” She sighed after some time, though it was clear she wasn’t particularly into the whole idea. “Actually…you a trainer? Maybe you can find my partner. She wandered off into the forest and I don't feel like walking after her. She's hard to miss.”

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